DOCTORS know that Oxidine is a most dependable system-cleansing tonic. Most useful in stirring up lazy livers, sluggish bowels and kidneys, weak stomachs. Its ef fects are quick, safe, sure and permanent. OX! DINE a bottle proves. The specific for Malaria, Chills and Fever and all diseases due to disorders of liver, stomach, bowels and kidneys. SOc. At Your Druggist TBI BIIIIKI DXUO CO., Wtoo, Tetti, Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color BSHOYKS D1K0KCFF AND SCl'Rr Invigoratesand prevents thehalrf rom falling-oil For Bale by DrajgliU, er Seat Dirael by XANTHINECO., Richmond, Virginia flic f 1 Far Bottlei Buiyl BetUe tim Seat tot elrenlar. OR. i. 0. KREITZEB'S I0c. SALVE 25c. Unexcelled in treatment of Wounds,Burns, Boils, Carbuncles, felons, Ulcers, Corns, Bunions, etc. In use over 50 years. Sold by druggists, or mailed direct. For 2c, we will mail you a sample box. W. C. Power & Co., 1536 N. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa. KODAKS DEVELOPING PKIJSTIJiG Eastman and Ansco Alms, mailed post paid. Mail orders given prompt attention. Any size roll Him developed for 10 cents. 1 ARSONS OPTICAL CO. 244 King Street, Charleston, S. C. Brora's BrcnchialTroclies Nothing excels this Cough Remedy, No opiates. Sample free John I. Biiown & Son, Boston, Mass. In a Bad Way. Stranger (in train) A man In your business can't get home very often, I presume? Commercial Home? I should say not. Why, sir, I get home so seldom that I can't remember half the time where I live. Have to telegraph to the firm to send me my address! - Stranger You don't say bo! Commercial That's true. Why, one time I was away so long that I forgot I'd ever been married and I took such a fancy to a pretty woman I met In a strange town that I eloped with her. Stranger My! My! Commercial Yes, It would have been a terrible thing; but when I call ed on the firm during my honeymoon and Introduced her the old man told me she was my wife before. London Tit-Bits. Pleasing Irregularities. There are wild Irregularities t!iat are pleasing. In the north station a boy tripped while running toward his father and mother, who were on the back platform of the car Just start ing. The Mother Little Johnny fell down. The Father1 Leave him lay. This was wholly admirable. His Business. "That man indulges in shocking language." "Influence of his trade. He's a tele graph lineman." r Something Extra Good For Breakfast, Lunch or Supper Toasties Served direct from pack age with cream. Surprises ' Pleases Satisfies "The Memory Lingers" Sold by Grocers. IPottum Cenwl Cootnany, Limited Battle Qeek, Michigan THE SONG RENEWED By Rev. Parley E. Zartmann, D. D., Secretary of Extension Department, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago TEXT And whtn the burnt offering bpgan the song' of the Lord began also. II Chron. 2D:27. . . This statement occurs In the midst of a dra matic incident in the history of the Children of Israel. Chapter- 28 tells of Ahaz, the wicked king who who caused the worship of Je hovah to cease In the temple in Je rusalem, who closed the doors of the temple, and who gave the 2 i , sacred vessels of the temple as tribute to foreign kings whom he hoped to appease. Chapter 29 tells of Heziklah, the good king, who required the priests to sanctify them selves and cleanse the temple, who brought back the sacred vessels, and "who restored the customary routine of sacrifice and service within the temple. Chapter 30 describes the re vival which took place throughout the entire land following the cleansing of the temple and the restoration of the sacrifice. The background is dark enough a polluted temple, the serv ice neglected, God forsaken by the people, the vessels of holiness given away for unholy purposes, and the song of the Lord having ceased in the courts of the temple. Music was a prominent pant in the temple service, and It is a prominent part of Christian life. No one has so much right to sing as the man or woman who has been redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ; no one can know such joy as the one who has a sense of forgiveness. There are two or three very plain and practical lessons which emerge from the reading of the chapters con nected with the test. 1. God cannot use an unclean thing. So the vital question is, "Is my heart right with God?" God does not ask for golden vessels, God does not ask, for silver vessels, but God does ask for clean vessels. Therefore, those of us who have named the name of Christ may well take the place of the Psalmist and say, "Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know: my thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me In the way everlasting." 2. God cannot give power to an un yielded life. The -temple in Jerusa lem, magnificent and costly though it was, did not have -the visible mani festation of God's presence until it was entirely dedicated to him. There is a peculiar sense in which it Is true; "He hath filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he hath sent empty away." 3. Power is to be claimed only upon the conditions of a clean heart and a yielded life. Perhaps you have been a Christian many years, and yet for a long time there has been no song In your soul; prayer has been a burden, the word of God has had no meaning to you, and service has been Irksome. Why? t may be: 1. Neglected prayer. God means prayer to be the greatest power in the spiritual world, and although Chris tians know how to do scores of other things, and although churches use numerous agencies for making the work successful, yet we have lost the secret of the church and the secret of victory in our Christian Uyes wo do not know how to pray. 2. Neglect of God's word. Many a man can find the first step in his career away from God in his neglect of the word of God which is meant, not only Cor his food, but for his guidance. So many of us object to the Bible, or neglect It because its teachings go contrary to some habit which we cherish, or some sin which we commit. 3. Lack of forgiveness or apology. If we are too stubborn to forgive peo ple who have Injured us, or too proud to ask forgiveness of those whom we have Injured,1 God pity us, for there can he no song in the soul until we are right with God and right with our fellowmen. 4. Unconfessed and unforsaken sin. This may seem small to the sinner, but sin which is not confessed and forsaken, closes the eyes against the beauties of heaven, shuts the ears against the songs of heaven, and bars the way to the soul that would enter In. More than that, sin drives Joy out of the Christian life. 5. Lack of complete surrender. This Is the real meaning of the text, for the burnt offering indicated that everything was given up to God; and It is only as we make a complete abandonment of ourselves to God, that he fills us with joy In believing and happiness in Christian service. May it not be that the years of our Chris tian life have been unfruitful and joy less, and void of music, because we have kept back part of the price tvhlch we should have paid to God? Do we not know that there has been a lack of complete ' surrender, , and .omp'.ete abandonment to him? 1 MmMTlOM SilNDMOOL By E. O. SELLERS, Director of Even ing Department, The Moody Bible In stitute of Chicago.) LESSON FOR MARCH 31. REVIEW LESSON FIRST QUARTER. Suggestions for Busy Teachers, ; A good way in which to present & review of the lessons for the first quarter of the year 1912 would be to select the best person possible to act as leader andi then to have either twelve classes, or that many selected groups (Individuals may be utilized) and have each present the main thought of each of the twelve lessons. Take the first lesson let some el derly wan speak for the character of Zacharias the priest let him tell of the faithful discharge ot his temple duties and while thus occupied of meeting the angel Gabriel with his startling message which was a chal lenge, to Zacharias' faith. Then for the second lesson let some mother tell of the incidents of the birth of John the Baptist, of the rejoicing of friends and neighbors and the hymn of Zach arias who received his speech as soon as he had testified to God's will and showed his belief. As for lesson three, let some child briefly state the facts only, or the birth of Jesus, i. e., read Luke 2:8-15, and this to be followed by some music suggestive of the angelic hosts. In lesson four we invert to the temple service again at the dedication of Jesus. It would be very appropri ate to have the superintendent of the Cradle Roll at this juncture to go through the service of receiving a babr for the Crade Roll such as is fre quently performed, keeping in mind the main fact of the lesson. Now let three men enter the room, dressed in costume if desired, and re cite either the necessary scripture verses or some poetry that will con vey to all the idea of the visiC of the wise men to Jerusalem m search of tiie child Jesus and that they found him not in Herod's palace, but in low ly Bethlehem and there presented their gifts and worshiped him. For the sixth lesson, let a twelve-year-old boy having a good presence and strong speaking voice recite Luke 2:41-50. Avoid Involved Questions. Let the pastor of the church or some other clergyman tell of the prophecy of Isaiah and of JoSn's fulfilling the same as he preached out in the coun try warning the people to avoid the wrath of God and to show by their righteous living the fruit of the lives that had repented of their evil ways. Emphasize, however, that John's great est work (and our's as well) was to point men to Jesus the Lamb of the World. tn a review such as we are now con ducting we must avoid the involved questions and only present the great facts of the baptism of Jesus; the wit ness of John, the presence of the Holy Spirit and God's audible approval of those silent years in Nazareth. This Is the eighth lesson. The ninth lesson has to do with the call of the first disciples. For this fiye boys might be selected. Let the leader recite Mark. 1:14, 15, "Andrew" versas 17 and 18. Now let "James" take verse 19 then one (Simon Peter) recite verse 16 and "John his brother" verse 20. The leader can recite verses 21 to 26 and all together verses 27 and 28. A physician would be an appropriate person to present lesson ten. Let him sketch the picture briefly of "all the city" gathered about Peter's door at the end of the day, the sick being healed. Some busy business man ought to depict the story of "Jesus teaching in Capernaum," lesson eleven. Emphasize team play and illustrate by a modern miracle if there be suffi cient time. Jesus the daily friend and his interest in home life Is the heart of the twelfth lescon. . Must Drill Carefully. Of course care must be taken not tc let any one lesson consume too much time else the whole will be much too long. This means careful drill and presentation before review Sunday. If a written review Is decired so frame the questions that the least ef ficient scholar may have an answer, 1. e., let your question suggest the answer as far as possible. The suc cess of a written review will depend ipcn the previous work of the teach ers. If this suggested rrogrsm a in. terspersed with singing, avoid singing all the verses and unnecessary instru mental preludes and interludes. At the close let tho leader drill the school upon the twelve subjects. 1. The Birth of John tLo Baptist Foretold. 2. The Birth of John the Baptist. 3. The Birth of Jesus. 4. The Presentation in the Temple 5. The Wise Men Led by the Star. 6. The Boy Jesus in the Temple. 7. The Ministry ot Jchn the Ba? tist. 8. The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus. 9. The Call of the First Disciples. 10. Jesus the Healer. 11. The Paralytic Forgiven and Healed. 12. Feasting and Fabtlnf. THE SAFE LAXATIVE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE Most elderly people are more or less troubled with a chronic, per sistent constipation, due largely to lack of sufficient exercise. They ex perience difficulty in digesting even llpht food, with a consequent belching of stomach gases, drowsiness after eating, headache and a feeling of lassi tude and general discomfort. Doctors advise against cathartics and violent purgatives of every kind, rec ommending, a mild, gentle laxative tonic, like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, to effect relief without disturbing the entire system. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is the perfect laxative, easy in action, cer tain in effect and. Withal, pleasant to the taste. It possesses tonic proper ties that strengthen the stomach, liver and bowels and is a remedy that has been for years the great standby in thousands of families, and should be In every family' medicine chest. It is equally as valuable for children as for older people. , Druggists everywhere sell Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin in 50c and $1.00 bottles. If you have never tried it send your name and address to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 201 Washington St., Mon ticello, 111., and he will be very glad to Bend a sample bottle for trial. THE ETERNAL FEMININE. Mr. Hound I think I'll have to get a license Miss Kyoodle Oh! this is so sud den! HANDS BURNED LIKE FIRE "I can truthfully say Cuticura Rem edies have cured me of four long years of eczema. About four years ago I noticed some little pimples coming on my little finger, and not giving it any attention, it soon became worse and spread all over my hands. If I would have them in water for a long time, they would burn like fire and large cracks would come. I could lay a pin in them. After using, all the salves I could think of, I went to three different doctors, but all did me no good. The only relief I got was scratching. "So after hearing so much about the wonderful Cuticura Remedies, I pur chased one complete set, . and after using them three days my hand3 were much better. Today my hands are entirely well, one set being all I used." (Signed) Miss Etta Narber, R. F. D. 2, Spring Lake, Mich., Sept. 26, 1910. Although Cuticura Soap and Oint ment are sold everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cuti cura," Dept. L, Boston.. Same Old Story. She How did they ever come to marry? He Oh, it's the 3ame old story. Started out to be good friends, you know, and later on changed their minds. Puck. Burduco Liver Powder Nature's Remedy: is purely vegetable. As a cathartic, its action is easy, mild and effectual. No griping, no nausea, makes a sweet breath and pretty com plexion. Teaches the liver to act. Sold by all medicine dealers, 25c. Whenever some preternaturally smart zlg tells us that he's got our number we wonder where he got his adding machine! For HEADACHE Ebcka' CAPtJJDINE Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or Nervous Troubles, Capudlne will relieve you. It's liquid pleasant to take acts immedi ately. Try it. 10c., 5c., and CO cents at drug stores. If a man is honest he doesn't have to use a megaphone to advertise the fact. Even a wise man never gets over being a fool to a certain extent. Tnr nnrtRtinfitlnn iica a ttefupnl rmnr1tr Garfield Tea is composed of carefully select- on nerDS oniy. ai au arugstores. There's room at the top because somebody is always coming down. Sirs. Wtnalow's Soothln? Syrup for Children teething, soften)) the gums, reduces Inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle. Keep your troubles to yourself and they will not expand. PTTTCS CrJKFD IN 6 TO 14 DATS TonrdniKifist will reiund monej if i'AZO OINT- M&NT fttfia to cure anj caso of Itching, Blind, iiiueatng or r rotruuinic t'lios tu a id u uayn. one You are only what you are when no one is looking. Constipation can be cured without drugs. Nature's own remedy is Garfield Tea. It's difficult to discourage a girl who can't sing. ITCH. ITCH relloved In 80 mlnutos by-i wooiiorus banitary Lotion. At .Druggists. Some men haven't sense enough to stop borrowing before they strike oil. Possibly Willing to Artist at It. At a little par'y John T. McCutch eon consented to do a little impromp tu chalk ; talking, with the presiden tial possibilities for his subject. Mc Cutcheon had made several hits. One of the party, chuckling, leaned over to another, a Democrat. "Pretty good, isn't it?" he asked. "What do you think of his execution?" "I think it would be a darned good thing," replied the Democrat. For COLDS and GRIP Hicks Capudinb Is the best remedy re lieves the aching and feverishnesa cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's liquid effects immediately. 10c., 25c, and50c. At drug stores. A man is apt to get so rattled when a leap year girl proposes to him that she can make him believe he did it. TO CTJKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BHOHO Quinine Tablets, prugelsts refund money if it fails to cure. M. W (jiiUVii'S signature is on each box. 25c Political economy may be all right, but political liberality counts for more about election time. A remedy that has stood the test of time is worth trying. Garfield Tea relieves liver, kidney and stomach troubles. The way to get a reputation for goodness is to be good. "Pink Eye" is Epldomlo In the Spring. Try Murine Eye Remedy for Reliable Relief. Friendship and confidence are plants of slow growth. Woman s Power Over "Woman's most glorious endowment is the power to awaken and hold the pure and honest love of a worthy man. When she loses it and still loves on, so one in the wide world can know the heart agony she endures. The woman who suffers from weak ness and derangement of her special womanly or ganism soon loses the power to sway the heart of s man. Her general health suffers and she loses tier good looks, her attractiveness, her amiability and her power and prestige as a woman. Dr. R.V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N.Y., mil. . the assistance of his staff of able physicians, has prescribed for and cured many thousands of women. He has devised a successful remedy for woman's ail ments. It is known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is positive specific for the weaknesses end disorders peculiar to women. It purifies; regu lates, strengthens and heals. Medicine dealers sell it. No honest dealer will advise you to accept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN" STRONG, SICK WOMEN WELL. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate mad strengthen Stomach, Ltver mad Bowels. For prompt relief, if you so common to women, or if life and energy, you are urged to Cardui is a purely vegetable, tonic medicine for women, and as its success of more than 50 vears clearlv shows, it can, as a reliable remedy, be Mrs. L. E. Hibbs, of Morton's Gap, Va., saysr) "I was taken sick and confined to my bed, most of the time; for 10 months before I decided to TAKE !( o J n The Woman's Tonic I had ulcers and then a tumor. The second doctor that treated me said my last chance was an operation, and when the third doctor was called in, he told me it was doubtful that I would recover. I wouldn't consent to an operation, and decided to give Try a bottle k to us m. II If lift II II " ftf m II . '1 1 IPS ' ' i " 19 I 77 n Kwa Itmi ni1iitii.'AiVT,riiw-wirriiiiiii . wr- i; Reduce The Feed Bill--Improve The Animals Hor863 and Mules do more work; COWS give more and better Milk and BntteiT, Sheep and Goats trrow better fleeces; Hens iay more eprffs, an all as well ace Cattle and Hogs take on more flesh and fat, aud develop more rapidly and keep s better beoith and condition when fed on Cottonseed Meal and Cottonseed Hulls, For Breeding Or rur&lnfc Stock, Mares. Cows, Sows Ewes, It is eaectaOr salucble. Much better ti,an Hay, far cheaper than Corn. Write for free Booklet containing much valuable information to Feeders mm ftwts Raiaersto THE BUREAU OF PUBLICITY Interetata cottonseed Cruehera Association 808 Main Street, Dalies, Texas r We are headquar ters for Egrgs, Ptwsfcrjy Fruits, Potatoes aeJ Vegetables. If jtms want a reliable firm n3 a live house, sfoi-p us. We guartms&ef highest market prices and prompt w turns. - Quotations sent on applieation- WOODSON-CRAIG COIdc COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Richmond Faultless Diy Cleaning and Dyeing m The best in the South. Write for our booklsfc CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUKDRY CHARLOTTE I0RTH CASEtfK We secure positions ior our graduate. If Interested write for catalogue. Address M. H. BO WEN, Manager, Maiuoa BU., Colombo, 1IT A MTrr MEN TO LEAKN BAKBffSfc W All 1 tD Trade in six toeiglit Vti With your own tools, $25. Wages tnhUo tcunaiofC Wrlte for free catalogue. RICHMOND BARBER COLLEGE, Biclunond, Vo. THE NEW FRENCH REM ED V. OKEAT HMXKSB, WKM K1DNKT. lti.AIl)KR IHSK . PILES. CHRONIC ULCERS, PKIS ERUPTION: KITHX! B. Bmd artrtreaa env.lone for IEB bookM m DI1. I-K C1MCO': J1KD. CO.. HAVEUSTOCK RD., HAMPSTEAO, LOHUOX, KMttt. . Wanted, Second-hand Bae aivt IJr Jnp. Write forpriees. 1UC).IMVM ' BAG COMPAJS , Kich mo nd, V itMm. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 13-1912. , Man suffer from any of the troubles you are merely weak, and lack take Cardui,the woman's tonic. depended on, in time of need. IT n cc fit-- O.rt-f I ' M Cardui a trial When I had taken two bottles, I felt better. In two months, I could go about and do light housework. Now J feel well and the tumor is gone. I heartily recommend Cardui to steering; women. I am sure it will cure." today. Your druggist sells it f The corn croo fooled lots of farmerES. last year. Many fields looked good but fell dovrra on the yield. This was owing to a larfcr Sot avaiiaDie rotasn, ior rotasn is primanxgr a oroducer of erain. . - ? . Your corn must hnve enough quickly avaHatT Potash to produce well-filled ears as well as stalks. A corn fertilizer should contain at least 8 Poftsafc belter 1 ( n o matter In what form the f ertllUcr tat used. Kainlt, 75 to lOO lbs. per acre, drilled la wKiat the seed, will keep away cutworms and root Ilea. If your dealer can't furnish brands rich enough in FoCau&n and won't carry Potash Salts so you can supplement joof stable manure or strengthen the brands he does carry, wrtMv ior prices. We will sell direct In any amonnt from b UU-lb. bag up. Write tor tree boos ott. lertuizer formulas and directions. GERMAN KALI WORKS, Ljc Continental Bldg., Baltimore Monadnock Block. Chicani. Whitney Centra Bank BuUdias, New Orlmar1 'iHSjSi'''-"'''-' n-"u) ijy.. iu,i-JuiMim. ..Him. a ii i hi r ley, a .menu iew -nrimr.-iii-iii ifwnftrlmt ' ! TV -i i

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