a Reaiy for Rest of It. Mr. Curd Is inclined to pessimism, particularly in the morning. At all times ho looks upon the works of the boarding house cook with suspicion. "Wouldn't you like a nice stew this morning?" Inquires the waitress. "Naw 1" "We have poikchopinuttonchopllver enbaeonhamonaggstoo " "Naw-w !" "Let nie bring you a nice fried sole," she persisted. "Sure, you might as well bring the sole," he snarled. "I ate the uppers yesterday." Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Gen eral Tonic because it contains the well ij known tonic oronerties of QUININE and ,,IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds np the Whole System. SO cents. . V Brought It Back. "Josiah," said Mrs. Hawbuck, "I hope you kept your' head while you were In New York." "I did, Martha," was the humble re ply, "but I guess it was only because none o' them sharpers had any use for it." Good health depends upon good diges tion. Safeguard your digestion and you j safeguard your health. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills provide the safeguard. A ; medicine as well as a purgative. Adv. The Lost Words. "I shan't waste any words on you." "If you use any at all on me you will." Don't Poison Baby. FORTY YEARS AGO almost every mother thought her child must hay PAREGORIC or laudanum to make it Bleep. These drugs will produce Bleep, and a FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the BLEEP FROM WHICH THERE IS NO WAKING. Many ore the children who have been killed or whose health has been ruined for life by paregoric, lauda num and morphine, each of which is a narcotio product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling either of the narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling them "poison." The definition of "narcotic" is : "A medicine which relieves pain and produces sleep, but which in poison ous doses produces stupor, coma, convulsions and death." The taste and smell of medicines containing opium are disguised, and sold under the names of " Drops," " Cordials," " Soothing Syrups," eto. You should not permit any medicine to be given to your children without you or your physician know of what it is composed. CASTORIA DOES NOT CONTAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears the signature -of Chas. H. Fletcher. SIX -j?" f Genuine Castorla always bears the signature ol&&Sc7 -cCcofozt Kills Chills Good for Malaria, constipation biliousness a fine tonic Guaranteed or money back Ask uour dealer Dehrens Drug Co..Waco.Tcx. ,TT,mmM.1f.r?Tr. Reduces Bursal Enlargements, Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Curbs, Filled Tendons,, Sore ness from Bruises or Strains; tops Spavin Lameness, allays paia. Does not blister, remove the hair or lav ud the horse. (2.00 a bottle at druggists or delivered. Book 1 M free. ; ABSORBINE, JR., for mankind an antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, trains, painful, swollen veins or glands. It heals and soothes. $1.00 a bottle at drug gists or postpaid. Will tell you more if you write. Made in the U. S. A. by W. F.YOUNO, P.O. F. , 31 0 Ttmpla Springfield, Mats. t7 .'LIT XAT A FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved in water for douches stop pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam mation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co, for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, ore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Hm extraondinvy downing and gennicidal power. I Sample Frea. 50c ail druggute. or postpaid by V. mi. The Pton Toilet Company. Bortcm, Min. GREEN MOUNTAIN THIV1A TREATMENT Standard remedy for fifty years aW result of many years experience In treatment of inroai ana iudk diseases vy ? 4, m r J Tl I r rco simpio uu rrat'iiucu Treatise on Atithma, Its cause, treatment,, etc., sent upon re- Suest. 25c. A $1.00 at druggists. . H. GUILD CO., Rupert, Vk LABORERS White and Colored Steady Work Good Wages Excellent opportunity for handy men to trance in all trades. Can also use all c Jbei of Mechanics at Good Wages. C Apply in person to jhletiea Steel Go., Sparrow's Point, Ml f mm wsiikirnie :AM0US DYSPEPSIA TABLETS ulck ReUef for Belching and Stomach Oases. Uways Successful Suffer No More obtainable b maU only 25c, 50c and 11.00. DR. TANNER REMEDY CO. j O. BOX 6093 - BOSTON. MASS. DLD FALSE TEETH WANTED fa D O to 116 f set for old false Uwth. Doesnt "iter if broken. Bend by parcel post and recelre Becialt mi 8. BmBCVbir.d.lpEia. f mm, finest seed, Taylors, early. Black 0 TJ ,!.. in new Trlpple IS. Seamless 1 is as F-.aaex. Poland-China. Duroc pls. in farrow. Service boars. J. E. COX.L tonnrlly Spring, It. C 4. V., CHARLOTTE, NO. 31-1917. Modern. "My potato," he howled passionate ly, throwing himself on his knees be fore her, "do not taunt me thus I Let me look Into thine orbs, shining like radishes set In a bed of the finest leaf-mold, and see truth revealed there in I Oh, do not send me away, I Im plore you. My parsnip my onion, my turnip-top, my holy little leek!" She rose to her feet. "Slug!" she hissed. "Wlreworml Allotment thief! You dare to come to me with vain compliments? But I can see. through you. You call me a chaste potato, while at the same time, copying the ways of the murderous green fly, you seek to pull me down to your owr vile and stagnant level! Begone!" And he went. London Ideas. HAVE SOFT, WHITE HANDS Clear Skin and Good Hair by Using Cuticura Trial Free. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal. Besides these fragrant, super-creamy emol lients prevent little skin troubles be coming serious by keeping the pores free from obstruction. Nothing better at any price for all toilet purposes. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard. Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Love isn't blind. A girl in love can see ten times more in the object of her affection than anyone else can. Widows frequently lead bachelors to the marriage altar; they have been there before and know the way. Safe Advertising. An Amsterdam .avenue delicatessen dealer has reached the pinnacle of ad vertising Ingenuity In his efforts to sell more eggs than his competitors. His window displays the following sign: "Guaranteed fresh eggs 52 cents a dozen. Five cents for each bad egg returned." The risibilities unconsciously rise at the thought of n respectable gentle man walking about Amsterdam ave nut carrying ah egg that has been boiled and in the process of breaking for breakfast has displayed unmis takably vicious tendencies. Inquiry at the shop revealed that the proprietor has yet to pay out the first nickel for a returned egg, and he still insists that, the advertising Idea is a good one. New York Sun. Splendid Medicine . For Kidneys, Liver and Bladder For the past twenty years I have been acquainted with your preparation, Swamp Root, and all those who have had occa sion to use such a medicine praise the merits of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root; spe cially has it been very useful in cases of catarrh or inflammation of the bladder. I firmly believe that it is a very valuable medicine and recommendable for what it is intended. . Very truly yours, DR. J. A. COPPEDGE, Oct. 26, 1918. Alanreed, Texas. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Adv. He Was Sorry He Spoke. "Why, you women ought to be thank ful that you do not live In foreign countries, where they yoke up women with mules and make them pull to gether," said a rough opponent of wom an suffrage to a gentle, but strong minded suffragist. "You are married, are you not?" she asked. "Yes !" he snapped. "Well," she rejoined, "then foreign countries are not the only ones In which women are yoked with mules." Training for "Punch." An English youngster was asked to give a definition of a lie. "It's a Hun truth, sir," he answered. The average girl believes that an en gagement is one continuous round of pleasure. And very often it is. If Worms 7 Tapeworm persist In your system. It is because you have not yet tried the real Vermifuge, Dr. Peerys "Dead Shot." One dsse does the work. Adv. United States army has bought 4,000 Lewis machine guns. fimmilaiAil Fvlir!c 1 M 5 Eyes inflamed by expo- . . n a j lift. J sure to aun, wusi ana mnu Em, quickly relieved by Murine W wD Eye Remedy. No Smarting, 4J just Eye Comfort. At Druggists or by mail 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye Salve in Tubes 25c. For Book ! (be Eye fEEJB ask Murine Eye Benedj Co., Cfcfcear INIEBMONAL MSO100L Lesson (By REV. P. B. FI TZ W ATE R, D. D., Teacher of English Bible In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright, 1917, Western Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR AUGUST 5. MANASSEH'S SIN AND REPENT ANCE. LESSON TEXT-II Chronicles 83:1-20. GOLDEN TEXT Let the wicked for sake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. Isaiah 65:7. The reign of Manasseh was the long est of any of the kings of Judah. It Is strange that a wicked king should have the distinction of the longest reign. This can be accounted for, per haps, by the fact that the nation was in such a state that their idolatrous corruption needed to go to its fullest development. It seems to be neces sary in a world of free, beings, that their actions must go to a certain stage of development. It was so with the inhabitants of Canaan before that land was possessed by Israel. Israel was kept in Egypt until the iniquity of that nation was full. In this case doubtless the Lord permitted this to go on until the Idolatrous practices would become extremely obnoxious. I. Manasseh'8 Sin (vv. 1-9). Though he had the example of a good father, he with passionate endeavor gave him self up to the Imitation of the heathen about him. This shows that grace is not Inherited; a good father may have a bad. son. It also teaches us that it is absolutely necessary to bring the grace of God into vital touch with our children, for that grace is absolutely essential to their salvation. Only his grace can counteract the downward ptll of sin. 1. He restored the high places which had been destroyed by his father (v. 3). It is thus seen that he sought to undo the good work done by his father. 2. He erected altars to Baal (v. 3). The Idols worshiped on these altars seem to have been Images of licen tious appearance, provoking the indul gence of the human passion. There fore, with this worship was coupled the grossest licentiousness. 3. He introduced the star worship of the Chaldeans and Assyrians (v. 3). He even erected these altars in the house of the Lord, placing them on a level with God himself. 4. He set up Moloch in the Vale of Hlnnon (v. 6). He not only encour aged this worship on the part of oth ers, but he even caused his own chil dren to pass through the fire. 5. He practiced magic, witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit (v. 6). So gross were these practices that they did even worse than the heathen whom God had destroyed before the Children of Israel came into the land. 6. He rejected the Lord's testimony (v. 10). Doubtless the prophets had again and again admonished htm, but ho seems to have turned entirely aside from such remonstrances. II. Manasseh's Chastisement (vv. 11 13). The Lord In grace used the As syrians to chastise Manasseh, so as to bring him to see his evil ways. He was captured, perhaps while hiding among the thicket of thorns (v. 11), bound In chains and carried to Baby lon. This was most Humiliating. His hands were managed, his ankles fas tened together with rings and a bar. III. Manasseh's Repentance, (vv. 12. 13). Fortunately, the chastisement had its desired effect. Manasseh was brought to his senses and turned from his evil ways. The steps In his re pentance are as follows : 1. Affliction (v. 12). This was most severe. Bound with chains and dragged to Babylon. While this was severe, It was light in comparison with the sins which provoked it. 2. Supplication (v. 12). Manasseh liad the good sense to cry out to God in this condition. It is the unmistak able evidence that God's chastisement is accomplishing Its purpose. We are instructed in James 5 :13 in time of af- fliction to pray. ! 3. Humility (v. 12). This is a com mon characteristic of penitent souls. Those who come under the hand of God always recognize it in their hum- j ble walk. I 4. Forgiveness (v. 13). As soon as j God sees the signs of penitence, he turns in mercy to the penitent and i grants absolution for sin. No one needs to wait long to receive his for giveness. 5. His kingdom restored (v. 13). Manasseh not only was forgiven, but he was actually restored to his king dom. Those who truly repent. God will not only forgive, but he will re store (Psa. 32 :3-5). 6. Apprehension of God (v. 13). Through this experience Manasseh came to know God. IV. Manasseh's Reformation (vv. 14-20). Manasseh was not content with merely receiving God's forgive ness and restoration to his kingdom, but he sought so far as possible to undo the mischief which he had done. 1. He strengthened JJie fortifications of Jerusalem, so as to make his peo ple safe from the attack of a foreign foe. (v. 14). 2. He removed the idols from the House of the Lord (v. 15). Through bitter experience he had come to know that an idol is nothing, that It could avail him nothing In time of deepest need. SO STOP PA" fl'?" S TA 'CF POPSQKTS L11B TIE: New Discovery! Takes Place of Dangerous Calomel It Puts Your Liver To Work Without Making You Sick Eat Anything It Can Not Salivate Don't Lose a Day's Work! I 3?scovere3 a. vegetable compound that does the work of dangerous, sickening calomel and I want every reader of this paper to try a bottle and if it doesn't straighten you up better and quicker than salivating calomel just go back to the store and get your money. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your thirty feet of bowels of the sour bile and constipation poison which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that one spoonful of this harmless liquid liver medicine will relieve the headache, bil iousness, coated tongue, ague, malaria, sour stom ach or any other distress caused by a torpid liver as quickly as a dose of vile, nauseating calomel, besides ft will not make you sick or keep you from PARAFFIN CAN. BE CLEANED Do Not Throw It Away Because It Has Become Dirty, Says Specialist of Agricultural Department. Paraffin that has become unclean through usage in canning and preserv ing may be cleaned and reused. Don't throw it away because dirt and trash have become mixed with It. Many times it can be cleaned with a brush In cold water. If this does not remove all the dirt, says a specialist of the United States department of agriculture, heat the paraffin to boiling and strain it through two or three thicknesses of cheese cloth placed over a funnel, or a thin layer of absorbent cotton over one thickness of cheesecloth may be .used as the strainer. One straining should he sufficient ordinarily, but if the paraffin still is unclean, heat and strain again. -Any paraffin lodging in the strainer may be recovered by heating the cloth and pouring the hot liquid into another strainer. Girls! Use Lemons! Make a Bleaching, Beautifying Cream The juice of two fresh lemons strain ed Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quar ter pint of the most remarkable lemon skin beautifier at about the cost one must pay for a small jar cf the ordi nary cold creams. Ca;e should be tak en to strain the lemon juice through a fine cloth so no lemon' pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lem on juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, smoothener and beautifier. Just try it! Get throe ounces of. orchard white at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra grant lemon lotion and massage it dally into the face, neck, arms and hands. It naturally should help to soften, fresh en, bleach and bring out the roses and beauty of any skin. It is simply mar felous to smoothen rough, red hands. Adv. Have a Private Latch Key. A teacher in an Indiana school says that she used to think there was a chance for careful, sanitary folk to es cape germs, but since holding an ex amination recently she has given np hope. In this examination the question was asked : "AVhat is bacteria, and how do they enter the body?" And one eighth-grade pupil gave the discouraging answer : "Bacteria Is germs, and they get Into the human body by means of a rusty nail." I n d w i a n a poll s News. Advancing Civilization. As a proof that civilization is ad vancing, it may be pointed out that African traders, who used to supply Uganda with rum, calico, brass wire and bends, are now doing a flourish ing trade in wrist watches. The Troubla "Whatcha looking so blue about, old top?" "Oh, my wife wants more clothes, though all the year her wardrobe has been oversubscribed." Pore Eyps, Blood-Phot Eyes. Watery Eyes. Sticky Eyn. all healed promptly with night ly application of Roman Eye Balsam. Adv. If worrying would keep a woman thin, there would be no fat women. Logic proves or disproves all things, but accomplishes not any of them. r - 7 Sold for 47 years. For Malaria, CRills and Fever. Alto a Fine General Strengthening Tonic. 60c ui $1.00 tt all Drag Stem Such Is Life. "George," she Haid, "am I really and truly your little popsy wopsy?" "The sweetest peachy weachy in ex istence," declared George. "And you've never, never loved an other girl?" "There isn't another girl in the world worth a thought, sweet." "What makes you love me so, George?" "Just because I can't help it, preciousest." "Am I an angel, George?" "An elf, petsie. The daintiest little fairy that ever diew breath." "Oh, my true knight!" she sighed. "Good night. Good night." And live minutes later the daintiest little fairy that ever drew breath was snapping ma's head off because the bread and cheese and pickled onions were not laid out for supper; whilst the true knight was whispering sweet nothings to the golden-haired barmaid at the Fan and Feathers, and asking her if she had a fancy to go to the pictures next .Friday. London Tit Bits. On Will Training. The magazines advertise many books on will training. Each of them prom ises to heal the sick self, to strengthen tne feeble knees, to turn the poor in heart Into dominating personalities, to make live wires out of hand bound brains. Flensant Is the picture, very pleasant and alluring, which these ad vertisements paint of the future. Your inhibitions shall be cast out of you, they shall perhaps enter Into your Gadarene competitors, who shall be driven violently down a steep place into the sea, leaving your once faint heart free to win fair wages. Unless, indeed, your competitors happen to better their wills by buying and read ing the same books, in which case the future looks less clear. The Ne. Re public. Tettertne Conquers Poison Oak. I enclose 50 cents in stamps for a box of Tettertne. I have poison oak on me again, and that is all that has ever cured It. Please hurry It on to M. E. Hamlett Montalba. Tex., May 21, '08. Tetterlne cures Eczema, Tetter, Ring Worm, Itchlnsr Plies, Old Itching Sores, Dandruff, Chilblains and every form of Scalp and Skin Disease. Tetterlne 50c; Tettertne Soap 25c. Your druggist, or by mall from the manufacturer. The Shup trlne Co., Savannah, Oa. With every mall order for Tetterlne we five a box of Shuptrine's 10c Liver Pills re. Adv. In Our Boarding House. "That new couple look as if they had some guilty secret." "They have." "Huh?" "They kept house once, but they don't want to do anything that will add to the landlady's power by letting her know they didn't make a success of it." Louisville Courier-Journal. Ugh! He started to take a nap in the bar ber chair but awoke with a terrible start. "Have a bad dream, sir?" asked the sympathetic barber. "You bet I did. I dreamed the boy was blacking my white shoes." Not Worth Fooling. Harper You can't fool all of the people all of the time. Sharper I don't want to. Lots of people haven't any money. The fellow who marrle the woman who never smiles need not expect a hilarious time on the natrlmonial sea. a day's work. I want to. see a bottle of this won derful liver medicine in every home here. Calomel is poison it's mercury it attacks the bones, often causing rheumatism. Calomel is dan gerous. It sickens while my Dodson's Liver Tone is safe, pleasant and harmless. Eat any thing afterwards, because it can not salivate. Give it to the children because it doesn't upset the stom ach or shock the liver. Take a spoonful tonight and wake up feeling fine and teady for a full day's work. Get a bottle! Try it! If it doesn't do exactly what I say, tell your dealer to hand your money back. Every druggist and store keeper here knows me and knows of my wonderful discovery of a vegetable medicine that takes (the place of danger ous calomel Adv. W MLL UMDC LOOKED LIKE INVERTED RAIN Bullets From Machine Guns Gave Odd Impression to Aviator at Whom They Were Aimed. It will be easily understood, writes Mr. C. G. Grey, in "Tales of the Fly ing Service," that before a bullet that has been shot straight upward begins to fall there must be a point where it stands dead still, and that for the last part of Its upward path It travels very slowly. One officer of my acquaint ance told me, after some months of war, that his most curious experience was when once, and once only, he dis covered the exact extreme range point. He was flying along quite peacefully on a bright sunny morning at an alti tude of a little over 8,000 feet, without worrying about anything, when sudden ly he saw something bright dart past the side of the machine. lie began to look about him and saw, a shade be low him and a trifle to one side, a whole stream of little bright things glit tering in the sun. Then he realized that he had just struck a level that happened to be the extreme vertical range of a machine gun that was making uncommonly good shooting. Other bullets, from rifles and other machine guns also flashed Into view as he flew along, and when his eyes caught the right focus he could follow tho slow, topmost part of their movement for a considerable distance. "It looked," he said, "just as If It were raining upward," and the phenomenon was so novel that he quite forgot for a time that the "raindrops" Indicated that he was unpopular with someone below. Youth's Companion. A Ready-Witted Parson. The evening lesson was from the Rook of Job and the minister had just read: "Yea, the light of the wicked shall be put out," when immediately the church was in total darkness." "Brethren," said the minister with scarcely a moment's pause, "In view of the sudden and startling fulfillment of this prophecy, we will spend a few minutes in silent prayer for the elec tric lighting company." Boston Tran script. That Solemn Expression. Two sailors were coming along the sidewalk just as a newly wedded cou ple enme out of the church to enter an automobile. Said one sailor: "There goes another poor devil launched upon the sea of matrimony." "Yes," said the other, "and he looks as if he expected to strike a mine any minute." P,oston Transcript. At the Summer Resort. Stella Hello, Frank. Bella Now, there you go calling him Frank. I am his fiancee and I want you to understand, dearie, that I am the only one around her who has the Franking privilege. POST T0A5TIES are the newest and best in corn flakes

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