Many distressing Ailments experienced by them are Alleviated by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Here is Proof by Women who Know. Lowell, Mass. "For the last three years I have been troubled with the Change of Life and the bad feelings common at that time. I was in a very ner vous condition, with headaches and pain a good deal of the time so I was unfit to do my work. A friend asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound, which I did, and it has helped me in every way. I am not nearly so nervous, no head ache or pain. I must say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the besc remedy any sick woman can take." Mrs. Margaret Quinn, Hear 259 Worthen St., Lowell, Mass. She Tells Her Friends to Take Lydia E. Pinjiham's Remedies. North Haven, Conn. w When I was 45 I had the Change of Life which is a trouble all women have. At first it didn't bother me but after a while I got bearing down pains. I called in doctors who told me to try different things but they did not cure my pains. One day my husband came home and said, Why don't you try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash?' Well, I got them and took about 10 bottles of Vegetable Compound and could feel myself regaining my health. I also used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash and it has done me a great deal of good. Any one coming to my house who suffers from female troubles or Change of Life, I tell them to take the Pinkham remedies. There are about 20 of us here who think the world of them." Mrs. Florence Iseixa, Box 197, North Haven, Conn. You are Invited to Write for Free Advice. No other medicine has been so successful in relieving woman's Buffering as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Women may receive freeand helpful advice by writing the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Such letters are received and answed by women only and held in strict confidence. Encouraging Outlook. "Well, old man, how are you getting along with your poultry raising? making expenses?" "Not yet; but my hens have taken to eating their own eggs, so I hope that they will soon become self-supporting." USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE Tbe antiseptic powder to be shaken Into shoes and sprinkled into the foot-bath. It relieves painful, swollen, smarting feet and takes the etlnpr out of corns and bunions. The greatest comforter ever discovered for all foot-aches. Bold everywhere, 25c. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Adv. Nature of the Place. "The British forces are fighting now In Champagne." "Then I don't wonder they are put ting so much spirit in it." Pass Onward, Auntie. Time Sunday morning. Place Bridge near the old swimming hole. Horrified Old Lady I say, little boys, what's coming off down there? Voice From Below Why, me shirt and Jimmie's pants. We're the last ones !n. iMMnONAL WSdlflOL Lesson (By E. O. SELLERS, Acting Director of the Sunday School Course of the Moody Bible Institute.) (Copyright, 1917, Western Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR MAY 27 GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER has been the most" successful family remedy for the last fifty-one years for biliousness and stomach troubles, to which the American people are addict ed, causing sick headache, nervous in digestion, sour stomach, coming up of food and a general physical depression. 25 and 75c. Adv. There is always room at the top, for fate is continually taking a little bit off the top. itrent You Take No Chances in Buying a Saxon You may buy a Saxon believing it to be the best car in its class and you will get what you pay for. You may look for longer service, better per formance and lower up-keep bills from your Saxon than from any other car of like price. And you will not be disappointed. If there was any doubt that Saxon cars are the best in their respective divisions it has long since disappeared. And the proof of this you will find, a thousand fold over, in the records of Saxon owners and in the opinion of motor-car buyers in general. Saxon cars have definitely estab lished their superiority in every phase of motor car performance. And just as surely and decisively as they have proved themselves abler acting cars, have they proved themselves cheaper cars to keep up. To build cars of such quality and such value clearly reflects the strength and soundness and ability of the Saxon organization. Saxon Motor Car Corporation Detroit, Michigan There U still tome good territory open for Saxon Dealers. For information you should apply to Barringer Garage Company Charlotte, N. C. THE HOLY SPIRIT AND HIS WORK (PENTECOSTAL LESSON). . LESSON TEXT John 15:26-27; 16:7-14. GOLDEN TEXT He shall teach you all things.-John 14:26. This lesson follows chapter 15:1-4. The emphasis Jesus placed upon the new and deeper intimacy into which the disciples were about to enter, and which involved a participation In per secutions (v. 20). However, as a gar rison and helper when this persecution should come, the believers are to have In their lives the Holy Spirit. I. The Believer and the Spirit (vv. 26-27). The "paraclete" (helper) was to proceed from the Father, but Jesus was to send him. He Is called the "Spirit of Truth" because It is his work to reveal the truth, and It is through his teachings only that any one may know the truth. Jesus is the truth (ch. 14:6), and the Spirit of Truth is to enable believers to testify concerning Jesus. It qualifies them for such testimony. The disciples also had the added qualification of expe rience for "ye have been with me from the beginning." The disciples were eye witnesses of what he did and what he was, and heard and knew all that he claimed for himself and what his life proved itself to be. II. The Believer and Persecution (16:1-6). This section has not been se lected by the committee, but as a part of the lesson we cannot overlook it. In it the Master enumerates specifi cally things that were to come to the disciples and that they might "remem ber." lie also mentions the fact that these things are to come after he has gone away. As a relief from sorrow (v. 6), the Master goes on to show the relation of the Spirit to the world. III. The Holy Spirit In the World (vv. 7-11). It was profitable for the disciples that Jesus should go, that an other Divine friend was to take his place. This is the best section in all the Bible to teach the personality of the Holy Spirit. The personal pro nouns in this section are very signifi cant, there being seven in the thir teenth verse alone. The word "Com forter" here used means that and much more. It is the same word translated i "advocate." In I John 2:1, it means ' one who Is called upon to stand be side another as a helper, counselor, guide and friend. Jesus had been this to his disciples thus far, but he was going away, and another Friend was coming, who should not only be with them, but should dwell in them (Ch. 14 :16, 17) . The Comforter has come, and without him we can do nothing. He is the one who convicts the world "of sin, of righteousness and of judg ment." Of sin, not because they have broken the moral code, but because they do not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah (Hebrews 10:28. See ch. 3:18-20). In the second place, he is to convict the world of righteousness. The Holy Spirit has no other channel through which he can get at the world except through those who are already saved. He shows the world its error about righteousness ; also that Jesus is the only righteous one, and righteous ness is only possible to us in him (Phil. 3:9 R. V.). Because he has lived the right life, having fulfilled all righteousness, and gone on high, he therefore convicts men, but the Spirit does his work through the agency of the word. Man needs to know first of all that he is a sinner ; second, that Jesus "the righteousness of God," has provided for us, and it is the Holy Spirit who alone can show these two things to men. In the third place, he convicts the world of judgment be cause "the prince of this world is judged." This judgment Is past (see John 12:31), for Jesus has conquered Satan. Certainly this is a truth that needs to be emphasized in this day. The judgment of sin and punishment for sin, due to unbelief or rejection of Jesus Christ, is seldom preached In our day. IV. The Spirit and Truth (vv. 12-15). .There was much more that the Master might say to the disci ples, but they were not ready to bear It (v. 12). ne, however, looks for ward to the day when the Spirit shall come, and they will be ready to re ceive these things. The Spirit will guide them Into truth, all truth, for he shall not speak of himself (he will not bear witness unto or speak "from" himself) but the things that he will speak of will be concerning Jesus. The real evidence of the presence of the noly Spirit in a believer or in a con gregation is the degree of exaltation given to Jesus Christ. There is a progressive intimacy in John. Jesus first calls those who are at his side, servants (Ch. 13:13). He next calls thern friends (Ch. 15:15), and lastly he calls them brethren (Ch. 20:17). This is the law of Christian experience. Sunday school teachers should cer tainly take advantage of this lesson to bring out the work of the Spirit (vv. 8, 9, 10) ; the gifts of the Spirit (I Cor. 12) ; and the fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22, 23). Let us be sure that our scholars know what It means to have a definite. Intimate, personal relation with the all powerful one. Be Adaptable. "Don't be obstinate." "Huh?" "Some men spend their lives trying to make silk purses from sows' ears." "Well?" "They might take the same material and get rich manufacturing leather specialties." y ...... . YES! LIFT A CORN OFF WITHOUT PAIN! Cincinnati man tella how to dry Lup a corn or callus so it lifts off with fingers. hii'I"I"I"I" III W I iiiiiS)iiS)iii You corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callus, stops soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callus loosens so It can be lifted off, root and all, without pain. A small bottle of freezone costs very little at any drug store, but will posi tively take off every hard or soft corn or callus. This should be tried, as It Is inexpensive and is said not to Irri tate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. adv. No Chance. "So the judge sent your husband to prison for ten years, Mandy?" "Yes, he did. Dat's a powerful long time to have to get along without a husband, missus." "It does seem like a long time, but, maybe, he can shorten it by good be havior." "Good -behavior, missus ! If my hus band's gittin' out o' prison depends on good behavior he'll be dere ten years t' de minit." I Girls! Use Lemons! Make a Bleaching, f Beautifying Cream 1 The juice of two fresh lemons strain ed into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quar ter pint of the most remarkable lemon skin beautifier at about the cost one must pay for a small jar cf the ordi nary cold creams. Caie should be tax en to strain the lemon juice through u fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lem on juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, smoothener and beautifier. Just try It! Get three ounces of orchard white at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra grant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It naturally should help to soften, fresh en, bleach and bring out the roses and beauty of any skin. It is simply mar velous to smoothen rough, red hands. Adv. CALOMEL IS MERCURY, IT SICKENS! STOP USP SALIVATING DRUG Don't Lose a Day's Work! If Your Liver Is Sluggish or Bowels Constipated Take "Dodson's Liver Tone." It's Fine! You're bilious! Your liver is slug gish! You feel lazy, dizzy and all knocked out Your head Is dull, your tongue la coated; breath bad; stomach sour and bowels constipated. But don't take salivating calomel. It makes you sick, you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramp ing. If you want to enjoy the nicest, gen tleut liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced Just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Your druggist or dealer sells you a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone under my personal money-back guarantee that each spoonful will clean your sluggish liver better than a dose ot nasty calomel and that it won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. YouH know it next morn ing because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and your bowels regular. . You will feel like working; you'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Dodson's Liver Tone is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give it to your children! Millions of people are using Dodgon' Liver Tone instead of dangerous cal-' omel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of calomel is almost stopped entirely here. Adv. n on i q 3 '"as" msa "THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE" S3 $3.50 $4 S4.50 $5 $6 $7 & $8 Save Money by Wearing W. L. Douglas shoes. For sale by over 9000 shoe daalers. The Best Known Shoes in the World. '. L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the bot tom of all (.hoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The retail prices are. the same everywhere. They cost no more in San Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the price paid for them. ' I 'he quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America. They are made in a well-equipped factory at Brockton, Mass., by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and supervision of experienced men, all working with an honest determination to make the best shoes for the price that money can buy. Ask your shoe dealer for W. t Douglas shoes. If he can not supply you with the kind you want, take no other make. Write for Interesting booklet explaining how to get shoes of the highest standard of quality for the price. wjr iciuni man, postage iree. LOOK FOR W. L. Douglas name and the retail price tamped on the bottom. FOR MEN AND WOMEN W rSS BEWARE OF BJ LlK!l SUBSTITUTES Boys' Shoes Best In the World $3.00 $2.50 & $2.00 President "W.I Douglas Shoe Co., 185 Spark St., 15 rock ton, mass. illTTotiic Sold for 47 years. For Malaria, Chills &Fe?er. Also a Fine Genera! Strengthening Tonic, 60c and $1.00 at all Drug Stores. A Seed Waster. "There's a man planting potatoes," snld Fanner Corntossel, "when he onght to be playin' ffolf." "You don't approve of gardening?" "Yes, I do. But if he'd go ahead an' play golf he wouldn't be spoilin' good potatoes that somebody could use." Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Gen eral Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. SO cents. Shall They Starve? "I see there is a proposal that no more whisky should be made until after the war, In order to save the foodstuffs used." "That so? But what of the men who like to take their food in liquid form?" "You can't distinguish saints from sinners by their shiny hats. She's Found a Place to Start. "Now that we are at war we shall have to practice rigid economy." "All right, my dear, I looked at your last year's hat this morning and I am sure it will do again for this summer." GREEN MOUNTAIN ASTHMA TREATMENT This treatment Is tbe result of mnny years of study auueipenencein inespeciaicreat- ) ment of diseases or tbe lanss and throat by the late Pr. J. H. Guild. tHtfdflnd New York Chemirnl I nh. 'iO M'A )' oratory. apractitlonerin Belleroa J- r-C&2( PlL' . nnrl Moor T...W i'h.iwit, TI..cnl..i. "f S'3!MJ( and an eminent pnysieian. 25cani '8 practical treatise on Asthma, lta Mb causes, treatment, etc. Bens on 1 I ..J,...-. 1-1 iw7 LABORERS White and Colored Steady Work Good Wages Excellent opportunity for handy men to advance in all trades. Can' also use all classes of Mechanics at Good Wages, Apply in person to Bethlehem Steel Co,, Sparrow's Point, Md. FARMERS AND SHIPPERS NOTICE Ship your vegetables to us. get highest market prices. Write forstencil. W e also handle eggs. FRKD YOST & CO., Wholesale Commission Merchants, 11)0 Iteiule Street, New York Roman Eye Balsam is an antiseptic oint ment, applied externally and not a "wash." Its healing properties penetrate the in flamed surfaces, providing prompt relief. Adv. How lucky some men would be if they should lose their reputations! !A! FIMFNt W u m w' wee easily made selling JrtLLOlllLli: COHAJA " Self - Vulcanizing Patnfi for Inner tubes, yuickest selling specialty on the market. Guaranteed territory. Men with autos pre fered. Sample and particulars free. Coral a I)li trlbuting Co., 6Z4 Paul Jones Bldg.. Louisville, Ky. DIl. LAKK'S PRESCRIPTION " A GOOD medicine fur HAD rheumatism". The Little Co J 18 llessr. iiitlg., Pittsburg, Pa. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 21-1917. iiux u ' Net Contents 15Fluid Drachnj issLhiihJ J tt jJMJ !l Children Cry Fob9 a t r-niinr -ft PER CENT. AVeSefablefrcparationforAs aniiuuiiujsi"-""- -j . tingtheStcmiadsandjgms Hi tind ingestion li Cheerfulness ana KCii.wu It ... . ir.t,!nanr neither upiam, jnui hiiuiv X'lineraL in ot ak - JftcafOldDrSAinMriTtm. jUxSenna JiocixlU Salt CInnfitd Sugar a t.A,IDfmflvfor Constipation and Diarrhoea . V. -.viinMC ana ana rcvciia"" - rcsiilunstt" Jac-Simiic SatareoC Jhe Centaur Compass NEW vv What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of nr. ;. v V r j . j Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought HK C NTAUH COMPANY. N W YORK CITY, III I . ll!B.,',J.i)JM nh .,""....!,"". .iiiillili.'ll!i,J..i"-i..a'"iii.ll.. lu.JKJi III, ..A1ML j i p mi

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