SUMMARY OF NEWS IN THIS ISSUE. ."Administration doiVnce i lis taking. 17 IT tf V rr H JP - v II M fihp.po. 1'iT- i'J'M f v!:.. s i I) 1 1 ,ii;iM i ion bill. Ui fire at Boston. Pershin's (roops hive l.qnm evac uation of M xico. . Senate works overtime to clean slate. Big British cruiser sunk liivers-IIarbors bill passes House. Paper cost worries publishers. Lansing protests to Cnrrana. ' Fighting unabated near Riga. 'New temporary quarters for Ameri can troops. Important work of the Legislature during the past week. More N. C. land for Forest Reserve. N. C. man re-elected by agricultural workers. Muster out stations. No charge in N. C. league. Some guardsman promoted. Short news items, Local news and advertisements. If Yon Are Looking For Sound Smooth Young Good BEACON FLASHES. , Ground-Hog' Day. Col. W. F. Beasley was i n town this week. Mr. J. C. Spruill has purchas ed a new Maxwell Automobile. Mr. Louis Jackson cf Rocky Mount was in town list week. Mr. N. B, Stevens? spent a part of last week in Wilson. Mr. It. D. Dixon of Edenton, was in town this week. FOR SALE-TWO GOOD milch cows, with calves, S, L. Sexton,. Cromwell. 4!". 2-2 Mrs. C. L Mm nhev was in Norfolk this r:i .oppin. FOR SALE-GENUINE DUR-oc-Jersey pigs. Fair price. Jas. A. Chesson, Roper. Dr. J. C. Coggins will preach at the Christian Churc Sunday morning and night. The public is invited to attend- See the big ad. of the Wash ington County Bank this week. It isn't too late to join their Christmas Ranking Club. A Business Men's Sunper will be served by thn ladies of Grace Episcopal Church, Circle No. 2, Saturday night at the tea-room, j Proceeds to go to organ lunu. All are invited to gt -their sup per with tht Your att ""n f iii i-; d'rectod to the new ad. ot Mr. J. S. Shugar Mr S; ;ar uaver- iiave a stoci; for the spring trade, and invites the public generally to come and look over what he i o v has on hand, which he cons'ders the best he has had this season. Hi lorses .oies LOUIS F. HORNTHAL I III I III III IiIIIWIIIIHii I II III I H I in II 1 1 Mrs. Nathan Tucker ! Anner Clifton Sunday. Entertains E. Pritchett aud son Her- The Thursday Afternoon Lit' j S9y made a trip to Elizeth City erary Club was delightfully en-1 Wuite a number ot school pu , . -i i . , it j i mi pi's are being detained from tertamea oy Mrs Nathan Tuck- chool on account of mumDS aR( er on Thursday afternoon last, measles. The subject for the occasion . was "Rudyard Kipling" An in-1 teresting sketch of his life was 1 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, read by Mrs. Tucker. Two sel- j North Carolina, Washington County. , it- -p. ,i Having qualified as administrator of ections Danny Deever" and tho estate of Mary Jane Riddick, di "ReCcSS'ional" were read by Mrs censed, late of Washington County -r ti t) m i m TP 17 1 'Ji'th Carolina, this is to notify all per- 1. 1. ISauey ana .Vtrs. J. U- JM- sons having claims against the estate of more. sa'(' deceased to exhibit them to tho un n- ,i v -dcrsigned at Plvmoutn, North caroiin:;, Ihere were twelve members on cr before the 25 day of .January wis present and each answered to f 1' "ot!cj: ,wiU be P,caded ill bro: the roll call with a quotation. aV persons' indebted to said estate from Kipling. win please make immediate payment. , , . , . ,. ,i p, , This the 25 day of January TJ17. At this meeting the Club en- , y R Hampton, joyed having as visitors Mrs. j Adnji,tor of Estate of Mar' Jn.; Charles Gaither of Hertford and ! Zeb. Vance Norman, Attorney. t2'2 Mrs. E. K. Zirkle of Norfolk, ' , who are the guests of Mrs. Tuck I J I . PWjifsjf rf. 'V swt rF en Ladies' $15.00 Coat Suits $7.98. Ladies' and Children's Coats At And Below Cost. Men's Overcoats $5. & $6. Grade, $3.98; $9. Grade, $5.50; $10. & $12 grade, $7.50 Sweaters, one-fourth off Men's Hats, $1.50 grade, $1.19; $1.98 grade, $1.50; $2.50 grade, $1.98; $3.00 grade, $2.48. Just received a beautiful line Ladies' Skirts; priced from 98c to $10.00 522 er. this week. tises that he w ' Mr. and Mrs, E. K. Ztrkle of Norfolk are spending some time here. Mr. Zirkle is here in the interest of the Glenwood Park Corporation of that city. A very interesting reel of moving pic tures was shown at the Majestic Monday night. This reel con tained many scenes in and near Norfolk. LOST-SMALL, SILVER handle knife. "Compliments of the Home Insurance Co.,ofN. .Y." engraved on one side. Find 'er will please return to J. H. Smith, City. FOR RENT House vacated by Dr Gi'mer for rent; Modern, 7-room dwelling, electrically lighted, can arrange for water works. App!y to Geo. W. Hardi son, city- tf LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN Small bull dog, about months old, disappeared about Jan. 1st. Answers to name of 'Vo iga." ct ji.i.i- i ... : n l, . v. Ouicaoie rewaru v, n- ou :vi M,, T.,;r w dbouts. Brown, with whi nkgs -aen r? t,- msoC.I, o. L. and white tips on end of t::il. . GurKin, H. C. Jackson, W. B. M. H. Dixon, Jr. Cox, A. S. Moore, A. R. Pritch YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY ard- Tom Ludford, Ryland White subscribing to th-. Saturday Ev-! Jessie McNair, L. P. Pinkham, ening Post year'!:', $1.50 per ami J. H. Jackson, year, sub cr;; tirn xoken at this j office, Fr;n;k l. :,l t; v, Ag-nt, Card of Thanks. We wish to take this method of thinking our many friend, neighbors and the citizens of this community who were so kind and sympathetic to us dur ing the last illness of v belov ed wife and mother, '.. .ne Ain slcy. The many kind-hearted deeds and works of condolence were deeply appreciated and will be gratefully remembered. Husband and Children. Pugh 8' Midgett Attorneys-at-Law Plymouth, N. CJ. Entertainment by Baraca Class. The Baraca Class of the Bap tist Church gave a most enjoy able entertainment in their class rooms on Friday night last, The Fidelis Class and the teachers and officers of the Sunday School were the honored guests. Delicious refreshments were served, and splendid talks were made by those attending. ihose present were: Misses Zula Jackson, Nona Gruganus, Isa Hamilton, Kathleen Gardner, i Dorothy Williams; Mesdames Harry Stell. W. R. White, J. F. Bullock, Chlode Gardner, S. W. j Bateman. E. 0. Andrews, W. H. i Gaylord, A. S, Moore, Ida Mid-j gett, R. H. Kirby: Messers E. I Ludford, E. C. Andrews, J. T. II Gaylord, E. C- NOT! C E. North Carolina, Tynx-il County. 'Hie undersigned J. A. Swain herebv iiives notice that at a sale of lands for taxes made by F. L. Cahoon sheriff of Tyrol 1 Couvty North Carolina at the Court House door in said County on the first Monday in May 101(5. The undersigned purchased the one half un divided interest in two certain Town lots, situated on the South side of Main Street, in tiie town of Columbia and bounded a. follows: by Main Street on the North, the Town Canal on the Kast, J. II. Bateman on tho South and by the land of Sarah Cooper on the West. The said land was sold as the property of I. Lavensteen, and listed for him, there s no one in the posessiou of the same, or in control of same for him and he is a nonresident of kthe State, anda'ter due diluents caanot be found in the Stato a copyo f this notice has been mailed to his supposed residence in the City of Baltimore Md. Mr. I. Lavensteen will take notice that unless he pay off the taxes and in terest, ihe uneersigned will apply for a deed at the proper time which will be Mav first 1017. W ill 4 FOR TEN DAYS ONLY. Our Spring Stock is begining to come in, and we must make room to accommodate it, so we are offering these great bargains. Ft 1 13 PLYMOUTH'S SHOPPING CENTER EBHBinKU&mB Vi ft B DTAWA " " J ' f & J V l . This the 30th day of Dec. l'JIG. 4t 1-5 Subscribe to the BEACON. 1" v. m iui dim luJkiltf .15' FEATURING r as.' El biiift E21 Y 10 and 20 Cents in k ;- til. 1H ! il:i' I I .. ii i-!- ii l mm .U lit .;: n i i 00 If (baft niQgGtfelS m Scuppernong News. Rev vVarren Davis filled his regal. it; uppointment at Scupper danco noi g ''-iiurch Sunday. Dance Enjoyed, Those who attnnd-' 1 h given by tho R);mok6 (Ullion E!sie pritchett s vhh Club on last triday nif-it ex-1 ri?ialive? ai.d friends at Elizabeth p:-ess themselves by saying that j Oiry at-d East Lake. Without exception it war. the! Ur and Mrs G w. Patrick rmstDa-mt lV t.-.y mi- gp Ml, ?urr-Hy with Mrs, T. J tut' ; n i -' : ' ' ' ' - . lr.. Croeke;-'; :; MY. J. I) Swindell spent Sun- folk turnn i u .:v.i: v- u - tne -e (lr,v his daughter, Mrs. W. casi'Mi, and a d'Hr iu! lunch I), Terry. e m was Ecrved bv the ladi-s o? Miv Mr;.ry Patrick a.d Bsrtie Grace Episcopal Church, .Patrick were the' guests of Miss I Carry Water Don't be a slave to your dishes. Save the time and drudgery of carrying and heat ing every bit of water you use. Install run ning water right in your kitchen. Turn the convenient faucet and have hot or cold water immediately. The satis faction you will experience will repay you many times the cost of such a system. Let us figure on your plumbing at once. Our repair department is equipped with the idea of prompt service m any emergency at the least expense possible. Lm ii A O -J W work is the ccuse cf much Pain end many V I ! :1 Obtain relief by taking one or f ,vo U BR. MILE. !;! PINKHAM AWFJL EUFFCHING. ' i -."orcd unto'J. a;;on.v y. !!h li( iir;ili:i. I tl.oulit I v.-'i';M fro nvul -willi pain. A frionil of mine nivi:;. d mo t .i tako 1't. ?.n!;s !' I Oi-.l and the pain M..;.i-f'd nlaiiist at ince. ii I i irnn-.i need ti.-'.tijv l r. M'.los' Nervisic. and l-e-f ! lott-f I was so that I did i:r. t, have tlirse pruii. any nSl re." 11 Jf V.'IXTEK, DC1 i:. riatto Ave, Oihjrado Fprin-s, Cnlo. MTI-PAIH PILLS Then tone up the Nervous System by using Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine IF FIRST BOTTLE, OR COX. FAILS TO VCLP YCU, YOUR MONEY WJLL I