THE ROANOKE BEACON. PUBLI8HED EVERY FRIDAY 0. V. W. AU8B0N, Editor akd Owner PLYMOUTH. N. 0. Friday. April 17. 1908 R. EQUSfiELLE Dr. I B. Bouchelle of Thomasvllle, Ga., a physician veil known in the South, is very enthusiastic over the cod liver oil preparation Vinol. He ays: "I have used Vinol In my fam ily and in my general practice with the most satisfactory results. It is exceedingly beneficial to those afflict ed with bronchial or pulmonary dis eases and to create strength." The reason Vinol is bo far superior to old fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions, is because It la a real cod liver preparation from which all the useless oil has been eliminated and tonic iron added. We ask every weak, thin, run down, nervous and aged person in town, and all those suffering from chronic colds, coughs and weak lungs, to try Vinol on our guarantee. P, E. Davenport, Druggist. NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAIL WAY. IN EFFECT SEPT. 80TH, 1907. TRAIN SERVICE. NOHTHBOUND i Leave Belhaven daily (except Sunday; 6:40 a. ni. Leave Washington 10:55 am ' Plymouth 12:12 pm " MackeyV Ferry 12:4:0 pni. Arrive Edentou 2:05 p. m. Leave Edenton daily (except Sunday) 7 45 a. m , & 3 J 5 p. m. Arrive Elizabetn City daily (ex cept Sunday) 8 55 a m., 3 15 4 2." p in. Arrive Norfolk daily (except Suu- day) 10 40 a. m. , 4 45 & 6 10 p. m. Southbound : Leave Norfolk daily (except Sunday) 8:35, 11 55 a. m. & 605 p. in. Arrive Eliz. City daily (except Sunday) . 10 23 a. in &1'J3, 7 53 p m. Arrive Edenton daily (except Sunday). 11 30 a. m. A 2 20, ir 00 p m. Leave Ifideuton daily (except Buuday) 2 20 p. m. Arriva Belhaven daily (except St?yX 5 10 p. m. L'xTvrEdenton 2:3o p. m. Arrive Plymouth 4:23 p. m. Arrive V asbibgton 5:15 p. in. Trams ios. 3, 4, 5 & 6 stop at all inter mediate stations. Connect at Norfolk with trains to and from Virginia Beach and Currituck Brauch STEAMBOAT service. Leave Edenton 2:30 p. m.. d'.ily except Sunday, for bcupperuoog ltiver. Steamer leaves New Bern 7 4f p m. Leaves Oriental 00 a. m., for New iru, daily except Sunday. Steamers leave Belhaven 5 00 a. m. Tues day. Thursday and Saturday for Aurora, South Creek, iviaklev ville, &c. Steamer leaves Plymouth daily (except Sunday) 4:00 p. in. for landings on Cashie Biver. For further information apply to W. J Nicho'son, Ag't, Plymouth, or to the Gen eral Office of the N. & S. Ky , Norfolk, Va. M. W. MAGUIKE, Gen. Supt. H. C. HTJDGINS, Gen'l Ft.& Pass Agt. PAMLICO DIVISION MIXED TRAINS- A. M.I 9 46 Lye. 11 15 115 Arr. v. M. A. M. 8 45 Lve. 0 10 9 44 iuoo 10 08 JOSS Arr. A. X. Mackey's Ferry Plymouth Pine Town Washington MackevYFerry Koper Pike Road F Bishopcrons F Pantego Belhavn Arr. 510 4 40 800 Lve. 1 50 A. M. Arr. 8 20 8 01 7 20 7 03 0 55 Lve. 0 40 a. m. O. J. MoLK-AJN', REPAIRING CLOCKS & WATCHES. AND ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY. Trices Reasonable. Work Solicited. Main St., near Artesian Well, PLYMOUTH, N. C. KILLtheCOUC! and CURE the LUNGS WITH s Dr. ling' EJ017 Discovery lUn OLDS Tffal Bottle Fre Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. OUAKANTEED SATXSFACXCZTC OB MON2Y MJUJfVSiJUMilf. Sold by Spruill & Pro. BEACON FLASHED Those who have friends viUm-j 2 them, or who inter ds leaving home aZ themneJve9, will pkuve let it be kftourii g at this office, bo the faoi mny be meu- & !j tloned, It does not matter whether eg you urn a subscriber or not. All we & ack is lot us know ir & . Court this week. Quite h change iu the weather yesterday. Our hoteln have bcu flld with gu?hts all thu wdek. Miss Alice Phelps r.-turoec from a 10 Crenw-'1 John H 8;. erks' Great Show wili exhibit ht'ii ht xt Fi ula. A in 1 '-4 . . Mr. V.O Ayes is wienl t!irjr!rt put ii. acros- the fr jur f his etor. Wo are out a litt' htliinrl time this week, owing to a scarcity of priuu-r. Nearly ail the stores here Hosd hile theGnveruor a (speaking V ediisd,ty There have been bo many visitor lure this week that we could not uo-ntion them Don't wait uutil vour property is burned ' and then nay "I origin t have injured," it is too late then, See W Fletcher AUhbou, The Insurance Man, now and get a poiiety, A large number of visiting lawyers have been in attendance upou tha court here this week. De Witt's Little Early Hisers, the famous little liver pills. Kold by t E. i-'avcsipurt. The new side-walk iu front of Mr. A L- Chven' iiornthal property is a big im. provement to the town. Yam potato slips for sale. For further information apply to O M (JnES;ON, ar3 Plymouth. N. C. The old wooden grate has been taken out of the artesian well and repl .Ced by a Cement floor which is iui improvement. Sheriff Norman who wbs reported in our last issue as being dangerously ill, rallied and in uosv ou tbe r.iad to rec verv. which will be welcome news to his frieuds Mr. Loais P. Hornthal has ri-tuined from Baltimore with a bunch of good hordes nod mules which he Ims fur Bald at his private stables, It is about the clean est lot of stock we have seen herein a long time If you wish to buy a good team call on Mr. lloruthil he Can a nit you. SEED Potatoes For Kale I have a lot of tine KeU BtUs rieeu potatu , which I 1101 offering lor hale cluap. Also Jtiey Waketield cabbnge plants now ii ..Iy. W. F. LC0A8, Pecan t arin, Pi: mouth. N. O. Rave you been dowi to hear the Edisou and Victor Talking Machii'e? at jMr O. Li. Leggett'ti? Mr. Let-KV ia aent tor tlin ubove machines alo ih'; Columbia which he luvites the public to heur He has quite a number of record. whicii con ist ot ttie latest music fe 28 tf lie Got What lie NewUd. "Nine years ago it looked as if m time had come " kh.s Mr. O. Ftnthiug. of JVlill (Jn tk, Ind. Tor,, i was s iun ij v.. tu-i !i'o hUUi on 11 very aieud-r thr-:l it w-8 ;nu my dri.ggint reconamendva J&ictri bitters, i bi'Uht a bi'itle auu got whai I needed strength I Lad one foot in the grave, but tSlectrto liitters put it back 011 tn- .urf again, aDd I've hue:: wen ever fcince." dold un!rr uuiirauiee hi Spruih & lire's. i',0c. To The Ladies of Washing ton County. 1 earnest,! v ask t tin'. ue ... all over ; con 1. wiii t'vanz. -tn pelves i: ii. .-. l.uiid I'v. pcrunce V vi ke. s ji in 1 tiiai 1 ii. 1 i' 1-n'hiue tiuit w.oK .hi ( I fit e ii. il t.v Al. Al i lie: . ; ves tUioe lo uiu uiu in, tn fl.l N I ;t t l'i!i ,.M. 1 1 -.It. ! , ban if 10 f'l'O , ' 1 ' ; ' 1 1 I .r. .; : ., ,.j .. ri 1)1 he . 011 1 .iii.-, itti .i In. i.Uib .nuc' oi' yoii 1 daughters; tmd . hIoo hsk Mu-.r. they will organize the (Jitildn-ii into a liard of '1 eiii)enir,ce Workers. 1 will furnish jui. with Temper ance Bougs, upon :ipj)l ieation. Let's see who Will be the lirst to appl. We have no time to lose. March 30th, 1008. w. b. DAVEivrour, Mai.key Ferry, N. C. , County Ch'rm. Anti-Salootieague. To have perfect health we must have per fect digestion, and It is very important not lo permit of any delay the moment the htomaoh feels out of order. lake some thing at once that you know will promptly and unfailingly assist digestiofi. There is nothing better than Kodol for dyspepsia, indigestion, sour stomach, b lchiug of gas and nervous headache. Kodol is a aturnl digestant, and will digest whiit you eat Sold 1$ P. E. Davenport. To the Farmers of Washing ton County. 'IV; emphasize t lie inip-'fanco of itnpioviog 1 lie ,-eed, u.inl meihn.l ul vli! ure tl eo n ti this 'v"j ,' ' -t. .:eivi-' i tt i ;li .i- i. t' ; w v U i In ii' k f Koper, t. '. iwar l' d next winter by the teisoi.a tmlding .1 Farmer's !n--tituu in this uotntv inter the auspic.-t . t tiic .North Carolina l.xperinnnt Bia'io-i, o the farmer exl'ihitirtg jit .-uch Karinei's j insf itule'cno I"?' ten ears (f corn grown in the county ne fion ; ri)iW-ui ti.' t xhi' u 1. 'd..'d the , t X'ilh.l .1.11 t -pt. "Lt h..c ni tre com hein r C'..rn." Thus. W. Blount. Koper, N. C, March 12, 1908. A Snrl AVnirlPnr. NOTICE. On Batuidav last the little hairy 1) - A...1 ... . ,.t 1.., H unlhnrllv nf a rlpfi-M nnH 1 1 i ? lllf n f. ( ni iti'v. , r vimrew", iici.i ii in tiic "J - j- --. ---- B:.pnst huioh, WMS hlepi.2 n a ; reunion ipr. M3th lUGS by ' , ' . 1 .7 , 1 of huponor Comt m the purtitiou urocofi- eel when 111 uie wj.y it. rolled otf ' iuog-eutitloJ UeuryD-iveurort, W.u. H on the floor, ti e: mother picket! it tip , KawU, et al. vs Aun'e PnelpH, 'I ell Dzier A HiT T?t "O B A C JtXUUlhkX JJI1UU. ir did nol wale- hikJ-h physician was called who fo:i id I lie ,-kti 1 hroketi or pre-ing Oi. the '.-rani, idl'lTort.8 wer" in. id-1 '(i ;r . ;iij the li''le ou; li'if n vain ttiu' -n -i ;,'rlot.k WediifSUay morfiii?2 its litthi spirit was waf'od back ii- the (iod who 'IT" deep;.!s' svmpathies of our en tiro people ,.re with the grief -stricdi-ei! paren t w'loe h.ouu' is mae d so .H)ii after coinlr? to our tow,.. A Base Bail Scrap. et al. 1 shall p'I tor cush, at public a.-e:-tion to the hiijhHMt bid far on T 5 U dy !' Miy 19f 8, at 11 o'clock a. m., ai he C urt lla'e door iu Plynuai'-h, N .. ih fol loing trac-i of In vJ Ijiugiu v ns 'iug ton Oounty, Hcupperuoiitj owi.ohip, State of North Carolina. houo? d as fol lows. Beginning at an h ui at the i i.iain road near Uoxeu lii-idge and lrom there runuing a line of mri ed 'rees m eesiWHrdlv diruction to iui Kim in J ... . . . . -I ... - n..a.l ISI Uurx H me, induce ronrn aivi.t4 w.u jii- Ion -iue aud Idian Swarup to a pine corner trn ip Jami-s Noiiuau's lio. theuce west I ; tiong Nortnni.'r, line to no old liuxe.i B'dg j ! ditch, thence uiong said ditch to tun road, thence along the mam road to tlie in I HII'IIIHWIHI II I III. II IW II IH'I 1 'BW llff'TfliMTI Ml 1 Leadig S Plymo th's re si Just a Few Words to the Cloth ing Buyers of this Vicinity. first -tatiou It hfiut? that tract cr-uveyed Wi.l.e ii g -me of f ii w.ia being ily F Hproill to Simon Davenport. And played h'.-reun J1 uirsdav of laM 'f..k ' footainli. 25 acrta more or lenK between Uoper ami Plymouth u iitKu , imcnih. N. C W M Bond. Jr corn n ii ..i j M..i I ' d tuon ii 'i i nit nrr .iton r;v:(i it ui ii ti4 u ?f v. i ut f v u i Kj ixicxtij from the uoi-ntry ami oue of ( lie t uopT pUyui's, wh-:ch all out people Commissioner. very much rtjvet. it seems tii.a the stiiiill bo':; were '"rooting" lor the home team and one or two of them ed vulgar, profane and indecent language to one of the Koper playerd, who is nod it for some time but at hu: 1 ist hia temper and kicked one of the boys, then it was that the or. ng man stepped in to protect the bov and the scrap follow ed. All the b.atne steins to ue on the bo vs. If bovs who mi to the frames insist. J O ID I. I, on auch actions as this it will be best ! Ub lignt for them to he keoL jiwav. Let. thorn nhoni. i.d ' roii:." ail ihev ok.-, mi libers' 3.00, ch w"h oider. they do not use uffensivo "language. (n onG at once anil p-vo express l.iicliHs and oeli tleliiCn who like to ' charges. C. V. W. A L'SBON, see the game do not wish M such scenes as they did on luirsday last and they will be kepo away is tuch is 'oleraLed by t he players. In behalf "it our town ve apolo gize lo our ijp','i friends for what hjj)peiied lust Thursday and assure them that such is condemuud by all our people. We haye, througb the efforts of Mr. E. Ii Jackson and oiners, a fairly good diamond, grounds enclos ed witu a prelected gr ind stand and we hope Lo make this town a meeting plae'o this se:w ju -vhere many of th-j nt'ghboring towns m:iy nome to cioss bu's, and vy hope Mayoi pruid will lake tne inteie.-.t in this that he does in mher public maLters, and see to it tout visitors are protected from the insults, of even boys, and we knirv h,. will, it' it .akesex ra pence to do it. Therefore, w; invite our neighbors to come to Plymouth to do i.he;r ball playing this season. In a few more days Easter will be here, and no doubt ou will want to look your very best on that day, As the old Haying is, ''Fine leathers make fins birds,1' so come and let us fit you up, from head to foot. Our clothts are made of the latest fabrfes, em bracing blues, blacks, greys and browns. Ask to see our suits of blue serge at $1100; it is cLeap at $15.00. Our brown at f 14,00, a bargain at $20 lit and satisfaction guaranteed. Dozens of other styles too numerous to mention. V Youths' suits, embracing blue serges from $ 0 00 to 12.50, Biggest line of Hoys' knee suits in Washington Our price is the same as iho Pnb-ieouuty. Prices from $1,48 to $0.9b Hear in mind that we can save vou from $2 00 to $$.oo on every suit iSeoing is believing, so come investigate yourself. A few words about our Shoes. We have Shoes for all. Ask to be fIiowu our styles in the Dress-well iSho'i ; it is the best $3.50 shoe in the world we have them in abhut a dozen styles; in Tans, Patent-leather, Gun-metals, made on this sea son's newest lasts. We are going to introduce our fci'lrei'Xectioii cmxlity" Men's Shoes. Strictly $5.00 goods, every To Justices of the Peace and All Business Men. 1 have o;. hand a .'.mall number of i nuns' North Carolina "Manual of Law and Forms," latest edition, aud j. scout. This is a condensed book of the revised laws and forme lor this State, and should be in the hands of every .Justice, Jirecutor, Administrator, Guardian, Notary, Banker, Business man ind Lawyer. Uf-e lint book and vm nre sure to Plymouth, N. CJ. Buy Your lino From The Maker Buying a piano is a serious busi ness, aud should not be entered into' lightly. You want an instrument' that you can depend on, and ihatPJr guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or a new twill brine: a tood onee second uai r is vouiv. We are" not iroinif to sell tins shoe at handed should you want to te!l it. j $5.00, but in order to get it advertised, have made at- STiEFF PIANOS nre i. ever sold ; a..n rr lilllgCIUCUIS atll it IL t-'tdt s VJ J , the beginning, Plenty of Trouble. is caused by 8 Hgn.itiou of tlm liver and bow-In, 'o t rid f it aod LeaJuchf ami biliousness and iLe poison that hr -ngs jauo dire take D King's N'uw Lify Fills, ttie relinble ilr? the wnrK witb-ut giimliiig or gri,.oi4 25.: ai Spruill & Uros. A woLj ni tnii mate a f.;ol of any w&n 'f i'ii- (!u!!iJfiK ii iv .i tii wLile .V Twenty Vnar 8eiuence. ' liiive c a t'r!ti'y year Un ai -ii 'ei:"v iLiipoii'd Biuklcn's i tticH . 'Vf. -v :.,:;'v. 'ir.r'.l mi bleeding pi es j t t w . v'irs v.;: '' w t) ' -.i r. .i ii- Rtii-.vill.' N. Y. is - kli-n' - to dealers. From over (55 years ago, they have been sold from our own warerooms, di reet to the people, at one pro lit over test, o when you buy a ST1EFF or a" SUA W, you get the wholesale price. Easy lerms if you wish. Write for full particulars. CHAS. M. STIEFF, L. C. STEELE, Mgr., 114 Gran by St., - - No.foi k . Va. "The Piano with the Sweet Tone" Otiieial l-'i tn Jamestown Exposition SilfMehtion this paper. SPRIHa MILLINERY. We are now ready with on Spring Millinery, and we wish ! Opening in the next issue. Specials in Women's Low Quarter Shoes. Perfection Quality in Tans, $4.00. Oxford Tfees, our pvico 3.48. $&0G Oxfords, Special price $2.48 2.50 " " " 1.98 2.0,0 " " " 1.48 Four styles in Ladies' white Oxfords from 75c. to $1.48. U'e have a big lino of Boys', Misses and Children's Oxfords that will be sold accordingly. Bear in mind that shoes is one of our strongtst lines and wo have a big line to select from and our prices are the most reasonable in the city. Shirts $1.25 and $1.50. Shirts, Gold Medal Brand swel lest designs 98c. 50 doz. shirts, 60 and 75c quality, for 48c. eaeh, pair 95c. Big lot 50c. Neckwear, newest spring designs, for 25c. Don't forget that we have added Millinery Department I to our establishment and we are sre-ino; to sell the best milli- bu ns w. uuds od cms in tu- rLortett . Tq are now ready with our nery for the least price. We will announce our Spring 15- tie 1 . . i:.s! 1-1 t; ; L a an old go i w. b ,oi.o va,s ban to extend our usual invitation to our friends and patrons to -; I come to see our Millinery, Election Officers Appointed. ' Dress Goods, Etc. We cau bhow you some values tbat will please those who waut Rood goods, flue qunlity aud correct styles and t i t B j .:o oi c,. u lor this o iiiiiy mf; at the C uirt Ilotiae on W'nl lit'sti ;V and appointt-d Regis trars and Judges ot Election for the May election as follows : Ply mo ut 11 To v x 5 h r p. C. V. Vv . Auhon, Registrar, Julian V. Iliiru-ion und Ed. U. Nor man, Judge- of Election. Luii's Mills 1'owNSHrp: E. A. Lcary, Uegistrur, Warren (Jahoon ami W. (J. l'homp tiori, Judges of EK-etion. 8KINTN tiltSVlLLIi ToWXSHIl' C. V. White, hegis'.rar, E. R. Spruill and SI. A. Norman, Judges of Election. 8C L L V l K N O N (J To V K S II I P. Yi. F. 8 wain, Rt uustrar, J. I.. llassell .uid 1). K. Wood ley, Judgi-'S of Election. not:(;k. W.T, Frferoan, Adir.r of Iaaao Harrison, doe'd. etal, vs .1. S. llarricon nd O. O. Bri.ikloy, B.r vir'n ' f a dcre of the Clorb of ihe STpe. 1 ior'.'.-'.rt of W 'liiK'on rimiy, . T. lb.- JPtk (Juj of ''rirr', TI08 !' ihu Hu- vo-otlft'fiil KrilOIl id.-p .fiirii, I lta,! cH tor .ah i t'' Ooiut o:nti dour 111 1 y.-'ontb, i'. a' i2 '' n r lie il.;- MCnuay in Mtiy. ir bain ? the l'h i .v of M .v, 19 8 'lu fol. nwiiii.' il m ri'. d tm-1 of l ".:t : tract liiml coota n'ti;' OA acri" ;rorr or ie, bo"'lMl on the Nonh liv th lard-' 'fabro liar' ton; on th Kn ' V laiiU f Sum "V! g.n ; n the Sol th hv ill ' 1 1h of Joe Jlo.-'on and Sawyer ; on rhe h th-! IhiiiN of V. llarri-on. Said land li be sold ubjtct to tho' dower ricbt of the widow. This March lOih, 1SK)8 . C. OAVT OT?. Co r' - imr. Did you ever hear of Koowltiiig? He is one of the bisfgest hnt tnanafactu rers iu the countr. and makes exchisive bty'es tbat well rtreased ladies like to wear. We have avvaitinu youi otder a fino lot of these hats, together with a large lot nt fl wers. Our Headweat for InfrfDts always ranks "High." Originality of designs and good qaality at fair prices being the standard. Como to see us. We will appreciate a visit. Yourh, with thanks for favors, Mss. A. M. Aers. i i i Kennedy's Laxative Cough Symp Unde; llote! Runkley, "lhe place where your Dollar Doea its Duty. r- h &. a h ' '. ' j T. IS L Ail OK-'- CY-AT-LAW, Plymouth, N. C. Relieves Colds by working ther.i cut of the system through a copious and healthy action of the bowels. Relieves coughs by cleansing the mucous membranes of the throat, chest and bronchial tubes. "As p!ea?t to the facte -T T. T, , Z ' r5 f ? .1,. P ' 'i U k VI : K. v iwJ Tar ??.Cr,.CK""V;?n:-' kiJZVi Ti; ZsWiti l iuntj snJ Llac-or nils -Sura vA Safs Sokt by P. E. DAVES POUT. I am still in the lead, selling the Best work for the price, Toth Open and lop Buggies, with all styles of Springs. I am introducing a very line riding spring, Guaranteed to Last, and tto good service, I now have a line line of work on halul and can till orders promptly and for the quality of work, I will sell Cheaper than Ever before. Como one and all and all and all and give me a call. uwr 5 t . f. t vilio Old Keliahle." PLfVMOUTH, N. C