CALOMEL IKES YOU IT'S MERCURY Straighten Up! Don't Lose a Day's Work! Clean Your Sluggish Liver and Bowels With "Dodson's Liver Tone." Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. Take a do6e of the vile, dangerous drug to night and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. . Calomel 18 mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of. the bones. Calomel, when It comes into contact with sour bile crashes into it, break ing it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you feel sluggish and "all knocked out," if your liver is torpid and bowels consti pated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee Go to any drug store or dealer and get a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful tonight and if it doesn't Bay unlimited life scholarship before Aug. 15th aud save $10 on any course. Book keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and English Courses. We train for Business Employ ment and Success. Great demand for graduates. Send for catalog and full information. Address KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N.C.,or CH ARLOTTE,N.C. ONE FISH IS SOLD FOR $329 Return of Sturgeon to Delaware River Surprising as It Was Thought to Have Been Exterminated. Sturgeon fishing in the Delaware river and bay has showed a surprising improvement over past years In the number of catches and size of the fish, the Philadelphia Record states. Old river men are mystified by the return of the sturgeon, as It was thought these big fish had been about exterminated. Recently a number of exceptionally big fish were caught, some averaging well above 200 pounds and a few 300 pound sturcreon have also been caught. The cow sturgeon are just now filled with roe and some of the big ones yield from 90 to 100 pounds, selling at $2.75 a pound at the wharves. One fisher man who brought In a 300-pound stur geon last week was paid 303 fpr the roe and $24 for the fish, his catch net ting him $329. Harry A. Dalbow of Pennsgrove, who has been buying caviar here for many years, says that this is one of the best sturgeon seasons in the bay he has seen for a long time. There Is a big demand for the roe this year, as Importations of caviar from Russia, where sturgeon are caught extensively, have been cut off by the war. A Domestic Cataclysm. lie (reading the news) My dear, I see there's another break in China. She I can't help It, John. Even taking it out of her wages won't stop her. Constipation generally Indicates disordered Stomach, liver and bowels. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills restore regularity without griping. Adv. Most tall stories are extraordinarily thin. GREEN MOUNTAIN ASTHMA TREATMENT rhli treatment Is the result of fcanr years of study ana ezpenencein inespeciaitreat- I ment. 01 aisnwi o van iuuii biiu thrnnt. h tha lute Dr. J. H. Guild. cradunmof New York Medlc&l Col li Vr, lege and New York Chemical Lab wffiSi, oratory, a practitioner In Bellerne and New York Charity Hospitals, and an eminent pnysician. zoo ana 11.00 at druggists, tr 8-pl and practical treatise on Astoma, its causes, treatment, etc. Sent on request. J. li. Uulld CO., Hupert, V t. Sold for 4? years. For Malaria. Chills and Fever. Also a Fine General Strengthening Tonic. ,iS2i- For Two Dollars I will ma:l you my Formula of an excellent Furniture Polish. Will give a high polish to all kinds of wood. Can be made at a small cost and sold at a big profit. Send today to F.B. Golder,165 Christie St, Ridgefield Park, N.J. PILOCURA CURES PILES The New Internal Treatment 35c and 60c a box. Bend for sample today. Mailed free. PUocnra Company. Washington, to. C. Money back without question U HUNT'S CURK fails in the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, RINGWORMTETTER or other Itching skin diseases. Price 60c at drngg-ists, or direct from A, I. Richards Medicine Co.,Shtrnas,Tn. OLD FALSE TEETH WANTED We pay W to 16 per set for old false teeth. Doesn't matter If broken. Bend by parcel poet and reoelT check br return mall. Bank reference. Maaer's Tooth Specialty, 2007 S. Fifth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Evcry.Woman Wants FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved in water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam nation, v Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co, for tea years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh ore throat and sore ayes. Economical. Has extraordinary cJeammg and awniiriHal power. ISaaapl Free. Oc, aa tJrunuts, or portrait! by V pw.1. Tha Paatan Tort Com put. Bottom, Mmh m tinman mvnm SICK, UGH! AND SALIVATES straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous by morning I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel be cause it is real liver medicine; entire ly vegetable, therefore it cannot sali vate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your slug gish liver to work and clean your bow els of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guar antee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire family feel ing fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. Adv. ASpecial Summer unibw mil nun wn Working Both Ways. "It is the early bird that catches the worm." "So does the early fish." If you suspect that your child has Worms, a single dose of Dr. Peery's "Dead Shot" 'Will settle the question. Its action upon the Stomach and Bowels is beneficial In either case. No second dose or after pur gatlT necessary. Adv. Two Standpoints. She Sirs. Scraggs dresses in awful taste. lie I know she does ; I've tasted her salads. Maybe He Was Too Weak. "I don't believe that man was real ly hungry." "Why?" "He said he hadn't had anything to eat for three days, and I told him If he would split that cord of wood I'd give him his breakfast." "Well?" "lie asked me for his breakfast first. Any man who was really that hungry would have been glad to earn his meal." FRECKLES Now' Is the Time to Get Bid of These I'rly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othlne double strength is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othlne double strength from your druggist, and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom that more than one ounce is needed to com pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othlne; as this is sold under guarantee of money back If It falls to remove freckles. Adv. Joke on Mother. Returning home one afternoon, little Richard's mother found him apparent ly In great pain. CarefuL questioning failed to disclose the cause of the lad's suffering. Previous experience told the mother that Richard probably was In need of that oil so unpopular with children, and she proceeded to administer a generous portion despite the crying resistance of Richard. A few minutes later the boy appeared, apparently in great glee. "I've got a Joke on mother I've got a joke on mother," he cried. Members of the family avere curious, of course. "Mother thought I was sick and gave me oil, but I got the toothache," he exclaimed between laughs. Richard's earlier reticence was due to dread of the dentist's chair. In dianapolis News. How He Led the Class. There was some doubt as to whether Johnny, age eight, of Muncie, would be promoted this year, his mind having run largely to baseball and other mat ters extraneous to school, but he man aged to "pull through." As he came home waving his report card his moth er asked, rather fearfully, "And how did you stand, son?" "Right at the head of the class," was the boastful reply. "The teacher told me that If the class were turned up side down I'd be at the head, and It certainly was upside down this morn ing, because we didn't study or do any thing but shoot paper wads, whisper and act up." Indianapolis News. The Slacker. She Are you going to enlist? He Well, I would If I thought I could not pass the examination. Canada's 1916 trade with . Britain amounted to $821,080,408. "If I was the grocer I'd sell nothin but Toasties Tu s t ' ITOMTI0NAL SBMSfflOOLi i Lesson (By E. O. SELLERS. Acting Director of the Sunday School Course in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright, 1917, Western Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR JULY 22 SENNACHERIB IN DAYS JUDAH. OF LESSON TEXT II Kings 19:20-22, 28-37. GOLDEN TEXT God Is our refuge and strength, a very present help In trouble. Psa. 46:1. Last week's lesson was a great pic ture of the reform of the nation. To day we have another picture which needs to be carefully put before the children. It is a national picture of a ruler and the Invasion of his country. In reality it reveals the principles which are the same today, and which affect the lives of boys and girls as well as men ; the dangers, temptations, the need of prayer, the need of a life of faith in God, the care of a heavenly father, deliverance and victory. It is a great thing for any nation or any Individual to have such a marvelous experience of God's salvation. It oc curred probably B. C. 701, the latter part of Hezekiah's reign. Assyria on the north was enlarging Its borders and seeking to overcome Judea. Read parallel accounts in II Kings 18; II Chron. 32 and Isa. 36 :37. We have on the Taylor cylinder an account by Sen nacherib of the victory over Hezekiah, found in Nineveh in 1830 and now in the British museum. I. The Situation. When the great Sargon died at Nineveh, the Syrian governments sought to assert their in dependence. It was a good time for Hezekiah also to assert his independ ence. Accordingly they refused to pay the customary tribute to Assyria. For a time Sennacherib was too busy at tending to other portions of the em pire to pay much attention to the city of Jerusalem. Later, however, he sub dued the cities on the coast and threat ened Egypt itself. II. The Supplication (vv. 20-22). God does things because we pray. There was more power In Hezekiah's prayer than there was in his army. Through his prayers he laid 185,000 of his enemies in the grave. Hezekiah's God saved his people out of the hand of Sennacherib (v. 19), God did it. One great reason why he heard Hezekiah's prayer was because It was for God's own glory that nezeklah asked (v. 19). One great reason why so many of our prayers are not answered Is because they are selfish seeking our own gratification and not God's honor (James 4:3 R. V.). Rending his clothes and putting on sackcloth, He zekiah went to the house of God while his messengers sought out the prophet Isaiah. From II Chron. 32 :20 we find that Isaiah joined with Hezekiah In his earnest prayer (Matt. 18:19, 20), thus the king and prophet worked as well as prayed. They showed their faith by their work (James 2:17, 18). At the same time they waited upon God for an answer, not because God was unwilling to bestow good things or must be importuned, but that his gifts may bring the greater benefit. He sometimes delays his answer, thereby fitting us to receive them be cause of the Intensity of our desire and to appreciate the things he has to bestow. God is as ready to say to us as to Hezekiah, "Thy prayer is heard," If we will not meet the condi tions of prevailing prayer (I John 3:22; I John 5 :14 ; Rom. 8 :20.27). III. God's Glorious Deliverance (w. 23-37). God permitted the Assyrians to attack and they thus imagined they were having their own will and could do as they pleased, but when his "rod" had done Its work, they found the dif ference. The God against whem they raved guided them as with a "bridle" and turned them back to Assyria. Sen nacherib considered himself more than a match for God (Ch. 18:23-25) but had to return like a conquered beast of burden with God's "hook" in his nose and bridle on his lips. God al lows the enemies of his people to go a certain length in order that his people may be humbled and seek him. Then he puts forth his hand and says, "This far and no further." Jehovah gives us the same promise he gave Hezekiah, "I will defend this city." Is not the city of Jerusalem that God defends more safe than a city defended by an army? (Psa. 46:5, 6; 27:1). God had promised David that his kingdom should not perish, for in it lay the hope of the world and his plans for the redemption of mankind. Not be cause of the people did God defend the city, but because of his oath. This is a most dramatic picture, the mys terious destruction of the Assyrian army (vv. 35, 36). The Lord sent his angel, literally his "messenger," who applied his own plan for the accom plishment of his purpose. There is a sort of a grim Irony in the ending of Sennacherib's career. He who had so defiantly asked, "Who are they among all the gods of the country that have delivered their country out of mine hand," is led back to the house of his own god whom he imagines to be so potent to worship and in that very presence Is slain by the hands of one of his sons. The Importance of this event Is shown by the fact that It Is referred to in three books of the Bible and probably referred to anoth er, occupying seven or eight chapters, besides being recorded on the great cylinder to which reference is made. I Faith Necessary and Sufficient By REV. B. B. SUTCLIFFE Of the Extension Department, Moody Bible Institute, Cbicaao - ----- - ; t-t- tsi "Mn i 1 1 1 1 i i - n - i i. ii 1 1 1 iiZiCj Zi Zi " TEXT To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whoso ever belleveth In him shall receive remis lon of Bins. Acts 10:43. This text forms the close of feter's 6ermon to Cornelius. Surely here If anywhere we have the way of salva tion because In Acts 11 we are told that Peter was sent" to Cor nelius to "tell him the ' words whereby he and all his house should be saved." Peter has spoken of the grace of God which sent salvation, he has spoken of the death of Christ which has pur chased salva vX If?' WOKP A if. fry A yf' i . tion, he has spoken of the resur. rectlon of Christ which Insures sal vation, and then he says that "who soever belleveth on him shall receive remission of sins." Faith in Christ Necessary. Cornelius was a very sincere man, doing the very best he knew how but his sincerity was not sufficient. He was something like Paul, who says "that if any njan had whereof he might trust In the flesh, he more." In the second place Cornelius was a very re ligious man for he had conviction of sin which led him to sorrow for his sin. A reading of the tenth chapter of Acts would show he had a great desire to know the way of salvation, ne was also, we are told, a man of great piety, which showed Itself In great reverence and much liberality In the way of alms giving. To crown it all he was a man given to much prayer. But his piety, reverence, prayer or even his repentance was not sufficient to give him salvation. Sincerity of purpose and Christianity are not synonymous; religion and Christianity are not synonymous. None of these things which are so much thought of as be ing necessary for salvation can ever take the place of simple faith In Jesus Christ. The Bible does not say "who soever repenteth and Is reverent and prays and has a desire to be saved, or Is sincere, shall find remission of sins." It does say most distinctly that "who soever belleveth In him shall receive remission of sins." Faith In Chrl6t Sufficient for Salvation. The thief upon the cross could not get down and undo what he had done, nor make restitution of any kind, nor could he come down from the cross and live a good life, but he could ex ercise faith in Christ, and this was suf ficient for his salvation. Nicodemus had everything which would recom mend him as worthy of salvation, but his morality and rectitude of character left him dead in trespasses and In sins until he exercised simple faith in Christ. When Paul speaks to the brutal Roman jailer of Philippl he says nothlitg of reformation of life, but tells him simply to "believe cn the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." When Philip finds Nathaniel engaging In prayer, he does not tell him to pray harder or longer, but brings him to Christ. The noly Spirit declares ' in Romans 4 :5, "but to him that worketh not, but belleveth on him that Justl fieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness." The Gospel of John has been written "that we might believe that Jesus Is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing we might have life in his name." While faith In Christ Is absolutely neces sary for salvation, It is entirely suffi cient. Faith In Christ Open to All. Our text does not pick out any par ticular class which may have faith in Christ, but it uses the widest word possible and says, "whosoever bellev eth In him shall receive remission of sins." This wide word is used throughout all of Scripture. Isaiah says, 'TTo, every one that thlrsteih." John 3 :16 declares, "That God so loved the world that he gave his only be gotten Son, that whosoever believeth In him should not perish, but have ever lasting life." Romans 1:16 declares that the Gospel of Christ "is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth." And the Bible closes with the broad invitation for whosoever will to come. No one Is shut out. Faith In Christ is the simplest thing In the world. It is absolutely necessary, but wholly sufficient for salvation. LA PiT(o!!iPA 'Kp.t Contents 15Fluid Drachm ,i pnunT.-.l PER CENT. 1 AVeefaWcPrcparationfcrAs similatta$toeroodbyReguk; 2 tJn61nc.StrmaiiSandBWClSCI s Digestion I uneenuine5:ui"w- - , ncimcrpidm,hmcnor ! V4-: KVtVaRCOTIC jUxSemia JtocluUi Sola Want Sd Parifi'dSagar ftii&ryrtmhnr -;chness ana ftp VT.F.EP rcsultinlhcrefronvinWan racSmilcSi4natareor Exact Copy of Wrapper. c Just Talk. "The Huns," said a government offi cial at luncheon, "talk big about a war indemnity and annexation, but they don't mean what they say. They just hope by their big talk In the be ginning to make a better bargain In the end. "The Huns are like the chap who en tered the banker's office and said : " 'Pardon me, but are you carrykig sufficient life Insurance to satisfy your conscience?' " 'I am,' said the banker, shortly. "Could I interest you, then, sir, In a player piano, with electrical attach ments at a thousand dollars?' " 'You could not.' " 'What about a gold-mounted talk ing machine In satlnwood case, re duced to seven hundred and fifty dol lars?' "'Nothing doing.' " 'I wonder, sir, if an unexpurgated set of E. P. Roe, full levant morocco, blind tooled, going at five hundred dol lars, dirt cheap, would appeal to you?' " 'No, it wouldn't.' '"Want to buy a filing cabinet, sir?' " 'No. " 'Ahem. Then what would you say to this five-cent stick of shaving soap a nickel stick of shaving soap, Just to get rid of me? Anything doing, sir?' " 'My goodness, yes I Here 1 Take this.' " 'Thank you, sir, and good day.' " Natural Fiflhter. "Do you think your boy would be safer at home than In the army?" "Not a bit. Every time there is a ball game In the neighborhood they make him the umpire." The occasional use of Soman Kya Balsam t night upon retiring; -will prevent and re Here tired eyes, watery eves, and eye train, dr. New styles are old ones that people have forgotten. j nu.v. Make the Auto -y w i r r tr tirf & i h-.m- r. The Dixie Trailer Nothing like it for quick, tight hauling. Always ready for instant use, and no trouble to leave behind when not needed. Attached easily and quickly to any car. A great convenience for use on the farm or for general hauling. Saves- Time, Teams and Money Can make a dozen trips while a team makes one, and at less expense. Anvone who can run a car can do hauling with a DIXIE TRAILER while the teams are earning for you in the fields. . The Dixie Trailer has a capacity of 750 to 1,000 pounds. The body is 4 by 5 feet inside measurement. .There are 1 2 inch side boards and 1 2-inch removable racks. All parts are carefully and strongly made. Wheels Ford type. Mail the attached coupon for prices and full information. Council Tool Co., Wananish, N. C. Just the thing for hauling milk to the creamery. For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years 1 TMf eCNTaUM MUHNT, NKW VO CITV. n f'""NTITT ""3 Kills Chills IrI liiliniicnAti n fin a fftnir 11 m n x i i y. uuorameeu or rauncij uuuv p AsK uour dealer 7 LAMENESS from a Bone Spavin, Ring Bone. Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or similai trouble and gets horse going ioun& It acts mildly but quickly and good re suits are lasting. Does not bllstef or remove the hair and horse catt be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with each bottle tells how. $2. 00 a bottle wts. m r r IT ilSTi I delivered. Horse Book 9 M free. ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Painful Swelling, . E larged Glands, Wens, Bruises, Varicose VeinsVi r,r heals Sores. Allays Pain. Will tell yo more if you write. $1 and $2 a bottle at dnlera or delivered. Liberal trial bottle lor 10c ftampfc W. F.YOUNG. P. D. F. 310TemolSt..SorlnafIelJ. Mtss. Kill All Files! THsLpsRI PUod UTwhen.Dalsy Ply KHUr attract ul kflla H fliaa. Nat, daan, oraamantal., mad thaan. MMUl,aa't i hMTtMM. " rfwuiM Cm altMllira. AmSIm Daley Fly Killer SaM by riaatora, f m. by lima, (hhM, ' MAS OLD SORSCRS, ISO KM AVE., BROOKLTO. M, ta LABORERS - White and XoToriT Sttady Work Good Wages Excellent opportunity for handy men to advance in all trades. Can also use svU classes of Mechanics at Good Wagms, Apply in person to Bethlehem Steel Co., Sparrow's Point, MJ, W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 29-1917, VVelTaWeaVIIJ-lllWWItla I W. S9 I Do Your Hauling e e e e : e COUNCIL TOOL CO., WaaanUH, N. C. Please send me price and description with full information regarding the Dixie Trailer. Klmt Address

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