PAINS SHARP AND STABBING Woman Thought She Would Die. Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Ojrdensbursr. Wi3. "I Buffered from female troubles which caused piercing pains like a knife through my back and side. I finally lost all my strength so I had to go to bed. The doctor advised an oper ation but I would not listen to it. I thought of what I had read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and tried it The first bottle brought creat Willi fell relief and six bottles have entirely cured me. All women who have female trouble of any kind should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. Etta Dorion. Ogdensburg, Wis. Physicians undoubtedly did their best, battled with this case steadily and could do no more, but often the most scientific treatment is surpassed by the medicinal properties of the good old fashioned roots and herbs contained in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If any complication exists it pays to write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special free advice. Mild Protest. "Gladys," said Mr. Comrox, "what's the Idea of these extravagant clothes and the face make-up?" "We can't ignore the fashion. I don't want to be different and con spicuous." "Maybe it's'all right. But it does seem to me that in a community that is still peaceable there's no need of so much camouflage." YES! LIFT A CORN OFF WITHOUT PAIN! Cincinnati man tells how to dry up a corn or callus so it lifts t ' off with fingers. ! You corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callus, stops soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callus loosens so it can be lifted off, root and all, without pain. A small bottle of freezone costs very little at any drug store, but will posi tively take off every hard or soft corn or callus. This should be tried, as it is inexpensive and is said not to irri tate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. adv. Spoke From Experience. Bill I dessay some women can do men's work. But they'll never git men's wages. Joe (much married) Wotchemean Never? They always 'ave! Punch. Tetterlne Cures Ringworm. Wysackingr, N. C, June 2, 1908. Enclosed you will find $1.00 for which please send me at once Tetterine. It Is a dead shot on ringworms. W. S. Dudley. Tetterlne cures Eczema, Tetter, Ring Worm, Itching Piles, Rough Scaly Patch es on the Face, Old Itching Sores, Dan druff, Cankered Scalp, Bunions, Corns, Chilblains and every form of Scalp and Skin Disease. Tetterlne 60c; Tetterlne Soap 2Ec. "Sour druggist, or by mall from The Shuptrlne Co., Savannah, Ga. With every mail order for Tetterlne we give a box of Shuptrlne's 10c Liver Pills free. Adv. Philadelphia compels citizens to ob serve economy 'in the use of water. Getting Old Too Fast? Late in life the body shows Bigns of wear and often the kidneys weaken first. The back is lame, bent and achy, and the kidney action distressing. This makes people feel older than they are. Don't wait for dropsy, gravel, harden ing of the arteries or Bright's disease. Use a mild kidney stimulant. Try Doan's Kidney Pills. Thousands of el derly folks recommend them. A North Carolina Case Mrs. M. B. Perkins, 302 Roundtree St., Wilson, N. C, says: "I suffered from pains through the small of my back and was caused no end of an noyance by my kid neys acting Irregular ly. Doan's Kidney Pills rid me of the pains and aches and benefited me In every, way. I am troubled very little by my back or kidneys now." Get Doan's at Any Store, 60e a Bos DOAN'S KpiDJifsY FOSTER-MILB URN CO- BUFFALO. N.Y. row MALARIA Chills and Fever, Biliousness, Constipation ond ailments requiring a TONIC treatment". CT7rT i iyiiUl GUARANTEED ond made bj EehrensDrug Co- Sold by Hi I. All Drutftfistr JU I JfcStoy "Me ft Pi w 1W The Need of Divine Guidance By REV. B. B. SUTCLIFFE J Of the Extension Department, Moody mole institute, wmcago TEXT Then 'I proclaimed a fast . . . that we might afflict ourselves before God to seek of Him a right way. Ezra 8:21. Ferhaps today as never before the Christian needs to be instructed by God as to the right way. There are three great reasons why di vine guidance is needed. I. Because what we are of by nature. First of all we are ignorant. It is unpopular, but true that "it is not In man that walketh to direct his step s." So said Jeremiah long years ago. And history shows X V . ' all too dearly that the way that seems right to a man ends in death and dis aster. There is no way of knowing what will take place on the morrow or even within the nest hour. An explor er or a tourist going into a strange un known country will want guidance as to what lies before him. We take much care in securing all the Infor mation we can before starting into new territory. Many think it neces sary to prepare for passing to the un known land beyond the grave, but af ter all each new day brings such dan gers and such opportunities that to be ready for them needs to have the feet guided into the right way. Then by nature man is so self-willed and self-sufficient he needs a higher in telligence than his own to guide him. This is humiliating but again history tells the truth. Ever since Cain in his self-will chose the wrong way it has been true that "the way of a man is forward' and strange," as the Proverb says. Moses knew something of this when he declared in his last word to the people in Deut. 36 :29, "I know that after my death ye will utterly turn aside from the way and evil will befall you." Again we are so prone to wander from the right way. As the prophet says, "All we like sheep have turned everyone to his own way." Like sheep we wander, go astray and without sense keep on going further and furth er astray. II. Because of the Character of the Way Before Us. It is a difficult way for the Chris tian in these times. Bogs and mire are on either side and the way daily grows narrower. The master himself warns us in Matt. 7 :13, 14, that "wide is the gate and broad the way that leadeth to destruction, and strait is the gate and narrow the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." So difficult Is the way before the Christian, besej: by the snares, pit falls and straps of Satan, and so strewn with the allurements and at tractions of the world, that left to him self he would surely come to destruc tion. He needs always the guidance of the one who alone knows all the difficulties and how to pass them. Not only difficult, but dangerous is the way. III. Because of What the Lord Is aa Guide. He knows all the way that lies un- k tried and unknown before the Chris i tian's feet. He is omniscient. It was the Lord, not Moses, who led the peo ple of Israel of old, and It is the Lord who would guide his people in safety today. A story is told of a little boy from which we all may learn. During a storm a mother sought to rescue a ! family of six children. As the water burst ppen the door of her home, she tied her baby on her shoulder and took a boy of six In her arms. To her fourteen-year-old daughter she said, "you must carry one child." "Which one," said the girl. The mother looked at the two, one of four, one of two, un able to choose. Ben, her boy of eleven, said, "Ma, I'll take the little one." "No, my boy, you can't." "I know I can't," said Ben, "but Jesus can." "The water is too deep for you," the dispairing mother said. "It's deep for true," answered the boy, "but Jesus Is a tall man." They started, the mother calling to her children, but soon Ben ceased to answer. The mother and the others soon reached a place of safety. When the tide went down next day little Ben tramped to them and put his little charge into the moth er's arms. Had he followed her the night before he would soon have been beyond his depth. But unconsciously he had turned aside and followed a bank that years before had marked a boundary. The water was to his waist, and a step or two on either side would have been fatal. And he can keep the Christian in the way as well as put him on It. He is the Almighty one. One day is no harder for him than another. Though there be t?ays black with discourage ment and foreboding 1 and care, he knows it all and can keep within the narrow way that leads to life and light and joy. A story is told of an Alpine guide who put out his hand for a traveler to step up by. When the traveler hesitated the guide said, "this hand never lost a man." To all who will listen our guide sajs, "I will hold thy right hand saying, fear thou not." : I t WMHflOL Lesson (By REV. P. B. FITZWATEIt, D. D., Teacher of English Bible in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright, 1917, Western Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR SEPTEMBER 9 BENEFITS OF TOTAL ABSTI NENCE. LESSON TEXT Daniel 1. GOLDEN TEXT But Daniel purposed In his heart that he would not defile him self with the portion of the klng'a meat, nor with the wine which he drank Daniel 1:8. The booK of Daniel, with the great prophecies, fulfilled and unfulfilled, Is one of the most interesting and impor tant in the Bible. Without a grasp of the prophecies of this book it is abso lutely impossible for one to know the New Testament and the times in which we live. Daniel gives an outline of the entire period of time from the passing of supremacy to the Gentiles in Nebu chadnezzar to the final overthrow of the Gentile dominion, to the establish ment of the millenlal kingdom. The course, character and end of Gentile dominion are given. It is that period known in Scriptures as the "times of the Gentiles" (Luke 21:24). The book of Daniel falls into two parts: Part I (chapters 1 to 6), in which the prophet appears as the di vinely chosen interpreter of dreams; part II (chapters 7 to 12), in which the prophet appears as the mouthpiece of God, setting forth In visions, not dreams, the times of the Gentiles. The book is written in two languages, He brew and Aramaic chapter 1 :l-2.3 and chapters 8 to 12 (Hebrew) ; chapters 2:7:28 (Aramaic). The part which concerns the Hebrews was written in their own tongue and the part which concerns the empires of. the world is written in their tongue. I. Daniel's Home Leaving (w. 1-4). He was carried away to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar In the first siege of Je rusalem. This was a great trial for his own heart. He seems to have been about fourteen years of age. II. Daniel's Trials and Difficulties (vv. 5-13). It was the custom for the best of the captives to be selected and trained for service In the land of cap tivity. They usually selected those of the royal house for such training. 1. Change of name. Among the He brews names were given to children, which were significant. Daniel means "God is my judge." The significance of the name then was that all prob lems of life were submitted to God for decision. This was the secret of Dan iel's life.- This purpose of his parents seems to have been instilled into his very life and being. So thoroughly did he imbibe this spirit that in all things he made God arbiter of his plans and purposes. The object no doubt in the change of name was to obliterate his national and religious connection and identify him with the heathen people. The king of Babylon evidently liked Daniel's appearance and scholarship, but was averse to his religion. It is the same today. Nations and individ uals are perfectly willing to recognize and utilize the scholarship and efficien cy of Christian ministers and mission aries, but are not willing to embrace their religion. 2. His conscience tested (w. 5-8). It was with reference to the king's meat and the king's wines. It Is ever to be borne in mind that conscience is the groundwork of human character. -It is the law which must be followed. No doubt Daniel was taunted and laughed at for his fidelity, just as all men and women today who are loyal to their convictions must experience, for all who will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 3. His religious life. This involved his refusal to eat meat and drink wine which was contrary to his teaching. Also it involved his praying three times a day. , III. His Success (vv. 14-21). 1. Phy sical health (v. 15). Godly and temperate living pays. The king's meat and wine would have been pleasant to the palate, but would have meant compromise of conscience, 2. Mental growth (v. 20). He was ten times superior to his comrades. It is always true that those who abstain from indulgence in the use of wine have clearer minds and are mentally better equipped for their work than those who indulge. 3. Social. Daniel stood before the king. No higher position of honor could have been given him. 4. Temporal. He became president of the College of Wise Men and prime minister of the nation. This position he continued to hold through several dynasties. 5. Spiritual (v. 17). Because of Dan iel's loyalty to God, Nebuchadnezzar's dream was revealed to him and he was giving visions sketching the whole his tory of the world. IV. The Secret of His Success. The following may be set down as the things which made Daniel successful: 1. lie was conscientious. If we would succeed in the world, let us see to it that In all things we live in good con science. 2. Loyalty to God. He made God the judge of everythinz that pertained to his life. No pleasure was indulged in or problem disposed of without Its sub mission to God. 3. Decision of character. With him that which had been submitted to God and was shown to be right before God. was the law of his life. TMR TiF flflPF IF Ih&mmn huh Inffl IB Mr Lzsu uu u m tray avsy w UL3Vuuu New Discovery! Dodson's Liver Tone Acts Like Calomel But Doesn't Gripe, Salivate or Make You Sick Don't Lose a Day's Work Harmless Liver Medicine for Men, Women, Children Read Guarantee! Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. It's horrible I Take a dose of the dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it ccmes in to contact with sour bile crashes into it, breaking it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are sluggish and "all knocked out," if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated, or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Here's my guarantee Go to any drug store and get a 50 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't straighten you She Had the I Rest. "Did he have words with his wife?" "He had a few of them." Judge. Dr. Peery's "Dead Shot" not only expels Worm or Tapeworm but cleana out the mucus In which they breed and tone up the digestion. One eose sufficient. Adv. Briefly Explained. "You look all tuckered out. Where you going on your vacation?" "Been there." Hadn't as Yet Belle You say Bob kissed you against your will? But you surely can stop that ! June Possibly! One never knows what one can do until one tries, I suppose! Buffalo News. Not Unreasonable. "Do you think any of the other girls in the graduating class are as pretty as I am?" she questioned "No," she answered judicially, "and I don't think one could assemble enough features from the entire crowd to make a girl as pretty as you are." That satisfied her Louisville Courier-Journal. MOTHER! nive you ever used MOTHER'S JOY SALVE for Colds, Coughs, Croup and Pneumonia, Asthma, and Head Ca tarrh? If you haven't get it at once. It will cure you. Adv. No Wonder He Asked Exemption! Itodgers L. McCall of G24 Locust avenue, handsome and strapping, ap peared at the Sixteenth district. He passed the test with flying colors and appeared for exemtion. "Got a father depending on you?" he was asked. "No." "Got a mother, or a sister, or a brother, or a wife?" "No." "Then what do you want exemption for?" "Because I belong to the naval coast defense service," he replied, "and I just got a letter telling me to report at once for foreign service." Philadel phia Ledger. Twins? Two young boys were discussing the Identity of a certain man who kept a store in the neighborhood. "He isn't the slim one, or the one who has whiskers," the first youngster was saying. "He doesn't wear glasses, either." "Oh, that must be Mr. Jones," an swered the other. "Who does Mr. Jones look like?" de manded the first boy. "Well," responded the one ques tioned, "he looks a lot like Mr. Smith. Yep, he does. I think they must be brothers." Majesty of the Law. "You're under arrest," exclaimed the officer with chin whiskers, as he stop ped the automobile. "What for?" Inquired Mr. Chug Kins. "I haven't made up my mind yet. I'll just look over your lights an' your license an' your numbers an' so forth. I know I can get you for somethln'." Up to Date. "She has all the accomplishments." "So?" "Yes. She can evn Inhale cigar rette smoke." On ,Wheatless Days Eat POSTTOASTIES (Made Corn) says tfJWT r? MDLL llOMBC TSZ'-T Illustrated. "Mamma," exclaimed the little girl next door as she ran into the kitchen of her own home, "mamma, Mrs. Jones has an Illustrated tooth!" Her mother laughed. "A what?" she asked. "An illustrated tooth; one that makes your face swell 'up real big." Her mother laughed again, and hard er. "You mean an ulcerated tooth," she corrected. Her father heard of the incident and thought he would question her, too. "Did you say Mrs. Jones had the mumps?" he queried. "No," began the little girl again. "She has an illustrated tooth." Her father laughed, anl corrected her. "Daddy," she remonstrated solemnly, "I don't see why you laugh when Mrs. Jones has an ulcer I mean lllustrat: ed tooth !" Indianapolis News. 1 WOMEN! IT'S CHEAPI MAKE BEAUTY LOTION I In all weathers the skin and com plexion can be kept wonderfully clear, soft and white by the use of this inex pensive lemon lotion which any girl or woman can easily prepare. The Juice of two fresh lemons strain ed into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most remarkable lemon skin beautifler at about the cost one must pay for a small Jar of the ordinary cold creams. Care should be taken to strain the lemon Juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and re move such blemishes as freckles, sal lowness and tan, and is the ideal skin softener, smoothener and beautifier. Just try It! Get three ounces of orchard white at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra grant lemon lotion. It naturally should help to soften, freshen, bleach and bring out the roses and hidden beauty of any skin. Those who will make it a habit to gently massage this lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands once or twice dally may be re paid with a skin that is flexible and young looking and a peach-like com plexion. Adv. Muffled Firing. "What is silent influence?" "Cutting down a man's salary in stead of asking him to resign." The Reason. "That girl rings true." "She ought to, when she's such a belle." If a girl trusts a young man it may be a sign that her father doesn't s- x . i 2 Yi-if i ' 'V. , ? ' . .- ! ' - f I" fV "' -' - - J Y LZ3 right up -and make you feel fine and vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver, Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless ; doesn't gripe and they like its pleas ant taste. Adv. Sold for 47 yean. Fer Halaria,ChiiIs& Fever. Also a Fine General Drul Ster a. A GUARANTEED REMEDY FOR HAY FEVER-ASTHMA Tonr hoiit will b bifckdkd by yonr drngfflit without any question If this remedy doea not benefit erery case of Asthma, Bronchial Asthma and the Asthmatic symptoms accompanying Hay Ferer. Mo matter how violent the attacks or obstinate the eaa n . DR. R. SCHIFFMAKN'S m AND ASTHMADOtt CIGARETTES positively glTes INSTANT BHLIHF In erery cut and has permanently cared thousands who bad been considered Incurable, after having tried every other means of relief In vain. Asthmatics should avail themselves of this guarantee offer through their own druggist. Buy a M-cent package and present thla announcement to your druggist. Yon will be tho sole judge as to whether you are benefitted and tb druggist will give you back your money If you are not. We do not know of a.ny fairer proposition which we could make. 6J R. Schiffmann Co., Proprietors, SI. Paul, Minn. THE CROWELL SANATORIUM for MORPHINE and ALCOHOLIC ADDICTIONS Methods safe and successful. A high class plao combining the facilities of a sanatorium with com forts ana freedom of a private home. Individual treatment. Our method renders the treatment of MORPHINISM as painless as an operation. Write for reserved room. Terms I13S.U0. 9 N. Caldwell St. CHARLOTTE. N. 0 Money buck without question If HUNT'S CURE falls In the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, RINGWORMTETTER or other itching; skin diseases. Price 60c at druggists, or direct from Ll.lleharii fteilclna Co. .Shermas Tel. . HAIR BALSAM A tellat preara.ioa ef Buril Balps te raslemM aa4rmC Fee R setwise CeW mmi BMitybianrrFisWrUr, W. mid as Drmpnmtm. KODAKS DEVELOPING Ail roll films developed 10c. Prints 3 1 r 5 cts. Prompt attention to mall orders. B. C. BIBNAC, Greensboro, M. C MAXOTIUES Eliminates punctures, blow outs, rim cuts. Different from any device yoa ever saw. Our free Illustrated catalogue fully explains this wonderful device and shows clearly how M AXOT1RES will make your tires trouble-proof by very small cost. Char leston Maxotlre Co., 46 Mkt.Rt.,Cbarleston.S.O. bEED POTATOES Cobblers, Early Rose and Red Bliss, Maine grown, for shipment January and February 1918. Contract now. For prices write BayFVuitCo., Charleston. S.C W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 36-1917. Important Discovery. Commercial and technical papers are printing an article from Manches ter, England, in which it Is said that an English chemist has succeeded in devising a method by which atmospher ic nitrogen may he fixed in England at a cost low enough to make the process commercially practicable and that it is in operation on a small scale. That lias not been possible heretofore be cause England lncks the abundant and cheap water power required for the generation of electricity. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC You know what you are taking, as tfc.9 formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. Tha Quinine drives out malarii, the Iron builds up the system. 6o cents. And, after till, It Is all very fitting and very reasonable and very har monious and very much worth while. A new hat throws a brilliant light into a woman's eyes, but It takes a new baby to Illuminate her heart. A torpid liver prevents proper food assim ilation. Tone up your liver with Wright- Indian Vegetable Pills. They act teritly. Adv. At present the hen roost is exalted to the eminence of the eagle's aerie. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy No Smarting Just Hye Comfort. 60 cent at Prnggists or mall. Write for Free Hto Boot alCKIM B Kl xE BEMBUI CO.. C11 1 C AGO lis BSSEij'3

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