'" h,a. "' ' "' m 'S ' V. TllR KOANOKU BEACON. ijj ta ,yVv 'W..v.-fr-V: ... Published Every Friday, . . Catered in the Poll Office at Plymouth IS, C, as S-LI1.,1 AtU'. .'-.-. . - 1 1 il X -'U1. -1 W appeal to eery reader of Tmj Koanokb JIsacOn, to aid uo in m&kiug it au acceptable and mrofltabU medium of news to our citizen. Let Plymouth people and the public knov want U going on ia Plj month. 'Report to n all lu-m;j of nw the arrival and departure of f fiends, social veut, deaths, xorious llmeps, aocldeut. new ttalidlagg, tiew enterprises und improvements f whatever character, cnmitfe. in busiues indeed anything and everything that would be of interest to our people. !cui;iors to. &rw:. 5", .'hods- Aclc-jr; f-y ". , Syt'r.iu'i- :us! Writ.' ncta.Vrs tr.ay have .;' O many ersoas while -an: 1; ea: a He oralora Inehah d--have a ! r of loln; soreothine; wfcp-h ;;. --i s f.:i vmac.'O'intali! v. ;;y tn ha flo-v of o. i!:;. v i' v. - ' F.b 'aa 0-:mmwmmw" rubbing ' . . i: . -, ' - . I , , v,. 1 , 1 y.-"v 4- .. : I.'; t.. -i 4 C ft I- "vl,, ;'.. A U 'nI B H7 Hubfertpiion price, $1.00 per year. Advertisements inserted at low rsvs. Obituary notices txceedini? teu liui j, five ceutn Aline. Count the words, allowing eight to tli line, und Beud money with MS. for ail in exces-s of ten tines. The editor will not be renponsib!e for the views of ccrrepoudeutg,. I All article for publication must be accomuar.ied I t by the full name of tne writer. I 1 Correspondents are requested not to write on but J pne eide of the paper. ... All communications must be cnt in by 'i'lusrsday 1 morning or they wiil not appear. A rldrnaa kI 1 .".mniitnications to : 'I lia liUANUKE UliAl UW, n! f Plvmoutb.N. 0 DON'T CUR BEVe MR. KIRTON'S VIEVS ..:r!c::icn at :.n ajro wlion Kurt '!.'.';; ,;;Y ii i i't- . i.ii.i .. : i n 1. 1 , 'Pft tn lrlitAr H ii mv nnviin?!' -.vvc:i by c!::KI:e:i nut yet in tlioi: v v. . .w ...j j X if possible, ia this cuniaiunicutioii lo emphasize the una imputed claims which a newspaper had upon the pa TY2 tiititi ifrv iti wliii'ii it !.;:mrl It II IJI b I 111 ,,il.VllV.VlJ'J.VV' - . . ... , ,, J Ti . i i:n5..!l t r, ,.n 1.1m 1 l u. lmn IS not a private concern, dealing with 1 itclnrje "r protrudins; piV v;nl. VmiZ-"!. the eri.flt pile rf-nurty it is P'-'- "I n "'t- or I a .-nr. r,. I .1 v i v. 'y' vf.i. Rheumatism 13 an internal dis- rcqjjsres an internal remedy. 'Gets at the Joint from '.i vr;SlS' IvA-; V.S''" ' tho Efise," ad that is the reason it Cures ; '::'1-"--d;:X r-rfer I'll ot?icr rcu-ndlics have failed. . Rheumacide 41 sweeps cm the pc2f.crous geriss and acids out of the blood nnl v:ii We?I A?l Over." Thr:- pchis arc danger signals, warning you of a disease that 1)vc.c::j. the ciriic sysfr;. Mccciriche.s PcEiis, Ccd Tasie in tlie Mouth, that "No-Account" i.li.-xJZ k.a x-t !10-J 0 J7 k ik i !i 'a V.i"' V .Tli 5 li 1. li ::rr.n CAUSE OF THE PAIN. l ; !-iy l . I; a , i ii : -I" -viih i i ' rr., ' ;j wile. bias interests, but it is a property ot the whole community, in which ev ery one shaies alike. And it is a generally conceded fact that every town has been dependent to a large extent for its growth and prosperity lipon the loGal paper. I have never known a town to progress materially or otherwise without the leadership of. an up-to-date, wide-awake news papeiVv The intelligent paper stands for the churches, the schools and the business interests of the commu nity. Society has a social function und the paper is not unmindful of that fact. Of course the public reserves the right to demand that the paper shall be perfectly fair to every citizen. The editor has a right to the color of his own individuality, to his opin ions in Jijs editorials; but he has no right and no inclination to suppress the news, in which the public fttls in interest. But I wish to say that io newspaper can be a success with- Jjut the co-operation of the people in he community in which it is pub- ished. Therefore every merchant hoald advertise his goods; people enerally trade with merchants who Mvertise. Every citizen should give lnufiblf tubes- with v.c.zh-, mid may h- in trodnctd and applied t:t tb Rft of Mi? trouble. Stops pain instantly. Sold by P.T5 Davenport and i-kils & Son jV -:,'- I t ri- i .-very !.! i.'ii.j vi ' .'tiiu w::.-; t'ii'.v.- two ,.ool-.ir-.. ;.r.i: .:' ! ir!;',- n u! I'm' s.t :'.)? -o-r-u.i, :'( :i I , u K !... n; ..!'.'. Aow, i ;::n :;: im1 ii '..i'.'. it h.v- iii-i hv.r ihvin'mIiv ro- !;.' t i.'Uc .-ji.v ; 2cii":u:? for M.i.-r in ;t s :nc ;'.;.. :rv I i . l-.'v.TyiH-t'v that i ivTrMniiiofi.io'J it y lu:., had t!.j f-iuuc itsatts. YiVi.'s ii.'r1 iriiiv. !'. K.-.N'AGlN'. Itjrawr, Ouincy Jnuusf-i 1 Co-u-.'. alPv Society. y-c-i e0-y;as--o: s.-Trs. "2ry -!!bor.n, cf High Point, N. C, after she f-- sviici-o-J ?? y-ars. Curse! Rev. J. M. WhccJcr. 70 years old. a leading i-.i -i-ix rr.,r-r;c- zf f.i:',!iv3ii)wn. Hd. Cured John P. Ellne, ot Balti ; l?.'1' -:- ,l ,: v'iirta .-i-.-spilal had completely failed. Cured James !,....;..;, ji U..1S.-J, -. . i., asici iic i:stj besn iis bsd three years end his legs "vyjiT.-, t .y.;- . I . : .'; BiU'.r RRfc a bottls from your DruCCIst .u if yu send 5 cents for postage. IrODSITF GKMICAL CO., Proprietors, BALTIMORE. 'i'r. yv .. .. ,' ''in .jV'V--i' 'V,-. ; .'A. ',: " " p.Ar.iiriZD m?i rrrcr.1! caveg. r.cp!r.ccs Air cf KI'i Altitude: Tr.atn:cr:t cf Cir.Eumptjon. In t::;- a 1 i;-:rotoicie, vU-tlais of pi-'nonnry eer-pj.iint-i have been obliged to nr-iko irt-or.verient joer::cys io the liilier J 5 it If.; Its ia Sf?.:va cf the pure ivire- i f.-rl air which is known to bo so b--n- -e::al to tlit'ia, bx-t this is no hs'-iiTc-r j ; ;l nf:'o:-.:,"iry. It has boon tMseownxl tn.n'c ; ti r.:v f i o:n Ifpo Uc-n.-' cavej In.s ad j Cio eliAi-actcristlc; :!' tha.t (f tlu j nioi:r.tai:.s. lii;.--, (.,.- .nvery j - been mada use of In the lc.wtion of a sanitarium r.oa: e::o cf then) cts, and the air for th-a ins: itiiticn ia sup plied frcra the i:.H1.er:-,rou::d c:iv. rr.s. This ejfab!ishmont is at Lir.T.y, Va., a;:d the syEter.-. cf vcnl list ion is cr- raascd so that each room get3 its ovva , supply direct from the cave. The air ' cf iY.".q caverns is of a very uniform j ';; 1 teaiiK-rature and rem-irka-biy pi'.!-? and j 'vi:-'y free from all ccr;ns rvA da::: pn.1 Wfs. j " In the warmest -.v.-Alhcr the dcor.-- ani j T.'ir:t;ov.-? of thlj in.3t:rt;tion ar? k'.:;t j clorcd. aad a comfort ah 1-e tf..-.ipf.-.i'.;ire , '' ; cf Eevr.t.y-f:ve (!e'T-s I :n--.!:t'.':-.;o'.?. , in fpitf of o:n of nine;; or v.'ivo en- j t. ccuutcrcJ ci.Uide. '. ', G ; .1 a V s v i ;"i 3 . . p 5 - S.i ti. ic of area: ra'e i-.cw eein;: ; .jiil.-eiy i.xado .! A V... . is-:', -tail r ia Ua-rl'iy; cut v..:xi ia;.' 1 i .oi'-'-.a n.d, ti.'1 j . I . . t x c y. i aro ..aan-v.-.-d havi;:., :::c : : r .L : : .!:.:!. ; : ;; - . a-.;!, ',, ha. b a :. '. . : iv i 1 i 1 a .:. -a : i TOUT OF THE CONDITION OF THE At r';y?ao!i:li. in iVe :'t it of ;.'orUi Camlina, at the Close of Bnsiucsn, April. Gth, 1906. I ii.' -Hoi !a'i:s. .1 1 r i : a A i! ,is l.ri S! i i: -. ruMir '!!(? M 1 :y :;. J;::; i. i '): ;;;, s. i in'i; uri- ini ! I..: ,ii I'n;' :'i .!., una 1 at: :: -t, C'!i:ll 1 1.'.'lll.-, 'nhicViM!, - .'ii-. Co. 11. i!'.''',iiii;:;: nil Minor '"oin Cnrrniicy, .mk ,has in;;! c i 3 1 r U. S. Noli-, i !' i . ' ; ; r ! 1 i : T ft; V- .- i i , ',:.! (.f,:a (: i")t, '!!::n.i'--- , tiv.- Ii y i-.i ii f . i ' ( 1 1 '.v;a:.- in '. si lie: bov.'i.-'rt r j j.; i"i v' ;, Co'd-, th i a: !', a ! .i a i it: ! !!! Id?- ! i'.r h iii! ? foi s io c' -eh a .i'l by i V:. l... ; ! J L ia.1. ;;;!.rn::s !'!'.;::. ! --s i'sn-iiii Kx-ii'iiM'i. :uid T.:i:t:s I'M, . '"' j' t.-' : cUi ri;, - 'i'OI'Al, - DOLLARS. tC,;ti.98 iia.sr 2.C00.0D - 3.500.00 16,884.75 300.12 - 328.04) (101.90 1,100.00 01.544.C8 DOLLAJi 13,bOi.OO 3,000.00 73,414.J - 91,544.68 -a-- ,( 'f :.':rii' V.nrclhii:, l'ittn1 r of Wash i 1 1 uton , h: : ' r.Hr. i.i I." !t ';. -'.-i.iT of I he vi -niinu'd Hank, do .I'lli'tniily sivour that the above . in is T' iv to li;.' -Ai .. my k:riu li-iji;-, ami l.-clii'f. CLAREXCK LATHAM, Caihiur. : .1; ; f ill ;;!i.l mv,,i ; 1m hvlVtv !:ie, tl.i- ' '-'orroct-Attcst : :' A' '!. a a. I L. T. nOR.VTIIAL, xv. :a. :i.t:-:m.n, c. s. ( C 1). LOANK, W. t AVKItS, Diructo rt. 1 the paper every item of news that e has in his possession. Ii there is fiything of interest, whether we ap i'ove of it or not, let us not forget (iat there are many other people lith as much sense as we have, who I h not think as we do. i There is a fine agricultural eoun- y backing up this town, and there 1' !no reason why Williaui-iioti should t ,be a modern little city in a few rostnsastei- lioiroi'd. G. W. Fo.;ts. ro-tmn:-iter at jlivn ton. i , , Ia , nearly lost bis life and was robbed t '. -' all comfoit, nccordir.jj tn 1 is letlf-r, wlaci: : U'in,l !:'. "o nays: ''For '() years 1 had chronic liv-i-iVr-, I m ' V complaiot, which i. i to sncb a R"vi.-r "a.e ! 'l. r: -j: b ot j iund tuft that even my litmer iii-M ; i !)). ; i v. i,. yellow; whe-n my ?ocior pre-'-iiti.-d J-'a. c. i ;.r V l ;e trie Bitter--; wbirh cured in- art'. ! :v k- t ' v . (w me well for eleven ytars." Suiv- our-d'or ; V uns :-.i.d Diiious icss. Keu-n!cii, V.'cdoitr'-s and .-.!, : Sionmcb. Liver, Kidney and i nhl-v ih - ' ranixenient-. A w o n d u r l u 1 Toiii-.'. At Spiui'.l & Uio. el) Cent. C ayia cf ;,.!d j !'; ;;, -rh !:-n-re.-.-: ' f Oir,:. !;-'.' " . . y., I ia, !-.: i.v - :-. , o J a '::;:)'!: . . ; d ' '.'-' i; '. ! b ) !'; ' ' a : - - ..' . i V ! s. ..t ;' jn it.:; c: 1 ;;'. i : i'y;, a;; i, i:: j ' f: v .j ;-. : a . I"-' --.: tho h: i . : . : : iiya la a novel xvay. ". ;. -y . r. I ha '.laeo of candlss, : a 1 , ! ariiliaiit hglu, not liai.:-' ; ... it oat by the win ah .' '. -h :.;s for aboat fn'teca mla.,. 1 T f it: r, :i n- iff 'iii iii' ; . i se tiio I: . t 1 1 . . iii na i i - : o.r-""i ! ae.ai and the Atlanta I:diov.'i!ig Cheap .-i! a the ! ; i any r.nri "ay: a : :.yy i a . : ' . ; : rt . ' a . ! ' '.' : ". f.y : . ; a to a . t lye ha ... ; h ' .' '.a . cnt of ! h a y i; 'a, ;, -a; c ha' oh h: 37 ail, I c.i a that a aa vx, : th ; the other h; hi.d the distil;. be in a; ctctr'.-mcly r.n-oaa m-j;:. a Gy.rrod had boar hal a la - ' ; -ia rra.reh o' ".v.!s that ;ia i . to ha on 1'oard and while va.hia;, Ih the Ihaaeie fa h"iae; thrti ;-a ire' the r.oid Vi era; to at reay a- ah;; a hrs.' Let U3 all support our news-1 thixt x . re in a ha-ha; oy, d T her, attend our churches and stand f.", : "!Kl-1 ' ' V V,' S-OUr Echools. a aha! v sab' tara.e, which, on eyy.y? inln.ir teoro cicely, ho foaad y. ! oyiatn. Other kiitcxu on i .yi hy t . ! ' ' a U'hy Suffer From Uheumatisin ? i'hy Buffer from rheumatism when one cation of Cbamberlnin's Pain Uaini Ireleive lie paiu ? The quick l t lief h this liniment uflVrds makta rest Kurt .) possible, and that aioue is worth Iv tiiiieu it" otjst. Mnny who have rued jping only for a short releif from suffer- Chamberlain's Cono.li Kemedy toe jliave ueen um'yuy nurpiiheu io und i y , l,,-i T also foe;; treated in a ein.ha nor, f-o that the..' va-re the ra coiieaa'inj,- a fr.iily U-.rj.c; q; .:: the drae:. The o nor of che j.. coavlatcd. Death from Apeendiciti.-i (hcre:se in the -aii- i-e. Unit t : e. n of Pi", iiiees f i.-i laft' Fill.-, lia.-yi-n-es. Tiicy fiiVi' on fa la chi e- er . rr, .s ci .a-j: v y,,) pa:iii S !'. h-t. hi: frt.lil C i '. j fin n . ,! the ills j-rowii' c at of it. hti. l ;a ,J iU(.j alwaya foi'-v. ih-irue. f i,d bv hartal! iv Deih. hhy J Viri h!::i ! e M issou l inn. i i "XVh'a: I v.;s :i (h iiyo, t, ti! hi"', h:,1 ','' v ii,R hi J ! .' . . r, em,' :.! '- M!a . ? 1 ; v 'a.-;- ,n( i ... .-. ;. ' ;a a" iai , .-y - d . . : .;-i;.y th :, i ". ; y Kilt j;'k N'.-v," ii'-M.-'. : rv, ioi'' Hi t v. ; ; ,! '0 1' '.u; hay :: .: - tivityy a; y -h hi- i "' in : i ( m ' i ';,.:. ha: ; . , ::.!:.;.' hhav I j,. , V ; ; a ;.if. tim-. h i. y.i if Uin ee..:.-Kt v to da - ', I r, h r. Pr :. Kh" ,'s 'h- v Pi.... v . v ik h: a.ost j d.-ifai in.aa-h,,. ,. . " P'ii'-i I (ha;aa :a;d (hhh i ' i ' y.a Ti t a-.;.. ; Sjcah-r. i -hrr. .' ! ,-.t . aid iv l,r.i., at; j it, i i . i ah; i i.ah, ::. .-. I -a fhJo I bave a f'.'i id. viyale. f,ce' :;i!-i"iui i -1 ' i i i) :r in s..,.(l riaaata; (.h,-;-. A h d y a v. i:..t ' a hi j i ,i i , , :, ,ii. r. atCii one yi.'nt for .'jil.50 !a: D-ia-oji, t!i a tiauUi irion ami thu I'.unr.y t.utii o- f..r 1 75 che i a a me; tied ! he Tiirico h :( .: h'. 'i k ii i;:i,l one j car l.eo (Jinubiiiution i ney, i d in; oniy a i n for orm yc ar, 'Ibrioe-A-'A e k ..a ie'ii C'.ahtt; lion o. ;h aaa- aiaih tc b.st )ia :d:. t'. --'i-.'v V-:a d i s,s tlmn wt of on.- d lily. AdJaa? Tilt hOANOKhl 15.F.ACO", Pivaeaah, K. O. wifch? y- SsSs '' i 'a 't : ' ' ' a .tha ..-u m , .'a ciais-asaj THE th.a i Will Kv 1 :i I after awhile the reiief becauie nerma- Mrs. V II Lepgetc of Yum yum, 3ese, V- H. A., writes, "I am u reut tr from iboumfttiHLQ. all over from j to foot, and Chainberleiu'R Pain Balm . only tbiug that will reh ive the pain." Ule by al! druggists ling sorry for a friend ia hard luck average uiuD n limit. e of Piue-ule at bed time wii! ueu- ek-ive backache, before morning, beautiful litlJe tlcbules are -oft . coated and wheu mc.i-ttkieu .'icd I iu the mouth you can't k v from Iving them. Pine-ulte cntaii neither uor alcohol jast gams and rehina a. ijaay i h. CiH' ON, arii i -vide. X (r..t. v -v.".. -v-i.w- 'i. ..-'.'V. ..'.v'-vx i.A;iu;.t!y !., I',, i-,. aa-l l';ri.ifc i . " aj . i-i rs i-" ' v.'i. i ! i;' iJp- vvh i.--- ' 'hi 'v -4sfl n is a oi time oi m i yi -i -A Vv'si f :h Ni r-' - yh jKfea tit I (I red pages and sells a aa-y-ah,',.-;a-" .,-r-s e;v aaaa -V,v;.,afi hv nutil for .0C. . I '"ry-f.-- .r-h-;-a---. i-l:.'7ri',kt.-rit'".-'i 4 I "a p. a'. ........ tl- f 1 l.l.iH rjiLU iUUll Ul W0BLD ALMANAC and EHCYCL0PEDIA S ON SALE ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES. jarly seven hun for 2oc. Sent M allOKiiuinv.-;, -.ii-lu Kv. ,"e om"..-i.:i FATE NTS f ! i-t THAT V, .TivcTti.v tlioe; thov.ii-i.ly, :it our M I """I 0--i---iiJ--, ii'Kl l:e:;i yvu to ma-vest;. (4 , j St j tw.it :.; I. i.liuto or U;-ah fur rsrr report "I have been usincr Chamberlain's t!cu?h I TJi.tnfxl ir nr.il wnut tn -v it is t!i Vn - f 1 Ft1. V -' : i- O.-Tl eoub medicine I have ever tak v. " e-v ! f-'il rd aatpi (ieo L Chnbb, a merchant rif llirhin. Mieh. j 'h" " There i- tio question about iti beina ibi- ua;:;- best, f R it will cure a cough or cold in J. i.v ! time tli'in any other tff ati rnt. It f-honld ! hIwpvk Vie kept ia the lioaso rend v f-r ir;- j Hinr.t upp, for aeold enn bp enri d i't ei'.a !i ; leaq tim'' when promptly trfnt-d For ! hvaTdtin-'tristn " ."; - ' ' " Jt;i '- -..a- I. . a .i ii i l'i rrrrRENCES. lor uv? Ouido t,. 0TJ1 ra q.lK.C -Mjil tWt.'.'.o trtta Aoqi : O & V' y., r,-a jv-:- rvi( g,h; , K1 H.l;.n l-roiilahlc l-atentawnteto la , . . - i r !'3 . . r a . .vi ,, c. , a-"' . c a. i "sinnwt,; a w. fa. n a aaa s-.oq aq.r, aa, , ,ayf f:r( yj '--a a h.iajh?) j Verr jo t.ino:; anaad a..;i jo a a ,y h- . .'h,.a---i-$ , j"frS Hf- 1 J"1 .a-;-" a. c; r-a'i ' There is mere hot air u.sed hy poiit.e:ai r, tbhii liy aeronaa's. j aar-i i r,y at r, av ( , y a y; j.a. . r: ,.m h. to;'.:" a'o .tt")P : jc Ju,a.; Have you una kn ess of any kind stor.i . p---ech, bi k. or :i a v cu aa;a, f ti e 1 i -d V !.':. h . td from our owu native pine forests, oor o-useif with odinnrv ne l iaee I 'A JeJ with other well known bla.'uer. HcJJmter's ite.ekv MMmaiii Tea i i ae th . a. a) a: aa" ha unusual val ue, almest indispensable to any man of husiness, or in the professions. It contains information on moro than 1,000 timely topics xnd presents over 10,000 facts such as arise daily for answering. Election statistics, agricultural, financial, educational, railroads, shipping, etc., etc., through all the li.-t of topics where new figures are most valuable. 15-1 columns of index. Se-nd for this "Standard American . . v y ..a v . ; - .-. ht a' ; v.'. T.. tt-t- r,.m ! Annual. '"Address THE WORLD, h."h:,-& 'i ahy.ha M:7-!h:i':i VulU.v Uuildihg, New York City. !: i ii'--' " jt h'-. OA. i'rhc'i a blood and backacbe reuiedies. t-okl ,. DatiX'uport and Skiie3 ii; f oil, je I preuiii cr.iHtiv - u(iv r tents, i'.i ri Tablelo. I' E L'ave nrci t 3 i l.' l:.a . V. . (. . .Jfr V -ri 1 .wu.i,ui A'v'v j s-.- y.s 4. '...t4 (...ij ta. a'iii t,j a w 'V.-aZlVp a-i.ihia;i"i., -h'aa.'h3 0-C. . ." ...... a; .. s-i"ae? a a ..; t.....v: ,i. aiizx i,;a.a..u "h- ih.s-- -'' i.clrc4 wiih eaery hcilio j a 'i'tu Cliit. j.id:55: t,i 'Grovs's Bkck Liver F'2 5 ? ti l "3 P r s h?: ST nscHwiowo, iya C;b Ss..iv'i v.5 :i3fc, t VIRGINIA. r: ; c i s - rai ?i t ? s 7 (.; f h r tu s y ,i ; ' i r Lr1; t.-; i-.s c charj cf tpcct.-iUsts. ' .a i ! ;junur Cl.nics. 1 J. 1 .ti.' ts a..J.i;.2 ia o:;r wn Hoi pi'.aJ. J K" ' ale ' inf- mii-tion.wriNsTlTK rROCTOTt. it. iT. in ii- r-T"-"riTtl TTTTWi mMnjj ii . "4, Vttttt.ajrxaT2j2?t2'r J-a ',: -irygjjyTiygjrj ..r-r T""--l