earon. ' rpT isTti?r f.vey- rum ay C V. W. AUSBON. EDTTOR. Bateman ran away va:id struck a eleicd is a hew, one, , busrsry belonging to Miv J. (j, j C- atlemeh, it is up to you. 1 G'irgrnnus demoMshinthe b;dy Mr u i3 expected of you, especi- ...t.i : An,n . m ail ! wi'n;iS IH UlU'EiucljJC Ul 1 vomicae puzzle. V TTTH. N, C Stick to Them. be! long: lines of moral and pro Ive legislation. Go in and .: good, and we will stand nd you to the last ditch.. VMav 'av 9 1913: ACOF FLASHED . If the Board of Councilmen, Mi""- rm OMef of Police elect-; T i !-lnv last' were not the : ilamation Contest. . t; N ') I) ul t PI T. A B"'-nflS( srip itSnn. d . , ac': . 's For y. Rev N. H. Harrison, was on . our streets Wednesday. Mr. Will Blount of Roper, was in town Monday. Miss Virginia Spruill, who has been teaching school at Windsor, came home Tuesday. Messrs. C. L Jackson and R. L. Bateman spent Sunday in Westover. Dr. C. C Harper, Dentist Ply mouth, N. C. Mr H L Spruill brought us on yesterday the first corn tassel we hare seen this season . Dr. W. H. Hardison, of Cres was here Tuesdav shaking hands with his many friends. Mrs Richard Elliott, ofSkiner ville, was among the vi itors to our town on Mondav last. Mrs Bettie Harrison, of Nor folk is the orii--'St o?- Mrs S T. H'trriso on Thi d S' ree. Miss Mattie Au bo's returned fr m Washington Tue da,, she h -v g Seen her fl- her sis ter its Nivar Whats the matter that the fire e? cH o is nevr -r ed at the var um Art sian w We thought these we Is were placed in various parts of the town to be used in casn of fire, Miss Neva Ausdon, returned Tucdav, from the Washington onira' where she -ts recently operated upon for appendicitis We hope she may soon be fully well agiin M:sses Blanch Gilbert, ,and Kth'een Gardner, have returned from a visit to Edenton, they re port a fine time. ' , Mrs E R Spruill 'f Skinners ville, has been in the. city this week the guest of Mrs H L. Spruill ou E Main St, Mr. J. F. Tarkenton, and Mrs. W. B. Hodges of Mackey's Ferry were in town on Wednesday. vi r. D. 0, Brinkley, accompan ied by Mrs Sallie Hassell and Amanda Doughtie left on Wed. nesday for Winton, N C N te changes made in the ads of Clyde Cahon, The Washington Connty Bank' J. W. Buchanan and Tho? Gaylord in this issue. Mr. and Mrs. Geo W. Phelps spent last week in Norfolk en joying a p stponed honeymoon. Messrs' W. W. Spruill, and G. F. Woodley, of Cherry, were in town on Tuesday. Owing to the death of Mrs. Lav Blount the Board of County Cm-arssioners, did not meet on Monday last, but will meet, on next Monday. viissees Ernestine Alexander, Carrie Spruill, Katie Ausbon, Mrs. J. W. Darden, and , Messrs E. C. Caton, J. W- Darden, and C. S. Ausbon, are in attendance upon the closing exercises of Oerrv Graded School. Mrs. J. L. Phelps, left on Fri- Aaxr Trinrnincr last, for Norfolk. where she went to take her daugh ter, Miss Madeline to St. Vincent hospital for treatment for appen nic tis We learn V -at an operat ion was performed and that the patient is doing finely. We wish for hpr ji snpedv recovery In drivirg down third street gunday night and when near Washington street Messrs Wilson Ambrose, and Pete Phelps, ran into a post on the side of the Rt.reet. th- buffgy . as somewhat of ani m n of vour pho'po. it is evident To t, .t,4-s u,t ,,r-.i.n 4-i-vo i Inn noi - if he. rmjority, therefore let us "mpr ss upon you that the good of the town needs that vou s-and behind these officers and aid them in advancing the i moral aud industrial interest of Plymouth. Good men were elect ed, good men were defeated. Accept the result as a good citi zen and lend your influnce to the betterment of the town. Good citizenship makes a good town, not its officers every time. To Qur Friends. It is with hearts overflowing with deepest gratitude that we take this method of extending thanks to th3 many friends who so willing cawe to us with their financial aid, personal service and neighborly sympathy, dur ing our recent troubles. With one in the hospital and three on the beds of affliction in the home it looked as if God had laid His hand severely upon us, but thanks to His goodness and to the skill of physicians and snrgeons the loved ones are con-valescene- Very truly, Mr. and Mrs..V. F. Ausbon. A Defeated Candidate. As one of the defeated candi dates for Mayor in Tuesday's contest, I wish t thark' those who gave me their support. I was not a candidate because I wanted personal honor, hut be cause some of the citizens of the town wanted a change and they, knowing my position as a pro gressive citizen and one anx;ous to see the town kept clean and its laws enforced, I became THEIR candidate. I also wish to offer congratu lations to the successful " candi date, His Honor, Mayor Thomas Chears, and to promise him that in the discharge of his duties, and any more he may make to place Plymouth in the fore ranks of progressive t towns, he will find no man more willing or anx ious to aid him than I. And I earnestly ask my friends to give him and his administration that loyal, patriotic support that they might have .given me. He is not the Mayor of any set, clan ol faction, he is OUR MAYOR and as he enters upon the duties of his office let us, with one accord, let him understand that we want a clean town, a progressive town, that we want the laws, consist ent with such a town, enforced, and that in every act that tends for the betterment of Plymouth, we are with him. Let him un derstand, as no doubt he does, that he has a great mission to fdl as the Chief Officer of one, if not tho best town in The Old North State. W, F. Ausbon C Friday evening lest Miss Stf Blount held a nublic Dee- Lion Contest in the Chamber ommerce hall, the contest being pupils of the Plym outh Graded School, at which tin: the following progrem was executed, intersperced with fine musical selections by the Plym outh Orchestra : The Old South and the New: - - - i Kenneth Bramham, Duet ; J. A. Griffin and J. C Beasley " What the Little Girl Said; Kathleen Spruill. Solo; J. C. BcasUv. Robert Emmett on being found guilty of High Treason; Luther Ausbon. Solo ; Martha Hornthal. Sparticus' to the Gladiators at Capua ; Eoline Everett. Horatus at the Bridge ; Mamie Reicl. ' Solo ; Mary Murphrey. Saldtation to the Veterans at Bunker Hill ; Avery Gaylord "Give me Liberty or Give me Death"; Joe Jackson Regulus to the Roman Senate ; Philip Latham A gold medal was the prize awarded for the most perfect declimation and was won by Miss Eoline Everett, and pre sented by Mr. W. M. Bond, Jr. The judges were. Rev. L. W. Blackwelder, Dr B. F. Halsey, A. W. Swain. W. M, Bond and W. R. Hampton. All recited most excellently and reflected great credit both upon their instructress and themselves, and Miss Everett should feel justly proud of her success. Wood's Seed?. 801 11- CowPeas, the great forage end improving crop. So ja Beans, the most nutritious and best of summer feed crops. Velvet Beans make enormous growth; are splendid for summer graz ing and as a soil renovator. Write for " WOODS CROP SPECIAL", giving full informa tion about these and other Seasonable Farm Seeds. iji L infill iSiW'' j$WM2&. 0tM s-3sWfci T. W. WOOD & SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Our stocks of Cow Pea and Soja Bear.-J are choice recleaned stock of supe- rior quality and germination. - t.r.'i .T-rva- a-.T.-- w ILf 1111. I . i- J - ENTRY NOTICE. To l- K. .Tohiistoij,KutiyT.-.1cr Wash ington County: H. F. Ratcman enters and lay-f claim to the following vacant land, lU'gin ning at a Urge lead )inc, W. V. hu cas' Batprnan en tr y corner, thence Northerly aloud V. F "iyiicas' line to a red oak stump. Laicas' entry corner, thence Westerly along Lucas' line to 'orfolk Southern K. ii., thence North erly along said K. K., to J. K. McNair's line, thence Kastwardlv along J. F. McNair's line to the gnm stump, Jim (Jee's line to a marked gum in Jim (Jee's line at Moratock road, thence Westvvardly along said road to the be ginning cantaini'ig about 10 acres. This Miirch. 1st, 191U. !. F. lhvHMAX. IN I HE JJANKT l Copyr-.tlt l'jy, by C, E. Zimmerman Co. No. 57 i njlMKRIC is nothing which make so much difference JL n t!u journey through lift as a hank account. T1II0SE without one will bitterly re?ret their carelessness, for sooner or later they will he overtaken, by misfortune in some form or other. N the other hand those with a bank catch up with Dame Fortune. account are "sure to THE I Bank of Plymouth, PLYMOUTH, N. C. 4 per cent, paid on time deposits. Tow a Flection. The municipal election for the town of Plymouth passed off quietly on Tuesday last and re sulted in the election of the elec tion of the following officers : Mayor, Thos. Chears. Chief of Police, E. R. Jackson. Councilmen ; T. L. Smrh, Dr. . Obituary. Mrs. Sarah A. Blount, died in in a Richmond hospital where she had gone for treatment, on Sun day last, aged about 60 years. M rs. Blount, was one of the best known and highly esteemed ladies of this community and her death is greatly mourned and de plored. She leaves a husband Ex Shoriff Levi Blount, and who is now Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, one dau ghter, Mrs. Loula Hampton, and two grand-children, Mr. W. R. Hampton, and M.iss Clara Ham pton, to grieve at her demise. The remains were b.-ought here and laid to rest in CIrace Church yard on Monday afternoon, the services being conducted by her rector, Rev. L. W. Blackwelder. Our deepest sympathies are ex tended' with those of their great host of friends to the grief stri cken family. GAYLORD Plymouth's Besl Stores OUR STOCi is decidedly the most com plete in this section. All the new and wanted things can he found here in broad and complete ' assortments. We invite you to call and let us show you through our lines and convince you that Ply mouth's Best Store Goods ordered hv mail w ill be prepasd to any part of this or adjoining counties. Samples checrfull v miled to out-of-town customers. NOTICE. Having qualitied as Fxecutors upon tin Ksta'teof Rose Kverett deceased; Notice is hereby given -to all persons holding claims against Raid estate to present them to the undersigned for pa vment in or before the 13th day of March l'lt, or this notice will be plead ed in Liar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment This 1:! dav of March 101.1. Addison Kverett, llcnj. Eveiett. 3-'Jt Executors (OiN LY 17 CENTS A DAY Tho plan of 17 cents a day makes the OLIVER as. easy to own as to rent. It places the machine within easy reach of every individual. Your "CI GAR" money will buy it. You can buy an OLIVER on this plan at regular catalogue prices. . . .V ei j THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER THE STANDARD MACHINE Its record has never been equaled. John W. Darden, FOR SALE -One good first class reclining:, rubber tire, ball-bearing, spring seat, three wheel, rolling chair for invalids. As good as new., Will sell a good deal less than whole-sale cost. For further information apply to L C Nurney, Plymouth, N. C. (Adv) damaged and the young men sus R R Qilmer w B cljfton and ramea siiirnt iiijuijco. auc R. A. Willifurd. Graded Sci oolTruetecs ; S. W. Beasley. W. J. Jackson and 0. R. Leggett. No regular ticket had been ;.r,rrl ir lipincr n froc. for caeif alight, and with the exception f horse belonging to Mr. Chas of the chief of police every man sence of any light at this section of Washington, and Third street, wis the cause of the accibent. This Hght seems to refuse to burn regu'arW especially on Sunday nights. North Carolina, Washington County, Superior Gourt, be fore the Clerk. In Re Washington County Drain age District Number Four. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Pre liminary Keport of the Kngineer and Viewers, heretofore appointed in t he above entitled proceeding, accompa nied by a map, was submitted to me and tiled in my office on thi.s April 23d 1913, and that'the said report is tavor ab e to the establishment of the said Drainage District for the reasons therein recited Saul report will be further considered by die Court and objections thereto, it any, will le heard at the Ourt House in Plymouth on Monday, May l'Jth, VJ'., at noou, when and where all lund own rs with in the proposed Drainage Uistrict. and persons interested therein, are notified to be present and to submit their ob jections, if anv, as required bv law. C. V. W. AL'SBOU, Clerk Superior Court. i I I I -1 6 I llllH lIMIULtMiMlll IIIIMWMIIIMMW""""""1"11 '" 1 " " 11 iHWgnMM'WWBfl III Ml WWlMBWW WiM n7 r3 fn F I ,yv , t.3 Mm ffiL c) rhoice Blerds of Coffee and Tea are the best the market affords and are seldom equalled and never excelled in price and quality. Give me sm order anil he convinced. J ftT. BEAS1EY. BUY YOUR MILLINERY I-lOM MES- A M- AYERS who always keeps an up-lo-d tl" stock of seasonable Millinery (Joods, Trimmings,' Ribbons. 10tc Tho oldest estublishcd Milli nery store in the County. Be sure to see her stock before placing your order. NOTICE. I Under and b v iiirtne of an order nf sale granted in 1 lfe sjM-eial pnw.vd i in A. U. i'.hessi m ae.aitist W. 1'. ! ChesMio i 1 before the TlerK tl" Sn j perier Court of W a sh i ul; t o ; i Count v. 1 The !! i n!er si " iH'( I ( 'oin hi i r'.xioii' rs a re jselliiie; I'of cash atll.e I! 1 I!olie !I)o,ral I'ivnioiilh, North ' ir lnia at l:':"OM on April '.'iilli. I'd.!, tlie l uid i des.-rihed as f Hows: i AdjoiniuiV the land of T. I Wnn j on tin; N'ei l it. .1 . I". T.i I ken loii on the ! West. CpiAldeM. e ( 1 1 -.si ti ' I iei fs and t th- land of W. K. CWe.Mon ami the 1 Cat k-S"4.o,., K'oail on lln- South and on J the Ivist bs the I an I ; W. K. Ih-ssoh. I Tliis lan h ;ith. I'M '.. i 4. W. C, i.fll.Mi. 1 V. M. I!ull, .In., Com iiii-siiun'i s. i ?-s 11. Subscribe to the Deacon. WASHINGTON COUNTY, SUPERIOR COURT. Before the Clerk. A P. Chesson aud wife Virginia P.. against 1. II Mnsoii and wife 'irrv, v . C. ('hesson ami wife Annie F. J, Dozier and wife Marjjarett. The defendants above named aud partu-til ul v L II. Chesson 5iul wife t'.arrv will take notice that an action for pa -tit ion" of lainl has been com uicnced in tlu e-urt, and that they are reipiireil to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of .Washington Co. at l'lvniouth on he i'4 day of March r.U., and answer the eompiaiut filvd. They will fnrt iu-r take notice lhat a siuunious entit Ic4 as above ha? been issiK d au;ainst 'tliem to the Sheriff of ashtiiiL;toii ('..tinty in this cau?.e ra 1 uriKtule on siddate, ThU 20 da v of Feb v.- WU (Seal) t? V, VV. Auaboo, C 9 C.