7 i - .I I . THE ROANOKE BEACON. Published Every Friday. Entered to the PogtOfflce at Plymouth N, C, as Ound elss matter. We appeal to every reader of Thb Roanoks Bsacom, to aid uk in making it au acceptable and P'ofltable medium of uewstoour citizen. Let lrmouth people aud the piblic know wnat is going ou in Plymouth. Kenort to tix all it emu of new the arrival and departure of friends, social aveuW, deaths, aorioua iliues, accidents, new buildings, new enterprises and improvement of whatever character, otunexiu burtiuess 'indeed anything ftud everything that would be of interest to our people. gabasriplion price, $1.00 per year. Advertisements inserted at low ravs. Obituary notices exceeding ten liu t, five cents a line. Count the words, allowing eight to the line, and end money with MS. for all in excels of ten lines. The editor will not be responsible for the views of correspondents. All articles for publication must be accouinanicd by the full name of toe writer. Correspondents are requested cot to write en but on side of the paper. All communications mutt be seut in by Thursday morning or tbey will not appear. Addrosa allsmmunicationsto THE liOANOKE BEACON, Plvraouth.N. C IXUSEAXDS SOLD BY WIYE.l. Instances In Which Women Have Disposed of Their Spouses. Daring the recent hearing of a case at Paddington Police Court, Bays the London Tit-Bits, it trans pired that the plaintiff had sold her husband, against whom she was now proceeding for using threatening language, to a woman to whom she had given an agreement "not to la any way hereafter molest the buyer or take any proceedings against her or Join her in any proceedings ia any court of law or equity." The document went on to stae: '"In the event of any broach of this agreement by me, I do hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and ad ministrators to pay the said pur chaser the sum of 500 as and for liquidated damages." Despite; this being duly signed and witnessed, the defendant's solicitor alleged that the wife had repented of the transaction end was taking proceedings for a Ju dicial separation. The summons was eventually dismissed. At Munich recently a woman sold her husband, a good looking ne'er-do-well, to a neighbor for a small sum of money, and was pleased enough with her bargain until, on a distant relative's death, he came into a considerable fortune. Then she at tempted to resume her marital rights, but was so effectually resisted by her es-husband's present possesor that she resolved to have recourse to the law's Intervention. To this end che consulted a lawyer, only to find that, through some technical Haw, her own marriage was Illegal and her claims on man and fortuna conse quently Invalid. For 100 francs a Parisian laun dress sold her husband, whose lazi ness and intemperance seemed incor rigible, to the proprietress of a rival establishment. Under the new re gime, however, the man wa3 com pelled to turn over a new leaf, and goon became such a model helpmate that his legal spouse began to regret the transaction, and made advances to regain possession. These the pur chaser recented, and, on intercepting a letter from the seller to her hus band, repaired to the former's house with a stick, which she wielded with euch v?or that the victim's cries reached the ears of a pascins police man, whor.a authoritative appcar anco alone imposed peace, i At Machester a few years pre viously a man named Price was sold In the market place by hi3 wife, who, to stimulate the bidding, first pro claimed his many accomplishment.!, whereof the wide range extended from bootmaking to fluta playing. This Admiral Crichton was the ob ject of a keen contest, and it was not until a guinea, a new dress and a pair of fowls had been bid that h3 was knocked down. Rheumatic Pains Quickly Relieved. The excruciating pains cbaritctfristie of rheumatism and sciatica are quickly re leived by applying Coftrnberliiiu'ti Pain Balm. The great pain releiving power of the liniment has been the surprise and de light of thousands of sufferers. Th quick: relief from pain which it affords is aloue worth many times its cost. For sale by all druggists " Chinese Porcet-sin. Chinamen have been exporting theii porcelain to the west for at least a thousand years, and probably longer. Mediaeval Europe could make nothing like porcelain, and therefore regarded it as a magical product endowed with uncanny powers. It was said, for in stance, that a porcelain cup would break if poison were poured into it. Travelers declared that porcelain was composed of various substances which, after fieing tempered, were hidden in the ground for age3 before being fit foi use. Even so erudite a man as Sii Thomas Browne, writing in the later eeventeenth century, was "not thor oughly resolved, concerning porcellane or china dishes, that according to com mon belief they are made of earth." The secret of the true Chinese porce lain waa first discovered in Europe a generation later by the German chem ist Bottger, the inventor of what ia now known as Dresden china. A dose of Pine-ule at bed time will usu ally releive baekacbe. before morning. These beantifiil little globules are soft IotiD coated end whm moistened and 'aced iu tbe mouth you can't keep from allowing them. Pine-ules contain neither nor a'cohol just gums and rc-ins ".incd from our own native pine forts, bined with other well known bladder, ny blood nd buefeftcbe remedies. to!d E. Davenrort aD" skile3 & KoD- Je 1 XiUlles and Macaroni. "Many persons believe nudles originated in Germany," says a New York Italian arm of the law. "but such Is not the case, for nudtos. macaroni, spraghetti and vermicelli are the same, only of different shapes and sizes. Nudles is a hand made preparation of the mountains, and nearly every Italian and German family in America makes it by hand. Italians never bake macaroni or paste in any form. The only way to eat It is boiled. In Italy the cooking of this dish is left to the head of the family, whether he be rich or poor. If he has the time. The paste 13 dropped into boiling water, and when done is drained in a colander. A pot roast gravy is made, .with lima brans, tomatoes and mushrooms addod Then a layer of macaroni is put in a platter and covered with the saueo. some Italian pepper and grated Pr.r mesan cheese; then another layer, and more sauce, pepper c!v.rPO. until the dish is filled. That makes an artistic dish. Careless people sim ply dump the macaroni into a deep dish, pour on all tha sauce, pepper and cheese and stir everything together." Human Blood Murks. A tale of horror was to!d by marks of humau blood iu the home ol J W illiams. a well known merchant of Hac, Ky He writes: "Twenty years nyo 1 hud sever.: hemorrhages of the lunt;!-, and waa near death when I bejran taking Dr Ki; -'s New Discovery It completely cured uic and I Lave remained well ever since." It cures IlemorrhaeH, Chronic. Coughs, ru-tiled Colds and Bronchitis, aud is the only kuown cure for eak Lungs Every bot tle guaranteed by Spruill & Bro. 50c aud $1 00. Tri.d bottle freo Keep your bowels regular by the use of Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablet;-. There is nothing belter. For Hale b all Druggest, CL-ckma!lc:-3 cf B-jd-cs1;. Budapest has a fjans cf blackmaile who opera' c much like the "li'ui. Hand" here, l e'tcra hive beaa r eeived by r.i-:iy well-to-do persona. : signed s.mly by the number "1J," a: ail demanding sunn of not less lh: 3500, and otteue.- still larrp. una rs threats cf dyr.cmitc in care cf rcfus. A grain or iwj .l e::pl :ivs nnt?rial inclosed with ins lo.ter cy way of saraple. I.O'.v t :". i. re Jls-iVetet;. In selecting t:;rich?s for raer.r..? erics or zoological jrar.lein. the swiTtcst are c.I'.osn; not because it will be necessary lor t.Lni to ran in tbeir new quarters, but becau-t swi'tness is a iron 1 indication o health and ro';,i-M;icfs. One of f hese-."jr'-uts visited a pen of ostriches in Af;iea. At his call two Sk'l: -i tll'iil '.r Is c:-me to him Dtfing desirous of te:; in,-; their speed, he urnuiKed uilh the ke.;;.er that they s'r.ojld run a rnc?: so he ca ressed the birds, and tho.-. ed them a hcr.dfal of tics, of w'.ieh tkey are very fond. Tbe ostriches were he 1 J while the visitor w. Iked to a certain dt italic a At a signal they wore set free, and be ran to r-'n for the r.v:-. The;, came bonndin;.? alor. at , ferri.'k tnte, taking tve!e or i'o:n'ttr:i feet at a stride. They inn neck and nee': for r-ore than half the distance, their winga working like rrnis an J making a great sound. Presently one drew ah-iad, and. looking behind, as a boy In a foot race might dr, to see where his rivr.l was, and fnTma; the otber one beaten, the winner slr.ckpned his pace and gently trotted up for the prize o? figd. Chamherluiw's Cough Hcmedy the Best and Most Popular. "Mothers buy it for eronpy children, rail road men buy it for isevere roughs hum . . .. . i t- . i . . emeriy peepie ouy 11 ir m sh.v Mnnre Bros., EldnD, Iowa. "W e hell uioie i of Chamberlain's Couh iienirdy timii uny i olher kind. It e-eenis to have taken the 1-e.d i over Keveral olher good brands." There Is no question but tbirf nirdieinn is the bit tkat eau be yjroenred for coughs bud colds, whether it be a child r an adult U,tU is hfflicted It always cure? and cures quick ly. Bold by all drugyisis A (successful caudidacy for LeHven is mord thau learning to look Ijke a corpke. Don't tie a cough or cold up in yonr fvs teui by taking a remedy it:at binds il.e bow Ik T-ike Keuned 's Luxativ iluix y and Tar It is difiVreiit frntu '.UI cd.er eolith syrups It is better It op-ns the bowels expels all cold from the sysU-ni, rtk-ives coutrliB, colds, croup, wimopmif c-ouh, ttc. An idriil remedy for ynuug and eld Child ren like it. Bold by P E Oavenpert Shipbuilding In Gernany. In 1901 the German shipyards turr.ee out 27S steamships of 210,!'9'J gvc ; rc:; isteied tons and 23G sailing ve::so:s o! 49,712 grcrs registered tons. At tr.e L- -Sinning of 1903 they had under (ob struction 152 steam vessels cf ?.Z.o?-' gross tens, cf which nine were men-of-war cf a total of G9,u40 tons. Tke pro duction for 1 90 1 includes 22 steamers and some sailng vessels, af about 2u,0uu tons ia all, built lor foreign account. I3 The Moon Inhabited. Science Las proven that the hvod ha-, an aiuiocphere, which makes lit iu home form possible ou that satellite; hut not for human beings, who h'lve a hard enough I'nie on this eailh of our; especially those who don't know that Electric Billets cure Headache, Biliousness, Malaria, Chi. Is and Fever, Jaundice, Dre-8ia, Dizz news. Torjiid Liver. Kiduey compla'nts, General Debility and Feita!" WeakneHses U". quai led : ; gencr.l Twnic at d Appeti.er for w,ak persons nod epecia;ly for the ;ed. It induces .:ind sle-p F.illy R'J r.t ,U c d bf Sproill &, Bro I'rioe oniy C')j Strange WeJditij: Custom. Among the Lo'os of Wetr. China it is customary for the !'.' on the wadding riorn to perch Ver self on the highest br: nch cl' a Inge tree, while the elder female tner.il.ers of her family cluster on t';e lower limbs, armed with sticks. When nil are duly sU-.tior.erl the lriVgio:n clambers ui the tree, artalle.l e,a al' sides by blows, pushes and piuehes from the dowagers, a -id H h? n:t un til he has broken thro :gh their IVnee pnd captured the bride thr.l he i: allowed to carry her olT. Ti'adcsir.c:! in .;;:".!. Some of the Japatnv.e t riid'-pr.'en in the smr.l-er tovr.s of Nipp-e. i have a curio. is way of adv'rihdag I'u;!; business. On tueir right iOiennu.s they tattoo r:ge:c:; - th: !''.u-v:ai.-cr :. shoe, the woceii ter en t'. butchor a e'.'.gr.-er. ihulfi ie'.:l h i emblem."? ;ir. such i:i.-.erii.; ioas ;;s "; do my work mo'-tH- and clier.ply.' and "I am a.s . .r. ! : t mv trade a; mor.l of my !'! lows; " When t '.". a n locking I.-- . ' v k t' : arms ;-;h1 v.r.'.k Ike s;:v-;s if ant he;rl ft: the y. The 11 : - ; .,: ' d - creed that in !!:t:r; ail e.-kl;:-!-- o the Ik;.: .ire nn-ri U:n l.a;u: k eh ; !C!'"! '- f!':- t'tekk'i .e;! ol" tV.t -.. ' : - i.: ' . r. -.l ;:; " - 1 . and ike: tk kaa 1 - i 1'; ': ': pk -! .re - .-.:': k- n a F)hl;er'ji '-;.:!: it: I " :ta-S i; t;ii:e ..f ';h -.e .- r. !!?' fe.vt".:. Tho giraf.'e the o.:! -:nk..: r.-hich ir. atiahle io s;a iai. 'iki- is v.. account o' it.; l;vv: n g.-k. Mee:g o. ei i'.nir.'.al :;n. ii p A to it, mnr,;;;.- iu :; eep a The most rational reieedv for Con.: lis and Colds is Kt-ar.idy's Laxative Horey and 'J sir It nets en the bowe't; ns e. n.'ild a thartie cxi'cirt a'l co.d from the syst m Cuts id! i b.'etr--! out cf ti e thvoet, re'eives ccuslia, cidd-;, croup, vben.ie conli. An ideal remedy for el-iildreu npnllv i"r(i for adidtK. s i d by P E Davenport A Co. V;,.,..:i. 1, A rev.- e::y:c.-:Yy id exi-h-rllr.?: in B.vnii-t i?:x tiuies as oiplcytvely a.; tk;: incxt j-.ovx'i fr.l cf n;i.,- vouhl-be riv.i! tc:K:cct:or.s. und has bee:i clu'is ifr.ed viorite. Tref. ebwllz and Mr. G.'k.irc r.ve :c:"-"0;i?-Llo i-r '-' exutc-nce aud '.;.'. a r.c-v." type cf nitrjus com ee::nd i"i ils n."ni:f" v.rz. Yi-hoii ccmbir.ed with saltpeter it is particul.-.iiy eoi:::i1 io-al ; it i:i not af fected ty fiiot'on cr Impact, by damp cr by frcst. When ignited hi t.ie open air visoi'ite floes iiot CAph-e, but b'.'.riis slowly. V.'crl-n '.vi!l be cntstructed be fore lor.;r at l.chr-c-.-tlie-Maiu J'cr ils raar.iiaeture. Exchange. eor a Weak Digestion. No irediciue c:in replace ftod but Clmm beriiiin's ttomach ae.d hiwr Trtbleta will help jou to digest your food. It ia not I be q iiiiiliiy of lord takeu that fjlves Rtr-ngtli and viuor to the tj stem, but tb Qiueunt digrstodiiud Rhsiuiilattd. If troubled with n weftk digcs.io". doe.'t fiiil to give ibefe Tob'eiH :i trial. Tbcusaie.ls bine been benefitted by tbcir nt Tbey only eest a quarter. Fur wule by ali DruK"st- r.vit- k, V' and I ' -. ?.. .? ,-' ''k -. , -. . . 0, '.V'''..1-;-V-.'!'Vi t Gsws Tasf slsss M11 T I U to stood the tost 25 yeers. Avcrags Arnxd Sales over Cne and a Hslf h ; bottle. Boss ihte record of Hisns asi&os! to you ? No Cere, Pay. 2Cc. k vlU, Endcscd vriih every bo'Jtle is a Ten Cer.tt pac'xss cf Grove's Black Roct. Lzver Jj f i, -: - kk k ' .' . y k .fcv t-f v?' v . ' : ii: . J- : v, ;1.-!Ci . .ti':. 'v.-j:. -. -'La-tw-- ,vJr.ii.-'2i ; --vt- V" : --.tit : l -itf-i-i-H--i" .HWT7 Sale of Land for Taxes. Pursuit to Law, I will kpII f.r the taxes HH.'f), which leiiisii'i uupi.id on the tirst Mmiday in May, PJ'i'J, the following rtal tiis tule : ri.YMOl.TIl TOWNSHIP (i. k liowoi:, IS." acrtu, home, J 4 'J Mis F. O. Mfl.s.ju, intiresl ia swhiuj) linirt, a .SO Mis Miiiy W'liulley, 'JO acres join V Moore, 31 .). T. M imlley, lliO ucrts, 1 on liulgu, 1 04 Diiniel liutcniau. honm, 1 58 Giizt'tle ItcasU'V', ) acre, jiin IJ. Howcott, Dl Ale:.'. How en, 5 acres. Peacock Swumo, CS I'liiliis Bunch, 5 acre., J T Norman UmJ 59 C'Ulof Uilliiiui ht ii-., J,t lot No 14, J 17 I.uiuu IlicUs, lucre, 175. 2 0-1 Aiartlia H llowcoit, 1 i.cru, j ;i u V. Jaiacs, 2 Sil l.fiili J.iius, tj aiMc, Jackson, yi Aluiy Ik Jones, J ucres. lunif, 1 7U IC ! 1 i r I.cc, (i acres, b.nno, 8 25 Alariah Lpc. Uiici,:, lijui.i, 1 7'J Alary Aloore, i.cie, Uriukicy, 35 Mary Mitchell, acre-, lune,-, 19 Kobeiin I'rtiifot-J. lot 4 80 Orecn lVtlifonl, 5 -10 J'tirviv heirs, 7 acrex, iSamlcrson, 51 Win Howard Snutli, 14 acre join Mc Luc, 173 A.ii'y IJ Siuilli. Jy (.ere, Jioine, 3 82 Kosana Mmcu, 1 acre, liouie, 1 73 Allen wift liciia, 50 acre-, liome, 152 Wilfy Tooclle, 5 acres, join y T J'neinai), 51 e larentjiie '1'owe, acre, Kit'emun, 2 91 J nines Walker, M acres, Iionn;, i 01 J. II. Viaiell, 5 aerei, lliaicll. SI M-;ii'y mills township. J. C Freeman, hwuinp, 0 54 A:i-,A. li. H elton, 00 home, 1050 e. .'. Alarrinur, 1 30 ('. r, liicliley, liome, Mackey VTerry, 2 0(9 Ii nious Banii'lit, (j 39 Ueoiru 13aiiib'.,l. 1.,. join Jno Newberry, 7 70 Lucy l liesfon, 7 acre J W' liayioia land, 1.1 1 liomas CoOi.i-, 8;, Jliu.ih 1 cwiiiii4, 5 acn s, j ) 11 Geo Mann, 140 Axie Lane, 85 acres, j-.iin flie.-.-on and ulhers, 3 43 1 alula Myers, tj acre, Maekey's I'eny, 10 A'.oses .Vyers, 'i " " " 20 Auu Aliller. 50 aces, Barney Miller, 1 57 Wiley Mcliae, 53 Lovy Ann tsiiip-oii, 0 s, join IF. J. Williams 72 Harriet WiPtou. 24J;,, juii. Dick llorion, 011 lliliab Woociley, 4,'i ueres, Horlon, 170 'j'llos hi'.e. 1 1-. Wuiren Siniili Land, 4.) acres join N. Alexan der and oilieis. G7 II. V. Norman, T J. Norman jilace, 8 0J W. J. JACK-ON, SLit-rilT I have a good, single, sconddi'tud spring wniiij, in pood imi.ini; oihr, tLivt 1 will M'il iit a b-trgain. Apply to E. Cahoux, .Skn.nersville, N. C VVAGHINGTON D. G. j ' I JW'e jirumptlv o! tfiin U. S. iuTleiB5 j ! I oVfiirilEWi I free rcnoii : i it '.Ui.;. i -i tr-t took hi tjO-'sf M V W U n&amMfr lo7 to sjeeinavp f '"Tfi "Q wvlU!: Pi 14 WVC Tif U RK3 W'-m kRm tl o hvjs n fids WVV f.ltrxcs Ycu Well A3I Over." Tfaoss pains are danger signals, warning you of a disease that inrcatcna t.:e entire system. Headaches, Pains, Bad Taste in the Mouth, that " No-Account" fsslin-- indicate that you need REMOVES THE PM,!f i- 9"incy' Mass -July 13. 1305. prCHr,,!rs:- 1 wa,s la,d ui hist Kovember with K.uNnivit isrnin my foct and ankles, i-.. t after taking fc.U0ti:.eS-oiRll(i,ln,a,d.e 1 ,iav' n,t been botherel f' ? t",cd,evcry d kind of liniment and was luuier two doctors, andal! I tried had the same re sult, until I pot Kheamacide. Now. I am pleased to oa it lias not beer necessary for me to take any moicme for Rneumatism since February last, fcveryhody that I reeommended it to has had the same results. Yours very truly . 3. RANAGAN. Managrer. (juincy Industrial Co-operative Society. rV i-'n V j'iiir ii KEPOllT OF THE CONDITION OP THE BlTVK OF PLYMOUTH, At Plj mouth, iu the state of North Carolina, ItKSOCRCKS. I.oaiiH and IMcounli, Uveremfts, Secured, -All otbe SteckH. Bonds ami Mortgagm, . Uni.king llom-e. Furniture and Kixtures, Due from Hanks and Bankers, Cusli Item.--, - -Ciold Coin, - Silver Coin, including all Minor Coin Curruncy, National Bank Notee and Other U. S. Notes, ToTal, LIABILITIES Cnpilal Slock, Snriilus Fund, - - . Undivided Profits. lo Cnrreut Expenses and Deposits subject to check, - Tot at., - Stntv of Xortli Curolitm, Vomit r of Washington, hh : I, Clarence Latham, Caoliier of the abovu-named Bunk, do solemnly swear that the at stacment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. CLARENOK LATHAM Onshiw Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 12th day of April, 1900, W. AI. BATES! AN. C. S. C. Our Clubbing Offer Until this notice tlistippears wo will give the following Cheap Club Kates: TLfi Konnoke Beacon and the Atlanta Constitution one year for ,$l 50 The Hopiioke Btaeon, tbo Atlanta Corsliiuliiui and tbe fciuuny South one year fyr 1 75 The Una'.oke Heacon aud tbe Thrice-A-Week New York World oue year for 1.50 And if you want tbe Best (kmxhinpt ;,-n to he bad for love or money, seed us only tU.oU at d we will tend you for one vear, Your Home IV.ner. tbe Tliricn-A-WWk I New Y'ork World, the Athuta CoiiKtitutirfu and t lie Suunv South Hix of tiis Lpt n.. peiH jmblislied eery w-ek, aud at less than nan ine cowl ui oue uauy. iiciuress 'I LIE liOANOKE BEACON, Plymouth, N. C. and TRADE-MARKS promptly obtnlni(l io mi couuiiKD, or no ice. oobttun PATENTS THAT PAY, advertise tUtm tlioi-oughly, at our expense, a.d help you to success. Send model, photo or sketch for FREE report on patentability. 20 years' practice. SUH- PASSING REFERENCES. For free Guide nook on l'rcfliable I'atunts vi ito to S03-S015 Sevoratlht Street. ,1-1 fie far ciildrcttj aafa, sum opiates EJ and TRADE-MARKS piomptly obminiid io t -fwt all comitmn. or iui 1.1. u.. ,,l.t..,., n . Pi RHEUMACIDE "Gets at the Joints from the Inside," and that is the reason it Cures aftsr all other remedies sweeps alJ the poisonous germs CAUSE OF THE PAIN. Cured 80-yaar-old Mrs. Mary Welborn. of High Point, N. C, after aha had suffered 20 year.. Cured Rev. J. R. Wheeler, 70 years old, a leadintf Methodist minister, of Reisterstown. Md. Cured John F. Eilne. of Balti more, after Johns Hopkins Hospital had Completely failed. Cured Jamea Wilkes, of mion, S. C, after he had been in bed three years and his lefts were drawn up against his back. Better get a bottle from your Druasist at once. Sample bottle and booklet FREE if you send 5 cents for postage. BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO., Proprietors, BALTIMORE. lere's Danger in Delay. at the Close of Business, April. 6th, lJ DOLLARS. 08.87 10,821.75 3C0.1J - 328.00 - ' 001.90 1,100.00 1.5468 DOLLARS 13,504.00 8,000.00 3,3.46 73.414,23 - 01,544. 6 Taxes Paid, - Correct-Attest: L. P. HORNTHAL, C. D. LOANE, W. C." AYKRS, Di recto t OTevcioDGaia THE WORLD ALMANAC and ENCYCLOPEDIA IS ON SA IjK ALL OVER THE UMTKD STATES. It is ti volume .'f nearly sevon litin ic(l pajics iind sells for 25c. Sent li)' mail for Hao. A Kefert'iice J3ook of unusual val ue, almost indispensable- to any man of liiiaintiss, r in the profession. It contains information on more thfiii 1,000 ti'.tiely topics and presents over 10.000 facts such as arise daily tor answering;. Kleciiou statistics, agricultural, tinuncial, educational, l'Milrouts, hipping-, etc., etc., through all tho list of topics whero new fi mures nre,, most vulnnble. Hi column a of index. Send for this ".Standard American Annual." Address THE WORLD, Pulitzer liuildihg, New York City. UtliyilRSITV COLLEGE CF fisSDICINLKKfi."- LI ECIGIR'E Ft iTISTw y PHBM A6Y f T lot'crn Laboratories ia charge of ipecialisti. yui?. system, tv penor Luuict. j; I liciisii'io teaching in our own Hospital. jf For ..'ctnilt .l:.:if,rr:-.viion,tvn!-THE PROCTOR. RUBBING DON'T GORE. 5 Rheumatism is an internal dis ease and requires an internal remedy. have failed. Rheumacide and acids out of the blood

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