Y . -1 ! n i i mum IB ROANOKE BEACON. ?I MADE IN 1827. r Pabltshsd ?ry Friday. i . ib the NrOSm at rM-otk N, C, i mat matter. pfisalt etery reader of Taa Hoamoxs t als us ia making It an aeoeptabie ana ie meilnss of news to oar el&seas. Let people aa tho aablle know wbat It tu Flyroottth. Report to n all item of ,e arrival ana departure of friend, social i Seattle, eortows Illness, aooldeuU. new ft, new enterprises and Improvement of tr character, changes tit bulnew indeed f and everything tbat would be of Interest itouia. f - Hptlon price, $1.00 per year, isetnenta Inserted at low ry aoiices exceeding ten lint , five cent Jouut the word, allowing eight to the line, 1 money with MS. for ait ia excels of ten iter will not be responsible for the views poadeBta. cle for publication mutt be accompanied 111 name of the writer. .xndenu are requested not to write on bat jof tho paper. hmonlcations must be sent in by Thursday or they will not appear. a all eoaimaalcatlons to THE ROANOKE BEACON, Plymouth. N. C DE1ICY TO GRANTING SUBSIDIES- resolution of Senator New roposing that the Qo vein men t h the people of San Francisco S a I J I I til i no nunureu minion aouars purpose of rebuilding tlnir , t least, endorse the bonds lity to that amount, is prop- gardtd us an cxtiaoruinary imuuetnu wuuui proposition. I Rowlands bases it on the that it would redound to the welfare of tho United Statt-s uld promote interstate and commerce. These are pre- 16 grounps on which the pro- lip-subsidy and the subsidies o the railroads have beeu They are also the grouuds h the subsidies to tho many tions have been defended. je quite as forcible in support I ev. lauds proposition as they jpe ease of any other subsidy I if Congress will not, in or promote the general welfare, h Sau Francisco, why should lize private corporations? If pues to subsidize railrcads, .aid it not lend its credit to id comities ? Why should it I lend money to farmers on lite security or on cotton ? criiniuate? the protective tariff is, iu subsidy to. the Steel Trust, ;e Trust, the Cotton Duck he Twine Trust, the Sugar id a thousand other corpo uid combines, which extort om the public under its in shelter why should Con- Itain a protective, robber the nature of a subsidy to ons, while it refuses to sub n Francisco or any other these questions are honest red, Congress cannot pro consistency without passing ands resolution and giving to San Francisco just as It gives indirectly every year '!'.... t t..i i i pivvt 11USI. Dili it 'JUU1U rve its integrity, either by San Francisco or to the Itered trusts. In tho case People v. Town of Salem, Joley, who is generally ree ls au authority on Cousii law, said: "It is not in the Jthe State, under the name junty, or under any other subterfuge, to furnish the p set private parties up iu jof business, or to subsidize 'ii ess after they have entered jiffer From Hheumatisui ? lt from rheumatism when one of Chamberlain B Pain Balm tLe pain ? The quick relief jiniroent affords makes rest and Ible. aud that alone is worth jj its cost. Many who have nsed iily for a 6bort releif from suffer- teen bsppiiy surprised to find while tbe relief became perma V H Leggeti of Yum Yuu. U r. A., uriwa, "I am a fretit tu rtinujiw. ail over from . and Chamberlain's Pain Balm i hinn (Kot will P..I..2 V fh tiftifll " Ml druggists ir I marries as old man because f silver Using". ine-ules at bed time will uea- i backache, before morning. Itlfnl little globules are soft ' ted aud wbun moistened snd e ctouth you. can't keep from htu. Piue-ules omitain neither Jcohol juat guiss aud resins n our own naM pine forests, :h other ugll fccowu blsdder, lad backache renaqdiea. bold en port and Bkiles A Son. Je I ,1 tic Coiwtruction of tbe Irvsfnt Day Oue. In the nineteenth century the) century In which so many wonderful things were don the fourth step la '.ho development of the mutch was veri In 1127, Jc'.u Walker, a ?5t 'n a small English town, . Ou a Etllat with 3ulphur, chlor- cf rctnsh, ond sulphide of an on, r.nd r'tbd It on candpa, cr. c i: b. rst ! :to llamo. Thj dra? g!s.t had discovered the first frlctlon chauiical match, tho kind we use to dav. Tt Is cr.Iled frlctiou-chemlcal V. ii- it is rnado by nixing' cer ta.' cac-:i"T.: tos;et'icr and rubblnsr i'.iem. Ai'.hoi!,ich Walker's match did not -require the bottle of acid, It nev ertheless was r.ot a god ono. It could bo Hghtsd only by hard rub b'nz. and it spattered and threw Are ia all directions. In a few jtrrs, !.wawr, iihoiip.mrus was aubstltu tpJ on the tip for antimony, and t.i eh.:nj-e worl:od wonders. The match co.ihl now bo Hjitci! with very lit tle rubbing, a:iu it wr.s nc longer ne cosh'i? ry to have wnd paper upon wh'i;h to rub it. It voaM tpnlte when r;;b')sd ou p.ny surface, and thare wrs i'3 Icnvr r.iv K"iUsrInjr. This was tho plo.",.4;orns match, the match v. ii'i which u are ko famil iar. Affir the invention of the easily !i.7ht?d phoophoras match there was no ionrer :;sc "o" t'10 Jin-spiint or thf ;t;-ikc-i.-;!;-:it. The old nothois o rttLlln.? a hlar.e were gradually lr.!-l aside pnd forgotten. The first pV-.iihorus matches were sold at 25 c-';i si a Liock a block containing 1-14 matches and they were used bv b.it few. Now ICO matches can bf lought for a ?eut. It is Bald that in the l';iUd States we use about lr0 000,000,000 matches a year. u an average, Is about five . r -ios a (ley for evory person. St a::. It is not difficult to releive blind, bleeding, itcbicg or protrudiug piles with ManZm! Ibe great pile remedy It is put up iu col lapsible tubes with Dczzle, and may be in troduced and applied t the Seat of the trouble. Stops paiu instantly. Sold by P.E. Davenport and bkilws & Aon ja 1 jj . 4' Taaot Hi a a Ktaisrcata 4 I 1 ThA firp-t Rlniul PnrlSUr I fm Not thd tnsn teciporary relief that the old "remedlc3M save, not the little help that the doctor's prescriptions give: hut ABSOLUTE AND COMPLETE CURE. That ! what Rheumacide does. Rheumatism is caused by an excess of uric acid in the blood. It is an internal disease and requires a strong and vigorous internal remedy that will cleanse the blood of all its germs and yet act through such nat ural methods that it builds up the entire system. BLOOD. The Great Blood Purifier. A Sure Cure ron RKSURfiATIS Also a Specific for tM other Diseases arising from Impurities of the Blood, m 1 DIRECTIONS. AdMfU, one to two teospooofuls-la a UtUe VaUr, aftsr meals and at bedtime BOBBIfT CHEMICAL CO., soic PRO'aiCToaa. BALTIMORE, MO., U. S. A. SHAKE THE BOTTLE. SWEEPS ALL POISONS OUT OF THE 6j CURES TO STAY CURED. Different from any other remedy. latest scientific discoveries. CURED AFTZR 16 YEARS. Baltimore, Dec. 10th. For 10 years I have suffered terribly with Rheumatism. I was treated by leading phy sicians brt rot no relief. Long since I despaired of ever being well again. But hearing of RHEUMACIDE, I decided to give it a trial. I have t?.ken two bottles, and, thanks to this wonderful medicine, I now feel that I have gotten a "now lease on life." Every vestigo of the disease has been driven from my system. MRS. LAURA D. GARDNER, 1301 James St., Baltimore. Sample bottla and boktat FREE If you and five cants for poatade The result of the At the same time it cures Rheumatism it sweeps out of the blood the germs of all other blood diseases, and cures Indigestion, Con stipation, Catarrh, Kidney and Liver Troubles, La Grippe and Contagious Blood Poisons. YOUR DRUGGIST SELLS IT. n BOBBITT CHEMICAL nn.r w,, mtmott, m. I Romance of Qum Gathering. In Yucatan the catering of the tortious chicle chewing gum is an oc cupation apparently full of rom&nosv cot unattended with considerable dan ger. Dands of men, known aa "chic ls?rcs," go into the deep forests, undo experienced leaders, armed with heavj knives of special make and pails and ladles for the sap. Each one is also provided with a strong rope more thaa eighty feet long, to be used In climb ing the lofty sapota trees from which the gum is procured. Thm sap flow from gah cut In ta bark. caxaf of chlcleros, where the sap to boiled, resembles in some respects an Aster lean maple sugar camp. Aitsar mouth of work the cb (clems return from U forests laden with bricklike blocks of arotaaUc gum. The finest gum, ksowa as "sicte." is collected from the fruit of the sapota mostly by the native women, and Is seldom exported, be cause it Is too well liked at home. Postmaster Robbed. Q. V. Fodts. Postmaster at Rivertou, Ia , nearly lost his life and was robbed of all aomfort, according to bis letter, which says: "For 20 years I had chronic liver complaint, whiob led to such a aevare case ot jaundice tbat even my finftar sails turned yellow; ' when my doctor prescribed Elec tric Bitter-; which cured me and bava kept me well for eleven years.'" Sure euro for Biliousness. Neuralgia, Weakness aud atl Stomach. Liver, Kidney and Bladder de rangements. A w o n d c r f u 1 Tonic. At 8ptui.l i Bro. f.0 centu, Watch Voizr Compass. To convert a watch into a compass all one has to do is to count the number of hours from midnight, di vide by two, and point the hour at the sun so that tho shadow of a match or ltnid pencil falls directly across the center of the watch; twelve oclock will be north, six south, nine west, and three cast. Supiiose It Is nine In the morning; number of hours from midnight is nine; one-half Is four and a half; point four-thirty at the sun so that the shadow of a match or leud pen cil falls across the center of watch, and twelve Is north, six south, three east. nd nine west. Suppose It lb six in the evening; number of hours from midnight eighteen: point nine at sun. and twelve is north, six south, three east, and nine west. Chamberlain' Coush Kernedy the Very Best. "I have ben using Chamberlain's Congl) Remedy and want to say it is tha best coutrh mrdir.ine I have ever lak?n aavs Geo L Chubb, a merchant of Harlan. Mich. There U no question about it being the best. R8 it will cure a oongh or cold in less time thin any other tr-atr-ent. It thould always be kept iu the house ready for in slant' nse, for a cold can ba cured in much less time when promptly treated For sale by all druggists Perhap it is the winning way of s wo rran tbat emtbles her to get the best of a Wt.v iu the no-called matrimonial game. Death from Appendieitij d'cease in tbe im ratio tl.t tie nni c Or. King's New Life Pills mcrettsez. They save jou from danger and bring qaiuk aud painless release from (xMStipe'ion end tbe ills growing out of it. Streog.ti and vipor always follow their n e. Guaranteed by Sproill A Bro's. 25c. Try them. In Mountain Climbing. The highest point at which climbers have stayed for any length of time Is 20,992 feet, on the Himalayas, where an exploring party painfully stayed for six weeks in 1902. Higher still, at 21.910 feet, is the extreme point of Mrs. Bul lock Workman's ascents, the greatest height reached by a woman. Mr. Bul lock Workman kept on to a point 23, 393 feet high, which Is the greatest height reached by any mountain climb er. The altitudes reached by Mr. and Mrs. Bullock Workman were above those at which M. Berson, the aero naut, began bis artificial inhalation of oxygen. At 26,240 feet tbe aeronauts in general begin the continued Inspira tion of oxygen, and neglect of this pre caution was responsible for the death of MM. Croce. Spiatlll and Sirel at 28. 208 feet, and their companion, Tissan dlsr. Just escaping by a miracle. Mount Everest, the highest point of the globe, is only some 700 feet higher, 28,895 feet, and 3.000 above that begin the cirrus clouds that are composed cf spicules of ice. At 33,424 feci, la the highest point ever reached by man. This is the height attained by M. Ber son in uis balloon on July 31, 1901. London Post. A liquid cold cure for children that is pleas ant, nannies, aDd i-flVctive ia Bt-e'n Laxa Hva Holier and TiT. Snoerior to all other cough syrupa or cold remedies becaune it act on tne bowels. An laeai reineay wr Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Congh and all curable lung and bronchial affco tioos in child or adult. Pleasaut to take. Hold by P. K. Davenport and Skiies & Son. jel Strang WVd.bny; rutnn. Among the I.oloa of Western China it Is customary for the bride ou tho weddinq morn to perch her self on the highest branch of a large tree, while tho elder fenmle members of her family cluster on the lower limbs, armed with sticks. When all nre duly stationed the bridegroom clambers up the troe. assailed on all sides by blows, pushes and pinches from the dowagers, ar'id It is not un til he has broken through their fence and captured the bride that he is allowed to carry her o.T. , Hay Fever,' :sth ma, i sj . . t i i ; Co Ids. ho o.d ;. ,t. b. -T.. J. il." Ca'artli uru mver l-.i!. I cui tlit aLvvs die . It it.t i i-i.'i ii:jiuv.t,it.;d in tb ti 'i .f ' t:-r iwi..:y y-..Ara r.nl it ... y y . f tho most ..it.- : i. . . uu.!irii Mates ::..' . Uiv iu; t ; ar.h, Hay .:. r : . 1. i .ca.scs. i 'h-:ij: u: lu'i.r vvi.i !;.; u;iir.ony to i ; a;;ii- , : V :.;:.!:..,' i.t 1 curative vir i .-. ' ni I ... ;i ;i.'S v.ci o Vvlous i4.' i;:-sr- , l:jiciuua, special ::... i, n:is... !...! lai.id. Ir i . . ; u ii Rightful '. - . . . i . .. . iil.Xo-i with REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP THE BANK OF PLYMOUTH, At Plymouth, ia tke rilate of North Carolina, at the Close of Business, April. 6ih, 1900. REgOURCHS. Loans and Diouute. ... Orererafta, Sesured, .... All otlier Stick. Uoads aad Mwtgai( i, . Banking House, Furniture and fixtures, Due frost Bunka and bankers, Cttftt Ileum, Gold Coin, - Silver Coin, including all Minor Oolo Curroacy, National Bank Notes aud Other U. 8. Notoa, ToTal, LIA1JIUTIES Capital St4k. kurplaa read, Undivldi-4 fruflis. ltt Carrent Expeaies and Tss Paid, Uesoiilu subject t sheck, .... TOTAt, ... DOLLARS. C,7G6.8 OS 87 8.00 M . 3.KS.04 16,St4.7l 300.lt S3I.CS Dl.M . 1.109.00 1S.MS.00 J.009.00 I.aM.44 SS.4U.M 1,M4 Sf Stmt of Xorth Carolina, Count r efWamhiagton. aa : I, Clanace Latham. Cashier of the sbovc-nuuifd Bank, do ioliuly tyr that the shore statement is true to the bent of my knowledge and belief. CLAKESOK LATHAM Ctuhinr Subscribed and sworo to before me, this lvith day of April, 100C. W. M. BATKMAN. C. S. C. Correct-At test: L. P. nOR.VTUAL, C. I). IX1ANK, W. O. AYKRri, Directors. : 1,1:' - :..:-: :-- . . t '. . If J nt. i -1. wi 11 : l. ).:: inu .sir fd. . .. i.u!. r.-. ,. i.v: 1. - j y.u i. : tci-i. t. t j.rice. ATLANTA, GA. Tradesmen In Jap:tn. Some of the Japanese tradesmen in the smaller towns of Nippon have a curious way of advertising their business. On their right forearms they tattoo figures the shoemaker a shoe, the wodcutter an ax, the butcher a cleaver. Underneath these emblems are such inscriptions as "I do my work modestly and cheaply," and "I am as. good at my trade as most of my fellows." When they are looking for work they bare their arms and walk about the streets. NOTICE ! I drilled the Artesian Well for Mr. U. J. Norman, and for the town of Ply mouth, N. 0. Why not let me drill one for you? Address all orders to P. (. Ellis, P. O. Box E. Branchville, 2-1 Southampton Co., Va. For Sale. I have a good, single, second-hand spring wagon, in good running order, that I will sell at a bargain. Apply to E. 8. Cahoon, Skinnersville, N. 0. Our Clubbing Offer. Until th is notice disappears we will give the following CueHp Club itates: The Koauoke Beacon and the Atlanta CotiNtitution one year for $1.50 Tim Roanoke Beacon, tbe Atlanta Constitution and the Sunny South ooe year for 1 75 The Itoanoke Beacon and the Tlirice-A-Wtek New York World one year for 1.50 And if you want the Best Combination to be bad for Iovh or monpv 'ci.fl nc nu $2. 50 ai d we will Hcmi yon for one year, Y.ur Home Paper, tbe Thrice-A-Wek Now York World, the Altnuta Constitution and tne Suunv South Six of th Uaat n,. pers published every wek, and at tees than unit me cusi 01 one uaiiy. Auuress T11E KOANOKE BEACON, Plymouth, N. C. 4.'iw njva B?ra.rjT. -Harj. fm s M vfi itopo tb ooutfla svskx IlooIs luxif s ' Fortunate Missouritfiis. "When I was a drnggest, at Livonia, Mo ," writea 1" J. Dwyer, now of Oruys ville, Mo '4three ot my customers were permanently enred of consumption by Dr. kisg'a Haw Discovery, snd are well aud atrong today. One was trying to sell bis property and move ta Arizona, but after using New Discovery s short time he fonnd it unnecessary to do so, I regard Dr. King's Nw Discovery as the most won derfttl medicine in existence." Barest Cough sad Cold euro snd Throat ano Lung healer. Gnaranteed at Kprnill & Bro., 50o and f 1. Trial bottle free. S'prora stand model, stretott or r I cto of lnvtiitioa fiat tree report oti patentability. For tree book nowtoSeciuretDRnC.lJrlDafe write Patcntnn4 I IlnUI. cflHi'AU 1 mM jv. ir-isssr "if ll ppooit U. S. Petent Utnc WASHINGTON D. C. 'c- -J- 1 ( 1 and TNAOC MARKS proaiiitlj obtained ia ii eeoatriea, ot uo fuu. W ebtain RATE NTS THAT PAY, adYerUM tbam thoroutl, .t our xpeosa, and help yua to susoec. Btad model, photo or sketch lor mil report 00 patentability. 10 vews praodo. BjUH PASSINQ RCrCRKNCCS. rorfros QrJde Book oa Profitable Patent write to B03-BOS Seventh SStro-at, WASHINOTON, D. O. far atUtdrmnt aafm, aura Jo olataa 111 111 im rfn n 1 i n i rn rn nn muni ti tit iiii iiii ii IB in iwim iwiiw wain.iiii Mii.'li'iiiiniiLiiiiiWJim 11. trtr-ri if-TTwiiiiii . i n.i 1 1 --i iin-"ininrTJr'-ir-'- ' i miiii i n m':i Titiiini hiiii":t m 'in urn Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic hes stood tho test 25 yars zotuzz locs this record Eadse4 whh vry fcottle A . . A 1 1 s r r v etavtTtiu nrnsof ovtsr Krv esm a mm mamoa ( of ktJfsrit fisl tn vcki? No Cirra. Nq Pnv 5Qc IS ts m Tea Cent, fmckms rf Crovs's Pack Rot. tJver PiRa. "jj Encyclopedia THE WORLD ALMANAC and ENCYCLOPEDIA IS ON SALK ALL OVKR 'J'Hfi UNITED STATIC. It is tt volume of nearly seven hun dred pages and sells for 2$c. Sent hy mail for 35c. A Reference Book of nnnsual vnl ue, alincst indispensable to any man of business, or in the professions. It contains information on more than 1,000 timely topics and presents ovor 10,000 facts such as arise daily for answering. Electiou statistics, agricultural, financial, educational, railroads, shipping, etc.. etc . throns-h all tke list of topios where new figures are most valuable. 34 columns of index. Send fer this "Standard A meriosB Annual." Address THE WORLD, rulitzer liuildihg, New York City. lWERSSn G01LEE sfJi ffsl S M cm eVta si iObl m m a mm msa u rnrn " m yiuirifci'vYRaiNi'ir- MtaiSllE PETISTTYrltftRS!itS V Modera Laboratories aa charge of specialist-, ' W System. 8v.pcrior Cl.utcs. Bcdalie Uacniog in our owa HoepUaL To. Jetail .-1 it farraatlon, wrtteTT . E PBOCTDT . 4 L i I' y 4?; 'V)