10W MRS. BE! MET THE CRISIS Carried Safely Through Change of Life by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Nashville, Term. "When I waa going through the Change of Life I had a tu mor as large as a child's head. The doctor said it" was three years coming and gave me medi cine for it until I was called away from . the city for some time. -Of course 1 eould not go to him then, so ray sister-in-law told Jme that she thought Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable. Com pound would cure it. It helped both the Change of Life and the tumor and when I got home I did not need Vie doctor, I took tbe Pinkham remedies until the tumor was gone, the doctor said, and I have not felt it since. I tell every one how I was cured. 'If this letter will help others you are welcome to use it" Mrs. E. H. Bean, 625 Joseph Avenue, Kashville, Tenn. - Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, a pure remedy containing the extractive properties of good -old fash ioned roots and herbs, meets the needs of woman's system at this critical period of her life. Try It If there is any symptom in your case which puzzles you, write to the Lydia, E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass Possibilities of Slang. Slang and Its possibilities were vlv Idly expressed In the conversation of two youths In a Back Bay home one night recently, says the Boston Trav eler. The boys got into a discussion and when all legitimate arguments had been exhausted, the following repartee was heard: "Snow again, I didn't catch the drift." "Keep on spouting, kid, you're a whale." "Tie yer shoe, your tongue's hangln' out." "Hang crepe on yer ear, you mutt, yer brain is dead." "Aw sand your track, yer slippin 1" "Sneeze, little one, your bean Is rusty." - To Fortify the System Against Summer Heat Many users of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic make it a practice to take this old standard remedy regularly to fortify the system against the depressing effect of summer heat, as those who are strong withstand the heat of summer better than those who are weak. Price 50c. Volunteer Adviser. "It's a lucky thing I came out here today!" exclaimed the delirious base ball fan. "If it hadn't been for me, we'd have lost that game sure." "Why, the man who won this game is the chap who just now slid to sec ond." . "Yes. But didn't you hear me yell ing at the top of my voice telling him what to do?" ' Restful. "Who is that chap riding on the hearse with the driver?" "That's smiley,' the professional hu morist. He's on his vacation." Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills have stood the test of time. Test them yourst'lf now. Send for sample to 372 Fearl street, . y . Adv. She is a wise wife who knows her own husband. That Knife-Like Pain Have you a lame back, aching day and night? Do you feel sharp pains after stooping? Are the kidneys sore? Is their action Irregular? Do you have headaches, backaches, rheumatic pains, feel tired, nerv ous, all worn-out? Use Doan's Kid ney Pills the medicine recom mended by so many people in this locality. Read the experience that follows : A South Carolina Case J. M. Oshields, 8 S. Enterprise 3 1, Union, S. C, says: "I had Inflam mation of the blad der and my kidneys were In awful shape. The pains In my back were terrific. The doctor said I had gravel and dur ing one attack four physicians sat up with me all night; they thought I was going to die. I fin ally used Doan's Kidnav Pills .a. n A was soon relieved. I continued and the cure has lasted eight years." Get Doaa's at Any Star. KOe a Bx doan's y.i'i.v F03TER-MILB URN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. E"3 till rj . enable the dyspeptic to eat whatever he wishes. They cause the food to assimilate ana DO'jiish tbe body, give appetite, and - DEVELOP FLESH. " Dr. Tutt Manufacturing: Co. New York. WHY NOT TRY POPHAM'S ASTHMA MEDICINE Olvea Prompt and Positive Eellef In Every Case. Sold by Droirf lata. Price Trial Package by M&U 10c mum MB. CO., Props. CJiTEhad, I. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 36-1916 FIs mm: HOG CHOLERA RECOMMENDED Device Is Paying Proposition and Will 8ave Trouble Animals Soon Learn Its Use. lhere seems to be very little said about the hog oiler and yet It is something that has been used on a great many farms for the past year or two. I have had experience with oil ers of different kinds and find that the use of a good oiler, that does not leak or clog up, Is quite worth while and is a paying proposition, as it will saire a great deal of trouble and ne glect, says, a writer in an exchange. A great many farmers neglect keep ing their hogs free from lice and mange simply because it is so much trouble and annoyance to get them up in a pen and sprinkle or dip them. The hog oiler not only saves time and trouble, but also saves oil, since much oil is wasted when the sprin kling can is used. There are two distinct kinds of oil ers on the market: The cylinder oiler and the upright or post oiler. The oiler that does not waste oil by leak ing or overflowing and one that oper ates easily is one of the best invest ments a hog raiser can make; while the oiler that leaks or clogs up with dirt is almost useless. If the oiler is set up in a place where the hogs congregate every day, such as the feeding place, they will almost invariably use it when they smell the oil. FENCING FOR HOG PASTURES Material Slump In Profits If Animals Are Confined to Pens Make - Barrier "Plg-Tlght." The raising of hogs calls forythe fencing in of a field or two for hog pasture, for -.every hogkeeper well knows that there is a very material slump in the profits in pork-growing if the hogs are kept in pens or small runs, obtaining no food except that given them. Of the three prime es sentials in a hog pasture namely pasturage, water supply and fence the fence is of more importance than most of us realize until a stiff bit of experience sets us thinking. The hog lot fence, of all fences on the farm, needs to be built substantially and "pig-tight." Any hog pasture fence that is put up hurriedly and somewhat indifferently is a detriment to all con cernedto the rest of the farm, to the farmer and to the hogs, even. SHORTHORN BREED IN FAVOR Country Church in Northwest Missouri Is Center of Community De voted to Breeding. (By FRANK D. THOMSON.) A country church near Itavenswood, in northwest Missouri, is the center of a community devoted to breeding Shorthorns. In the past three months the 26 members of the organization and to be eligible to membership in this special effort one is required to Prize-Winning Shorthorn. Jve within five miles of the church have acquired 100 registered Short horns and 200 high-grade cows. Twelve registered bulls have been placed in service. The latter, however, are owned privately by this group of Individuals within the circle. The mat ter of convenience determined this Item. The community is known as "Har mony." The Shorthorn circle is but one of various Interests which the com munity is encouraging. KNOWLEDGE HELP TO FARMER Good Judge of Stock Offered Many Opportunities to Mingle With Experts and Breeders. The farmer who has been a good Judge of stocky through careful, sys tematic study will have a degree of recognition and influence in his com munity that may offer many opportu nities for him to meet and mingle with the best informed live stock men, ex pert judges, prominent breeders and officials of shows and other agricul tural organizations. He may thus come in touch with the best meth ods of breeding and handling stock and with men of affairs, and by his Increased knowledge broaden Us in fluence and usefulness to his com munlty and the world at large. 1 1 i t I KKr2.i:Jv::::;-. Kit 1 '? 1 INDIVIDUAL QUALITIES ARE IMPORTANT J '' .' s "' ' X s ' V,- . SK ' ' " ',v't?''' sV V Purebred Sow and (By W. L. BLIZZARD, Department of Animal Husbandry, Oklahoma A. and M. College, Stillwater.) A good breeder must be a good feed er, as this is the basis of the business. You can take good animals that have been deyeloped for a few generations until established . in great size and quality combined so that the offspring Inherits them. Then place them in the hands of a poor and indifferent breed er and feeder and In a few generations you will have them back into their original position, losing all of the im provement and gain. Good blood Is not everything. Not every animal that can furnish a pedi gree is desirable for a breeder, though his breeding be of the very best. His Individual qualities are the Important part, and should equal the excellence of his pedigree. There may be excep tions. Many men will hang onto a sow because she has a splendid pedigree, when in conformation she is not a good representative of the breed. Usually cases of this kind are a detriment to the herd. On the other hand, those who think a pedigree is of little value will never get very far In purebred live stock pro duction. A pedigree Is of very little CONTROL OF SORGHUM SMUT Treating Solution Made by Mixing of Formalin With Water Sprinkling Seed Is Easy. , Kernel smut of the sorghum crops aiay be controlled by the same treat ment given to kill oats smut. The treating solution Is made by mixing a mint of formalin (also called formal dehyde) with 30 to 40 gallons of wa ter. The seed may either be sprinkled or immersed. Sprinkling is easier and if done carefully Is Just as effective. In the sprinkling method the seed is spread out on a clean floor and the solution Is applied with a sprinkling can. The seed is stirred while being sprinkled. When each seed is mois tened the seed is piled up and covered tightly with wet sacks, blankets or canvas for several hours. Then it is spread out to dry. Successive lots are handled In the same way. Treated seed should not come in contact with containers that have held untreated seed, unless those containers have also been treated with the solu tion. Sorghum smut causes a very large annual loss. It affects all of the sorghums except mllo. MIlo Is said not to be affected by smut, and milo seed, therefore, does not require treatment. BEST FATTENING HOG CROPS Corn and Cowpeas, With Sufficient vArea Should Be Provided Sweet Potatoes Also Favored. (By W. R. DODSON, Louisiana Experi ment Station.) - The best fattening crop available from the 15th to the 20th of July Is corn and cowpeas, and sufficient area shoulcTbe supplied to keep the hogs from four to six weeks. It will generally be found advan tageous at the end of that time to transfer them to a field of peanuts or soy beans of sufficient area to main tain the animals about four to six weeks. Feed them a little dry corn to balance the ration. Probably the most profitable crop available for hog feed from the latter part of October until the latter part of December is sweet potatoes, and the fattening period can be closed with the harvesting of this crop. When hogs are allowed to harvest sweet potatoes at will and are fed a moderate quantity of slops contain ing a rich protein feed, they make remarkably rapid gains. STORAGE OF DAIRY PRODUCTS No Method Quite So Effective as Set ting Vessels Containing Them in Running Water. No other method of storing dairy products milk, cream and butter is quite so effective in keeping them fresh as that of setting the vessels containing them In running water, either In n spring or some artificial de vice for the purpose. For the con venience of the housewife and the health and sunitatiou of the entire family, every farmer ought to manage to arrange such a place, which can be done at slight cost on every farm, Healthy Litter. value to a buyer of breeding animals unless he knows something of the in dividuals found among the ancestry named. The hog breeder must know the bloodlines that are popular in the breed he is producing, and those that are doing the most to build up the breed. - Remember, the better the breeding stock the better are the chances for im proving the individuals in the herd, and thereby building up a good herd. Hence the greater opportunity for suc cess in the hog business. Then again,- you must feed and care for what you have already, or they be come finer In spite of all you can do and will soon go back to the scrub stage. Do not cross breeds. The best cross for any breed is the feedbln. All feeding must be done with good Judgment. Changing feed must be done gradually. Avoid radical changes. If a ration change Is made, It is liable to disturb the condition of the animal, and If she is a sow suckling pigs, it is very likely to be a serious danger to the , litter. Therefore, make all changes of feed carefully, moderately and gradually, so as not to injure the litter or sow. RULES FOR DRAGGING ROADS Illinois Highway Commission Gives In struction on Care and Maintenance of Highways. The following rules are given by the Illinois highway commission: Use a light drag. fc Haul, it over the road at an angle so that a small amount of earth is pushed to the center of the road. Drive the team at a walk. Ride on the drag; do not walk. Begin at one side of the road, re turning up the opposite side. Drag the road as soon after every rain as possible, but not when the mud is in such a condition as to stick to the drag. Do not drag a dry road. Drag whenever possible at all sea sons of the year. The width of traveling way to be maintained by the drag should be from 18 to 20 feet; first drag a little more than the width of a single wheel track, then gradually Increase until desired width Is obtained. Always drag a little earth toward the center of the road until it Is raised from 10 to 12 Inches above the edges of the traveled way. If the drag cuts too much shorten the hitch. .The amount of earth that the drag will carry along can be very consider ably controlled by the driver, accord ingly as he stands near the cutting end or away from It. - When the roads are first dragged after a very muddy spell the wagons should drive, if possible, to one side until the roadway has a chance to freeze or partially to dry, out. The best results from dragging are obtained only by repeated application. Remember that constant attention Is necessary to maintain an earth road in its best condition. MARKET ALL SURPLUS MALES All Young Cockerels Not Intended for Breeding Should Be Either Sold or Caponlzed. Surplus cockerels should be mar keted as soon as possible is the ad vice of poultry specialists. All young male chickens that are not intended for breeding purposes should be either sold as broilers or caponlzed. The things to keep In mind Is that the long er a cockerel Is held after he has reached the broiler stage the less la his actual vulue as a market product. Only in special cases should the cock erels of the Leghorn breed be capon ized. Creeds of the heavier types, such as Plymouth Rocks or Rhode Island Reds can be caponlzed with profit. If the cockerels are not marketed at the proper time money will be lost, un less they are so selected as to bring more as breeding stock. On the other hand cockerels of only market value should be disposed of as soon us there is a market for them. Two-pound broilers that bring 17 cents a pound in July, are worth more than the same cockerels would be two months later at 8 cents a pound, at which time they will be classed as stags. Be sides the actual loss in money, twe mouths' feed and work is also lost. Honor Rolf. "Has your college produced Rny dis tinguished men?" . "Has it? Say, don't you ever read the papers? Didn't you hear of Lefty Jones, the famous southpaw ; or Kan garoo Klein, the best shortstop in either league ; or Biff Borroughs, the fence buster? And I could name a dozen more who have made good in the game. Have we ever produced any distinguished men? Why, Spalding's Baseball Guide Is 'full of them." We've seen some women dressed so they couldn't stoop to conquc, or to do anything else. What is Castor ia C ASTORIA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drop and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind!:, Colic, It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It -assuxulates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The children's Panacea The Mother's Friend, The Kind Tou Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over -80 years, has born the signature of Chas. n. Fletcher, and has been made under -his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good are but Experiments that. trifle with and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment. V Gesnlne Castoria always bears the signature of tZVZ -&CcUte PROOF THAT COURTESY PAYS Business Man Tells How He Placated Angry Customer Who Had a Real Grievance. In the American Magazine a writer says: "I soon learned that the average woman, with the burden of housekeep ing on her shoulders, is the most ir ritable and unresponsible creature alive. A delivery ten minutes late can bring on your head a mighty wrath, a wilted lettuce can lose you your best customer. I had to stand between these women and overworked delivery boys, careless shipping clerks and sometimes Inferior goods. One Instance : A woman was to give a din ner party. Her groceries arriving al most at the last minute with the fish order filled Incorrectly. 'My dinner Is spoiled,' she cried distractedly over the telephone. 'I never will spend an other cent with you as long as I live.' Woman Is built for fortitude, not re sponsibility. I shouldered the respon sibility and persuaded her to bear with me until I could rectify the mistake. It took much soothing; a hint of irrita tion on my part would have spoiled everything. As It was, fifteen minutes later a messenger boy was delivering the fish at her door; we had kept our customer and made a lasting fiend." . . CLEANSE THE PORES Of Your Skin and Make It Fresh and Clear by Using Cuticura. Trial Free. When suffering from pimples, black heads, redness or roughness, smear the skin with Cuticura Ointment. Then wash off with Cuticura Soap and hot water. These super-creamy emol lients do much for the skin because they prevent pore clogging. ' Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, BoBton. Sold everywhere. Adv. Boston's Culture Vindicated. The much acclaimed culture of Bos ton won for Itself new laurels when no less a person than Dr. W. T. Sedg wick discarded a time-honored expres sion that has been in use for years unnumbered. In his lecture to a class of public health students he said to his highly amused hearers: "Public health work should be In the hands of an especially trained class of men and should not be left to every Thomas, Richard and Henry!" Exit the familiar old "Tom, Dick and Harry" of our childhood. NOTHINO SO EFFECTIVE AS EtlXIB BAIiEK For Malaria, ChllU a Fever. Chief of Police, J. W. Reynolds, Newport Ne ws,Va.,fty: "It is a pleasure to recommend Habek for chills aud fever. Have used it when necessary for 90 years and have found no remedy as effective.' Elixir Habile 60 cenis, all drnj pists, or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Klociew kl A Co., Washington. D. C. A Good Move Habek Urer rills. 10 pills .... cents Bringing It to a Climax. "I know what's passing In your mind," suddenly said the maiden as the habitually silent caller stared at her. "I know, too, why you are calling here night after night, appropriating my time to yourself and keeping other nice young men away. You want to marry me, don't you?" "I I do!" gasped the young man. "I thought so. Very well; I will." Dr. Poery's "DEAD SHOT" is aa effective medicine for Worms or Tapeworm la adults or children. One doee is sufficient and no supplemental purge necessary Adr. A small boy defines a lady as a grown-up girl who isn't saucy. Buy materials that last lit SF?S 1 ( I Fully guaranteed beat responsibility Genera! Roofing Manufacturing CoSipany I Wtjrli'i Uirgest manufacturer of Roofing arul Budding Paper T Otr CMute FVlll.ipM it. Lo.l Bmm Ocnlud FKtebwvh lMr.it u rwwtaM f!.,l...1 f MR. WEGE RECOMMENDS LUNG-VITA; Mr. Leo D. Wege, manager of the Ideeli Laundry cf Nashville, wrote "I cannot; speak too highly of Lunjf-Vita and of it results. I never 'used it myself, bat 1 bought four bottles of you to give to dif ferent parties, and the results are remark able. One case of asthma was entirehp cured. If they will take the medicine a directed and stick to it, they will never regret it." Take Lung-Vita for consump tion, asthma, whooping cough, cokJv coughs, and bronchial troubles. If von dealer cannot supply you, send $1.75 for thirty-day treatment todav. Naehville Med icine Co., Dept. B, Nashville, Tenn. Adri A stitch in time may closo tfc mouths of nine gossips. infants ai d Both Ways. "His argument was fatuous. "Did It strike you that way? I thought It was rather thin." Nov Free Shells For Waterproofing Tests: T Submerge The Black Shells In water. Let them dry, and then put them in your gun. Each chambers and ejects -perfectly. Other tests prove nine other important points of superiority for -.BLACK SHELLS SmokljjHt4 Black Powdaiv Write your name and address and that of your ammunition dealer on the margin of this advertisement, tear it -out and mail it to us. We will send back to you an order on your dealer for the three shells, free, from his stock, and for a booklet that will tell you how to make these knowledge- . getting tests. t ' United States Cartridge Corcpiny 2S53 Triaitj Buldia, New Yerk City - Ask for and Get THE HIGHEST QUALITY" MACARONI 36 foge Recipe Book Fret SKINNER MFG. CO., OMAHA, USA:. UXSEST MACARONI FACTORY IN AMEMCA. THE HIGH QUALITY SEWIK9 MACHINE NOT SOcD UNDER ANY OTHER NAME Writ for fre booklet "Points to t considered kcfr purchasing a Sewing Machine," Learn the facta. THE NEW HOME EWiN8 MA"HlNE',fl',RANGE,MA',S. WANTED Mea to learn barber trad ' few weeks required. Steady position for coa petent (rradnatea. Wonderful demand for bar bers. Wares while learttins-: free catalor: write RICHMOND BARBER COLLEGE. Richmond. Va, r TF A rlfFUS W A (UMen for toww cboola, tJ to tTi ww w and e and conntrr (3) Ldl combining amalc nii common School, unprecedented demand. and high school. Can place all qnallfied teaebeao ior any or me aDove. writ today. Houtberw Teachers' A I'tJl-M CwUaa Ink ColuWa-. n For sale by dealer everywhere at reasonable price giil r, 1 ii i i in VV I aJBJ TV 4 A