Parents Should Know this Splendid Remedy MORE WEIGHT IN HORSES IS ESSENTIAL r Backache Gone Gained Fifty Pounds For about a year I suffered with pai- in the back and would be very tired t pn arising irv the morning, with burning sen aation. I dropped in weight to 110 poun i. I read one of your advertisement and commenced taking Dr. . Kilmer'c bwump Root and gained from 110 vo 160 pounds. I hare been feeling good ever since. took iou3ftMttles of Dr. Kilmer. S.?amp Root, altogetner,, and T highly recommenu it w my friends as a good remedy for any on4 suffering as I did. am employed in a store and have to be on my feet all the time. I am thirty four years old. Very truly yours, T. II. MORGAN, Elizabeth City, N. C. Personally appeared before me this 10th day of April, 1912, T. II. Morgan, who subscribed the above statement and made oath that the same is true in substance and in fact. J. KENYON WILSON, Notary Public. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. N. Y., for a sample size bot tle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable infor mation, telling about the kidneys and blad der. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles for sale at all drug tores. Adv. Coal for Thousands of Years. The results of the investigation of the world's coal resources undertaken by the International Geographical con gress in 1913, have Just been pub lished. They show that there is a re serve of unmined coal estimated at 7,398,561,000,000 of tons, of which two thirds are situated in North America between the Rocky mountains and the Appalachians. As the present annual consumption is about 1,300,000,000 tons, there is enough coal in sight to last nearly 6,000 years at the present rate of consumption, and it must be remem bered that South" America and Africa are still largely unexplored. DON'T MIND PIMPLES Cutlcura Soap and Ointment Will Ban ish Them. Trial Free. These fragrant supercreamy emol lients do so much to cleanse, purify and beautify the skin, scalp, hair and hands that you cannot afford to be without them. Besides they meet every want in toilet preparations and are most economical. Sample each free by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. The Burning Question. Queenie Have you ever kissed a girl? Oswald Is that an invitation or are you gatherinc statistics. Varieties. Knlc'fter I'm thinking of studying law. Bocker Plain, martial, unwritten or lynch? The Reliable Remedy for lumbago, gout and RHEUMATISM GETS AT THE JOINTS FROM THE INSIDE For sale by all druggists TRY THE OLD RELIABLE SlHTERSMITH's V Chill tonic For MALARIA ci3- A FINE GENERAL STRENGTHENING TONIC Vital Statistics Tbe N. O. Stat Board of Health states that i0 ol tne deaths of children could be prevented, lirmue'l Vapo-Men tlia for Croup and l'neuinoiiiit if applied Id time not only prevents, but cures Croup and Pneumonia, Colds and altections of the air pas saves. Keep It handy. Price, 25c 60c. and Al.OO at all dealers or sent Post Paid on receipt of price. Sample and Interesting booklet sent on re luest. BHAME MEDICINE COMPANY. N. Wilketboro. N. C. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A. toilet preparation of merit. Blip to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. 60s. and tl.00 at DrnrgUU. Fur a if ave Advanced Ship to Rogers. Wgtr liberal grades, fnllvaluaincaanandauickreturna. We have best market in America for Furs. Hides, etc K emrjimion. Write today for free price list. COMPAMV, Dept. 11, SlLeuia, Me. fM 1 Jt ME POPULAR -w-t! u"w win the friendship and lore of I among your friends In Society, Business or at the f M V. 1 1 t.U Pnnnl.Ftt." Trill tell yon how. Bona SOW. Price only ko. lr. S. H.laries,P.O.BoxS22, Allen town, Pa, KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do highest class of finishing. Prices and Catalogue upon request. S. CtUtU Optica Ce., Rename, Va. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Peer weeks required Steady position for com E stent rraduatea. Wonderful demand for oar ers. W aires while learn lng ; free catalog ; wrl t RICHMOND BARBER COLLEGE. Richmond. Vi. 4 mnA rKnrf HreatH nfTAn oHvns entire relief fi lutntHrtiiM Trial treatmant sent FREE DR. THOMAS E. GREEN. Successor to l) 'IL H. Greea'i Soas, Box A, CatUworta Gt. m .jT-lep 1 1 Type of Horses Needed on Southern Farms. It does not follow that the horse the southern farmer needs Is the one he thinks he needs. Moreover, since opinions differ as to the type of horse needed and the various kinds of work required of farm horses de mand various types of horses, it is quite certain no one type of horse will do best all the different kinds of work required on southern farms. The horse most needed will, there fore, of necessity be in the nature of a compromise. We must first deter mine the most important work re quired of the farm horse before we can determine the type of horse most needed, for it is only reasonable that in his selection his most important service Bhould be given greatest weight. For those who expect to continue the use of one-horse implements to any large extent, the horse or mule weighing around 1,000 pounds is most needed. He must have quality, speed and endurance, for with small one horse implements the only chance to obtain economical service is through greater activity. The class of farmers who are adopt ing modern methods and using two and three-horse implements, because they do more economical and' better work and save man labor, is grow ing rapidly, but is still comparative ly small. Many of those who use larger implements for plowing and preparing the land still adhere to one horse implements for cultivating the crops. But the demand for larger farm work stock is growing and will con tinue to grow rapidly. - The average man who has begun the use of mod ern implements and methods now de mands a horse or mule weighing 100 to 200 pounds more than was most popular ten years ago, and ten years from now a horse or mule weighing 200 pounds more than the popular type of today will be demanded. To do good, efficient and economical service the horse needed on south ern farms must weigh 1,200 to 1,400 Just Colts. pounds. This is larger than is thought best by most farmers, but if future needs, and breeding requirements to meet these future needs, are consid ered, this weight is still too light, for the horse needed ten years from now will weigh 1,300 to 1,500 pounds The farm horse does most of his work at a walking gait, and he must have the weight to pull sufficiently large loads to more than make up for any deficiency in speed as compared with lighter animals. The greatest need on southern farms is for better work. Texas, for instance, has used more horses as a means of doing more work, cultivating more acres, but the real need for heavier farm horses is to enable the farmer to do better work. The best work cannot be done with one-horse plows and other one-horse implements. Large plows and disk harrows require larg er horses. But this 1,300 or 1,400-pound horse must be of good quality. He need not have the speed of the 900 or 1.000- pound horse, but he must be of gentle disposition, good quality, compactly built and rugged. A horse weighing 1,300 or 1.400 pounds is too large for light driving or saddle purposes, and yet these services are required of farm horses. It is true that these are unimportant services, compared with the work of cultivating the land and hauling the farm products to market, and this be ing the case it follows that the horse of most service on the farm is the ono that will cultivate the land best anl most economically. If the mulo is to remain the chief draft animal of th s South, we must breed the type o! nwes that will produce the type of ir ule needed, and here again, the need I for a mare weighing 1 300 to 1.500 rounds. The horse the southern farmer r,ieds must be bred, for no countrv ever can buy sufficient farm work stock to supply Its needs. Moreover it must be largely bred from our na tive mares. This will be a slow and possibly the most expensive method In the long run, but it is the only ona likely to prove practicable. If we are right that the southern farmer needs a horse weighing 1,200 to 1,500 pounds and that such an ani mal must be bred up from our native mares weighing 800 to 1,000 pounds, it is apparent that the sires must be from the draft breeds. It then seems to follow that the horse needed on southern farms is a draft horse. The southern farmer has much the same attitude towards a draft horse that a mad bull has toward a red flag, but we offer to him the quieting thought that a real draft horse, these times, weighs 1,600 pounds or more and therefore the type of horse we have suggested is really not a draft horse, but a horse with sufficient draft blood to give him the size required to do good and economical farm wrk. Progressive Farmer. RAISE DEWBERRIES IN SOUTH Plant Does Especially Well on Light. Sandy Soil Plan for Hea'hy Canes Next Year. Dewberries can be grown to advan tage In almost all parts of the South, especially on light, sandy land. Plan tations are started by setting out thy rooted tips in rows five or six feei apart. Fat lightwood stakes seveti feet long make good supports for the vines, which are usually twined about the stakes and tied at the top. As the dewberry is very subject to anthracnose, a disease which destroys the canes, it Is a good practice to cut off and burn after the fruiting season all parts of the plant above ground. A high-grade fertilizer should then be applied and the vines cultivated thoroughly during the rest of the sea son to produce new, healthy canes for next year's crop. i Dewberries, raspberries and straw berries can be grown to advantage in the wide middles between pecan trews. GOOD REASONS FOR DAIRYING Not Enough Butter, Milk and Cream Produced in Louisiana to Supply Demands of Farmers. (By J. M. CADWLUDER. Louisiana State University.) Many people will no doubt be sur prised to learn that there is not enough butter, milk and cream pro duced in Louisiana to supply the peo pie on the farms of the state, to say nothing of supplying our small and large cities. The northern dairymen are enjoy ing the profits realized by producing butter and selling it to our southe n farmers for 40 cents per pound when we can produce butter and milk cheaper than they. If for no other reason, Louisiana farmers should en gage in dairying to supply their own needs. HOUSES FOR STORING COTTON Upon Construction of Structure De pends Rate of Insurance Paid c Staple It Contains. The correct designing of a cotton warehouse is of much importance, be cause upon the construction of the warehouse depends the rate of insur ance charged for the cotton inside it. The average insurance rate, it Is said, in the buildings now in use is as high as two dollars a year on $100. In standard warehouses, properly pro tected by automatic sprinkler equip ment, this rate could be reduced to "5 cents on $100. It is a curious fact that many of the warehouses now in use cost more to build than if they had been made tc conform to the standards. Ground Feed for Hogs. As any animal, especially the hog, is being finished for the market, the need of ground feed becomes more Imperative, since there will be less exercise, which makes it necessary for the anim&l to be furnished with a concentrated easily digested ration for the upbuilding of fatty tissue Keep Crearw or Milk Sweet. Milk begins to sour within a few minutes after it is taken from the cow if it is not cooled. The bacterir 'hat cause souring do not thrive .- cold milk. Therefor1, to keep you milk or cream Bweet. cool It wltbjv; delaj. i u .iu i i i i i i it ii nvn - a m am PASTEURIZED MILK IN FAVOR Great Advantage In Process Is to In sure Freedom From Disease Producing Organisms. The great advantage In pasteurizing narket milk is to insure its freedom from disease-producing organisms. This is a point which is constantly brought forward in favor of pasteuriza tion of milk. Of course the pasteurized milk will have better keeping quali ties than the same milk that has not been pasteurized and of course this is an advantage from the standpoint of the milk dealer, and is also an ad vantage to the milk consumer. Outside the cost of the process, there are practically no disadvantages connected with the pasteurization of milk. This is especially true with the way pasteurization is conducted today. There is absolutely no doubt but that milk properly pasteurized and prop erly handled subsequent thereto is just as healthful a food for children as well as for adults as is raw milk. Most of the commercial pasteuriza tion of market milk at the present time is done by heating the milk to 145 degrees for approximately thirty minutes. This temperature and time of exposure does not change the milk physically or chemically to any appre ciable extent. If milk is heated to higher temperatures or for longer pe riods of time, the creaming powers of the milk will be influenced that Is, the heated milk will cream less rapid ly and somewhat less completely than the raw milk. The milk will also ac quire, which is objectionable to many people, what is known as the cooked taste. It is not probable that the nu tritive value of the milk is injured; in fact, at the present time many phy sicians advocate the heating of chil dren's milk to the boiling point. IMPROVING THE DAIRY HERD Sell All Animals Which Have Failed to Pay for Their Keep Breed Cows to Purebred Bull. (By GEORGE HUMPHREY. University of Wisconsin.) 1. Treat cows gently and avoid ex citement. 2. Be regular in time of milking. 3. Keep stables clean, well-lighted and ventilated. 4. Weigh the milk of each cow at milking time. 5. Get your neighbor to share with you in owning a Babcock milk tester, and test the product of each cow. 6. Discard the animals which have failed at the end of the year to pay for their keep. 7. Breed your cows to a purebred registered dairy bull from a family t'i ii St . it- Purebred Holsteins. having large and profitable produc tion of butterfat. 8. Raise well the heifer calves from cows, which for one or more genera' tions have made large and profitable productions of milk and butterfat. 9. Breed heifers to drop their first calves at 24 to 30 months of age. Give cow six to eight weeks' rest between lactation periods. 10. Join a dairy cattle breeders as sociation. It will help you to keep posted and in touch with the best and most modern ways of managing your dairy herd. IMPORTANCE OF DAIRY COW Most Economical Producer of Human Food of All Domestic Animals She Is Here to Stay. (By N. J. FRASER, Illinois.) Since the cow Is the most econom ical producer of human food of all our domestic animals, and as she can live and produce milk on ; a ration com posed entirely of roughage, she will be the animal that will be resorted to in order to convert half of the energy of our common crops, which is other wise unavailable, into human food. Another reason why the cow is here to stay, and will always be of vital importance in sustaining human life, is that babies and invalids cannot be nourished on cornmeal mush alone. For these reasons, even after the time comes that there is an actua' struggle for human food, the dair? cow will still be a vital and abidin "actor in a system o permanent agr: culture, if we are to retain a hig degree of civilization. 1 2- t Simple Laxative Compound Helps to Correct Consti pation in Children. With all children there are times when the bowels fail to act naturally and it becomes necessary for the par ents to administer a remedy. Cathar tics and purgatives should never be used as these agents afford only tem porary relief while their violent action shocks the system unduly. Mrs. Eva F. Gaff, 517 10th St.. Washington, D. C, says that her little girl, Marie, had been subject to constipation, and that she found Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin the best remedy because of its mild ness, and now always keeps a bottle of it in the house. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is a compound of simple laxative herbs, free from opiates or narcotic drugs of any kind, and is an Ideal remedy for children because of its mild action and positiv9 effect. Its use tends to strengthen the impaired bowel action and restore normal regularity. It Is important that parents should know of a dependable remedy with no unpleasant after effects, griping or The Mystery. Once there was a man who was quietly performing a task which aroused the greatest curiosity among the innocent bystanders. None of them had ever seen anything of the kind being done before nor had the slightest comprehension of what it was nor why it should be. The crowd was constantly augmented by more comers and the mystification grew to an almost uncontrollable extent. Final ly a sage appeared and to him was put the query, "What Is the strange thing that man is doing?" "He is minding his own business," replied the sage, and passed on. Ex change. Used Whenever Quinine is Needed Does Not Affect the Head Because of its toDlc and laxative effect LAX ATTVE BROMO QUININE will be fouud better than ordinary Quinine for any purpose for which Quinine is used. Does not cause ner vousness nor ringing in head. Remember there is only on; "Bromo Quinine." That is Laxa tive Bromo Quinine. Loot for signature of E. W. Grove. 25c. As to Carpets. May Carpets are curious things, mamma. Mamma Why so? May Although they are bought by the yard, they are worn out by the feet. WONDERFUL HOW QUICKLY RESIN0L STOPS ITCHING To those who have endured for years the itching torments of eczema or other such skin-eruptions, the relief that the first use of reslnol ointment and resinol soap gives is perfectly incredi ble. After all the suffering they went through and all the useless treatments they spent good money for, they cannot believe anything so simple, mild and inexpensive can stop th itching and burning INSTANTLY! And they find it still more wonderful that the improvement is permanent and that resinol really drives away the eruption completely in a very short time. Perhaps there Is a pleas ant surprise like this in store for you. Resinol ointment and resinol soap are sold by all druggists. Adv. Uncongenial. "Mr. Grimm," said one bore, intro ducing another bore to the human hy ena, "this is Mr. Droan " "What of it?" snarled old Gaunt N. Grimm, turning away. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Signature of UiaATl( In Use For Over 30 Tears. Children Cry for Fletcher'a Castoria And It Talks Back. Little Lemuel Say, paw, what is receiving teller? Paw A phonograph cylinder, son. REMARKABLE LETTER FROM A WELL KNOWN WASHINGTON DRUGGIST, in reference to HI Ix 1 r Babe It the great rmmmdy for chilli and fmvtr and all malarial difate. "Within the last five months I have sold 3.60C bottlesof Elixir Babek,forMalaria,Chillsand Fever. Our customers speak very well of it, Henry Evans, 022 F St., N.W.,Washington, D.C." Elixir Habek 50 cents all druggists, or by Parcels Post, prepaid, from Kloczewskl fc Co,. Washington, D. C. . Why does the self-made man never suffer from remorse? Write Remedy Co., Chicago 'or illustrated Book of the Eye Free. The worse a reputation the harder it is to lose. SUDDEN Caused by Disease The close connection which exists between the heart and the kidneys is well known nowadays. As soon as kidneys are diseased, arterial tension Is increased and the heart functions are attacked. When the kidneys no longer pour forth waste, uremic poi soning occurs, and the person dies and the cause is often given as heart dis ease, or disease of brain or lungs. ' It is a good insurance against such a risk to send 10 cents for a large trial package of "Anuric" the latest dis covery of Dr. Pierce. Also send a sample of your water. This will be examined without charge by expert chemists at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Ho tel, Buffalo, N. Y. When you suffer from backache, frequent or scanty urine, rheumatic pains here or there, or that constant tired, worn-out feel ing, it's time to write Dr. Pierce, de scribe your symptoms and get hi rv tT f It - S OSr'"' f. MARIE GAFF. strain. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin costs only fifty cents a bottle and can be procured at any drug store.- To ob tain a trial bottle, free of charge, writ to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 Washing ton St, Monticello, I1L Finance. "I'm trying to economize this year, but my wife and daughters are deter mined to go to Florida for the winter." "What are you going to do about it?" "Well, seeing they've all combined against me, I suppose I have to nego tiate a loan with the allies." There are a good many jokes, but the one on the hungry wolf that killi a sheep is about the best of the lot. It doesn't pay to own things you owe for. Sold Under a Binding Guarantee Money Back If ItFaOa For Meat or Beast HAN FORD'S Balsam of Myrrh A. LI NIMH NT v For Cuts. Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Strains, Stiff Neck, Chilblains, Lame Back, 1 Old Sores, Open Wounds, J and all External Injuries. , Mads Since 1846. f Priea 25c, 50c and $1.00 A.. i OB WEITE II Dealers Aaaaffi A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed For Douches la the local treatment of woman's Ills, such as leucorrhoea and inflammation, hoi douches of Faztins are very efficacious. No woman who has ever used medicated douches will fail to appreciate the clean and healthy condition Paxtine produces and th prompt relief from soreness and discomfort which follows its use.This is because Paxtine possesses superior cleansing, disinfect ing and Healing properties. For ten vears the Lvdia E. , Pinkham Medicine Co. has roc-1 ommended Paxtine in their private correspondence with wo men, which proves its superi ority, women wno cave Deen relieved say it is " worth its weight in cold." At druggists. 60c. large box or by mail. Sample free. The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Massj. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never f & faiL Purelv veceta- .r i ble act surely PADTFD' but gently on s w rtt Mai w the liver. Stop after IITTtE IVER dinner diS' PILLS. tress cure indigestion. improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 49-1915. DEAT of the Kidneys medical opinion, without charge ab solutely free. This "Anuric" of Dr. Pierce's is 37 times more active than lithla, for it dissolves uric acid In th system, as hot water does sugar. Simply ask for Dr. Pierce's Anurio Tablets. There can be no imitation. Every package of "Anuric" is sure to be Dr. Pierce's. You will find the sig nature on the package just as you do on Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the ever-famous friend to ailing women. Worry is a frequent cause and sometimes a symptom of kidney dis ease. Thousands have testified to im mediate relief from these symptoms after using Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets for the kidneys and backache. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong, sick women well. No alcohol. Sold ia tablets or liquid. r K A.