ttW.t'jf,'.yi i f 5 U I;! i TUB ROANOKE; 'BEACON... " Published Every Friday. Ektoraaiu the PtOtflce at I'lftuouUi N,.C,,as cond oIhss roster. 'HX'JJUMLl.llt-LJ-'l'J- ..J-S. . - ..J-J-l We appeal to every rea,rof Thk Ko anokje 3saoon, to aid makiiij it uu acceptable and 'wifltable wedinnyuf uewuto our ciozeii!. Let 1'rNym.utUh people-m the public know wliatis 'going on tu I'lymuutn. Kepori to as all iumcm of uewa-i-tbe arrival and departure of f rieiuix, suclal 'vents deaths, Korious iliuemi, accident, new buildings, new onterpricca and improvements of -whatever character, change In businc! indued VoytUing Bd everything that would be of Interest to ur people. .. ' Subscription price, $1.00 per year. AdTerttyejnoiiU inserted 4t low nt'.-ss. Obituary indices exceediiig.tea liut a, .five ccctu time. Count the words, allowing; eight to the line, 'und send inoucy with MS. for ail in txee." of ten Lnei. ' The editor will not be responsible for the views .of1 Correspondents. ' ' 1 All articles for publication m;iit be neeomt:inied by the full uaioe ot tfi'S vvrUer. ' ' ' Correspondtnta are requested uot to write on but uaeeideof the paper; v " All syit in byThureday 1 taorntng or they will not ajppbar, ' 1 ' - r ddrei'H all cttnmtuiii'iticiic to ' ; THE ROANOKE BEACON, riviuoitb.N. C ALLIGATORS IN CAPTIVITY. Creature Not Hard to Raise. Let Rnt K , " jftieij Youii. Probably ns lo-i m alligators have iec'a known'' the young ,havc': .beaa ept em curiosities, .unci most atnua- lag pets do the'llttje fellow mjiko, Bays lae ocienuuc Airu-iir. -.- y. 'llke the young of other wild' aniraa'tf. 'which are sometimes domesticated ; .when small, they grow:, very slo-.vly, I especially when out .of their natural H environment, and nra conseoueutly n . - . ... " well adapted, lor this purpose, ub um number of years elapse 4cfora t'ae -I alligator if? argo cr.ossb to be roa-I blosorae or even dingeroac. Aric;a tor3 do not appear'to be very.iat'bU cent, the recognition of the porsoa 'ho feeds them ln captivity bela about the limit of .their mental at tainment. The o'der'xuies are sla" glh ; and lazy'.. rthoug1) ihey so-r.c itiraea fsgh viciously wit-n.' each other and are capable (pf doing terrible ex ecution when aroused. If property" taken caro of, the '3011 ng alligator' will thrive even in Unnatural circumstances. Kis ni a i n requirement is sufflcierit heat, and 'if the box or cane bo b;'.., at t,VA low a temperature the" l-UUe reptile be comes languid una almyst torrid, re fuses to eat fof"'" long periods, and frequently dies a tho orij of some weeks. ' If, how9vr, ' t$ tompe.ra ,tur of the air b.e warmed by the addition of a little hot "irate, he aoon "wives am! attests" nan continued Interest in life by activity aal thc-reappeoranco of his .apvetite. Jlniiko tho older riembera of his iamUy, ,the youn' alligator in cap tivfty 'is' quite lively; sometime!, of .ha invelgfiting-tuin of mind, and 'usually con,'.bativei 'hi.-, -antics ar.e of ien diverting. If he can escape from hi.-i cage he will travel considerable;, and overcoate by cold will wander indcV-'-telj-, sub siatiag as best he can. Many persons who hate ai.tcrapt Jto keep young alligators have made the mistake of trying-to fcd their "on a vegetable diet, for the alligator Is first and last a carnivore. The dkt of the young, who should be fed 'nearly every day, is eimplc, and con ciats of biu-i of resh meat, iase.'ts and worms. '..They o-'ten shov.- great 5fondnes3 for the ordinary esrt'.i worms, ' and will frequently refase All food''ujt .these. .The larger Rpeei 'mens In cnptivity are fed about three limes a week pn irch met or small iive animals and t-hey require little attention other than that. older ones, particularly .the njjilvK, will, If possible, et:t the small ailifjatora with avidity, and to, pLeck hese cannibalistic tendencies the reUile3 must he properly sonev a d. Alligators seldom breed 'a jtlvlty, and while the fewest s Eome imes lay egg, the latter are usually unfertile. HywcvfAr, thp eggs that have been found in a natural condi tloa In the purious cone-shaped vaud fiesta are eaelly hatched by the ap plication of hca, and whtye the onng are a i'st feeble !d hel-v jesa, they usually survive if care fully h.a'ndlej. Alligators live to be tof grea" age, and there "are a nu ra pe r of authentic records where in dividuals have been known to exist or nearly a century. Champion Lipjrpeiitfpr i.'heumaLism. Cnaf. Dijike, a fnail caui'T at Chapin- tile, Coh'u: tays; Chan.brlaiu'ti pain iialiii is tlie champion of all liniments I he ta8t year I was tronblfd a great' deal with rheumatism iu pay shoulder. 'After trjing several cures the storekeeper here rtcoiu kuendd thirt remedy and it' pmupleieJy cured me." There is no tine of nnjone suf fering irora that painj'ul ailment y,'het: this J-niwentean be' obtained 'tor a fnjVll num. One application gives prompt rehet and its contiouttd ipse for a short tunc will produee t permaneaj Cjjre. ?or nale by all druggist Lov is rtappnaible for two-th;rds cf the haptiiuess in 'the world alao for uiue leutha of 'the misery. You will not firiij btau;y in fouge pot or compleiiou whitewash True beauty ooujph to thfctn only tha. take tfol list erls ltoeky i.Ioumaia Tea. 'It is a wopderfui tome and beaatiSer. 33 ceufa pi !fablets.' l E. .'3venport jib." ' ' ' tp.r on .beoaifcls gjr! draws tha h'na t, tha p. . ffio (ib Wb da,Tfi ft u U iiki'Sfcd kss. ".)i-n't frowp pbfait. Tf o-. ' ,r. r:n. fn-iii ifitlig tiati l -r s. o., ,aLo Koclol Dysp'-pj.a Ci - ' '. e wf All.itjtrf, ta , 3l3's r K-r d I r.J t.. 'JO t -'".rx v i f ! ii r ; r- u t ANOTHER. CONFEDE RATE SOLDIER GONE. ,On tho ih day of March, JOop, the citi zens and many friends and relative cn Long Acre, were called upon to mouru tlic loss of one of her must useful citizens. Mr. Cleophs.3 Latham, who died very suddenly of heart iuiture. Mr, Latham, a,t a very early age, vaja taken to, Nashville, Tenn., by um older Wotker who wh:j Pre-lessor of Greek u;u! Mathematics in a colleen in t;,at city. Ho remained a student there until the Civ:! War was decl.mid, whey he immediately jeulistt'd i;i the. Confederate Army.. He fought many hard battles during tha four yelra, but wan newr seriously -'wounded ; he was slightly wounded, however, eX tho. battle of Gettysburg While hto jpiag bp bind u rook a shell tUruok the r-h ai d a fragment sliy btly wout-dt'd him in ilu: Rhouldcr aud t-ido of the Lend, He returnee! home, leuviugwo brothers behind uior'i ike slaiu. He kept tbe tbul!et tbt killed .one of theai itiitil his death. lie ' was aoon marriod i.fter retnrnin;; from the tinny, and directed bin attention to farming for a living, leaving at bis death a widow, ten living children anc! two dead. He wjs well beliked by all who aeiualiy knew him. A brighter minded nmn never lived; be. was always re sidy l help those who needed help, regard!es5j o i-iicum stances. Ihe night was never too cold or too long for him to vimit the sick and to fit with them until light of day. He studied medical seieuca while at col- lego ia euntpsee. and camniued that study alter the war, which taadu htoi of ;reat Berviec in his cooimunity. His child ren are like himself, exceedingly bright, and possess more than an average share of natural intellect. llev John 15. RespaB said he felt it bis christian duty, he being tho nuly ordained jpiuister present, to make' home few 're marks on the oeeaiou, and ho delivered one of the most appropriate and powerful orations that evvr flowed from human hs ie.ilec:. The whole community extend its nyr. pa jthies to the bereaved family, aud each Other, in their mutual bereavement. W. C. JJowEsr. Indigestion is cinch of a habit. Don't get the habit ' Ta'e a little Kocol Dyspepsia Oure after eating and you will quit belch ing, pacing, palpitating aud frowning KoUol Digests what, you eat and makes the stomach uvrel. Sold by P. E. Davenport. Alr.opt eyery woman likes o have a friend whom she can snub occeidcjiudly. A member of the oakena! staff of Public .Opinion visited a nariber oi nromlncnt publ'shers in New York .i . ,1 , t. ..... ' v,... i C'Ut a V , "woi..,.., ' ' '"' " ' ' . ' j ,iC(,de read?" The article in vai.h tno answers are reco.-aod ia Welti- 4ed wl'ih this sumrcary: Looking back over thene o:.iaiOT3 pf publishers who represent ab..'v.-.i vcry side oil ihe publishin." b'.i:-:'.ri!;;;-, .and who vicv the book-purelir '"a" puidlc yroni almost every pe-ibie a:r,'le, one is fr-reed to a f.:rr i." y':vr, and hiiiiiy v..: -1 :.-.l 1. 'Uvea allc.viag for the natarnl ped icyr';in:ate biai whi:h v. o i ! i..-! . .1 man to take a favorable view e.' ki.t pwn basin osi, we ?n'u-;t eonclrde tlt?t people are reading belter haoka nw than ever befcre. 11 is not o-.:ly that each publisher in of the op "v. ion tb.r-t fe 13 publishing better beak; t'.'.aa be did five years aeo or tea years aao, but that he also believes that olher publishers "cue doing the u Exauiplcn of books bro;igi : i.l'' ,'. e it by pther ho u sen weyy cited tq ir.e. con stantly in proof of this. Another gratifying tendency .:pn wV-leh practically 'all ap.rce Is ia the jacreasod reading of history, aud particularly of biography. While the sclentifc historians may net ;igrea that this u a gcqd thing, yet any careful render who follows the ear rent books steadily will conrd-iJo that even ilio scientific writai'3 of history must look tq ..heir laurem. Tho writers of popular books are iti proviii,' steadily in j:cir.t of a'ca raey and general liter.ivy merit. An other good development In that, away ro:n tremendous hundred thousand editions. Such extraordinary sales '-ue usually obtained at the c:p?aso ij'i other books almost if not Quite a.3 me:itoviou3. Uhe . result 01 t.aa chance is that the general average has gone up. Viewing the world of books from tho standpoint of ail those different publishers, each see lag it from a slightly different angle, ono cau only conclude again that people. are reading more and better books and that in this respect at least tha world is grow ins better. Three little rules we all should keep, To piitk? lify happy and bright, Bitiile in the mornim, ninile at noon, Take liweky Monntaiu lea at night. Davtuport's drug htore. A woman i? Feldorn satiBfied when nu old dress is ffirct d to do her a good turn ' i 1 . t t l . 1 oritiie i t i:t,:v ptakiDg c .1)- tc.rtnr iiv. .t ibe; Ci 1 h !-'ttt Men ;y,6 risrr:.:'r. It 5s .rema.rka!!o how sr-h-'em ono Sr.;!''. a fst itiun univrrriod. It Is. the tli'in rs:tn n3 ;i rnlo w ho run to huoho lorhood.Ft l-uy ho ursod, ?;-oi';tg liack o a a l r o viot'.s ponttn e t . w h i . h i ' o ke of mntrtmouy a 3 a weight incrpni'.er In r'fn, that Uv.c, i.T pr.'ttinft t!v. .cart brforo tho hmso. It Is tr;io, ncvor tho'oy. tliat v.'hovo you find a fleshy man his tendency, is to marry. In matters - of .color 13 u man may be raid to have it pm agivlnst .tho dark man. rnd if.ihoro ho a da'i of red iu bh eo'.'.iro--nticn matrimonial proha bilitfes arc th'oj-oby intioai-od. Tho UtLo rv ti has,' f'ti .this ro?:v.'Cf. r.s in sotva otTiCr;-;. r.n'-ctinricnc.' over 'lie ion;': nii-n. Woiac'u. ts a i"';o, .aro rea dtor to marry t-'ll r:"ia;i tacy ad tulro u?:i h - -bat laa-a- tn-an aiti tut always ready to married. Ono woyld think -the Tnxiitivo i b"i in r. opph -fyrnp should hive Aeeu ndvanccd lon In-fore it wnn. It seeiae tb only rtU i'n 1. remedy for Coughs nvd Cohis would lie to move the bovel.s and.elenn tho inn- eons ;iicmbraUfS of the thrott und luoys t lUe "''"'o tim". Kennt dy's Laxuiivn Honey ;iuo Tfir ooes tins. Jt, ts tue.onyinm u;w "Hive Cough Syrnp, i-lie best known renicly for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whoopii'K Comjh. rt3. Thki.i 8 good and harmh 8s sold by i Yj Davenport Civilization euabh s a wmna-i to wear p. tailor-made gown and eat with a fork. . Keep the little om S .hetd'.hy 'i d happy. Their tunder, sensitive bdie rt'ijuire C i -' tie, he-tling remedies, liobi-ter's Hn-ky MiHintnin Tea will keep then: .tre-iH :u:i wijli. 'tii, cents, yen ir lubiets. 1avei p vt'ri inm More. " , ;aa:ics 'ep. lee-') the soundest betwrni ,;.!;reo and five o'clock ia tho morn Idk. All hour or two after rroln:; to bed yen sleep very youn.ll;,-; fica oi;r shnnhtr vvoxrs ;.:; ..l..-- li'.h: er. anil it is easy enough to v .' o.t at oao or two o'clock. Put -.v'.iea fi r o'clock comes yoa are In s u.'.i a st.'."te of sornaelence that it v;o.;K' take a groit deal tu waken yoa. Doctors Aye Puzzic!. rr-i. . i i i ue ieinarKiioie .iy I I A-..oil.. liieiver. it ;V ftiifiJinriv ; ... in thr mi el sne -et of much interest Ic tho im dical fraternity and a wide circle of frbitds He Suvs Hi ids ease : "Owing bj severe iriliiamation of the Throat and .congcPtion of th Ltmgs, tbree doctors gave til" np to die, whim, es a hift res'Tt, I was induced to try Or. King's New Discovery anil 1 i:m happy b hnj-, ic saved ray 'life." Cures th wo-st Coughs and Co'dc. Mroneiiitis, Torsili'is, 'euk Pun tin. Hoarse-nets and LaGrtppo Giie.rjoiv teed at ISpruill b liro'3. 50o and $ I ( 0. Trial bottle free. ' A .weak woman can easily eonq.ier a strong mau by catering to bis vut.i'y. The i)et Pafegnard auain-t b-nibiehf, con Klij.htiMti and liver lioub'es is DeVvitt'ti iJiuit; mny niseis, ivcep a t-i 01 in? PUMn !,. 1kus, and take Little ilailv Risers . Keen a i d oftlue uoio nt bed time wl.en vim f-tl tbul ll-e ,,K, ...dn-ed em-itu. .Wt gripe .sold by V C Perport 8 V'ji..--a 5t' w :.oOO e.:i.4i Dogs m vezo?$ cf srisrft eaS to ym ? . Ersdcsst?. '.vit-i even' bct&r. is a 'Tc-r Cent, fiac!t-iia cfGmi-fi's ft nZl?-.&yK: ii n-'i . .. . L'.' i . ' .- -.' .. . '-.-..' re.'v,i r"-i I,v;- tT'.;Xf'3vyiy.f.t;v:.--?f - f '. V:i .I- '-J .... ;. IM; -?---i.-. -,.- ria :' -.-, '.v- ',' . ( j-.r. ;' .'S-'U. tM wwl tL v,Ww,'?'Xi,T ;- '.Mmmtv M-H'-V.fw-' ; i -:. i, -- yw; t nr i; f:-Mn.i.iu.' ' .r.v r t-iW A'v-.'M:v:lfev:ii.v,t4 "HiK .V B )-h-MJmy-o: 'V-&iH.y'! ?AK1j CALLED SPKAKSJfn GOl f:s;fpstlt Ion . Arising Prom !o:;-:!r.s of Waves on 5oah. Manitoba 'Lake, vhich lies north-west of Fort Garry, and baa r.ivoa a title fp the province formed at .of tho Hod River region dcrivas Ms j name from a .small -island from which j in tho r-tillnoKR cf the niaV.t i?aacs n ! mysterious ncdaa. On ,po account will ' the Ojibway approach or !an; on tlx..', islaad, .uj)i' it t s b- t!;o I-.cmo j of the -TvlaniUm, ( !' "B'-eahiay: ! Oorl." The cauae cf thiaonrio is tbe beat:;;- cf !he waves the 'Vhinie" or lnrp:e p'hh!i i ae -...tree, a ; aaa tae i.oi e:a fo", hi of tbe inland ia a lore:. low c.i.. o: i:?,o ;ra:aeij ceana.t hmoKione. wl'ica. riuier -the stn.:';e c'! I .o ham l1;!':', l'..o sloe!. Tbe v,;-vrs beatiii:; on tho rd-.ore at e foni ev the cliff onus'o tbe falien ! re ao al to rub again:;t each o!Ker a!i:i to ".'. e ' oat a tjo;:nd r-'smb-iag the fhi;aF j of db-taat be-ll.5. Tlie pbertyacr-' - ! ocrirs when the grades blaw fruai the J north, and tlien v,-Vuin ihe .. sab- ' rdde. low wailing koushIk, -Kko vvh'r.- poring voices, arc beard in tho iur. Travelers assert 'that tho e'Tert is im- I pressivo, and that they P.ave been o.w akened at night under the iinprt-s-i-icrx they wero listening to chr.rch bells. A dase of rine-.;ile-:tt bed time will um ally it-k-ive bickncl e. be morning. 1'h.sH bcuiiMI til be ulobtles are. soil prb-tine coated und y:h"i. oKiihtci'-ii aa , , . . ,-. . ot teed in the mm Mi vui cair t kh p ifoin GwallowintT tiiem. Fine-alen e-'mtahi n -it her 1 K-;;g;ir nor nKvihot j.e.'t cuais ai-.d vestas i from onr own r.atbe pine f.uv-sts. I ei)ibiiu-d wi'.h other well known tiU-lder, ' kidny bbod -ual btckaiihe rin-Hlie. o.d by P 11. Ibivoipon aad tfkiles Son. jt; t The !i;if; Seat Cataloi-ue T V, 'Ah.c.d '-ot?s, piat rec-t4i'ed.'i;i Jar in adViit-ce of any pr. viuus .is-V The value of iUU pnkli.nt'Oii in giving fall and ! itp-,to-d ite inlbrma it .a in regard b; both j vegetable at d f'.irtM cr.-ps for KnutheMi )intiting cantii't be es'befi i-d . The iiv.ine.d j iKia-s of tbiv culrilta'.': 1-nvr- thu.e. move to ; aid in tbe .uiversilieioioii :uat trinvirr; of , ,.,,,,).: -:i t!i Smith lii.i!l :.inv , - . ... j ,ntr pil,,i,r P''Oi.citiioti in.tms coi.mry. 1 This oabtlogne is n.aihd free; to ftrnx rn and gartjeucrs, up n rnyxi'.V . Vood & ioiip, I'iebw.'iHl, Va to T. W. v"-vv--VV f. 85. ami Forelj-n t y y ) . ;'. i- ., ln ,i ! t w-U-.S i jrV;:i;..T tlvC,t'fi ' op? I fl tVJ U l 0Al92JCtL w t Viii.v- -ojNs.vAif VuiiJi . ... , . Jfm $ 1 Kead mertet. vKoto or sketch ior FHEC report If H O T7 V.'il 1:3 t. ' .1 VJ W on patontaJ.ility. 80 years' prnetiee. SUR- M H A V'' ' - r- vj (1 n E1'S W PASSING RETERENCES. For free Guida f P.'- V! M Li i ft I i J ook on 1',-oflW,!,, rate:.'3M rite f- , l iiU v3.'il;-:--:SV SOS-SOS Sgventi! Street. M fc.iLvyl-V, .-.U.x.lL. N WASS-S'MCTOR", D. C. H t ,rc report , r-'- ttl t.y. ImiM it-' rVff pv-m,. 1. wt' to i u '-u. YaT N M hfl -H- aUM P"-" T?i ivh a tr;5 i":S.'f ITif S'l' A4 tTv ii L;:y t'r S.Y rViif-S Mmt til ilM?4P& -::--,.. . . f kif , PI! ".i'.v'v --c --r-i- ';-c ';-.! bd m y;'' essj and Makes You We!! Ail Over," These pains are 'danger signals, warning you of a disease that titrcctcno the entire system. -. iisadeche-, Pains, Bad Taste eo the Moalfc, that "No-Accouat f elites indicate that you need .; - "' ;- ti fi-Af -! . 1 ES THE ,,,.-, . , Omhicy. Mass.. July IS, 1CC5. Bcbbitt Cher.;.';r.l Co.. )5i.utinsore. Md. pt:!f bir.i: I was laid uu bist November v- ith .vhot.-matisRi in my i'ec t and ankles, but after taking fourboLtles ef I-ilienir.acide I bave.iiot bothe-ed since. 1 tried every old kind of liniment and was under two doctors, and a'1 I tried bad the snme ve nule, until Kot Ktieurnacide. Now, I am pleased to say. u has not oeer (iecc-,aary for me to take any rneccinc for kactimatism since February Iat. everybody that I re-om mended it to has bad the JWUiii resaits. Yours verv trulv. . F'. RAN AG AN, Manacer. Qtancy Induttpni Co-operativo Society. REPORT OF THE BANK OJP At Ply month, in iVe ttto of North Carcliua, : ijKSOi'ia-Ks. Loatix mid l)ieolltl(, -Overerufta, Svcured, AU other Pucks. Itonda and Nt'-rtpaKin. -Hiuiking IfoiiBO. Furniture and fixtures, J)uc from li!inj:i und Piinkers, C'asli Items, - - - - - . Gold Coin, - - - . -.Silverjoin, including Minor Coin. Curroncy, Kiitioual Bnnk Notes and Other U. S. Notes, , ToTal, I.IABII.IES .Cajiiail itiH-k, - - - frnrpin.i Kinid, I'tiiiivkli-! roitiiM. l-m ('urn-tit- Hx:ieuc and l)i poM.s subject to check, - , - - Tot at, .-.'(lie of -Vo: ..'i Ctiolittit, Cotuit v of U'jisliitigton, &n : I, t'hin nee Lu; tm in. Cashier of the abovu-tioineil llink, do solemnly owear thut the above plu'eiiieiH is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ' CLARENCE LATHAM, Cashier. . ' Subscribed ami sworn.t,be.fore io e, thU 8'h day of r,.-'.ir'i:irv. r..0'i. W. M. DATKMAK C. S. C Oiir Clubbing Oiler, JUntj-l this notice 'appears we Will -jive the :! u.b L'-iitcs : lo I low my; Caeap Thc Hcunoke'ileacon and tiie Atlanta j(,.lstiti.tion one year br $1.50 .. , 0 T ' inn IbmieUe Hfacon, the Atlanta ii i ii j- ti o net ii'-;- I'Ai.ii'j tit it one year for 1 The l!o:i-ol,e Peacon and the Tluiee- A-Vt-tsk Key' York W.orld one year 4 ior ..r 1.50 And if you 'waul the liest Combination ti be bad bu' love cr money, seed us only i"'!-.oO and we will send jolt for one yt ar, Ytiur 'Home Paper, the Thiiee-A-We-k New York World, ihe Atlanta Constitution and the Sunny tf-juih --Six of the best pa psjti; pnblisb'-d e"ery vek, and nt less tbiiO half ike Cost of one daily.. Address THL ItOANOTCtf J'HACOJf, Plymouth, N. C. tji t"iU TRAKS-MARKS p.-oiiiptly otrtni p! aUeeuatncs, L-rno l;e. TAe uhuun PAT t-J THAT PAY, iuive.-i.w them tUorottijhly, oldaineil i-a I ENTS I at our fniF.T"-n fclEl iMIiaE er vUU&rens c. rc. opiate vaoy'uu2,i R' if. No Cere, Vay Mi-. ?,- Tlcn. t.Zvsv PiSs. f". he Inside," and tlit 1 other rsmsdiss "have failed. Rheum acid e sweeps all the poisonot-s Ksrrvis and CAUS Cred BO-ysar-otd Krs. Kary Wclborn. of High Point, K. C. after he havl suffered 20 vsar. Cured Kctf. J. N. Whaeisr, TO year? old, a leading Hi chodisi minister, of ReiaterstawH, Md. Cured John F, Ellne, oj Balti niore, aiiar Johns Hopkins Hojltal had completely tailed. Cured James le.'ilkes, el n.lfOii, 0. C, rftar he had tcn J11 baa threw years and his legs worn drawn up against his back. Setter get a bottle from your Druggist ct u:iss. Samc;s bcllij-nd boek!3t FREE il you send S cents for postages. BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO., Proprietors, BALTIMORE. CONDITIOK OF THE ' . IVIOUTT fi. Bt the Close, of CusiueBS, Jaa. 29th, 190G. ; . -''V L'i ,. dollars, vy; . - . . - -55,213.90 . . . ,- 43.IU ''- 3,50(.0i 25.W-4.4S fi03.ll ... 8(53.00 , - . S8ti 88 8,500.09 .3,151 n DOLLARS . l!i.50,.00 3,(WO.0O '- -J.1P1.C1 71.541,35 - 8l),154.6 Taxes P. - M, t'orrect-Attc-flt: L. P. IlOHNTIiAL, 'V. C. AVFKS. -L. S. LASD'-NOJ, Director.?. 1 ' H yciopeoiQ THE i2S ' M Jm'':r::'' All! WORLD 'ALMANAC ' mlSHOYCLOPEBIA' is o SA hrt ALL OVJSU TIIH UNITED STATES. It is ji voltttno of nearly seven hun lin e! '..!-es and csells for !5c. bent hv ru -Ml for o5c. .' A lit "fiTonce Jiook of iiiin-siial val--tte, ill::iet iiiilisjiensable to any man of busii'o.siJ, or in the professions. It contains inforin;itioir on tnoro than 1.000 timuly tojiicsHiid presents -over ().()()() facts siiph as arise 'daily for- anwcrinj'.-. liltcioii statistics, agricultiiral, liitius'-ial, educational, railroat-ls, i tsh i p ti nj, i'lp., etL!., through all .j .V list of topics win re new iigaires mvf, most valuable, .'bj: cojumu'' of index. Sen '4 for this Standard American Annpitl.-V-Addi TUB WOlHiD, L'tilit-., r Unil,dihg, New York pity. nEglClSE DSSTISTBY-PHiiBraACY Modem Laboratoiies In charge sjiecidists. Qsiiz" System. Superior Cl.nicj. Bedstasicjching in our ewu HiSfpitaL ForloraileHnforn'at.;on,wTitTHE PROCTOR. ;;'? . i.'v- - - i 1 .!v .v, ;, .-2.. . I i m JBBING CURL Rhe-itxtatism is cn internal dis- nd requires an internal remedy. Gets at the Joints from is the reason it Cures acids out of h hinri r . -f B.y'W:: - F THE PAIN. 1 4 tic. t;-. i Om ruiiitc '1 ' . s- il it ro. Trice