.. .. .. . m tL IftMr tk,, . V Pf 'faiffl-M f i-.r.:--. . ... -v"---..-' a u,M l.'.! iFOR GOD FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH. " $1.00 a : Year, In Advano. zr TTTOK vol: xxiv: PLYMOUTH."" N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1913. NO. 15. SyfjT).! a ' ' . $ kg. V; J I! 1 ii H J1 il ll M - - f - . I'JILSOIIi CLEARS UP - " . -'I f ... PROVISION TAR DISCOUNT T 'IMPORTS 1 1, FROM COUNTplE M58 I BECEIPTS WITH NO TREAT- IN FORCE. FRORhNEW YORK President 'Does Not. Favor .Exempting Deputy Collector of Internal Rev enue and Deputy United States Mar- njtries with ,yhich -the had4 no Special treati shalls FixnTtnvrrSerWeT WslUngto,n.- Various interpreta lions of the, five per cent rebate jro ' vided iby ttie tariff law for imports "In American 'bottoms are being taken up by President Wlon anft' tie , epexta of the State a.na Treasury Depart ments. I I r-tU 1 ?ri The President' tbid alters that the1 intent of he framera of the provision merely w.aa o gvj. !5pgr 'centdls? count of imports coming in American ships from coun United States ha arrangements. Offhandl tjie Pj-idetfit t inclined tot uie opinion jnai in cases wuere viva.- ties were jniforce the jdiscount would not be ooerativeVJ 1 V 'A ? v Customs receipts at New York the first day of -the pprfttrion df tie,nffv tariff Uw.t reached the record figure of $23,374. The usual collection at New York? amount to $70P,Ttt00.- J Col lector Mitchell made most of 'the ass essments under the new law and the big increase ;ls believed to be'chist-in a large measure to heavy withdrawals from bonded warehouses. Seventy per cent of th Importations ottfte Jioufl,- try are brought In at New York and the figure received y SecreUry Mc Adoo gavejthfe firarindex'to tht results of the new? lw. . a President Vilson indicated that he did not f4vor exempting from -Civil Service Deputy Collectors of Internal Revenue and... deputy-Unite-d States marshals provided 4n-th-urgent-iefi-- ciency bill as.4M4-4Mhe Sentft He told callers it was originally in tended that only special agents should be exempted because of their neces sarily confidential, relations with col lectors. The Civil Service Commis sioners protested to President Wilson characterizing the exemption as detri ' mental to the Civil Service. Objec tions also have been raised by many organizations.' Thaw's Treaty Rights Not VU.ated. 'Washington. None of Harry K. Thaw's treaty rights as an American citizen were violated when Canadian immigration ' authorities forcibly de oorted him a few weeks ago. That was the ruling of Solicitor Joseph W. Folk, of the state department. Thaw asked the state department to make representations to the British embas sy in protest against his deportation on September 10th. In holding that none of bis rights had been violated the state department declined to do so. Yuan Shi Kal New President of China ' Pfikine. China. Yuan Shi Kal wa3 elected president of the Chinese re TMiblie for a term of five years! He received the necessary two-thirds vote of the" united houses of parlia ment of the third ballot. Of the 850 members of the house of representa tives and senate, 759 were in attend anca On the final ballot Yuan Shi Kai received 507 votes, only one more .than the necessary two-thirds. nmand For Currency Reform. Washington. President Wilsori' showed callers a huge stack of tele grams and letters from all over the which, he said, indicated a desire for immediate currency legiJ lation and contained approval of the main features of the administration hill as Dendine in the senate. Many "letters were said to be from bankers who did not wish to .be quoted. Mr. Wilson retterated his confidence of signing the Ml during the present ses sion of congress. Confession of Over Twenty Murders, Chicago. While the police are sat is fled that Harry Spencer Is guilty of many murders beside that of Mrs Mildred Allison Rextroat they were forced to conclude that his statement of (murdering twenty persons is an exaggeration. Spencer is addicted to the opium habit, a symptom of which ia imftjrina.tkm. Some years ago it was learned that while in prison at Jftilct. where the prison authori ties regarded 'him as mentally defect ivo. anA at times confined him in the infirmary. NtWS OF, NORTH CAROLINA snort 'Paragraphs of State News That 'Has , Been Condensed For Busy 1 - v People of StateA v' f Charlotte. Cotton is opening at least two weeks earlier tUa fall than . - . --. ' . ft r: ? last. The Newton; Cottons market -1$ attracting the I growers tor nilfe art)und. .Recenty several bales have been hauled from Lincoln county. ' Greensboro. George " H. Hauser "of Winston-Salem filed a voluntary peti ticyiMn bankwpley,rilrtiie DlsirJt Court'of the United States, Judge Boyd signed ,an( orer. o.adiudicatipiin'd appoitfted W. H.Yafbx5rdugfi or Wifl ton-Salem receiver. Winston-aIlm:i&The ftlpori oHs pervision of "Sales Bynum shows 'th;at durlngeptember "the - leocai ; leaf to bacco market sold 2,553,389 pounds of tobacco, this brlngln352J24.86, n arerage'.of $3.81 . the '100 pounds, tWs, is 'h$ highest Setlferlaylrae 'in theTiistory of the market." Wilmington. That the people wb.o favor local option ra, Wilmingtoit, -fp wiich a Uiftinas beek hntrqcfufceWin the Legislature, are very earnest in M CURRENCY REFORM GOESTOTHETROfIT EASHIONSTlliriC f I VI 1 Witt lM 1 1 uuu oi wbrivwn ATS BANKING REFORM. ON MANY CHANGES UGGESJED With Tariff Out of the Way, Demo- qfafidj Ueaderr; Will forts on Money Legislation. thc .surtott Is jevteioed y P 'tallin which it is1 set Idrth that a' city of Wilmington's size ought to havea right to syi fcowflt feilajl b4 fcavferndd Wilmington. work on raisinK vGity of which suhV'in the rfver f several The wrecking crew, at ille ays ago, lfas made little progress, and it is. fera 1hs4 (bbdlsla'totawficki SBe was broken almost in two amidships bya pverloading ,of cott&4 at-one end,; !and is valued ax $15,0Q0-"-.;f,; -r- .Concord, Ladies . of the city . who hivferbefn aippoiatedHo .solicit pre-y miums for the coming poultry show , will, spon, call on the .busuiBss menifprw ,that purpose tMs' hOped1) make tne i premiums especially attractive this make the'howjjB'ven a beAter one tlian the most successful one.neia jn xvn Sohool Board have authorized the 'elec tion of additional members of the fac ulties of the Orange Street, Park Ave nue and Catholic Hill schools, reports from the 'principals of: the three: hsti tutions, showing that the, cpndltjons are' such that it is essentia1 ttii more instructors be employed. Onenegrf; C njanjjaniejl. astonia.- Wasfiiftgtonl Politica IL Washington; relleyed-joi-.the.lonr nraft-a.ont, exxa sideration of the tariff will focus its attention on the second of the Dem ocratic rpform measucM. - ban-khie and currencyv legislation gb y Tlioupi fjief adninislaon fcurfenjpyl, billsily passed the house, Its path way In the senate is admittedly full of obstacles. At present .the senate i4g diuBdel Wa!UiSyettlJe( gun consideration of the bill, intend- 1 tag if of zLlttsl fell Bys to9Se loHieay proMhen baftltefs -&nd. finance' J ex perts. PredictioQS at the capitol are general t!ia)tfbf ;'a moaTktM:eaftef; fiie 'seriate committee fwllf be at w6rk MtM Aici i nr nTuci I , n urn m ' MX ' 3 ilpijM 4 W 'ji l V.' i- i' " 1- 'I, ' iJm ,;V 1 '" i . . i. , III ,-.., , m$iiW ' fiat's J-i'-f; H;10 M " ;! i ' ... . . . on the measure, considering nu amend&edtL Oil 4KiK While there was unanimity of prin rous J H on ta fp rovitfiein wldalv dlvere- "i rrrr r r rrr t f ri" i t :i w erit1 view's Tare held lay Deniwraticsen- cipjejj ators on banking, reform. A strong de sire formal siogle banktltlt bancle nder,gerTernHra3t control, instead 01 a l-oo-innnl , rpsprvft svstem of baQKS hasfnlyts ejariaii in JtJieVsIor- utner cnanges 01 a mal 'far-! gestea g1 asl discussion. retphbag char:jcte.rfe bipg ss. ted xftHd'Mt lit'egardlgeRteraliy1! doubtful if a bill satisfactory to the ttioIto thihftwvi." a. hpAter one tlian'l ".e nooF t i nousenere ia a jcuu-i . v i Ashevle-Te membjersspf tlie ity filedb Jfiat tfe ll will bessedhisiigryjume, i. ... n. - i ri .v..T. J . . ..i.i I .11 v i .hi ill. -il a ncyt nn tni Rr Jl TllTR I " session or be placed on the statute books, at any rate, before the first of the vear. The president wants thori ough consideration, of the currency bill ahd any improvement that '"the senate canmftkeiupdnj thiSieasurfc,, ,as Daps-j. ill h wfilromen. three others, all employes of the city on Uhe sew.er construction force, had narrow escapes when they were caught by a c&ve-in in, a. 15-foot ditch on Thfrd Avenue. When . excavated . from the grave of dirt several feet deep Hoyle was nearly dead; but was soon revived. .. Washington. The Interstate Com merce Commission granted the appli cation of the Norfolk Southern & Norfolk & Western, Atlantic Coast Line and connecting railroads to es tablish the same rate on special iron articles, carloads, and less, to Wash ington, N. C, as obtain to Newbern from points on the Pennsylvania and Baltimore & Ohio Railroads. Concord. The United States civil service commission announces tlhat an examination will be held at Mount Pleasant October 27th to fill a con templated., yacancy in, the , position of fourth-class postmaster - W Mount Pleasant. The compensation of the of fice last year was $727, The age limit is 21. years and over and the "applicant must .reside ,witbhv the . territory sup plied by the office. ? - Fayetteville:-Capt. Paul Watson of the aetiVe. corps. of 'the ( Fayette ville Independent Light Infantry, who has been called the best commanding 'of ficer the ancient 1 company ilhas - ever had, and Lieut. Alton G. Murchison, his first lieutenant, have resigned their commands, .and retired from, ther r urd.; Cat .Watson; v'wna ikhs. iionai uardH Cat seen more than ten years service, re tires with the rank of major, under a rule of ftha ,Wor, artmenj., f j i 'm ' mgtonUlircit ColiM its regular weekly meeting endorsed the movement recently placed ou.foo.tJ by Wilmington citizens to procure another ptissengpi? train pn the rSea board Air VLn$, leaving Wilmington late in the afternoon, and urged upon the manafcefiientf of the (Seaboard hei compliance with the wishes of the peo ple here. The - belief was expressed that such additional service to the public would fully compensate the railroad for such train by increased patronage. Raleigh. The Wake County teach ers held their first meeting for the session several days ago in the Raleign high school auditorium. The examina tions on the reading course was given that day, the, first section beginning at 10 a. m. an dthe second section at two o'clock. WinstoniSalem. Jim Smith, the 9-year-old son of Mr. Jule Smith of this city was accidentally shot by his play mate, Harvey Gross, agev12, years re cently. The boys were in '-"the woods near the Chatham Mills, playing w.ith 32-caliber pistol, which one of them ad taken with him from his home, and -currency system is necessary to meet the commercial expansion which he expects will follow the operation of the new tariff, '. The president's v$ew,v of, .the ,'eff ecof the tariff is in accordance with expres sions from Representative Underwood and other Democratic leaders that while reductions in some "cases will be immediate, the general benefits will not be apparent at once. Even though the tariff laws might bring many im ports into this coutnry at low rates or free of duty, the evils of price fix ing, underselling and other discrimi nations in retraint of trade might, in thA nresident's opinion, defeat the fruits of tariff reform. EARTHQUAKE IN CANAL ZONE inthmus Rocked bv Earthquake and ftiiiUino Severely Shaken. ? i i r. v, ia - curred on the isthmus. It was almost equal in intensity to the former shock, ita-duration being irom iu 10 10 sec onds1,. ,,;! rli mi y'.iiui-i Buildings were severely shaken, but apparently no. daatage was done beyond the fallingi Qf plaster and the mwn ne' of sue it nssures. in a lew structures! m:'! UM Reports from the canal zone offl cials indicate that neither the locks nor any ,pat1t dP4iie canal' 1 suffered in any degree whatever. mt. r-A.AInrr. . 1 no fAiimen 1 5 Indlfrat' M ii"u( ''f J","" KaHMaVtneShbfcltAfd about the in tensity of that of the former, and M-aA TtrapHfniiv thp same area. 1 UICICU iM.ivw..rf , wv- bftjvle,iral nt of the disturb- ranee about liu mues irom trxuxma City. ,I iCQldnT-rAn earth shock lasting four or five seconds was felt at Colon. The canal,.-? officials at Gatun report no damage-to the canal. As in the pre vious case, residents were much aTkrmd) oye;r tjie tremors, many of them seeking safety, in the streets. The massive walls of the Panama railroad freight house, built in 1857, were cracked in several places as a result of the earthquake. A concrete building in the course of construction also was damaged. r. i CAVALRY AND ARTILLERY TO INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE. Property ?- H undress ..Cross . 7 fulBi44a8JWC4 U San Antonio, Texas. Two squad- f-the sTWrd -avalrypone ma- of th Thifdt cavalry of the T bird m$ld ar- cojgimanf or yJg- voi. "were rushed in three cnorini tmlna over the Southern Pa- KitficS llhe-fo Eagreip&s.t ThV first special departed at one o'clock) and tae -Ottier 'two'fblfowed a-s yon' hitef as nosslblei Nq , de finite jreasop. was given out "here at department nead- ror has gripped this city, the provisional capi iaXbXConintuao'nalibt3,M wntl'fffT victorious morthward march qf the Federals aiid 'the1 5 arrival' of hundreds1 of refugees - from "the surroundtog (Va1- catedcouritryfs..-,!)v!-li r. if i "Consul': Blocker's warrjing to for eigners to Jciuit1 Pledras Nfegras SVas'in anticipation ef rioting fshould; th;e Cbn stitutionalists be forced. , to; .abandon their provisional capital.. As the Rebejl army is being driven northward by the governmen't troops d under General Maas the jinsijrgept.arej setting fire to the jvilliges as they, retreat and re ports from) the 'front 'indicate 'that' the Federals are? closing i in on flie irtown; of Sabinaivfrpijaiwhicjij .Constitu tionalists; jvill.faU. bapk on either Mat amoras, acrbs the ' boundary -from-Brownsville cc tu Pieoias Njegrasi M'in - i ' COTTON CONDITION DECLINES Average Deterioration of 4.3 points In dicated bjf tjhe Journal of Comrerce. New -York. The condition bfi cotton, as compiled from nearly nineteen hun dred replies? f -special correspondents' of the Journal of 'Commerce1 'bearing' an average 'date' !of '. September 23;s 67.1 per cenc'6med! w cent a mon'ti7Vg6v 6r ('clo.Q .pilf "4$. points. ' This, compares with 7P-S . per cent, a year agCviTOiS.JnaSlL 65.7,in. 1910 and 59.5. in 190--The -ten-yean ar- ROOStVELT STICKS TO PARTY II I i. 1 '' . - - '!t, SO HE DECLARED AT DINNER GIV-s () E N ON EVE, O F ; p E PARTU R E , ", , FOR SOUTH AFRICA. ,. f ieit - -i- ' : hi Warns His Opponents That the Fight llasi Just Begunfor His j i c t Principles., New ' Ybrk.-Theodore ' Roosevelt bade his friends farewell. ion the. eve of his departure , on a .journey to un explored regions of ' South 'America; at a dinner given; in his honor 'by the Progressive national, service and the Proeressive service of the' state, . of Naw Yorki Addressing ' some ' twb tliousarid men .and women.; who. gather ed in his honor at the New Yoi;k Roof Garden; the coldhel apparently thought to put a quietus i on published reports, that he intends, to return to the Repub lican party! "' ' " J'i Varn our opponents that the 'fight has only just begun," he said, his voice reaT3ngfip his earnestness., "I will .never abandon tne principles to wnicn we! Progressives? have pledged' our- selTBSi'' i' i. ?., j 11 ,f .."' , . ; The; wildest enthusiasm greeted his assertion. Waving bandanna handker chiefs and napkins the diners jumped to their, feet and . cheered tor hair a minute.. Only once during, the evening did Mr. Roosevelt receive a greater ovation; Toward the- close of the ; ad dresssof Glfford Pinchpt the,toastmasT ter, uerewere criea ui. . vve want ieu dy ! " Raymond Robins of Chicago head of tlie" Progressive national service, leaned ' across the guest table. , , "Yes, we, want him; we' want him we' want him as president," he shouted. Then tUe'crowd let loose, rising; from itheir feats to applaud. Mrs. Roosevejt was a witness of the tribute. ' Progressive' Jeaders,meul and 'worn en, including forperHUnited States Sen ator isevenage, senators snsiow ana Miles Poinflexter, Gifford' Pint-hot, Mrs Frances Al - Keller,- jta Charles i i Si Bird and John Purroy, Mitchell, were seatea at .uie guest tame. B0Y KILLS SEVEN PERSONS . Hi I J , I j -1 . .(, Lad 'Enraged , .During an, .Argument and Ran Amuck With an Ax. Nantes,: ! France.5 A boy IS years (.old murdered. with an ax seven people Iffauthe-village, ,of., Basbriage-en-Land- 4 erage is 68.2; per centl wMle the"av'Neatr,'iinthe department of the Loire erage decline' for tae' same' period 'fs 5.3 points, j Deterioration occurred In all states, biit ''Was mo'steVer' in ou Woman Gored to Death by Cow. Eatonton, Ga. Miss Sallie Arnold was gored to death here by a cow. A dairyman had turned his cows loose to graze. Miss Arnold had left her home to visit a neighbor. In passing the cows one of them which had a young calk attacked Miss "Arnold. She called some little boys to her assist ance, but they could do nothing with the infuriated animal. A , Ina- sh0rt while the angry '''cow had tdrnber' al most to pieces. Her brother, John Arnold, who came to her rescue, was alio hurt. isiana, Arkapsv.T'epnessee ,$j$spijri and Oklahoma,...,, ; : v . Oil- 1 l 11! IJ ii- 1913. thfrtriMiTB J .;- ;!: ' 'i. The' Iad.j Marcel Rednreau, .was" cm pfpyed' as a vine, cutter. , He and his e'mpioyer, George s Mabit, were press ipg gripes iwh'en a dlscussloa arose be- i tween; ;them.; RedeuTeau, .angered, seiz i Octj. SepLi Diff.-'1912.id..anJ ax and cut Mabit's throat, kjll N. Carolina ;"v v74:S . U-'bO.WS'f--mm: .jnsianuy; S Carolina. . AW-ltS " " 60.7sfs" Tfte-boy! hurried to his employer's Georgia.-- 4,.v" SiS-S.O- rS:2 "6o:S,hlOilse,, dashedvup to Madame Mabit Florida. i T'u,:W.9trdW' l.'S"4 W.i ''arid "slashed her throat till, she was Alabama: illMlMm then ; killerf .'J, Mississippi fc Us.O,,.",,. ,5,66.7,,,. SUll, carrying !nis dripping ax, .Mar, Louisiana. ! 62.4 i -IOlO-. ,.69.1 ;cel,orqceeded to another-room, where Texas v . Arkansas :-'. Tennessee Missouri . Oklahoma Average 0.5 i 7,3.6.1 he dispatched to his employer, moth. 'jj.ai.67.0 i77.0 j'10:Q' 71J0 ) rer-Uien--killed ' 1:,'.8.0' 81.0l,'13.6"'70'.2'f dren? ' lie spared a foiith child, aged i -,v.4?9"Riulff, n'rt'i ir'ttT'i.'lfiner bv . their .side. ,. .,, , . ,.-.! : 1 'Tit' 60.2 I1-' l ,:i I ' N i I ft. .,6?X,;7i-4 .4,3'.i70,a 1; ,!r ..,,.!,, Redeura'i went to bed apd slept calnl)1 '.till, 'next -morning Svheri the bodies', were discovered by 'villagers. PRESIDENT IIISJftlFFIILL ihW piiu i&urnn but, ONE GREAT PLED4'CoiWO CRATIC PARTY REDEEMED AFTER f STBOdt E-l h&n&l THEM E AS OR E B EC0M E&LAW is sBti.J Ti i-An'iU ii itiUViuii$ i?61f feitj J3 TWt .Worlt .Pfln'jn Comped,up?ort bWi , era of the Bill Give a Sigh . . , ii,Washingtop. The one rfat4, pledge rVti 4 ofi.tb& Democratic .WSJ fffiVvisii SiJT deemed. ,,Tha , Underwood tariff, Mfe ;m u ,is 5aowaa; acomplisd ac t. ni.i .. now the law 01 the lana. i . - . . The last official !kct to mke this-ft realization ; was thet isigaafiurtfi of tSte;- a ti tA president of the Upited, StateswWca iau was affixed to the hill. Tnis was'.the. f most impressfve'ceneleflaedon6s, t the ehtlre stqrmyanitrouhtorte. of the bill from the ways and means . , committee, ot the' house tbliVS ffnat dess V K tinatiori the white hedse, Ih'the Ni- V "ma it ence of the vicepresideat ot.tbejqa'i al ed States, the membe'rs 'of "his cabinet . yt Senator Simmons' and the"' irfemb'efs Jit hJ i'i!i"t th;e finance; committee; M?.?Undenvc4)d t ! '4 'and ' the' (ways ,andt ,meapa.jCpmptt fa and the members pf the ,'press, the 4 president signed' the Uill' ;iJ ,i 5 ,ni!I Those who had been ttte. mosti active ?nVV .k in its construcUoai,andn;fl4e h.t)fcr preserve it from the various, contend- , ing interests! wh'o. sought i&rddfedt anet 'siVs'iA impairment breathed .a s,iglj pi. Uft a4i when, they beheld the las officfal act qir fj w.hich(1completed;thielr l&Brors.i:J W;5''5 lu' " A happy , group of legislatpf 34 liaemi ki&q bers of the cabinet and jfrb3ndsienci-;j tr fcled the:presidentasie smilingly Sat lj step' in the emancjpatipi.o ustness; dt was currency ' reform, " lie" earnestly ' .-. . . . . . w i . ; ...I fit alTti.i down, slowly ' affixed fhiS ' sigriatute " rwith twd gold pens.t U tiuifiiil iillAvl m a He'presented.tffReMe derwoodithe pen tbat had written tife 4 word. 'JWoodtroW" kttdf th4onb which-"fi had1 completed his riame Us Sena;tor .,Sai t M Simmonst ! both jot .whom j bpwed , thei? uh,m appreciation. ' -;- .. ' In impressive1 silence tue;fresidnt 'V rose ' and delivered xinj eaaja infeu3na ;r?f , itial tones! an, eitemporaneQis, speech tat,t tij brought prolonged applaiise The pres-" ' Ident' declared thalthejourneyorie- r-?i J IsliHird ttWenmnHahmelit hart nrflv fc'fH?j lhwf''l HiH partly. comted: tiat BJWjJSji y fa had been, done for the rank and file of the country feutithati4he ii8edbnj ita Ja y lit rest of th?-JouieyJtiKitnbhiitiii4a ?t mi ,1 Te!&vn& but distinguished audi- . .t, ejj.ee, that heaM the presiderit's: spieecH A V'U" crowded about him i af trwarp " wlthjl v t S Is a'A cohgratuliUons;, Leadlp ,nWt!,ff m g ftiJ the Democratic party Speaker Clark, . Secretary jBrya n ' and JftepresentaU ve H v ' Srt 1 Underwoodi ;stood olgetliw, .iap!km0iini!frjti( ifi with theprfesiden,t, 0 Uq first busines,, piece of , lerislatibri 1 that had been &c- 6 3 C9mpllshedift'tb:e:DemocfAtio,prcrkni'M of reform.) Ttoeyj gavje.tftet presidtptJ st.Hfaf their f personal congratulations, and . reiterated ronrfisesJ ! Bf Support. f l " ' The,'bill, jaccompknad ly theisConfei!- !ytft1 ence report as .aeed on tyjhfy sen , $,,541 ate, came Into the house as soon.ai , . that body : met; J For btAr aft'liourHh' house debited s ..towlafe'ctt0n!iUh. Should takej, 8orn,e of jthe parliamntafy experts arguing that ho further' action 7. was necessary, ;t while! -others United the house u,ust xecede jfronitst con iiJJ i promise' cotton' futures tax-i . ... .-.j A ; Speaker ClarVfinall upheld thellat-'f r ter convention, !andtthehouse iihtctir"'" i!'!1 voted the' tottqu,; tart put, q the, rif fjfk . - ml ii a. . . ...... ...... J.'l . ,1 . Dill. ' - u lie iiasi. voie wnsit-itmitsu sl , i.ai -.t' !ifiT-o,il .;Tl J his name to thecomptete4vbiil tan4 iiaJfeAiliit. within SouthS and It had bfftfti sisftedlli .dent; Marshy? -.Tlerkpithesiaevsrt i'-Hf'f then took charge of the bill, and con-, . veyed it ti the whitfe 'hdUse.S'HUii 1vA . ,. ,., ,t ., ,,i 4S'u jo 6i!s Uttiue id' tuc!uuwi,iEv:i mu tun nwnimiit iln ten iminate. Chief iClerk. fferry Q ftn til; haft' carried It .to the senate, ; r it hadlbeeni signed! 6 VicePeSi. Ri &na nt n kMsti cflr.H&ttPt'? A Cavalry Regiment ;Move, on Capital. Winchester, Va. Historic Shenan doah valley witnessed" scenes .'Which recalled . war days' "as" a line of' iiaval rymen, fully three miles long, riding tv.n nhrpftst. wended their war over the country roads starting jaa. theU?4 surface and 1 elevated ; traffic fa long march across country tolP&brlitf' lty. suburbs .for., several fiours, 5 j rjT nrnno'Hi, lnco that ari ton. The troopers, comprising -"tne , .'. New York Ravaged by Storm. 3-Newi York. A rainstorm that reach ed almost cloudburst proportions .'de scended on 'ewjYorki establishing a record precipitation that flooded the streets, tied up' -tlie1 subway, ha mper- andF Vaased property . loss that can ,ciicey! ibe- estimated; Two persons iweiei killed and! several, injured.. Four mii'werev buried la a,, sewer cave-in, l;,v'( fwTte' rescued. Lightning .' played ,W4rfttn bf tet'eBl"eFclty'"Bnd"'trtlck' aQ eleTat 'ifmVl"1' Vii yiVdTTa'r;andi!eyerafi.ftrilldlngs.-l f Tenth, Elevepth?(pdiJF,iftSfipt,U-(irgii mente of UnMat3acT&4rj maa been -in campines ke4fori BeveYtfl months worktngi'oC"wm prbblttiis ftf accordance wKV a eral staff of the5 ( Chief; TaKe His QwnjLjfej urirnn, ya.Ai many years 'had been ,'the. ire department mitted . suicide here , brkshoeing bJpi-Kll SI fiiff r 9elt;in the tenipie. His, boy was rg tJ . found 'in. a barti1 oh triepretriises14tti-'1. v' mlitnlv nfloi- tha tf dVllKff tv-1jH.1 j fc.,'t heard, death resulting Inuaboait,twfci-, fc $ut tjr minutes, Although, he 'did nt re-, 1 s gain consciousness, hfi self-tieittuctioh "SdiuM 4 is supposedi to.;haj-e;!beert vaufift bsriMi lnl ti'- despondency,, under whche las-been,4 u laboring for 'some weeks. ' . , , . ' 1 ; Liiii. U:!;tt.3'.i !dt Want (Good Roads Man ;io3.Cabiiiei 4!;iatst Detroit,, ivlich. Declaring thef loaarj' imJlif by reason : of ' bai roads, "whicV'every- where llessenl aa' pi;oVsl of inddtrjl. a'llOol HW increase the cost of. living .and,. hujpd tit EVta business enterpmes, am0.unV.3 to mil! t , ,nMr,,,i lions -fof dqllars: annNikily; ' hh x Ameri' 1 V teas Road Icrjgi'ess.iiiow' ia! sasslbn'lklti I fi3it Detroit adopted Resolutions, favrpg the creation Of a national apartnent-4 ,i of public works, directed 'by -'a secte tv' J-1 tary wliO; shall be m mEa.br.t til a-. J 'S-jcqO president's, cabinet. "Other; .resolutions i . f. , . . 3 . . , ! f4i,Ai, i-t i,n T" 1 h ft", r rAT. la. -mm m v

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