jjnj.ii.ill-rn' Iff ,1 A JK cy1 g &m m .F PITTSBUIKS, PM.KA Hon. James H, Reed, 1 JLVfl ident Tlie Company having the grcatesfc financial Lacking and tho largest, original surplus in the worlJ. The first and only company to liberalize its contracts by incorporating tho -'Total and Permanent Disability Clause." This rhuse .piovideg ,that should the person insured under this contract become totally and unnane:itly disabled for life from the result of DISEASE or ACCI. DENT, Premiums Cease, and the policy becomes fully paid up, all privileges and benefits remaining the same as if the premiums had been regularly paid by the Insured. The life policies are payable at the death of the insured and the endowment payable to the insured if living at the end of the endowment period, otherwise to the selected beneficiary. Place your inHiu-ar.ee with the Kkjanck Lifi-: Jxsluaxck Company ind should you become physically or mentally incapacitated from the result of disease or accident you will have no reason to worrv about the payment pf premiums on your policy; the Company having provided for this contingency in its TOTAL AND PERMANENT PJS ABILITY ..CLAUSE. We respectfully invite your attention to our Directorate.: 33 ire cYor. T. II. GIVEN : President Farmers' Deposit Rational Iank; Pittsburg, Director Pressed Steel Car .Company. Director Harbison-Walker Kefract. .Co. Director Pittsburg Bessemer , Lake Erie IX. IX. Director Suburban Kapid Transit Kail way Company. Director Pittsburg Terminal U. 11 Coal Co. President American .Window' Glass Co. Capital, - $ 17,000,000.00. JOIIN W. GAULAND : . president Industrial Natiojinl Bank, 'Pittsburgj Capital & t'OOJOO. 00. President Garland Chuiu Company. P resident Bailoy-parre.1 .Mfg. Company. 1'resident Safii.ty-Amorite CiOnduit Company. HAY WALKEP, J;i, : Of Vv'. & II. Walker Soap Mfg. Co. Director Farmers' Deposit National Bank, Pittsburg rarxiAM cukky, Of Curry & Shaw, Whoksa-le Grocer?, Pittsburg-, Director Second Natienal Bank, Pittsburg Capital - $ 600,000.00 Surplus ' - 2,0rm.(Q DANIEL C. NOBLE: President Pittsburg Spring Steel Company. Director Farmers' Deposit National Bitnk, intcsburg. JOSIAII Y. THOMPSON : President First National Bank, Upiontown, va. HON. JAES II. IiEED, President Kejiace Life Insurance Company ; ex-Judge .United Slates Court.; Senior partner of the law (inn Heed, Smith, Shaw vt Ileal; Chairman Jo;-.id .of Directors of tho Carnegie Steel Company ; Director .United Scutes Steel Corporation. Director Fidelity Title Trust. Company, Pittsburg, Capital - $ 2.000.000,00. P roll is - 000. 00. Director Farmers' Deposit National Bank, Pittsburg, Cafii.'-i - i! S00.000.00 I'rotils - o.;u03.0i)0.00 President Philadelphia Coxa pan y, Pittsbnrg, Capi tal - oi, ruO.OOO ,UU. Street Kailw.iys and Electric Light Companies, of l'ittabiwg. president .Pittsburg, Bessemer oc I,;ske Erie II. IX. Coaipau.y, Capital - ! J.;,0('iO,OOO..O0, Director pressed Steel Car Company, Capital $ 5.000,000.00. "Director Harbison-Walla r lit f rue. Cotnpa:iy, Capital - , S'Tf00o.u00.O0. JAMES W. FPJEND: Vice-President German Nation.il Bank, Allegheny, Pa. Vice-President Chartiers Trust. Co., Melees Pocks, Pa. Vice-President Pressed Steel Car Company, President Clinton Iron Steel Company. Director Farmers' Deposit National Bank, Pittsburg. JOS. A. HEUIION Senior Partner of Alexander & Co., Mor.ongaheljt, .City, Pa., Baixkcrs, established E-CO. President Monongabola Trust Company. Director Farrneis' Deposit National Bank, Pittsburg. ,5. W. FLEMMING: .Cashier Farmers' Deposit National Bank, Pittsburg. Director Poliunce Lifo Insurance Company, Pittsburg. JOHN WALKER: Capitalist, ye tired, Pittsburg, Pa. F'Pi A N K 7. SMITH: Attorn ey-at-Lav.-, Pittsburg, ,Pa. WILLIAM C. FAPNSWOUTH: Capitalist and Corporation Lawyer, Ha.iritftKirg-Phihx. J W. PAINTER: president McKoeport Title Trust Co., McKeesport, ra. JOHN LLOYD, , : of Cassatt Co., Bankers, philaAelfiia, pa. President First Nationa.1 Bank, Altoona, ra. A- 3r. IS-A-lXS Acturay and General Manager ReJ lance LiUi ir-surance Co., Pittsburg, Pa, Elizabeth Cit K. C, Plymoh, N. C. THE liOANOKE BEACON. Pa.blifii.ed ilverj FridAy. Etttefedla tbePoBtOmceat l'lymoulii N. C.,i6 Eeeond cl39 Blatter. We appeal to every reader of Tare Hoanokk Chacon, to aid us in uiakiuK it an acc.'ijt&ble and frofltable medium of ntwj to our ciuieiii. Let yiymouth pieople and tlie public tuow w;iat i goiagonu Plymouth, Kuport to us ul! itt-ns of aera the arrival and duiiavtura of friends, social events, deaths, sorious i'liuep, ancidento. nsw iulldinga, new enterprises aud iinprdVtsmant "f whatever character, oJiang:si!i businenn indeU .nything and everything that vo.i!d be of Interest jto our people. Suhfcr:ption price, fl.QQ . r year. Adyerfisemurits inserted at low ra'. Obituary notices exceeding ivn Ihu r, five oc-iUs .".line. Count the wordn, allowing eigiil. to tlie iiis'j, Sad send money with MS. for all its' titles- ..of .wn lines. , The editor will not .c reeponsioie for the views Of correspondents. ' All article? for pub'.icalion must bo accoatauit! by the full nar-: of the' writer. '-' Corretjponaoiit3 are reijiiested not to write on b'lt cne side of th? paper. All communication!1 mucit be seui lu by 1 )uir3i.ay pornir.g or they will not appear. 4tddreBe all sommumeationi- to THE EOANOKE EEAOON, E'lv rue utli, N. C Tba children's jubilee of gT. '.m alth fol lows the Ufio of Bae'e Laiativ.- t-'uney nrr .Tar, the coafih fiyrup that oxp all coid from lb3 syatern by actitg as u cnthartio inn the bowels. A ctrtaip rerodj iu.- Croup Whooping Coueb and all inrrg aud bron chial affections. Bold by fekiius & Son aud E. DavtDport & Co marl She Was Mistaken. LadyWhat ! Yx: here again? I don't belcive you have done a thing all winter. Tramp-rVouse do mo a inprsrice, I T finun. I jist fiiiisiied ,doin' thirty j G00B HEWS FOE PLY MOUTH .Science at Last Discovers a Real Cure For Rheumatism. After years of exj evhueut n new scientific remedy has lieen foand that rio.t only ie lel.veii, but abuolute'v cures IiLeum;iti-im aud kindred disoai-cs t" slay cured. Rheu c:atii3m is caused by an ejoess of noit;on- ou acida iu tho blood. Tho now disuovcry EUEU.MACIDE, though purely vegetable, aud acting through. uatmeV channels, nca traibies th'BG aidis aod sweeps all jioioua and liartuful genus o.at of the blood. At the satus time it lone np the etomacb nd regulates the liver and kidneys. KHEUMACJ.DE tberefore, cuivu tho dis ease purtuiiut-nlly, bt-cuo it rtusoves the cUb9 It hua our;.-d hundreds &f cr.scs afler the niofat noted doctors and hospitals liaye Jfailed. .HHEUiIACIPi;curJ Ja.njes WiLkts of I.'illou, S. C, i.fter hb hiid been bold in bed by vheumRtiwiu for three yearp !tnd his feet were dtavu uv almoBt to his buck. This in only i.u oi the ra-my laarveloaa cures Itil EUilACIDE has already perform ed. KHEJ,"iIACIDE is cur'ag many caes nf Rheumatism, Sciatica, buubago, gout, kidney trouble, indigestion tiXii coiistipa tioa, rUbt in th;n cumraunity todaj. Becunse it han onrcd o uaany others we beleive it will euro you, All the ;i;udiug druggists in this pla,oaflell and reeormeud KIIEUWAIDE. ' 3 tF$'Fi e ei tW. O'Sr: .?5 o "5! 1 hsis sfceoca tes test 25 years. Ava-ae Ar-asl Stikm cvz Or3 ms a IMf Blicsa s&tu$$. Bees to;srof.edt appeal to you ? m Cor, Mo Pay. THE Roaoi&E Beacon To. When a girl says she just bates a certain ruau she i.3 fcithsr in love with bitu 01 else he ien't in o with bar. A Little Pig. nolo John My goodness, Tom yod fat au n wful lot for men a littie follow. Tommy 1 ie.ct I aren't so little i as i iioi;s irom tno outsiue. fef 4 .-'s? rrmii kmmf mWKf kiHEUMACiDE has curd thousands f cases f Rheumatism after &si ths c2ostars and sSi other mesnr, had failed. Rhcurnaskls cus-cd John F. E!ins far.d others, of D'tinior .ahar tha fajfiouss specialists of Jchns Hopkins Hrsplts?, the greatest hopiiai in the ivorid, fond faiJed. Rhsumafsidcs cured Austin Fcrcelle, of Szlzm, Va., end Z5. H. OI?n.ctsati, th i?rfsJJ. Va., coss'sractor, alter thsv had spent ?src; sums cn other remdiss ansa ths coctsrs hart gyri up tipe, Rheumaside cured M2rjf weioorn, rtsan Point, N. C, ' Av.ctn.., rv.r of rheumatism 'sh had endured for 0 years. Rhcumacide .cttrcd W.' T,. A,LS Dinons ctu'r Hughes, of Atillns, Va., after ths most frnous New York specialists failed, pobbut ch.mic.?! company: " k " " Thrc is a reason vhy it cures : RhT.umacids is the latest discovery of rnedi ,nkt1smTnTvAtlfermu(i cal scJance, end while powerful enough to sweep all germs and poisons out JLavone Rr.ftcrint; from Kidney paiuw, bftck ach. bladder iroubif or- rhtumatirn who phnmbermin'3 Lough Keiuecly 111 will tu? a dof? if Fina-u'en npou retiring lfnthpr's FvnritM at piut H'a&U h" rilieve(1 rfor norniuT. jjjotner iavoiiLe. 8ki,ea & BoBj aud p E D4Veupe.rt Th soothing and healing prci jgrties ! & Co' marl thin reffiedf, it's plirasact tat nd prompt nd perjnanontCre have made it a Uwr: it with people'everywhcre Jt ia eHpfeinl!y prized by mothers of BvnaU children, for polds, crouo and w hoc pit;; couh. as jt al ways affords quick relief, ai-d bs it con taiDH do opium or other tnnfu', drug, it may be given fc confident!!1 to ft baby ss to 1 Bdo't. for sale by all drug;:;t8. f Voi.i?u are just like girls oc!y a Uftla more hi). Me:bune!a r.an all ribl,you bet For h good eld Koal rft3 hr Ihey pfty hs would bo living J'et, Kai h'S taken Hockv Monutait Tea. " ' ' Pt E Davnport & Co. month aitor the dist nse started I had t,t i-ivn un T.iy work f nd o to bed. it continued to grow worse until ivy awns End hands were badlv drawn, so mv.ch 'thai I could not uso them. My leas were drawn back tiii my feet toiiciied my Lips. I w ;s $s helr lees ss a fcaby lor nearly 12 months. TI1.3 Muscles of my arms an'J lets were hard and shriveled u;. I suifrod death many tunes over. Was treated by six tiiifjrf ;;t physicians in tlc.OolI, Dilion and Marion, bnt nun'; of il.vm conld dor.ie anyfiuo'-'. until Or. J. P. Ewin-r, of Diifon. cnnP to see ir.o. Lie tol l ine to tn your K 1 1 KUMACIDE. He .-rotme ore oottif oi tin; rre;itcuic and I becan to take it, and bc.ore u:e first bottle was used uu 1 lam t to ift better. I usd b'yi bottles and was com pletely cured. 'I :at v.as years at-o mid my htaUli has be -:i rxcellent ever siucf. Have had r.o Fynptorvv, of rheumatism. Will say fuitH.-r tr.dtl becan to v.-f I !; in about six day's aster i toan to lake RHKUMACIiiK with th. ma of crutches: in about tinea mo: ;'is after I pcfantotane It I could walk as good as (.y. i.wd. vcnt bar it to work arnin. Yoiifetrui;-; JAMES V.tLKES. m f thes foSocd, SI pcratcs by purely natural mothods, does not Injurs the lost cielic&te stom&ch, and builds up tho entire; system. O ff. AhW 'w 1 'I - frf f rt S A '' 'i' i n p g SWEEPS ALL POISONS OUT OP THE BLOOD. A purely vegetable remedy that goes right to the seat of tha discuss and cures by removing tha cause. Ycur si!ru.eglst sells a id recommends Rhbmac4. ar;ip;ii hzltia and booklet frws If you aend fitfe cat. or portaga to E03BITT CHEi:CA, COMPANY, Proprietors, Battlmore. Scittica, . Lumbago, Rheumatic Cotit, Ii.dicst!on, Corstlpatiftn Llvr Trouble, Kidney TrsMbtat La Crlppe. All f-!eod - t - ' .J.