CAT immm. 1ACAF10HI DRIYEMALARIAOUTOFTHESYSTEM A GOOD TONIC AND APPETIZER The Politest Man. Vice President Marshall declares that the politest man lives in Newark, Ohio. Mr. Marshall made a campaign speech there Inst fall. When he was about half through, a man made his way quietly from the rear of the room up to the edge of the platform, wait ed until Mr. Marshall paused to swal low, at the end of the paragraph, and then offered to shake hands with the vice president. "I'm sorry, but I'll have to bid you good night," the man said. "I've got to go home now." . C. Kelly, in Col lier's Weekly. . To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds op the system. 6o cents. Same Old Lectures. On a certain occasion Professor Brander Matthews of Columbia uni versity, speaking jokingly of his age, said he trusted that he was not so old that the students could play on him the trick he once saw tried on a senior professor In his 6wn college days. ' . "Professor Blank," he said, "was our most venerable instructor, and 1 he could be just a little irritable at times. Once, noticing that a member of his class who sat right under his eye never took any notes or paid the slightest' attention to his lectures, he stopped abruptly and demanded; " 'See here, young man, what do you i mean by coming into my classroom j day after day and never taking notes?' ! "'I have my father's,' was the stu dent's complacent reply." Youth's Companion. What Ailed Smith. A plainly dressed man, who intro duced himself as Mr. John Smith, walked into a doctor's office In a Texas townand, having explained his symp toms, asked the doctor how long It would' take to cure him. The doctor, who had treated the visitor with every possible courtesy, replied : "You -ll require careful treatment under my personal ' supervision for about two months before you are able to resume your labors in the bank." "Doctor, you are fooling yourself. I am not Smith the banker, but Smith, the street car driver." "Is that so? Well, my good fel low, I don't see what you came to see me for." A Sad Memory. Availing herself of her ecclesiastical privileges, the clergyman's wife asked questions which, coming from anybody else, would have been thought Imperti nent. "I presume you carry a memento of some kind in that locket you wear?" she said. , "Yes, ma'am," said the parishioner, 'tf to n l-iilr rf mT Vi. r1, I 'o. V. I - l "But your husband is still alive," the lady exclaimed. "Vio nio'nm kn V.Io In ! -I tOt Uitl UUl, MUL UUil 19 guile A Call to - y ' Your Grocer will bring a package of Grape-Huts A delicious, . healthful food and a pleas ing lesson in economy. There's a Reason" ,0 HyJIOIfATTiflSy I J" JIB- .. III SMALL GEESE FLOCKS ON GENERAL FARMS : : $T LC7 I 1 m - n- J TOULOUSE AND EMDEN Geese can be raised in small flocks on general farms, on pasture or non productive land, and do not require any material amount of grain. Low, rough pasture land, used for pasturing other stock and containing a natural supply of water, offers the best conditions. Many geese are kept in the South to kill weeds, especially In the cotton fields, and tHeir use could well be great ly Increased . for this purpose. They are good grazers and will do well on grass and forage crops alone, except during the winter months, when they may be fed largely on available rough age such as clover alfalfa hay, silage, cabbage, mangel-wurzels, or any waste vegetables. If the grass or forage is FIGHT AGAINST TICKS Battle in South on Insect Must Be Kept Up During War. Elimination of Pest Will Make Possi ble Greater and More Profitable Development Beef and Milk Producing Cattle. (From the United States Department of AgTicuiture.) The South's battle against' the tii must not lag. It is' not work which may be dropped during the course of war, tne unitea states department oi agriculture points out. Rather it must be pushed the more vigorously, in or der that territory majr be rescued from the unsatisfactory and often unprofit able cattle raising which the tick im poses and devoted to the more efficient and more profitable production of meat and milk which may be carried on In unquarantined territory. Faced by the wr demand for more meat, let us take advantage of an opportunity which lies close to hand. Let us recognize that it is our definite duty to turn our abundant grasses, our cheap and available concentrated feeds, and our mild climate to good milk and butter. And let us realize that to do this we must work togeth er to remove' the great obstacle the tick. ' Not only will the elimination of the tick make possible the greater and more profitable development of our na tive cattle ; it will make possible also the bringing in of better beef and milk-producing stock, which now can not live under the attacks of ticks and the deadly germs of cattle fever which they transmit. Extermination of the tick, therefore, will give us quick, di rect returns in the form of increased growth of native stock, and it will at the same time lay a firm foundation for the building up of a much more profitable cattle-raising Industry in a year or two while the war still may be in. progress. The tick works for our enemies by keeping down the supply of three of our most important foods. Let us recognize this pest, therefore, as an enemy also. And let us wage against him from today on, without interrup tion, a war of extermination. RICHEST PLACE FOR GARDEN On Too Many Farms Soil Is. Never Rich Enough to Grow Finest Quality of Vegetables. "Rotate the garden crops but not the garden spot," is the good advice given by Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon. On too many farms the garden is never in the fame place more than two years in suc cession, with the result thntthe land is never made rich enough to grow really fine vegetables. Gardening Is an Intensive form of agriculture, a form requiring much hand labor in proportion to acreage, and for this rea son the garden should always be the richest spot on the farm. Kpep it in the same place with a good feueo arotfnd it and make It as rich as pos sible. The Progressive Farmer. GOOD HOT WEATHER MOTTO Start Early and Work Late, If Need Be, But Take Good Long Rest After Midday Meal. "Start early and work late, If need be, but rest a good long while after dinner," is a motto the farmer should keep in mind this hot weather. It doesn't pay to bolt meals or to 'tegin work too soon after eating. A ARE POPULAR BREEDS. limited it may be supplemented by light feeds of common or home-grown grains. Geese do 'not need shelter except during cold winter weather when open sheds- may be provided. Goslings are not usually hatched until good pasture is available, and need additional feed only for a few weeks. The range of pasture used either for goslings or for geese should be large enough so that the grass will remain clean, or the stock should be moved frequently to fresh land. Coops, barrels, or some oth er dry shelter should be provided for the young goslings. Geese are very hardy and free from diseases and in sect pests. COLT DURING FIRST SUMMER Care He Receives Determines to Large Degree His Efficiency When He Is Matured. . The colt is the work horse of to morrow, and the care he receives dur ing his first summer determines to a large degree his efficiency when ma ture, according to Dr. C. W. McCamp bell, associate professor of animal hus bandry In the Kansas State Agricul tural college. It is during the first summer that the colt is most subject to scours. This disease can easily be checked if treat ed immediately, but if allowed to run Its course it may prove serious and even fatal. The colt should never be allowed to suck while the mate is warm and sweaty as the milk at this time Is apt to cause scours. If the mare has gone for some time without suckling her colt she should be partially milked by hand before the colt is allowed to feed. Overheating or excitement on the. part of the mare Is likely to cause digestive disorders In the colt and anything that interferes with his normal growth at this time detracts from his size at ma turity. Don't take the colt to the field and wear him out following his mother, but keep him in the barn In a well venti lated box stall that has been darkened to protect him from the flies. Feed him liberally and in case he does get the scours cut his milk and feed In half and give him a two ounce dose of castor oil followed by a teaspoonful twice dally- of a mixture of one part salol and two parts subnitrate of bis muth. HEAVIEST TRAFFIC ON ROADS In Drainage Terms Main Market High ways Are Main Channels Run ning Through Country. Roads upon which traffic is heaviest start from different sections of the country or township and come togeth er at the main market place. In drain age terms, wjikh every farmer will understand, those main, market roads are the main channels running through the county or township. They start, traverse, and end according to the natural laws of trade gravitation, and, as in drainage development, these traf fic streams are enlarged and Improved economically only asvthelr lines of de scent toward the market place are fol lowed. . To build outside of, these lines for heavy ' traffic where heavy traffic does not exist Is false economy, a waste of time and money. 1 GRASS AND PASTURE PLANTS Growth Limited by Weeds, Brush, Etc., and by .Washing Away Soil on Sloping Places. Remember there nre generally only two conditions whicli prevent South ern lands becoming covered with grasses or other pasture plants. The most common one is the growth of weeds, - brush and other non-pasture plants, but there' is another, the wash ing away of the soil from exposed or sloping places. DON'T CROWD CHICKEN FLOCK Huddled Heap of Frightened Fowls at Market - Has No Appeal Give Plenty of Room. Chickens look better when they are not crowded. A huddled heap of fright ened chickens at the market, has no appeal. Put those same chickens in a small crate with plenty of room, and they at least will not look sick. Lemon Juice For Freckles Glrla! Make beauty lotion t home for a few centi. Try It!. Squeeze the juice of two lemons Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beau tlfier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fra grant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin be comes. Yes 1 It Is harmless. Adv. Now She's Angry. He I wonder what the meaning of that picture is? The youth and the maiden 'are In a tender attitude. She Oh, don't you see? He has just asked her to marry him, and she Is accepting him. How sweet! What does the artist call the picture? He (looking about) Oh, I see. It's written on a card at the bottom "Sold." One bottle of Dr. Peery "Dead Shot" will save you money, time, anxiety and health. One dose sufficient, without Caator Oil In addition. Adv. Lots of men who have an aim in life lack ambition. 'KtfMri. Contents 15 V Imfl vmmsa ) AVeetabfelVejjaraboiifaAs- tintheStotntcks andBqwtlsrf Thereby IolInDMesgg I ctthrrOntam.Morpmfleiw '. r r. ir Mineral, notxmakowv jttx St iota , Jfbm Sted .... r., I Remedy for Constipation and Diarrhea. and rem-wi"""-, - Loss of Sleep , TBECEKTArnGoWAKt mm Exact Copy of Wrapper. GIRL OF 14 SOLDIER'S WIFE While Her Husband Fights in France Young Bride Will Go to School In This Country. A fourteen-year-old schoolgirl be came a soldier's wlf In Brooklyn re cently, thus following the example of her mother, who became the bride of one of Uncle Sam's men in khaki 14 months ago. Mattle Lee Iludsheth of Douglas, Ariz., was the latest bride, says the Brooklyn Eagle. The soldier boy who became her husband is David Eugene Henry of Spring, Tex. The bridegroom is only twenty-two, and u member of the Twenty-second Infantry, now sta tioned at Fort Hamilton. The girl's stepfather went abroad with General Pershing and is now "somewhere in France." His wife planned to join him and came East. While waiting passoprts here her daughter met . Henry, with whom she became acquainted In Arizona two years ago. While the bride's mother is absent in France her daughter will remain here and will attend school. SKIN TORTURES, That Itch, Burn and Scale Quickjy Re lieved by Cuticura Trial Free. It takes about ten minutes to prove that a hot bath with Cuticura Soap followed by gentle applications of Cuticura Ointment will afford relief and point to speedy healment of eczemas, itchings and Irritations. They are Ideal for all toilet purposes. Frete sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Its Aspect. "Yours must be a war garden." "What do you mean?" "I notice It is full of flags." Sometimes you can pick out fools by their questions and wise ones by their answers. And sometimes you can't 'Wi f ' - - " 35 1 1 '.' jC I in mi H ' 1 - r. m -M UGH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU SICK! pi cam i limp nun onup c m m ULLflii LIVLII nilU UUffLLU till If Just Once! Try "Dodson's pated, Headachy Don't Lose a Day's Work. ' Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel fine and cheerful; make your work a pleasure; be vigorous and full of am bition. But take no nasty, danger ous calomel, because It makes you sick and you may lose a day's work. Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes Into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. Listen to me! If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Tour druggist or dealer sells you a 50 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone under my personal money- up' cmt& I I rl WW -U Sold for 47 years. F"or Malaria, Chills and Fever. Ala' a Fine General Strengthening Tonic. 50c ana 91-00 it til Drag Stent Children What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Si fBears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought One-Sided Recognition. They passed on the street without speaking, but their eyes had mutual recognition and challenge. She was accompanied by a female friend, ami he-had a male companion. When they had passed the girl said: "That was poor Jack Jurgens. He didn't speak, but you noticed his look, didn't you? Poor boy, it hurts me to think how he has never got over my refusal to marry him. Of course he was all broken up at the time, but I thought he would soon get over It. He's thinner, isn't he? I do hope that he hasn't plunged into dissipation. He couldn't trust himself to speak, could he? O.i, dear!" And the man was saying: "Did you' see how that dame gave me the eye? I suppose I should have spoken to her," because I can't help thinking I've met her somewhere her face is familiar, but I can't place her." Cleveland Plain Deuler. . His Theory. "Does your husband subscribe to the theory that kissing transmits germs?" "No; he thinks that germs are most ly transmitted by money, and is very careful not to hand me any." Acid Stomach, Heartburn and Nausea quickly disappear with the use of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pilla. Send for trial box to 372 Pearl St., New York. Adv. Not a Rare Case. "Do yofc love your ma-in-law?" "You bet I do. My wife would break my neck If I didn't." One of the best grades of Italian cheese is sold only after it has been seasoned for at least four years. The cost of experience Is never fully realized until one goes to law. Better borrow from a pawnbroker than a friend. When Your Eves Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy Ka Bmrtlpc J"' Comfort, to ewti prf iv or tnftil. Writ for f re Book. MliMINISTKimot CO..CH1CAW9 Liver Tone" When Bilioufc, Com back guarantee that each spoo will clean your sluggish liver be than a dose of nasty calomel and t it won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is. real 'Hi medicine. You'll know it next mc ing, because you will wake up f lng fine, your liver will be workl your headache and dizziness go! your stomach will be sweet and y bowels regular. Dodson's Liver Tone is entlr vegetable, therefore harmless i cannot salivate. Give it to your c dren. Millions or people are usij Dodson's Liver Tone Instead of di gerous calomel now. Tour drugEi will tell you that the sale of calonf is almost stopped entirely here. Al i . in (iivilU Cry. -Fb Signature of Might Have a Bearing. "Is a deed good if drawn on Sun- day?" "I dunno. They do say the better the day the better the deed." IN BED FOR WEEKS Mr. Smith Was in a Bad Way, But Doan's Restored Him to the Best of Health. In April, 1916, Louis Smith, 90 New St., Hackensack, N. J., said: "Words fail to deacribe the misery I endured from kidney complaint. In my work I have to do a lot of heavy lifting and this weakened my kidneys. At first I only suffered from a slight backache, but almost before I knew it, I was all bent over like a man a hundred years old. "I began to grow worse as the days passed and finally I had to take to Mr. Smith, mv bed . where I re mained for weeks. My head pained ter ribly and my back just throbbed. I was always dizzy and it teemed a's if everything was whirling. Little black specks came before my eyes and I also suffered from painful and scanty pas sages of the kidney secretions. Every thing seemed dark and dreary. "Doan's Kidney Pills completely cured me and I am enjoying the best of health now." "Sworn to before me." E. M. Johnson, Justice Peace. On March 19, 1917, Mr. Smith added: "I will never forget what Doan's have done for nie. Whenever I catch cold on my kidneys, I can depend on Doan's to fix me up all right." Get Doan's at Any Stor, 60c a Box DOAN'S uPTJiT FOSTER-MJLBURN CO, BUFFALO. N.Y. THE CnOVVELL SANATORIUM for MORPHINE and r ALUUNUUU AUUIUIIUftd Bamons tars tna inccwBini. a nign cj&h piwam ooniDining va i&cuiues oi a. anawrium wua com eom- k t fort and freedom of a pr!vi dome. IodiTid trattnnt. Our method renders tae treatnur. MO Kl'H I ' lcM a pairanM as an opeitUon. v ni lor rarTwj rouuu itrai i,.uu. i 9 Sf. Caldwell St. CliA&XOTTE, K. C and Red lUiss. Maine powo, fur a nip men ) January and Februarr 191i. Contract not For price write B !' Itfn " . lias Its I! f