Middle Many distressing Ailments experienced by them are Alleviated by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Here is Proof by Women who Know. Lowell, Mass. "For the last three years I have been troubled with the Change of Life and the bad feelings common at that time. I was in a very ner vous condition, with headaches and pain a good deal of the time so I was unfit to do my work. A friend asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound, which I did, and it has helped me in every way. I am not nearly so nervous, no head ache or pain. I must say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the best remedy any sick woman can take." Mrs. Makgaret Qtjinn, Ilear 259 Worthen St., Lowell, Mass. She Tells Her Friends to Take Lydia E. Pinkham's Remedies. North Haven, Conn. "When I was 45 I had the Change. of Life which is a trouble all women have. At first it didn't bother me but after a "while I got bearing down pains. I called in doctors who told me to try different things but they did not cure my pains. One day my husband came home and said, Why don't you try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash?' Well, I got them and took about 10 bottles of Vegetable Compound and could feel myself regaining my health. I also used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash and it has done me a great deal of good. Any one corning to my house who suffers, from female troubles or Change of Life, I tell them to take the Pinkham remedies. There are about 20 of us here -who think the world of them,' Mrs. Florenck Isella, Uox 197, North Haven, Conn. You are Invited to Write for Free Advice. No other medicine has been so successful in relieving woman's suffering: as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Women may receive free and helpful ad vice by writing the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Such letters are received and answed by women only and held in strict confidence. Full of Trouble. "You're looking awfully gloomy, old top. What's the trouble?" "Trouble enough, lotl top. Me valet's sick, (lontehei know, and I don't know whether I've got on the proper tie and socks that go with the suit I'm wear ing." I'.rowning's Magazine. Important to Mothers l Examine carefully every bottle of j CASTOMA, that famous old remedy j chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Gen for infants and children, and see that it I eral Tonic because it contains the well j ' . . . Bears the S-tv' - " , Signature of Ct&ffl&&fa In Use for Over 30 Tears. Children Cry for Fletcher's Ca6toria St. Louis has one factory which will this year consume 100,000,MH) feet of lumber. If your eyes tmart or feel scalded, Ro man Eye Balaam applied upon going to bed la Juat the tbint to relieve them. Adv. Lyddite is picric acid melted with a little vaseline. The New Method (BY L. Yf. BOWER, M. D.) Backache of any kind is often caused by kidney disorder, which means that the kidneys are not working properly Poisonous matter and uric acid accumu late within the body in great abundance over -working the sick kidneys, hence the congestion of blood causes backache in the same manner as a similar coll ection in the head causes headache. ou become nervous, despondent, sick, i ieverisli, irritable, have spots appearing j before the eyes, bags under the lids, and . lack ambition to do things. The latest and most effective means ' of overcoming this trouble, is to eat spar-; ingly of meat, drink plenty water Ikj-I tween neals and take a single Anuricj tablet before each meal for a while. i Simply ask your favorite druggist for) Amine It you have lumbago, rheuma-1 tism, gout, dropsy, begin immediately with this novel treatment. "LEADER" AND ti. VMUUWiAa J1U.JLA Hfc 60c and 91.00 at ail Drug Store. f " "V s 1 Shot Shells For the high flyers, or the t-4.,-.' u11 v. . i ftcj;dici onciia nave mc rcacxi, ssprcau ana penetra tion. Their great sale is due to these qualities, which insure a full bag. Made in many gauges and loads. BE SURE TO ASK FOR THE W BRAND Natural Enough. 'T hear the coal barons are again raising prices." , "Thiit's fooMsh. The public are mad enough as it is. and this continued raising of coal only adds fuel to the flames." Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless known tonic properties or QUININE and IKON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds op the Whole System. 50 cents. The temperature of Southern Aus- j traliu varies not more than 110 degrees 'during the year, Fimples, boils, carbuncles, dry up and disappear with Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. In tablets or liquid. -Adv. The United States lias ."SO piano fac tories. LOSS OF POWER and vital force fol 'ow 1S3 f flesh, or jhmP . -Tap emaciation. These come irom impov erished blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery enriches the blood, stops the waste or strength and tis sue, and builds up healthy flesh Thin, pale, puny and scrofulous children are made plump, rosy and robust by the "Discovery." They like it too. In recovering from "Grippe," or in con valescence from pneumonia, fevers, or other wasting diseases, it speedily and surely invigorates and builds up the whole system. As an appetizing, re storative tonic, it sets at work all the processes of digestion and nutrition, rouses every organ into natural action, and brings back health and strength. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. Constipation is the cause of many diseases. Cure, the cause and you euro the disease. Easy to take as candy. Sold for 47 years. For MaIaria,ChilIs & Fever. Also a Fine General Strengthening Tonic "REPEATER" low flyers, "Leader" and . . r Legacy of Peace By REV. W. W. KETCHUM Director of the Practical Work Courts, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago TKXT Peace 1 pave with you. my peace 1 give unto you. John 14:2". To know that Jesus left a legacy of peuce for us is the first step In its posses sion. Some years ago in Chicngo a brick layer, earning five dollars a day at his t r a d e , received w.u-d that he was heir to a vast es tate left by his two granduncies in Australia. The knowledge of this fact was the lirst thing necessary in .securing posses sion of the for tune. In i g -norance of it, he niig. t have la bored on for t h o rest of his life with his trowel. So it is with the legsi.'.V of pet ice Christ has left; the first thing we need to know, if we would possess it, is that he has left it for us. Ignorant of this fact, wc would fail to take posses sion of our inheritance. How true it is, that it is not what one has, but what one knows he has that makes him rich. And, we can well add, and what he takes possession of. It is evident from Christ's words an nouncing this legacy that it is a two fold peace. He speaks of. leaving peace and giving his peace. These cannot be one and the same thing, for Christ is never guilty of redundancy. The peace Christ left us must be the peace which he made for us by the blood of his cross; that which Paul calls, "Peace with God." This we know was effected for us by Christ upon the cross, and became ours when we ac cepted him as our Savior. It is an In alienable possession, a blessed, unal terable fact, that we have peace with God. if Christ is ours. But what now of this other peace which Christ gives? lie expressly calls it "my peace." By this, he must mean the peace which he possessed and which filled his own life; not an outward calm, but an inward quiet ness. Away down in the sea. those who dredge its depths tell us there Is what is called the cushion. No mat ter how wildly the wind blows on the surface, nor how tempestuous the waves, down there at the cushion of the sea is an absolute calm. This, it seems to me, represents the peace of Christ. It was the inner quietude of his heart, though his life was swept by storm. This peace, which was Christ's, he bequeathes Jo us. What else can It bo, but the peace spoken of by the Apostle as "the pence of God which passoth all understanding." (Phil. 4:7.) It must be that, for who can understand the quiet 'poise of a suffering child of God? It Is beyond understanding, yet many a child of God with yielded life has said with one of old. "though he slay me, yet will I trust him." But how can this peace be posses sed? First, by possessing peace with God. There is no use trying to have the second peace, if one does not have the first. Peace with God makes pos sible the peace of God. The first peace Is the portion of every one who truly has made Christ his Savior. It Is his whether he feels it or not : and to know if he possesses it, he should look not to his feelings, but to the fact that Christ has made peace by the blood of ins cross and that he by faith has accepted Christ and the pence which he made. The second pence, namely, ;lie peace of God may be ihe portion of every believer. It is possessed not by trying, but by trusting. It comes when one yields fully his life to Christ and relies upon him. Io that and though the storms beat about the head, and the heavens seem ready to fall, the mind will be kept by the peace of r,.i !.,.. .,i.ri m. t.-i.c 'n... i. .'.! llll.'llII V I I I I I iM V W.. 1 111 ll"ll- j et Isaias expresses this truth (L';:.".) i when he says: "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth In thee." That Is it; the mind stayed on lli Lord Jehovah experiences the keeping power of him who Is everlasting strength. TliPre comes to my heart one sweet' s-t ruin, A glad and a Joyous refrain. I ping it again and ngnin. Sweet peace t lie gift of God's love Peace, peace, sweet paee. Wonderful gift from above. Oh wonderful, wonderful peace. Sweet peaf-e. the, gift of God's love Avoid inquliitiveness. Inquisitive people are the funnels of conversation; they do not take In anything for their own use. but merely to pass it to another. Steele. Graham Drop Biscuits. One pint graham flour, one-half cup ful white Hour, one level teaspoon fill soda, one-half teaspoonfnl salt, one tablespoonful sugar, one egg. one table ppoonful thick cream and enough sour milk or buttermilk to make a stiff bat ter. Have gem pans hot ami well greased. These are fine. Rice Soup. Add a cupful of boiled rice to mie quart of heated soup stock. Stir mil II it comes to a boil, season with 'pepper pll and parsley or anything you like. ? P- Um MlTMnONAL isrsoiooL LESSON (By E. O. SELLERS, Acting Director oi the Sunday School Course in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright, 1917. Western Newspaper Union.) Lesson for January 21 FIRST DISCIPLE OF THE LORD JESUS. LESSON TEXT John 1:33-49. i GOLDEN TEXT Jesus salth unto him, follow me. John 1:43. The words "I see" or "behold" occur fifteen times In this lirst chapter. John was a witness to the Sou of Man. This term, "Son of Man," occurs eighty times in the gospel. The words "Come and see," or their equivalents, occur nine times in this lesson. This is a great invitation lesson. It would be interesting if the scholars would tell what the voices are which say, "Come," and those which are urging them to "stay" away from God. Beth nbara was probably two miles from the fords of the Jordan, where John baptized. Jesus was thirty years old, just entering upon his ministry. Ti berius Caesar was the emperor and Pontius Pilate the governor of Judea. I. The Son of Man Attracts Men. (vv. 35-30) not by his ethical teachings nor alone by his works and his charac ter, but what he was and inspired in others attracted men to Jesus (John 10 : 41). Crowds still gathered around the baptizer who "changed the hearts of men as by a spell." John, the Bap tizer, brought terror to men. lie broke through the crust of self-righteousness and indifference, and compelled men to see their need of forgiveness and of a new life, but the time had come when John must step aside, and Jesus "to increase," to begin his ministry. Four successive days are noticed in tills chapter. Andrew (v. 40), and doubtless the apostle John, who wrote this account, were the two disciples (v. 35) to whom John, the Baptizer, speaks. It is interesting to note the different kinds of men Mho were at tracted to Jesus ; the aggressive Peter, the reflective Thomas, the practical Judas. He had what the souls of men needed, and they followed, him. Aware of their questioning, Jesus turns to them with the question: "What think ye?" the first recorded words of his public ministry. This is a great testing question of every man's life. What is the aim and purpose of your life? Jesus, the kingdom of God, goodness, righteousness, usefulness or on the other hand selfishness, worldll ness, success, ambition, money, pleas ure? These disciples who had listened to this testimony of the baptizer, re plied that they wanted to know where he dwelt, implying that they would like to talk with him and discuss the problems which were arising In their minds. Three steps of Christian expe rience are here suggested. These two disciples heard, they looked and they followed. Other steps must come shortly, but we must first look at Jesiis as the Lamb, if we are to follow him as our example. We must believe what he has done (Rom. 3:25) before we can ask what would Jesus do or try to imitate him. It is by following that we demonstrate that we have real ly looked unto him and been saved. II. The Son of Man Cares for His Own. (vv. 39-42). The instruction which they received from abiding with him impelled them, as we have already Indicated, to go out and spread the good news. The greatest act in the life of Andrew was the bringing of his brother Peter to Jesus. Jesus changed Peter's name, and gave him a proph ecy of his future life and career. He saw the possibilities within him, though it took much instruction, bitter experiences, prayer and long abiding with Jesus before he attained to those possibilities. It is this passage which gave rise to' the organization of the Brotherhood of SK Andrew, which has adopted, first, the "Rule of Prayer," that of daily prayer for the spread of Christ's kingdom among young men; second, "The Rule of Service," to make an earnest effort each week to bring at least one young man within the hearing of the gospel of Jesus Christ. On the morrow Jesus would go forth to Galilee, that Is to the East side, across the Jordan river, and on the way he found Philip. It was Philip who asked the question, "Show us the Father," and of whom the question was asked as to the resources suffi cient to feed the hungering multitude (John 0:5). John, the Evangelist, alone tells us about Philip. Philip saw not only the resources of Jesus, but he saw a union of the law of the prophets (v. 45) in this Jesus, and therefore could and did invite his brother to Jesus. Christianity would soon fill the earth if Christians would put forth the per sonal effort here suggested. Nathaniel (v. 40) repeated a proverb of the country, "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?" Philip's reply was: "Come and see," and to his amazement Jesus reveals not only his character but his supernatural power; whereupon Nathaniel's reply was: "Thou art the Son of God, the King of Israel" (v. 49). Jesus, seeing his faith, promised that he should see still greater things (vv. 50, 51). Everybody in this lesson who found Jesus seemed to go at once for some one else, and though some were scep tical, yet their scepticism ended, even as Nathaniel'?, in following him. SUi ROUS HEADACHY "C Gently cleanse your liver and slugghh bowels while you sleep. Get a 10-cent box. Sick headache, biliousness, dizzi ness, coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath always trace them to torpid liver; delayed, fermenting food in the bowels or sour, gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged in the in testines, instead of being cast out of the system is re-absorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes con gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick ening headache. Cascarets immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take thie excess bile from the liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. A Cascaret to-night will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep a lO cent box from. your druggist means your "head clear, stomach sweet and your liver and bowels regular for months. Adv. Justification. "Jinks drinks like a fish." "Why, I thought he was strictly tem perate'." "So he is, but then fishes, you know 1. ever drink anything but water." CUTICURA COMPLEXIONS Are Usually Remarkably Soft Clear Trial Free. and Make Cuticura Soap your every-day toilet Soap, and assist it now and then as needed by touches of Cuticura Oint ment to soften, soothe and heal. Noth ing better to make the complexion clear, scalp free from dandruff and hands soft and white. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. An After Thought. "I told .Mr. Thickwitz that his baby loked like- him." "Of course he was pleased?" "Immensely. He didn't hear mo add: 'Poor little devil,' under my breath." ACTRESS TELLS SECRET. A well known actress gives the follow ing recipe for gray huir: To half pint ol water add 1 oz. Bay Hum, a small box of Barbo Compound, and V4 oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. Full directions for making and use come In each box of Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make It soft and glossy. It will not color the scalp, Is not sticky or creasy, and does not rub off. Adv. Wouldn't Be a Queen. lie Queen of iny heart She Queen nothing! Queens can't pick their husbands. I can and be lieve me, I'm some picker. Judge. MOTHER, ATTENTION! Gold Ring for Baby Free. Get a 23c Bottle of Baby Ease from any drug store, mail coupon as di rected and gold ring (guaranteed), proper size, mailed you. Baby Ease cures Bowel Complaints and Teething Troubles of Babies. Adv. Contrary Methods. "lie tried to hang himself betause he was cut up." "And be didn't succeed because he was cut down." FALLING HAIR MEANS DANDRUFF IS ACTIVE Save Your Hair! Get a 25 Cent Bottle of Danderine Right Now Alto Stops Itching Scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected ecalp; of dandruff that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its luster, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish ness and itching of the scalp, which If not remedied causes the hair root? to shrink, loosen and die then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight now any time will surely eave your Lair. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any store, and after the first application your hair will take on that life, luster and luxuriance which is so beautiful. It will become wavy and fluffy and have the appear ance of abundance; an incomparable gloss and softness, but what will please you moBt will be after just a few weeks' use, when you will actual ly see a lot of fine, downy hall new hair growing all over the scalp. Adv. !! brick buyers :nv born often Mioii;h to keep Ihe liuniiifaelurers from jjoiiiK out of business. INSIST ON YAM NUTS Vp-to-tlute grocers have them the new food with an ''unforgetable flavor," lu'iile from Southern yams. Try YAM NUTS once, they'll win you sure. The Williams Co., Greenville, S. C. Adv. American preserved orange, leinou md citron veel find favor in Canada. IK Annftnrrn HuuMlL J WHAT IS LAX-FOS is an improved Cascara (a tonic-laxative) Pleasant to take In LAX-FOS the Cascara is improved by the addition of certain harmless chem icals which increase the efficiency of the Cascara, making it better than ordinary Cascara. LAX-FOS is pleasant to take and does not gripe nor disturb stomach. Adapted to children as well as adults. ! Just try one bottle for constipation. 50c. ! A Cynical Miss. Slic Tell nie a story. j He Once u.toii a tii;ie before people i married for money i She nli. that's too ancient; that must have happened before money was Invented. Boston Evening Transcript. Pr. Fpory'B "Dead Shot" is powerful anil prompt but safe. On rtngf only Is pnouRh to rxpr! Worms or Tapuvorm. No castor oil necessary. Adv. Some spiders in Java make1 weis so strong that it requires a knife in sever thrill. Mr. Wiie "Do you know tar's good lor rats?" Mis Sloe "Why. poison, of course." Mr. Wiie "No. that would kill them cheese. Do you know what's good for a cough, throat and lung troubles, that will allay inflammation and insure a good night s sleep with free and easy expec toration in the morning? Theanswer always the same year after year. Is Boschee's German Syrup Soothing and healing to bronchial and throat irritation. 25c. and 75c. sizes all Druggists and Dealers every where. Your grandfather used it 51 years ago. Try it yourself and see how it stops a hacking cough like magic. T7 Horses Horsemen agree that Yager's Liniment is the best and most eco nomical liniment ,!flfcVKAt1 rll?4'' iff KJXMftat vuartii for general stable use. For strained ligaments, spavin, harness galls, sweeny, wounds or old sores, cuts and any enlargements, it gives quick relief. A 25 cent bottle contains four times as much as the usual bottle of liniment sold at that price. At all dealers. messes LIMIMEMl GILBERT BKOS. A CO. Baltimore, Sid. Heave -you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? Take KH EDM A CI UR to remove tfeecausa and drive the poison irom tae 7tem. "EHKlIACinK OR TIIR 1S8IM PI TS aiULMATItia OS THB OITSIDB" At All DrngRlat Jat. Baily & Son, Wholesale Distributer Baltimore, Md. J STOCK LICK IT-STOCK LIKE IT For Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Contains Cop peras for Worms, Sulphur for the Blood, Saltpeter for the Kidneys, Nux Vomica, a Tonic, and Pure Dairy Salt. Used by Vet erinarians 12 years. No Dosing;. Drop Brick in feed-box. Ask yourdealcr for Blackman's or write BLACKMAN STOCK REMEDY COMPANY CHATTANOOGA. TENNESSEE FOR OLD AND YOUNG Tutt'a Liver Pills act a kindly on the thlld. the delicate female or Infirm old age, as upoa the vigorous man. give tone and strength to the weak stomach, bowels, kidneys and bladder. mmsw Pecan Trees Now is the time to set them. Begin bear ing in three to four years. Add both beauty and utility to the home. Prices and valuable information free. J. B. WIGHT, CAIRO, GA. FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS Early Jersey and Charleston Wakefield, Suc cession and Flat Dutch, by express, 500, 11.00, l.OOO, $1.50, 5,000, at 11.25. Satisfaction guar anteed. Postpaid 25c per 100. D. F. JAMISON, SUMMERVILLE, S. C. npAl pQC and asnts wanted to tell Oastina. a - J Sold with money-back enaraniee. Hi If money to buatlem. Writ today for partic ulars. H. M. lianye, 4i lledaiont Ae., Atlanta, Ua, x MB a PTftlirp AVOID f 1 1 aiuncaopEHAtioNS Aches In Stomach, Buck, Side or Phoulrter; LWnr Troubles. KtotnarD Misery, Dyspepsia. Colic, liu, Biliousness. Headache. Constipation, Piles. Catarrh, N'errousnesn Blues. Jaundice. Appendicitis. Those are common UallstonesyuiptoinsCAN BHCtTKHIt. fctend for borne treatment. Bdil Nwk rpp r U'r, etaauirk. tttll TmklM mm tpprnttnlU. A AAA A CilLUa BM4y IV, ft.pt. W-4, tit . Durban ftl .CklMf W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 3--1917. Si ill T, 'J is ills