STOMACH MISERY GAS.JHDlGvESTIOH "Pape's Diapepsin" fixes sick, sour, gassy stomachs in . five minutes. . Time it! In five minutes all stomach diBtress will go. No indigestion, heart burn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of uridigested food, no dizziness, bloating, or foul breath. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest and most cer tain indigestion remedy in the whole world, and besides it is harmless. Please for your sake, get a largo fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any store; and put your stomach right Don't keep on being miserable life is too short you are not here long, so . make your stay agreeable. Eat what you like and digest it; en joy it, without dread of rebellion in the stomach. Pape's Diapepsin belongs in your home anyway. Should one of the fam ily eat . something which don't agree with them, or in case of an attack of indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis , or stomach derangement at daytime or during the night, it is handy to give the quickest relief known. Adv., Landscape Would Be Hazy. "I wonder why it is that joy ridea are always taken at night?" .. "Chiefly, I suspect, because the per son who is in the mood for a joy ride is seldom in a condition to view the scenery." THIS LADY. , OBEYED HUSBAND I -'. , V In Matter Where Her Happiness Was at Stake, and is 'Mighty Glad She Did; Sheldon, S. C In advices from this town, Mrs. J. B. Marvin writes as fol lows: "For more than three years, I suffered with womanly troubles, and none of the different treatments I un derwent seemed to do me any good. I also had pains in my left side, so bad, at times, I could hardly get up. My husband told me tp buy s6me flnrdni the woman's tonic, and I did. I started taking it, and soon bega to ieei oetter. i iook oniy aiew ooiues and now I am perfectly well, and able to do anything. Cardui has done me a world of good. It certainly cured me of the trouble I had and I am getting along nicely. I have recommended the remedy to nthpr RiifFp.rfirH. and thfiv have all been benefited by it. I will always keep Cardui in my home'' for use in time of need." Cardui is a'purely vegetable rem edy, containing no harmful mineral products. Its ingredients act in a help Ing, building way, on the womanly con stitution. It has been relieving wom anly troubles for over half a century, during which time it has proven of more than ordinary value as a tonic for weak women. . v - You can rely on Cardui. It will do for you, what it has done for thousands of others. It will help you. Begin to take Card".i today. N. B. Writ to f Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga. Tenn.. for Stftt'al Instructions on your case and 64-page book, "Home Treatment for Women," sent in plain wrapper. Adv. Few of Them Think So. "No, Cordelia, a young man isn't necessarily slow because it takes him a long time to fasten a pretty girl's glove". ' SAGE TEA DARKENS GRAY HAIR TO ANY SHADE. TRY STI Keep Your Locks Youthful, Dark, Glossy and "fhick With Common Garden Sage and Sulphur. When you darken your hair with Sage Tea, and Sulphur, no one can tell, because it's done so naturally, so evenly. Preparing this mixture, though, at home is mussy and trouble some. For 50 cents you can buy at any drug store the ready-to-use tonic called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy." You juet dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time'. By morn ing all gray hair disappears, and, after another application or two,, your hair becomes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. You will also dis cover dandruff is gone and hair has stopped falling. Gray, faded hair, though no' dis grace, is a sign of old age, and as we all desire a youthful and attractive ap pearance, get busy at once with Wy eth's Sage and Sulphur and look year3 younger. Adv. Daily Special. Even If You Are Beaten a Nose, You Get Second Money. Important to Mothers Examine carefully -every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy tor infants and children, and see that it .uearsuia jr-T stirs, . sr. Signature of CTSW In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria - Good positions far exceed the sup ply, of good material available to fill them. Columbus Ohio State Journal. Hanford's Balsam is good for blood poisoning. Adv. Hash is the stuff some queer dreams are made of. FEEDING THE ORCHARD TREE Ono Central Thought We Cannot Continually Take From Soil With but Giving Back Something. , (By BESSIE L. PUTNAM.) Said a successful farmer recently: "I have lots of nice apples, and T be lieve that my success is largely due to the fact that I do not neglect to feed my trees. There is Blank, with a large orchard next to mine. But his soil has run out, and now he wants to buy the fruit from two or three of my trees." ' This man had his own ideas, jtoo, about the renewing of the soil. De testing the nuisance of cornstalks in the stable, he used the orchard for a feeding .ground in the late fall, and the result was that the added fer tilizing element keeps the ground in good condition. "This year," he says, "I overdid the matter. Look at the nice crop of rag weed started." We wondered why so " ' i . A V A H U ; av "Vs i . ' - - - - Protection for-young Fruit Tree3 This . Fall. careful and observing a man had al lowed the weed crop to mature. But he assures us that when about to cut it he hesitated, fearing that the stalk would pierce any apples which chanced to fall. ' And now, at picking time, he finds that the weeds act as a cushion protecting the falling fruit and ren dering it scarcely less perfect than that which is hand-picked. Each individual should work out his own problems for himself, as this man has done; but in any case there is still the central thought we cannot continually take from the soil with out giving something in return. EXPERIMENT WITH PIG FEED Results of Tests Made at Kansas Agricultural College Embodying , Work of Three Years. Weanling pigs weighing about forty five pounds at the Kansas Agricultural college were fed: One lot on corn alone and another on corn and alfalfa pasture, in summer, and alfalfa hay in winter. President Waters showed the results of the experiments, embodying the work of three years, with charts and photographs and lantern slides. In every case the pigs were put into the experiment at meaning time weighing about forty-five pounds, be ing March pigs. The experiment began about July 1. In each experiment one group fed on corn alone in a dry lot did not thrive. At least one pig died each year of what the veterinary experts declared to "be starvation, notwithstanding the fact that they were offered all the corn they would eat. .When pigs on other rations were weighing 250 pounds each. and were fat and ready for market, the pigs on corn alone, were thin and scrawny, weighing forty or sixty pounds. ' PouLTRYNoras In mating for market poultry select the best breasted birds. Summer or winter, the birds should have plenty of roosting space. Success with-poultry depends more on god care than on the breed. Trust an old hen to know exactly where she ought not to scratch. Compare your poultry with that shown at the agricultural fair and see if yours can be improved. .". Don't keep a lot of young or old male birds in the flock to worry the rest of the birds and to eat expensive grain. - Fowls should be killed just before they begin to moult, for when they be gin to shed their feathers they begin to lose flesh. It is poor economy to feed the poul try on one kind of grain. It is more profitable in every way to give vari ety, of which corn, wheat and oats ehould be the leading feeds. TREATMENT FOR HARD SOILS Where Land Is Difficult -to Work It Should Receive Careful Attention One Good Method. . Often the different kinds of soite are found on the same farm and the best results cannot be obtained, as far as crop returns are concerned, by a uniform method of cultivation and irrigation. The soil thaMs hard and difficult to work should receive most careful attention, not only from the standpoint of cultivation, but also in the method of irrigation. It is not always profitable to at tempt a, perennial ; crop on eoil that is hard to work and irrigate the yield i3 usually low, . due to the re sistance to root development and scarcity of plant food; also to the shallow depth of the irrigation which in turn causes the root system to de velop near the surface and make the crop susceptible to drought. Deep plowing, with a liberal appli cation of manure or straw, will be found beneficial. The decay of the organic matter will leave the soi! more or less .porous and allow the moisture access to the lower soil; root development will be more com plete and the crop will stand drought better. - ' " . ; The cultivation of sugar beets on hard soil will, if properly handled, bring the field eventually ' into proper tilth. .Furrow irrigation will 'not' al low the soil to bake; deep cultivation of the crop will be found beneficial; the tap root of the beet will have a tendency to open up the soil below the plow, sole; the decayed tap root afteT harvest will leave the lower soil more or less porous, and hence increase the capacity of the eoil for the storage of moisture. BUSINESS OF DAIRYING PAYS Time That Dairymen Took Hold of ' Matter to Raise the Standard of Dairy Intelligence. . (By S. AN AKEN.) There is a sentiment abroad that dairying is becoming unpopular with many, and there is less inclination among young men to engage in it. If this be so, it is time dairymen took hold of this matter to raise the stand ard of dairy intelligence and educa tion up to the point where it will be popular. The door must be opened to the boys and girls of this country so invitingly, with so much of inter est and profit in sight, that they will without question become our future citizen farmers. We cannot expect much change in those with settled opinions. While we may not change much, we have it in our power to promote and insti tute a change, and uplift, that 6hall be a . power for good to those who come after us. The door must be opened wide, and the light made so clear it will be recognized that get ting a start and winning success, in life does not imply that . one must leave the farm. It must be shown that a man may by intelligent prac tice have a farm, high producing dairy stock; and may .know about feeds and feeding and produce the best; but it implies study, compari son, and gathering the best Informa tion and applying it. The man who refuses to educate and broaden his mind along bis busi ness, who pins his faith to the reckon V V Up-to-Date Dairy Farm of Ex-Vice-Presldent Levi P. Morton on the Hudson River. and guess, will always be found milk ing mixed-bred cows, in , which the failures are the most prolific; will be feeding everything if it is cheap, and believing that all failures are due to the factory and market end of his business. As one has expressed it, too many men go through life mis taking their gizzards for their heads. The moment a man sees and puts into practice the idea that he can cheapen the cost and increase the ex cellence of an article, that moment he has opened the door to enlarged op portunities. For Warts on Calves. ''For the warts apply nitrate of sil ver in stick form. Rub gently each day and they should, in a short time, go away. Nitrate of silver applied In the same way to where the horns appear until the blood just comes, will stop the horns growing, but this must be done within ten days of the birth of the calf. Begin the application on the third day. ' Water for Wheat. If ato inch of water is worth two and one-half bushels of wheat to the acre, and the farmer wants to aver age 25 bushels of wheat, his problem is to secure and place at the disposal of his wheat plants, just ten inches of water. Simple isn't 1L It's just a matter f arithmetic and 'using one's intelligence. Sunflowers of Value. Next spring plant a little patch of sunflower seed. The great plants make good Ehade and the seeds are much relished by the chickens. IS CHILD GROSS, ' FEVERISH. SICK Look, Mother! If tongue coated, give "California Syrup of Figs." is Children love this "fruit laxative," and nothing else cleanses( the tender stomach, liver and bowels so nicely. A child simply will not stop playing to empty the bowels, and" the result is they become tightly clogged with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sours, then your little one becomes cross, half-sick, feverish, don't eat, sleep or act naturally, breath is bad, system full of cold, has sore throat, stomach-ache or diarrhoea.' Listen, Mother! See if tongue is coated, then give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes, out of the sys tem, and you have a well child again. Millions of mothers give "California Syrug of Figs" because it is perfectly harmless; children love it, and it nev er fails to act on the stomach, liver and bowels. Ask at the store for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Adv. Finance as She Is Wrote. To add to troubles of the Wall street man forced to spend his summer in j the city comes the necessity of em ! ploying a "substitute-stenographer in vacation season. Wall street diction is hard enough for the regular stenog rapher; the substitute finds it next to impossible. The employer of one of the substi tutes not long ago tried to be particu larly careful and distinct in his dicta tion. . Neverthelees, "comtroller of the currency" emerged as "comptroller of the' corn belt." A remark about the drought district in Kansas" was inter- I preted as "grouch in Kansas." Reverting to money matters again, the employer talked about taking bul lion into the Bank of England, and the copy showed that bouillon soup had been taken into the bank. Right there the bell rang for a new typist. Wall Street Journal. Signatures on Paintings. Experts rarely rely on signatures ; alone to determine the authenticity of an old painting, but trust rather to their knowledge of the painter's tech nique. Sometimes the painter's name is found in a conspicuous place, aa for instance, in Raphael's "Sposalizo" at Milan. Proud of having surpassed his mas ter the youthful genius wrote on , a frieze in the very center of the can vas, "Raphael Urbinas." Reynolds hardly -.ever signed his work. But upon the completion of the portrait of Mrs. Siddons as "The Trag ic Muse," he wrote his name large on the gold embroidery of her dress. He was unable, he said, "to resist the temptation of sending my name to pos terity on the hem of your garment." ' He Obeyed. Willie was struggling through the story in his reading lesson. "No, said the captain," he read, "it was not a sloop. It was a larger vessel. By the rig I judged her to be a-a-a-a " The word was new to him, "Barque!" replied the teacher. Still tWillie hesitated. "Barque!" repeated the teacher, this time sharply. Willie looked as though he had not heard aright. Then with an appre hensive glance around the class he shouted: "Bow-wow!" To Plesse the Ladies. "Are you strict with lady smug glers?" "Oh, "no," answered the customs in spector. "We alwaj'6 let them smug gle in a. few cigarettes or a cake or two of foreign soap." For the Human System. For cuts, burns, bruises, stiff neck, sore .throat, sprains, lame back and bunions use Hanford's Balsam' of Myrrh. It is guaranteed. It is for ex ternal use only. Always have a bottle on hand, ready for accidents. Adv. The Use of Words. "Talking about stupid ones, that Smith girl Is dumb!" "Yes, you can tell that as soon as you hear her talk." For SUMMER HEADACHES Hicks CAPUDINR is the best remedy no rnatter what causes them whether from the heat, Hitting in draughts, fever ish condition, etc. 10c. 23c anil 50c per bottle at medicine stores. Adv. "Don't you think Miss Yowler's I voice has remarkable range?" "I do indeed. It simply romps all ever that song she is trymg to sing." ACIir FEELINGS. PAIX VS HMDS and all Malarious Indications removed by Elixir Hnbrk, that well known rem edy for all such diseases. "I have taken up the three bottles of your 'Ellilr Babek,' and have not felt bo well and entirely free from pain In limbs for five yeara." Mrs. K. Hlgglns. Jacksonville. Fla. Elixir Babek 50 cents, all druggists or by Parcels Post prepaid from Kloczaw skl & Co.. Washington, D. C. Modern Question. "Is honesty really the best policy?" . "Oh, I think so in small matters, anyhow." UTWAM Olor more gowis brighter and faster co!ots than You can dye any garmrr.t without rippntr ap:irt. I Gretna Green Ceremony,. A young couple who arrived at Ber wick the other Sunday were married after the Scottish fashion in a delight fully simple way. 1 They drove over, the border into Scotland, and stopping at a spot where two men were seated, the young man said that he and the lady wished to be married and that they could not adopt .the conventional method, as it would be stopped directly the banns were put up. The couple then formally took each other for man and wife before the two witnesses, and a document to that ef fect was produced and signed by the parties and the witnesses. New Yarn. Kind Lady But that isn't the same story you told me the last time you were here. Tramp No, mum; you seemed ter doubt de other one. DOES YOUR HEAD ACHE? Try Hicks' CAPUDINE. It's liquid plene. ant 10 take effects iiuraedlate-pood to preveni Sick HeudacUea und Nervous Headaches also. Your money back if not satisfied. 10c., 26c. and 60c. at medicine storea. Adv. Things to Worry About. There are women carpenters in Thibet. , Pon't neglect a cold. It means Consump tion or Pneumonia. Dean's Menthblated Cough Drops check colds 5c at Druggists. Who ever knew truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter? Milton. Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain.cures wind coiicac a bottleJUt Here's a good motto for married men: "Be sure you're right, then ask your wife." Ask anybody about it Hanford's Balsam. Adv. You have a right to your opinion. So have others. . From 40 to 50 Woman's Critical , Period. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, severe headaches, melancholia, dread of impending evil, palpitation of the heart, irregularity, constipation and dizziness are promptly treated by intelligent women who are approaching the' period of life. This is the most critical period of woman's life and she who neglects the care of her health at this time invites in curable disease and pain.' Why not be guided by the ex perience of others and take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? It is an indisputable fact that this grand old remedy has helped thousands of women to pass through this trying period with comfort and .safety. Thousands of genuine and honest testimonials support this fact. Prom Mrs. IIEXRY IIEAVILIX, Cadiz, Ohio. Fort.Worth, Texas. "I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound and derived great benefit from its use. It carried me safely through the Change of Life when I was in bad health. I had that all gone feeling most of the time, and headache constantly, I was very nervous and the hot flashes were very bad. I had tried other remedies and doctors, but did not improve until I began taking Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It has now been sometime since I took the Compound and I have had no return of my old complaints. I always praise your remedies to weak women." Hrs. IIexe-c IIeavilin, R F. D. No. 5, Cadiz, Ohio. From Mrs. EDWARD B. IIILBEItT, Fleetwood, Pa. Fleetwood, Pa. u During the Change of Life I was hardly able to be around at all. I always had a headache and I was so dizzy and nervous that I had no rest at night. The flashes of heat were so bad sometimes that I did not know what to do. One day a friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and it made me a strong, well woman. I am very" thankful that I followed my friend's advice, and I shall recommend lfc as long as I live. Before I took the Compound I was always sickly and now I have not had medicine from a doctor for years. You mas publish my letter." Mrs. Edward B. Hilbert, Fleetwood, Pa. From Mrs. F. P. MUIXENDORE, 3Innford, Ala. Munf ord, Ala. tt I was so weak and nervous while passing through the Change of Life that I could hardly live. !My husband had to nail rubber on all the gates for I could not stand to have a gate slam. " I also had backache and a fullness in my stomach. I noticed thafc Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was ad vertised for such cases and I sent and got a bottle. 1 It did me so much good that I kept on taking it and found it to be all you claim. I recommend it to all women afflicted as I was." Mrs. F. P. Muixen DOKE, Munford, Ala. . p?Writ to LYDIA E.PISKHAM MEDICOE CO. JlMiP (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS.,toradviee. Your letter "will be oKned, read and acswercd by a woman and held in strict confidence. BIG GAME CARTRIDGES The time of all others when reliable cartridges axe invaluable is in "big-game hunting. A miss-fire, an inaccurate cartridge, or one having poor penetration may mean the loss of a coveted trophy or even injury to the hunter. Winchester, the W brand of cartridges, smokeless or black powder, can always be relied oa to be sure fire, accurate, and to have Bpecd and penetration. Ypu can help TOUR HUNT A SUCCESS Br USTSG TliTJf. jg FADELESS DYES anv othrr (ivc. One 10c package colors all fibers. WRITE FOR t'KER booklet, calendar, blotters, Why Old Backs Ache What a pity that so many persons past middle age are worried with lame backs, aching kidneys, poor eyesight, sick head ache, dizziness, gravel, dropsy or dis tressing urinary ills. Kidney weakness brings these dJscomforts in youth or age and is a dangerous thing to neglect, for it leads to Bright's disease and uric acid poisoning. Doan's Kidney Pills have brought new strength to thousands of lame backs have rid thousands of annoying urinary trouble. A Kentucky C Capt. T. Q " Brerv Picture j Washington St, Glas iu a mary. gow, Ky., says; "I was hardly able to stoop or lift on ac count of the pains in my back. It was bard for me to straighten. I couldn't get a good night's rest and I had many other kidney ailments. Doan's Kidney Pills drore a way thn backache aa soon as I nBed them and strengthened my kidneys. I seldom have any kidney trouble now." . Cet Doan's at Any Store. 50e a Box DOAN'S V,ILILESV FOSTER-M3J3URN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. are not only Purgative. They com bine remedial properties whose special function it is to restore to healthy activity all the digestive and diuretic processes. Use them for poor appetite, soar stomach, sick headache, consti pation and indigestion. ANTED m Men to learn barber trade to eight weeks. Tu- wlth Bet of tools,; your own tools, C. Wapres while learning. Call or write. RICHMOND BARBER COLLEGE, Richmond, Va. They dve in cold watpr bfttT nv other y. etc. MOINROL U!2LO to PAf-lV, (ulnc.y, til. (ftv 1111 H I'.

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