SHE . i 1 1 it. .til tliO f.fpO'.CU .1 .. ."..!.- ot 'national honor" nd shouting for Kepublican candidates and poli cies in im, 1900 and 1901. .. Mo$t of us are not worrying so much about whether our beef has been properly tagged by the govern ment inspector, as we are about the Amount on the tag we have to pay the butcher. V Mak Wood declares that Senator Matt married her and if this is true ft partly explains the reason why the Republican Senators hate to vote on the Mormon question. There may be others in the same fix as Senator Flatt. ' A Western- Republican editor, believing that an honest confession is good for the soul, admits that he loves his party and all itu brood, iu (he following lines : I lova thy trusts so fair, Thy fondness tor but air, Thy men of graft, Thy railroads that rebate, Thy corporations great, fru : n : : 1 . . 4uy uiuiiuutures einio ; j The whole blamed raft. All that has so far been done fcgaiust trust plundering is merely scratching the surface. Not a trust nas been forced to reduce its enor mous profits and indeed the cost of living has greatly increased since the so-called trust busting began. (vvo livv buia siiu n snuu vtiu xvvui- lican politicians, although making faces at the trusts iu public, are se cretly allowing them to continue their predatory warfare on the peo ple. If the Republicaa party really wiihed to prevent the trusts selling their products cheaper abroad than 1. l I . I .... J ,n J 1n MBann. ....... ! i have allowed some sort of tariff re- vicinn n rn mica tnr. u 1 1 r 111 nu a Tor that rjurnose have been voted Idown iu committee by a party vote, pven the bill to reduce the tariff to p.00 per cent on those articles that fceatage. The fact is the trust bust ing -campasgn is intended to just Trarp fb fcrnafs im1 nnmliiiifis rnfnofh they will "come down with the ust. The campaign iuud in that lay is replenished and tiie corpora- Ions and the Republican leaders are fcmbined for- a new lease of life, hat pleasaut pastime is rather ex- Jnsive -for the people for all they v h&a advanced on an avera-je 47 1 r cent since the present tariff law b enacted. The North Carolina Farmers State Convention. & M. College, Ealeigbj July 10, 11, 1 A. and 12, 19u6 The Farmers' Convention is an organiza tion of farmers for study and discnsBion of practical agricultural subjects. The yro gram includes attention to all important phases of our S'.ate agriculturr.l endeavor, Special progratoa are provided lor Cot ton and Tobacco Farmers ; for Dairymen; and for Women. Able 8peaker3 will discuss important subjects. Exoursiou rates on all railroads. Board and room nt the College, $1 00 per day. The Farmers' Convention provides a pleasant and instructive outing at small cost. Information may be hud by addres King Secketaky Farmers' Convention, " est Italeigh, N. C. 5HUECH DIRECTORY- M. E. Church Services every Nanday at 11:00 o'clock a. m., and 7:00 o'clock p. m. frayer mooting even Wednesday night. Rev. L. B. Jones, pastor. Sunday school everv Sunday morning at 9:15 o'clock, W. M. Hateman, Supt. Baptist Church Services every 1st, 2nd and 4th Suudav at 11:00 o'clock a. m., and 7:30 o'clock p. ui. Prayer meet l tig every Thursday night. Itev. J. W. Nobles, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday morning at 9.30 o'clock, W. B. White, Snpt. Grace Episcopal Church Sunday school every Sunday 9 30 a. in,, Clareuce Latham, Superiniendeut Fourth Sunday. 9 30 a. m., Bible class ; 11 a m , Morning prayer. Sermon and Ho ly Communion ; Fourth Sunday night, Evening prayer and sermon ; other Sunday mornings, Morning prayer and iormou Dy the lay-reader, Mr. F A.Boyle. Rev B. S, Lagsiter, Rector. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. Election year haying again approached I take this method of presenting my name for the favorable consideration of the good citizens of lbs county in the coming pn umries and convention, to succeed myself as llecituer of Deeds. lluvint; eudeavored to fulfil my every obligation to you all uunug tuy lueumbeu y. I approach you with confadeuce in you appreciation ot my endeavors, and iu grat tiide for past conndenco placed in uie, solicit a coutiuuauce oi the same, promis iug if re elected to tollow the same policy n iuture I have ia the past. lours with confidence, F. It. JOHNSTON i i bloating, belching, sour stomach, bad Sata nialassiuailatiou of food, and all iptoms of indigestion, Bing's Dyspepsia lets are a prompt and efficient correct- eold by p E Davenport and Skiles & se 1 FOR SHERIFF. Itake this method of returniug thanks I appreciation to the citizens of Wash o county for taeir confidence and &up- Iin the past, and as another year bus ,ed when a convention will be held jae purpose of naming a man for the ion I have been holdiug for the p&st 'ears, I respectfully offer myself as a date for the consideration aud action I convention. We been ceaecieutious in trying to irge the daties of office acceptably tn W-abiding meu of the county, and ly promise, if re-elected, to discharge jjutica as x nave iu me past. Verp respectfully yours. "CLERK SUPKUIOR COUitt HAS STOOD THE TEST 25 YEARS. fhe old, original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It lei iron and quinine in a tasteless form. M cure, No pay. 50c. jau 12 TO THE THOUGHTFUL VO REUS OF WASHING TON COUNTY. After much deliberation and consultation with the rank and file as well as with men in the cntterent avocations oi me business life, I have decided to offer myself as candidate for re-election to the office oi Clerk Superior Court. You are acquainted with my past official history, I can only hope to continue in the same paths, ltemember there is but one day in the four years that you hav any use for a partisan, the remainder you need an fflcer. Go enquire of those who have had the most business as well ns o the widows and orphans with whom I have dealt, and from them learn vcur full duty (if you should be in doubt) that when you shall come to just your ballots for the cou tinuation of my servic6e, or for another to fill this most important position, you may be able to decide without mistake. Your favorable consideration and support will be as it always has been appreciated. And 1 promise if elected that you shall have no occasion to regret it. Your most humble servant, W. M. BATEA1AN. You can sec the pouon Tine-ules clears out of the kidneys aud bladder A single dose at bedtime will show you more poison upon rising the next morning than can be expelled from the system in auy other way. pine-ules dissolve the impurities, lubricate the Likceys, cleanse the bladder, relieve pain and do awe.y with Lack-ache speedily, pleasantly, permanently, sold by V E Da venport and Skiles & Sou se 1 Ld:k Before Spending ... Your Money, Our Spring Goods are now in and ready for your inspection. We qo not go oeyonu aciuai uutu in saying that our present stocK or Millinerv, Dress Goods, Trimmings, etc., is "far superior to any we have REPORT CF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF ROPElt, at Roper, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business Juue 18th, 1900. RESOURCES. DOLLARS. I.oani? anil discounts 10,4.39 99 Hanking hous'e, $i,m ; I , ,91 n Fuiimre& fixe. t)8T.13, ( 3,181. id Due from Banks aud Hankers 9, IK!). 67 Gold coin, . 580 00 Silver coin, including all minor coin cur rency, 233.59 Nat'nl. bank notes aud other U. S, noteo, 4,122.80 TOTAL 34.48C.38 LIABILITIES. DOLLAR8. Capital stock 19,900 00 Undivided profit, Jees current expenses and t8 see paid, ... 28.3i Time Certificates of Deposit, 3,7.13.00 Deposits t-ubject to check, ... ... 10,787.05 Cashier's Checks outstanding, 87.41 Totai 84,48(5.38 State of North Carolina, Ccunty of Washington, ss: I, W. S. Daveuport, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly Bwear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge aud belief W. S. DAVHjN'POltT, Cashier. Snbserided and sworn to before no, this 25th day of June, l'JOG. L. G. Roper, Notary Public. Correct Attest : N. B. Mizell. V. L. WH1TKHTJR8T, II. F. liAwSEY, Directors. ever carried. This stock consists of Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats, Ribbons, Laces, Dress Goods, Fans, r-irasols, Hosiery, Corsets, Feathers, Flowers, Trimmings, and almost everything usually kept in a first-class Millinery store. Wo have with us neain this season both Mrs. Latham and Miss Isaacs. These ladies Rave great satisfaction last season but will tlive greater this, for they have more and better material to work with. A cordial welcome awaits you. Very respectfully, Mrs, W. B. Ward & Co- ITew Ideas, Spring 1906 Millinery, Dress Goods and Notions. We cordially invite all who are in need of Hats, Bonnets, Dress Goods and Notions, to give us a call. We have selected our stock with much care from the best markets, and arc prepared to serve you. Wo will open up our new goods on April 3rd, and from that time on through the season will display a line of Hats for Ladies, Misses and Children. You can select a stylish hat at the right price. We have them in a great va rioty of shapes and shades, from the best to cheap grades. Mail orders tilled with care. Thanking you in advance for fa vors shown us, we are yours to please, Very respectfully, Mrs. A. M. Avers, 3-30 Plymouth, N. C. FOR TKFAbUKEll. I beg to announce to the Democrats cf Washington county my canidacy for nom ination at their Lands, to the office c' Treasurer. Kiuce my appointment to this office to succeed the late Treasurer, Mr. SI. SI. Al- exanuer, i nave used tnv best efforts to discharge every duty imposed therein in an acceptable manner to the w hole people of the couuty, and promise, if nominated and elected, a continuation of this policy. Yours very truly, CLARENCE LATHAM. A Hard Lot of troubles to contend with, spring from a torpid liver and blockaded bowels, unless you awaken tnem to their proper action with Dr. Kinys New Life l-ills; the pleasi utest aud most effective cure for Constipa tion. They prevent Appendicitis aud tone up the system z.c al bpruill & Kro. SHOPPING BY HAIL, Geo. B. Davis & Cos. Depart ment Store is Brought Very Near to Your Homes by its Reliable Mail Or- leby bee leave to present ray name Yavorabla consideration of the Dem i voters of Washington county for lion and election to the odice of V Court Clerk. !g always been a Democrat, I have hat I could for the success of that luce attaining my majority. Yet I claim upon it, believing that we jr obligations to it, and not it to us 'veil known that this office must letbtng to supplement it. I am ); I live convenient to the use; I enjoy a reputation for ntion to business, and if honored nation and election, shall do my I rit your confidence aud appro val. I Yours, verv respectfully, C. V. W. AUSiiON. - iEtmo t -1 - Smart Property-Own is practical work. Skiii wins. li with paint xaftkirg. W gallons h. & M. mixed with fntieed Oil makes enough paint ate sized bouse the best paint '.buy because the L. & M, Zinc I L. &. M. Whita Lead and makes 1 Faint wear like iron. SI. and don't pay fl.50 a g.d Ijed Oil, a3 you do in re idy-for-t buy oil fiesb from tht barrel iud mix with the L. & M. t L. & M. aboot f 1.20 p gal- . A. Blount,: Plymouth, N. C. r der Service. Miss Gmce Ott, formerly of Plymouth, holds a responsible position with this well known firm, and is pleased at all times to receive the patronage of her many friends and acquaintances, giving to their orders her personal attention. . The Geo. B. Davis store is one of the Leading Department Stores of Philadtl plna, Pa., carrying largo stocks of Trim med and UntrimrneJ Sliilintry, Women's yhirt Waist, Blouses and separate skirts, Underwear, Kisses and CbiUren's DrcoeeB, Idea s and Boyb' Clothing, Itibbons, Luce, iJells, W hile Goods, Dress Good, Uphnis tery, llousefurnisniiics, Ac, &c. This store is fanoup, too. for its moder ate priota. It is a grcut convenience to the people of Plymouth eel near-by towns to be able o shop so stttiafaotorily by ra.ii, with entire confidence tLat they are getting the newest and most approved fash iocs. Many of our residents avail themselves of thiy mode '.f shopping. Ali orders addretsftd personally to Liisii Gi!A!K Ctt, of Geo, li. Da. 13 & Co., 3030-Uw, Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa., will receive prompt and careful attention. far ehtldreni icfe, tare A optaut It affords us a great deal of pleasure to be in a position to offer the people of Washington and surrounding coun ties the advantage of being able to buy from us anything in the way of MACHINERY for any purpose wanted, at manufacturers' price, as we have been appointed General Sales Agents to represent some of the largest and most modern factories in the country. We are in a position to offer you, AT EIGHT PRICES, Gasoline and Steam Engines, portable or stationary, any power you want, and we can supply you with any part 01 parts to your old engine you may have. We handle the famous E. Vim Winkle Cotton Gin and Press; also the Liddoll Gin Machinery, Grist Mills, Saw-Mills, any size Shafting, Pulleys, Belt ing. For the furm we have Corn and Cob Crushers, Feed Cutters, of all kinds. Our line of IIsiFvetiifig Machinery is ftiso complete Mowers, Rakes, Tedders, Corn Har vest is, Iluskcrs and biireddcrs, Hay-Presses and Pea pickers. Our Ruling Vehicles are The IBesft in the South, when you are willing to add just a few more dollars to pay for them. We sell for our leader the celebrated Hackney Buggy, which ha3 a world-wide reputation as being easy-runnitig and light. We also handle the Hackney Wagon, which we always buy in car-loads to savo freight. We have 01a the way another ear, in one .and two horse, which will put us in a position to fill any oider promptly you may .send us. Cart-Wheels will e.ko ha included in this car. We are offering the largest assortment of BUGGY, SURRY and WAGON HARNESS, ' in single and dcubi ever shown in this section. Come and sue our line, you will possibly save so:x;e dollars. Wt h: ve many other things which we can't mention here. We take the occasion just here to express our appreciation for the liberal patronage yoa Have given s. We will always deal with vcwi rigiii aiul fair. We cordially -invito you to Fee m when in town. Yours, Very Trulv, A. SWAIN & Bit, m? 5 WW illll Special Sale For June Ill order to reduce my stocks 1 ha? e decided to -Cut Prices For the Fest 30 Bays Customers will find it to their advantage to visit cither one of my stores for the next thirty days to obtain Dry Goods and Furnishings at LOW jeiXOiL. ! Goods must be sold, as room is an object for my fall stock. It would be useless fo me to name prices, as space would not allow. t-ioweve-. i you a few in order that you may know 1 mean ust what I say. Our line of Lawns and White Goods are over stocked and reduce price materially, Now is tlio rL'iino to C3 et Uaa-g-fniti. White Lawn 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 ami 15c, and for fi nest on the market, 18c. Colored lawns 5 to 15c. good giuh uns 4J, 5 and 6c. For best brown cottons yd. wide, 6c Table Net, 48 inch, 5c, all desirable colors. 1 only have a limited quantity. I also have a large lot of Carpet, union good and cut price, 20 to 29c. A bargain. Fine Sruc sels at 75c , cheapest at 47c. Hats and Caps to beat the band, now 1 am set lin a Ladies' white 40c cap at 25c. xVnother lot of gold And silvered Belts; also- the white embroideried 25 to 350, Large lot 'toweling, bv the yard, to close at 4c. I eall yonr attention to our (jodmnn Shoo, which stands among the very best makes on the market every pair fully warranted try a pair ouvino'd. Don't forget our Qrooery stock; we cin fnrmidi yon all the com and meal you want at 750 until further notice. In fact anything in w.iy of ;o ds you want you will be likely to find to "r Yours to please, Cures Qoldsi Prevents Pneumonia W. C Avers. Buggies and Harness! I wish to inform the public that I have added: a nice line of buggy harness- to my buggy business,, which I sell at small profit Some people have the hi' hit i' st.Mp!i..j; m m shops for what they want, and it's , habii. Un they often ftnd in stock just what they vaut iw bug gies, wagons, c&rts. wheels, etc., and now they will find a large stock of up-to-date harness from which to select, but should you not find What you want,, leave your order, which will be filled promptly. MA! II I" A CttlS ER OF I sell on time with good notes,, and make prices satisfactory. You cannot malie a mistake if you buy a buggy made by tl PEELE, as they have stood the test for yoara. While others are being sold those made by If. PEELE are still in the lend. Good quality, style and workmanship coit mere, tut Ist. lon ger, and gives better satisfaction from start to finish. Thanking the puhlrc for a most liberal share of : heir patronage -in the p 1st and soliciting a contiruianoe in tha Mature, J reniairj, Your te prase, se 20-tf nhc Qte Ueliablo PLY. .oiiTt: