TAKES OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING Girls! Try This! Makes Hair Thick, Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful No More Itching Scalp. Within ten minutes after an appli cation of Danderine you cannot find a qlngle trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine and downy at first yes but really new hairgrowing all over the scalp. A little Danderine immediately dou- bles the beauty of your hair. No dif- ference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is amaz- Ing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an Incomparable luster, softness and luxuriance. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any store, and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft j as any that it has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment that's all you surely can hava beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a lit tle Danderine. Adv. Really Unkind. "Ah, yes," murmured Miss Screech er, after the first. selection at the mu aicate. "I have had some exciting ex periences. , Coming over a terrible storm arose,' and I had to sing to quiet the passengers. You should have seen the heavy seas running." And the big, rude man in the pink neektie gazed out of the window. "I don't blame the sea," he muttered. Sprained ankle? Rub on and rub in Hanford's Balsam thoroughly. Adv. Many a man gets to be conceited by thinking he isn't. Old People Need A Bowel Stimulant The Ideal One Is a Mild Laxative Tonic That Will Keep the Bozvets Gently Active. Healthy old age Is so absolutely de pendent upon the condition of the bow els that great care should be taken to see that theyfact regularly. The fact is that as, age advances the stomach muscles become weak and inactive and the liver does not store up the juices nthat are necessary to prompt digestion. Some help can be obtained by eating -easily digested foods and by plenty of -exercise, but this latter is Irksome to most elderly people. One thing is cer- xtain, that a state of constipation Ehould always be avoided, as it Is dangerous to' life and health. The best plan is to take a mild laxative as often as Is deemed necessary. But with equal cer tainty it is suggested that cathartics, purgatives, physics, salts and pills bo avoided, as they do but temporary good and are so harsh as to be a shock to a delicate system. A much better plan and one that thousands of elderly people are follow ing, is to take a gentle laxative-tonic like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which acts as nearly like nature as is possible, la fact, the tendency of this remedy is to strengthen the stomach and bowel muscles and so train them to act natu rally again, when medicines of all kinds can usually be dispensed with. This is the opinion of many people of different ages, among them Mrs. Mary A. P. Davidson of University Mound Home, San Francisco, Cal. She is 78 and because of her sedentary habits BIG PROFITS AND BEAUTIFUL PREMIUMS for selling the old reliable Japanese Oil (now called En-Ar-Co oil) and cur other Htandard liemedips. No Money Required. Write us At once for terms NATIONAL REMEDY CO. 130 CharSton Street. New York City. "", f 13 O f1 1 HI C WHISXET rd TO- i BACCO Habits Cured W y OB new DainJess method. N3 DEPOSIT 0B FEf reouireel until cure is effected. Fdorsed by Governor and other State officials. Home or sanitarium treatment. Booklet free. DR. POWER GRIBBLE, Sopt Cos 902. Lebanon. Tena.. CcdarcroEt Sanitarium HI IT OP TWIf? vAf.n'.n rood black Ink at once. Package containing ikw ds to make pint sent postpaid on receipt of oimo. Muart packavp ioc. Muner rnfnnfled if not ax re!ri miauxi. Agents wanted. fBlSMJIM I'Plt 10 , bnhfl.Ti r .ia-i . iff i ii n..n.v, fo KODAKS r fr'lL Send for catAlotjne a SUPPLIES FINISHING Send for catalogne and prices. Norfolk Richmond Lynchburg, Va. f l- the wonderful hair JVyTVi move dandruff, restoi to you thiol color. 11 K rower, re stores gray hair t! Dpr iMtlti. THa.1 lze 10c. OOLUHIt'IU OOMPANT, Tampa, t'la. FOR IN FORM ATTOX abont bt partof Florida, write liOA.HO OW TllALii, FT, MEALM, 1LOHLUA Charlotte Director' TYPEWRITERS liew, rebuilt and cond hand, SI? 0b vpanct fjuaranuwil satinfaeujrr . We bii suppli.s f i mil miikvu. We re pair all Biakos. i.t. OUXTGJ Klllil Chwiotta, ILL. Mm Didn't Quite Understand. At a draper's shop they employed a small bdyto run errands. The other day, while he was waiting in the shop, a lady came in and asked the assist ant for a yard pf silk. When It was placed before her she exclaimed: "Oh, really, I must me mad; I want muslin!" On hearing this the boy rushed out of the shop, and. seeing a policeman across the way, ran up to him, shout ing: 'Come over here. There's a woman in our shop gone mad. , She wants muzzling!" London Tit-Bits. . FACE COVERED WITH PIMPLES j j 214 Brevard St., Tampa, Fla. j "Some three year3 ago I commenced ! to suffer from a rash on my face and j back. Before the pimples came on my face there were a lot of blackheads. It locked as if the blackheads turned j into pimples because after a little while all of them were gone and my face was covered with pimples. They were small at first but gradually grew and right at the end of each pimple II was all white. I carelessly picked them with my finger nails, which made theiii spread, and I soon discovered them on my back. My back was covered with pimples and my face the same way. At night I could hardly sleep on account of the burning and itching sensation they caused. I. did not like to go out be cause the pimples caused disfigure jment. "Seeing the advertisement of Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment in one of the magazines I sent for a sample. I I bought some Cuticura Soap andOint- ment, and I am glad to be able to say that I am entirely cured of pim- pies." (Signed) Jno. O. Darlington. Jan. 25. 1913. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold j throughout the world. Sample of each free.with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv. Don't judge by appearances. Men who wear diamond pins often have money. irrntiinr'rrfiM'r-rrnriri rnYiniilnrnn nnait i ','" ?ti MRS. MARY A. P. DAVIDSON had continual bowel trouble. From the day she began taking Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin sho has had no further inconvenience and naturally she is glad to say kind things of this remedy. A bottle can be bought of any drug gist at fifty cents or one dollar. People usually buy the fifty cent size first, and then, having convinced themselves of its merits, they buy the dollar size, which is more economical. Results are always guaranteed or money will be refunded. Elderly persons of both sexes can follow these suggestions with every assurance of good results. Families wishing to try a free sam ple bottle can obtain it postpaid by ad dressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 419 Wash ington St., Monticello, 111. A postal card with your name and address on it will do. Something Like. "Did you ever feel the influence of a starlight night?" "Humph! All moonshine." Foley Kidney Pills Believe promptly the suffering due to weak, in active kidneys and painful bladder action. They offer a powerful help to nature in building up the true excreting kid ney tissue, . in restoring normal action and in regulating bladder irregularities. Try them. Why Scratch ? "Hunt's Cure" is guar anteed . to stop and permanently cure that terrible itching. . It is compounded for that purpose and your money will be promptly refunded WITHOUT QUESTION j Tmi miljm if Hunt's Cure fail3 to cure kMMWM ,tcn. Eczema, Tetter, Ring IkmZMzMl W Worm or any other Skin Disease. 50c at your drueirist's. or bv mail direct ifhe hasn't it. Manufactured only by ra . iHWiinJIUV lli.WIWlllfe UWii UtIOl dJlfi.J. I DAdu PREVENTION t better than cure. Tutt's PlUs if taken In time ere not only a remedy for, but will prevent SICK HEADACHE, bHiousnecs, constipation and kindred disease. ART"'jTC to handle fat eelllnjthJrt waist belt; UfcfJIO good cnmnitibn. V rite for particu lars. CJJKUEK COM 1" AM i', Zi W. S8th St., i.ew York W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 42-1913. 44 . I ueti iiaga syrup, luita uooa. in in tltns. Bold hj Drot?''ti. 1 J - , V HELP FOR S I OCK RAISERS Live Stock Exchange Begun By the Southern Railway to Develop In , dustry in the South. Atlanta, Gal, October 5. As & Dart of its work for the upbuilding of the live stock industry in the. South east, the live Stock Department of the Southern Railway periodically issues a bulletin telling of stock lor sale or exchange and of stock desired to be purchased. The bulletin is com piled from information furnished by stock owners and copies are mailed to over 15,000 (farmers and dealers. Through this bulletin a large num foer of sales have been made and many farmers have been enabled to get stock of just the type they desir ed. Instead of sending good sires to the slaughter house after serving their alloted time with one herd, many owners have through this bulletin been enabled to effect an exchange whereby each added years of useful ness to the life of a good. animal. The entire expense of issuing the bulletin is borne 'by the Southern Railway Co. F. L. .Word, Live Stock Agent, Atlanta, Ga., will be glad to send copies to any farmer or to in clude in the bulletin information in regard to stock for sale or exchange. Dedares For World Peace. j san, his sensational discovery of three years ago; and, outside bacteriological Louisville, Ky. Speaker Champ circles, this is perhaps his chief title to fame. It is well to realize, how Clark of the national house of repre- ever, that Ehrlich is a man of most exceptional genius, whose bold epecu sentatives, declared for international lations and imaginative theories have been the outstanding features of bae disarmament as the surest means of , teriological progress any time this last 12 or 14. years. guaranteeing wotfd peace in an, ad- dress delivered here recently at the Perry centennial celebration. He praised the valor of American - sol- diers in the war of 1812 and declared the crowning glory of their heroism was the 100 years of peace that have foClowed between Great Britain and the United States. The speaker said that boch (President Wilson and form-, er President Taft deserved praise for the spirit of forbearance displayed in dealing with the delicate questions presented by the revolutionary trou bles in Mexico. Ask For Friendship. Tokio. 'Buddhists in a mass meet ing in a temple here adopted a reso- iution in the form of a message to President Wilson of the United -States bearing on the Japanese-American re lations. The message reads: "For the sake of universal peace and the nrosrress of -humanity which are the ideals of Buddhism, we in paying homage to the president, earnestly wish for the development of a friend ship between Japan and the United States based on liberty and justice with the exclusion of religious and raciall prejudice. Three thousand Buddhists were present. M. Oishi, ; leader of the Progressive party, de clared only by war could Japan ob tain a solution of the California land question. To Investigate Dynamite Charges. Indianapolis, Ind. The Ualted States grand jury venire for tlie No vember term of court -was drawn on j the order of Federal Judge A. B. An- ' derson. The grand jury vrhich will i meet liere November 11 will invest!- j gate the latest phases of the dyna- ' mite conspiracy as brought out .by the concession of George E. . Davis, alias . George O'Donnell, -w,ho was arrested recently in New York. The names of the grand jurors were not made pub lic. "We expect to make a thorough examination of everything ibrc-ught out by Davis' confession which re sulted in the arrest here of Harry Jones, secretary-treasurer of the In ternational Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers," said Uni ted States District Attorney Charles W. Miller, "and we hope to ihave our report ready when the grand jury meet9." Was Not a Millionaire. Berlin. An authoritative denial as issued recently of published statements that the late August Be bel, Socialist leader, was fl. million aire. His estate i3 ' valued at about $100,000, of which 'he bequeathed $5, 000 to the Social Democratic party and $2,500 to the labor press. It had been reported that he left half of hi3 estate to the party. An accusation that Bebel was a tax dodger and had Invested his property abroad in order to escape German assessments is also denied. Will Have Four Camps.. Washington. Encouraged 4y the success of the two student military oampo held Qast summer at Gettys burg, Pa., and Monterey, Cal., the war department has decided to have four camps next summer. They will be located in centers easily accessi ble to college and university students. One camp wU3 be in New York, probably-on Lake Champ lain; another in one of the Northern Central state3; the third in the Virginia mountains or perhaps farther South and the fourth on t'ae Central Pacific coast. Expect Rate Decisions October 20. Washington. Important rate deci cions are expected from the "supreme court in its first decision day, Octo ber 20, although the court has giver no indictations of Its intentions. Jus tice Hughes is expected to clear ui the so-called state rate cases by an nouncing a decision in the Kentuckj rate case, involving rates on distiller; supplies from Ohio River, cities tt distillery centers in Kentucky. It alsc involves the validity of the McChoro Act, enabling the state railroad com mission to fix reasonable rates. EHRLICH'S SEARCH FOR CURE-ALL M ?A ft-"1 s5.i( a Vs. "It will not be surprising if by if'" 1 ,-0 Kress in London, Ehrlich's name has been promoted to the company of the , immortals Lister, Pasteur, and the rest. As a matter of interest we may : nte that the professor is nearly sixty; so that if he lives to see that con- Kress, and ir it meets In London after a similar interval of time to that which elapsed between this just concluded one and its predecessor, he will be well over ninety years of age. We again when that time comes. Prosit!" GAM BOA NAMED Federico Camboa, minister of for eign affairs, nominated for the presi dency by the Catholic party conven tion, and Gen. Eugenie Rascon, named for the vice-presidency, have accepted. the nominations. Gamboa in. accept- ing tne candidacy pointed to his rec ord as a diplomat and the absence of affiliations with any party. He tendered his resignation as minister of foreign affairs, but General Huerta ha3 not yet accepted It. Senor Gamboa said he would not be sur- prised if General Huerta should pre- fer to continue him in his present post until, the elections, there being nothing in the laws, he said, to pre vent such a course. Meantime Gen. Felix Diaz has been recalled by Senor Gamboa ' to return to Mexico City. The military mission of General Diaz in France is ended and he Is at the disposition of the foreign office. The efforts of the Catholic party, it is said, have been directed at the selection of men who would be accept able to the United States. The choice fell upon Senor Gamboa, for the rea son that be has not been prominently identified with any political party, while it is believed that he will have the confidence of Liberals, as well as Catholics. NEW MINISTER I I ' t Bo. - i central committee and for many years was a member of the committee. In the preliminary campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination a year ago he was an active supporter of Governor Wilson for the nomination. Mr.' Schmedcman's selection for a diplomatic post is regarded by his friends as a most wise and happy one. Mr. and Mrs. Schmedeman have two children,. a daughter-of fifteen and a son of twelve. WHY.O'HAIR Representative Frank T. O'Hair of Illinois, Democratic successor to "Un cle Joe" Cannon, is one of the mem bers of the house who did not vote on the' administration currency bill. But he thinks he has a good excuse. O'Hair was out In his district look ing after -his political fences a bit and rounding up some personal mat ters. He planned to leave for Wash ington in ample time to vote for ti e currency bill. The day before he had planned to leave, however, he decided to make some cider. Not having tasted any real cider fresh from the press for many moons, he drank cop iously thereof. The same day he went on a jaunt into the country with a couple of friends and devoured a lot of juicy plums. About two o'clock the fallowing morning he was aVak ened by a terrific pain in the region of his solar plexus the kind of pain that the average small boy knows all abr.ut He thought he was groins to die. He did not reich Washington until the day after th .currency bill passed the house. Now he is wondering whether he will be able to Eatisfy his constituents about that ailment if "Uncle Joe" enters the race against him next year. , " ." The panacea, or drug that will cure all diseases, was the dream of the ancient student of medicine. It has not yet been found, nor is it ljkely to be; yet there is at least one great medical authority who expects to dis cover it for one particular, class of diseases namely, those caused by bacterial Infection. There is nothing illogical In the idea of a Bubstance that Is fatal to all. bacterial organ isms. Indeed, such substances are al ready known, but unfortunately those with which most people are familiar will kill the patient as well. In an address before the recent internation al congress of medicine in, London, Prof. Paul Ehrlich, famous as the dis coverer of salvarsan, announced his hope of obtaining what he calls a "complete radical cure" of all Infec tive diseases. A report in the Hos pital (London, August 16) says: "Many people associate Ehrlich simDlv with the much-talked-of salvnr- the time of the next international con' wish him length of years to visit us FOR PRESIDENT TO NORWAY Albert G. Schmedeman of Madison, Wi3., was recently appointed United States minister to Norway. The sal ary is $10,000 a year. Mr, Schmedemau succeeds Lauritz Swenson of Minnesota, who served as minister to Denmark and Switzerland before going to Norway. The ap pointment is for four .years. In view of the centennial celebration next year of Norwegian independence and which will draw thousands of Americans to Norway the post which Mr. Schmede man will fill will be one of much im portance and interest to Americans. Mr. Schmedeman was born and reared in Madison, where the Schmedeman family . has long besn prominent in business,' civic and so cial activities. He is the senior mem ber of the clothing firm of Schmede man and Baillie. In 1910 he was the Democratic candidate for congress from this district. He has alsc served as treasurer of the Democratic state DID NOT VOTE ' K- -fc X , ( "CASCARETS" FOR SLUGGISH LIVER No sick headache, sour stomach I biliousness : or constipation by morning. ' Get a 10-cent box now. Turn the rascals out the hoadache, biliousness, indigestion, the sick, sour stomach and foul gases turn them out to-night and keep them out with Cascarets. ' t - Millions of men and women tako a Cascaret now and then and never know the misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowels or an upset stom ach. , Don't put in another day of distress. Let Cascarets cleanse your stomach; remove the sour, fermenting food; take the excess bile from your liver and carry, out all the1 constipated waste matter and poison in the bowels. Then you will feel great. A Cascaret to-night straightens you out by morning. They work while you sleep. A 10-cent box from any drug store means a clear head, sweet stomach and clean, healthy liver and bowel action for months. Chil dren love " Cascarets because they never gripe or sicken. Adv. Seldom Are. "Did you attend that terrible play?" "I did?" "And was it as immoral as you had been led to hope?" OFFICER CARROLL CURED OF BAD CASE OF ECZEMA He writes from Baltimore as follows: "I am a police ' officer and had long suffered from a bad case of Eczema of the hands and had to wear gloves all the time. - "I was under treatment by eminent physicians for a long time without success. Last summer Hancock's Sul phur Compound and Ointment were recommended to mo and my hands Im proved on theBrst application.. After a week's trial I went tq the Johns Hopkins Hospital to have my hands treated with X-Rays. Under their ad vice, I continued to use your Sulphur Compound and Ointment for 6 or 8 weeks, and at the end of that time my hands were cured, I cannot recom mend your preparations too highly." (Signed) John T. Carroll. Hancock's Sulphur Compound and Ointment are sold by all dealers. Han cock Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore, . Md. Adv. Doesn't Speak Well of Him. . "Why did the last man who roomed here leave?" asked the would-be lodger. "I told hinv to go," answered the landlady. "And I don't want any more roomers like him: He should be liv ing in a pig pen." "Rather careless, eh?" "Careless is altogether too mfld a word, sir. I'm not finicky, because I can't afford to be, but I give you my word that I never put but one thing in his room that stayed clean." "What was that?" "His towel." And That Won Her. "I don't see what argument your wife used to get that woman I was trying to get to cook for us, we told her we would treat her like one of the family?" "My wife promised her that we wouldn't." Alcohol Fiction. "That's a corking good story Scrib ble is contributing to Fllmmers Mag azine." I "I should say it's an ' uncorking good story. The leading character is a dipsomaniac." ' Cupid's Lottery. "Whatever became of that woman who was married on a bet?" "She Is now giving her time to a crusade against gambling." Judge. A FOOD DRINK Which Brings Daily, Enjoyment. A lady doctor writes: "Though busy hourly with my own affairs, I will not deny myself the pleas ure of taking a few minutes to tell of my enjoyment daily obtained from my morning cup of Postum. It is a food beverage, not an irritant like coffee. I "I began to use Postum 8 years ago, j not because I wanted to, but because j coffee, which I dearly loved, made my nights long, weary periods to be dread ed and unfitting me for business during the day. "On advice of a friend, I first tried Postum, making it carefully as sug gested on the package. As I had al ways used 'cream and no sugar.' I mixed my Postum so. It looked good, was clear and fragrant, and it was a pleasure to see the cream color ik as my Kentucky friend wanted her cof fee to look 'like a new saddle.' VThen I tasted It critically, for I had tried many 'substitutes' for coffee. I was pleased, yes, satisfied with my Postum in taste and effect, and am yet, being a constant user of it all these years. I continually assure my friends and acquaintances that they will like it in place of coffee, and receive benefit from its use. I have gained weight, can sleep and am not nervous." t Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Write for the little book, "The Road to Wellville." Postum comes in two forms: Regular Postum must be well boiled. u - instant Postum is a soluble powder. A teaspoonfui dissolves quickly In a cup of hot water and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious beverage 'n stantly. Grocers se". both kinds. "There's a reason" for Pctum.