"ME, A Series of Pen Pictures WasHingtn County's Past and Present. PaOQMSS AND A General Write-ifp of People and Property Things oeen ana neara uy uus rrmer ana 101a in nis Own Language. Mr. Editor;- Last week I left off at "Woodlawn" and had on lv tried in my feeble way to give a description of the home side of this estate. Now look across the road, toward theHop er road. There in the distance is seen the buildings on the Rop er road, while before you stret ches fertile fields and meadow lands, equal to the delta along the Mississippi. This is indeed a fine body of land, but much of it is at this time almost worthless except as grazing-lands, simply because it is not well drained To the Sun rise not far lies John ston Swamp through which, would have passed the proposed canal of Conaby Drainag District With that canal established this body of land we now view belon ging to F. R. Johnston,! P. W. Brinkley, Ambrose, Robertson, and. others would be worth thousands of dollars more than it is to-day. In the open land where now the willows weep a bove the mass of water-grass, bamboo briars and broom straw that frnish jrefuge in its vastness to" tne Snake3, rabbits and other such game and reptiles , would be fields of golden grain at harvest time. This would have been the last, but not the least, bodies of land upon which that propos ed canal would have benif itted the music of Frank Johnston's whistle, the hearty laugh of Joe Ange, the note of the soaring lrk commingled with the rippl-j ing waters in that ditch as it rushes on to old Conaby at Deep Bottom would be one glorious anthem sang to the everlastig praise of its originators, chief of whom is, was and should be my friend Rev. N. H. Harrison. The time was not ripe for this great stride of land redemption. The movement has for the time been side tracked by legislation, but the time will come when the come when the waters at Van Swams will seek the sea through a canal that brings it to Conaby or possibly McKindrick Creek, and the old Roulac, and other swamps, that are now the home, of the bear, whooping owl, coon, and opossom, will be fertil lands cultivated and lived upon by peo ple no better than those., who have helped to defeat the pro ject. Enough of this until I get to. it, at which time I shall try to give you a picture worth looking at,' and that will make Good Dar den, Ben Bateman, Newson Har risoe "and his son Bill and the rest of these good folks up there be glad they live even on the border lands. I will put a stop to the bears killing hogs and cattle, and lorn Garrett, Joe Allen and the rest killing the bears, Walter Phelps and John Gurganus wil no longer get lost in its dark swamps, Walter may get lost in , the corn fields back of the Hil- liard farm and John will be sell ing the farmers along the canal bank fruit trees by the car-load. Readers, turn with me back to the scenes on the Ferry Road, get your auto to one side and let the sand wagons pass. Now 'aint friend Swain doing us folks fine, making a sandy road from here to deep bottom. To the right and to the left for a mile or more lies the Newberry estate. The high way which runs through this es tate for a mile or more; has been ; FLIPP, PROSPERITY. a disgrace to our county for all time, it was only such a road as is formed through the clay hill sections. It was worked at under the old system, cross-wooded, mud thrown into mud holes, pine tops, any old thing that could be used to fill up. and at times it became impassable, now under the new system we find a beauti ful driveway, beinpr made of the sand clay material which experi ence teaches makes the best kind of roads. I am informed that the ownes of this vast estate, oh which plenty of sand is found has given the county all the material necessary to build this road. Let other property owners do like wise, for when this road is com plete it will enhance the value of the property many tjmes what it cost to build the road. 'Nancy." Fresh from their triumphs els wbere the capital company of ac tors from the principal New York Theatres, who preform the remarkable fine play "Nancy" at the Majestic Theatre on Oct. 22, is bound to be accorded an other well deserved triumph. The play wherever preformed has exceded all records as regards attendance. Its vivid scenes of realism ana thrilling situations, its irresistible humor not onlv charms and delights but , stimu lates the brain. Preformed by an excellent company, the piece is bound to pack the theatre at each preformanee. Miss Daisy Carneran so well known for her well deserved success as one of New York's most popular favor ites, enacts the roll of "Nancy", and the praises she has received for her excellent rendition of the charecter are enough to prove that she is in the front rank of the best actresses in America. Miss Cameron is also an excell ent vocalist having created many of the principal roles, in some of the most successful musical com edies preformed during the past few years in New York. She will by special request introduce in the play some of her latest song hits. Miss Frances Alder ich performs "Nancy's wayward sister "Flora" has received en- ougn praise ior ner nne imper sonation of the part to turn the head of an ordinary actress. She however is not ordinary but ex traordinary, inasmuch as she prefers to turn the heads of the audience and they do turn with sincere admiration when witnes sing her performance. The the atre goers of Plymouth will have good cause to be delighted with her remarkable talent, also with the merits of the entire company who have been the means of making "Nancy" one of the .fin est and most successful plays in America. . ROPER NEWS. Mrs. W. H. Cotton, nee Miss Gladys Mitchell of Portsmouth, Va. is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Mitchell. Mrs. Henrietta Edwards left Monday for New Berne where she will make her future home. Rev. and Mrs. J. Potter left last Thursday f o a ten days visit to Washington City and Balti more, Mrs. Potter beinz a for mer resident resident of the lat ter City. Addison Tann. colored, recent ly returned from a hosDital in Philadebhia. became so badlv demented that he became a men ace to the penle in this comunitv and was taken in charge by She riff Reid last Saturday and con fined in the County Jail, pend ing his admittance to the hasp it al for insane at Gosboro. tS.fi. Davis1; formerly of this plac, hut now in business at Plyrritiuth was here on business. Th6 zxlihy friends of Miss Flo rence Way of Beech Ridge Farm Belhaven, but who makes her home here with Mrs. Ida Blount while a student at Roper Grad ed Schools will be much gratifi ed to learn that she is getting a long nicely at St. Vincents Hos pital, Norfolk., where she was taken by Dr. Halsey and Mrs, Blount on the earley train Sun day for an operation for an "op eration for appeudicitis. Her condtion was found to be much worse than was suspected, the attack having developed with Pf11 no f11? J received such prompt surgical attention. Paint-Wise. is to paint when your property needs it . Paint-foolish to wait for the price to go-down. But so many are foolish, thy'll wait a good while. The whole rise in the cost of a job is 10 percent. The first year's drop won't be more than half that more likely a quarter. Waiting for 5 percent, more likely 2 1-2. TThe average job (with Devoe) i s$50; 5 percent, $2.50. Put it off for $2.50? Guess not. , You think of that job as $1.00 So it is with inferior paint. , Paint Devoe; do it now, o ur property needs it. . DEVOE J. C. Spruill, sells it if A Tried And Proved Guarantee. A man recently tried out the guarantee which P. E Daven port gives with every bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone, tie Dougnt a bottle and then went back to the drug store and said the med icine hadn't helped him. This druggist lust reached in to his cash register and took out a half dollar, the price of the bottle of Liver Tone, and handed it back to the gentleman. But he didn't take the money. He owned up that he was ju t trying the guarantee and, as a matter of fact, he had found Dodson's Liver Tone the best remedy for constipation and bihosness he had ever tried, "Why," he said, "my wife wouldn't be without a bottle in the house for anything It's the best thing in the world for the whole ramily. and the medicine that I prefer to take or to give to my children for a lazy liver." P. E. Davenport sells Dodson's Liver Tone and guarantees it to start the liver without violence. It is taking the place of calomel everywhere. If you buy a bottle and don't hub this pleasnter- tas ting vegetable liquid the best thing to start a lazy liver, he will hand your money back with a smile. Adv. NOTICE. Washington County, Superior Court. James E. Adams, Vs. Pittsburg Land & Lumber Company The defendant, Pittsburg Laud and Lumber Co. will take notice that a summons and warrant of attachment has issued against it from this court returnable to said Court Oct 20. 1913. Said action Is to recover the sum of (4101.20 sod interest thereon from .... day of May 1913 due by hole same hav ing been afterwards reduced to judge ment in the Federal Court in Pennsyl vania. Said defendant will taks notice that it is required to appear at the Court House in Plymouth, Washington County, N C. at a term of Superior Court to be there held tne 7th Monday alter the 1st Monday ia feeptember 1913 and then and there answer or demur to complaint filled in said action. Said defendant will further take no tice that in this said action as mention ed abeYe a warrant of attachment has been issued from this said Court to the Sheriffs Jof Washington and Tyrell Counties, N. C. againnt all of its 'prop erty, real and personal, and debts due said detendant corporation and that said warraht of attachment is return able at time and place mentioned above for return of" summons mentioned herein The nature of plaintiffs demand is to recover $4161,20 and interest aub coat due by said judgment mentioned above. Witness my hand and seal. This September 23rd 1913. C. V. W. Auebon, 9-26 Clerk Superior Court . DON'T MISS IT! The Hidden Cnildren the erreat new novel by Robert w. 'Cham bers, Illustrated by Howard Chandler Christy will bedn next month November Cormo- politan. Yon can't afford to raiss any part of any installment. subscribe now and get the first part. Price $1.50 per year. b rank If. Morns, Agent. N I'M k w The BANK No matter EM I m This bank is This bank is for you! Older Mew This bank is for you ! S4 2 . A highly recommended play, "Nancy" will he pre sented at the Maiestic 1 hea- tre, Wednesday, uct., na. featuring: Dainty Daisy Cam eron, supported by an except ionally strong company of carefully selected artistes. This is the third year of Nancv, and iudeine bv its uninterrupted and long run of success its hearty welcome here is assured. , , For Sale P.uggy and Harnes Excellent condition See C. M. Tetterton. For Sale Good Horse. For par ticulars sep Dr. B. F.' Halsey, Roper N. C. NOTICE North Carolina, Washington County, Superior Court Free Hold Batik A Corporation, Vs. Pittsburg L,aud & Lumber Co. The defendant, Pittsburg Land A Lumber Company will take notice that a summons as entitled above has been issued in this cause returnable to the Superior Court of Washington County at a term of the court - to be h- Id on the 2nd. Monday before the 1st Mon day in March, 1914, or to the next reg ular term of the said court, atid also a warrant of attachmant issued against its property. , The defendant will take notice that the purpose in said action is to recover judgement against it in the sum of 11410 Oi and interest thereon from Ap ril 8th, 1913 and costs of action due by judgement rendered in the State of Pennsylvania. Said defendant is required to appear at the superior Court of Wasmngtou Gouty, North Carolua at a court to be held there on the 2nd Monday before the 1st. Monday in March, 1914, or tp the oext regulaj term of the Superior Court of said county, to Be held after that Court which convenes on October 20th , 1913; and then and there answer or demur to the complaint filed. It will also take notic that a warrant of attachmeut has issaed out of said Court against all of ita property direct ed to Sheriffs of Tyrell and Washing ton Counties,' which said warrant of attachment is returnable to the Super ior Court of Washington County at a Court to be held on the 7th Monday after the 1st. Monday in September, 1913. C. V. W. Aubbon 10-3 Clerk Superior Court. Norman Hotel Mrs. C. V. Norman 3rd St.. three doors West of Washington - First-Class Accomodations L'.OO per day. Single Meal 25r. Comfortable Rooms. , , Table Well Supplied. that .wants ydiif' ."business, is the BANK that tbittes right out and says so and THAT'S US HOW, WHEN, WHERE, your money, WE WANT IT Your name would look well on our LET U3 PUT IT THERE TO - FOR. YQUI oys and ftiirls for you! oiing Mew awd "Wcmiear a Lawyers, Doctors. Merchant m This bank is for you t IT IS A BANK FOR. ALL! The Washington County Bank WILL PRIZE YOUR PATRONAGE 4 PER CKNT. PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. J. O. EVERETT PROPRIETOR of that little one-horse store is, customers and so many new ones have so liherally patron ized him. Not onetime thinking it was cansed by the nice line of Shoes and Gents' Woolen Shirts so tastefully dis played in his windows that was drawing them. But was vain enough to believe it was his beauty and the winning way of V. E. EVERETT and the extremely low pricesand fair dealing in 11 his transactions was what the people wa ted. But if I am mistaken I will have those windows, changed, for anyone knows I would not oppress the poor. But I wants the collar vvusser than anybody, for I needs it to pay my just debts, 'f I am in position to offer some of the best bargains in the city. English Cured Shoulders, best quality, each guaranteed at 16c lb Beech Nut Breakfast Bacon at ..,.......:.... 25c glass Bes Full Cheese at ..... . 22c lb Now that the Tariff has been reduced from all wool we are offering the latest things in Serges and Whipcords from 25c per' yard 35c & 50c before the Tariff reduction. J. O. EVERETT CO. lllll : - . -ill ,; NEW J914 PRIDES " ' Effective August. 1 , 1913. 3 J MODEL T TOURING CAR 550 MODEL T TOWN CAR 750 With full equipment f. o b. Detroit J. W. BUCHANAN, ' ROPER. IV. C. IJJ 1 - ' ' .- nr----j 1 " lk. WHY you get 'books DAY - oinew V thankful that all of his old worth 40c to 50c & $1.00, Call and see them. J:

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