( 1.00 a Year In Advance ; -FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." ; 81nflJe Co plea, 6 Cents. VOL. XXVII. PLYMOUTH, N. C, FBIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1916. NO. 19. 1 CLOSEST ELECTION EARLY RETURNS INDICATED VIC TORY FOR HUGHES AND FAIR BANKS, BUT LATER RETURNS SHOWED REMARKABLE STRENGTH OF WILSON AND MARSHALL. 7 V " i -Oil' CHARLES E. HUGHES 1 The National election proved to be the closet contest in many years. The early returns indicated a victory for Hughes and Fairbanks and as early as 7:30 p. m., the New York Tribune, a staunch Democratic paper, flashed the election of the Republican National candidates'. At 7:45 p. m.f The New York Times followed with the same news. These concessions were made when it became apparent that New York and Illinois had gone Republican, but when Ohio developed an uncertain outcome, Indiana showed a neck and neck race, Kentucky showed a larger Democratic majority than was anticipated. Democratic hopes were raised. These gains were followed by further returns favorable to Wilson and Mar shall. Colorado came strongly to the Democratic side and California developed a tremendous Wilson vote. Kansas returns showed a see-saw fight with strong Democratic leaning. The Republican National campaign managers at midnight could lay definite claim to only 254 electoral votes, 12 less than enough to elect and in some instances these figures were open to contest. The Republicans In sisted that the dozen additional votes needed would be forthcoming but could not specify just where. The Democrats questioned this claim. A statement issued by the Democratic National Committee, at 2 o'clock a. m., claiming that with the loss of the following States, which It was not believed that Hughes had carried, President Wilson was still re-elected by a majority of two votes in the electoral college: California, Indiana, North Dakota, South Dakota, West Virginia and Wisconsin. The committee claimed that even If these States were lost it would give President Wilson a vote of 268 in the electoral college. MIDNIGHT INDICATIONS WERE OF CLOSE RESULT Democrats Would Not Concede Repub lican Claims of Electoral Vote Ma jorityOfficial G. O. P. Statement Indicated Slim Margin. New York At midnight the elec tion returns still Incomplete in many states, Indicated the election of Hughes and Fairbanks, but the figures were very close and the Democratic managers steadfastly refused to con cede a Republican victory. Although the metropolitan newspapers, which have supported President Wilson con ceded his dfeat, the Pemocratic man agers Insisted that complete returns from the West would reveres the trend which steadily seemed to be piling up the Hughes column. "Remember 1892," -was (the pre diction of the Democratic Publicity Bureau, which pointed out that in that memorable contest the next day's re turns revised placed Grover Cleveland in the White House. Soon after midnight the Republican National Committee, In an official statement, claimed California, Con necticut, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, In diana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland Mass achusetts Michigan New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Da kota, Oregon, Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. South Dakota, Vermont. Wash ington, West Virginia and Wisconsin. That made a total of 284 electoral votes. 18 more than the necessary 266 for an election. This was the first official indication from the Republicans that the result would be so close. WOODROW WILSON The Republican managers realized that a sudden switch in the states in complete or unheard from might in crease the Wilson igures, but were sure the later figures would add to the states they were claiming. While refusing to make a formal statement embodying electoral votes claimed by the Republicans, Chair man Wilcox, of the Republican Na tional Committee, said he was satis fled Mr. Hughes would be elected. Mr. Hughes, he said, would prob ably have in the neighborhood of 310 electoral votes. Mr. Wilcox said that he would some time toward morning make a statement when there was no doubt of the figures in hand. When shown the list of States claimed by the Republican National Committee, Robert W. Woolley, di rector of publicity of the Democratic National Committee, said the Repub licans claim was without foundation. Mr. Woolley said that of the States named. Connecticut, Idaho, Delaware, Io'Ta, Maryland. Massachusetts, Mich igan North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota. Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin were probably for President Wilson. Of thes states Mr. Woolley declared Delaware, West Virginia, Maryland and Wisconsin were certainly for Wilson and in all other states reports showed Wilson v-as leading. Mr. Woolley claimed the follow ing states' giving a total of 312 electo ral votes: Alabama. Arizona. Arkansas. Cali fornia. Colorado. Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Irdiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Loui?iana Maryland Minnesota, Miss issippi, Misouri, Montana, Nebraska, PRESIDENT CHEERFUL IN FACE OF BAD NEWS. Long Branch. N. J. In the face of returns up to 12 o'clock indicating the election of Charles E. Hughes, Presi dent Wilson and his official family here insisted that news from Western States would be awaited before any concessions were made. The presi dent, surrounded by members of his immediate family, received the returns in his study at Shadow Lawn. As countinued discouraging news came to the executive offices disap pointment was generally expressed but the president himself remained cheer ful. Out in the seclusion of Shadow Lawn, the president was amid quiet, but the executive offices at Asbury Park were surrounded by an excited crowd. As late reports came to the execu tive offices by telephone and telegraph and from local Democratic leaders in various states, the hopes of the presi dent and those about him began to rise. Stronger claims were made that on the final count Mr. Wilson would win. Apparently the president was the most cheerful person here. Those who talked with him said he showed no impatience. He began receiving re turns shortly after 6 o'clock. Long Branch. X. J. President Wil son went to bed at 12:30 o'clock with his campaign managers here and in New York claiming his election. He left word, however, that if really defi nite returns were received during the night he should be awakened. WOMEN IN ILLINOIS VOTE SAME AS MEN. Chicago. Returns indicated a Re publican victory in Illinois by a' plur ality estimated by Republicans at more than 100,000 for Hughes and slightly smaller for the Republican state ticket. At that hour the indicated plural ity for Hughes in the state outside of Chicago was more than 100,000, while Hughes was leading slightly on in complete Chicago returns The race in Chicago, however, was close. Frank O. Lowden was opposed , by Governor Edward F. Dunne, Demo crat, who was up for re-election. Women who voted for the first time in Illinois on the Presidential issue, maintained about the same ra tio of preference for Hughes or Wil son as the men. In 1912 Wilson carried Illinois by a vote of 405,048 to 386,478 for Roose velt and 253,593 for Taft. Roosevelt, in that year, carried Chicago by a plurality of approximateily 25,000 over Wilson. HUGHES CARRIES N. Y. BY LARGE MAJORITY New York The state of New York has been carried for Hughes by a safe plurality. He also carried Illinois and Indiana by a large plurality. All of the New England states and New Jersey as well as Wisconsin and Michigan have been removed from the list of doubtful states. Although President Wilson's secre tary at the Summer White House and Chairman McCormick of the Demo cratic National Committee, made claims that the complete retu.' would show the re-election of Pre;, dent Wilson, the trend on the face the returns was toward Hughes aid early in the evening some of the New York newspapers, which have support ed President Wilson conceded hip de feat, although they made no 'state ments in figures. RETURNS SHOW WILSON CARRIED VIRGINIA. Richmond, Va. On the face of arly returns, President Wilson carried Vir ginia by safe majority. Senator Swan son had no opposition for re-el ction. Returns from all districts except the Ninth Indicate the election of the Democrats for Congress. HUGHES REFUSES YO DISCUSS REPORTS. Republican Nominee Retires at 1:15 Wednesday Morning Leaving Word Net ta be Disturbed With Further Returns. New York. Charles E. Hughes sat up with hia family until 1:15 a. m., but then went to bed. He closed up his personal headquarters, silenced telegrapli Ustruments over which re turns i-: f cine and left instructions that hp $ ya? ot to be disturbed, no matter $ wb-Uws belated dispatche contavnWl i m I I VILLA ID IN 60 FOR MUNITIONS ON MARCH TO SOUTH OF PARRAL WHERE ARMS AND HORSES ARE HIDDEN. CONFIRM DEATH OF FISHER Passengers from Chihuahua City Tel of Conditions and Confirm Many Reports Claims Villa Has 7,000 Men. El Paso, Texas Francisco Villa and his main command are marching to ward Mesa da Sandias, 35 miles south west of Parral, where a quantity of ammunition and arms and a large drove of horses are known to be hid den for the Villa forces according to an American refugee from Chihuahua City. These are hidden in the ranch of General Urbina, the Villa general, who was killed by Villa troops because he would not divide hi3 loot with Villa. , Passengers arriving from Chihuahua City said that the feeling of apprehen sion among the people there had been greatly allayed because of the arrange ments of General Trevino to protect the city agains ta surprise attack. No reports have been yet received regard ing the Americans in Parral, they said, but refugees from Santa Rosalia confirmed the death of Dr. C. H. Fish er, an American at the hands of the bandits who raided that place. The Associated Press correspond ent at Chihuahua City, who reached the border was informed before leaving Chihuahua City that Dr. Encanacion Brondo Whitt, the physician of Guer rero, Chihuahua, who has . been made prisoner by Villa and forced to treat the bandit's wounded leg, was in Guerrero Saturday in charge of Villa's temporary field hospital. Doctor Whitt is a Mexican citjzen not a British sub ject. He was reported recently by refugees from Chihuahua City as hav ing been killed by Villa bandits. It was reported to the German Con sul at Juarez that a Belgian subject had been killed in Santa Rosalia by Villa forces, but this was not con firmed. A Spaniard, who arrived from Chihuahua City last night claimed to have confirmation of the report that Dr. C. H. Fisher, aged and wealthy American physician at Santa Rosalia, had been stabbed to death by Villa bandits. Refugees say seven thousand is con sidered a conservative estimate of the number of men Villa has. Carranza soldiers, refugees say, are joining Villa daily. GERMAN AMBASSADOR DEUTSCHLAND VISITOR. Count von Bernstorff and Wife See Undersea Freighter Loaded For Homeward Trip. New London, Conn. Count von Bernstorff, the German Ambassador, accompanied by his wife, came here from Washington for the purpose of visiting the undersea freighter Deut schland. now being loaded for he: homeward trip, Th Ambassador, it is understood, brought a suitcase filled with official malie from the Emperor. Count von Bernstorff said his errand is entirely a social one. He decided to take ad vantage of Washington's official in activity on election day, he said, by giving the Countess an opportunity to inspect the Deutschland. The Ambassador and his wife were guests at an informal reception at their hotel attended by Captain Keo nig, the Deutschland's commander, and a number of German-Americans of Baltimore and New London. FRANZ JOSEPH ASKS RIG FOR GALICIA. Amsterdam, via London. Emperor Franz Joseph has addresed an auto graph letter to Premier Ernest von Keorbe stating that it is his will when the new State of Poland comes into ex istence to grant Galicia the right In--Vnendently to manage its own Inter- 1 affairs. ASK WILSON TO ADD APPEAL FOR SUFFERERS Long Branch. N. J. President Wil son was asked to Include in his Thanksgiving Day proclamation an anpeal to the people of the United Stores to give aid to European war sw fere's. The request wa3 made by I Ii!a-e Paderewski. the pianist, and a deration representing organizations interested in relief work in' Germany. Austria-Hungary. Poln' Russia. Ar Dienia. Syria a- ol:? jntries. THE OLD NORTH STATE PILES UP ITS USUAL DEMOCRATIC VOTE EVERY CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT WON BY DEMOCRATS. BRITT DEFEATED. . Blckett Claims Majority of 40,000 to 50,000 Webb Small, Kitchin, Re turned to Congress by Big Majori ties Amendments Doubtful. Raleigh "You can say that the Democratic majority in North Carolina is 40,000 to 50,000 with a solid Demo cratic delegation in Congress once again," said Democratic State Chair man Thomas D. Warren at midnight. He had just opened a telegram from Chairman Elias, of the Demo cratic committee in the Tenth, and read a message that Weaver's major ity in the Tenth over the Republican Congressman, Britt, was 500. In gratifying contrast to the discom forting news of National results, the returns to State Democratic headquar ters grew more gratifying to the party leaders as the evening advanced. Re turns of Democratic majorities receiv ed fom 37 counties at midnight foot ed up a total of 34,700 majority for these counties, numbers of them being increases over former elections. One of the most gratifying reports that came to Democratic headquar ters was from Winston-Salem, report ing that James A Gray, Jr., had d( -feated A. E. Holton, Republican, for the State Senate. Gray leading his ticket in the contest which was made by Holton about the most bitter of any in the state. Mr. Bickett, who spent the night at his home in Louis burg, telephoned Democratic headquar ters that he estimated his majority at 45,000. However, much of the basis for his estimate were returns to Dem ocratic headquarters given him over the. telephone. He congratulated State Chairman Warren most heartily on the signal success of his management of the state campaign. In fact, congrat ulations for Chairman Warren came during the evening from many quarters of the state. In the First Congressional District Congressman Small maintained heavy majorities over Leslie E. Jones, his Re publican opponent, throughout the dis trict, although definite figures were still missing as to a number of coun ties. Martin gave 1,200 Democratic majority; Beaufort, 700; Chowan, 508; Hertford, 750; Pasquotank, 900. Defi nite returns were missing from Cam den .Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pitt, Tyr rell and Washington. In the Second Congressional .Dis trict Edgecombe gave 1700 majority for Kitchin; Bertie 1.250; Warren 1, 100. Returns from Greene, Halifax, Lenoir, Northampton and Wilson were indefinite but maintaining usual ma jorities. Small In the First and Kitch in the Second districts overwhelming ly defeated their Republican opponents for seats In the next congress. While no definite returns came in as to the balloting on constitutional amendments all reports actually re ceived showed balloting for amend ments, with little voting against them, except possibly the one for emergency judges. Chairman Warren and other party leaders believed the amendments carried as a majority of votes cast was all that was required. One of the most interesting con tests was that in the Ninth Congres- sional District where Congressman ' E. Yate3 Webb of Shelby defeated Greene. Republican, by a majority es timated at about 3,500. This is based upon the assumption that Madison and Mitchell counties in this district, will return the usual Republican major!-1 ties. Catawba giving Greene 125 ma-. in iienaerson county give unit eign jority. Cleveland giving Webb 1,300 teen hundred four, Weaver eleven hun major'ity. Lincoln county giving him dred thirty-one. Britt's majority two 200 majority. Gaston county 500, 1 years ago was six hundred ninety Burke 200, Yancey 250. Webb polled ! seven. 237 in Cherry ville to Greene's 249, or a gain of 44 votes there over his pre-1 CLEVELAND INCREASES ITS vim,. elAPtlnn DEMOCRATIC LEAD IREDELL COUNTY HAS DEMOCRATIC MAJORIT1Y Statesvllle. The Democrats making great gains over previous elections, carried Iredell county with a major ity, ranging from 900 to 1.300. Dough ton carried the county from Williams with a majority of 1.300. Iredell came out for Bickett for governor with a majority of about 1,250. Wilson shows about 1.250 ma jority. Among the county officers. Alexander, for sheriff, was the hard est fought by the Republicans, com ing out with 1,800 majority. Voting in the county by both parties was ex tremely heavy, both sides waging a b'Uer fight. -JWWWWI Jill W?-'"-. jfi" - Mi ( v f 'f - ' V"" k 1 'V GOVERNOR-ELECT T. W. BICKETT REPUBLICANS WIN IN ORANGE COUNTY Durham. Granville county, accord ing to nearly complete returns, gives approximately 1,000 majority to Bick ett over Linney, Republican candidate for governor, Stedman over Grif?om and Wilson over Hughes. Orange coun ty, according to reports from both Democratic and Republican headquar ters, was close. Republicans claim that every coun ty Republican candidate is elected, ousting many Democrats. They also claim slight majorities for Linney, Grissom and Hughes. Durham coun ty to follow. WEAVER GETS 75 OVER BRITT IN McDOWELL Marion. Complete returns give Weaver 75 majority over Congressman J. J. Britt in McDowell. The Demo crats have elected their entire county ticket according to early returns. J. R. Ledbetter defeated J. L. Laughridge for sheriff, by a small majority, while the other county officers seem to have good Democratic majorities. GODWIN CARRIES HOME, PRECINCT OF McCASKILL Fayetteville Cumberland gives Wil son a majority of 700. The same vote is given the state, congressional, leg islative and county tickets. Congressman Godwin carried Mc Ca8kill's home precinct by 230 to 30. John A. Oates is elected to state senate from Cumberland and Hoke counties by 1,431 majority. Hoke gave Oates 808, McClelland 77. Cumber land's baby precinct Sherwood, went Democratic 61 to 0. The vote on con- stitutlonai amendments nas, not Deen tabulated. BRITT'S VOTE INCREA8ED IN HENDERSON COUNTY Hendersonville. Complete returns Shelby. Cleveland county increases its Democratic majority from 900 two years ago to between 1,400 and 1.500 for Congressman Webb, President Wilson and Democratic state ticket. I Amendments not voted by all, but etch ; one seems to have majority of 800. , Entire Democratic county ticket elect ed 1,400 and Stroup has strong lead 1 over Murray for county treasurer. CON. DOUGHTON OF 8TH DISTRICT RE-ELECTED Raleigh. State Democratic Chair man Thomas D. Warren, declared that Congressman R. L. Doughton. of the Eighth District is re-elected over hia opponent, H. S. Williams, Republicam, by safe majority. ? . s

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