14-1. !f8 If 11 :W I t-Jt wjnji mma imam sc? OF'PITTSBUB', PEWIVA. Hon. James H. Reed, President. the world. ermaricnt Disability Clause' This clause provides The Company having the greatest financial backing and the largest original surplus in t fi.af dnil nnf AAmnntiir tn lihflraliya it rnn rr-iots hv infiornn ratine tho ''Total and P j. iiv """j J J s 4 1 w. alinnlil t.l.fi Lierso.ii insured under this contract become totally and permanently disabled for life from ths result of DISEASE or ACCI DENT, P.rernilinS Cease, huc! the policy becomes fully paid up, all privileges and benefits remaining the same an if the premiums had been regularly paid by tho Insured. The life policies are payable at the death of the insured and the endowment payable to the insured if living at the end of the edowmont period, otherwise to the selected beneficiary. Place your insnrauce'wiih the IIelianoe Life Insuuance Com pax i and should you become physically or mentally incapacitated from the result of disease er accident jou will have no reason to worry about the payment of premiums on your policy, the Company having provided for this contingency in its TOTAL AND PERMANENT DISABILITY" CLAUSE. We respectfully mvite your attention to our Directorate; TOrector. T. II. GIVEN: President Farmers' Depesit National Bank, Pittsburg, Director Pressed Steel Car Company. Director Harbison-Walker Kefract. Co. Director Pittsburg Bessemer & .Lake Erie K. R. Director Suburban Rapid Transit Railway Company. Director Pittsburg Term i sal J?, Ji. Con Co. President American Window Glass Co, Capital, $ 17,000,000.0.0. JOHN W. GARLAND: President Industrial National Bank, Pittsburg, Capital - . 800,000.00, President Garland Chain Company. President Bailey-Farrsl Mfg. Company. President SafctyrAmorite Conduit Company, HAY .WALKER, J.: Of W. & H. Walker Sonp Mfg. Co. Director Farmers' Deposit National Bank, Pittsburg. WILLIAM CURRY, Of Curry & Shaw, Wholesale Grocers, yittsbarg, Director Second National Bank, Pittsburg Capital $ 600,000.00 Surplus 3,??O(413.0O DANIEL C NOBLE President Pittsburg Spring Steel Company. Director Farmers' Deposit National Baal:, pittsburg, JOSIAH V. THOMPSON: Preaideafc First National Baak, Untontown, pa. 11 s i jdl c n ti HON. JAMES II. REED, President tteliauee Life Insurance Company ; ex-Judge United States Court; Senior partner of the law firm Reed, Smith, Shaw'& Beal ; Chairman Board of Directors of the Carnegie Steel Company ; Director United States Steel Corporation. Director Fidelity Titlo Trust Company, Pittsburg, Capital - $'S,000.000.00. Profits - 4,342,000.00. Director Farmers Deposit National Bank, Pittsburg, Capital - 800,000.00 Profits r 0,700,000.00 President Philadelphia Company, Pittsburg, Capital - 31,700,000.00. Street Railways and Electric Light Companies, of Pittsburg. Directors : JAMES W. FRIEND : Vice-President German National Bank, Alleglioay, Pa. Vice-President Chartiers Trust Co., McSees Rocks, Vice-President Pressed Steel Car Company, President Clinton Iron Steel Company. Director Farmers' Deposit National Bank, Pittebnrg. JOS. A. IIERRON, Senior Partner of Alexander & 'Co., Monongahela, City, Pa. Bankers, established 1K50. President Monongahela Trust Company. Director Faraieia' Deposit National Bank, Pittsburg. J. W. FLEMMING : Cashier Farmers' Deposit National Bank, Pittsburg. Director Reliance Life Insurance Company, f'ittaburg. JOHN WALKER: Capitalist, Retired, Pittsburg, Pa. ' Fit AN K W. SMITH; , , AttorHoy-at Law, pittsbnrg, ra. president Pittsburg, Bessemer & Lake Erie R. R. Company, Capital - $ 12,000,000.00, Directorpre63ed Steel Car Company, Capital - 25,000,000.00. director Ilarbison-Walktr Refruc. Company. Capital - $ 27,000,000.0.0. WI LLIA M C. FAUNS WORTH : Capitalist and Corporation Lawyer, Itarrisbnrg-Phila. J. W. PAINTER: president McKeesport Title Trust Co., McKeeepert, Pa. JOHN LLOYD, of Caseatt & Co., Bankers, Philadelphia, r&. President First National Bank, Altoona, pa. .A.. I3. IAJR3U'S9 Actuary and General Manager Reliance Life Insurance Co., Pittsbjurg, Pa. Elizabeth City, N. C. g-.A.g-eiit Wanted in Arisiiiiix Pfortli Oaroliim. W. 1j J OX ESS, Xfris't. Maiiaer, Plymouth, N. C. THE ROANOKE BEACON. W.r-it 7.- Published Eycry Friday. Setefd la the PostOHice ar 1'JynoutU N. C, s e?ond tB3 matter. We appeal to every reader of Tub Roahose gaACON, to aid us.in making ittn accoptal'lfi aud wodtable medium of news to our pitiaeiic. Li t Plymouth people and tho public know wnat le going on in Flyraoutli. Kcport to all itews of eWHthe af rival and departure of frlende, social vent', dsaths, toriouu ilineus, aecident., new Julldings, new enterpriaei and licprovtuieutt: of whatever character, ohimgeniu busiounH -indeed anything aHd very thing that would be of interest 9 oar people. ScbscripUop prica, l,0O per year. AdTertiaements inserted at low ra".8. Obituary aoticea exceeding ten Jim t , five cepta lme. Count the words, allowing eight to the line, and eead money with MS. for all in age of ten lines. The dltor will not be responsible for the views pf correspondents. All articled for publication must be accomr-aniud by the full sama of the writer. Correspondents are requested not to write on bnt gns side of the paper. All copimunications must be sent in by Thuraoay corning or they will not appear. Ad4ree allcuiniiiniCiitiivif to TEE KOANOKE BEA.OON, Fivsaoath. N. C The chU4reu'8 jabilee of gool health fol lows the use of Bee'e IjHxative Honey mti Tat, the conb syrup iljnt ?p1h alt coJ4 irora ttie system by acwun k- cathartic au the bowclu. 4 certain reu-iv for Croup Wkoaping Conch and all I u a aud hrort. chial afctioaa. tiol4 by Bkileo & tJtu aad j k. Jjaverjport ; Co wrl Delicately Put, Business Man Has Sir. De Chap pie any balance here ? Banker-wAh, welly-e-s, a dsli cate one. ' Uethusels. was &)) right, yU Fur A good old soul was ho, They eay be weu4 bs living yet, II a4 t& t!io Kockr Moautaiu Tea, P. E. Davnport & Co. mar" nxi'iBJ'Mnniiimi.ii'.pi1! A square meal U better than a rouccj of GOOD HEWS FOR PLY MOUTH. Science at Last Discovers, a Real Cure For Rheumatism. After yeara of experiment a Dew scieutifio remedy hits been found tha not only re leivee, but abnolateiy cures lihfcumatisia Aud kindred disease, to slay cured. Eheu matiBui ia caused by an excess of poison ous acids ia the 'jlood. The new discovery KHETJMACIOE, though purely vegetable, and acting through cat'jre'b channtlH, uea tralizen thtee ajido aud sweeps all poisoua and hareaful geruas oat cf the blood. At the same titao it toneu up tho stomach and regulates the liver aud kiduoyn. K11ED21AC1DE thereforo, cures the dis ease percQiiueiitly, because it rwwovea the caueo. It has cured huudreds of cases after tho iaoHt noted doctors and hospitalB haye failed. KliEUMAClDB cured Jamea Wilkes of Dillon, S. O., nffer he had been held in bed by rheamatiam fpr three years aud his feet were dtawu up almost to bis buck. This in only oun of the jnauy juarveloua ourea KIIEUAIACIDE has already perform ed. RUEUMACIDE is cur'a mauy aaveB of Hheuuiatiftni, Sciatica, larbago,- g'ut, kidney trouolo, iudipeution and eouatipa tjon, rlbt in thin conimanity today. Beaaue it ban cured ho many others we belcif e it will cere yea. All the leading druswetB in thia pUae eell aud recoinmetid liUSUHACIDE. She Was Mistaken. La'ly Wliat! You here ag.-tin ! I don't beleive you have done a -thing ;tll w inter. Tramp Youse do we a injustice, mum. 1 jist finished doin' thirty days. vJs Tasteless CbiU Tome hfis Et4 test 25 years, ' Average ARs.s?a! Salss ver On end a HxJttlss. Does this reccrt. of meHt appeal to yo5? tio Cur, fio Pay. , Enclosed vrith every bottle is a Ten Cent, package of Grove's Kiosk Root, Liver PiL's. B J SUBSCiriBE FOll THE Raannke Beacon To-Day. j(iiW(iiijiiWf!Li!iiiiii.q Cbanjberlain's Cough Kemedy the Mother's Favorite, Th ioothir.g aud healing properties of this reaaedy, it's pleasant tasU and prorupt aad p$ rmiHut curea have uih41 it a favor jte with people everywhere It is ospecjally yrisd by isather of tmall children, for eroup nd whooping cough, as it al yi aii'wriis cuick relief, aud is it oou" taius u opiuut or other harmful drug, it y?y b glvso aa xjWeutly to a Lhy as tj fta Vai ua; ty Jl Unigiisu. Vou will unt flnd baaqty ia rouge pot or CQUjpltfiiou whitewash True beauty couiob to t h nut only that take llollUter'tt Itotsky Mountain tea. It i a wonderful tonlo and ueauuner. 3a cen a Tea or Tablet, r. , Davenport & Co. jpar g0 Sgif THE ONLY. REMEDY THAT CURES yi&;-r - RHEUMATISM TO STAY iMw' ' sfi liberie tmM mw ' SiiiJ? fiUBB..G eDwaH sia Venn mmmrnm Rheomsm u an KlrfraMMSMKK&MsKaS riieumacidb "Qts t the Joi &ftmMMMmm?mm the Inside." and that is the reason it internal dls- remedy. inta from Cures efUr all. other remedies have failed. Rheumacida sweep ail the poisonous s:errn3 and acids out of tho hitA 2nd MaKCS You WiII Alt fbvr Tfcaca nn;n .J.nyMm.i. j,i . w ... w r . iuvciv puiua i n. unuvi iiiaU was fling Ul S UlSCaS TltBt threatens the entire system. Hcwidaches, Psias. Bad Taste 2a the Mouth, that " No-Account " feeling indicate that ycti need Pity may be atju to love, but it's only a poor rtiUUun, Now in the time te gnard the health aad trenctfa of t'jfi luugK xut best reiutdy to ns fr ooughs bd1 coids is U'h'h Laxative H'jtocy aud Tar. 'he ou!y eough syru.) tht dtaen uot constipate the bowels. b"t which oa the other hand., -ipels til oold from the it steal bv anting as a nlif-rt l-w.itiv.. liost for eoujiBi, Coh's. croup, whooptojf cough, ete. boid by bkjles & Sou, V. E. Paveuport dt Wt ro&rl iw iSM.tr 4 v'TI 14 C ivj v CO '.'vT ? aV'S.'.T''. . . . Quincy. Mass.. July IS. W&t&-'J.$tft w&yftZSJ Bobbin t hemical Co., Baltimore. Md. -dr'J.WAr l?ry Dear Sirs: I was laid ud last November wi iS?Ji'iV;K..t,''AVi-rf Rheumaiisci in ir.y feet and ankles, but after t piib t four bottles of Klieumacidt I have not been hot 'A' vk'-f f i-1y-"-Jj''-1 ''' since. I trid every old kind of liniment ar unner cvo ioctors. ana an 1 tried l.aci tiie sa inlf until Imf Vh.i.ntin.l.. Kn I , THE CAUSE OF 1905. THE PAIN gay.it has not been necessary for me to i.ikc ny ' : -: r . . , : . ; nicuiuuc iur r.iisumciiisin iiiue rcn'iary i Everybody that I recommended it to lias hud ti.e farao results. Yours vry truly. P. RA'JAGAN. Manager. Quincy Industrie! Co-operative Society. on waas ni' mji- . ,ar . . . ... . .... . nvii-un ir. iinrj nisieom, or MISJI Poult M. C aftaa aSia akine rr.ore. eftr Johns Hoakln. Hit; i nZTV.r'iJ r . . It'" hercJ Wlk. Dfilon. S. c: .lit ii KS-i-'VJ'ri'J"'-- !" id was wrc drawn up ain-t h.a i.clr, BeUr i Z hSJ. ZJZ!! ar:er';- as onsr, Sa.nal b?tilnd bit : let FfiEE , vu ' ." " . r''" BODOnn' CHEMICAL CO.i " ProjrieStw, BALTW3SE. There's' Danger in Delay. -1- .1 i 4