flJDO a Year, In Advance. "FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." taSe Ce$y, f VOL. XXIV. PLYMOUTH, N. C; FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1913. NO." 3. PLOT TO MURDER: HMD DIAZ GENERAL BLANQUET, MEXICAN WAR MINISTER, ALSO MARK ED FOR DEATH. MANY ARRESTS ARE MADE President Wilson's Protest Checks Anti-American Demonstration in Mexico City. Mexico City. A plot to assassinate President Huerta, General Felix Diaz and General Blanquet, the war minis ..ter, has been frustrated by the arrest of one deputy and ten others of prom inence. It is said the intention was to use bombs at some opportune mo ment when these officials were driv ing through the streets. Documents were found on the pris oners identifying them as supporters of Zapata and setting forth an outline of the plot. Several of the prisoners have confessed. In a building some what remotely located they had prac ticed the throwing of bombs, studying the effect. The American ambassador's note of protest to the foreign office against permitting an anti-American demon stration here had certain indirect re sults, although the government did not absolutely forbid the holding of what officials style "a popular manifesta tion of patriotism." A demonstration took place in the capital, but not more than 400 persons participated. There were no speeches and few cries against Americans. The line of march was through the princi pal streets, and the manifestants halt ed in front of a big Japanese store, crying "Vivas" for Japan. Small silk Japanese flags were carried with the Mexican colors. , A detachment of police accompa nied the procession and the jpjnister of war, General Blanquet, followed in an automobile. Brigadier General Samuel Garcia Cuellar, governor of the federal district, refused permission for a demonstration, and ordered the police to disperse It if it was formed The students later applied to the min ister of the interior. Dr. Aureliano Urrutia, who told them that he sym pathized with them and would over rule the governor's order on condition that they created no disturbance. LECTURES FOR EXPENSES Says That His Salary as Secretary of State Is Not Sufficient. Asheville, N. "C. During the deliv- ery of a lecture at Hendersonville, near here. Secretary of State William Jennigs Bryan paused in the course of his lecture to state that he is com pelled to deliver Chautauqua lectures in order to supplement , his govern ment salary, which, he declares( is not sufficient to meet his expenses. "As this is my first Chautauqua lec ture since becoming a member of the cabinet," said Secretary Bryan, "it may not be out of place to say that I find it necessary to lecture in order to supplement the salary which I re ceive from the government. As I have lectured for eighteen years, this method of adding to my income, is the most natural one to which to turn, and I regard it as extremely legiti mate. I did not think It improper to go from the Chautauqua platform into a presidential race, and if I had been elected I would have thought it no stepping down to return to the lecture platform. These meetings enable me to keep in touch with the people." Plans to Beautify Canal; Washington. The . report of the Fine Arts commission, which is charg ed with the preparation of plans for the beautification of the Panama ca nal, has been completed and probably will be transmitted to congress through President Wilson about Au gust 1. The plans embody landscape effects to make artistic the approach es ot the canal, as well as the locks and the country through which the great waterway has been cut. As far as possible the commission proposes to preserve existing . beautiful land scapes and to supplement them by the planting of additional trees. ' 12 Persons Killed; 50 Injured. Los Angeles, Cal. Twelve persons were killed and about fifty others were injured when a Pacific electric interurban train ran into another elec tric train at Vineyard station, a junc tion on the outskirts of Los Angeles. As nearly as could be learned, both trains were inbound from Venice,, an ocean beach town, 16 miles from Los Angeles. They were crowded with homeward bound residents of Los An geles who had spent the day at the beaches, and it is reported that many of th Injured were severly hurt. RICHARD LEE METCALFE S ft ! : If 5Xt '..::.$9?-;W-S-vj . Richard Lee Metcalfe, recently ap pointed governor of the Canal Zone, has been associated with Secretary of the State Bryan for years, and Is edl tor of the Commoner. DEADLY FIGHTON MOUNTAIN DEEP LOBBY PROBING TO BE DONE BY HOUSE OF REP RESENTATIVES. Investigation Ordered of the Charges Made by Mulhall Against Congressman. Washington. A lobby investlga tion of extraordinary scope was au thorlzed by the house to supple ment the senate probe already un- der way. With the adoption of the Henry investigation resolution a spe cial committee of seven members was appointed by Speaker Clark, with Representative Garrett of Ten nessee, as chairman. While the house investigation was prompted largely by the allegations of Col. M. M. Mulhall regarding the legislative activities of the .National Association of Manufacturers, the res olution as finally adopted so enlarged the scope of the inquiry that all ef forts to control members of the house or to influence legislation by any person or organization will be sub ject to the inquisitorial power of the committee. ) MOUNT TAMALPAIS ON FIRE Playground of Cities About San Fran cisco Bay Is Being Devastated. San Francisco. Forest fires are blazing fiercely on three sides of Mount Tamalpais, a landmark of Cal ifornia, and playground and park of all the cities clustered about San Francisco bay. Three villages are threatened. The mountain wras cloak ed by a mantle of white'smoke, which streamed across the bay like a wind blown scarf, but as darkness fell the mountain blazed above the bay and ocean like an enormous beacon, illum inating the sky for miles. The fires are believed to have re sulted from carelessness of campers. Three thousand soldiers, sailors, na val apprentices, fprest rangers, mili tiamen and volunteer fire fighters are fighting the flames, and the women in the threatened terirtory are work ing as hard as the men. Italian Agents After Charlton. New York. The Italian consulate is advised that two agents of the Italian government are leaving Italy for this country to get Porter Charlton and take him back to Italy to stand trial there for the murder of his wife on their honeymoon at Lake Como on June 7, 1910. The authorities of the Hudson county jail in Jersey City have been directed to turn the alleged mur derer over to the Italian agents in ac cordance with the recent mandate of the United States Supreme court. Surgeons Use Knife on McCombs. Paris, France. The condition of William M. McCombs, chairman of the Democratic national committee, is declared most satisfactory by the sur geon in attendance. His progress to ward recovery from the operation for appendicitis he underwent here was said to be normal, but in view of his delicate constitution. It was stated he would require several days of com plete rest. Mr. McCombs came to Paris lately, knowing that he was suf fering from appendicitis, but hopeful that a rest abroad would cure him. BULBARS ARE HOI ANXIOUS FOR PEACE BELIEVED HOSTILITIES ARE VIR TUALLY AT AN END ARMIS TICE NOT ARRANGED. RUSSIA TO STOP THE WAR Demands of Servia and Greece for Possession of Occupied Territory -to Cause Trouble. London. Having failed in her haz ardous coup, Bulgaria is now showing herself anxious for peace. No formal armistice has yet been arranged, but it is believed hostilities are virtually ended. It is feared, however, that the settlement of peace conditions will prove a long task, many new ele ments having entered to complicate matters. , , Bulgaria's decision not to oppose Roumania's occupation of Silistrie and the strip of territory she desires, re moves one difficulty. But. other de velopments; such as the Greek occu pation of Kavala, to which Bulgaria is expected to offer bitter resistance, are calculated to lead to troublesome ne gotiations, especially as both Servia and Greece, on the outcome of their campaign, will be certain to demand possession of the territory they occu pied previous to the war. Russia is already taking steps in the Balkan capitals to arrange for a cessation of hostilities. The British chancellor of the ex chequer, David Lloyd-George, address ing the bankers at a dinner " at the mansion house, refererd to Balkan af fairs. He said the first trouble was over, and he was hopeful all the pow ers, which had started, so well togeth er, would be able to effect a lasting settlement among these haples3 prov inces. As long as the Balkan states did nothing to upset the decisions already agreed to among the powers, contin ued the chancellor, it was to be hoped that no power would find it necessary to take any action likely to give rise to difficulty among the great powers themselves. U. S. DEMANDS RELEASE Five Are Held and Their Property Seized at Hidalgo, Mexico. Washington. Secretary Garirson or dered Col. Edwin P. Brewer; of the Fourteenth cavalry, at Fort Mcintosh, Texas, to demand the release of five Americans, together with 350 cattle and thirty horses, held by Mexican revolutionists at Hidalgo, Mexico. Sec retary Bryan requested the action. The attention of the state depart ment was called to the imprisonment of the Americans and the seizure of their property by Consul Garrett at Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. When Consul Garrett demanded the release of his countrymen the revolutionists told him they must await orders from Piedras Negras. ' So great is the lawlessness around Tampico that the better class of Mex leans have joined Americans in or ganizing vigilantes under commission of the federal military governor t of San Luis Potosi. Already fourteen bandits have been hanged. It is ex pected a military governor will take charge of the state of Tamaulipas, as has been done in Vera Cruz and San Luis Potosi. Wilson Names Gerard and Willard. Washington. President Wilson has sent the following nominations to the senate: Ambassador to Germany, J. W. Gerard of New York; minister to Spain, Joseph E. Willard of Virginia; deputy commissioner of pensions, Ed ward E. TIeman of Missouri. Presi dent Wilson's Intention to nominate Justice Gerard and Mr. Willard to their resDective posts was unofficially an nounced some time ago. Justice Ger ard originally was slated for Spain. Six People Killed in Auto. Los Angeles, Cal. Carl Huffman, his wife and three children and his aunt. Miss Missouri Huffman, were killed almost in front of the old San Gabriel mission when their automobile was struck by a locomotive. A fourth child, a little girl, leaped from the motor car just before the crash and escaped with minor injuries. Immigrant Governor Helping Lad. St Paul. Minn. Thirty-three years ago Adolph Olson, nine years old, was detained at Ellis Island, N. Y., while the immigration authorities made sure that hi3 parents were in Nebraska, and that he had a home to which he might go. Now this same Aloph Olson, now Gov. Adolph Everhart, is striving in New York to aid Alois Lormer, 15 years old, a German lad, who is de tained at Ellis Island. The lad was on his way to the home here of his uncle, Thomas Neum&n, when detain ed for lack of funds. FRANK B. WILLIS Representative Frank B. Vyillls ot Ohio qualified as the champion speller of Washington at the National Press e!ub's-"8pellin' bee," held. in Washing ton, between a selected, team of mem bers of the house and senate, and a team made up of newspaper corre spondents. THER LOBBY PROBE HAIR-RAISING STORY OF BATTLE OF U. S. TROdPS WITH SPEAR HURLING MOROS. No Quarter Given or Expected The Stronghold of Moros Was Cap tured and Many Killed. Washington. -A hair-raising . story of hand-to-hand conflict with spear hurling Moro savages in a battle to the death on an isolated mountain top, with no quarter given or expected, was cabled to the war department from the Philippines by Major Gene ral Bell. It was the commanding gen eral's report on the campaign of Gen. John J. Pershing, which resulted in the extermination of the last consid erable band of rebellious Moros Long ago most of the Moros gave up their arms peacefully, but the fierce tribesmen of Lati Ward, embracing about twenty square miles on the northern coast of the island of Jolo, made ready for war whenever there was a suggestion of depriving them of their weapons. Recently nearly ten thousand of them stampeded to Mount Bagsak, a wild peak which they be lieved impregnable. Many confer ences and patient diplomacy drew most of them away and sent them to their homes, but three or four hun dred of the most desperate fortified their stronghold and prepared to fight It out -with the American nation. ARMY AIRMAN MEETS DEATH Lieut. Call of U. S. Army Aviation Corps Crushed to Death. Houston, Texas. Lieut. -Loren ... H. Call, of the United States army avia tion corp was killed instantly by the fall of his aeroplane just north of Texas City. He had started his flight from the aviation field in the Second army division mobilization camp. His machine was at an altitude of about five hundred feet, plainly vis ible to several soldiers, who say that it seemed to he running smoothly. and that without warning, It suddenly turned its nose downward and plung ed almost straight to the earth. Shooting at Neighbor, Kills Wife. Anadarko, Okia. During the prog ress of a dispute near Carnegie, Okla., in relation to his title, to a six-foot row of beans, D. A. Dodginton shot at A. S. Jones, his neighbor; The bul let went wide and struck and killed Mrs.' Dodgington, thirty feet away. Unaware of the result of his first shot, Dodgington emptied his pistol at Jones, this time seriously wounding Benjamin Robinson, a bystander. Dodgington fled when a posse of farm ers gathered and surrendered to the sheriff at Anadarko. 3,640,000,000 Fish Eggs. Washington. The year just closed established a record for the United States bureau of fisheries in the num ber of eggs taken and later planted. It ran to the enormous total of 3,- 640,000,000, which borke the record made in the previous year by 173, 000.000. The largest number of any one kind wa3 in flat fish, of which 800.000.000 eKS were planted. To increase the supply of lobsters along the New England coast, the bureau is considering the establishment Jn Rhode Island of a lobster plast. BULGARIAN MY ACT LIKE SAVAGES SACKED AND BURNED TOWN OF "SERES AND - COMMITTED IN CREDITABLE OUTRAGES. ARE IN DESPERATE STRAITS Ruin and Destruction Follow in the Wake of Retreating Soldiers. NO Medicine For Sick or Food For the i Hungry. Saloniki. The sacking and burning of the town of Seres by the defeated Bulgarian Army and the accompany ing outrages on women and atrocities on men were fully confirmed in a dis patch from a Greek correspondent. The retreating Bulgarian soldiers, he telegraphed, opened a cannonade with four field guns from a hill above the town. At the same time bands of Bulgarian soldiers, led by their offi cers, scoured the streets, first pillag ing the stores and houses and then drenching them with petroleum and setting them afire until the greater part of the town wa3 blazing. The soldiers were accompanied by ttye notorious revolutionary Colonel Yankofl, who with other former of ficers of the Bulgarian Army were very active in Macedonia in 1903. The Austro-Hungarian consular of fices were plundered and Sburned. Vice Consul George C. Zlatko being carried off by the marauders, out sub sequently . released. The Italian con sul bought off the Incendiaries. The Bank of Athens, the Oriental Bank, the Palace of the Metropoli tan, the great tobacco warehouses pf the American, Austrian and German companies and the hospitals were burned after they had oeen pillaged. The Ameican Tobacco Company alone suffered to the extent of $1, 000,000. Many people were crucified, hacked to pieces or burned alive by the mad den Bulgarians, who committed in creditable outrages on women of all ages, many of whom died from the effects. The condition of those who escaped is lamentable. Rich merchants are dying of. hunger, while wretched mothers 1 are trying to find covering and food for their naked and starv ing children. Truce Agreed Upon by Railroad Men. Washington. Representatives of the 80,000 conductors and trainmen of Eastern railways who have, voted to strike for higher wages, and manag ing officers of the railroads agreed at the White House to submit their dif ferences to arbitration under the pro visions of the Newlands-Clayton act, which President Wilson and congres sional leaders promised to make law. In the meantime no strike will be de clared, officials of tae employes brotherhoods agreeing to an armistice. Armor Plate Plant For Government. Washington. Naval experts' figures showing that a Government armor- plate factory, costing $8,466,000, would save $140 a ton on armor, or more than $1,000,000 net a year, were sub mitted to Congress by Secretary Dan iels. The Secretary's report was sent in response to a Senate resolution and supplemented previous statements ssued by him advocating a Govern ment-owned armor-plate factory. Tariff on Books and Works of Art. Washington. President Wilson ex pressed surprise that the senate fin ance committee had Increased duties in the tariff bill on works of art and books. He believes these articles are more of educational .use than luxuries. It .was indicated that the president would consult senators on the change. Eighty Lives Lost in Floods. London. Floods in the Maros-Torda district sot Transylvania, Hungary, have caused the loss of 80 lives, ac cortiins to a Central News dispatch from Budapest. Fifteen villages nive been destroyed. In many places the water 1 five'faet deep. Becker Denied New Trial. New York. Chas. Becker's appli cation for a new trial on the charge of murdering the gambler, Herman Ros enthal, was denied by supreme court Justice Goft. Counsel had sought to re-open the case on the ground of new ly discovered evidence. Justice Goff, who was the trial judge in the Becker case and 'in the case of the four gun men, held that the pol'ce lieutenant had fair trial before him and denied the plea. If relief comes to Becker now It must be through the higher courts. FROM THE TAR HEEL STATE Short Paragraphs of State News That Has Been Condensed For Busy People of State. Newton.T A barn belonging to Ce phas S. Little, of the Oxford section, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. Two horses, one cow, farming tools and feed and several wagons and buggies were destroyed. Dunn. The contract was awarded to the J. B. McCrary Company of At lanta for the entire sewerage system to be completed by December 1. The price for the Job was $41,000. The piping will be about eight miles all told and will go to Black River to empty. Scotland Neck. The proposition of A. Paul Kitchin, who offered to build a handsome office building and equip a postoffice, has been accepted by the postoffice department and the locatioft of the postoffice at this place will be changed as soon as the new quarters can be erected. 't Charlotte. A movement backed by every substantial business interest in Charlotte, demanding that the propos ed erection of a new postoffice build ing here be halted until provision has been made for an adequate structure, is making itself felt at Washington and there is a reason to be hopeful that results will be secured. Raleigh. After having been hung eight against four for .several hours, the jury In the case of Rev. R L. Davis, charged with an assault on Wiley Straughan last March with a whiskey bottle, brought in' a verdict of guilty. The court- merely received the verdict and whatever sentence there may be will be imposed later. Winston-Salem. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company has awarded the contract to erect a six-story ooncrete tobacco factory at a cost of $150,000. High Point. W. C. Hammer, of Asheboro was here returning from Washington, and while he makes no definite statement, he let it be, known that it Is all over but the shouting in his contest for the appointment as dis trict -attorney. j " Siler City. At a meeting of the town y commissioners the following were elected to serve on the school board: J. J. Jenkins,. W. S. Edwards, H. C. Robbins, W. S. Qurham, G. E. Matthews, C. K. Wrenn and Mrs. Olive B Webster. The election of Mrs. Webster' is a departure , from what has been the custom heretofore, she being the first women elected to this position in Siler City. Fayettevilie. For the. first' time in perhaps twenty-five years the fines Imposed on violators of this city's peace are being turned into the school fund. The first month's report of Clerk R. F. Simmons of the record er's court shows that the new court, which has superseded the mayor's court in disposition of case3 arising within the city limits, paid $200-to the school fund during the month of June. Salisbury. Five dwellings, owned by James Smith, Sam Biggers," Will Black Wilson Harris and Adeline Jones, were destroyed .by fire near the Salisbury city limits, entailing a loss of about $5,000. A wind blew a gale during the fire and on account of being out of reach of water the firemen were powerless to save the property. A pipe line w,as finally laid but the buildings had been lost. Salisbury. County t superintendent of schools R. G. Kizer, has been re elected. Professor Kizer has - been head of the public school system of the county for 22 years. Several diays ago Professor Kizer had 40 or more public school teachers of the county standing examination for certificates. Grant's creek which runs near Salis bury is to be drained a distance of 14 miles through the county. Actual work of drainage is expected to begin at an early date. Mount Olive. According to infor mation vouched for by responsible parties here, there la no longer any doubt about the fact that the Dur ham & Southern Railroad Company is in dead earnest about extending its road eastward from Dunn to Mount Olive and, perhaps, on to some point on the coast, presumably Swanaboro or Beaufort; and it is also equally as certain, according to the author of the above information, that the road will come by Clinton instead of by Newton Grove. Charlotte. A meeting of the Great er Charlotte Club executive commit tee was called several days ago, and then postponed until the return of President Hook, the object being to raise money to aid the improvement of the Asheville-Charlotte highway. Washington. Two North , Carolina postmasters were confirmed by the senate, E. J. Britt, at Chadbourn, and W. G. Fussell at Rose Hill. Both had been held up in the senate pending the outcome of charges. Only one North Carolinian nominated as post master lacks confirmation by the sen ate. He is H. S. Harrison of Enfield.

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