.Hi: KOANOKE BEACON. PtobliMUwi Every Friday . atonal n the Pi.giO&ce at Plymouth N.C.as appeal te every reader of Th Koahokb SojOm, ta aid u in making tt au acceptable uud Stable miHliiiru of news to our citizen. Let i-Ounth people and the pabltc kuowwnati jgoutu PljruoutU. Report to n ali Ueinnof b ma arrival ana departure of friend, social It, deaths, aoiioua ihuei, accident, new Uinga, new euterprivci aud improvement of Tever character, change iu busiuesH indeed ing and every thing that would be of iutcren Jir poole. I rtpUoii price, $1.00 per year, Ifertlaeraents inserted at low r'-e. lituary notices exceeding ten lim ., live cents f. Count the word, allowing cfght to the line, lend inuuey with MS. for ail in excecs of ten .'. editor will not be re-pont ible for the views rrcpondent8. artic'ioc for publication must be Hcconmanicd e full namo of tne writer, respondents are requested not to writ en but d of the paper. icommanicationa must be sent in by Thursday ing or tbey will uot appear. ;'rsu all ;mmiimcations to THE UOANOKE BEACON, Plvinouth, N. O IE SILVER LINING OF THE CLOUD. le earthquake and lite which, two. weeks ago, practically de Lid the splendid city of San sisco, made one ot the greatest rophes so fur known in our ican history. The heart may grow chill with horror ut the record outlined again' ttie ened nuns of the once nroud a, great city of over 400.00U tin ruins; three hundred mil ollars worth of property des- I ; huge business houses, stately : buildings, handsome churches ohfxil I in i 111 I ii nra ii'i !! f-i ! rui. all froin.o down with tho a er dwelling with the exception fee in a small urban area; sev- undred. lives lost aud thous- f bodies maimed; and an iu e number of minds with de li reasons. - The cloud is iu- jark and spreads its smothering over both hemispheres. there is no cloud to which s not a silver lining. catastrophe has stined the f humanity iu every civilized uid it will beat with warmer hy for suffering. The mes- f sorrow which have come higland, France, Germany, d other countries prove that frt after all knows no national We needed something in our in life to quicken and make tader the national heait beat- the breasts of nearly eighty people. That heart was be- fossified ys it beat time to the tumultuous march of a great ward the ftltars of Mammon. Francisco horror has loos- e grasp of countless fingers cold insensate dollar and an angel of mercy to the an who in a few short hours jjhed the depths of misfoit ne fluttering of heartstrings jy the Yisioij of a rocking ity whose glory perished in and whose people Had been I loved ones, heme, and f pur, a glow in our whole pith, and our people will be npathetic and helpful for San Francisco's earthquake and fire. Wo have no doubt tlmt tlr God cou&ciousness, especially hi the heart of the Golden West, . will be more pronounced. The people out there iiad but a small place for God and j His Sou Jesus Christ. They are aj brave, proud, enterprising people, j i and soma of theui are a-s good people I as you find anywhere on t tie globe;! yet in the uiiin, they have tu n too eager for material su"vs to !i.s:en j long at a time, to the "still mall j voice." San Francisco 1 tt-e ! t was a J gay splendid Godless city T:i'! ; bath was di -regarded and . i.. .!.;-! tural command was reuTscd in prae- j tiee. It set its affections on things j on the earth and not. on things above, j The people of San Francisco and of ! the stricken towns will have a larger nlaee for God. No man can Iu;.: ! a the thund '.Tings ami see the iight niuirs of Sinai wi thorn aduiuing a more receptive attitude to tragic Calvary. "And after the earth quake, a lire: a ad after the lire, ;i still small voice.'' The proiul city by the Golden Gate has had the "eaithquaks"' and the "lil'e." .She will now have a more attentive ear for the '''siili small voice." Thou the city will rise from its ashes in renewed strength and great ness. It is easy to heleive th:r (iod made for a cii ; ti i iirrj.-oi -c . wiitr!., wjih ii ui'L .in., iii. is, over looks the great Pacific A decade from now the last sign of earthquake and fire will have vanished, and the new San Francisco will be the pride of America "To lift once more her towers ou high, Aud fret with spires the western uly, To tell that God is yet with us, Aud love is still miracaioua " Ka!ei"h Christian Advocate. H.'i'l'yJi '.'www mj ijjmo uii'w.ui imm.i Ml BK2 Em RHEUhIAGIDS goes right to the seat of the disease, sweeps most powerful of cleansing medicines, and at the same time regulates th liver, tones up tSic stomach and builds up the entire system. RHEUMACIDE is the only remedy that cures rheumatism to stay cured. MOST POWERFUL BLOOD PURIFIER $B WORLD 0 OBES DISEASE BY MWm THE CAUSE. RH EUM AG! D; hr.s cured 1'hnc:2n.r! cf csss ?tc?r zll Fcrca'S, c S;:, lr.i., cnznt r.20Q r:aich and b. un it 4 .,1 1 j0Cmms&yM i 4 Yi X mm mmm Wit f Ei-.v. lltviK,ri..)a;.- i.-rv-.i;-.:, rv'amicr:-;, r.irr lias ,n,!r.c5 R.-m a new wva W wmWy Aster Noted I?octors I-f.'!:. . wwi. S2iitv3s. L'Wiivt 1 i"??rc i;s c.T-:o euro.1, hv H 1 1 I." 7.T, -CI UK afti-r in :ci! No- - Voi.is' .;.-:a;-isis iiiii i.i!L-i. Mr. V. II, II j hc-s write;', from li-.ins. ','.. "l eer bottles cf K ' '. EL' NIACTDK Itave entirelv cured me ;' a I F.taii'.'i:ij care ui rhei.inat i;i,i ;..id pre at ly improved my ti.'iitrsl lie.iliii. i vv.i.s a total wreck, iia vuij; had i heu natism for twenty er.rs. I spent sev eral weeks and nuc'i itioik-v trvm spectaMstsia Now Yoik, but liHEU MACfDK is the only cure 1 have found. When I bt-an to uv.o it .1 weishea 1 10 pounds. Now I wsiijh liO pounds, niy normal weight. W. K. HUGHES. ' Samp bottle and booklet free iff you s-snd five cents for postage to uobbitt Chemical Sip3'aYs Prop',''"'s. Baltiniflre. START TO GET WELLTODAY Stlatica, NhnmaUeGout. Lent Lingo, Catarrh, Indigestion, Constipation, Kidney Troubl, V.m:t Diseases, La Crlsspe, Contagious flood Poison, All Blood Diseases. Postmaster Ilubbed. G. W. Foat5. lJostturtster at Iliverton, la , nearly lost Lis life aud was robbed of all comfort, accordiufi to Ids letter, wLicL 6ays: "For 20 years I Lad chronic livr complaint, which led to suuh a Nevre cihh ol jaundice tbat eveu njy finger miiils turucd yenow; wbdi my docior preneribed Elec tric Bitters; whicli cured rue ui:d liavw kept uiewell for eleven years." Sure care for Kiliousuess. Neuralgia, Weakness aud all Siouinoh, Liver, Kiduey and Bladder de rangements. A wonderful Touie. At Spiui'd & Bro. )() cents. Veight of Earth and Wttsr. A. cubic foot of earth vreisjJia alottt fv2 and a half times as much as ?.. citVc foot, of water. A cubic mile cf c.v.t'n weighs 25,1549,300,000 tons. Tho vcliu:v of us eart'a is 250,SSU,000,UG.i cubic miles. The weight of the world, with out its atmosphere, is 6,66C,23i,,UvtU',;'v, 009,000,000 tons. To add to this the writlnt cf the atmosphere gives a grai;d total of G,C66,255,819,Cv)0,0OU,O'j';,o0U tautf. South African War Gcaridai. ' One of the most recent discovers?:: nonncrticn with the British Smith .Afri can war stores scandal is that the arijiv authorites bought "one pound" ti;?.-? t i jam which weighed 12 ounces. Th;.s discovery was made when 1,330. 810 sur plus tins were sold at the end of tut war. Colors cf t:u- S;n. Sea colors are ono rally fir. stable, j Tho brautiff.l it-ca-planta that tempt ! us in th-? rock-r-cols r.loti;; tho shore h;;f thfir brilHaitcy when taken from the water. The dying dolphin shews till the co'ors of pearls or O'.sa.h-. C'.vr.-.int? ami poin.'t on his sitim-lt.crin- iii Ic. Tha sea itaoJf is chame leon like in its changing hues. One who has ever fat upon the shore and watched the colors coming and going u-on iis surface will find it hard to I r- -.. f. v"..:: or l r i r,ii ?.:; . . !- . ; - : : .i:.:r: i" '.: itv. ;:-r.:-.-. :n ttto-ively .: :.:-.';. '. r:.v.-c.ul oL any vcu:..-be (o.H:ot:i:.or.K, a;d has bot.r, chria icrite. rrcf. Schv.::-. and :.Ir. a: r i e. v '.".; v io f r it."- c;;i.--ence :'..'."' ?. rev i;'j o of ciu'vuo caru- i i t; -. :v4i:.u'. .ttf ure. ,;.'. -r.rd v.-i: b ccItiK-tr it is .l-.riy o-.talionaJ; it is not r.f- i;ict!C.;s v.t iirpact, ty arap ;. V'.'hr-a icr.r'tr.'l in tac cpa.i icr.te doc 3 :.ct c:-:plaIe. but burns KErOKT OF THE CONDITION OFTHB BANK OF PLYMOUTH, At Plymouth, in l!-:e rtate of North Carolina, at the Close of Business, April. 6ih, 190C. li" , I r; , , slowiy. vorha will he contracted be- a r.iie, urigni. jreuu inuicaios sarai fere lenn at I chr-c.i-the-l'.la mauufacLurc. lixcharsc. i.cr lea water, the lighter tha tint the mere shallow the depth. Dark blua water is a sign of great depth. But even blue water at a distance takes on a darit green brie. Careful observa tions have shown that even in the nc .,.,. (So ho jl on'.nv ta nn'. ' COtl-'ll SyVUp IT C'-)hl n-01 -( 1 i -.' lie(!!lllse it tint of greon. In or.r own experi ence we have observed that when the lead was thrown in mid ocean., where r.KSOVlU'KS. I.oui- uial ! if-coiuitfi, -(JvicrrJK, Sftiiri-d. .... All oil. er Mi fk, UoiuIl' iii'il Mortf;:is;(, J'uukiiig lietise. Kninit ure ami fixture. l)ue fri in Ranks ami Uu:k' Ta, Cn Ifenu, Cnill. - Silver Coin, including Minor Coin C'nriv.iiry, National Evoik Notes ami Oilwr U. S. Notes, ToTaj., liquid cold cure 0 r'h'lili en I hnr i id. a- . j ail-", leu-nilc-w, end e!" etiv.' s Ht-e's L,nxr.- ; tivt- ii cey and l'ir. Superior to a'l '.flu v I nets en the 1 owe' rif.e.?y fur . Ceiuh ! Li.Kii.iTi::.s ri)it!ii siotK, Mnpiiv? 1'iiiui, - ... I'udivi,, il Profits. Current E-,iones and Ta.-i-s !'.,M. 1). .'o. i;s subject to check, - Tot At , DOLLARS. 6C,7CC.8 Ct.87 2.900. 00 - 8,500.0') l(J,8'i4.T aao.i 338.09 GOt.06 1,100.00 5)1.544.68 DOLLAIW - IS, 600.00 3,000.00 .M0.4 73.4M.ae - 91.M4.M O.i.lL'hs, I'ohls, Cvevp. 1-or nnd all curb!" itO'g a nd broncljil r-'Ac- j ! fX.rth Cnrolhsn, Count r of Washington, a tioos in cMM nr sdnlt I J ! -r . t ? i r ti-h."-. L Chin nee LatliHin. Cashier of the above-named J!;ink, ilo solemnly nwear that the tbov the surface color was dark blue,.the , Soid lv P. E. Davenport ai.d whiles .-.n. sl3'l'l!11 1,1 is true to tlic hwt of my knowledge and bcMf phtnge revealed a flash of brilliant green in the opening water. 3 CLARE NO K LATHAM, Catkler. A .maintain I (old j do i'.reu'.cr 1 1. 1 cound not bt'irisj as ranch hiippincs to j Mrs Lr.r.'a Wi'.kio, of tj:oo!iiuj, Wi.-;. ;sl did one k'.'c L( x ( f Dark l-ri.'s At iiic':- ,".!v( wlien if cotiipieti-iy c ii'ej a rniitiin.; vf:r,. ,,, herlig which had tortured ). r 2o lor.. ypaivi. 'r'af;:!-t ant?-' ptio i-tai-r t pi;,; i ' , W rin Wounds, nrd woies. at. rciii Hruv' v Kucct-fP i- Dft in tin ci I'tay hi do n j pve..r ihiiir, hot hi repo-tied L'udeavora to .Subscribed and sworn tn before me, this ICtli I Correct-Atiest ; day of April, l'.:o;i. Vv. M. HATKM AN. f C. C. i L P. IIORN'TIIAL, C. II. LOAN 15, V.. C. AVKK8, Director. r orl tinatc a issoti it:::!?. 'VTica I wa- ii (1m:; . r., i.;v.v. in, j I . i 1 v' I'. IH 'W of ( t il V.-.- ' L !(.' el i:t v '-ii-i: 1 1. ne; ;; w i 0 ! Our Clubbing Offer. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tho Very Best. "I have been using Cliftmberlaln'p Conyh Remedy and want to say it. is the brst cough medicine I have ever taken " nays Geo L Chubb, a merchant of Harlan. Mich. There is no question about its being the best, fiS it w ill cure R cough or cold in less time than any other trfatr cut. It should ahvayfl be kept m the house ready for in LrTxsv li'tw iti 7:u'l".:?fi. A?i old i ihor !: fore1 ia ITS."' t:o:i;.ainecl . the k!iow- ina t:x 1 1 ';:?;:;: Any tidior who j::. -::::! a nr. it..: was us 'Je Fvnt to j :il !'cr two ! :.:. r:'a::ors i.:-mx wt :v .' ! r i . .'. ;.'i ! . . : : s lie:-. ' i !h- ;.; ;'..; 1 ':::n ;':'i-o::ht cen's a ; . iv..i:ii i.-j:o- .vr. ;o b. allow c.l t... cettf.5 i-.jr b.-:; .;:a.-i. A -ay !;;!;: ' ::'::'- .; to : io bz- :;..).:',; for :.::; t'.va v. s !. if ;.:r; r- -j ;. ! M.tiier it;-'.-.- ..e v a: to bo an:' t ):e :vc;; ..u :i who t Cfi ;;:-' W; : to bo sent to j. ra. e; a t .i -,. Jiilil this notice d i-anra'avs we ;"ituitii--i:ii-- ''kU'H ioi:;:i:!:!.t!.':, by J r : ... ., , ,, L ... Ku.Vs N.-vv L'iivcry. nod wesf ,J Wil1 V'' thl' liowill- ChCap btioug today. Oae was (rjiil dl hi:; i (JlflU iiUlt'S : l.i'OiiellV U!.d Ii.iiVe ta Any..::,,-e lii-.t iifur . Tin. knniuilm n.-onn q,..1 tlu A tin, to ' .il I1-I.li ("V. I ll ii'CU TV II ul.r,. :,, Iu !,,.,. 1 Ooustitntiou one year for &1.50 1l."n,"1'',,'j;,, do H" 1 r'1,r, 1)r ! Th.- Roanoke LVaoor., tho Atlantu :Vuu: s i-..v iJc.very as. le (;ons,U);lion ulld tna !-uni,y Poath ":i- ye.;r f.r 1 75 : i loeili.l ui".nci!f' :;i i -x!.1... ,r.-i' ' rnre . ti-!:(:! r. :i . I t'.iid fin.. .!..' Ti .-...if ii i n-f l ,... .., ,i'... ... V, r ' , : '.!'!a Jbi.-i'-dif Deacon and the Tlu-ice- ! 1 . 'i t in! :.. ::l : hi-::. CC Li.i., A-With N.-v,- Ymk "orld on-ycur i fcr 1.-30 I At.d if jou waut the Dtst Coiidiioation U'hen tv.o chnr-io-s fji.d a b.,np cf con- i l,:,n I,u K,v,i "r rn'uey, scu us oni.y A: A mm i)nir;Jiai-Jri. 7 mm J -14. - yrJis-y. O: t. -ntiou u.c:-.t. a ran-. I. e f-i: f h-i.S t!l: tfSi? ,50 U'. d vy will t.tnul voo for nt v sr, i : . : : 1 1; the .! :.).- L.iiii' Uon.e piiiii-r, too Tin icc-A-' e'-is .; : i vor:;i. u.c Atnvutt uonstiiutiou ; " " " i : i-'i t he S'urmy i'nur i. Kix -f tn-; best pi- - V..') m!;.U;: f "'iv kiod firm ' ). : s p-ibiif b-d eerv V,--CK, ..lid l.t -HS tliKll , f.c'n. !i;u-k; or any c;i .vai.is of i I d? l''-''' !...if the cost of outt daily. Add i ess oO" yuis ii 'A--.: Il ! i ry loiuiell.o - : J:r.iii5itvr':i J!o4.y uniaii- '. a in il.e m- j'ri-fi" eui ; t i v.; x.uv,: r c;-iits Tt a i.-i ! j'abtt is. 1' II Lavcti)ort " THL; K0A21OK11 l:i;.CON, Piyniiauh. K. C. D -ath from Appendicitis j decrease in tho fnm" ralin that the n of i atant use, for a cold can be cured in cinch ! Or. iunti's .mw I.ife I ins mcrr nK s. They rs ? nv r'.," i- o w (imp when nroHiDtlv treated For Kale fave jm trf tn cl.-Dcer and l'rinr q-iiek p.tid C'.Ci: 3 45x os-'Ai .l yiessXilciiJ .-C' uller From Kheuuiatisui ? ffer from rheumatism when one 1 of Cbaiiiberlain'B Paiu Balm 4 the pain? The quick relief IHnimfcnt affords makes rest and Ible, aud that aioae ia worth h its coat. MaDy who have rued ily for a ehort releif from snfTer een happily surprised to find -.while th relief became perma 1 V H Leggett of Yum Ynm, U. h. A., writes, "I am a great lux ibeumatinm. all over from , and Chamberlain's Pain Balm biotf that will releive the pain." dl draggists -an tbiaks that taking a lease I pew gives him a frcthold ou a lUeaven, cnit to releive blind, bleeding, rotrr, Jing piles with ManZii, e rttiiidy It is put np in col n with Dczzle, and may be in d applied t the seat of the s pain iustautly. Sold by P.P.. id t-kiles & Sou i by all druggist Enoiui'ic 3 3oit Koown Church. The name of St. George's, Hanover squiie, seems to be well kaown to every Ajnciican who comes to England, says the L,ondcn Chronicle, cot bo much because it is tho fashionable "ciarrmge church" in this country, aj because President Koosevelt was mar ried in it. A few years back an Amer ican dropped into the vestry and looked up the marriage register, ia which, un dsr the date cf Dec. 2, 1SS6, he found the signature of "Ihcadure Itcoscvdt, 28, widower, ranchman," and that of "Edith Keimit Co.row." Till tue-n even the clerk, J. Moicey, did not know that the American President's signature was in the bech. A dose of Pine-iile at bed time will Usu ally releive bach.uhe, be'ere morning. Thes beautiful little globule are soft gtlatiue coated aud when moihtenf d r ndl placed iu ihe mouth you can't keep from Bwallowirij ttieni. Pine-nlcs eenlaiu uiithtr htitBr cor alcohol just gums and resins btaincd frocn our ovn native jdnn for-ts, combined wiih other well known bl.i-lder, kidney blood and backache remedieH. J"okl by P. E. Davenport uud Skilts & fc'on. je I painless rUi'so frcra Cf iiSti),f ti.,n (.,,, th,. i T , . . , , , 1.1 crow iuc of it. fctreruahand vk-or 1 have a go"' sll-le cond-hat.-d alwavR follow tbf-ir oe. Gtir.rai.tetd bv ' sl,rag vagon, sa good runi.iug ord.-r, Spr'MlPA Bro's. LTc. 'Irydn Li. Proccis cf Ii::rdc;in;c Woo:'. Considerable ia Merest has been aroused by the announcement, as the result of a prolonged series of ex periments, of a method of so treating timber as to secure even from soft wood a largely incrrased toughness and hardness. The treatment to which the timber is subjected is, roughly speaking, that of saturation ct boiling point with a solution of sugar, the water bring afterwards evaporated at a high temperature. The result is to leave the pores and interstices of the wood filed in with solid matter, and the timber vulcan ized, preserved and sca.-:o;;hd. that I will well at a bargain. Apply to lb i'. Ca:-:oot, Kkinrieiwille, N. C. n. -s- j We pr-jriuih- obtain ft. ami Foreign IB o Vae bp Est rg&i 1 -s.Mi.i model, b:'jt.-j!i e - i ! ' u if iavr-i.tioB lor i fr.-c r-p irt c. pi1 y :.t.'.f.i tit :v. tc.r :iee cooi ' 'I'ftt-cnui-.d f fill' . J!, !A;l to ii a . :i m v, a ir-i i j .i EL' 7 ft '..ii V 5. "! !1 L. ft ff& M V,'K ft'tC M 'A y tJ m i' & V,T. 5 fi-r,- Opposite U. S. Patent Office; 5 A'AS!'t!NGTON D. G. THE WORLD ALMANAC and EH CYCLOPEDIA IS ON SALE ALL OVER THE U-NITED STATES. It is n volume f nearly seven hun dred liases aud eells for '45c. Sent ' 1 il r.... -K i i and TRAnF.H4RKR i.roiiinilv ubiuined '3 i '-'J OI .'tJi. . a all count; or no U-o. Ve ouuuu PATENTS J.J A Llel'd'eilCe Book of HllVfSUal Tal- j THAT PAY, advertise ttiem thoroughly, at our jA , . , , . ' M expense, and Ae!p you to suecesy. Cj j IIP, iUHlCi't M(l I SpeilRaule tO HDJ VUtklX ' S JVZ:, ImfT'""'! jof business, or in the professions. ,j, , ... ....... .. i r-i - -, l ,, , . , . it contains niiormaiion on mor than 1,000 timely topics and present over 10,000 facts such as arise daily for answering. Election statistics, agricultural,, financial, educational, railroads, shipping, etc., etc., through all the list of topics where new figures are most valuable. .'U columns of index. Send for this "Standard American Annual." Address THE WORLD, Pulitzer Uuildihg, New York City. Bo(.k on rrnfltuWe I'Ht-.nts write to ij m 503-503 Seventh Street, ti VASHI NGTON, O. C3 G. U or children safe, cure .Vo oplatea Ar-rf Sa!e2 over a Hslf M:oa fflVEeT?' 00LLE0E H feaUl's. Does this record cf s:er2t to you ? No Cisrc, r.:o Pay. EncJciii wiih every Isttttio is a Tea Ccaf peclas breve's ic Aaci. ivto- JJ B.i;ff pf-JS? RICHMOND Wi' li:aaSI 5C4 8b-llra VIRGINIA. s rf?rr!CtKt;;-tnTi:TrY-?;tflR3;AeY I f M'J'-:m Labt -.-rLs ui chnrgs of snccialbts. I I.SySit P,;'-e.-!C.vCLnks. 6 t i.-Bn.ae te:..r. in our own Hospital. J rr 4tr .1 i-f-irm: tion, wri'--s TIR PROCTDB

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