CALOMEL WHEN BILIOUS? NO! STOP! UTILIZING SMALL TRACTORS ON FARM He used a pebble in his day. to keep his mouth moist ACTS LIHHIITE ON LIVER I Guarantee "Dodson's Liver Tone" Will Give You the Best Liver and Bowel Cleansing You Ever HadDoesn't Make You Sick! 1 j? Stop using calomel! It makes you Blck. Don't lose a day's work. If you feel lazy, sluggish, bilious or consti pated, listen to me! Calomel is mercury or quicksilver "which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile, crashes into it, breaking it up. This is when you feel that aw ful nausea and cramping. If you feel "all knocked out," if your liver is tor pid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath i3 bad or stomach sour just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee Go to any druc: store or dealer and get a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dod son's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore It cannot salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and consti pated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire fam ily feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. Adv. a . "THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE" $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 & S5.0G AND WOMEN Save Money by Wearing W. L. Douglas shoes. For sale by over 9000 shoe dealers. The Best Known Shoes in the World. W. L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the bot tom of all shoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the price paid for them. ' I 'he quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America. They are made in a well-equipped factory at Brockton, Mass., by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and supervision of experienced men, all working with an honest determination to make Che best shoes tor the price that money can buy. Ask your shoe dealer for W. 1. Douelas shoes. If he can- not supply you with the kind you want, take no other make. Write for Interesting: booklet explaining: how to get shoes of the highest standard of quality for the price, y return mail, postage free. LOOK FOR W. L. Douglas A A A M name and the retail price r fJj-crisCACajf tamped on the bottom. BEWARE OF ( jr 1 SUBSTITUTES Boys Shoes Best In the World ' rreTtr $3.00 $2.50 & $2.00 W. Jj. loiiglaw Shoe Co., Brockton, Mum. Louisiana Consol'd MINING CO. OF NEVADA has been joined by The Tonopah Mining Co. of Nevada in the operation of its properties. This marks a new era for Louisiana Consoli dated stock now selling around 70c ihoald sell in the dollars soon. Further information on request FRANK V. SULLIVAN Member of N. Y. Curb Association Tel, 4324 Broad 39 Broad St., N. Y. PROVED EQUAL TO OCCASION Super's Blunder Merely Served to Show the Resourcefulness of Hamilton Footlites. Dewey, discussing the naval battle Skagerrak, said at a Washington luncheon : "A naval officer, to succeed, must be very quick-witted and resourceful. In fact, he must he like Hamilton Foot lites. ' "Hani Footlites leaned on the rail of his sea-going yacht soliloquizing about love while the blue waves rolled and heaved splendidly, each blue wave being a super under a roll of canvas. "But the waves were here and there threadbare, and suddenly a wave ripped and a head bobbed up In the midst of the heaving sea and stared around in bewildered fashion. "Ham Footlites silenced the audi ence's titters with one stern glance. " 'Man overboard !' he yelled in stentorian tones. Then the super, managing to draw back his head through the hole in the wave, disappeared. 'Ham Footlites heaved a stormy sigh. " 'Another victim seized by the re lentless sea, alas,' he said." Losing Venture. "Do you know anything about the milieu of this play?" asked the man ...14-V. ViM-n.rlmmpfl KTiPPtHflfS. "If you mean thy chap who's backing kjo ciimu" nnswprpfl the nminhlp lnw- iirnw. "I guess nes on somewnere . . . . ..1.1 1. Kimonlf TM 1 XT 1.1 ?In the up-to-date school, the black ,oards are cleaned by a vacuum de-ice. The Result. "The tall, handsome policeman yon der does not seem to be doing much." "Indeed, he is. He is arresting attention." DON'T LOSE YOUR HAIR If your scalp Is Irritated, itching and burning and your hair dry and falling out in handfuls try the following treat ment: touch spots of dandruff and itching -with Cuticura Ointment and follow with hot shampoo of Cuticura Soap. Absolutely nothing better. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Gale of Trouble. During one of our gales an elderly gentleman was striving to reach his home with the assistance of his son. Just as they passed along a row of small houses there was a loud crash, and a heavy tin chimney-pot struck the pavement at their very feet. "Good heavens !" gasped the feeble old man. "That was a narrow es cape. It might have killed us both." They paused for a moment to ex amine the fallen chimney, and at once a window was banged up and a shrill female voice shrieked: " 'Ere, you two, you needn't think as you're a-goin' to steal that there thing, 'cause it belongs to my ouse 1" London Answers. Tough Luck. "Van Cush is an extremely unlucky chap." "lie isn't exactly considered so." "I know, but you ought to hear him talk about his misfortunes. Six months ago he decided that he had made all the money he could possibly use, so he bought a farm, and retired. He started to sink an artesian well in order to insure a supply of pure wa ter. And what did he do but strike oil? Now he's got to get back in harness again and make a whole lot of money that he doesn't need at all out of that oil well. Don't you pity him from the bottom of yourjieart?" Envoy. Bugs Shucks, here we have to freeze while Mr. Caterpillar has a nice fur overcoat. lie Flavor Lasts iTiaking of Grape-Nuts there is added to the tweet, rich nutriment of whole wheat, the rare flavor of malted barley, a combination creating a most un usually delicious taste. The palate never tires of it. . People everywhere have found that is the most nutritious and delicious cereal food known. Every table should have its daily ration of Grape-Nuts. "There's a Reason" PLOWING, DISKING AND HARROWING WITH TRACTOR. Prevent It by Using Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Trial Free. To Prof. E. H. Doran, assistant pro fessor of Agronomy, Louisiana State university, whose work familiarizes him with tractor operation, the follow ing questions have been put as to his ideas regarding the utilization of trac tors on the farms and plantations of this section: 1. Under what conditions is the trac tor likely to be a profitable investment for (a) the rice farmer, (b) the cotton farmer, (c) the sugar planter? For ex ample, what is the minimum size farm in each case on which the tractor is likely to be a profitable investment? What are the advantages and disad vantages of the tractor In . each of these types of farming? 2. How many mules are used on say a 30O-acre farm in the sugar, the rice and the cotton belts respectively. What proportion of these are likely to be displaced when the light tractor is used? 'A. What type of tractor Is likely to be most useful for each of these types of farming? In answer to the above queries, and taking up the question in order named, Professor Doran writes as follows: 1. Since so much depends upon the operator, the layout of the fields, and the rotation of crops, it is difficult to make even a guess as to the minimum farm on which a tractor could be used, but It certainly is not safe to put it below 200 acres in any one of the three instances. In cane and cotton farming in the South the land is seldom broken up uniformly as in the north central states, but It Is thrown up into rows DRAINING WET LANDS Operation Improves .Physical Condition of the Soil. Makes Ground More Porous and Fri able and Therefore Easier to Work Roots of Plants Given Greater Feeding Depth. Lands that are too wet for the most profitable production of crops, such as wet level land, low spots and the dry subsoils of flat areas on the summits of knolls, river and creek bottoms, and peat bogs, should be drained. Even uplands may often be drained with profit, especially hillsides subject to erosion or Inclined to be "spouty." Indeed, drainage is profitable wher ever it is necessary to the fullest use even before it is planted. This "bedding-," as it is sometimes called, can be done with the mule much better than with mechanical power. The rea son for all this is a long story and we shall not go into It here. In rice fanning the tractor can be used for at least three general opera tions : plowing, harrowing or disking, and, in some cases, hauling binders for cutting. It is more adaptable to rice farming than to either of the others. 2. On a 200-ncre sugar farm, ordinar ily 20 mules would be used ; on a cot ton farm of the same size ten mules; and on a rice farm of this size about eight mules. The writer doubts very seriously If a tractor would replace even a single mule on the cotton and cane planta tions, but on the rice farm of 20 acres possibly four mules could be replaced some seasons. Even in this case, how ever, it would not be at all safe to de pend upon the use of the tractor for the cutting of the rice, because it Is by no means always possible to run a tractor over the land when rice Is har vested. It is sometimes impossible to use a binder, and the planter has to resort to the old hand sickle. , 3. For cotton and cane work two of the prime pre-requisltes are short turning radius and general ease of handling. Otherwise, the type makes no particular difference unless it is de sired to use the tractor for cultivating the growing crop. For rice work the endless apron or caterpillar type might be used some seasons where the round wheel type could not be used. the bottom of the lateral to the bot tom of the main so the water In the main will not check the How in the lateral. (i. As few outlets of the main tile as may be should be constructed and these should be properly protected. 7. Silt wells or catch basins wherein to catch sediment should be construct ed where tlie soil is of a silty charac ter or wherever the grade alters. 8. A surface inlet should be provid ed wherever the tile comes to a large surface depression or a pond usually forms after rains. Straw Thrown on Tile to Prevent En trance of Fine Sand and Silt. of the land. It is not uncommon for lands too wet for cultivation to pro duce, when drained, GO to 70 bushels of corn or oats or from one to one and a half bales of cotton to the acre. On much of the drained land the in crease of yield is from 25 to 100 per cent, and by the increased yield and decreased cost of cultivation the value of the land is often doubled. Drainage improves tlie physical con dition of the soil by making It more porous and friable. Thus stiff soils are made more easy to work. The roots of plants are given a greater feeding depth by tlie lowering of tlie water level and hence the ability of crops to utilize moisture is increased. Well-drained soils also absorb more rainfall than undraiued soils, thus de creasing erosion and damage by floods. The following, however, should be borne in mind in connection with drainage cperations : L 3 he grade of the ditch should be uniform and free from sags. 2. Tiw-ilt should be placed firmly in the ditch with the ends as close together as possible, the top- of the joints particularly so. 3. All joints larger than one-eighth of an inch should be covered with pieces of broken tile. 4. Either top soil, sod, straw, grass or fine brush should be placed next to .he tile in soils where there is .ianger in silting. 5. A droit should be provided from Certain Precautions Should Be Taken Before and After Operation Provide Clean Lot. In vaccinating hogs to prevent chol era, certain precautions should be taken, both before and after vaccina tion, to Insure them against any ill effects of the treatment that might come about because of unsanitary con ditions. Hogs that have mud or filth on tlie body should not be vaccinated until the dirt or filth is removed. No feed should be given them the morn ing they are to be vaccinated. When ready for vaccination, the point at which the serum is to be in jected should be painted with tincture of iodine to kill all germs around the puncture made by the needle, and pre vent sores from starting. After being vaccinated, hogs should be placed in a clean pasture or lot. Do not allow them to have access to mud-holes or dirty fallowing places. For at least two weeks after vaccination do not give the hogs any heating feed; give a laxative diet. Clemson College Bulletin. I WRIGLEY'S gives us a wholesome, antiseptic, refreshing confection to take the place of the cave man's pebble. We help teeth, breath, appetite, digestion and deliciously soothe mouth and throat with this welcome sweetmeat. The Wrigley Spearmen want to send you their Book of Gum-ption. Send a postal for it today. Wm. Wrigley Jr. "Co., 1327 Kesner Building, Chicago. The Flavor Lasts I WRAPPED In ft Y NAMES BROWN I AND I'M IN TOWN. GET ME! J CARE FOR VACCINATED HOGS ii rm u ji ru in inui i f ri 1 1 1 j n m i m in uncu 1 1 n 1 1 rir ri i ir 1 1 j i ri ti i n 'M i 1 1 i ii j r i m i Hunting Rifles When you look over the sights of your rifle s and see an animal like this silhouetted H against the back- ground, you like to feel certain that your equipment is equal to the occasion. The majority of success ful hunters use Win chester Rifles, which shows They are made in various ARE SUITABLE FOR ALL - iiiitiiiiiiMinMiiMiMiiriMiihuni- iMnmiMi wtnf MnihiJ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia how they are esteemed. styles and calibers and 2 KINDS OF HUNTING i Clliiiiii iiiiiii iii iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiii iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiii if iiii nimimzj Modern Life. "Well, how did tilings come out in your school contests?" "Trufic mixed. A girl won the hammer-throwing contest and a boy took first prize for fruit cake." MOTHER, ATTENTION! Gold Ring for Baby Free. Get a 20c Bottle of Baby Ease from any drug store, mail coupon as di rected and gold ring (guaranteed), proper size, mailed you. Baby Ease cures Bowel Complaints and Teething Troubles of Babies. Adv. YEARLY PROFIT ON POULTRY An electrical process to prevent boil ers corroding and scaling lias been in vented by an Englishman. Increased Returns May Be Obtained by Raising Necessary Feed for Chickens on Farm. It is usually conceded by poultry men that a dollar a year can be made off each hen even when all the feed has to be purchased, and since each bird will consume over a dollar's worth of grain during the season, the profit per head when this is raised on the farm will easily amount to two dollars or more per annum. Constipation ffenorally indicates disordered lomach, liver and bowels. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills restore regularity without KrtplnK- Adv. mas Cards Direct from the Manufacturer At a Saving of 50 to 100 20 Beautiful Christmas Cards, designed by artists celebrated for their exquisite taste, en graved and embossed in colors, and enclosed in individual envelopes for SI.OO. Tliese cards if bought in a retail store would cost up to 15o each. Enclose SI.OO bill in envelope and mail today. Cards will be sent prepaid, securely packed. Money returned if not satisfied. Wm. G. Johnston Co., Mfrs. 1200 Ridge Ave, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. MamfectarerW or full time. Send lOo for particulars. KO. v. lLLKg, JB ovKilT, OHIO. Money back if not satisfied. I Switzerland produces more than 3,000 pianos a year. Wl I I RI I V old letters with stamps used "LL UU I before 170. U. 8. and foreign, Wm. Berkman, 124S Hast th Street, Cleveland, Ohia WKST FLORIDA Great Grain and Live Stock. Bed urn ; any soil, stiff Lime, to liht oandv; infor mation free. CHAMBHHCUMMBKCH.Bonffay, b la. "ROUGHonRATS'uX W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 48 -1916. SULPHUR ON GRANARY FLOOR Statement Made That If Sprinkled on Floor It Will D.-ive Away Rodents Wortr. Trying. An exchange is authority for tho statement that if sulphur is sprinkled on the barn or granary Moor and grain placed thereon, rats and mice will not bother. Sulphur is chc.-ip and not harmful to stock and the experinu-nt is worth t:-'' ing. Kidney Disorder (BY DR. V. M. PIERCE.) The most simple methods are usu ally the most effective ones when treating any disorder of the human system The mere drinking a cup of hot water each morning, plenty of pure water all day, and a little Anuric before every meal has been found the most effective means of overcoming kidney trouble. Death would occur if the kidneys did not work day and night in separating poisons and uric neid from the blood. The danger signals are backache, depressions, pains, heaviness, drowsi ness, irritability, headaches, chilli ness rheumat'" twinges, swollen joints or p'it. Since it is such a simple matter to step into your favorite drug store and obtain Anuric, anyone who earnestly leslres to regain health and new life will waste no time in beginning this VIRGINIA WOMEN SHOULD TAKE THIS ADVICE Norfolk, Va. "I used 'Favorite Pre scription.' I had female trouble, was all run-down and had no help from any source. I was so low from all m y troubles that the cure was more marked. I have been not only made more comfortable, b u t have been able to do all the work for my family ana take m sew ing besides." MRS. GEO. W. LOXO WELL, S2G OIney Koad. Send Dr. V. M. Tierce, Buffalo. N. Y 10 cents for trial package of Favorite treatment. 1 v- C" 1