iriiynwii Plvhwuth Business Men Meet. .,j,Wfywi.. K i 1 1 Our Ituahipsa Men Aro A waling to our Natural Advantages and to our Present and Future Needs , . THEY MEAN IUJSINESS. On the evening of March 28th, thebnsiness men of Plymouth had a special meeting for the purpose of further reaching out and enlarging its trades and in dustries and a general getting to gether on everything that con ; cerns us as business men and the development of our little city. The meeting was pronounced a rousing success, and this was largely due to the part the ladies had in it. They, of course, al ways make everything they get into a success, and they made good in this instance. We had on this occasion to ad dress us, Mr. B. E. Rice, Land and Indust rial Agent of the Norfolk-Southern Railroad, and his remarks were very valuable to us, as he showed us how to he'p oth ers, and at the same time help ourselves. Especially did he im press upon us the importance of giving every assistance to the de velopment of our agricultural dis tricts. I Plymouth has been content for j many years to be small and un- noticed, but its main and import ant industries and trades are in the hands of practically young men. With a few exceptions, all the active business men are un der forty years of age. Plymouth will, within the next fVvv years, b one of the most important towns in the Carolinas as it has nothing to prevent its growth in e very line of business. There t ore, J" Wat eh Plymouth Grow." ' Plymouth is noted for many things that will be of interest to those outside, and possibly to many of us who liv inside its borders. Plymouth has the best and most modern retail establish ments of any town its size in the South. Every store is fitted up with the most modern store fix tures, and havr nice, large plain fc'lass froni-3. You can buy in Plymouth any thing used by the fivilizfti world, and at a price in keeping with your. circumstances. Goods are on display every day as though, there was a bargain sale going on, and really vou will consider al most every purchase a bis; bar gainand you will always get full value for your money. Almost every business is own ed and operated by a self-made man, us most every one started with little or no capital, and they have made good. They are men Who have started out in lite with one purpose, and that was to give trvery one a "Square Deal." Ply mouth feels proud of her business men. v Plymouth has the largest in dustry ef its kindto be found in "The car of 'the hour" it has been many. seasons! Hut it's more than that now. It stands alone -"the" uni versal car' Nothing but a wonderful merit could have . created so enormous a 'de mand for it. h e 1 1 e r get yours today. ; ! Thfre, are more than 22l,f Fords on ' thr world's highways the best passible ifitiiTMiiy to their unexcelled worth. j Prkes-runaboiU S2 touring car VHJ town i-arfWi t. . . Detroit with comphnfs equipment. Catalog-tie from Ford Motor Cr. Company, Michigan and Fourteenth StreetS-or from De troit factory. .1. W. HUCIIiVNAN, ROPER, N. C. at" the whole world, known as the Wilts Veneer Co., who employ several hundred men to operate its plant. They are now at work building one hundred additional houses to be occupied by those whom they employ. s we also nave another very large and valuable mill known aa the Plymouth Lumber Co. They also employ several hundred men to operate their works. They manufacture all kinds of Box Shooks and rough and dressed lu nber. , We have several other very im portant industries, which are as follows: Ice plant, capacity about 20tous per day; Roanoke Milling Co., which manufactures Meal, Hominy, Chops and Feed stuff, and other milling industries known as the Walker & Myers Saw Mil. the Sullivan Lumber Co., the Plymouth Brick and Tile Co., and others. We understand that we will soon have a wholesale Grocery store, Cotton mill, Peanut factory Cotton seed oil mill, and other important industries. 'Watch Plymonth Grow. ' ' A Booster Entry NOTICE. To y. R. Johnston, Entry Taker Wash ington County: 1 11, 1 Batemarrenters anJ lays claim to the following- vacant land, Bo;in. iiing" at a large dead pine, W. 1 Lu cas' liatemau entry corner, thence Northerly a lord W, F L,ucas' line to a red onk stump, Lucas' entry corner, thence Westerly along Lucas' line to Norfolk Southern R. 14., thence North erly along said K. K., to J. I McNair's line, thence Eastwardly along: J. F. McNair's line to the jnm stump, Jim Cee's line to a marked gam in Jim (Jee's liiw at Mora took road, thence West wartlly a Ion- said road to the be giiuunf caniaiui ifj about 10 acres. This March lst,"i913. . b Batemax. NOTICE. Having qualified as Executors upon the F.state of Rose Everett deceased; Notice is hereby ciren to all oersons holding-claims against Baid estato to present tiiem to the undersigned for payment on or before tho 13th day of March 1014, or this notice w ill be plead, ed in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to gaid estate are requested to make immediate pay ment This 13 'day of March 1913. Addison Everett, lienj, Everett, ' Executors ENTRY NOTICE. North C&roHua, Washlagton onnty. To fhe F.utry Tafcrof Washington Co. The uride-?.ijjriel, W. J. Mercer, en terrain! lurn claim to the following du-rihed piece of land in Washington County and Skinnersville Township, being- vacant and unappropriated land and subject to entry, bounded as fol lows: on the North by the lands of W. .1. Merber, on the East by the lands of I'.icliiaoud Cedar Works, on the West by lands of Albemarle Lbr. Co , on the South by finds of Absalum Spruill' s heirs, fohn Spruill and Weston Spruill Feby II, 19!:;. 3-7 - W. J. HERCER. NOTICE I.. 1. Roper of Roper, N, C , having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. K. Kessinger late, of Washington N. and Koper. N. O. This is to notify all person having claims or accounts against said deced ent to lile same vith the administrator at Roper, N. C on or before the day 'of March 1914, or this notice will be 'pleadt-d in bar of their payment. AH" nersns iudehtfd to said vtat IjtviU pleise make immediate settlement. i ins j,i uay oi reny, VJin L. G. Koper, Administrator V. II. Bond, Jr. Attorner tor Estate, , Plymouth, N. C. Christmas Savings Club Suggestions From Other Cities. CTTR T&T A T A VTNG S CTTJUR such as vc are conducting, are very popular in many other cities and towns in this and other States. IN SEVEBUL CITIES ;-- 100 or more members of a congregation have joined and will use their combined savings as a fund next Christmas towards oavino-church debts. IN SEVERAL TOWNS 1 he members of Sunday School classes have joined, and in each instance will club together and use the money for the purpose of buying the teacher a present IN OTHER TOWNS Societies, Churches, Sunday Schools, Charity and other organizations have joined to save money for a specific purpose. "ptiE plan is an excellent one, and can be applied to a num ber of commendable enterprises. The small amounts payable weekly into the Club can be spared by each person with out inconvenience, and when a number of persons associate to gether for a special purpose the combined results of their efforts will be a large sum which may be applied as a Christmas offering or used in other ways for a good cause. It's an easy way to save money 1 .TOIjV NOW. A sure way to have Money. :: J Get your friends to join. The Washington County Bank. PliYMOUTH, - IV. O. JUST BEAR IN MIND Clothing, Shoes, Dress Goods, Hats, Hosiery Ties and in iact most anything you want to wear wliicii are the newest creations at re markable low prices. ill F4if Milfl toeing one of the toest since I have been, in business I want to break the record for April and I am going to give you some of the best values you ever bought. G all and convin ce yours;elf. And remember the store with right price, style and quality. CLY DE CAHOOE THAT I HAVE THE 1 it P oJ p 1-z.J hJl lJI iin t!J U 1 PLYMOUTH IS I Leadin Just received a new line of Messaline satins iri plain and stripes, guaranteed 36 inches for $1.00. Just received a case of ladies' silk hose 35c value,' 25c per pair. Just received 25 doz. of the longest 50c corsets in town, lust received 2 cases of sailors 50c value for 25c. Just received 5 doz. ladies' buck-fH skin slippers $3.00 value for $2.50. Just received 5 f5 doz. ladies' sailors worth $1.50 for $1.00. Just re- ceived 50 doz. ladies' corset covers 25c values 10c. ft! Also 25 doz. 50c values Going through our slipper stock we pitked up ' 0, about one hundred pairs, sizes from 2.5 to 5, they are from $2. $2.50 & $3.-values, any pair now for p$ f 1.00. If you are in need of a hat for the little boy jp we have just received about fifty dozen sir ioft mi-'' 'aM lans and chips, prices from 25c to $1.50. ';'"""'" Spring cleaning time is now al hand, and no doubt you will need some lace curtains. We have a big line of them, prices from 35c to $3.00 per pair. Just received another line of messaline pctticoats,N $3.00 value for $2.00. x Just received a new lot of ratine in all colors, latest goods of the season at twenty-five cents per yard. Mill, A Corn and Peanut Planter with the accuracy of the human hand. Every seed passes in plain sight and drops into spoiifflit right before your eyes. J- JtsL.v i The simplest, strongest and easiest operated planter ever offered to the world. With good seed you are assured of a perfect stand, as the tenderest seed, like peanuts, are not bruised or injured in anv way. , . Sold with the understanding if it does not plant as we tell you we take it back and give your money back We bought 25 and got them in on Monday and sold all out but four. Have 50 your orders quick and be sine A. WAI1 & EllMITIIffim, , : Plymouth, W. , u ' Remember well and bear in mind, The Regal Shoes are hard to find; Pall and let us line. Our line of Regal and Bcasley Shoes are more com-" plete this season than ever before. Call and inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. . Store . m at 25c. V. '. Vv - V. H.'ivr'ft V.'. V.'A.'i't'j' j more on the way, so send us to get one this season. show you our i- :..-;' ,S.'r f Q (K r