We apologize to the News find Observer for not giving credit for an editorial copied from its issue of Oct. 9th in our last issue. The fact is, we intended -making Homo com ment, but having so much illness in the family we were behind in out work mid neglected doing so. lu this article the administration of ten years ago waa condemned ;s a condition to be guarded iigaitut in the future. Some of the llepubli cun(?) bosses have tried to make cap ital of this against us, but we cannot see how any white man who had no finger in the pie ten years tigo and who beleives in better education, white supremacy and honest govern ment, could take oileuce at it, even were we its author. Nor would they have done so hud not these said bos flea called attention to it, placing a falso construction upon it ;u.ci urg ing honest men to beleivc it meant J reflection upon them, l'eiul it again, j Th-ui's cr h friends, and see if vou can find where i Money refuiuk-u you come m. iou can r. ao it. And again, the same men have tried to mako capital against us be cause we published a letter recently signed "A Republican." Where we can be blamed for this is more than we can see. Such letters are pub lished in all the papers, from nl! manner of men in every campaign, ttud the one trying to rind something in, this to uso against us is indeed hard run for something, and would be only too glad to have something of the kind to use in 1m own favor. We did intend, ho.vever, lo u.sk pc-r- Su3lne?s Tattooed. Some of the Japanese tradMmen Sn tho smaller towns of Nippon have a curious way of Fuivertlsinr their bu.:!-cc-ss. On their rip;ht forearms tiiey tat too azures M be shoemaker a shoo, tho woo dcutter .u fixe, the buicht-T a clear er. Underneath t luv: cint.loms are sue',) iaiitriptions as, "I -k my work modest ly and cheaply." or "1 iim-a- f;oti ;t my irPdo as must of my fellows." When t!i? are looking for woti; they bare their arms and walk abuiu. the. swt-cld. TVNKU'S DWSPKI'SIA UEMKDY A (.luarautml Cure. If veu suffer -from Dyspepsia or Iute tioe Rny form. b'jiohiuR. bitter tKto, offousivo bad bnath, tizzy spells, near stomach, heart, flutter, imn.-ea, K-istntifi, loatliiiu: of lovd. pains er ewe hns m the .stomach, Wok or side, da-p-seatcd U'aey or liver trouble, then they will disappear in a slicrt time after taking Tyner'n iy;- CHURCH DIRECTORY- M. K. Church Services every SnnJay at 11:00 o'clock a. m., and 7:00 o'cl'vk v. r.i. Frr.yer meeting every Wtvlwoaday night. 1-Zov. L. li. Jones, ;-u3tor Sunday school everr fr.nday weming at UAb o'clock, W. M. l?temiu, rntpt. Baptist Cbuveh Si tvio. s every 1st. 2ul and 4th Sv.ncto.v at 1 ;. o'clock a. ia., and 7:30 o'clock p. in. Fray or m-etin every Thursday mnt. ttev. -. W. RoMck, ptenor Sunday wnool every Sundiiy looming at 1.30 o'cluek, W..ii. Vv'i.ue, feupt Grace Episcopal Church Sunday school every Sunday 13 30 a. in,, Clarence f.f.thaiu, buperhnemleut Fourth Sunday. 30 ft. in., Bible class ; 11 a Morning prayer Sermon and Ho ly Coinmmsiou ; Fourth' Sunday night, Evenhiu prayer and sermon ; other Sunday mornings, Mornincr prayer and sermon by the lay-reader, Mr. F A. iJoyle. U.v 11. S , La LW i t e r , lie et o r . Xfrcsh FALL and WINTER Mcrcttiundisei V Tho entire store breathes an at mosphero of Fall. Every department is htavily stocked with new goods, newest stylos, reliable in every way. Just, the poods you are in p-ucuit of for the Fall outfitting." Yon will find us ready, pou will find prices to your likmg. If you'll investigate you will find' that it pjiys 16 spend Vfur money over our conn tew. Trot; sweetens the breath it eer;1: If von have Catarrh, Hay fever, Asthma, vck Ueai- I r. !i :t V. 1 standard nd him m.irio more pv.ret. pepfiia, Infliction and all Slownctt j BrrbUi, Colds, etc., E. E. M. Catarrh oubles, e-.en of the worxt en-:e. Tyncr' j Cure will rare it. Soul stamp far book of ,,1,'i-su Ktmitdy ex)eis the gi'-Hes and ; wondert'ol c:ua'!i. This remedy is tha eld ad 'eii;tipatiOii nt o:fe. j ij..in ;tji ;ii!ier remedies con. bii ed. A. M I L, K M. Co tar, h C'uru Co., C Hox tUl. 'WmM tUe ESaasy Cloak Dcg't. A variety of styles to select from. Prices ranging from $1.75 to" Tlu) largest and liuest lino of Fall and Winter Coats to be found in any up-to-date 3tore. Misses and Children's Winter Conis, all new stylets. Prieos $1.00 to fS.OO. liain Coatf, Tourist Coats. Prices $fi.00 to $12.00. Mmiv siylcs fe ehonso i''oin. Skirtii at ic.OC to 7.0u. f it f.i s t , oar. l .. t. , r j Tynci 1U ir.' Ailaii'.a, Ca. fc;e ad. c'.ocwhevo. 11- , A u;;'.V"t-.s 1 -a :e A o is : . f-- r.d -V 1 1 i!-'i!y puru t'.t i h IK. M O j 111 mj-M '.' 7- ' r.i. a turic.s the et. cl la,a.u U.-r in a. hciy o: :r,e- v";::-..-.i v. the cr.'la d- t iv!U,e oi gaatair.ij their ' froD -''. hi They rmrt have an hoimrablt? :ui!itc ry career, and be, L-ar.ive. of tie? t;;.r of Ep'aora. Cer n, ri.jv.?!.y, tbey loch ! the P"l dtjr;!-- r.v ;s: i-uc( -: paii.! .". ' been v: i Me ' .- .i.Tuei a.", c iict crt-:te; at r.nar.isni. i . c (i, in?m u uet liiiMiuu ii 3 tut; lUtUiC I itc latltr. writer, out nave been away irurn home and have not been able to see him, and will not do so without his consent, but if anyone has reason to disbelieve the genuiusne of it, we can speedily eonriuce him if he will call on us. Then, aa -a result of this letter, our bad health i magnified by those who know better. While it is true our health debars us from hard work, no man in our knowl edge makes more regular time at his work. We do nor, ask 'vote a -a matter of charity, baton merit alone, having confidence that if elected we will fill the office m well and as ac ceptably a any man ever has. Such as this goes to prove that those who wish our defeat can Sud nothing tangible against us, so jump at these, little, insignificent thing3, contorting them and trying to iuduo others to see the wolf that does nut exist. TO CTJHft A COLD IK ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE IJKOMO QUININE TabltW. DrugSsta refund money if it fails to curs. E. V. GllOVK'S siguattire ia on each bos. 5c iu 1 HAS STOOD THE TEST 25 YEAKS. The old, original GKOVii'S TaHteiess Chi!! Tooic. Yoa kuo" what you are Irtkiug. It U iron and quinine iu a tasteless i'otm. Mo cure, No pay. 50c. Jaa VI FOll CLE UK SUPERIOR COURT I hereby hea leave to prtRCut my nje ibr the favorabl cc'CrttUHnitie.u of tho Deta oeratic votern cf Washington county for nomination ud election to the uiiiue of Superior Court Clerk. Having always been n uemocrat, l nave done what I could for the buenahti of that lkrty siuce attainivig nay majority. ' Yet I make no clanu upon it, lelitving tkist we are under obligations to it.'&ud not it toua It is well known that thin otfice tuuBt have Bouiething to tiupplemoa; i. I Mn in thi position; I live conveuieut to ?be Court Houee ; I enjoy a rrpuhUiou for Btriot attention to buHiueM, aiul il'hcuored with noiuinatiou 8P.d eleetioa, hall do cy best to otorit yoor coaSdencs and approvul. Youra, very reepectfnlly, C. V. W. AUSBON. SHOPPING BY MAIL. Geo. B. Davis & Co's. Depart ment Store is Brought Very Near to Your Homes by its Reliable Hail Or der Service. Mis3 Grace Ott, formerly of Plycjonth holds a responsible position with this weii known &rm, and ie pleaned ut ail times to receive the patronage of her mnuy fiicnil:; end aequaintauoes, giving to their orders her personal attention. The Geo. B. Davig Rtoro in one of tho leading Departaient Stores of Philadt-1 phia, Pa., carrying large ftceka of 'trim med and Untrinimed Millint-ry, Woinc.u'a Shirt Waists, Bionas and sepurate hkirti-', Underwear, Missus aud Children's DreHes, Men's aud BoyH' Clothinft. Itibbons, Laces, Belts, White Goods, Drt Good:,, Uphols tery, Housefuruisnings, tc , &c. This store i.i famous, too, for its moder ate prices. It is a great convenience to the people of Plymouth and near-by tcwi -a io be able io 6hop so witisfactoriiy by rnaiJ, with entire confidence that they ave gutting the newest and most approved fr.hhions. Many of our residents avail theaisc!v-::a of this mode of shopping. All orders addressed personally to Mi.is Geace Off, of Geo, B. Davis & Co., 2930-30, Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa., will receive prompt and catti'ai at. tcutioo. ..u.1. ..-y'j'j;:;1.", ? FOR SHERIFF. I take this method of rturniug tlaaks ;nd appreciation to the citizens of Wash ington county lor tneir confidunce and sup port iu the pant, and as aufitber jear Iimh dawned wbeD a oouveutiou will be hj!d for the purpose of naming a man for the poeition I have been holding for the pcbt six yearn. I respectfully offer myself as n candidate fcr the consideratloa and action o? the convention. I haTe been censofenfioun in trying, to discharge the dntien of olllce acceptably ti the law-abiding wen of the comity, and ran only promise, if re-elected, to uiscLarye Ujoh auti9 as I have in the pak. Very respectfully youra, W. J, JACKSON. To a Smart Proper ty-0wt:fr Painting iii practical work. .Skill vi:;. It'.s the (jaiutf with paint n;akiog. You fcnow 4 grdlosB L. & M. mixed .vita 3 gallons Linseed Oil tuakfH enough paint Ibr a moderaio mZk& house the b st puin! mciiey can bo v- because the L. it M, Z nc hardenM tho L. M. VVbiSe L"-ad and mak-js tb L. t M. Paint wsar like iron. Bay L & 11. and don't pay $i.."0 a kp.! lon for Linked Oil, as you do in reauy-for-use paint, but buy oil frr-fb from the barrel at CO cents, uid mix with tho L. & XI. Actual coat L. & M about 1 20 per gal lon. Sold by H. A. Blount,- PlymoulL, K. C. 1-2! YOU SAVE $100 at Q:f-t. :.nd jret one of the best pianos i:iaih-. There can be none be k-r. Stikpf piaxos are not sob.l to dealers, but direct from maker to uj-lt, saving you the middle man profit. EYEEY PIAIO SITAE AH TEED 1 b'.or l s a link and let US tell you all about it, ami hew we help you to own dm sweet toned piano. Lj;t us tei.i, xuv of bund reds of Carolinians who have bought, ami recom mend the Stjvfi. Address GHAS. M. STUFF, j eyraiiby.. . HorfoifcTa,! ..Geo. S. Nusbeah,- Mgr. V-! After Jan. 1, 1907, 112 Gratibj u V S.i..' r-t , 4- 5 14 M mm1 Slili Slaee. A .Spocial in Kid Gloves at $1 ,00 a pair. Lone, Ulack Silk G loves at T5c a pair. .V, 'WVt -d-f-X Li I4J- ;' L$ 11 SjaL'ni'.id Valncs from .jOc. to A Special No. for $1.50. Ooo! valuo in Uinbrellas at $1, l.r.O, $2, &,50ancl $3 viO.. Wc rax4 stiovfnr rial) pattern hate for dress occasions. Also ro;u!y-tvi wear huts, n't hatd, etc. A hs. O a '3 j. i.s..u c . i .ii -i A d p i-1 u a Bugs and Carpets'"- j We call Special AlU iiti.tn to a Spcclhl line of llnp's in Cnr-i;xtr-.i h ).,(! -M-.iP h: !ihk- 3..iucn : il.-.c. 7.- j.cr yd. :pet 6j:(.s. n.orkul ami ,f2l' ' Extra vuhie iii Brussels ljm Tiuo (iualtty of TxM Ln:n, 'itli :,.. irs to ir.it.-l-, carpets a t)0o anl $1 AumiiiHttT cd;rom eamplow, $10t. a yid. .Ml 'io-n n;pfcins l-c, $1.00. 1.0. Also nt ii;l to gl. 50 vard. fulli Varietv of small" from 3 to irip'd, fwot 2c to t Of) iiiie St. n-i fail and lewis C ompatiy, X. 1 5s i t1 11 .U. .1,1 ; Barrel 5 r. Vinol builds you up and keeps you up v, fc. . - j n: l fli .M '-i . aw e 1!!' .a. if ' fi-M-. ''fc.?; l- .' ! ' . i 'i I- Vj F-t'Sf LV :-jA.LiM.'TL,r.,iEa I iim still hi the lead, selling the price. Best work for Our delicious Cod Livsi' preparation without oil. Better than clrl-fashionecl cod iiver oil and emulsions to restore health for Old people, delicate children, weak run-down persons, and after sickness, colds, coughs, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles, Try it on our guarantee. P, E. Davenport, Druggist. V if" m 4 it J ', J' -w. Prp .r.-ii."!f"-5; vp'i t-,j POi'.TADLE .3, IO. 12 n-l ) 7 H p Bnth OpeH asu.d Top Bugnes' witli all styles oi Springs. I am introducing a very line riding spring, 1 " T3 . W ranteed to Last, tit' HARVESTER ( V- 3 wti-.aS FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic a necessity in the hygienic care cf the person and for local treatment o feminine ills. As a wash its cleansing, germicidal, deodorizing and healing qualities are extraordinary. For sale at Druggists. Sample free. Address The K. Fa.xtoG Co., Boston, Mass. are goixi, I. H. C. f.nvu.-1 pre cf'?rc:.t!y cc fij;red. Itr.-thc sisn plscsty of as engine VV operate, and I. rO H. C enrir.es are to simple tii3t any rnan cr.n ope'Mc tneru su'.i-.isjiiiliy. Ar,otK (future of the I. H. C. tr-.'rfes is ti.r io-.v -ci: O rlwU Li 1 S Y Vi VJE I I W 5V . vertical rEr Hfe m Z 0 .8 and do good service, I mnv ii;tvo a. fine line of work on h-iiul and can fill orders promptly and for the quality of work, 1 will sell Cheaper I Wat Veforcs. Come one and all .and all arid all and give me a call. vx . su'.i'.ptior. ol u--l. i tric.Kx ihena economical. Cal! and etarauie en I. H. C. CT;iiKi. j A- S7ain & Bro l'LYHOUTH, N. U. TlbRfZONTAL O. ft. IO. 12 ! 15 M.P. se 20-tf n km kt rr mi nh rm Mil 5bS 'tew' yfeafT'' a?2j fei&i! E5i feK32ii BSi4 SSEBi fSZsij 9 4Xbe Old lleliable.' , , PLYMOUTH, N. C. i r

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