h H is e h .fi--a ffmr ,&a i li ' :- rivmouai s noneer ana iirwmai mce lAin&r. Wishes to announce: That he is now back in town WITH the GOODS and in order to dvo the eoole advantage of the SPLENDID BARGAINS he has secured he has decided to rim a special CUT PRICE SALE for 10 days" begin ning Friday, Sept. 7th, 1917. MR. NEWBERRY wishes to assure his friends and patrons that this will be a call of GENUINE REDUCTIONS and REAL CUT Ladies' $1.25 .48 .09 .69 ' 1.25 1.48 . ' .50 .74 .85 Big lot of 1 1 j Mr. Newberry wishes to say to the men, young men and boy a that h 1 tory and fMRFOZKSOUmWN Operates passenger trains from North Carolina into term inal station , Norfolk, withra transfer, N. B. The followincrschedule figures published as information ONLY and are not (juar nteed. Trains leave Plymouth North bound. No. " 43:54 A. M. daily Pullman SleeDinn- Car for Norfolk. No 2-12-45 P. M. daily for Edcnton, Hertford, Elizabeth City and Norfolk South Douna. No 312:34 A. M. daily Night ex- for Favetteville, Charlotte, Pull man. Seeping Cars to Raleigh, New era and intermediate stations. No. 11:23 P. M. daily for Washing on Raleigh, Goldsboro. Beaufort and intermediate stations. Pullman Parlor Car for New Bern. For further information or Pullman reservations apply to vv. Laciuanu, Ticket Agent, Plymouth, N. U E. D. Kyle, Traffic Manager. J. F. Dalton, Gen'l. t'asseor Agent. Norfolk, Va. ADMINISTRATOR'S .NOTICE Having qualified sir, administrator cf the estate of George Robbins,- late of Washington (Jouuty, tins is 10 nouiy all persons having claims against tin; said estate to present them to the unl dersigned administrator on or before August 11th, l'JIS, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlemc-nt. This Aug., 11, 1017. " J. F. SMELL, p. 6 Adm'r. cimg's-HEW LIFE PILLS The PJU That Do Cure. PRICES. Ladies' and Children's Keady-to-Wear, House Dresses Petticoats Middy Blouses Sport Blouses Skirts Shirt Waists " " Sale Price Children's and Misses' School and White Dresses at Greatly Reduced Prices. ... i i ' i Mens' Overalls Cut to 74c. ( mi . T? at all times now G Remember that ve sell Mr. P. L. Rea of Rea's Beach wishes to announce that the re sort is now open to visitors and that the price of admission is 5c. For the use of a bath-room the charge is 10 He also states that he can furnish desirable parties with a house to be used in having house-parties. ad. Subscribe to the Beacon. FOR SALE Country Water Plant. COO-Gallon Steel Tank, with necessary gauges, valves and piping. 2 1-2 H. P. Alamo Gasoline Engine. 4x5 Leader Power Pump with Compressor. This plant is of best materials and has been used only eight months. I arn now using arte sian water from the town and have no further use for it. For price and terms enquire of C. D. LOANE. FOR SALJ2-desirably located nine-room house and lot on Jef ferson street, on easy terms. For full particulars annlv to VI rs. C. H. Francis, River View Hotel, Plymouth. 8-10 .j One minute Cough Gur? . Vat CouQhs Colds and Croup Belovr are a few of OSe. 34c 54 c 48c 89c 98c 42c 48c itt? s nikim you may secure yies V :l y ra v. vt irf V' . "Same Goods for Sow a Winter For the Northern a noh'c Milliiu: Co. We have in stock a few bags of good seed rye at an at tractive price. We also have a good supply of crimson clo ver seed tint can be purchased in small quantities. Our prices op. winter seed oils are most reasonable. See us before you buy elsewhere, and learn if our prices are not the best tliat you have had. We also carry all kinds of feeds. Come and see us when in need of horse, cow or hog feed. ROANOKE MILLING COMPANY. 10-14 Plymouth, N. C. NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Cnder nnd by virtue of authority contained in a certain morltrae exe cuted by VV. K. iit'hin;a and M.'K. i;e l:inra to T. .1. I I.i sn ijj t on t!u 2Sth dav oT j'ov-nil)i'i-, r.iil, ,'tml Ira us !"c Tied aim as.-.'-in'ii ny me ajsnnr.strator or ''. ,i. l.'nsm'.'Jil, i I. S. ilani'fjit, Lo the ii'i(:r.',i;.'iK'(l, L'lnrnlV'.r;;, now owner of the dcht secured, I shall, on ihe 1 71 h day r.T eioemher, l.)17, oi'for or ,s-.'ie ai tiu: c);i!L home door in i'lyiiXnilii, :: tv,alve o'clock MM for cash, Ui". following describee! iroci of iaiio, si'.'.iafc, lyhiand l.-ine" in Va?li ii,.jn C'HiMly, Skinii'TS'. ii:e Town ship, hounded and des.criixd as I'ol luU a : j'Jciiinir.pc at A. Ncwben-y's owner on the lane and running south tin'rty 1'ive (.').") yards and con rir.ir it an oak post ; tlieace east 140 yards and cornering ai a !ru:n ; tfience north yards to A. Newberry's corner ; thence hack t4'J yards to the first s'ation, containing one acre, more or less. T his 1 ) ! h o f A vi ru st, 1 'J 1 7. , II. S. IJASWKJIIT, Admr. of T. J. IJ. 1J. V. CIIAMBiiKS, owner of debt. L. W. (J K VI.OKD, AtlV. I the prices as will he charged Cut Prices on all Men, Women and Children Ladies' l.i)3 Pumps Cut Price 2.48 Shoes . " 1,48 Pumps ... 7.50 Shoes And Other Big Bargains too. In G ants' Furnishings We H iyeMiie the Following Redactions. Men's $5.00" Silk Shirts ' 83.48 1.98 Shirts 1.50 1.25 .75 .,tt r, a these goods in Ai ois- E,-g v.i v Less Mansy and More Goods for Same Money'' Cover Crop. and We; Til Ro NOTICE OF SUMMONS. Sarah J. Moo.ie vs Nathan Moore t: The defendant aliove named will lake notice tie.it an action entiiled as ! b above has been commenced in ! i u ue nor n- Court ofVVashiii:i,1oii County :.b.;oIte divorce ; and the said for a;i d-?te:id.int w;i! iurther taio notice that he is required to appear at the next term of ihe uoerior Court of ilie said couiuy,, to be heM on ihe 7s i Monday before ihe 1st -Monday in Inarch, i:,'l-, at the court house hi snid rou!v in Plymouth, N. C, anda-isver or demur j ': to the comn-ai.;;( in said artioi:. or th;i ! K plamtitr will npj!y in the court i'cr th relief demanded e 1 l, i eG!r')':u::t. iis Au; l!)17. . W. AUSIiON. C. S:C. J. A. Spruill e; 'on have just purchased a complete stock of th s famous Elatiko.c paints. This paint is used all over the U. S. A., l and is sold under a guarantee of I i quality, L. W. E tteman, N. C. h representative. at this Sale. And Other Reductions. I. T "TTk ITi fT mT. r w ttw vf. ?-: -.i 1-4 sizes races ? (. n . -.- ' t i , V r, r, (f 0 f ', i' 0 b IFYOU HAVEHr-v?. B:!ZH 0U.l DfiflK, COM2' IK H if 1 AMD PROUD account vvn:i u,im-iL.YOj ii.rc''rm'" GLADLY MOVIGk- YOU A 3 OUT YOU 3 fijIf TT t L i ('ct i Ori C.-il iriC..T3 OF D2P03IT, Shoes. $1.24 1.14 .98 4 98 1.38 1.18 .89 3 Tl -J . -v r"- i ', i-f iT 'id i. i ' 1 .1 ft !3