CAN YOU VOTE ? Not unles3 you are registered. The books are now-open but will close Sat urday evening, Oct., 28th, at sunset Be sure that your name and that of every other Demo crat i3 properly on the books today. RORER COMMUNITY FAIR. Thursday, Nov., 9th., is the day on which every person in Washington County is expected to visit Roper, and join in with the people there with the ne purpose of creating a community spirit and understanding among each other. The people of that immediate vicinity have spared no pains or expense to arrange an -iff air that will be pleasing to every person who attends, no matter just what their tempera ments might be. Let every man in the town ship of which Roper is a part, have his farm represented in some way. They want each man, woman and child to feel that this is their fair, and to make a special effort to make this fair second to none of it's in the state. There is tot a person in the township but what can bring some article; and don't wait thinking the other - fellow will bring just what you will, but let everyone bring their best and make Roper Community Fair the best. The officers of the Association, and o':hers interested in it's welfare, are sparing no pains nor expense to let the people in the county know just what they are doing, and are hopirg to get every person who possibly can to attend this Fair. And thy very "-nestly solicit your co-;pratii n in this work. So if you can say or do something that will in any way have a tendency to help make the Roper Community air more successiui it is your duty as a citizen of Washington County to do so. While only citizens of Lee's Mills Township are allowed to to compete for premiums, it is earnestly desired to have pro ducts from all over the county. and any other place where the people are interested enough to exhibit their products. This is limited to Lee's Mills Township for the fact that it is a commun ity fair and not a county fair. The premium lists are in the hands of Mr. B. S. Clark at the Bank of Roper, and anyone de siring to obtain on 01 these may proeure it by cymmunicating im mediately with him or any other member of the Association. There will be a meeting of of ncers, memDers ana otners in terested in the success of the fair, on Saturday evening Nov. 4th, at Roper. Meeting will be called promptly at 3:30, and it is desired to have as many peo pie at this meeting as can con venientlv attend. rnis is tne urst time tnat an affair os this nature has been at tempted in the county, and let each person who has any comm unity spirit at all feel that it is his or her personal duty to make tne unaertaKing a rousing suc cess. D MRS. L. WANET SAYS SHE WAS BENT WITH PAINS Tanlac, of all medicines helped her, Does house work after years of suffering. "I uffered from kidney trou bles for the past ten years," Mrs. L. A. Wanet, of Phoenix, near Wilmington, explained to Tanlac man, "and Tanlac is the best medicine I have ever tried and I gladly give my statement so others may be reached by it through the papers. Until taking Tanlac my appetite J T was very puur aim i was in a weak and run down condition. I would stay -awake all nighT, emocratic 'Cbunlty " "" " , t ,-.. ! I J Ticket. -I . (To vote a straight Democratic Ticket, make a cross mark (X) in the circle. (If the straight ticket it not voted, make a cross mark (X) in the square opposite the . name of each of the candidates for whom you elect to vote.) State, Senatv iksT Senatorial District : WILLIAMS. DAVENPORT , Washington County, . LINDSEY C. WARREN Beaufort County.. Representative, General Assembly : J. CARROLL COGGINS. Treasurer : AUGUSTUS L. HOLMES. 0 County Commissioners : T. LAFAYETTE SATTERTHWAITE NATHAN W. SPRUILL J. WALTER STARR. v j Register of Deeds: PRANK R. JOHNSTON. . , County Surveyor : ABRAM J. NEWBERRY. Sheriff: JOSEPH E. REID. Coroner: BENJAMIN P. HALSEY. Recorder : ARTHUR W. SWAIN. Justices of the Peace, Plymouth Township : , DAVID G. DARDEN JULIAN W. HARRISON WILLIAM P. AUSBON Justices ef the Peace, Lee's Mills Township : THOMAS R. CHESSON EDWARD S. BLOUNT N JOHN E. SINGLETON Justices of the Peace, Skinnersville Township : CLINTON L. EVERETT SAMUEL B. DAVENPORT JOSEPH D. SWAIN Justices of the Peace, Scuppernong Township: CHESTER SPRUILL HENRY A. LITCHFIELD L. H. LUCAS. . . U- !' . i aaa-COME TO i JEBCoEODMBE Oct, 31, ;Nov., !', 2, 3 Washubn County ;Hste1ah Exhibit Here; 1 'You Are Welcome! FINE MIDWAY FAST RACING AERbPLANE FLIGHTS EACH DAY Worth your trip to see fine farm exhibits Special Rates on Railroads EDGECOMBE FAIR Association. 1 COME? V .. , .. .,..,,. II 1 1 1 I I L .Vlll . I IL-L III UMII ... ..I... I " I .-I ll.lll..iai. II I - LU .iJJI.I.JI-. ..toUUmhUMWl "J "nrri1 m,rm ""''rr'r"mi'X'"''''"'V-'',rwiw' ''""m r" ' l"""1"Mr ", " , , ,, New iiStaMes. Kentucky Horse & Mule Exchange ; - Under th Minizcmeat of . -v : J. S. SHUGArt, Plymouth, N C. Will soon complete their commodtouf Brick Stables on Water Street, near the Norfolk Southern Depot. Mr. Shugir will leave for the Western Stock Markets about the 29th inst.; to purchase a large shipment of the best that can be ha$ in horses and mules. The fact that we buy in car-load: lots enables ni to make our cash prices compare mth those of any other market in the South. If in need! of any special animal 'phone, write or call on him, h-will take pleasure in trying to fill your orders entrusted to-his care, BUGGIES & HARNESS We purpose to cary this season a large sotck of High Grade Vehicles and Harness, Sadles,Robes, whips, blan kets, Etc., and will be glad to serve all who are in need of such. In our new brick stables we will have ample room to take care of a large number of horses and we invite the public to make our stables headquarters when in Plymouth. If in need of horses and mules watt for our opening sale early in November. Wc will have the stock and prices that will interest you, and will guaran tee satisfaction. My back gave me lots of trouble and, when attacked frequently by e burning sensation, I had to bend over to ease my pains. Headaches also bothered me. But now. I am so much stronger than I was and I am able to get aiuuuu auu uu sumic wuin.. Tanlac is sold in Plymouth by P. E. Davenport; Roper, Farm ers union Supply Co.; Edentoii, Mitchnerii Pharmacy. CAN YOU VOTE ? Not unless you are registered. The books are now open but will close Sat urday eveninjr, Oct, 28th, at sunset. Be sure that your name and that of every other Demo crat is on, the books to-day. . COGGIN AN B. MARTIN AND THE OTHER COUNTY CANDIDATES ress At the Following Times and Places: ALLEN'S SCHOOL HOUSE, OCT-30ti-7i30RM- HIINSON, OCT.31t, 70 P.M. ' . f PINEi y" GROVE, v 7:30 M ROPER wov 2nd 7,30 p' CREELL, N0V-3rJ' 7,30 ' CHEERY, 4&t 7i30P-M' PLYMdUTH, wov-w-wo p-m. V Subscribe to-Jht BEACON. Special Invitation Extended to the ladies. Ctalrjais VzzzzcTIHk Exectiiva Committee, Washington County,