BEACON FLASHES CHURCH DIRECTORY- The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. TUB ROANOKE BKACON. PUBUHC1,EVBRY FRIDAY C. V, W, ATJrfBON, Editor. Plymouth. - - Feiday. Marcii 23. 1906. . 1! HE above picture of the man and fish is the trade mark of Scott's Emulsion, und is the synonym for strength and purity. It is sold in almost all the civilized coun tries of the globe. If the cod fish became extinct it would bo a world-wide calam ity, because the oil that comes from its liver surpasses all other fats in nourishing and life-giving properties. Thirty years ago the proprietors of Scott's Emul sion found a way of preparing cod liver oil ko that evervone can sy take it and p't the full value of the oil without-the objectionable taste. Scott's Emulsion is the lest thing in the world for weak, backward children, thin, delicate people, and all conditions of wasting and lost strength. Stnd for ft 0mpl. SCOTT A DOWNE, CnEMtSTS MMll WUAB W TOBK f: 14. as.iff.M. AU drnfgiH: J. W. PEEUY COHFY. Cotton Factors and Com tuiesion Merchants, Norfolk, Va. ' Quotations, Mar. 31. l'JOC. COT 105 Steady. Strict Middling . . . 11 1-8 Middlia . . . U Strict low middling . ; 10 7 8 Lew Middling . . . 1 S-4 Tinges . . . . oiBiua . Bines - . , . . PEANUTS Fancy , Strtctly prime v : . Prima . . Low grades , . Machine picked ' . Spanish . . B.E. PEAS . Black A Speckle Peas Dull. . . 3 . . 31-2 . 21-4 . . 1 1-2 . I 1 2-2 1-4 $1.00 bushel $2.59 If) bag 1. 10 bu 1.00 bu Clay & Ited Peas Peanut Bags, 68 in. 8oz. in bales, 10 l-4o, o 12 , H0ESE SHOEING , AND Repair JShopsu ' Having just hailt aad fitted up a Oeaaral Repair shop, on Water street, near Coast Liae depot. I am in position to shoe hor ses aad repair baggies, carts, Ac., at short notice aad ia bent manner. AH werk guaranteed. QiTe me atrial aad let me cenvlnce yoa. Ilorle shoeing 65 cents. oclS K. W. BATEMAN. HOTBL ROPER. fiOPSB, N. C, J. I 8ATAGE, Frop. New House - New Furniture, Good Table Attentive Servant HOME-LIKE with HOME-CO 11 FOBIS, Rooms Fresh and Clean. "Travelers' Headquarters. BED FOB BALI! I have one (1) good goose-feather bed for sale. Never been used at all Weight 60 !bi, and will be sold at ; i uargain. J. M, WOOD LEY, Skinnersville, N. C. . r !TbGe who havb friends visiting them, or who. intend leaving home S themselves, will please let it be known 3 at tLis office, so the fact may be won- 2 tloujed. It does not matter whether J) cfc you Hre a subscriber or not. All We & j aak is let us know it. j Mr Cecil Beaeley aaade a trip to Norfolk last week UtH B Ward of Washington, was in town on Monday The bad weather has been pretty tough a ear fishermen. Mra J. E. Blount, county, was in the city oa Wednesday Mill Lillian Oaviagtea of Oateeville, is visiting Mrs C D Loans Attorney A. O. Gaylord ia attending court at Williamston this week Mrs Louin P Horntbal and children are visiting relatives in Suffolk, Va., this week. FOR SALE I have a white, full-blond Spauitth Bulldog ior lale. He in 1 year aad months old. and weighs 60 pounds. Addresar H. W. DusBiR Sonud, N. C. Mrs Stella Pinkbam of Washington, is the guest of ber, parents, Mr aud Mrs; Henry Neal Kev VY. B Brickhouse of Skinnersville, dropped in to see us while ia t city on Wednesday Mr and Mrs. E 8, Cauoou of rikinners yille, visited the family of Mr D F Bate man this week. 8alve! Sal veil Spread the BUve.bnt ltt it j bo Pmesalve, nature s remedy for cms. burns, sores, eto. For sale by x Daven port and Saik s fc Son je 1 D. 8, W.J.Starr and daughter, Miss Lillian, of Creswell, were among the visi tors to our town this week. Mr. F. R. Johnston is having his town residence repaired and will, at an early date, resume house-keeping. Owing te bad weather, Mr. Ayers post poned his Special Hamburg and Lace Sale until next Tuesday. See ad. The ground-hog's six weeks expired on Wedneadav. The little hibernating rascal made many enemies this season. Mrs. J. W. Oden and son, of Washing ton, have been the gusua of Mrs. Oden's fathtr, Mr. H. Feele, the past week. For headache, constipation, etc.. Dude's Little Liver Pills are best. Thy uleajise aad toaic the liver. For sale by P E Unyen. port aad Skiles & Son je 1 Mr S Macnamara, representing The Macnaaiara Syndicate, of Norfolk, Heal Estate and Timber, made us a short call on Wednesday , v Messrs H. Q. Jackson of Farniville, and Elmer Jackson of Williamston. were horn this week, vit-iting their parents, Sheriff aad Mrs. W. J. Jackson. Miss Nona Brtnkley mad a trip to Rocky Mount on Tuesday, where she went to meet her brother's wife, Mrs. P. W. Brink ley i t Georgetown, S. C, who is now visiting relatives here. Mr. Louis P. Horuthal extends n cordial iavitatiou to all to visit, his store next Tuesday and Wednesday, at which time be wi t dtsplav for vwur inspection, tue most earefall selected stock of spring drens goods, trimmings, eto , ever brought to this euaaty. Doa't fail te be there. In the sprint time vou renovate your house. . Why not your body? Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea drives out impurities eleanses and enriches th blood and puri. lies the entire svsteiu. 45 cents. Daven port's drug store. Please do not lose sight of this office') when ia need of Job Printinc. You will find nothing cheaper or better, no matter where you send.. We can far- ntsh Packet Heads, nicely printed and padded with blotters at from $1 .r0 to 86 00 per M. Type-writing paper and blauks a specialty. Send it to us. The season nw being over. I take this BQtithed of thanking our friends for their liberal patronage daring the past. While we will not keep a full stock of horses and mules on hand daring the summer, we shall Ve in a position to furnish at any time anything in his Una you may need. Jest let us know what you want, and we will get it for you. Respectfully, D. H. MEWBKSKT UO. The first issue of "The Eastern 8tar(" a paper published in the interest of the col. ored race, with Edgar J. Hayes, Editor ; Lawrence Smith, Associate Editor, and O. 0. Cobb, Manager, is on our table. The paper is a six column folio, and is a neat. well rotten up sheet. In uia salutatory Editor Hayes, who is also Principal of the Plymouth High School, sbowa Mms?ir to be broad minded and patriotic The paper is needed, and should it receive the en couragement and support it richly deserves it will be no small factor in the uplifting pud advancement of the raoe in whoso in terest it is published. If yoa are troubled with Piles and can't find a cure, try Wit eh Hazel Salve, but be sare you get that made by E C. De Witt & Co.. Chicazo. It la the Original. If you have used Witch tiazel Salve without being releived it ia probable that you got bold of one ef the many worthless counterfeits that are sold on the reputation of the genuine De Witt's Witch Haael Salve. Y. E. Uayeu pert It is better to go forward slowly than to go round and round ever so fast. The tar that is centained in Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar is harmless. It is not coal tar, but is obtained from the pine trees of ar owd native forests. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar ia the beat remedy for colds because it acts on the bowtls thus expelling all colds from the system. Be's la the original Laxative Honey and Tar, and is bet for cough, colds, croup, whoop ing ooUgh, ling and bronchial affections. Sold by P. E. Davenport and Skile & Son, Fletcher AusboH. corner Waahilitf- ,on .d Third ftrec ,s, M ,ee STJ oil a roost brilliant social event ou .RewL.B. Jones pastor Friday evening last, March 16th, the I Snuday' school ever v Sunday morniagat occusion being the celebration of th'o.;i5 o'clock, w; M. Bateaian, upt. iiiictjiitu oit tn-aay OI tneir uauguier, Miss Katie Ilamptou. At eight o'clock the invited guests began to arrive. From every windww gleamed a light of welcome, and by nine o'clock the spacious .parlor, drawing room and halls w'eiti filled with gay young people who called to wish 5liss Katie many happy returns, and the little Miss, assisted by her sister, Neva Johnston, and cousins, isses Hstello Forbes, Fannie Mae Lis and Keta Harrison, bid each one a hearty welcome. ' ' The color scheme for the occasion was yellow awd greeu. Tho docora tions, formed of foreign 'and lnnvt- tic ferns and flowers, yoiXOi.. rod',' cedar, holly and pine, Wert; artist 'Wall v arranged. In a frame over 'tie pu lor door, worked in grtnti and yel low, was the simple motto, "Wel come," while in bold relief, sirt iciud across the rear end of tli; hall, wan "1891 K U. A.1U00," in v!iow and gleeu letiers. Music, sois and garner held die attention ot the gubUi elev.-n o'clock, wlien Lliey fu uiv.(.t'd .mu the dining room wue'ie, bciiaLli uv soughing of the piiie aim ceilaf bouii !., oe-ri.ift!iiv deoor-i-r i . . jjCOi iudelltid Will)-. I . .i", cake and other delicacies to Uitupi the inner man. At twelve o'clock the guests be gan to depart for their respective homes, having extended a vote Of thanks to . their young hostess and her indulgent parents for a most de lightful evening. As a whole this was, perhaps, the most brilliant so cial event Plymouth has witnessed for years, and from the number of cards of regret from those who Could not ittend, and the number present, together with the numerous and uostly presents received, the writer agrees with the rest that Miss Katie is a most popular little girl. Amoug those present to do honor to the occasion, were: Misses Gertie Datemati, Margie Willoughby, Ida Harrison, Estelle Forbes, Meta Har rison, Cad Campbell, Blanche Spru- ill, Louise Ayers, Mamie Clagon, fanuie Mae Lewis, Katie and Neva Ausbou, ii'id Eev. L; ' JJaHgham Joue?, Prof. K. F. Loe and Messers J H. Leggeit, Z. V. Norman, Kobt. and Leon Chesson, of Koper; Herman Ward, Clarendon Willoughby, : Wil lard' Washburne,v Jackie Chesson, Orover Midett and Cecil Beasley." Ye editor jonn her host of friends in wishing Miss Katie inauy happy returns of the day and a coniinued life of jov and popularity. SiaBBSSSSfJBBWSBaBBMBaBJSaBBBBBB What's The Matter With Ro- " per? , 0 Tuesday evening the fourth teams of Plymouth and Koper cros sed bats at Koter where, notwith standing the very inconsistent state of the weather, the spectators were given a splendid exhibition of ball playing- by the rlymouth team. This team as a whole, under the effi cient auagemeut of Mr. Herman Ward, showed up in excellent style. However, as must happen, in every game, there are always a few who play better ball than others, aad the few in this case were Herman Ward, pitcher; Liudsey Phelps, catcher, and Henry Midgett, first base. From beginning to eud the Koper boys were uuable to "get on to" Ward's curves, and consecjueatly, lacking in ability to hit, had to content them selves with three strikes. Phelpiaud Midgett played an errorless game, ana at several critical points,, by moans of good head work aud fiue playingcombined, greatly contrib uted toward making the game the walk-over that it was. The Koper "rooters Kept contiuuaiiy at it, but this was a case where rooting was uu availing, as the Plymouth twam showed their minerifit-itv from 'the beginning. The Koper boys played i - --- , good ball, but judging from-tho score, if they wish to cope success fully, with Plymouth, a good dyal more practice would not be a bad idea. The game resulted in a score of ten to four, in favor of Plymouth. Plymouth battery. Ward and Phelps. Koper battery, Johnston and Chesson. Struck out by Ward, 15; by Johnston, ' ' I The best way to rid tho system of a cold is to evacuate the bowels Kennedy's Laxa tivo Honey at.d Tar acta as a pleasant ' yet effectual cathartic on the bowels It clears the head, cuts the phlegm out of the throat, strengthens the bronchial tubes, relelves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. sold Dy Davenport ' FOR SALE Having pnt in new lights in the M E. Church, the Ladies' Aid so ciety offer two large chandeliers (one 6 and one 8 lamp) and other chureh lamp for sale. A rare chance for churches or balls needing good lights, to get them cheap ddre this office, or Mrs. B. A. Blount, Plymouth, N C. L.M- E- Chnrch Services every auday at Baptist Chureh Services very 1st. 2nd and 4th Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. ra., and 7.4(1 nAlnL .. ... t - Thursday night. Kev. J. W. Moblew, pastor. Sunday subool every Sunday morning at 9.30 o'clock, W. K. White, Bnpt. For, an Impaired Appetite. . Lnss of appetite always tconlts from faulty digestien All that W ncedad in a fw doses of Chamberlain's Kteuiach ahd Livtr Tnbtetk. They will invigorate the stumach, strengthen the dietioa and give you aa appetito like a wolf. Tlie Tablets also act an a gentle laxative. Fur sale by all drag, gists Much that Hcim8 for love wouldit skit d t!w tl uf cun pepers. It is not difficult to releive blind, blecdi, itching or protrudiug pilM with ManZi . the great pile remedy It is, put up iu o ! lMpib;v inlte wjin nozzle, and may b in trod need and applied vt th seat of ' tr.tuble Stops pain iitslamly. tJoid by RE. Davenport aud ikils & Son j FOK SHKKIFF. ' I takb idtni. ncitihod (,l'r turning thankb j 'id !ippri iMtmn- t.thri ctiz tm of Whfi ( !i' i .C- ' f, - ;n-r-.C" fi'lt-i-n- ar.d i - ' dawLtd when a cuuveuuuu Wiil be h-d fur the purpose of naming a man for the position I have been holding for. the paat nil years, I respectfully offer myself as a candidate for the consideration aud action of the couveotiou. I have been conscientious in trying to discharge the duties of office acceptably In the law-abiding men of the county, and fan only promise, if re-elected, to dUcbarg those duties as I have iu the past. Very respectfully yours, VY. J. JACKSON. A GUARANTEED CURE FOH PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Druggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in C to 14 days. fiOc jn 12 One can usually tell what a woman aims at by what she mis-. A liquid cold cure for children that is pleas ant, nannies, and t-ffr-ctive is Bee' Laxa tive Honey aud Tar. Superior to-all other congh syrup or coM remedies becaune it acts on the bowels An ideal remedy lor Coughs, Coldn, Croup, Whooping Couth and all curable luug ami bronchial affec tions in child or adult. Pleanant to take. Sold by P. E. Davenport aud Skiles & Son. To the Home-Seeker. . Desirable Beat Estate on Second titreet Lots 102 aud 103 for sale. Terms easy. Will sell one heuse with one-third ef -land and a guarantee of improved conditions as to bceupauts of the remaining' houses. None except white people need apply. For farther information apply to the under signed, or communicate with J. W. Bryan, Greenville, N O. 118 W. M. BATEMAN. PROFESSIONAL CAUDS. Ir. -A.. White, DENTIST. Office Main Stkbet PhonkD,' Wniiamstou, Nk C. C-ri will be ia Plymouth the first week in each month. . w se 14 VAX BUREX MAUTIX, Attorney-at-Jjaw, PLYMOUTH, N. C. Prompt and faithful attention given to all business entrusted. 'Phone No. 22. 1'KOTECT YOUR FAMILY ! You insure your house, your bam, your time. Why not your life ? , Is your service worth anything to your family ? Kemember that when yonr life ceases yonr family needs your ser vices just the same. What proviioa have yoa made ? There is no tricks bidden away in tbe policies we are offering yoa. Com- -pare the contracts with those of other 1 companies. Address-.' District Agency, RELIANCE LIFE INSURANCE CO.. Near Beacon Office, Plymouth, N. C. Ageats wanted in Belhaven i I aad Washington, N. O. NOTIOJ3! V I .hilled the Artesian Well for Mr.1 1!. .T. Norman, and for the towu of Plymouth, N. C. Why not let tne drill one for vou? Address all orders to F. 0. Ellis, . . , p. O. BoaE. Branchville, 2-1 . Southampton Co., Va y. , ; ' - - ' ' '. ; ' ' ' . ' . .v ' ' . . . .' ' . .i ; bp i IP U v y ' You are cordially invited to atteud . tmr Spring Opening, Tuesday and Wednes- IIECH27 &28TH. 'at; virhicb time we phowia you a carefully selected , line of Stylish Dress Gcodg, broideries, Lacei, Value is . still we show you, from highest priced ' goods, will bo entirely dependable in price, quality and style: " j i Your past liberal patronage has ap. proved our efforts, and we trust it will - be convenient for you to be present. The New Ladies' Home Journal Spring Catalogue now on sale. Fashion .dates in Six Colors. Over 1300 illustrations. Price 25c JtorntAal. ; ' will; take pleasure ito TrimaTingt, Ewr fec. . . . . .. our motto, and what the cheapest to the Jouis JtorrJiaL Cold i a us Day Osrea Grip "; . fa Tvvo Day. Tela iasciivo urcino If "III IT! T r 1:1 tts tc3 fa part S3 Kcsila, j9 linn m m k r . t oF r