AN EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS. i During no decade, since the ' formation of the Commonwealth of North Carolina, has there been v such great progress made along the educational line, as there has . been during the years from 1901 to 1910. lhe lol.'owing will give you some idea of the growth of the public school system and inter- " est during the past ten years. The public school expenditures in the state during the year of 1901 aras $l,;248,157.34, and dur ing the year of 1910 it was $3, 178, 950.50. an increase of $1,930,793. 16. ' The average daily attendance has increased from 63.1 per cent to 70.8 per cent of the schcol population of tho state. The average length of the ru ral school has been increased f rem 79 to 94 days. The total value of school pro perty in the state in 1901 was 1,800 000. and in 1910 it was valued at , 5, 63, 026. an increase of $4,063,02!?: , Since 1902 there has been 8456 new school houses built in North Carolina. More than one every day, including Sunday, during that period; The average monthly salary of thethe rural school teachers has been increased from $25.39 to 37.44. 4 ; The total number of Special Tax schools in the state in 19C0 was 18, and in 1910 there were 1167. In 1901, when the library law ' was passed, there were no rural libraries in the state. Now there are 2772 scattered over the state ivng the chile rn of the stata 265,752 volumes of good literature. KOTIUE. Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Mrs. Judy Phelps, deceased, late of Washington county, N. O., this is to gire notice to all persons having etaims against said estate to preseut them to :e on or before the lOtl day of February, 1913, or ihis notice will be pleaded in b ir ol their recovery, AH persons iudebled to said estate will pleaso make prompt settlement to me. This March 12, 1912, B. B. t avenpokt. Ki'r., 4-l!)-'12 Mackey's ttrry, N.O. n NOTIC10 Washington Coumv, N,. C, Holme the Clerk. Clarence LatLain, Adriir. of ,. T. LewiV, vs W. C. Miirriner nnd wife, W.-' W. Walker and wife, S 11. Li-wis ami uif -Miss lilauche Lewis, lid Lewis, or his heirs, et al. To the defendants above named, aud especially VY, O. Marrluer and hz wife, Miss Blanche Lewis, aud Ed. Lewis or his heirs if he be dead. You and each of you wilt take notice that an action entitled m above has been lus'tunted boiore tue un derii?nprt. and unnitfions has issued against each of you, returnable betore use at th Court House in Flyiiu.uth, W. (.'.., ou Anril 15.1912 You w ill take uotice that in saul action tne piainun uas uitu ic titiou to sell the lands of bis intestate, IN T. Lewis, in said County of Washington to pay tne debts of said N. I. Lewis now due. You are required to ujjpear nerore me at inv olliee at the Court House m Washington County. N. 0.. on April 15th, : y 12. to answer or demur to the said ccui. Dlaiut as is required by law. Witness ui hand and seal, this March lith, 19U (L. S ) O. V. W. Ausbon, , Cleik Superior Court lit .1 H ; i f ifii E DifTt) NOTICE. Washington County, North Carolina. The Undersigned, having qualified as ad ministrator of the estate ol N. 1 . Lewm, this is to natity all parties holding claims against said n. T. Lewis to present tneiu for DHvmeut. to me at Plymouth, North Carolina, on or before the Kith day of March lUl.'i. or this notiee will he pleaded in bar for that paymeet. All persons in bebted to said decmcteut will please make immediate payment. Uiarence uruihiii, administrator. W. M. Bond, Jr. ' Attorney. t SPECIAL NOTICE. To Tax Payers of Plymouth : I am compelled to ask all of you who hve not done so, to pay your town taxes by April 1st, as the state laws require collec tors to settle in full on or before April 1st of each year. E. R. Jackson, Collector. . TIRED RUN-DOWN PEOPLE A North Carolina Man Suggests a Remedy Greensboro, N. C. "For a long time I was so run down and debili tated that I could hardly drag around. iif appetite was poor and I could not deep nights. I had tried different so called tonics without benefit I was advised to try your cod liver and Iron tonic. Vinol, and I am bo glad I did, for It gave me a hearty appetite, I toon commenced to sleep soundly, and I feel strong, well and more ac tive than I have for years. Every run down or debilitated person should Just give Vinol a trial." K. Allsbroot. What Vinol did for Mr. Allsbrook it will do for every weak, run-down or debilitated person in this vicinity. To hew our faith we. will furnish the medicine free If it does not do as we claim. Come in and get a bottle on these terms. P. E. DAVENPORT, Plymouth, N. C. Tin) Greatest Amount Protection FOR TLa Least Amount OI Consider the Business Man's Special $5000 Policy r the Met ropolitan Life Insurance Co., of New York. Policies of all kinds issued at low cost by this Co. District Office over 0. R. Leggett's Store, Plymouth, N. C. J. T. McNair, Agent, GEO. B. HARRK :upt. Wood's Seeds Fop 1012. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, and tells all about the best Garden and Farm Seeds. Every farmer and gardener should have a copy of this cata log, which has long: been recog nized as a standard atithcrity, for the foil r.nd complete infor me.ticn which it gives. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and all Farm Sseds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog mailed free en request. Write for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS. Secdsnea, - Richmond, Va. Foley Kidney pills Foa Backache' Kidneys ano Sladder s; : ';. ';''' ; : : : The Banking Habit. means sound sleep, good digestion, cool judgment and independence. It is good business to be come identified with a good bank; to make it a hsbit to consult with its officers. Cash in bank, with the ' credit is caeates, is the key to opportunity and reserve a gainst adversity. We invite you to open an account with us. We do not insist on a large beginning. The main thing is to make a start. m i m i 1 WASHINGTON COUNTY BANK. 4 PER CENT PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. 1 5, 10 & 25 cent store is n w open 'aiici in full bloom. Don't wait; but come now and get in on some of the bargains we are offering daily. Don't think that our 5, 10 & 25 Cent Store is a small affair, but come and see what a store Plymouth has for your convenience. If You Want to Have The Appea- ance of a well-dressed man on. Easter Sunday, you must come to ADLER'S and be fitted out. Our custom made suits and Gents' furnishings are up to the minute and our prices are right. The next time you come in our store try a pair of our 25c silk hose, it wears like a 50c pair and looks like one. Slippers! Slippers!! Slippers!!! Now is the time to put your old shoes away and buy yourself a new pair of Slippers wc have them to fit any member of the family. Remember you can save from 25 to 5oc Aor buying your Slippers from M fa bi M mm Remembep When it is A Want Nie Suit You have the goods. Either boy's, men's or ladie's. The nicest s hor c pants suit ever shown in Plymouth. v. v Of" J mi 1 y 1 e Right I21 styl style lor faster "What a beautiful suit Mrs. Jones had made in Chicago." That is the way the ladies feel about our tailored-to-order clothes. You want to look forward to Easter Sunday with perfect confldence and tho intense delight of being well dressed. The only sure way is to have your Spring clothes tailored-to-order in Chicago by the American Ladies' Tailoring Co., whose splendid lines are on display exclusively in our store. Nowhere else can you be certain of rhe same perfect fit, the samejfault'ess tailoring and the same low prices. Better come and see our Big Easter Display. .mm mm Suits to Order. Coats, Skirts Dress es Just as Low. The Newest Styles Finest Cloths and Silks The Lowest Prices. You can look these splendid lines over without any obligation to purchase, and then if you make up your mind we will take your measure and deliver a per fect fitting garment promptly, without unnecessary try-ons, giving you our assur ance that you will be mighty well pleased. 'fcYour Satisfaction is Positively Guaranteed, You run no risk if you are not pleased so you are sure f being plersed. Don't dela your visit, yon want to see these splendid Spring and Summen lioes now. 9mi WW 1 Mm- kf CLYDE CAH00N - (