1. r 4 Difficult ITorscbaolk. Peat Strange Coincii;jTo. There is a mysterious cVun- There are no4 letter few-semen in - ulT f r " ..the world tWnYho'Vaty. officers of J ,the, churchyarl 0 the .lan-armyen among I Montgomery. England.ou ,wh chth .... .. . " . . - .? era tut refuses to crow..- Accord! ml t theni there are very' few who could perform the fe'at reientl-achieved by pne of them. , ; ..--,"' - To run an ordinary Coot race La .easy enough, -but to run at full speed for several hundred yards folding in .one.had a spoon .on which .rests an .eg-g and -to xeaph the goal without .dropping :the egg is a feat which, nlnst be, practiced carefully a long ,time before it .can be performed sucr .cessfully, and as a result there are ntit many who can be sure of accom plishing It whenever they try. Great, was' the surprise when an Italian .officer mounted on horseback per formed this difficult feat. ; Moreover, -he selected a course In which there we're two or three high fences, and these he .cleared at full gallop w.itb, ,out losing the .egg. A Lively T.usale .with iVftt old enemv of the race, -Cnn'sttpn tion, often ends i n Appendicitis. To avoid A all serionp trouble 'with StamRch, ,Livt;H and Bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfectly reguiaie mese organs, without pain ur discomtqrt ac opi mu grass refuses to grow. Accord! ml to the local legend, a young . ntanl of Montronerv Was hanced. 'for mvr- i i i. V. . u ...... riA f.M. .A J Ut'l Ilia t W U. I IKJ.U L. liC 'I U to the l.ast 'that he was 'not yrml ana on the sculi old;-declared tnaf- li grass would grow :.over 'his grave til his innoi-ence 'whh prove: d T. prophecy, it la alleg'-'d, h:s l e fi. filled, to the pre.r nt day. i 1 m y$-4Q&A Ski ; y An IHu.vivo I'lant. There is a plant in Chile and similar one in Japan, called l hf "Power of the air.'"- It Is co' ca'Moa hocaue it .uppears to have c-o root,: jir'l is never fixe.1 to the earth, ft twines round a dry tree or sterile rock, nncji shoot produces two or i transparent and odoriferous. U 'in MM M& cnpaoie oi nemg transported f.is to seven hundred miles and vegetates as it travels suspended cn a twis. ,&Bro's Juri::t Questions. . Do you know that the hayone.t was ,o called because it was 'first niade at PayoiMj, France? That coffee received dts .name for the reason fch.at it first came to Eu rope from Kaffa? ... ' That candy ' was ; firet exported from Car.dia? ' -V 1 That tobacco ws so called from .the Island of Tobacco, the home of. -.Daniel Defoo's imaginary herxt, Roh ' -nson CruEce? -' .. That-gin' was invented at Geneva early became an important fac tor i'a the commerce of that city? That the tarantula was a noto.--flovs 5 est la the vicinity at Taranto? Tliat caaibri?. was mai'e at Cam vay? : That i-ausUa. wa; made at Mousr ' That calico was -made 'at Calicut? That dimity as . made at Da iriietta? That nii:i;icrs plied their trade at . ;.Ii!an? " That the avignctlc properly .of iron j-ro was fi:;it noticed in that dug in .the neighhorhcod f T.jagnf.'sla? Washington Star. , TI:e Empress' Wadding Gift. The Empress of Germany's private TeC.ding present to her relations air ways consists of a very plain triyel .lng clock, for -she values among al other virtues that of punctuality. OOD HEWS FOE flY' MOUTH, Science at Last Discoyers a Real Cure F.or Rheumatisii).. After years of experiment a new scientific atuiedy bus beu fouud that i.ot only re. jeivi-u, but ab.solutu'y etnes JJhfcuunitim mid kindred diseu-es. f.o slay cured. JlbeU niatisui is cnuKL-d by.au epcers of piison on ac ds in the blood. The new discovery Iti'iETjM ACINIC tLough purely vegetable, fin-l acting thrpnfh natnre'i. channels, nea traliz k th-'Se asids aud sweeps all poisous and harmfal germs out cf the blood. At the same time it tone up the stomach and reiitatta the liver aud kidney's ' iillKUMACIDE thertfore, cores the d;s .eaxe peroinc-ntly, b.-cause it removes the .cause It has cured hundred of cases after the niOHt nvtfd doctors and liespifals bay failed. lUiEUM ACID Kcurn J JumeH Wiikts " of Dillon, S. 0., after ho-Vad been held in " I bed by rheumatism for three j ears at d kis feet were chawu up almost to his bacK. 'this is onlv "tie of the masy uiarvelniis ( tures UMEUMACIDE has already perform- fd. .RMEUMACIDE w cur'ijg luanj Crt-.e I ' pt Rlieuiuatisin, tiatiCH, dgmbagv, gi.ut, f kidney. ti-Anb!e, iodigeaiion . and contitipa- ' ' tion, right in thi community toda ; Because it haw curt d so many others we i beleive it will c.m- on All the lending J drniraists in liiis place Si.il uud reuomuif i-d v i liilEUAlACIUE. , Aw K-ing 'JPKonc No. -2- We are at the other end with a full line o everything in way of Fine Mercantile .Stationery, up-toil a to typo and pretty inkis. We arc run nin; no ''Cheap John'" print, shop, but u trial order will con vince you that when stylo and quality is considered, we can't be beat. Send us your nest order. APPOINTMENTS AT C II ACE EPISCOPAL CliUKCII. Services ou the 4th Sunday of the month lanruinyr aud eyeniiie. Bible class at 4 p. m. Seivicrts Saturday proceeding at 4 p. n and Monday following 4th Sunday at 0 a.m. Ml.F. A. Boyle, h'.y raiier, will eonduc service every Snuday tuomiug. .All are cordially icyited-, B. sLASSITEU. ... ajK - --y. -' -v-tv'.- J A I T13RM ANNOUNCEMENT' ;'-..-x:V --Roper GrailccS Sclacii :f "itpi'Sll, North Cakouna. . Fall Term Begins Monday Sept-25th, 105S Special Advantages Offered To'. IV rents Desiring to. Secure for their Boys and Girls-a Practical Elneatio!-!, thereby preparing them for the Kesponsibil ;". ;itie.s of Life. Tuition $1.00, 11.5, $1.5,0. For J'artli?r. Iiifirmalien Apply '.te Alex. H. Koowce, A. Win. Sold by ?. E. DAVENPORT A CO V Cream of Tartar Peivtier, 13 irorn au?V3 op pnoo- pnazta aoicl RWAL EAK1NO PCVDZn CD., NZW YORK. '" ' i?'iif NOUFOLK & SOUTHERN I'AIL- ROAD COMPANY. IN EFFECT NOV. 12th. 1905. CURES CATARRH. If you have Catarrh, Hay fever, Aslhma, Dioucl ilis, Cold.-, etc., E. E M. Catarrli Cure will cine it Wend stamp for book -f wonderful cures. Thw remedy is the old reliable s andi-rd and ba-i made more curm than all other leindies combined. Adr-'H: K. E M. Catarrh Core Co.,, P. O. Box 541, Atlauta. Ga. Sl-o a,d. elsewhere. 11-7 a 4. c &m a-3 lf i w u frs i AND COIiS'THE LyCSilLVjemon: l Arnvii f'lvii-fiiii ' T0NSUKPTI0N Prico FDm S OUGHSand 50c&$1.)0 1 U iJOLDS Frso TriaS. 1 TRAIN SEDVICE. Belhaven daily (,6zcept Suoday) . . 'aahiu'tOLi .8:10 a ui ij moiuh 1 .. . .' ,9:ii a ui " 'lackey's i'ciry l'l:()0 a ui. Arrire JEJsiaoa 11:.''.5 u. ro. Leave 'f.peuton daily t-oscept 6uud -y) 7 i0 &. 1 1 8S a. ui 2 20 p. E3. Arrive l-jfeubeiii City daily "(ex cept Sniiday) 8 50 u.ro., 12 fc 3 20 p. iu. Arrive JDierfoik daily (oxcept Sun day). 10 t) a. iu. . -a ;0 & 5 10) p. m. Leave Ei!-uton daily azi, Kumlay 7:30 it. n:. and 2 '2i' p. m. Leave El."ii!vili City daily except Suiuhiy 8 -J 5 a. nil and 3 1 J p. iu. Arrive Nprfolk daily fcX.Sauday 10 10 a.m. and is Ij'l o m. SOOTJIBOUMD : ' Leave Ntrfuik daily (except Sunday", . . .8- 85. 11 55 a. m. & i 45 p. t-u. Arrive khz. Dii.v daily (except Sunday).,. It) '27 a m & 1 id 9, 0 S7 p. ru. Arrive JKdtiiton daily ("xc-pt Suuday) , . 11 25 a. m. & a -'0, 7 35 p. m. fjnav,e -Kdviiitou- daily (except Sunday); 2 30 p. m. Aiyiy Jjcbavf daily (exei-pt Si-:ndvy).i. 510 p. in. 12:30 p. m. Arrive I'lvnouio . ' 4:30 p. iu. ! Arrive Yoliit.gtn 5:45 p.m. Trams Nils. 1, iJ, 5 & G stop at all inter- k ittifhate fictions Connect t Norfolk with trains to and from Virginia Beach aud Currituck lirauch .1?; I V"W -rs.v'f-.- f T.IVCPV kj Surest and QinoeeBt Cure for ail In H LE3,. or MOUSY 33ACK. . - J Suld by eipruill k. 13 ro. Why 'Wear Dirty Clothes? L i fA mi vmvm When for a .mal outlay I will cl an , pifsa or dye them. n Making tbrm look ul- ; 1. new. of oleaini'g, ctyiu?aiid A. i pressing Ladies Fine ' S?T7 D'-cssea. STEAMBOAT SERVICE. Leave Edeaiou l:oO p. m , daily except Sunday, lor Scuppernoug liiver. S'eamer leiivm 13eUiivt 2 .'It) p. m. daily except Sunday for Ci'iental, New Ltlu, Wiliuiuglon, ilon-liead C'liy, :C. Steamers h ave lielhaveu 5 00 a, m. Tues day. Thursday uud Saturday fr Aurora, South Creek," .Vakley vilie, &,c. S'eamer lev.yes IlviiimHli daily (c-xeept Pnnilwy) 4:15 p. iu. for Windsor and Oubhia Kiver. i For further iifnrmalion p.pply to VV. 15. D.iveujx;rt, AgX Plymouth, or to the Gen eral Office of the N. & S. Ji. R. Co., fvor fo.k, Va. " M. W. Ji A GUI RE, G n tiui.t. M. K. KING, J IT. C. HCDGINS, Gerj'l Manager. Geu'l Ft.& I'ass Apt. Send your soiled Suit or PreKS to roe 12 13 I 100 r. a. A M 101 and save the cot of a iojn i us,) new-one. . uniei-K irom a uia- i.!l l Inrir'H Ri il ii5 1 wl . P m. ML A.l work puaranlet d to givf satihfaciion. . ( Saml. Wiggins, PLYMOUTH, N. C. hD. rv. Lvc. Arr. PMICO DlV'ISIOfl- Mnl-Uiy'i Tui i y )-!'uiciit)r i'iia' 'I (vil ael'.'r.'toii Msc!;i v't Ferry 1'ikn Kmid l'.isNip:rS raati-L'u Bel'.ihuii t An-. Lvi. . rr. J.VO. i No. t 6 2') 5 !W 4 00 2 40 P. M. "a 30 ; so a ;n a u r. a. No 7. 'j joa EVlivV .KiNp OF WORK t! AND iZE3 AND EVERY CLAbbi CI- bi.KVi. ASK ;:0H CUP. CStIAIATS BSFOIiE PLAC5NG YOUR ORDER. i1 jJBBES MACHINERY COMPANY COLUMBIA, S. C. Cures etiias Frewnta PoosEsoBla 35'HliCK.;":'' .'' B.ICIHL,- B.1ICK.: ! Haying inalled the latest improved machinery Air the uianafaetura . a brick I am now prejjarod to . furuisU building; laiick ih large or small lots, at Hwderate prices. The' material used is the iioest and the worK the best ' ho Inid. '"'Those intending to build houid vm& for sampler and prices before plactug: theii; orderw elc where. Transportation is good, lay Kilns being directly at r the junction , of the A, C. Lu" and Ni & S. Railroads. . 4. BB.IlVILl.iEY, i HOinb Vuv 'ou d actios 3B o5 !jenm puri no oAuq oav it5qAV 4 avou Anq oi o"uiui?Api5 -iaoi oj si ?i Jtwi '?atfi uoi iviHAv lsul avou n &l jinuoi T? uoa" qsiuanj uua ooi.id oinos ) dinb pps oq stiui osoi pnu 4joao soaitJ si uosuos eij A: 4i a" - 'mm:. - .-."-'? Vv- 'm A : ' By .3 -. 3 eJA-j S.7,T FT'fflR-'.?! maiyiy Eli fey yfl fe: ita f!H m kj'V? ' "A 1'- 4l3 Obstinate racking coughs that settle ca the lungs and may develop into Pneumonia over night are quickly cured by s ni ill , k Special Offer I Never before have we made fids low rate, but we u'o anxious to swell our subscription list tUis fall, antl tire wiping to p;ty for it. . Until Oct. 1st, wo will accept new suliscriptiops U Tub IIoanokb Ueacon at the Social IjOw Kates of $1.00 for 18 months, payable in advance. Tha leyului ptit'o is $1.00 per year in advance; 50c. for f Tiion;!;:'. ot a trial snlmcript ion of 3 inoHths for tie. V u'- m-u?hlt!r leads and likes the paper, so will YOTJ. Fill out this blank and mail To-Day. It soothes and heals the inflamed air passages, stops the cough, heals ard strengthens ths lungs. FQLEl'S V. O. Address AliD TAO contains no 'opiates or other harmful drugs, and is saf for children and delicate people. Remember the name FOLEY'S If33 TOR-and insist "'ng the genuine, as no ether rem j is so safe or as certain in results, ' Given Up to His With Croup." ! Mrs. P. S. Cordicr. of Manninirton. Kv.. writes: "My three-year old cirl had a severe case" ?f croup; the doctof said she could not iiv v i and 1 gave ner up iu uie. i wcui iu me owis uuu ui . ..uu. v j Foley' 3 IToney an4 fax. The first dose gaye quick relief and k j sayed her life," ' edy; p V. Whcii' soonrccovrX lloncy azxd I ' i of Prfprhnro- fFlaA . Timi.' writes? : t - r v- ' ' i ic vsy iron Part Tacipa I rot wet and caught a . , I aad h'.nfrs. I neglected it, thinlthig I would rJ - . . ;ik-f?or?c, until I bought a tottlq vi Foley's I Acuvcd r.;s coiplcvciy." Three sizes 25c, 50c, $1.00. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times a. l.ch thv .t- ill eiss and tha J1.00 bottle almost six times as much. S&S5Q Jw-il I .. : ; G. V. W. AUSB0N Plymouth. N. C. Dkau Sik: Enclose fiml ......w for subscription o "Tin" KoaHokff Beacon" for mcntlis us per your otter iibove. 'Yours respectfully, Xiiuie N. 1$. If yoa .ire a enbsciiber kindly liand 1m is to a neighbor, calling attentiow to this offer. V.'e than!; you in advance for any aud all interest shown iti bv hitlf of yo'ir home paper. Knttoa, , Ji. DAYKNrOli't & C(, Lt .-ntc Drn I