THE IiOANOKE BEACON. PUBUf-ffKD EVERY F HID AY 0. V. W. ATTSBOW, EDIT3B. er,Y south w. o Prm Inrv mhf Friday. July C, 1906. v 13 I . t.ry ths weikened and - .-.sUra along until it can find pport in ordinary food. Send for free lample. COTT ft IlOWNfi, Chemlsti, ' -1 Street, New York. 4 J5 .oo ; all druggists. PROFESSIONAL CAliDS. Or, J. A.. White, DENTIST. ffick. Main tiieet Ph s, Wiliiameton, N. C. CiTl will be in Plymouth the first week iu each mouth.. se 14 VAN JJMIEN MARTIN, Attorney-at-Law, PLYMOUTH, N. C. pjoiiijr aud fiti.hful attention giveu to all business ei in s ted. ICUCUEAn PARLORS, it. W. BROWN, Prop. Brink I -y Bloc, - Washington St. ii.iVM." 4ud a, First-Class place r.,r the s.tle of Ico Cream, Milk iukes, Fruits and all kinds of the hi -.,L .! d aiost refreshing i ool Irinlj:s, l re ;;u;;.;i!) .k. tne public, and !,adia ;.jir:iiiltv, for a share of their Kvvrv(l.!i;K Quiett Cool and Clean. ,.-j"u':k crt-an always on hand, .'.arurdav cider :":licd in time for jimUuy din nor. I nr also prepared to furnish Ice :. '. ?tM priocs, and guarantee ' v ? ' At i. 1. ,-:mh ;t fully, .p H. W.Brown- ANKOUHG MENT! New Firm, - - New Store, New Spring Millinery ! , We have opened an up-to-date MILLINERY STORE in Roper. Our stock is New, Bright, and of the Very Latest Styles. We have secured the services of an Excellent Trimmer, frem. Bal timore. Our goods are of the Best. Our prices are Right. We are striving to Please the public. We ask a share of your patronage. We solicit the pleasure of an early visit to our store. Yours to Please, Miss Ida Peacock & Co., a-15 roper, n. c. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. I789-Ii06. Ha4 the State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS. Collegiate, Engineering, Graduate, -iawi Medicine, Pharmacy. - It 4 Q rnn m r m XT..... water works, electric ugnts, central beating system. New dormi tories, gymnasium, Y. M. O. A. building. 982 STUDENTS. 74 IN FACULTY- The Fall term begins Sept. 10, 1906. A JJ-tftiS n r . T CHAPEL HILL, N. C. r M I Vfl!crt LairatlVO JSramO UlMMe Tablets JQ svcn MSllon boxes sold la past 1 2 BEACON FLASHES if- - j Those who have friends visiting them, or who intends leaving home if1 memsewes, win please let n bo known at this office, eo taie fact may Lo men-J tionedi It doe8 t maltr whethef c. you are a subscriber or not. All we , 5 nek is let ua know it. New Crop Turnip and Rutabaga Seed, just received by Spruill & Ero. Glad to aee Mr. II. P. Alexandor of Hohgood, in town this week. Dr J. A. White of Wiliiamston, has been spending the week in our city. Mr. W. J. Mercer of Mackoy's Ferry, made us a call while in town on Monday. Mies Hennie Fagan of Edenton has been the guest of friends iu Plymouth this week. Efomthal sells the best Lemons more juice, finer flavour. Louis P. Uornthal. Mias Estelle Burgess of Rocky Mount, is the gnest of Miss Cad Campbell on Main street. Mrs. Jas I. Brewer and children of Edenton, have been visiting relatives here mis weeK. Miss Jeralee Coborn of DardenV Iisr been visiting her aunt, Mrs. S. Chesson, mis ween. About 75 pieces Val and Torchon Laces and Insertions all good goodn that we are closing out at from 2 to 7c. per yard. Genuine bargains. fkuiLl & Bito. MeBsers H, M. Snell, T. S. Swain aud E. R. Spruill of Skituiersville, were in town on Mouday. Misses Helen and Pearl Sallenger, of Bertie county, were among the visitors to our town this week. Miss Laura Williamson of Berkley, Va., is visiting her friend, Miss Katie Ausbon, oa Washington street. Fancy Jameown Butter, On Ico. Fancy Jamestown at w ays costs the merchaut more, but it's Better than the other kind and sell6 for same. Louis P. Hoknthal, Little Miss Sadie Ausbon leaves this morning with her auut, Mrs. Jas. I. Brewer, for a visit to Edeuton. Miss Belle dtarr of Creswell, has been spending the week in Plymouth, the guest of Mrs. O. V. W. Ausbon. Mr. Louis P. Hornthal left on Monday to accompany his family to Ocean View, where they go to spend the summer. Absolutely every drop of Vinegar we 8e'l is Pure Appie Juice Vinegar. We have sold ouly one brand for seven years, and we know what it is. LOUIS P. HOKJiTDAL. Mr. W. R. Boweu of Beech Grove, cal led to see us while iu town on Saturday and renewed his subscription. Thanks. Mr. A. A. Respass of Washington, came over Wednesday aud spent the day with his sister, Mrs. T. L. tiatterthwaite, near Plymouth. The excessive rains of late have greatly damaged crops in this section, and in Hyde county wo learn the crops will be almost a total failure. Eat one of Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets after each meal aud yon will not sullor with iu digestion. sold by i E Davenport and Skiles & Sou se 1 Mr. John M. Bateman left on Tuesday to attend the Methodist conference at (South Mills From there he will go to Virginia to visit relatives. Rev. L. B. Jones is absent this week at tending district conference at South Mills, consequently there will be no tservices in the M. E church isuuday. The cleansing, antiseptic and healing properties of pinesalve make it superior to lamily salves, sold by p E Davenport aud Skiles & Hon se 1 LOST At pic-nic on the 4th, an um brella with natural wood handle, letter "A." cut on same. Thins: it was left on sail boat. Suitable reward will be paid for iis retura to this office. Miss Gertie Bateman who has visiting for some lime ia Washington, D. 0., Nor folk and other places, has returned home She was accompanied by her cousin, Miss Mamie Waters, of Norfolk. Mrs. C. D. Loatie has taken the local agency for the C-curity Placket Fastener, for ladies' dresses. This little article is u most wonderful little inventiou and every lady should have a supply, which they can get from Mrs. Loan, Hotel Roanoke. Ply mouth, N. C. J. F. Keinhard & (Jo., N. C.State Agents, Gladstone Hotel Bld'g. Norfolk, Va. When applied and covered with a hot cloth PinesaUe acts like u poultice Best for bums, bruises, boils, eczema, skin diseases, etc. sold by p E Davenport and Skiles & tfon se 1 Many a husband would lose hi9jobif bis wife was a mind reader. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles, Druggists are authorized to rtfuDd money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in to 14 days. fOc jan 12 Beat cake ia one direction with a long, heavy stroke, using a lare wooden spoon. The inoTi you beat a cake tho finer tho grain of dough. A little loe, a little X7enkb, A little home for j ou and rur; It's all I auk except good health, Which eorcc-s with Reeky Miiuntai:i Tti. P, E. Davenport. ' Care a Cold k One Bssy months. TMs Signature, Drunken Negroes .Hunting Trouble. A gang of negroes, full of moan whiskey, created quite a. row on the Str. Garrett coining from Edenton on Wednesday. One of tho party drew a gun on Capt. Williams and threatened his lifo. Sheriff Jackson was notified aud has taken steps to have the offenders arrested, but at this writing no success Iui3 been reported. It has caused more laughs and dried more tears, wiped away diseases anb driven away more fears than any other medicine in the world. Hollister's Rock Mountain Tea. 35 cents, lea or Tablets. P E Da euport. Wednesday's Picnic. On Wednesday morning business around Plymouth was at a, standstill and the inhabitants busy getting off to Ilea's fishery, on Albemarle Sound, to enjoy the 4th at the second annu al picnic of the Charitable Brother hood. Buggies, wagons unci bicycles soon filled the 'roads leading to the rendez vous, and theso being inadequate the steamer Mayflower had been chartered, and on the arrival of the train from Washington bringing the speaker of the day, Hon. H. S. Ward, she cast off with a merry crowd to joiu tho others on the grounds. All went as merry as a marriage bell until dinner was spread, when the clouds came down iu a perfect deluge, causing a rush for shelter, but many being distant were soon in the same condition as the dinner too wet to mention. After this few were in humor for anything but bathing, so speaking was dispensed with and all amused themselves in their own way until time to return home, which time ar rived just as another terrific cloud gathered in the West and bore down upon them, so it is safe to surmise that most of them reached home in a very limp condition except those on the Mayflower, which gallaut lit tle steamer, under the management of Capt. J. E. Hayes, stood the tierce elements with the stolidity of a battleship. Many thanks are due Mr. Bob. Ilea and his men, who did all in their power to make us as comfort able as circumstances would permit; also to Capt. W. B. Olifton'of Roa noke Lighthouse, and Mr. Sam. Riddick and others, who with their boats added much to the convenience and pleasure of all. While most of us feci to-day that w have pic-nic enough to last a life time, doubtless we will all bo just as anxious to run tho same risk a year hence, It is always well to have a box of salve iu the house. Sunburn, cuts, bruises, piles and boils yield to Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Should keep a box on hand at all times to provide lor emergencies. Fur years the standard, but followed by many imita tors. Be sure you get the genuine De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. F E Davenport .Examination For A. & M. College. Application for admission to the Agricultural and Meehnnical College at Raleigh, will be examined by tho County Superintendent of Schools in his ollice at Plymouth on Thurs day, July VZ, at 9 o'clock. By stand ing these examinations, young men may save the expense of a trip to Raleigh. The A. & M. College of fers 120 scholarships to bright, needy boys desiring industrial edu cation. There are courses of instruc tion in Agriculture, Textiles, and Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Me chanical, Chemical, and Mining.) J. O. EVKUKTT, Supt. N. B. Truth, St. Paul, June 31, '03 I've lived so long, I remember well when the Mississippi was a brook. My good health and long life curne by taking Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 3.r cents. P. E. Davenport. TRINITY COLLEGE Four Departments Collegiate, Graduate Ensriiieerini: am 1 T..., Large library facilities. Well equipped laboratories in all de partments of science. Gymnasi um furnished with best, appara ratns. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Yaung Men wishing to Study Law should iuyestigate the su perior advantages offered by the Department of Law in Trinity College : : : For catalogue ttnd further in formation, addrees, J. W. Ni-.wsom, Registrar, IVKHM,N C, i I I Iu Two fcays. every irmr box. 25c jj IPloasiiig- to tlio A beautiful' display of all the FRENCH LAWNS, BATISTE, figured designs that cannot be described, and are too numerous to mension. KrgP Another shipment ot the 40-ineh Lawn to arrive this week. Special This Month, Reductions in Spring Woolens, A beautiful line of light colored Spring Woolens, su'table for Skirts or Whole Suits nli new goods and absolutely staple, suitable for all the vear round wear. ihe?e goods are being offered at trade-winning re ductions. Special Electa mi Will,, mm ilia 0? EfWe can save you 24 li O U I S Trinity Park School A firstclass preparitory school. Certificates of graduation accep ted for entrance to leading South ern colleges. Best Equipped Prepuritory gchooi in the South. Faculty oi ten ollictrs and teacii ers. Campus of seventy -live acres. Library containing thirty thous and volumes. Well equipped gymnasium. High standards and modern method of instruction. Frequent lectures by prominent lecturers. Expenses exceedingly moderate. Seven years of phe nomenal success For c:U;u"g!it' and other infor mation, address, . M. North, Headmaster, DCKIIAM, N. c. S:0E SiiiE' So:r...: ysJiiuLIa lo'.t for snie on lioa TKike Islniid. DUSSTAN c JO'ES, lied Estate Ageuts, 6-1-4 . Elis. Oity, N. C. mm mm Eyo is our lino of newest creations in White Goods for PLAIN and DOTTED SWISSES; C fcr p C a -! Zt Gu & . o 5 r?a? -1 o to o Ct o c zr s 05 r1 rf. fret, mm mb Mew's nisei JBoys Prom now on will put the have never made such sweeping reductions in prices thif early in the season before. Men's all wool black Thib c double breasted suits, worth $13.50, now $11.25. Men's gray mixed casimere suits, worth $12.50, now $9.75. Men's two-piece suits, gray mixed che viott, all wool, worth 11.00, now $9.25. We are prepared to fit the little men" as never before. Norfolk suits for the little men.. Regular two-piece suits for the lar ger boys. Nobby suits for the young men. The newest effects, gray plaids and mixed suitings. Swell looking double breasted ' suits in all wool blue serge an I black En glish Thibet. These goods ar.2 all new and made up in the latest styles a:id are guar anteed to fit and retain their shape, because they are well made. " to 5c. per yard on Chinese F . II E M T Greater Mibll9 Greater JiiWELRY ST Tho .Jewelry houses of have consolidated the Greenwood stock moved to th Paul store and until the completion of our ne building the business will be conducted at the store of Paul and Gale, This combination is of great ad vantage to our customers, prices lower than ever. Goods Sent on Approval j&striuaii oruers receive prompt attention. PAUL-GALE-SREMWOOD CO., Inc., 190. & 214 Main St., - - Norfolk,. Va. GASOLINE BOAT FOR SALE- I am offering for sale one Gasoline Boat. Built lesb than 6 months ago, i:t groKs tons, 12 h p, ingine, at the itiaiiT price, licit guaranteed ecna throUiihout. Addiesu 1). G. WILSON, care W. F. Jonks, C-14 Eliz. City. N. C. Wliite GroodsJ Mid - Summer wear, ORGANOII besides many beautiful novelties Special Hosiery ValuS is our French Embroiderod Ladies' I Hose. We are showing them in Bi with White and Colored Embroidary ; in pure white, Embroidered in W Silk. Wo did not have them on our Oj ing Day as they are lale Importations f France, and have only been in the h a few days. While they last, GO cents, knife m clothing prices. W SEP Mattings. II A JL . Paul, Gale and Greenwood as it enables us to inakJ (I J to Responsible Peopl BERKSHIRE HOGS FOR SALE- I have for sale two fine sows, ono sow and one male pigs, of fine stock aiitl good individuality. All are entitled to registration- W. ?. CAHOON,, , Ofc aiAgoo'iii Farm, jy 1 , CKSUELL, I. C , . fJ