X NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE By virtue' of a power vested in me by 9 certain mortgage executed to me, the undersigned, by S. P. Woodley June 5th, 1914, and recorded in Book 59, par- 632. Register of Deeds office, I wifi expose to public sale t the Court House door in Plymouth, Washington Ouunty, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock, boon, on Monday. March 2t'th, 1917 to the highest bidder for cash the follow in'; described real and personal proper ty ' "Lyincr t nd being in Washington Covrty, "North Carolina and known as tiie idyll wilde Tract of lnd which was ownea by the late J. J. Woodley com posed of two tracts beginning in Joseph Aden's southwest corner, 'hence run ning south to James Furlough's patent li?:e" thence along said Furlough's line land patent line, thence along said Fneps' Hue south 70 degree west to the southwest corner of tract wilWd te J. J. Woodley by his Fathers. P. Wfiod said corner being to the west of Kodi Clifton's in S. P. Woodley's ditch or dam nearnewland road, thence north alcn.'; said ditch or dam so far as a Hue drawn from Scuppenjong River at a point to the north of Fin Island and runr.iu south 70 degrees west shall in ItriCcCthence along said line running iivi'. river .so far as a due south eauHe slaii strike the northwest corner of ttct deeded to J. J. Woodley by his fa ther fe. P- Woodley, thence east along Woodley's north line to Joseph Al i:i's northwest corner, thence south viardly alontf said Allen's ti3 west line to the first station, containing 4.j0 &T?s Uxor, or loss. fj -Also six mules described in a chat-i-i ir.ortgage from S P, Woodley to W. T-JPh-Ips dated the 20th, lav of May VA'i, recorded in book(j3 p.a 191." TLis the 22 dnv of Feby. VJY7. Y. T, Phelps, t. 1:2 Mortgagee, Vance Norman, Atty. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of a power vested in ne in a certain mortgage execut ed by S. P- Woodley Feb. 19 TJ14 to me, the undersigned, 1 will ex pose to public sale at the Jourt HoitS? door in Plymouth, Wash ington Canity, North Carolina, at 11 o'clock noon on Monday, March, 2G, 1017, to the highest bidder for cash the following; de scribed personal and real prop erty ;- "Two pieces or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Washington and state of North Carolina and known and desig nated First Tract, the Dover Tract of land containing 200 acres more or less and bounded as follows: Beginning at a pine, Martha A. Phelps' northwest corner and the northeast corner of the Long Ridge tract, thence running south 50 degrees east 220 poles abng Martha A. and W. T. Phelps' west line to a gum on bcuppernong Kiver, W. T. Phelps' southwest corner, thence south 71 degrees west 160 poles to a gum thence north 50 de grees west 180 poles to the E. T. Phelps northwest corner, thence north 64 degrees li4 poles to the first station: 'Second tract the 1-6 undivid ed interest in the Four Thousand' Acre Tract described in a deed from VV. H. Hardison and W. J. Starr. Administrators of the late J. J. Woodley to S. P. Woodley. "Also six mules described in a . chattel mortgage from said S. P. Woodley to W. T. Phelps dated thCOth day of May. 1913." a he mortgage empowering me to sell the above property is re corded iu Book 59 page 492 in the office of Register, of Deeds of Washington County, North Car olina. This 22 day Feb. 1915. W. T. Phelps, Mortgagee. Zefo. Vance Norman, Atty. 4t2-3 North Carolina, Washington County, In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. N. II. Harrison, Jr. VS. Roanoke Railroad- Lumber Co., rreston uaraen, Unas. Al. Allen, J. E.Allen, Alwilda Allen, John II. Allen, Lelia Davenport, Ellis Dav enport, Jr., Margarett Allen, Nor- iC-iK-souinewi j-arms Corporation, Surry I'arkr, W. H. Harrison, N. ii,!flarrison, Sr., Si A. Harrison, U. L, Liowen, W. C. Ho wen. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. EJThe parties above named and all oth er persons interested, will take notice that cn the 12th., day of February, 1917 petitioner filed a petition in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Washington County, X. C, to have his title to certain lands therein described registers;! nrid confirmed pursuant to CfcaptertX) of the Public laws of 1913 and a:tsjameo'datory thereto; and that summons has been issued returnable at the office of the Clerk Superior Court f Washington County, N. C. on ihe I?th day of April, 1917. Esid lands are situated in the State of North Carolina, County ot Washington, Plymouth lownsnip, ana more partic ularly aeBerioea as ioiiows: HUS T TRACT: Begining at an iron mar ker in the center of liezar Ditch and on the eat side of the Acre Road, being 19 IWCd 1 I -vw WJ- cast CUJJC o?tlie public road and on the west edge ofithe Cismal; thence, porth 23 degrees inu luiuaiea cusi u jwics uuu iu uriKS to an iron marker: tnence. north el de crees aai 39 minutes east 11 poles and . links to au iron marker: thence, north 3 decrees and 48 minutes east 21 poles lad 10 knks to an iron marker; thence, i forth IS. degrees and one minute east ! thence, north 8 decrees and 21 minutes. west 16 poles and 8 links to an iron mar ker; tnence. nortttia decrees ana minutes east 43 poles to an iron mar ker; thence, north 5 degrees and 36 minutes west 21 poles and 10 links to an iron marker: thence, north 10 de grees and 39 minutes east 8 poles and 6 links to an iron marker; tnence,. soutn T3H east 19 poles and 6 links to an iron marker; north 15 east 60 poles and 16 links to an iron marker; thence south S3 degrees and 57 minutes east 274 pples and IS links to an iron marker; south 2 degrees and 44 minutes west 300 poles to an iron marker; thence, north 73.de grees and 6 minutes west 856 poles to ie begining; containing 496 acre; SECOND TRACT: BeinhigatanirpD, marker standing on the west side of the. Acre Road where til 4)viip Uflf be tween said N. II. Harriian. J a4w, H. Harrison intersect Mwroaa andBe. iug 41 links from the center of a bridge and a direction of nortk fl east from the center of the chimney t the north end of the house where p. H.Uarri&n $r. npw lives; thence, aorta ; 77 west 135 poies to an iron marker, thence, south 23 wcH J$ mw ai4 0 links t an iron markerj 'fojtt 7 de grees end 12 minutes east W p&les gi?d 10 links to an iron 1 marker; vtheace. north MH east 17 poles and 94 links to an iron marker; thenc DQrtk 23 east 22 poles to an iron marker;' thence, north 24 V 92 Pled aBd 20 ljQks to the be gionicg; fJaipiag 105 acres. All persoas jnf ited jn the abore proceeding are requfrgd tq apnear an show, cause, if aaUiey have, wsfT&e prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And all persons interested will take no&tf that if on said 18th day of April, 1917, tney foil to appear as herein re quired, the petltfettfr yyill apply to the court for the relief demand jf jn the petition. " 'jh;s 12th. day of February. 1917. . V. Ausbon. St 2 16 Cterk Superior Court. NOTICE OF S ALE '-. Pursuant to the power vested in rna as Administratrix of O. J. Swain, de ceased, Jn that certain mortgage exe cuted to him by T. S. Lamb arid Hester Lajjb, his wife, dated February 27th, 1U12, and recorded in Bonk 0,' page f)!)U, I wilt feu the 31st day of March, 1017, sell at public auction to )ihe high est bidder for cash at jhe Court f toyse door at Plymouth, North Carolina, all the interest of the mortgagors in the lands conveyed in said mortgage and bounded and described as follows : Situated in Scuppernong township, beginning at . a beech on the swamp side of Nehemiah Norman's corner, thence northwardly along his line to the Main Road into Alvah Daren port's line; thence along said Davenport's line to the Main Swamp ; thence west ward along the swamp to a poplar tree, a cortjer ; Ithence south along a line of marked, trees to a beech, a cor ner ai me swamp : tnence eastward v along the swamp to the swamp to the first station, containing 20 acres more or Jess. -This the 2Sth day of February, 1917. Sakak.J. SwAin, Adm'x. .. .herji."!!. Swain, Agent. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEf ARTIdliNT OF STATE ;' CKXtistCATS OP DlSO&VTlOH T Allt .Whn .T,hes Presents May Cottetireeting: Whbibas. It aDbaars to mv Kttisfar. tio,vty 4ulyl. authenticated record of ution tbefeof t? tbe-unaninous con sent of all Cue stockholders, deposited in say amoe, wai ine union txores tjua Manufacturlnf Company, a corporation of this State, whoss principal office i situated in the town of Qnateck, Ceun tyofTrreU, State of Norta CsxoUaa Q, ; tiTf rman t?wg th aant tfesre U as! n paargft rtertot, whom prowfl amy srvsd), hai complied with, the requirements of Chapter 21, Revisal f 1905, entitled '"Corpora tion," preliminary to the issuing of this Certiftcate of Dissolution:- Now Thskk?o. I, J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State of the State ef Nortfe Carolina, 9 herehy certify that the said eqrBflrstion djd. tm the 13 day of Fedruary, 1917, file in ;ny offipe. a duly executed aid and attested con sent m writing to the dissolution of said Borppration, executed by all itQpUUoi ers t?ierpof, wNph said, cqnsent and the recprd 0J tne prppeedmgs, aforesai4 are pow on file in in m.y sai4 office as prQ' vided by law. u T8?!)sv Wrok, J have here to set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 13 day of February A. D. 1917. J. Brtah Grimes. Secretary of State. Subscribe to the BEACON. DR. SKwCl HOWARD SMITH who has made numerous visits here as the repre sentative of the A. K. Havvkes Co., of Atlanta, Ga., will be with us again on , SATURDAY MARCH 9-10 and at regular .intervals therealter, to test eyes and fitjjlasses.' Dr. Smith is one ol the most exper ienced and proficient Eye Specialists in the State and will give you the best of service and furnish glasses in anv style you may wish, at moderate prices. Examination free, and all work guaran teed by us. 7 y P. E. SlJavepcjrt The following aie mpng tbose; who have-. been treated by this $f?eilut; and. express themselves as being perfectly satisfied. Ask .tbem I. E. REID, L. S. LANDING, F. I KNIGHT C. V. V. AUSBON, P. W. BRINKLEY, F. R. JOHNSTON, C.J. NORMAN, R. P. WALK- Don't Forget Tlie Date -TWO DAYS ONLY. We will take a special delight in showing you our lot o horses and mules, becansse they are clean, good bred stock and are especially adapted to the needs of the farm ers of this section. Our new, commodious brick stables are kept in a perfectly Sanitary condition and the stock we have on hand gets the best treatment possible; con sequently when they leave here they are in tip-top shape We will carry a lot during the Spring and you need not hesitate to come in at any time for you will be sure to find what you want, Buggies and Harness - We have just received a solid car of nice, up-to-date bug gies which we are offerinrata most pleasing price.'Our line of harness comes from the best factories and are known for their neat appearance and durable qualities. We are here to serve you and' to look out for your best interest and our motto is "Satisfaction to all." Our stock is guaranteed to be jusc as we represent them. Ky. Horse & Mule Exchange J. S..81IUGAII, Manager . V A Special Exhibition of the New Mechanical Bookkeeper at the Washington Coisiiijr Bank A cordial invitation Is extended'to yoii to come in to this Bank and Inspect the wonderful Burroughs Bookkeeping Machine which we have; just installed. This "bookkeeper with brains of steel'' that cannot make d mlstake.wrtrbe ofv exhibition in our. banking ropm, i r We wart jea to e jwtbow tkj achine operates hait aifjs, kabtrtcti and ftfurw balances without an error. Qyt bookkeepers will show you exactly : how our books are posted bj machinery. ; ,The demoastration will be toth latirtinff and izUtrijctive. Samples of the work will taliifejb(iteio ereryo&e present This machine has been installed for the 'purpose of Civinic added protection to our depositors. We urge you to calj ad btcoma acquainted with this improved method of hudilp your, account. . B&aeabsrtha date, March 10th. . Come and. bring yo friends.; V The TlTt 7 ston G ounty Ban ke r Mew ARE GOMI NG IN DAILY. Our stock is complete of the newest creations m ready-to-wear apparel for all mem bers of the family. We are showing the latest things in Fancv Silks, suifahlp to make Sport Suits. It is very stylish ' iust now. anrl thn supply of that goods is limited tFOROUR 1 JLpoIcssna t Iiaks to z.a iren marker: I

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