I 7'. lm0Jtlwv,'mmm n -JJ il1r1 ' """" 11 M ' "' J"'"""''"'a' Xl Vv, r BlMCON FLASHES. BIG Bll AFT AUMY TO BE ASSEMIILUD SEPT. 1. Art angements have been com pleted Tor the bringing- together inthe big training camps all the new soldiers who have been cal led under the selective draft act. All the news concerning the se lection and movement of thesy soldiers will be of interest to all our subscribers who will find that Ciie'Rpacon carries each week all the news of th nation and state. This news is prepared ty experts in a way which will please all our readers. Hon. Mark Majette of Colum v bia was on our streets this week. Miss Belle Pagan of Norfolk is here visiting .virs. S. W. Beasley. , Miss Annie Brown is visiting relatives and friends in Wash ington." Mr. J. Paul Simpson of Wif liamston was in town on Wed nesday. t Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Cobb re turned from, their honey-moon Sunday. . ' Mrs. W. G. Hall ofWilming- ton is here visiting her mother, ivl b. i.),rrah btubbs. M r. ' T. M . CM Mson of. Ma r. V eys paid us a pleasant call while in town Wednesday. . . Messers H. G. Walker and W. J. Starr ot" t'resvvell Were in the city on business Tuesday. Hon. J. W. Dareen of Scotland Neck is in the 'city visiting, his brother, Mr. D. G. Darden- ' Miss, Ruth Ayent left yester day, for Washington where she is visiting relatives. and friends- Mr. C. J. Norman, Jr., of Nor folk is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C J. Norman on Main s'rjet, Messrs Milton Ho! Us, Jesse Everett; Clarence .yers and '.James .Ausbon motored to P.elha ver.unday. . , -.Mrs. A S. Moore left Tuesday for a visit to her sister at E. City and from thore sho-will go 'to Nag's Head. Miss Sadie Ausbon left Mcnday for Elizabeth City where she is spending a few days with Mrs Mamie Riggins. 1 Mrs. Richard Knight and dau ghter, Miss Mary, of Durham were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. II Smith this week. m Miss Willo Sitterson of near Roper is in town, the guest of Miss Lida B. Lewis, corner Main and Jefferson streets. 9 . Mr A.L. Owens and family left 'yesterday for the mountains of Western North Carolina .where they will spend some tim-?. . The Episcopal Sunday School enjoved its annual pic-nic at Rae's Bsach on Tuesday last. A'l report a very good time. Jlr, S. H. Lupton of Edenton is -here this week putting the priming coat of P3int on Mr. L. L,, Owens' new home, near town. Misses Ruth and Lottie Eborn of Baysido' have been visiting their grand-mother, Mrs. A. M. Ayers on Third St., for the past few davs. Misses Bessie Jones of Red Spring., and Ethel Norman of Port NorfoTk. Va., are in the city as vuests ot Mrs. B. E. Stephenson. . Miss Nina Harrison motored to Creswell Wednesday to spend a few c7ays with Miss Eva SpruilK vvh? ws in town for a short while on that day. Mr. and Mis D. S. Jones, little son, Lawrence aud Mr. JackWi -loughby motored to Jackson, N C, wherb they spnt the week end wit.btAtty. Frank Jones Mrs. Cnas. H. Hinmah, who h is been here a few days visit iaz her sister, Mrs. Jos. W, Nor man. Returned to Her home in New York Mondav. She was ac companied by Mr?. Norman and her little daughter, . Miss Eliza-1 beth. - ' Mrs W. C. Ritter and little daughter who have ben visiting her. mother. Mrs. Moliie Harri-, jr.n. her- returned tc - their horn? inNewp ort News, Va.. on Merday. They were accompa- nfcd by Mrs- Ritter's mother. and sister, Miss Meta Harrison. Messrs. J. Lloyd Horton ami M. H. Dixon, Jr., accomcanied by Misses Martha Hornthil and Dorothy Willy made atrip, a few clays ago, thru the country to Newbern, taking a Buick Six to Lieut. R. D. Dixon, who is stat ioned at that point with a battery or artillery. . It is very gra fifing to know the women of Washington County are responding so faithfully to our Nation's call for food canser- vation. The reports from one-hal of the members of the Plymouth Canning Club shows 1,355 quarts put up during July. Mrs. w. S Davenport, Mackeys, has canned 600 quarts. The Plymouth Garage & Motor Co., are in a position co deliver to any one desiring an Overland automobile, at once, as they have just unloaded two car-load Prices will advance after this lot is disposed of about 60 00 nfrcar. We have several second hand cars on hand for sale. Call 'ffo see us. . Adv Messers N. B. Stevens and W. Watts have ordered approxi i.l.. n nrA ! !! . -i mateiy a.v'jv uusneis ot seed ior the following fa'l crops : clover, vetch, rye, oats and wheat. All those who have failed to give Mr. Stevens their orders for seed will p!ease do so. so that no (!' rv wiil inconvenience them The above-mentioned peed will be distributed by the Washing ton County Bank at cost to the farmers of this section. Ad List of Persons Called into the Service of the United States not Exempt- . ed or Discharged. Pink Cradle, Mort. L. Yeager, Herman Gaylord, Walter Moore, John McRae, Colon Phelps, Eddie Bell, Joe Wm Davis, John C. Chesson,' Dack O. Patrick, Joseph Gaylord, John W. Marriner, John Mayoe, John J. Phelps, Geo. W. Patrick. Bonnie Bennett, Joe Robt Davis, ' . Willie Bell, Carl StanlytIIeynen, Mack Howard, Cl;deO. Ilyman, Wilson C. Hyman, John Hill, Nathan Simpson, Charles Webb Leroy Watson, James E. Jethro, Edward Lewis, Erne; t Downing, Willie Clark Walter II," Spruill. John II. Webb, Sandy Williams, Willis Lind'sey, Jr. Aloh Odell Lee, Herbert Downing, Jas, II. Creekmore, Henry Armistead, Oscar R. Armstrong, Wui. L. Jenkins, Lafayette. McAllister, Levin Snowden, Miles F. Sawyer, Jno. F.Ambrose, C'yde Sauiidery, Brisco Ransom, Jr. James Myers, Chas. W. Blount, Kr'riest L. Cooper, Willie Griffin, Odell Alexander, John D. Sinithwick, Oscar Gillam,, . Eugene Norman. Aaron Lewis, Henry Halsey, Chas. L. Boone, Eli S. Phelps, Tom Norman, 'Jo.hn II. Bond, Fred Hines, Jos. L. Woodley, Milton Simpson, Jas. O. Williams, Sam Hudson, George Speller, Wilton W. Ayers, John Boyd, Wm. L. Twine, Herman Baker, Hyman Lucas The following failed to appear fo 'examination, but are selected Fa:! C ;H v', John Huckem James Rowsom Alexander Lewis, Willio Barnes' Sandy Pools, James Rchi.j. JisperMceecham. James Ed Moore, - Nat Edwrrds, Ernest Stallings . . Below is a list of those going from thif county as volunteers, and are now in the service, a D. Loane. - - 2nd. N. C. Inl Carrol Cogerins, ' - " John. Burt, " . " Jie Jackson ' " KoloiSprnill, -Edison Swain, ' " Willie Rawls, - " " Richard Bunch " Herbert Sawyer, ... Moyo Spraill, lsr, N C Fid. Art. L'nwood Hassell, Cleveland .Lilly, ' Robert Swain, " Ot.s Chesson, " Wilbur Spruill. ' Whit Sanderson, ' i i i Carrol Lucas ' " " Nollie Bbunt, " : Lloyd Norton, Ambulance Co. 43 Hal Wil'iford, , . " ' L-ither Ausbon, j L'oyd C lesson, G?o. Harrison, N C Coast Art'y. V.E!' Everett,' Engineer's Corps ;E. S Blcunt;-4th, Va. Infantry. Jack McAllister, Amos Edwards J' :'", Clyde L5verman, . ..Wilford Morman, Buck Spruill, " " v.. ATTENTION! We are after the dollar vours, we will give you better values than have been of fered you. before. If you do not' believd it, get our prices ana compare tnem witn otners ana you Mill ne m -x. :': - , " :- ,-zr ".'-:'.-''-V..:. ; ? I , i 'Convinced. ' h'WB'W; JWMiff k Always we 53- M more goods for same moniqy t n' MlW ANT) " 'I r'-iV vSV-V . S'?ui3i-. 1 SAME GOODS FOR LESS MONEY . Buy from US and help US to help YOCf. Our lines of Ladies and Children wear including s1ioes and slippers are complete and ,we especially invite you to see them before purchasing. We have a particularly big line of Children and Misses eadv-to-wear dresses and we can save you money on them. Our Grocery department is particu larly well stocked and our prices are ex remly reasonable. 50 lbs. Country madebay lard, Nice Country shoulders, A'l po;k Country sausage,, in lark. If you need any sugar be sure to see vjs before buying THE NEWBERRY CO. ' . A. U. NEWBERRY, Mgr. P If you believe in PREPAREDNESS, prepare to pro tect' vour PROPERTY with a FIRE policy, your FAMILY with a JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE policy, and yourself with an ACCIDENT & HEALTH policy. Why take unnecessary RISKS? Nothing but reliable companies represented. , J..H.SMiTH,'Gen'l Agt Office: Blount Bld. Fire, Life A Accident Insuraace '..TiTTOXnMHiir-iirTr-MririT 1" -"" dwd L Cooper, Navy. S. R. Woodley, aviation corps. School to Open Sept. 12th. The Plymouth Graded School will begin its 1917-18 session on September 12th. The did Baptist Church will be repaired and' otherwise im proved ior the use of the Pri mary grades, the school building being too small to accommodate the entire attendance. . The school work this year will be under the supervision of Prof. Jas; W: Norman, who has filled that position for the past four yea's. He will be assisted in the high school by Miss Virgie Rod- well of iVIac n, N. C . and ev. B. O. Myers of Lexington, N. C, the pastor of the local Bap tist Church. ; The Elementary and Primary departments will be conducted by Misses Dorothy Willey, Sadie Chesson. Ruth Bateman and Carrie Smith; they all having taught here for the past few years. ' . It is earnestly hoped bythe entire faculty that each and every patron of the school will co ooerate in every way possible with them in making this session one of many and great accom plishments. Canning Club to Meet. The Canning Club will meet at the Graded School building next Friday'afternoon, Aug. 24' Each member is urgently re quested to attend, aa special questions will be dealt with. that require united action. Miss McQuom. the County Demonstrator, request? ustoak each member of the County Gin ning Ciubt co ive in the number of "quart jirs that hae been prepared, at the last inooling in this month, so thit her report can be made accurnto. ' Mrs. J. W. Williamson, Secretary. and in ofller to iet a few of IS ij.irm.CT-m- - 1 ,n FOE SALE Country Water Plant. . 600-Gallon Steel Tank, with necessary gauges, valves and piping. 2 1-2 H:- P. Alamo Gasoline Engine. 4x5 Leader Power Pump wh Compressor. This plant is of best materials and has been used only eight months. I am now using arte sian water from the town and have no further use for it. For price and terms enquire of CD. LOANE. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of theetate of George bobbins, late of Washington County, this is to notify All persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the un.' dersined administrator on or before August 11th, 1918, or this notice will be ' pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate wi.l please make immediate settlement. This Aug., 11, 1917. J. F. SNELIv p-6 Adm'r. FOR SALE-desirably located nine-room house and lot on Jef ferson street, on easy tetn s. For full particulars applv to Mrs. C. H. Francis, River View Hotel, Plymouth. 8-10 Pugh 8 Mid&ett Attorneys-at-Law Roper; N. C. ZI2B VANCE XOItMAN Attorney & Counsellor at ' Plymouth. N. r Money to lend on farn laud. J. A. Spruill & Son have just purchased a complete stock of the famous Llatikoto paints. This paint is used aU over thotU. S. A.. and is sold under a guarantee of quality, L. VV. Bateman, N. C. representative al. BH. .J. C. COGGIN5, ATT O UN EY-AT-LAW Plymouth, N. C. -7 -r - i . 'i- ;: i pr:-'.l'f. r f . , .. - . ,- . . - . i Your ' d 11 ty- to yourself, to your Famiiy, to Society JTYt t c ft . . that you loo!: after ilia of your fund:-.. i Th'ayes do Stial and j money in this Ban'.: is A2re i Tha rain w'.io hi hH miij in tha t.u is ihs man I with his Min'd at Eaco. : ; 4 1. Hi uwnatcamMKH-aestxrtxm: r."s-.T. 4UJ1 Wishes to announce that j of, Cans, Canning Outhts'and any otlier irticle you want in the: Hardware line Call in to se us. U - ; A r"; : -. '..1 . - , - Ju.it aor--;3 v::i Opportunity takes'. off its hat lo the man with a Bank Accomt. Opportunity is ready for the man. woman or child who is ready for it. The ash-barrels of.history are full of people who were unprepared for Opportunity when it carhe their wav. Have you the cash to avail yourself conies your way? Wny us now? t-. liie reopies isaelc CRESVELL, N. C. H. G. WALKER J. C. GATLIN President ' Chlcc " r rZyF'""tS7 T!' --P.-. r ,1 ? ill v;! factory wcrL very ci'tcn results in ii CuCk!Cii0S) j, 'nckaches and other i..v..f-:3, and also weak- ens L:ie Nerves. ANTI-PAIH PILLS will quickly relieve the Nerves, cr Pain, while" Dr. Miles' Iiear Treafmeiit is very helpful when i je Heart is overtaxed. i":n3T BOX, Oil DOTTLf, J-iuS TO CZNCi'iC YC'J, YOUi MONEY WILL. EE REFUNDED. . t: f ) V t . Fire - b rjind' . 15 am, . b at ' yourf fir yo'ivsa you wantiti they have - an runiMe supplv " s A : vV of opportunity when it not open an account with S 1 f ' i; ! ." ; c ;. fcij S r tEVSp.n pa;; "I U-f'i1. to EUlTor ;. with lv:m!:..- in I..; iiTid liac!c. A frier."? to trv Dr. 21V. 7 ;!': ;nvl I t . . , . ': : :..;.; I) au l . V. : t I F .t fr- 1 t . -i-.. Ti:?-- ,-:V P. :! .1 '' i t el..; no.l t j I.ll'.'.'I-i J. ; ! ?'