kTA. f &'anoke SBeacoa. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. C. V. W. AUSBON, EDITOR. PLYMOUTH, N. C Friday. October, 13. 1916. BEACON FLASHES. All roads will lead to Roper next Wednesday. Mr. W, S. Davenport of Mack eys was in town yesterday. Mr. A. L. Owens made a busi ness trip to Norfolk this week. Mr. J. P. Cooper of Balti more has been in town this week. Mrs. Mary E. Tarkenton of Mackeys was in the city Wed nesday., Mess. J. E. C. Johnston and H. A. Spruill of Roper were in town Monday. Mr. G. K. Harris of Mackeys dropped in to see us while in town Monday. Mess. W. T. Phelps and Eli D. Spruill of Cherry were in town Wednesday. Mi 38 Dorothy Pender of Tar boro, is visiting her sister, Mrs. P. B. Toinlinson on Main St. Mess. L. W. Gaylord, W. L. TT 11 1 T n T"k 1 nasseii ana i. b- crown maae a motor trip to Norfolk this week. Let everybody who possibly can do so attend the big Demo cratic Rally at Roper next Wed nesday. Mr. E. S. Harrison of Golds boro, spent Sunday here, as the guest of his uncle. Mr. G. H. Harrison. Miss Gladys Hornthal, after spending some time with friends and relatives in Suffolk, Va. , re turned home last Saturday. Miss Lena Benton, after spend ing some time here as the guest Miss Kathleen Gardner, return ed to her home in NewBern last week- Another chance for the farm ers of this section to dispose of their cotton. Mr. W. B. Watts is now numbered with our cot ton buyers. Mr. C. W. Cahoon, an angel of commerce hailing from this ad dress, was in town this weejc, just making a stopover on his way to various places. Quite a crowd of Pungo peo ple came over shopping Wed nesday. They report the turn pike road much better than what they had been led to be lieve it was. Good line of Madam Grace Corsets just received. Lady demonstrator will be with us some time soon. Wait for the announcement. CLYDE CA HOON. adv. Mr. Teddy Blount can be seen riding about most any hour du ring the day in some sort of ve hicle which has painted on each Bide "Skeeter Hauk" for the benefit of the of the curiosity stricken. We have just received a fresh line of canned and Ceral goods. Also Coffee and Teaf which we guarentee both, in quality and price. Give us your orders " All goods delivered promptly. The Family Store. J. W. Beasley, Agent. 10-13 4t. Mr. J. 0. Everett and J. A. Spruil1, witty their relics of the days oi '61, betook themselves to the scenes of their youth Wednesday and after a full day of traping and hunting, brought back to town two tiny creatures of the forest. You should see them slap each other on the back in ecstatic exultation over the satisfying result of their day's outing. town was suddenly interrupted by the piercing shriek of the fire alarm at the power house. The streets were soon filled with people, and confusion reign ed suDrerne. The fire proved to be in the ware house of the A. C. L., and the density of of the smoke held back those who were eager to give battle to the angry flames. It seems as if the fire started in a cabinet which contained a great number of old records. No cause of it's origin, however, has been found, but is generally supposed that some person care' lessly threw a cigar or a cigar ette down before leaving the depot, it having closed just a short while prior to the discov ery of the fire. This incident demonstrates the need of an organized com pany of fire-fighters, for an in sufferably long time after the people had gathered on the scene no method of extinguish ing the fire was accessable, and the best that could be done was to standback and look. After a while, however, a line of hose was run down and one stream played through an aper ture cut in the wall with an axe. This proved to be effective, but if the fire had not been confined the building would have been completely destroyed before the hose could have been used. The organization of a fire com pany should be taken up. andi immediate action should be tak en. Mr. J. H. Ha!e, the agent wishes to express his apprecia tion to the people, who offered their aid. The Spot-Cash Bargain Store NEVER DISAPPOINTS NOR EVER MISREPRESENTS. Our Mr. Newberry who has been away for the past 3 weeks, has now re turned, and from now on our store will be open regularly. Do not forget that we sell "Same Goods For Less Honey and More Goods For Less Money." And when in need of Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Not ions and other goods, come to us and let us prove to you That We Sell Them Cheaper. - Be sure to bring us your eggs. The Spot-Cash Bargain Store Mr. A. M. Ayen' Old Millinery Stand. We Buy Black-Eyed Peas Pythian Reunion. Plymouth Lodge K. of P. will hold a re-union at their Castle Hall on Monday night next, at which time installation of officers will be had and refreshments will be served. Several good speeches will be made and a most interesting session is anti cipated. All Pythians should make it a point to be present at this occagion. Small Fire. Last Thursday evening about 8:30 o'clock the stillness of the Judge Manning's Speech. A good crowd was out to hear Judge Manning at the Court House last Friday night, and his talk was most attentively listen ed to. The Judge did not indulge in high-flown oratory or harsh crit- a mm i lcisms. riis speech showed deep study and true familiarity with conditions as existing in our state for the past fifty years, and was made along the line of comparison of these conditions as existing under Democratic and Republican rule, using as a foundation the records themsel ves, which cannot be controvert ed, but which can be verified by any one who wishes to know the truth. This comparison leaves the matter up to the individual voter. If you favor better schools, better roads, better in stitutions for the unfortunate mi m ones oi our state and tor pro gressive administration gener ally, then you must vote for the continuance of the power in con trol during the past sixteen years, if you are opposed to an this then you will vote for a re turn to power of the party which gave you conditions which existed prior to 1900. Go to the proper source for your information; compare the records, and then think for your selves. Do only this and the Democratic majority will be the Kreatest ever polled in North Carolina this year. Cherry School Opens. The fifth annual session of Cherry Graded School began Monday, Oct. 2nd with better attendance and interest than ever before. On Tuesday morn ing at eleven o'clock the follow ing were present from Plymouth: Messers. Brinkley, Davis, Stev ens, Supt. Darden and Hon. Van B. Martin. The exercise was opened with a march and song by school and an instrumental solo by Miss Carr: After which Supt. Darden with a few well chosen introductory words, gave the floor to Mr, Martin who held the audience spell bound for about an hour with the pow erful theme and modern way of presentation of "The Inventory of Mr. life", emphasizing tfc Assets and Liabilities, net ffm Spend a part of your vacation this season in Norfolk, Virginia You will not only enjoy a summer vacation spent in Norfolk from a sight-seeing and healthful point of view, but you will have the additional pleasure and privilege of visiting Norfolk's oldest and best jewelry house of abso lute reliability ' 'Largest Jewelers South. " If you are one that cannot come to see us this summer, please bear in mind that we are just as near to you as your mail box, and that no matter what your wants may be, in our line we are prepared to serve you to your entire satisfaction. PAUL-GALE-GREENWOOD CO.. INC. "LARGEST JEWELERS SOUTH" NORFOLK- WE SELL UICTROLAS VIRGINIA Pleasing Workmanship Of course you want your plumbing in stalled with careful regard to convenience ot arrangement. That is our first thought when we undertake the work. But it isn't all. We use particular pre caution not to mar the walls or floors of your home. We aim to leave the finished work as neat and tidy as possible. And wc arc exceptionally careful to see that all joints and connections are perfect ly tight everything in good working order. Repairing done promptly and efficiently. lTpTpinkham Send Us Your Job Printing, We have never carried a better and more well-selected line of men and women's HATS, SHOES AND CLOTHING They're right, too; if they were not, we wouldn't have them. If you wish to fit your children out from head to foot at least expense, bring them here. We have lhe; goods, and at prices you'll like. Don't wait for cold weather to remind you that BLANKETS are a household necessity. Come in and make a selection from our stock. Cah oon s PLYMOUTH'S SHOPPING CENTER a nnanciai, dui cuw;viwv iew, which was excellent in ap peal and beautiful in picture. Mr. N. B. Stevens took tne op- portunity of the interest of the patroftt and organized a Commu nity Show to be held in Decern ber with officers as follows: J. F. Davenport Pres., J. W. Spru-: ill Sec., and Mrs Johnie Woodley, Lady committee. The exercises closed witn a few remarks by S. W. Woodley. and all present showinsr this ap preciation and enjoyment of the morning, and assuring the teach ers of their support and co-operation through the term. With such a faith f ul group of patrons Cherry must be a success. mwm. mwmm T-lrf" COUNTY BOARD Or ELA TION. -NOTICE. At meeting of the County Board of Election of Washington County held on Otm 25th dav of September, 1916, a vo ting Precinct was established at We nona, Lee's Mills Township, and the polling place thereof to be at itoper Store. O. A. Kice was appumicw istrar, and D. R. Paul was appomteo Democratic poll-hoMer, the Republican poll-holder to be appointed later. The polling-place at Roper was chan ged from Marriner's old store to Thomp son's Hall. The polling-place was changed at Creswell from Hopkins' Hall to the old bank building. T. W. Snell was appointed poll-holder in Plymouth Precinct, to succeed J. P. Oliver, resigned. The registration books were ordered to be opened in the various precincts October 5th, 1916, and remain open for a period of twenty days, Sundays ex cepted, and to be closed October 28th, 1916. Z. V. NORMAN. W. T. ALEXANDER, E. BL JACKSON. COME TO EDGECOMBE FAIR TARBORO N.C. Oct, 31, Nov., 1, 2, 3 Washington County Has an Exhibit Here; You Are Welcome! FINE MIDWAY FAST RACING AEROPLANE FLIGHTS EACH DAY Worth your trip to see fine farm exhibits Special Rates on Railroads COME EDGECOMBE FAIR Association.