'. J "mi 111 in mi" niiiiiiiiiiii i itii" ii . Ti mtrim n inrninnnr-rn n m " Vr " t TT r -iJkci iiiotl jfow sir!! mujia c; - . . ... .. 3 51 ,4 ' -..J 7) f IHMa fro ri 1 i a rji s n w l. ii l s . t iti ,v - . ............ r r 3V r 1 1 'i v i "FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." t VOL. XXIIfe v ' i PLYMOUTH, N. G., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1913. NO. 35. 3W 1 CHANGES PLANNED SJO j ml . TERSTATE COMMERpE;. , . TO RECOMMEND COMMISSION .JLeaate.-CommitUe'-Wowltl - Deprive-Su-' preme Court of Discretionar lary da interstate commerce in a report. H;ot9WtprtjilB!:!t6' i.senti rti1vgfVffl be, f urged to take atfayromuiejjJu l:vreme. burf'the' ,JdisbtetioaaYy!;pbW er".jit now exercises in administering t lWfman'lAaild to defmV-cIeai'- ly forms of IJegal f coiafaatlQ-f d .business interests . wfll know when -U .Xhe-. Wort .-ss'iUe, tb,e: termination, om' tMr fivtltgaUonV-ben iy (l? jftimSf) I4 HWf i3e -j ;decisjpn " of the "Supreme court that "only pn S"iililipnM)l4 'rastrilnta-' upon, trade tkte In violation of the Jaw form the , basis 'SKt'Wr" radical suggestions by the conimit- .. taa tn nmnnt . tlio nnH-triisf law I : 'ga'ihst' rwhat, Jt is' "claimed, ' amounts to "legislative action" by the Su preme court. :C55?3H3f To enable busfness agents to clear y understand what forjns of combi nations, agreements contracts or pools Aretnega'lX lgilaTon' Mil be urged to de'ne "tiei in exaqj-tf rms. Members of7- the committee bAieve this necessary to protect business in terests that desire to act without vio 0UVT " ffi-'egiat Tatiag"'"Tthe" law, but- haTe.-'d standard to inform ,them whether gon-, W" It 'xs ' understood the report recom ' mends the creation of commisTioti Mpfr 4&&fgJ!el8e iejfaritt'.'ote br-ILi-pmtiofts doing busitfeas rkcroiif" state lines, an,d that It urges amendments to the Sherman law wfcfcfc'i-wfll.'xo&i.- pel corporations to, ..einaln. mefff; dependent in character than at' "pres .nt. and, tbat.wijj enforce, cpmpeytive Ye Ho Na La, Attended byc Native Doc- , PMftma.Ye - Ho- ?sa iJ8f ': enM , press dowager', of China, djdjjjeffl Sb;b.e.,lRjor of Emperor ..of. h( fcwt rsirhe ( foririer lmpeiaEalaprii wass ' i'Ib,6ut?l6' remove1 to: tei;imer-;prtion if ifie'-Fbrbidden- Cityi jd'litta'fiNm or 'inf :: government Jnif 7ee: ..:.,,( portion....!.. - : . . l-r yf---'' Kwi Sianii a '"ilanclauriingal.''' Vt V4 married to Emperor... KwangsuMn. n' ''. !. .u .J lUs iHi rtmQtj :She "Was 48 years uiu auu ;uc J uiece ' of the : late Empress Dodger ) n8tf-:jjgl,wh6 : always liad ' hampered. rrhp:Emi)eror Kwangsu 'wi'th 'slayisti .at: n tiention made , the : most Important .ffevehtian' his life the choosing f A1b ,JhnWei'.'A a- preHminary.ishe.' picked: iiiWV about-200 candidates-.ancr MKine1 members of the board of rights . to J' work ' inqutring into' the" borosebpe of aijh "When - tbese,rf 8cers fwho rln" a dozen likely candidates from the lot TBsi -'h'adahem-iscrw.e and Hv at thl" palace'untifnber observation-of5 could pfek'out theVttpSAtting..one. The final choice fellP9n; ;:te;a; l'fJa:'vTb.V marriage cerroip.ny;?if r :'!!fornW with' great ponip;;and;:i ;niTtr (;.!;; -.'KCA-r y t : .: .' :; y-y ': " . it . i 1 ji'" ' 'k- it- ,h,,i ..Hg lndictmentar RHurnec : I'v,Auguiap.K, Ga. After rwenty-0 ;os-afyfepent- m Investigating the fail ure of the' Citizens' Trust company of AugiuitS 7 involving1 'approximately $105, 000 unprotected by . assets, the ' r;RichnK)nd county grand jury return ed thirty-five indictments, charging t violation of the state banking laws. forgery and embezzlement. The indict ,onta include several local men, B. -Sherwood Dunn of New York; Willard of Philadelphia, and . iormer 1 , Cashier ;Mpy CJ Bowling, now: in v Barnwell county. Citizenship for Porto Ricans.4i T Washington The Porto Rican citl- zenship bill that would give citizens of porto Rico and certain natives per f -. manently ., residing in the island : citi r nshin in the United States received fif senate committee, f and wil bl rtpored he senate for 9 ' -m. 1 V. a n mica. nassaje. fcThrT)Ul ynuj u v thh hlis irnfif r he propose nntnefson" oh tLT'lsland migEt lav retain bis. present political statusv by JMitiltllfatnnderiotteth!tT he did not intend to become a clti- Ten of tha United SUUs. 1 v POLITICS 1 1N MEXICO rrfr:.sr-rJTXr ssz-kf? f i hi ii.Kiisr-i!Mi -..' -r.--.--jr- iy-Hite-1 rBr i ri r r r x t n n r . . . t . " -. t tt .r. REGISTERS MEN SENTENCED let' ' 'tU 4 "-u;-C!i j UNITED STATES JUDGE, SCORED THE" bfeFEWDArtTS VBlt ERLY f - FOR TMEIR METHODS.. Fines Are Imposed Patterson .. Must .Se'fviT-Year and Pay Fine of Five 3 Thousand Dollars. I j. CincinpC Oh-President Join H. Patterson of thf Rational Cash Reg-; ister flbiapiny flDay ton, Ohio, was sentenced" to serve one year, m ip county jail at Troy, Ohio, and th pay senteticecTto serve one year ia tie J ..3n of ,-.1.000 f qcjpJatian. Pt, , J sneantftrriaw"' varjing from thre months to; one year and fwere '5or3red - to pijrthe costs 0f;;he groe0iiion. '.i.MMi The sentences were pronounced af- ter United States Judce Holllster had NcbrW tha defeBrdft bitterly ' .for which, he declared, were needless in a- iconcern wherdBiilllons1 kit' dollars could! have- ben made legitimately and -without 'rfolatibn "of1 ; the law. Closing he declared:. . . --i .. ,-. u . k. L"v ''fhe '"gOYerjf J's.;Vfeang .enough . to protect its people whether this pro toetpn extends to the transforation, 0l dynamite across the iana:.orl the purpose of,,blowing up bridges orthe jlyfng 6jf .tte hands uporen. wlib m iWikfae competia-biUesar btesathods' ; (Y-iersBaj9, wnenne nearj ue ,u jt'e.BQ0a fto..tbe cas .register .tase;,. de clared thm eminntly. ijustjvfromrrhls. Eftwledfft of theviBvideacejin? j-r.t; IfsiltiSsikfie second1 'case; in' wbiclt jail Jentences have been1 impds'e'd;,. tftider uiau f , , ,-: . J.m.munityBtll. Passed, . y f .Na&lVviHe.l Tenn. The '-immunity bill;?.-, providing UnmunUy- for ..wit nesses appearing et'or-"r a trtimittee t& ihyetftigat'e state'tiffice' during' tjie jerativei1, recess, jpased t,heJ(house JOAQUIN" MILLER: IS DEAD. The Poet of the Sierras Dies at His tHowe in Califprnia.tr w -J'Oalf IsndiCal J (MiliK taJg ilClut' j(din- cinnatus .Hejne), "the poet of the Si rras' ,;jli4r in . his one-room ,;x;abin, WMchhl!!;bhilt in the Weafint? hflls ntanrVears-ago. The end camewith .yafm sunshine nooaing tne room .yitere lay.Sthe author of .".Songs of ihe Sunland.' iiiiv. ! ?pjpeatb. caEoe slowly upon tbevvener ableo5l4i sile became: uacbasclous' af- ter; 'a-; lingering illness': r,WDicli f began when he was struck'by'paraVysis two Juanita, were sumnjoned ta thatj, time frow, tbe .jeast, and , have , beea with him, since. . The weakness- of age had come upon him, and he rarely ven tured from the Heights, as he called his' mountain retreat. . ; - For many years the ' Heights has been1 the Mecca for Ipvers of Joaquin Miller's poetry. He, always received BiiK' Wisttprs . graibu$Iy?:and 4bved :to tfl in a. vein of. .quaint humor of .the old, , ad venturous) aays , wnitm na me morialized in his verses. Honolulu, . Hawaii. Ocean pressure burst, the. bottom : of the great cais son which had been sunk for the con struction of the- Pearl harbor dry dock. There were no fatalities, but the loss in machinery was havy.o"ss of the caisson j, also dissipatod y?ara, oft work, in tfce attempt Ho build,? a Iflnn fnundatlPn lor lhejnue aoK. igeveral of the engineers said the I burst lg of the caisson indicated f'che Jrnpnditions-of the-site seated wouid raake impossible construction 0f the dry dr f HEOEROflCEflEil MADERO !" W'AS ' ' ARRESTED ' BY GENERAL BL'XnQUECHiEF- Gustavo Madero Is Executed and For mer President Madero Banished ',.Frorn JCountry. Washington. president ed the following 'telegVani. from Vic toriano Huet'ta,Mexico's " p'oVisional goyejno?,.1..jBenejaU-.... .... have the iono mot". tQv inf orni j;; y oti tttaJr.nMve.iyeartliMirnk.thlj goyern- menttheforees!,arerawitb.;mer nd,Jundoubtedly v ih6.;-wxrkp rwojnerjH f f omr now on, i peace. and i, prosperity will reign. Your obedient servant, Victoria Huerta, Commander iri-Chief f Mexico ty,-fjen,' yictorianb Hu erta was Elected" pro visional president by. congress at a special secret Ises sio'n. - " , f "Jiancisco I. Madero, deposed from the presidency, was exiled. Arrange ments, were . made ...for his : departure from the capital for yera Cruz. fVom there lie will sail for ; some European port. .'-p-.s - ' ' ' j i Gdstav Madero,; itndwn 1 as Jhe "poorer b'ehftid' the throne WiiHUso, was executed. M Mdero.wai forced cAit of the pres-i-A i;' v X: ' iii ,j M,.i o tional .palace by, .General .pjafiqiiejt, den! Victoriano Huerla,1 conraiander the Federal troops, was proclaiined provisional pre?ideh. wtte"J J id JlfcAbbtit Ihe tteneflktadeFO'iwa ezed by-DiariquejUhis .brobrrGustivB jsia derohe5;fpr&eS'rnifijstei'j8 'wa's ariestedb jGeneral urta, fho waV dinlng'itb.rijiniin- a, public res- OviRlfDEPRESDENT'SVETff s.-r -i, 1 !,: Burnett-Dillingham . Bill,. s.. Repassed, - ; -" . . : j i i 1 hashing ton'.--The ! Burnett-Dilllflg-ham' imTnigratip'a.'blJletbed,' b, ,Taft because'.,, it .' imposed, 'j the; . literacy test ,;upbn, j immigrants, was. passed, toyer the; president's; veto in : the seriate j by a-'majority i bf :72 ;'to Thb -oyer-wbelming majdrity. given at "the end of a short debate, in which Presidpnt Taffs attitude, ..was, vigorously, "attack ed, ha v strengtbend-nhe-probdbility that the bill will be passed over the ve,to'in, the iwuse; ; - j f :. Support of the president's position was voiced by3 only Ja f e seaktpre during the debate. Senators "Lodge and i Dillingham, leading the fight to Pverride the V president, declared the measure contained so many important piyisions !for' tbe exclusion of. crim inal; dlseasedj&nd;i,insariei aliens rthat great iam would result; $q .the ,UH J'tatesVit it did 1 not become a w;. . j . Preachers Honor Bryce. New York. Three hundred and fif ty clergymen of New York City rep resenting more than forty, denomina tions met at a luncheon in honor of James Bryce, who has announced his Impending retirement as ambassador from Great Britain. Mr. Bryce,- .in a speech, congratulated the clergy upon their increasing . willingness to forget religious ; differences when opportun ity, arose" tb co-operate : ; j ; ' Machine Gun Stolen by Rebels. li : El Paso, Texas. A machine gun of the Thirteenth cavalry platoon At Ha chita, N. H., has disappeared, accord ing to reliable reports received here is believed that Mexican ' rebels came over the border and stole the piece. jMajor Clark, district adjutant at Fort Bliss, said no -report of the theft xia's been made.'. However, the disappearance of the gun and also of coriiilOTfbte popVfi? W I fully varlfiW. Vmtejf iSfatei" troop i have been searching the border for a trace of " the missin gartlllery. MILITANT WOMEN USING DYNMillI , fi n ;Cl?3L)5E R, oOjS.f o YED. 1: NO PERSON WAS INJURED. DesWuitop S'hJAb Wr.i.ParkHairst Boasts of of Lloyd-George's Home- epts ReKptmlibDi ty.V-- 1 I btown: up,.atj4 hancSilOK, of t- exChftquers' hoMs4'' saitf Is.tlelMe Pafahurst,' addressing nletJhiisiastic mioeting.ofc suffragettes here.- The author .ties heed not :.l0k for the. woaiert whe ac tually did it. I personally accept full responsibility for it." ' j ,7 WMrs. Pankhnrst declared that if i she were sent to penal servitude she would cn nn a hunypr strikf ' i ! - tSSi'?fTJlri;o!5etftinent will then either. have-. setrtWe free," she added, i "oiv let me die. it l arop out a nunarea women are ready to take my place," ?ndc(ii.triThe;:. Country residency 'hi Chancellor. Qfr.th SQhequer David Lloyd-da'rrlsoh aV WWlton Heath WaS pTaicicairy aeswoyea1. ny a DomDjwmcn the police 'say .was placed there Jeither by militant suffragists or theirj male ... - ir i sympatmzers. j .-w tVoman's $ nd iFplf Kal Union told the'Jpotiee that the sociebad no knowledge! of Hif nernptrn tors ii I L.:;i!iQn?l''ar ' ;MrfXior"Dimmohd, however, declared tne explosion was She exclaimed "It was a fine actandshosttie, detfrmina'tion of the'wbmenil say-;"an power to all kinds of militancy in the I dfrfictten.j pfT barasjlng CAbiMetp hiln hslirVfibdrVf -taKii bufioaay- life..'-- - A bomb had been placed in one of therooms: ot 'feet 're3idjenc?wb.iit J a",itflt)dest':onef tiftfBinltlg1 the gblf 4ifrft on which Lloyd-George plays. The in fernal machine was, so powerful tbat the thick walls of fhe house1' spirt "In all directions, and most of the rooms were wrecked. , T Two sevwJrt&laBis Af -MatO foi der also had been placed in to sepa- with oil, anTin the center of which PURCHSER GUILTY AS SELLR So South Carolina Judge Holds in fpasskngronf i'SWoigei Casa$tr, 'ndrsosf CT fnSouljfi UarolfhV tha h,,vPr of whiskv from a blind ti- law and is punishable just as is the seiler, accoraing to a mecxee' nauaeu down by Circuit Judge Shipp in dis missing several appeal A l-TrrM jrdefennstconfttedllh''qprl' dor's: cipri PMoeAharJf trapsflptj.; ing contraband liquors appeaiea on the ground that they were acting as agents '.purthrp anjU that ftbf i wnisKy was not cuni:au.mu uewuat: it was to be used for a lawful pur pose. The defendafs'ptated"that they securcfl tfewskji from aOTuiclj tiger, j&afitngntie nart and j- tltjejf merrfykrjfeakehifclsy fronvbft tiger to the purchaser. Judge Shipp stated that the defend ants, kneW the .whisky was contra,- blind tiger and that its character did not.tfhange pvhen it passed iptcu.UieJ handl if thi) dA'ea Ji iMibugVia may have been obtained by them for arlawfn purpts UJ tt V7 j Omnibus Bill Passes House. Wablgtoo. Amid, great-oliQg and in deiiance)f 4 the conservative members who urged retrenchment and the tutting tdpwiv pfyexpendi Juresi the liousV passed 'an bmnibus paic btiiiii ing bill, commony called a "pork hir rel .bilH 4:arri4?ff3.80Offlpf - Th vote on the bHlN?a'al&4 tov4Cnd the opponents of the measure were unable to' paster 66i4i 0r ! Ito secure? ,f roll call to insure a record vote. Rep resentative Hardwick of Georgia was bitter in his denunciation of the bill. . More Land for Forest Reserve. Washington. rThe,; uationa3w- forf st j reservation commission, ut a nifecmg, authorized the purchase of ,9,000 acres of land on the avannabwat; ershed in th states: of :GebVgia andv Sit: Carolina, which' Vinbrfng-the tdtal forest reserve holdings in this local ity up tp, 50,000. acres. ReprfSentatU-e GordoaXse, a 'member of the commis sion, states tha average price paid is $3.23 an acre. An" additional 1.200 acres In Fannin county, lying adja cent to lands already acquired, were approved for purchase. Nobody was injuredr-as thef rpsi- WO'la.?6 btfdJyrt rlffln Jccupld.j t Tatt receiv- An official of the Woman's Social FROM THE TAR HEEL STATE Short Paragraphs of State News That Has Been Condensed For Busy tji't: is to ffix!yl f!J J'.' J Lincolnton. County;n- Superintend-' if anta of? Health Page reports 'quite 'a1' 7 humferMf bases' of mallpoxlscattered -f' all'Hiryctioils" but'fibfie",bf Vlerlous Raleigh. The joint legislative com- m uxee. ..oaUDraries ordered a favbr- abl report ot phe- bill. , of , ; Senatp' Nimocks of ""Fayelteville,' providitfg T ative"" reference; iftrary.1 - " Spencer. A disastrous " firPfra.t! 'frie .home of W. A. UeadjciXy ,,near Salis ,bory recently, t-resulted j in a; -loss, of about $2,000 -withl $1,000 ' insurance. . The home-will be "rebuilt at bhce. . Raleigh. The bill to 'allow!' 'the vot ers of Jackson cpunty to vote at an .election as to removal of the county seat from Webster to Sylvia, passed the Senate by a vote of 2i to 4. ' jv tAsheville. Claude ,Goodlake wa-s; 5fppnd guilty of seducing ?Ube Luthrfr under the legal age of consent. ! Npv tice of appeal was given and Dondiwas required5 In the sumsldf two thousand doriars. " '. ' ' ' - i ...... r. , s-mR"("-U - j lV'h " . Raleigb).aIe)l.,wasihonpjred lbs the persence of a.-large, i n'lmber rjof; mayors from the important townstin. Hli cbmmitteb'' 6f ' the'Cfty '5idhicipaV jniJWiJmingtonsljtb.e(..rfesulbf! bet tetrtics ' by ikr tfata' t Baardman,; Aueustus Rice'ou'nfc -whit miri. idaVfffmesjvVal Jtfemoriat :hrpugh, fjarr.veatment. 8 ') imberibn'.S The Robeson County Teachers' Associatioix ' Mill ' nieet here on'SatufdivMarch 1. County Super- Intendebt,T,opl ,s raaking great efforts- -to. secure a full attendance, having written to each teacher. .. a iDurham.-rdDallas Welch was , killed in a fight near the Lincoln Hospital by Jlenry, Green. Death resulted' frm w bunds inflicted by a knife. Both .-of the negroes had knives and were eraikipg . generousJseJJoX(thm. I'm burhatri.Xn epedemiS ofmeasles- in Durham is pjaying havoc with, ;ther cattdndayefee ; crds 4rf thr' spools jof both.tb'e"cbuny and "city." The disease . has been in the county for the; past rTiibntb.'. andfs npw; somewljaft better than it has been, though a large num ber of children and grown ups have Greensboro. The Greensboro cham ber of commerce and the Greensboro jmerfBjafcfsf ! assoi(6n inja Pint meeting bave adopted strong resolu tions UDholdine Qovernofl- Craiff and 0e legislative cm)iil.Sn?Jfn tleir; purpose to have an end put to rail- freight rate, disq-ifninMion . tite.lstateviCtHiTiJi U, Raleigh. The committeef.subsrtute jrprpn ttaew?ne prims rj-- pjn went itf "Tts'aeatb. tit The nbuVeSV a vote OI lo aiier a strenuous croBsiirc n etgTTOtf aiumber of amendment; asking the exception or counties irom tlio antiro nncrntlon of thp ImII 'l I 1 sl Si : ijbar!tly.- The 'rftb. annual ate convention or tae Jrtn caro ina Sunday School Association x will be held in Greensboro April 22-24.' Tbe:, lBtacnationat'Qtmdaychool Assocsia tibn will provide" two ' speakers',;' for this convention, Franklin McElfr$h;i' Ph. D., of Chicago, sxipritenaen ior lrsQIaryf perlBryner, Newitk, Greensboro. With the adoption- of a schedule calling for 116 games. an th declsionyta permiKnOj teansfprs h$ejh by unttnous Tote'of'the; -nix clubs, the Carolina League, directors ave-siKTne rsfuvr-sivr iiiw-i upturns' ui ile sea-SOti on 'April' 24 'itb games n Winston, Charlotte and -Raleigh.'. .sherUre playf thsnjh igani5 )ni SvtnstoiK Greensboro win Charlolle and Durham in Raleigh. 't j J', RaleigllifitiSer fei-'eiia loirs' da-' cussion by advocates and opponeats of :the .nrpppsed.ne-'. cburjty pf Mi-aiefeex,vrbiv.bftpg- defeated ; bly unanimous vote. There was a gopdly , oumbervoff interested cdtif ensroefwe. tWMoue Committee HbA t5itis ftirf' Towns, Rpberts, chairman, to constd fT tthe pill i bylRepree'ntat,ive Corn well to create new county out .b.f i portions of Nash, Frajiklin, Wake, Wilson and JolipCM3!1011! ff Raleigh. Making vigorous speechH aginst the Mount Airy proposition? v Mipidjwi defiti9n4oot4pf ,Sff,00ila 1 bonds, Representative 'Haymore tor- got to .TStewh.efly .hewas overwhelmed afidi allowid1' th -committee on roafl$ to report Ms jbijlt with unaimous fa vor; ... Raleigh. The plan for a reforms tory. for girls and women under, thirty. Oxi -i rcj r f QOA nrVtrt ian rioln frti " i' clean life, has been endorsed by the' Senate committee on penal institu tions, which heard a decision of the bill introduced by Senator V. S. Bry ant, of Durham, by request. fjADERO 13 SHOT DEAD II! STREET u . . . .' 'J ' ul MOB ATT AC KS OTF I C I All- AUTOMO- ' BIL3 iCARRYiHQjiHIM ij PEN- ; 'j ! rTEVIAY)0 i;4 INVESTIGATION ?a BE f.1ADE .at'.i-. J h. i, p f:, V- J: it jVice President-Suarez vyas Also Slain During Meleii'-TAcdoAintsof-'j Death of . Victims Dq Not.-Conforni in AH Cases.''' L'''- f'--:--8 Mexico', Hfyjrw and, Jose 'Pino Juarez Are deadV In a. "mianightj rid 1 'gder 'giiacrd !'from th NatfdnarpUiac4 to 'the, penitentiary tl6ywere:;fciiied'., :fll: thei,cireibstan'ees1 storoVfeding tha death of the deposed Preislderit and. Vice President pt the Republic are ?ukntfwhVfcptas5jvViJ'ffit official accpubt-which0 "AoJ iH?alf case cohforni. VhbnlyXVitn'esses were those actually on5en Bdt iltt' "tbe kfll- -'iTbe ; Praviaidnaii j?restdenJ:,; Geo.. Vietpriano 'Hetata. jsr-Jift KttWng of the? tWQ;rn asfcaeUiliOf flgat :btweea jtbeir guard , and. "party at- tempting, p liberat'ejnTe MSa- ister,, of. Foreign , je4&t3onstj jrasaciao ffefinjte fired, tlie ratal hbti;' it'!B riipt"Smpo sible1. 'ha'tieither' feiivirs: -' 'An bolcfai ! iQTeJttgation.'5has beeu brderea to 'determinetthe' responsible ity 'and' solemn promises' have beea made' that the guittyi iiU;be pnalshe. . q STot uniiatnrally great jpart-of tb . public-. . -.regards; he j officials, , yersiow ..with, doubt,., having ;iafmin.(it',"the uss for! count' for. centariespfr.be" noto- L rjous 'ley. ,fuga," the un written lav f il.i't. '.' IJ-WJ .(.Kali's ufk n ' prisoner 13 desired... Atter"' Its ap plication 'there : W written orii the rec ords '"prisoner shot5 trying to escaped -r' 'Senora Madenf, "widow of rthe. Ex President received tfie first 'definite iinformation of his death from fSennr Cologan y Colpganr Uie Spaaisb, ,Mia )tat4r.:i$be.r,alreadyj badj beard report that something unusual and serious had Ti'apned''buJirlends had en deaypred up Jto, .that ttime;Ttol prevent her iromlearihgt fSewhoieftnith. Soon afterward, Accompanied by l her brother, Jose Perez -and , Mercedes siaaero, a sister oi r ranciscp, enora Madero drove t the peultentlarj'' but was refused permission, ,to;see the body of1 her husbahbt.1 feenor '"Suarea also was denied admittance11 'tb the mortuary, where physicians, -rin ac cordance with the 'fayri'j were 'perform 2 Turkey Ready ,to, Qujt fighting, r 't itobdoii.-'' Subliine ;PPrte feas tnetrucW -s Hakkl' -'Pasbav Turkish peac envDy'Jln,tiLoh9n;t io request the good offices of the foreign .office ia ionaon m pringinaoout tne open ing i Pi jBalkan jacr'negbtlatjton's, ac c6fding s-io "a'- speeial "dispatch ' from Constantinople. The Turkish' gbvera ment has agTeed.tQyaccept.in the 1ininf,lie J'rebmniendalipWs 'pf Uve ! great 'powerS, which weVe tbal :T-urkey ;mtvkh"'aanas'V9ti''-lh 'eihie. 1 Castro Has Gone, tp, Cuba. .'DNew lYorkCett. "Ciprlanif 'Castro, ex president)' oi Venezuela1,1 1 left - New , YdrH r f or Cuba,ii bm'the, vird uxlner Saratoga. He said there was nothing secret about his trip, that it was mere ly 'for pleasure and that her would re- turn: tp t Xetr Yorkssome:s'time ' ia Marcli. Thi general: siid'h felt con .fidentj (thatfiha i-wouldi defearittiV gov ernment in its appeal to the supreme court from the federal court decision allowing -him. to enter" this country. ,;U.;rri ..'- ' - ' JlGrey l-tikeiy , to I be i Premier. ' L,oadenr-Tbe cabinet has noV. deS nitely ; ,settled .the .vexed questlor. as to ' who shall have the reversion of the.t ; premiership t whfh' !Miv "Asqnith ttdSithe. burden of , his pffloe too great for; his, yf ara ,atd, seeks tha , repose in the Hotise -of ord3...,The choice has fallen almost unanimauslr ouf (Sir; Ed ward Grey. ii ii ! ju.n "'?' ! ' 0 ' rt Washington. Secretary, ;Nagel Has aae . a , repojrt to .i'resiaeat'HXt -on the offlcial conduct of Danel J Keefe of Detroit,'" commissioner' general of Immigration; and . Has rrecchtnunded th?.t 4eef e s resignation W demand?-!. The reports "alleges ,'that tha.hoad f the. immigration service has. accepted free transportation. for;.,hiraselX and familj' from railroads atd 'sleamahij ;. These alleged acts -wcro-'coniJiereii t? Secretary Nasel as sufilcently so rious to be called to the presilent'a attention. . ae,. 4 ..iarra. . aaas , ia- , tauuciw tempted1, "to Jescape,' Neithe?' nraJks a' "ffbnate' ' s-tateinent ' 4s' to which sida

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