THE ROANOKE BEACON I 2ES iESZ33uZaS C V. W.AUSBON t Mior..put,KVr. . C.S. AUSBON PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. ! Plymouth, N. C, Friday, December 15, 1916. L7" iristmas C1 1 1 our 51 1-3 1 .N r v. r, Gl ROPER NEW. Hos- to be Mrs. L. G. Roper left Wednesday for Norfolk alter an extended visit to fneuds and relatives in Roper. Red Cross Seals are AO an J the Bank of Roper, b8i fBc 4 several stores. Buy early aatas supply is limited. Prof. Weaver is petting up to enter, tainment which wilTbe pveuet Thomp son's Hall Friday evening before Christmas for the benefit of the schoof. Rev. N. L. Seabolt wilt serve the Methodist Church during the coming year, having been assigned to this charge by the rtaat aanual Conference at Durham. The Ladiea AaiiUiar of the Episcopal Church will hold tWf taaiul , kW and salad supper at TiOJnplon'a Hall on Friday evening, D. 15th., towaiefe everybody is cordially i invited. Mr. andMrr. N; B. Mizell, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Speight, Mrs. Ida Blount, Miss A. C. Carstarphen and Bennie Peacock motored to Washington Sunday tn kpi Ro. chin. C. Kelsev who fiaa been quite ill at the Washington puau niscoaoiuon n ivvTtcu somewhat improved. The many friends of Miss Eva cbeaaoa will be interested to learn that she was married to Mr. M. J. Snell, formerly of Skinnersville, this County, soon after the arrival of N. S R. R, train in Raleigh on Tuesday evening. Dec. 5th., at Jen kins Memorial Church. Parsonage, by the Pastor, Rev. John W. Potter, officiating. The happy couple left on the morning train for their future home in Henderson, N. C. Mrs. Ella Turner, wife of R. W. Tun ner died at her home near Roper on Tuesday morning, Dec.- 5th., after, a brief illness, and was laid to rest in the family plot on i Wednesday afternoon, Rev. w. R. Haight, of Windsor, her formor Pastor, conducting the tfurial services.1 She was in the 36th. year of her age and was the daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. W. J. Mizell, and beside her husband, leaves three small children, one pf whom is only two weeks oldV She was a consistent member of Rop'er Baptist Church and was true End loyal to her Church. Mr. Turner desires to express to the many friends and rela tives of the family his sincere apprecia tion 5$ their .many kinknesscs during her brief illness and since her death. CHERRY NEWS. Mrs. S. F. Burgess is visiting: her bro ther Joynes Alligood oi Washington, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spruill of Dardens spent the week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Eli D. Spruill. Mrs. J. B. Chaplain of Rocky Mt. has come to spend some time with her prrents Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Woodley. The music clas3 of Cherry School continues to increase has reached thirty including vocal and instrumental. Mr. G. bought Mr. Ford Car. A. Orcrto. hai J. XL AiabryeVs Messrs. Sam, Wade, tad C!yd Woodley and Warren Amhrrse 3 otored to Wilson WedneSay to attend the marriage of iia Mamie Woodley. Jee was in town eredneehav. . JP. Remember oit phy, 'TEj Courtship of tilt Deacon," ii Friday nigh Dec. 22nd. Defin ing at 7-30 o'clock. The public invited. Admission 15 6 25 cents. Proceed benefit of school. .North Carolina, -Ln the Superior Court, John L. Roper.Xambtr Company r vs The Interstate Coopemge Company, H. G. Chesson, B. B. Spencer, Char, lie Spencer, Mrs. T. L. Chesson, H. G. Chesson, Mrs. W. A. Jones, O. L. Jones, G. V. Lewis, Norfolk Sou thern R. R. Co., and the Petitioner John L. Roper Lumber Company, E. W. Ayers, P. H. Darden, ft. A! Ayers, D. G. Darden, Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Bateman, C. W. Bowen, Ga briel Allen, Mrs. H. H. Bateman, J. E. Askew, Jesse Bowen, G. W. Bowen, Chas. W. Bowen, Mrs. A. W. Sawyer, Mrs. Stanley Brown, Mrs. G. D. Tetterton, Mrs. Mantie VanNortwick, Mrs. J. W. Rook, Mr. Le vin Bowen, the last nine named being heirs of G. II. Bowen, J. H. Morton, U. O. Brinkloy or J. L. Ro per Lumber Co.. J. M. Arps or J. L. Koper Lbr. Co., Wm. Nich F. Garrett. of Washington County. Tin; said land is situate in the County of Washington, State of North Caroliiia, adjoining the lands of The Interstate Cooperage Com- Sany and the pnrties above named, and particularly described as follows, to wit: . e CRSf IRASX ?gJttii an troa atafee in the center ef Hae McKae Canal, The Interstate Ceontrtge .Company's corner in the' ReifJlae line, aad ma nia wi& the esuter taeid cacal North 4 degree 8 saiaates East feet to aa iron tSafce Ja the ceeUr of naU canal; thence Saafa S6 Seat Wfl feeiVith the South edg of Uve one-half ssile aiUh and the, same course coatiausd 11&S feet to an .iron stake, the total distance . along said line 'being 10153 feet; thence from said iron stake South 20 East 684 feet to an iron stake by a black gum ; then South 44 degrees 15 minutes East 139 feet to an iron stake ; then North S3 degrees 43 minutes East 1193 feet to an Iron stake by a sweet gum : thence South 63 degrees 43 minutes East 2735 feet to aa iron slake in a a weet gum stump ; then South 55 degrees 12 min utes East 1220 foet to an iron stake ; thence South 19 degrees 3 minutes West 1478 feet to an iron stake by a pine stump ; then South 76 degrees 8 minutes East 2382 feet to an iron stake by a holly ; then North 50 degrees 15 minutes East 383 feet to an iron stake by a black um ; thence South 33 de grees 20 minutes East 2379 feet to aa iron stake by a Urge cypress on the bank of Hendricks Creek : then down the various court eo of Kendricks Creek to an iron stake by a pine standing North 72 degrees East 207 feet from said cypress : thence South 84 degrees 35 minutes East 1451 feet to an iron stake in the Western edge of the Nor. folk Southern Railroad right of way, the same being 100 feet from the center of said railroad ; theace with the West ern edge of said right ef way with a course whose long cord is 19 degrees 15 minutes W&t 675 feet to the point of curve of said' right of way : thence South 26 offerees West 7323 feet with the Western line otsaid right of way to an iron stalftr theriee North 60 degrees 30 minutes'-West 1982.5 feet to an iron stake ; thence Jorra 88 degrees West .15,510 f eet , tohe l&eginning ; contain ing 43S3 aerts;r V SECOND-JR ACT V Beginning at an iron marker inE. W. Ayers line, stand ing North ijq deg. 20.wiin. East G58 feet from what is known as the blazed oak corner, and running- thence North 18 deg. 20 min. West 155Stoan iron mar ker by an oak stump, thence South 27 00 mm. hast 04 feet to an iron marker, tin-nee South' S7 deg. East o33 fc et to an iron marker initlie edge oi the I urn Tike Ditch, thence North 6 deg-2o min LasL !'"7 lectio an.iron marker, thence :ortl: 14 (jcvWest 3120 feet jo an iron nurl.u ificace' North 61 deg. West 355 iV'ot to an iron murker, thence lorth g3 cleg. 41 min. .West 348 feet to an iron marker, thence South 77 dez. SO min. West 215 feet to the center of Acre Road- at a bridge indicated by an iron marker on the east side of said road, thence with said road North 23 deg. West 561 feet North 46 deg. 40 min. West 696 feet and North 41 deg. 40 min. West 343 feet to a point in the center of the said road indicated by an iron marker on;east edge of said road, thence.'Kprth'-54: ae'g. 30 min. East 198 feet to an irqn marker, thence North 41 deg. 40 min. West 245 feet to an iron marekr, thence South 54 deg. 30 min. West 198 feet to a point in the center of Acre Road indicated by an iron marker on the east edge of ssid road, thence with the road North 21 deg. 00 min. West 189 feet to a point in the center of the road indicated by an ironl marker on the east of the rovd, thence North 29 teg. 4 sain. East 1217 feet to an irea aarker, theace-North 30 4g. 17 fcia. East 972 fee to a iron marker by -chapped pis a, theace North U dg. IS at ms. Beat 431 feet to an iron saarkery a ESaek (Jmm, taeaee South 6 deg. 20 xaia. Boat 62f foal U aa iron marker in the center ef a old tram road and is the center of a drain, thence South 89 deg. 06 min. East 900 feet to an iron marker by a Black1 Gum, thence South' 68 deg. East 783 feet to an iron marker, .thence North 13 deg. 36 min. East 3606 feet to an iron marker by a pine, thence North 9 deg. 59 min. .East 1088 feet to an iron marker stand ins South 76 deg. 13 min. East 183 feet from a large -stooping pine, thence South 76 deg. 13 tain. East 2256 feet to an iron marker by a maple, thence North 47 deg. 16 min. East 5500 feet to an iron marker, theace North 83 deg. 10 min. East 4974 feet to aa iroa marker, thence South 28 dec. 37 min. East 10321 feet to an iron marker in the center of McRae Canal or Skinners Ditch, thence South 66 deg. 40 adn. West 19031 feet tortSHfrtjeffinaingnjainiBg 4227 Aires. otfces cieiuihat udo the retara of 'tfuranwM. peSiueaer wiXaak tfiet the same he referred 40 Exass ner, and that itaiHl" be registered and assured. This the 1st day of NoYesafcer, 1916. C. V. W. AUSBON, C. S. C, -Washington County. r net iron's rs, n Don't wait uytil the last minute to-do y'burXmas Luving. V' money. Below we will mention presents suitable for every menu f tb. family oive sonietning servicable tor the me. sister or mother i rnr-sint or coat, sill: rn i-n e silk hose, kid gloves, shoes, furs, handkerchiefs, leather-hags. can save you shirt-waist For the husband, atiier or brollier. : , J "-kn -'Snit' overcoat.shifsts, collars, ties, socks, gloves umbarella cuff-butten?, t!e-clas For the younania and boys fiait f altithes, overcoat, tie, collar or handkerchief. For the Coot- $t mttnn, kid gloves, handkerchiefs, bracelet, brooch of lo&cC. A have tiddtsd fftrf nico Hem el titttQteed jrtlfy. You will find good manp things you wi! t? Mt t ffiftJ and the price ar wy taodertte considering the quality of goods. SHOES! We have plenty of dependable Shoes that we bought early, and we are selling at the same price. Beacon Shoes For Men. C. P. Ford Shoes For Women. Bradford and Tretco For Missss and Children. f i i ii 1 ii It; '.IV; I-.-,,!":.: 1 , , .. . . WXW! . !;'!:!: ',;; 111 , I, 1: rapjim?" vmiMr': gjMsia 'I .ft ilia A Laundry lionfenienee 1 A stationary cold running treUy t$tk drUCery out; A? weitr. Sicsx-T tr ta ft V- iT"ff-ri a- with hot and CJPew elbow, takes - IO carrying of l Cs4 water is m .i mm i. 31$ tubs. this SSa'SI 3 figure prC3 ,0ma. OcS5..lUelf. U P. PINKHAM ' . SUCCES30HS TO .' ' - V' . : A. L-. Owens 11 ' ' v' -.- V ; i '. ; M - ' ' ' . , ' - We have purchased the entire line of staple - and fancy groceries of A. L. Owens, and have put in an up-to-date stock of dry goods, etc.. in the., store form erly used by Mr. Owens as furniture depai tment. :. We will be pleased to receive a fair portion of t the patrpnage of the people, and will delight in giving ;thcm the very best service possible. or the plaintiff will apply to the Geari for.tfc release deaoanaea in said acdaa ef complaint. ' Thia the 6th da of December 1916. M. N. Norman C. S. C. ' Having qualified as administrator of North Carolina, Tyrell County, the estate of K. C. Cooper4aKed, Tn thP SunpHnr Cn-r Mn. th. rirt. late of Washingtoff-Couiity, North Car- t r. u 7 . . ohna, this is to -notify all. persons hav J. R .Reynolds Admr. of Laura Anne ing ciaims against the estate of the said Rhodes, deceased deceased to exhibit them to. th& under- c- ru j vS'i m. j . 'signed at Creswell, N. C., on or before Simmeon Rhodes, Hattie Rhodes Louis November 14. 1917, or this notice will uavenport, ana otner fceir. at law ot i be pleaded in bar to their recovery. All ids, A. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : The parties above named, and all other persons interested, will take no tice, that on the 1st day of November, 1916, the above named petitioner filed a petition in the office of tha Clerk of the Superior Court of Washington County to have the title to certain lands therein described registered and con firmed pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Public Laws of 1913 and that summons has been issued, on Thursday, January 4, 1917, at 1:00 o'clock P. M., at the of - j fke of the Clerk of the Superior Court persons indebted to said estate. will please maKe lmmeaiaie paymenT.' oi iNovemDer; I3ib. This the 14th dsy A. L. Cahoon, Zkb Vaxce Njrman, Atty. Laura Anne Rhodes deceased. NOTICE The' defendant Levis Davenport a bove'name will take notice that aif ac tion entitled as above has been com menced in the Supei6r Court of Tyrell County by J. E. Reynolds Admr. of Laura Anne Rhodes deceased for the ' purposee of selling the real estate which belongs to the Columbia Town-1 sh:p Tyrrell Couuty, N. C, for the pur- P'se ot making assists to pay the debts cftt- deceased. Th.e defendant Louis Davenport will further take notice that he ia required to n-. ..;-r b if ore the Clerk of the Sup--ior 0 v.n of Tyrell County on the 22 iiy if .Ji-.r;. 1!J17," at the Court house in wer or demur to the compkint In "laid any old time you like. Admr. 6t I will open an oyster restau rant in the building adjoining the Beacon office, and will ap preciate the patronage of the people. I will serve the people as satisfactorily as I did; some years ago while in business here E. D. MCCABE. " "..2t. Do your Christmas shopping MILLINERY. The approach of Christmas suggests the selection of appro priate gifts for mother and sister. Let us such millinery. A gift from our selection of high-clas and modish millinery would be highly pleasing and servicable as well. Nothing would be more pleasing and appreciative than an article that would perpetuate Christmas and the giver. Let us snow you over our stock, and then astound yeu with the low prices on all articles con tained in this department Come and ask to be shown what we have, and take our word the prices will not prove a detri ment to what you select. CAHOON'S Plymouth's Shopping Center. are carrying a complete line of General Merchandise and will deliver any article to yiir without extra cccl Lei w S3 Yam Right now is a good time to have your name entered on our subscription books. a.d l?ai laK SOMETHING DIFFERENT. r ... Be Sure to See It. dm9 DeCo MAJESTIC it

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