BEACON FLASHES. attle NEVER DISAPPOINTS NOR EVER MISREPRESENTS. Do your Christmas shopping any old time you Lke. l Cry IV Mr. T Cf Holmes of Creswell was in town Monday. Mr. L. H. Jackson of Norfolk, was in the city this week. Mr. S. B. Davenport of Skin nersville was here Monday. Miss Sammie Harrison has re turned from a visit to Norfolk. Col. I. M. Meekins of E. City spent Saturday night in town. Mrs. D. S. Jones made a shop ping trip to Norfolk this week. Mr. H W. Dunbar of Skin nersville was in town Wednes day. Mr. J. W. Alford spent all of last week in Nashville on busi ness. Mrs. W. R. Hampton is on a shopping visit to Norfolk r this week. Mrs. Elouise Ralph is visiting relatives in Spring Hope this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Outlaw left Wednesday for a visit to Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Litchfield Jr., of Creswell were in the city Tuesday. Mr. David Hurley has accepted a position as salesman with W. R. Hampton. Misses Amine King and Char lina Hart of Greenville, motored here Tuesday. : Don't be afraid of knocks. The harder you are bumped the higher you bounce. ' Hon, H. S. Ward of Washing ton was in town on professional business Wednesday. Mr. E. S. Blount and Miss Gladys Hornthal motored to Washington Monday. Mrs. B. T. Hurley and little Dorothy are visiting relatives in Goldsboro this week. IF YOU WANT THE BEST fountain, pen; buy a Lucky Curve, guarenteed unbreakable. 0. R. Leggett, It. Miss Sadie McCorley spent the Thanksgiving holidavs with friends in'Fpring Hope. Messers. W. C. Spruill, E. F. Spruill and L H. Lucas of Cherry were in town on Monday. Messers. J. E. Singleton and E. R. Lewis of Roper were among our visitors Monday. The newly elected County offi cers qualified and were duly in ducted into office la3t Monday. Bishop T. C Darst will con duct services at Grate Episcopal Church on Sunday at 7:30 p.m. My Dear little Children: Be sure anu visit me at J. . Spru iil's store again this Christmas Santa Claus. M iss Emma Vestal of Stan f rd, N, 0. i visiting Mrs. B E. Stephenson on Washington St, Messers. W. S; Davenport, J, . F. S vain and D I. Marrow of Mackeys were in the city Mon day, Mioses Sue S-iwvor, Thelma Mattnews and Djro;hy Ha. I of Roper, were among our visitors Tuesday. Mr. E. Ludford has been at tendance upon the Baptist State Convention in Elizabeth City this week. Mrs John W Darden who has been spending scmj time at Southhrn Pines, returned home Wednesday. Mr. Francis Bowen of Green ville, has been spending some few days with his cousin. Mr. Hal Williford. Mrs. Dr. Biggs of Williamston is visiting our city, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Elmo, on Jefferson street. Rev. B. T. Hurley left Mon day for Durham, where he is at tending the Annual Conference of the M. E. Church. The ladies of the Baptist Church held a very successful supper and bazaa- in Spruiil's hall Tuesday evenir.g. In the new orginization Mon day Mr, J. W. Starr of Creswell was elected Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. A clipping sale will be held at Spruiil's Hall next Friday night by St. Mary's Guild of the Epis- of P Assuredly! Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 12-13 Majestic. copal Church, will be served. Refreshments We acknowledge a pleasant call from Mr. C. B, Phelps of Creswell while in town Monday. Right now is a good time to have your name entered on our snbscription books. Turner's N. C. Almanacs for sale at J. C. Spruiil's adv Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens, something fine for holiday presents $2 50 and U 50 at Clyde Cahoon's adv. Just received a big lot of fan cy boots to retail at $10 00; also a big lot of Xmas. handkerchiefs 25 and 50 cts. Clyde Cahoon ad. Having purchased the plant of the Roanoke Milling Co I will be prepaired to grind corn for the public each Saturday. Will also grind for wholesale trade at all times. P. H. DARDEN 4t Mr. R. T. Chesson nas?ed through here Tuesdays his way to Memphis, .Tenn.. rwhere h. will purchase a stock of horses & mules. Messrs. L. W. Gurkin and W. L. Hassell left last Friday for Toledo, Ohio, where they will visit the Overland factories and study the finer points of these popular machines. FOR SALE-GOOD HORSE, buggy and harness. Reason for selling, owner wants car. Horse, 8 years old. will work auy place. If you mean business see or write, N. B. STEVES. Plymouth, N. C Owing to the lack of space w were compelled to omit the state ment of the Washington County Bank. We are publishing it in this issue howevey, and your at tention is directed to the steady growth of the progressive In stitution. Rev. G. T. Adams, Presiding Elder of the E. City District, preached in the M. E Church last Sunday evening and spent the night here, enroute to the Anuual Conference now in session in Durham. He says that every charge in his district goes up this year with a "clean sheet." I will open an oyster restau rant in the building adjoining tl ij Beacon office, and will ap preciate the patronage of the people. I will serve the people as satisfactorily as I did some years ago while in business here E. D. MCCABE. 2t. Surprise Marriage. On Thursday night last Miss Fannie Mae Lewis and Mr. R. H. Kirby were married at the home of Rev. E. C. Andrews, pastor of the Baptist Church, Mr. An drews performing the ceremony. The bride is one of Plymouth's most charming young ladies and is well known forher sweet and gentle disposition. Mr. Kirby came to our town sometime ago from Hertford. He is an active, alert young business man, and enjoys the confidence of numerous friends. Business Men Organize On Thursday night last a mass meeting of the business men of Plymouth and vicinity was held at the Court House. At this meeting a good representation of our business men were present. It was decided that an organiza tion would be effected with the SHOE SALE t Beginning Friday, Nov. 3rd, and Continuing Until Nov. 17th We will sell all Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes and Hosiery at greatly reduced prices. We will also make special cut prices on Underwear and Dry Goods. Remember this is nofake sale and we always do just what we sav. We will buy your eggs also. Come ear ly, secure best selections and make money by saving it. The Spot-Cash Mrs. A. M. Aysrs' Old Millinry Stand. "Same Goods For Less Money and More Goods For Same Money." I pay Spot Cash for black eye peas. A. U.NEWBERRY The Advent of December Suggests the choosing of a suitable Christmas gift one that will be an everlasting pleasure as well as an article of value. I fftSg.'.'g'.yv"" if mb&tv tfteuk &.tt ' t" We have an elaborate collection of Jewelry, Precious Stones and Watches. Let us aid you in making you Christmas Gift selections. . R. LEGGETT ONE-PRICE-JEWELER 0 following officers: C. Latham, Pres., W. R. Hampton, Vice Pres., Z- V. Norman, Secy-Treas D. O. Brinkley, Conway New man, Clyde Cohoon, M. G. Dar den, J. C. Spruill. A. L. Owens, A. W. Swain, and W. B. Watts, Directors. Oh Monday night these officials met and fixed the fee of entrance to Business Men's Association at $5 00 with a monthly assessment of 1.00. This organization is something that Plymouth has been needing for many years, and we are glad to note the amount of enthusiasm demonstrated by all who are in terested in the movement. With the business men of our little cjty properly organized tnere is no doubt buc that soon we shall see Plymouth on the greatest boom of its existence. Thanksgiving Dance. The. Roanoke Cotillion Club gave a most enjoyable Thanks giving Dance at their ball room in the Blount Building last Fri- jday night. Bargain Store Let us demonstrate the Edison . Diamond ISC Phonograph This instrument is universally known as the best, and never fails to faithfully reproduce the actual value of voice or instru ments. Suitable for any occasion. Don't be fooled by purchasing a squeaky, harsh, canny sound ing instrument. At nine o'clock the room was crowded with festive guests from all parts of this section, and until past midnight they gave themselves up to the occa sion. Thos attending were: Elmer Cadell, Miss Mary smith. M. H. Dixon, Miss Julia Bond of Eden ton, E. S. Blount, Mi;s Sallie Roebuck, of Williamston, Dr. C. L- Roebuck. Miss Louise Ayu'?, U L. Blount Miss Stella Avers, Mr. Vinson of Ahoskie, Miss Ruth Ayers, C- W. Cahoon, Miss Dorothy Pender of Tarboro, Geo. B. Dixon, Miss Dorothy Willy, C. S. Ausbon, Miss Dorothy Hart of Roper, Richard Dixon, Miss Martha Hornthal, Maurice Watts Miss Gladys Hornthal, Floyd Cahoon, Miss Clara Mae Spruill of Cofumbia, Herbert Bonner of Washington, Miss Eva Cahoon of Columbia, Francis Bowen of Greenville, Miss Corinne Smith, Hilliard Edwards of Rocky Mount, Miss Elizabeth Tucker. Roy Parker of Ahoskie, Miss Sa die Chesson, Frank Pender of Tarboro, Mis3 Ruth Bateman, Louis HortoTi, Miss Marie VWflM ir- -TTr- Wirt Wt lIla 111 I; II P ft rt ti T" ' S s .YOU HAVE SEEN MEN LIKE THIS ARE YOU GOING TO BE ONE OF THIS KIND? IF YOU DON'T COMMENCE NOW PUT TING MONEY IN THE BANK AND PREPARING FOR YOUR OLD AGE, YOU WILL SOME DAY BE WHERE ;THIS MAN IS. OLD AGE IS BOUND TO COME UNLESS YOU SHOULD BE TAKEN TAKEN AWAY IN YOUTH. DON'T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD START A BANK AC COUNT? - BANK WITH US WE PAY H PER CENT. ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. Washington county isank PLYMOUTH, N. C. CALL IN TO SEE US AND LET'S GET ACQUAINTED! Jones, Elmer Spruill Miss Jessie Spruill of Roper, Fenton Reid, Miss Lou Hart of Roper, Nathan Spruill Miss Isa Gaylord of Ro per Hal Williford, Miss Lena La tham, Miss Emma Vestal, of Stanford; Messers E. C. Latham J. W. Buchanan, R. S Neal, Or gain, Asa Johnston. Mr. and' Mrs. W. R. Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Watts, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. L- Smith, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Tomlinson, Tr. and Mrs. R. P- Walker, Mr. m-A Mrs, 0. Newman, Mrs. C D, Loane, Jr. Chaperones: Mesdames J. II. Smith, J. M. Horton, L. P. Hor nthal. CHERRY NEWS. Mr. N. B. Stevens has been quite busy in the community vaccinating hogs. Mrs. Carolina Ainsle is visit ing her niece, Mrs. Molly West of Tyrrell County. Mrs. S. W. Woodley is im proving very slowly from an at tack of rheumatism. Mrs. Alethia Patrick ef Skin nersville has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Davenport left Saturday for Belhaven to visit his sister Mrs. Jennie Bas night. Mr. and Mrs.- J- W. Spruill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Liverman of near Ply mouth. Cuite a number from Cherry and community are quite anxious to take shares in the new bank of Creswell, N. C. Misses Callie and Eva Lher manof Scuppernong spent Sat urday and Snnday with Misses Mattie and Dora Phelps. xMrs. R. W. Phelps, who hp?, been sick quite a while has left for St. Vincents hospital whec she will take treatment. Messers. b. J. woodiy, warren Ambrose. Ashley Davis and H M. Ainsley made a business trip to Plymouth Saturday p. m. Quite a number from Cherry community have been enjoying squirrel, deer, and bear hunting of late, nearly all beingsuccessful in finding plenty of game. Mr. E. F. Spruill met with a bad, though not serious accident, at Mr. G. F. Woodley's mill Wed nesday. ine lever oi press truck him under chin knockings out and breaking several teeth- Teachers and Dupils of Cherry Graded School will nrtsent a comedy in three Acts entitu! "The Courtship of the Dencor Fridnv niirht nc 'Vi Ad mission 15 and 25 cents. Pro A1 a1 1 fr K . 1 V Announcement. Dr. H. L. Elderdice, President of Westminster Theological Sem inary, Westminster, Md., will preach at Creswell M. P. Church circuit, as follows; Rehoboth, Sunday Dec. 10, 11 a. m., Wood ley.s Chapel. 3:30 p. m., Cres well, at night. Mt. Elma. Mon day night, Dec, 11th., Mt. Her man, Tuesday mht, Dec. 12th. PLYMOUTH'S BEST XMAS GIFT STOKE BIDS YOU A HEARTY WELCOME Make this your Christmas Headquarters. Santa Claus will be here next veeK with suitable gifts for every one. Toys of all kinds, a fine line in Silk Hosiery, Chrismas Gift Handkerchiefs fjr Men, Woman and Children. A big display of Christmas Novel ties, Basket Ware, China Ware and Cut Glass. I also carry the finest line of Groceries of all kinds., every thing in confectioneries and fruits, also a nice line of dry goods, Shoes, Hats, Caps and every thing else you are looking for, don't forget to examine our nice line of Books suitable for all. Be sure and visit J. C. Spruill. "The Store with the Christmas Spirit' Christmas Announcement I am glad to announce to mv customers that I am now pre pared in a complete way to cater to their Christmas needs. You may be snre of getting: what you w?nt from my stock. the very best products of Old Santa Claus work shop are in mv store. Watch the windows next week these will ive forth constant messages of suitable gifts for everybody. We invite you to came in and inspect our stock before buying elsewhere. J. C. Spruiil's Store Santa Claus' Headquarters NOTICE. On the 12 dav of December 191G I will offer at public sale to the highest bidder a lot oi person al property, belonging to tbe es tate of the late T. J. Basnight, consisting of horses, mules, cat tle, hogs, corn, loader and hay. also all the farming implements. consisting oi wagons, carts, Etc. Place of sale at his late resi dence, known as Scuppernong. Time of sale, at 10 o'ciock A. M. and continue each daj until said property is difposed of. 1 erms of rale. Cash. IT c t ' 1 '