it f . lycHa E, htm r a TTTTirTrx 1 KAIN CU Jrk after Years of Experience, Advises Women in Regard to Their Health. Mrs. Martha Poll i man of 58 Chester Avenue, Kewark, N. J , who is a graduate Kurse- from the Xilookley Training School, At Philadelphia, and for years Chief Clinio Vurss at the, Philadelphia jSepital, writes the letter printed below. Mie has ihe ad vantag-e of personal jcperieuee, besides her jrofessional education, fend what sbu has to say ,a7 ba absolutely relied wpoa. Many other women are afflicted as she was.. They can regain health in the game way. It is prudent to heed such advice from ruch a source. Mrs. Pohlmaa writes: "I am firmly persuaded, Her eight yeM of x jwrlonoe wiih Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, that it III tho tafcst and beat medicine tor any Buffering wouiaa to " Immediately after my Marriage I found that ray kwdta bagaa to fail me. I be came weak and pale, with severe bearing-down pains, tearful backaches and fre quent diszyipella. The doctor prescribed for me, yet I did Hot improve. I would bloat after eating, and frequently become nauseated. I nod pains down" through my limbs so I could tardlT walk. It wa as bad a case of female trouble I hare ever known. Lydia E. Fin k ham's Vegetable Compound, however, ored me within four months. Since that time I have had occasion to recommend it to number of patients suffering from all tonus of female difficulties, and I find that while it is considered unprofessional to rec , maind a patent inedioiue, I can honestly fecommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, for I have found that it cures Ianiale ills, where all other medicine fails. It I a grand medicine for sick women." Money cannot buy such testimony as this merit alone can produce such rei cults, and the ablest specialists now Agree that Lydia E. PiDkharu's Vege table Compound is the most univer sally successful remedy for all female diseases known to medicine. When women are troubled with ir regular,' suppressed or painful periods, weakness, displacement or ulceration of the female organs, that ' bearing down feeling, inflammation, backache, bloating (or flatulence), general debili ty, indigestion, and nervous prostra tion, or are beset with such symptoms s dizziness, famtness, lassitude, exnta- Plakham's Yefctehle C33Ed &&xttis v4 Qtfeera FaB. FOR EMERGENCIES AT HOME And for the Stock on the Farm NOTHING EQUALS I h r aim rnmwrr IS m mi r m .ni w CABBAGE Purvis! CELERY Plants!. .'i.lAAA'i mil 111) tllKllfif ranlmnlln?, (Ill now filmWta all UnH. nf f C5VSV.'J p f"S- '?Ls,'s2 f'"t. ri-n lntii own tr xa.l lt ta-ul prat i-u!J. uraon f rom fw4KiS i j T j Ji..f ; w-t of th? ui-ki r t liahi wwlsraen, tup th! oaie plant ou ourSfeaWrtfl 4 ! V' ''tJf'-tA tuounntnl nr irurk f a'rn. P.aot vavcfull ? cunui-xl and broprlj pack- t&iSiM-! I t rK!ilrsAi 1"1 Itt rmtly lH of Pj I.ptniff, ni n n-l Berf plan f. nt S'-' iiift ' T'vCW tlu,,! or Rluce.JxprMM rai tiruiiii :,ul:li,wften ettuortva, ftWt'.! ;:3if:j 'tt&n&'l&&-!n 'v m Pr erDt- than UMfVce-tKuiM rt. Jhom: Small lout Sfi a SlSWiJ -1Q&yFC2&:'4& l.S pet ttiouaamt, larg tot S1.06 to I.iB ft tttoua 1. 1. O. It. Meg. Ly-rrf - Aijaejgtfejttjg gu". S. c Arlington White Spice Ctmumber Serd (ieiit irponn Ffty iffft ." " : tttt, S. Tb LDlltd state rlculturn Departinent "S'Sl ,..t.i.i,n.u,i c -p-rl" -"'-1 g-" - T'-im ti trut nil Irl nil feT;iiiirftfim f r-sble erefla!iy i abi ar.- 1 he rpult of ihD'P.mrrlnirni. w. win h i .u.,i ,n ieju M any time.-Yours renptctfulij.-X. M. it? BE6T of every thin? m ft. md the srreatJigt quantltlcsof every growing' thing can readily bo prc fiuOTdwith tho liberal use of Virginia Carolina Fertilizers, tojother wit'a eorsful cultivation. Tho matcrlalsof which they made, cs.u se then to c n ri'h the land, and the plants tocorae j up rapidly and more proJiis. Use S ! Virgin! -CarcIlna Fertilizers on your fruits and fruit-trees 5 ij of all kinds, corn, wheat and I i fill tracks. Fnr. uk hnrvAnt 1 tim.Toawm harothe largeati ' r j aorfie win "increase your . jfl y!e!4 per oro" &ni flneslT' ' 1 y t crops yon ever raised in all ( Tourfanalife. Doa'tbuythe I l iferlor substitute that anr i i Io,'tUlzerasntmay try toper- 1 : 4 euaae y mi to put on you r land. ? J mmitmAu co.f ! -i w., f.-'.-s..;.., emtfmsry, Alt., iu fs I r'"V'M'';.-,i.l,NTst.i'l ' t-lr T' P.iinl , Iiir Gr.iwir: rm fulfil ilff fsi'fhir llr, yrnws fltrnlifrit fciir . ist.'i i.ut ( i; j rrlj ttf.ctu rMrM !' r y i.. L II. jU.a' -i:r, S.J, ' -wjtJ? " t - , f.-.J J NUiiSE Siill- jt Wmanfepiiliil; bility, irritability, nervousness, sleep lessness, melancholy, "all-gone " enc " want-to-be-left-alone'' feelings, blues aud hopelessness, they should remem ber there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com pound at once removes such troubles. No other female medicine in the world has receired such widespread and unqualified endorsement. The needless suffering of women from diseases peculiar to their sex is terrible to see. The money which they pay to doctors who do not help them is an enormous waste. The pnln is cured and the mouey is saved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It is well for women who are ill to writ Mrs. Pnkham. at Lynni Mass. The present. Mrs. Pink ham sis the daugi.ter-in-tw of Lydia E. Pinkham, her assistant for many years before her decease, and for twenty - five years since her aqLriee has been freely given to sick women. In her great experi ence, which covers many years, she has probably had to deal with dozens of cases just like yours. Her advice is strictly confidential. " "lir'wf -'T"5 "' riiii- riirr n sr The Great Antiseptic Price, 25c, 50c. and $ 1 .00. Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, 615 Albany St., Boston, Mass. GUARANTEED TO CURE GRIP. BAD COLD, HEADACHE AKD NEURALGIA. J won't Mil Aatl-ertylBe to a dealer who won't rHe It. CaU for your MOSKT BACK. IF IT DOESN'T l'KK. J". T. Dimmer, M.D., Msiiufactiurer, Sjpi-ingjlld, M Bl.ITVH COMP4ST, ME(,ETTi. S. C- Cut Your Work in Two Atkins Saws cut not only wood, iron and other materials better than any, ether, bat they cut tvtrk. That is becauic they arc made of the best steel in the world by men that know how. Aticina Sir, Corn Rnivei, Perfection Flooi Scrper, etc , ire oU by all goed hitiwzie iealcrt. Catalogue en request. E C. ATKINS Wi CO. Inc. I-sreet Siw Manufacturer! is tie WorU Factory and Execusle Offices, Indienapolia B anchfs New York, Chicago, Minneaoolie Portland (Oregon), Seattle, Sn Franciaco ' Mestpbia, Atlanta and Toronto (Canada) Acwpt no subttltuts Insist on the Atklas Brand StXi BY GOOD DEALERS fM.TMWLRT So. 7-'06. CUBED Gives Quick Relief. ' E emovea 11 oweltiasr In Stow rt in jo to 6o dy. Trial trMtmeot ,4- 'ewenfree. Not hi n?ca a be fairer u rtna 5i at m ivrminvm waic "-9601011811. Bc B Atinta,6a, I ei tar fV wrt'.i e.f laiMna1 1 bothHIwi la Chnie. ( m et Canton Smsla. sl'.t w.irtit of I uism ml iJr ! w i.iniin ;iiuivn8 fre wiih fnty orctar. &.-i,OIAMJ'S tiEhD STOtiE. JilWIMOM. Ram Saved Man's Life. To be charged by an Infuriated bull and gored almost to. insensibility and afterward -to be rescued through. the interference of a ram Is tho remarka ble experience of John Michel, n farm hand employed on the farm of Mike Wallers, near Ecu ridge, Minn. Michel was milking the cows in tlie pasture lot-when a bull charged him, knocked him 'to the ground and furi ously attempted to gore him. Michel made desperate attempts to escape from the enraged animal and was nearly 'unconscious when a ram charged tho bull, with tho result that the latter turned 'Lis attention to the new foe and Michel succeeded in crawling through the, funce and es caping. The man is badly bruised and wounded, but no bones were broken and be will recover. Music Attracted Skunk. A Southwest Harbor man was play ing the violin in tho twilight recently when a sleek little skunk came danc ing upon the veranda and up to the door near which the musican was seat ed. Here the skunk apparently danced a jig to the tune of the music and when tho music ceased and the player reached lor his gun Mr. Skunk made his bow and. a hasty exit. Chicago Chronicle. Old Coin rtund in Leaves. .While raking leaves at Bethel, Vt.. Jtobrrt Curlier turned up a coin which proved to bo one of the old-fashioned large kind. The coin is very distinct and is of the issue of 1803. MUST LOOK THE PAKT. A lean and hungry beggar gent Can gat coin every time. But few will give a corpulent . And huDgry man a dime. A doctor advises people to "give their stomachs a nice vacation." It is tfcous'at. however, that only the man who hasn't the price of a meal will take this advice. Eight Logs from Spruce Tree. Frank E. Eddy recently cut a spruce tree at Townsend, Vt., the trunk of which was cut into eight logs. which together scaled 1,500 feet. Tavlor's Cherotee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullen is Nature's great resndj Cures CourHs, Colds. Croup and Consumption, and all throat and lung troubles. At drug gifts, 25c., 60c. and 1.00 per kettle. ' A woninn knows almost, as much about a railway time table ns a bach elor does about a baby. Curti Blond, Skin Troubles, Cancer, Blood J'oinon. (iventest Kloocl Puviflor free. If your blood is impure, thin, diseased, bot or full c f humors, it yon have blood poison, ennoer, earbiuie.'e. eating sores, scrofula, c-'sca, itchinnf. tblrf and lumps, scabby, ( i;nply skin, boiie pf.'rss, catarta, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. 1$. B.) accord ing to directions. Soon all sores heal, aches ami pai s stop, the blood i? rnde pure and rl?b, 1 avlntf the skin free fruiA every eruption, nnd giviug the rieb glow of perfe?t health to the skin. At the same time B. B. B. improves the digestion, cures dyspepsia, strengthens weak kidneys. Just the medicine for old people, as it gives them now, vigorous blood. Druggists, $1 per large bottle, with directions for home cure, hample freo and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. "Describe trouble and special free medical adviet also sect in sealed letter. B, U. B. is es pecially advised for ehronie, deep-stated cases of impure blood and skin dii';ase and cures after all else fails. A good woman U too jjootl for any man but fori una tely, she doesn't know it. BABY COVERED WITH SORES. Would Scratch and Tear the Fleah ta le.s Hands Were Tied "Would Have Died But For Culicura." , "My Jittie son, when about a year and a half old, began to have sores come out un his face. 1 had a physician treat him, but the sores grew worse. Then they be ta ?t to eomc on his amis, then on other parts oi hi? body, and then one came on hi cIk's'. than t!ie otliers. Then 1 tul another pliysician. Still he grew worse. At the end of about a year and a half of suffering he grew so bad I had to tie his hands in cloths at night to keep him from scratching the sores and tearing tlie flesh, lie got to be a mere skeleton, rnd was hardly able to walk. My aunt jH'ifed me to try Outicura Soap and Oint raent. I ent to the drug store and got a ah of the Soap. and t box of the Oint ment, nnd at the end of about two months the sores were all well, lie has ne7er had: S.ity sores oi'any kind since. He is now1! strong and heaithy, and 1 can sincerely say that only for your most wonderful remedies my precious child would have died from those tcrrjblo sores. Mrs. Eg bert Sheldon, K. F. 1). No. 1, Woodville, Conn., April :2, 1905." Shower of iessii never rA"ov sl'.'leii thi.i'ider. DEATH SEEMED NcAS. ITow It ('blcaj.-i Woman Found Ttelp Wlicn .Hope tVas fast leading: Away. Mrs. E. T. Gould, f.14 W. Lake 'St., Chicago, 111., s:iys: "Doan's Kidaey Til's are all that saved me Irom death by UrighCs Dis ease, that I know. I bad eye trouble, backache, catches -when lying abed or when bending over, was lan guid aud often dizzy and had sick hettdacliest and bear Jug down lains. Tho kid ney secretions were loo copious and frequent, ci.d very bad in appearauce. It was in 1 "03 that Doan's Kidney Tills helped in so quickly and cured me of these trou ,i!. .; and I've been well ever since." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a I jx, Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N, X. Wit- EX-WAY0R CRUMBO BECOMMENDS PE-RU-NA. ,i5" ' Kv . 'I "lily endorsement of Pe-rana is Based On Its Merits." . Ei. Crjrabo. 17-1). CKUMDO, ex-Mayor ofNew Al V. b;my, Ind., writes from 511 E. Oak street: , "My endorsement of Perum is based en its merits. j ; "If a man is sick he looW anxiously for sorcethinf which will cure him, and Peruna will do the work; "I know that it vrill cure eafarrh of the head or stomach, ndiestioti, headache and any vreary cr sick leel ingr. " "It is hound to help aayone, if used according to directioiis. ' ' t "1 also know dozens of irfen who speak in the highest terms of 1'eruna and liave yet to hear of any one beirij disappointed in it." Mr. Ciiunbo, in a later fetter, dated Aug. 25, 11)04, says: - "My health is good, nt present, but if 1 should have to take any more medicine i will fall back on 1'eruna." ; '. John White & Co LOUISVILLE, KY. K.tablUh.d 1S37 iK'nest market pries paid for raw FURS and Hides. WmI llMlM. So. 7-'06. TWINS WEIGHED THktEE POUNDS 1 ' Smallest Babies on Record in a New Orleans Hospital. In the Milliken hospital at New Or leans are a pair of. Wins which are probably the smallest Jiving twins In rbls section of the coiiutry, if not In the whole United Stated. Together they weigh less than three pounds, and though they are so Bmall that they can hardly-jbc seen in their 'ittle beds, they are thriving under the care of the sisters and nurses of the 'lospitai. . They arc boys, and, although only ?9 days old. they have already been lamed. In the"hosptial register their names are given as'Charles and Kol ner Morgan, and their address at No. 1207 Annette street. Now York Her ald. - i . Thief in Losing Transaction. A couple of weqks ago, some thief stole sis fine pullets from the barn of John Stockwell of Manchester, Vt., and substituted for them two roosters and a small hen."' A local newspaper gave tbe incident some notice and the pullets were mysteriously returned not, however, .'until the two roosters had been eaten up by Mr. Stockwell. No one has coma after the hen yet. Good Money From Small Flock. John Ealdinof Groton, Vt, ha3 a flock of ten sheep from which he re ceived an income of $72 the past sea son. Seven ewes raised eleven lambs, averaging nearly 100 pounds each when sold. ,fThe income from the sale of nine lambs and one wether was $42.25, this with the year's clip of wool made " the $72,:' besides adding two to the number of his flook. Horss 'Faithful to Duty. Expressman Reynolds of Putnam, Conn., own.'j an old horse which recent ly fell in, his 'stall and .was allowed to run loos around the yard for a day or two. Mr. Reynolds hitched up -his team, and old Major decided that it was his; duty to help, so he followed to the freight depot, where he. stood while the wagon was being loaded, and then followed behind all over the city. Peculiar Honolulu Stone. Honolulu has on exhibition a speci men of the iliili, or "stone that breeds." from Kau island. The na tive.! gay "that if the stone is placed in a glaas jar and wafer poured over it and the j;f' be corked for a couple of days the slone will reporduce itself in the form! of four or five saiailer stones. J f'it tl WE FREI3. ls going to be frea I 's one thins I cant . at l unh . " v. . V?S eaj' of fcer the American f f it i . y r ' :iOil deal of courage hot l "'i j 11 you have it. S a renovator of soil V a 10 food for stock, the cow pea is unsurpassed. est possible yield any given soil, a tion of Potash is necessary. fV 4 t t The best methods leading1 to certain success are, fully explained in the 65 -page illustrated book which we send free to farmers who write for it. It tells of -the. remarkable results attained with cow peas nourished upon Potash. Address, GEIIMAN HALT. WORXB. New York 3 STttBsau atrent. or Atlaatc; Os. 32'i So. Broad Street Burro Broke Up the Ball A. ball given at Paggett, Cal., in hon or of Mr. and Mrs. G. B.,IIart of Bars tow, who had just been married, was brolcen up by the appearance on the ballroom floor of a lanky desert burro, astride of which sat James Horgan, a? well known prospector. The upper strata of Daggett were present, the best musicians in fifty miles had been employed, and for three days the floor of the ballroom had been rubbed down with wax until every board shone like glass. In the middle of the dance, while sixty couples were gracefully giiding about, the door was suddenly thrown open and, with a genuine, desert whoop, in rode Horgan. The burro, ac customed to tread carefully along the steep declivities where a misstep meant death, picked its way almost to the center f the floor. The danc ers fell back amazed. Suddenly its legs slipped from un der the animal. Staggering to regain its footing it cut numerous grotesque antics, and finally turned almost a complete somersa,ult. By degrees it was assisted up, and Horgan disap peared, but the ball was not resumed. Twelve-Year-Old's First Deer. One of the happiest and proudest boy3 in Maine is 12-year-old Loyal Gil man of Manchester. The lad saw a big deer walking almost into the dooryard at home. He quietly went after his fa ther's rifle, tracked the deer to a near by field and dropped him at the first shot. No, Alonzoj a woman isn't neces sarily an artist because she paints. oxes 31 B 300 Boxes of Greenbachs For the most words made up from these letters Y - I - O .-'-Grapeut 3M people will earn these prizes Around the fireside or about the well lighted family reading tiifcle during tbe winter evenings the children and grown-ups can play with their wits and see bow many words can be mad 20 people ma kins the greatest nnu. ber of words will each receive a ,li ul box containing a $10.00 gold piece, JO people will each win one box con taining a $3 AX) gold piece. I00 people will each .win a box con taining $1.00 in paper money and one person who makes the highest number of words over all contestants will re ceive a box containing $100.00 in gold. It Is really a most fascinating bit of fun to take up the list evening nfter evening and see how many words can be added. A few rules are necessary for abso lute fair play. - Any word authorized by Webster's dictionary will be countedbut no name of person. Both tbe singular and plural can be used, as for instance "grape" and "grapes." The letters in "i'-I-O-Grape-Nms" may be repeated in the same word. Geographical . names authorized by Webster will be counted. Arrange the words ,in alphabetical classes, all those begining with A to together and those beginning with E to come under E. etc. When you are writing down the words leave some spaces in the A E ana other columns to fill in later as new words come to you. for they will spring into mind every evening-. It is almost certain that some con testants will tie with others. In such cases a prize ideutical in value and character with tbat offered in that class shall be awarded to each. Each one will be requested to send with the list of words a plainly written letter describing thj advantages of Grape Nuts, but the contestant is not required to purchase atpkg. These letters are not to contain poetry, or fancy flour-? is) ics. but simple, truthful statpmnfs of fact. For illustration: A person may nave experienced some incipient or chrouic alls traceable to unwise se lection of food that failed to give the body and brain the energy, health and power desired. Seeking . better condi tions a change Jn food is made and Grape-Nuts and cream need in place of the former diet Suppose one quits the meat, fried potatoes, starchy, sticky messes of half-cooked oats or wheat and cuts out the coffee. Try, say, for breakfast a bit of fruit, a dish of Grape-Nuts and cream, two soft-boiled eggs, a slice of hard toast and a cup of Postnm Food Coffee. Some amateur says: "A man would faint away on ttiit,' hut my dear friend we will put To get the iarg- of cow peas from plentiful applied: MEN WHO DO STRANGE THINGS.' Unique Feats Certified to by Truthful Traveling Men. A group of traveling men were di- . cussing unique feats and physical tricks that people here and there caa do. .-"I know a Chicagoan," said one, "who can whistle a tune and hum ita accompaniment at the same time. If whistles through a flat, not through the usual round hole, and the deef musical accompaniment together with the shrill sweetness of the whlst2 makes a mighty attractive thing to hear." v "I knew a barber," said the seconi drummer, "who had a unique way ot cracking nuts. lie would place a nut between the back of his head and a stone or brick wall, and then h would give himself a sharp rap on the forehad with his fist- The nuts woulif .crack open every time." ; V "A Manayuhk man," said the thi "can give his head a jerk that turns back his eyelids. He has to turn them down again with his fingers. This is an ugly featj and I'm glad it' Is rare. "I knew at school," said the fourti drummer, "a boy named Bucky Ad ams who could play tunes by snapping his fingers. The thumb and first two fingers of each hand would work away busily, and forth would come the clear est, sweetest, faintest music. I used to sit with Bucky tA.dams and many a te- . dious school session would he mak shorter and pleasanter with this odd gift." ' , With , some men an emergency is but another name for an opportunity. .or. dollars to your pennies that the noo hour will find a man on our breakfast huskier and with a stronger heart-beat and clearer working brain than he ever had on the old diet. . Suppose, if you have never really made a move for absolutely cle health that pushed you along each day with a spring in your step and a, v- serve vigor in muscle and brain that makes Uie doing of things a pleasure, you join tbe army of "plain old cornice sense" and start in now. -Then aftc.' you have been 2 or 3 weeks on.t" Grape-Nuts training you write a statX meat of bow you used to be and how! ; you are now," The simple facts wllMn-i tez-est others and surprise yourself We never publish names except on per mission, but we often tell the facts la the newspapers grid whjen requested give the names ty jvate letter. v There is plenty of time to get per sonal experience with Grape-Nuts audi write a sensible, truthful letter to b sent in the list of words, as the contest does not close until April 30th, lOOflC, So start in as soon as you like to build-1 ing "words, and start in using Grape-1 Nuts. Cut tiiis statement out arujl keep tbe letters Y-I-O-Grape-Nuts be fore you and wheu you write your let ter you will have some reason to writ on the subject "Why I Owe Grape Nuts." . Remember 331 1 persons win win prizes, which will be awarded In a ' exact and just manner as soon as tho list can be counted arter April 30th, UKXi. Every contestant will be sent a-printed list of names and addressee of winners on application in order to have proof that the prizes are sent aa agreed. The company is well known all over the world for absolute fidelity to its agreements and every single on, ' of the 331 winners may depend on re ceiving the prize won. Many persons might feel it useless t contest, but when one remembers th ' great number of prizes 3.1) the curiosity of seeing how many vord can really be made op evening after -evening and the good, natural fun and education in the competition. It teenws, worth the trial; there la no cost, nota- ; ing to lose and a fine opportunity f win one of the many poxes or gold c greenbacks. v We make the prediction that som, who win a prise of gold or greenback.., will also win baek health and strength worth more to them than a wagon full' of money prizes. There are no preliminaries, cot out. this statement and go at it, anl send, in the list and letter before Apr! 30th.. 4 1006, to Postnm Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich., and let your name anl address be p!aiay written. Gold

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