i i i n i r 1 .o Year, la Advance. "FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." S2ns! Copy' 5 GtsU, VOL. XIX. PLYMOUTH, -N, C FKIDAY, JULY 10, i908. NO. C. Y . -NAT 0NALDEM.C0NVEN1N In Session at Denver, Colo., This Week. Proposed Bryan Platform With Resolutions Committee. 1 MAKES ROOSEVELT AN ISSUE Wants "Predatory Wealth" and "Swollen Fortunes" Dealt With Contains Anti-Injunction Plank The Convention programme. Denver, Col., Special. The Ameri can eagle and the Democratic roos ter have vied with each other in giving Denver one of the most lurid Fourth of July in its strenuous ex istence. Throughout the day streets were ablaze with color, an incessant din of cannon and crackers has mingled with the enthusiasm or ar riving political delegations, and long William J. Bryan. ?.""' ;V" trains have crept over the prairie from every direction adding their throngs and the clatter of fireworks, here. At night the State Capitol and other public buildings loomed out of the darkness in living fire with every outline marked by myriad lights, the streets pulsated with convention thongs and the clatter of fireworks; the hotel lobbies were filled with pol itical leaders, delegates and onlook--from every section of the country. ' It is estimated that 20.000 strangers are already here and 00,000 more ate expeetef t in the next two days. The arrivals included the Missouri delegation headed by the tall gaunt form of Senator Stone; part of the North Carolina delegation headed by Governor Glenn who promptly retired- his candidacy for the vice presidency, and .straggling advance guards of many of the other delegations. These ith -nidge Parker, the Democratic ean.Ydate of 1904, Colonel Clayton, -of Alabama, the silver-tongued South ener, ho will be permanent chairman of the convention ; Chief Murphy, of Tarnrnnny Hall, and Governor Has kell, of Oklahoma, a likely candidate ' for chairman of the platform com ' ' mittee, are the chief figures of nat- 1 ional interest on the ground. ' Denver, Special. The platform sent here from Lincoln to the reso'u tion' committtee of the Democratic National Convention has been eom-'.- ple.ted. It follows closely the lines of the Nebraska platform, as written lby Mr. Bryan last March, and is one of the shortest enunciations of the "kind in the modern political history of the country. Opening with a sharp challenge to the Republicans for failure to put into their platform specific declara tions upholding the policies "pro fessed!" by the Roosevelt administra tion aid arranging the party for its retreat from the "advanced posit ion" taken by the "titular" leader during the last four years, the docu ment will contain a fitting reference to the death of Grover Cleveland. Platform builders at Denver have these subjects approximately as pre sented above in condensed form to deal with as a basis for their opera tions. The Injunction Plank. Unless there is a decidedly greater A Leap Year Dilemma. -from Use Washington Star. ' tendency toward compromise than is now mamfestejUhe real fight will be over the WiCrfk-tion plank, but the Planks of Declaration. Scores Republicans for re- treating from "the advanced po sition" taken by the "'titular leader." Reaffirms faith in party prin ciples. Declares for return to govern ment by the people. Urges additional legislation to curb, corporations and publicity for campaign contributions. Opposes centralization of pow er. Favors election of Senators by by direct vote. Demands immediate revision of the tariff. Comes out strong for an in come tax and for means to keep down "swollen fortunes." Advocates government control of railroads. Declares for postal savings banks and as emergency cur rency. Insists upon a modification of the law relative to injunctions. Urges an eight-hour law and other labor legislation. Wants Philippine independence recognized. leaders declare that before the com mittee on platform is appointed a substantial agreement will have been reached and that the committee will hi rplioverl of the necessitv of a prolonged sitting. I Chicago, the fight was against the insertion of any injunction plank at all; here all ad rait the necessity of some declaration WELCOME ATtCH, DENVER, Which' Blazed a Welcome to Delegates iilpte PM Mill 1 AUDITORIUM AT DENVER WHERE THE DEMOCRATIC NATION AL CONVENTION IS BEING HELD. but many oppose the pronouncement for previous notice in injunction pro ceedings. There has been much communion with Mr. Bryan on this point, but ap parently his attitude is not clearly understood, and probably it will not be until his draft of the platform which he is understood to be prepar ing is read. It is known, however, that he would use stronger langu age than is employed in the Republi can platform. That he is willing to go as far as the Federation of Labor demands none is disposed to say, but his closest friends assert that he does not consider it necessary to make such a sweeping declaration. They say that Mr. Bryan will himself sug gest what will be a concession to the conservative and they predict that in the end his draft will be accepted. Bryan Insists on Publicity Plank. Lincoln, Neb., Special. William J. Brvan. in a speech before the Nebras kar Travelling Men's Club Friday night, made the' significant statement that unless the Denver Convention incorporated in., its . platform t w, a campaign '..contribution publicity plank" it 'might look elsewhere than to Nebraska for a candidate for President. The declaration' was made in connection with a discussion he indulged in regarding the action of the Republican National Convention in failing to insert such a plank as he said "after President Roosevelt and Mr. Taft had 'both declared themselves in favor of such action," and was made with a 'sincerity that left no doubt in the minds of ' his hearers that he meant all he said. Split Over Cleveland. Charging that Alton B. Parker's resolution of tribute to the memory of , the late President Grover Cleve land is a clever move on the part of the enemies of William J. Bryan to infuse factional feeling into the national convention, friend of the Nebraskan are determined to offer a resolution of a character designed not to raise controverted political issues. All Democrats, without regard to factional affiliations, applaud the suggestion coming from New York that the national convention shonild embrace the first opportunity of honoring the memory of Mr. Cleve land, but most 'of those who hove expressed themselves on the subject are of the opinion that the resolu tions adnwted should not contain any thing ovt which there could be the slightest difference of opinion. Mascot Obtained, The Democratic party has secured its mascot for the approaching con vention. It came in the shape of c Rock Mountain burro, ""'which was ! presented to Chairman Thomas Tag- gert, of the national cormnittee, by the Denver Times. Mr. Taggart was I unaware of the honor intended for him until the animal was ushered in to his presence at his headquarters in the third floor of the Brown Hotel. It was duly labeled in large letters in paint, one side bearing the in scription : "My name is Denver; ask me," the expression having reference to a large badge for residents issued by the citizens' committee for the bene- j fit of the strangers, reading: "I live at Denver, ask me." The other side was inscribed : "I belong to Tom Taggart." COLO., AT UNION STATION to the Democratic National Convention. Bryan headquarters were opened Monday at the Brown Palace Hotel. Charle Bryan, a brother of the can didate is in charge. Snow to Cool Hall. For the first time in the history of national conventions an attempt will be made in connection with the Democratic convention to moderate the temperature of the hall by the use of snow, and preparations are already untr way for that experi ment. The new Denver railroad, known as the Moffat Line, crosses the conti nental divide 50 miles west of the city and runs through innumerable beds of perpetual snow, and this line has been contracted with to bring to the city large quantities of snow which will be distributed through the hall in barrek. The confident expec tation is that it will vastly improve the atmosphere and at least prove a novelty to the visitors from the States in which snow in the summer is unknown. The hall will seat 12, 000 persons. . , Probably the most marked evi dence of preperation to be found is in the new convention hall, a magnifi eenUstrueturp whkb bw .been erected in the heart of the city at a cost of $500,000. It is a permanent building, but it will be christened! by the convention. THE CONVENTION PROGRAMME. Sessions on Four Days Provided for, Beginning Tuesday. Denver, Specials The committee on arrangements of the national com mittee met on Friday and completed the order of business for the Con vention and for the session of the national committee; to be held on Monday. The Convention programme is outlined for four sessions, begin ning Tuesday. This will cany the Convention through to Friday after noon, unless a fk'ht in committee or on the floor should prolong the delib erations. As alredy announced, it is proposed that an adjournment shall he taJken immediately after the tem porary organization is- perfected out oi respect to the memory of the late Mr. Cleveland, although this feature does not appear on the formal pro gramme. The first day's order of business is as follows: 1. Chairman Taggart of the nat ional committee, calls the Convention to order at noon. Gov. Johnson, of Minnesota. 2. Secretary Woodson reads call for Convention. 3. Prayer by Archbishop Jas. J. Keane. 4. Announcement of temporary officers agreed upon by the national committee. 5. Chairman asks for further nom inations. 6. No further nominations, the chairman puts question on agreeing to the recommendations of the nat ional committee. 7. Chairman appoints a committee of two delegates to escort Tempor ary C hairman Theodore A. Bell, of California, to the chair. 8 and 9. Introductions and sneech of temporary chairman. 10. Call of States for members of the following committees: Credent ials, permanent organization, rules anf4 order of business, platform and resolutions. 11. Probable adjournment or re cess. It is expected that the Cleveland resolution as finally agreed upon will be introduced just before adjourn ment. For the second session of the Con vention on Wednesday the program calls for the permanent organizat ion, the address of the permanent chairman and the receipt and adop tion ox committee reports. The nominations for President will he made Thursday, and it is planned t adjourn after this is settled until Friday morning, when the nomina tions for vice President will be in order. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS DEAD. Famous Author, Familiarly Known as "Uncle Remus" Passes Away at Hh Home in Atlanta Editor and Propristsr of Uncle Remus' Maga zine. Atlanta, Special. Joel Chandler Harris, familiarly known as "Uttele Remus" and an author of note, died at his home in a suburb of this city Friday night. Mr. Harris, whose health had been bad for some time, had only been confined to his bed for- about ten daj'S, suffering from cerrhosis o fthe liver. Complication set in and yesterday he grew rapidly worse and continued to sink until the end came at 8 o'clock. Joel Chandler was born in Eatonton, Ga., December 9th, 18-13. He was married in 1S73 to Miss Essie LaRose, of Canada, and in 1873 moved to At lanta, joining the staff of The At lanta Constitution. It was while he was connected with The Constitution that his tales, "Stories by Uncle Remus" first attracted attention. In 1900 Mr. Harris retired from active journalism "and until last year, when he heeaxne - editor and proprietor of Unrle Remus Magazine, spent most of, his time at his surburban home. He is survived by & widow, four sons and two daughters. Mr. Harris was buried in Atlanta. ADMIRAL THOMAS DEAD Was Evans' Second in Command on - Fleets Famous Cruise. San Francisco, Special. Rear-Adi-miral C. M. Thomas, United States Navy, who was second in eommand of the Atlantic fleet in the cruise around South America, arid for a few days commander-in-chief, died at Del Monte, CaJ., Saturday of ap oplexy. He was walking in the cor ridor of the Del Monte Hotel with his wife when he was stricken. Car ried to his room he died at 8.30.' He went there after he succeeded Rear Admiral Evans as commander-wi chief on May 9. The strain of rep resenting the fleet in the illness of Rear-Admiral Evans told on Rear Admiral Thomas' strength and after hauling down his flag May 15 he went to Del Monte for rest. He was an officer of excellent rec ord, whose tactful bearing in Latin American ports made the cruise large diplomatic success. Admiral Thomas was born in Phil adelphia October 1, 1846, and was ap pointed to the Naval Academy from Pennsylvania in 1861, graduating four years later. From I860 to 1869 he served on the Shennandoah, on the Asiatic vstation, and then weit to League Island navy yard and later to the European station. He was made an ensign in 1S66, a master two years later, and a lieutenant in 1869. He was on duty at the Centennial Exposition from 1S75 to 1877, and later served on the St. Louis until 1878, when he was detailed to go with the Constitution to the Paris Exposition, in the same year. He was made lieutenant-commander in 1SS0 and served at the Naval Aca demy until 1884, when he went to the Hartford, flagship of the Pacific Station, until 1S87, and commanded the steamer Patterson. He became acommander in 1890 and captain in 1S99, attaining his rank as rear admiral January 12, 1905. SILVER SERVICE PRESENTED. The '"North Carolina" Receives Gift of the State Whose Name it Bears. Moorehead City, Special. At sea, two miles off the Carolina shore, the armored cruiser North Carolina, com manded by Capt. Marshall, was, on Friday, formally presented ivith an elaborate silver service by the citi zens of the State whose name the vessel bears. The ceremony occurred at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Lieu tenant Governor Winston who made the pi"sentation speech, was intro duced by State Representative Char les U. Harris, of Raleigh, and Capt. Marshall made a brief address of acceptance. Later Lieutenant Gov ernor Winston and his guests, num bering several hundred, who braved the choppy seas, were entertained at luncheon by the officers of the war ship. To night the commissioned of ficers of the North Carolina were guests at a banquet and reception at the Atlantic Hotel here. In connection with the silver ser vice ceremony two handsome flasrs were presented to the ship by the D:vi Thiers of the Revolution. The North Carolinians here and their guests, the officers of the cruis er North Carolina and the revenue cutters, Apache ami Seminole, eer tnir.lv made a night of it, for it was 3 o'clock Saturday morning when the banquet, at which two hundred ladies and gentlemen were present, cpme to an end with the last of the toasts. The ball was brilliant with twenty-five officers in uniform and ether features. The cruiser left these waters Mon day for the Norfolk navy yard to complete her equipment. Her officers are delighted at their reception. Six Killed in Collision. Oakland, Cal., Special. The nar row gauge local, bound from the Ala meda Mole for Oakland, struck Santa Cruz train No. 57 at First and Web ster streets Saturday evening. The smoker of the Santa Cruz train was completely demolished and all of its occupants were either killed or injured. So far, six dead ami 30 in jured have been taken from the wreck. Governor's Daughter to Christen the "South Carolina," New U. S. Battleship. Columbia, S. C, Special. On Sat urday, July 11, the new United States battleship, to be named "South Carolina." will be launched at the Cramps Ship Yar Philadel phia, and christened by Miss Fred erica Calvert Ansel, daughter of Governor Ansel. Invitations to the launching have been issued to quite 'a number of pccple all over the State and to many in,' PliiluJ?tphia,ln3 Washington. THE BALLOON RACE Aeronauts face Death in the Chicago-to-Ocean Triaf LAND 8G0 MILES FROM CHICAGO. All Balloons Accounted For One Party Dragged For , Miles Along the Surface of Lake Michigan Fielding Probable Winner, Chicago, Special. The Chicago-to-ocean balloon race ended Sunday night, when the last of the nine con testants came to earth at West Shef ford, Quebec, 800 miles from the starting point. This craft was the Fieldin,g owrnd by F. J. Fielding, of San Antonio, Texas. It covered approximately 100 miles more than its nearest competitor and is afeo be lieved to have eaptured the prize for the balloon which remained in th air the longest. The nine balloons left CShieago onv Saturday afternoon. The contest was marked by several thrilling es capes from death. The Yille de Dieppe dropped into Lake Michigan soon after the start, and for an hour or more Col. A. E. Mueller and Geo. Sehoeneck, its pilots, were swept across the surface, finally 1 arising; with their craft to a height of 7,000 feet, from which they descended to Benton Harbor, Mich. A similiar experience fell to the lot of C. H. Perrige, and J. L. Case, crew of the Illinois. While endeavor ing to effect a landing near Lake Ontario their balloon fell into the Bay of Quinte. The aeronauts had don ned life-preservers and managed to keep afloat until a yacht put off from Glenn Island and rescued them. The fate of their balloon is not known here, Perrige 's message to his family stating simply that he and Case are safe. , The third serious accident occurred near Clinton, Ont. The balloon Co lumbia could not be controlled by Capt. Peterson and C..H. Leichleit er and they were dashed against trees ami dragged through barbed wire fences. - Both men were severely in jured. The landing places of the nine bal loons were as follows: Fielding West Shefford, Quebec; America, Car sonville, Mich.; King Edward, Port Huron, Mich.; Chicago, Atwood, Out.; United States.. Pinkerton Sta tion. Ont.; Columbia Clinton, Ont.; Cincinnati, Covert, Mich.; Illinois, Glen Island, Ont., and Ville de Dieppe, Benton Harbar, Mich. SEVEN LIVES LOST IN A FIRE. At Cleveland, O., Fireworks on Dis play Explode, Causing Panic Among Clerks and Shoppers. Cleveland, O., Special. Seven per sons were killed, at least two others were fatally injured, and fully thirty more were severely hurt as the re sult of fire in S. S. Kresge's five and ten cent store on Ontario street Saturday. The dead: .Emma Schn maker, 18 floor walker;; Marie Wag ner, .17, clerk; Anna Trefail, 24, clerk; Frieda Trefail. 17, clerk; Eli zabeth Reis IS, clerk; Mary Hughes, 27, shopper; James L. Parker, four yea rs. The (ire followed :ui cxrdcslon of fireworks on msp'ny in the store. Opinions ii'i'l'rs' as to the exact cnuse of the explosion. A v;om;n who was at the fireworks counter said the stock was ignited bv a spark from a device which was being demonstrat ed to her by a clerk. Fire Chief Wal lace and the store manager were of the opinion that the pieces were ig nited by an arc light. Immediately following the explo sion an alarm of fire was sounded and a panic seized the hundreds of clerks and shoppers. A mad rusk was made for the doors and windows. IN QUEST OF NORTH POLE. Undaunted by Former Trial, Com mander Robert E. Peary Heads Another Expedition to Search for the North Pole. New York, Special. With the Peary Arctic Club's pennant flutter in from her main truck and the Stars and Stripes at her mizzen, the Arctic exploitation steamer Roosevelt left tier pier at East Twenty-fourth street Monday carrying Commander Robert E. Peary, who is to head another ex pedition in quest of the North Pole. Before the ship left Commander Peary said: "I have done too much work in the Arctic regions to believe that I can make the pole without strenuous work., I am not foolish enough in say that I am going to do or die. but I am certainly going to put into th's trip every hit of energy mental, moral and physical that' I have in order to succeed in my undertaking J know m.r path will be, hedged in bv many trials ano I am confident I will carry .the American nag farther north than by "any other explorer.