Friday, October 12th, 1917. BEACON FLASHES. ' CONGRESS BEGINS SHORT . RECESS. . A momentous session of the American Congress has ju3t ended. A full account of the great event is given in this is sue of The Beacon , itlong with other . important news cf, the week'. ' 1 ' The great events ' in Europe along ' the - -battla fronts is thoroughly covered and thelead- jtrig news of our home land is natter overlooked in The Beacon's .Mr. S ..M. Combs of Columbia was in our city this week. Mr. G. W. Phelps of Skinners ville, was in town Monday. Prof, and Mr.. II. R Frehnof CJe3well, were in the city Wed- " Mr. R..W. Johnston .made a business trip to Gates County this i week. ; ; ; . - Have you done your part to wards helping? the Red Cross this week: . Atty. Van B. Martin made a professional visit to. Columbia Ciurt this week.' Mcssers. J. W, Starr and W. S. Ainsley of Creaweli .were in the citv Monday. . - Rev. B. T. Hurley h conduct ing a series " 61 ' meeting r.t Jamesville this week. FANCY DreW'makinpr. Braiditij? and Beading done b.y iss Irene Basjfnger. Cityl." adv. I Mqssers. J. K. Reid and A. L. Alexander matfo a btnin . tnu to Norfo!k this weeK. : :; ; W. Jo'mstoii made a short visit to Norfolk tins week. If; vouhavc been, or if you haven't, "be sure to -visit the Ro pe Community Fair to day. Messers Sam Lap ton and Carl Bray of Rop2r dropped in to ssc 13 while in town yesterday. Quite! a number of our. people attended the Primitive Baptist Association at Robersonville last Sunday. ; ' ' ' ; .FOR SALE One Maxwell car in gOJU COaiuons at a reiisuuuuie price. Sea or write J. W. Blount, Plymouth, N. C. adv. "Irs. Geo; W. Harohon re turned home yesterday from Norfolk, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Smith : The cold wave Tuesday caused rush for stoves and fuel, Th? Irst are easy toga if you have ;he price but thf latter is a serious problem. ' . . Mr. . John W. Darden wishes to exnresa his thanks and appre ciation to all those friends who feo kindlv assisted in helping io feecure for little "John Junior" the handsome child's aubnpbily Recently awarded rs a prize at r. E Davenport's Drag b:to; e. You save at least 5i; on every b. of Family Favorito Coffee oubuy from us Why, hocau-c e sell vou a better grauo at. the sim'e price' you pay for other .unda: Order a lb and Drove it tn i niii" nwn cssictf'nr'f.'nn J. VV. iBeaejy, Agent, adv. Revival Services. Will begin at the Washington Street Baptist 'Church Monday night, October 22nd. Conduct ed by! Rev. Bowdan. Every-body's-invited, B. O: Myers, Pabtcr Mrs. Blount Entertains, The first fall moetlng of the Thursday. Afte;nwn. Literary "'ib wa3 delightfully entertain wdat the country home of Mrs. J.' E. Blount Oct, 4th, with eighteen members present, and the .club , enjoyed having as rtaests, Mrs, T. VV. Blount of iioper, and Mrs. J. ii. bmun ox Plymouth. After the busines hour a gues sing contest was given. The prize, alovely boxofcaidy; was awarded to Mrs. Nathan Tucker. At the close of the contest the hostess served a two course luncheon.' School Opening Pleasant ' Grove School will ion on Monday; Oct. 15th,' and op it is urged that parents will see I to it that all nimils enter on firsJ day; if pb.ible. Miss Lillian - - - . ' - M s Norma Chessoa, LETTER TO PARENTS ' AND WIVES. . , Camp Jackson, S. C, Ed. Roanoke Beacon, " Plymouth. N. C. Dear Sir We wish ycu would publisji In j our pap:r the following letter : The meti- from Washiiigton County who have responded, to the call of their country, will serve, in the"-321st infantry, f his Regiment will be composed entirely of North Carolina inc n. The Colonel in cemmaud is E. A'. Shuttleworth wbos3 lather served in the Confederate Arnv. . The first'battallin ..'men from t'no middle scctijn of the state wiil be commanded by Major Max I . Barker of SalisbiJry Tiie ?cz ond battalli m men "from the eastern section will becomuiaua ed by the writer, Major Louis E. Schucicer -of Creswell. The third battalion men 'iVom the mountains': vnl D3 commando hy CapL 'D. W. Adams of 0 (I Fort, N. C. We are prptid of the men who have responded to the call, and Jo chis end, in case parents or wives do not hear from' the men who have left their" horu.., we wilr bo glad to advise ycu at any time, and in this way keep yu in touch with them Stall times; also wrt wishTthtir friei ds wculd remember these men who have' answered the call to the cctors. and wiito , to them, as letters , from home are always" welcome to the soldier,- and help Jiimlh his wo i k. . . , ' - Address any requests ta the writer, Louis E. Sckuckpr, Major-321st Infantry, Camp Jackson, S. C. PROCEEDINCiS OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS. ' t The Board of Road Commis sioners met on Monday, Octr2, 1917. ' Present. H C Sprui'l, Ohm.; W. A. Swain and B. F. Spruiil. 1 Minute3 read and approved. The foMovping amounts ; were allowed: . - , Don't pay from $25 to $50 -fo .-"cloth in g ' wl. e n 'y c 1: c?n-.gcttlie same values at our store . . . . . . . . - at our store for f 15.- .We carry a complete Sine of Men, Women rrd chiJ ren's funishings,Vuch as JN'len's Suits, Boy's Suitr, Ccat Suits, Rain Coats, Over Coats, Hat?, Boots nd bhues BeSureto:See'Our Lime Before Purchasing Elsewhere. . . . ... - Watch our windbw this week for styles a:xd prices. A few more our newest . irisn's suits worth $15.00. offer this week' -at $10.00 v - We also car rj a full slack- of Groceries. Remsmber We always pxy the higHast market prices for country produce , Our - Motto: We Buy What You Have to Sell and We Sell What You Have to Buy Plymouth Township, j Utility Gar.a:c, repairs - 65 &5 j- A Teal ; " 10 20 A F Arnold ser". & lbr. , 101 G2 Roanoke Milling Co. 1 ,83 75 t- , . , - , I 1 T i r "i i V ' - t i u spruiii . , services a vv FR Johnston " t CO W II Hampton & Son aiipDo 68 A L:Holmes Com. on R. T. 12 00 ; Lee'r Mi ? Township. Swain "& Dovenport sup. $06 57 Bank o. Roper 130 35 W A Swain services & c. - '16 10 Roper Lbr. Co. lbr. &c. " 4G 50 A L Holmss Com. on R. T. 12 68 Skinnersviile Township, -Bank of Roper pay roll 07iJ GO A L Ilohugs Com. on R.T. 8 00 'Scupnornohg Township. B F Spruili freight Mil $ G G8 J V Slarr ? supplies 45 30 Cit-y Hay & Grain Cv 85 00 Wash." Co. Bank .pay roll 259 01 B F Spruiil services 8 GO A L Holmes Com. on 11. T. 10 00 . F. R, Johnston, ' NinU-OLlk- bUUTHtiriN , PA If T?fVn ' SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES to ' RALEIGH, N. V. auu RETURN NOrth Cauolin'a State Fair, October i'6i'.'.-20ii. R ;und trip tickets on sale Octoo;r 15 th to 20th, inclusive. Final limit for return October 21st, 1917. North Carolina Industrial Fair (Colored) ltc-j),: 227, 1917.' trip 'u: ? o a!o Oetober' 2Ut t) 27. , i'.clUHie, Fi n. 1 ! iinit for i c-lu ;i; Os o her 23th, 19i7. Ticket i uii one admission Co either Fa.iv ti This is to notify my friends and the general pub- j,; lie that I.'vvill aun bean the Horse jtid Mule ?f ness this FalU 1. realize the hiijh price f feed and; think it advisable to save all the feed pOisiLle, and for that reason I have decided' to wait a fe.v weeks before ja purchasing my first load, as I know the price will-be no j higher then and by doing that will save you a lot of. fi I feed. : ' - . . . , .. j Renu mber when you buy of me you get ybat h you pay for and in every instance I will do now as I i W have done in the past, always Guarantee Enike Balis- i faction. - . p H Trusting you will appreciate this and see me be- 3 fore buying your stockv Aho I am still in the Peanut t n Business and always hive ; - I , . ... : . 1 PROFESSIONAL CARD ' . ZKli VANCI3 NO II 31 AN Attorney & Counsellor at Lhw Plymouth N. C - Dil. J. C. COGGIN5, ',-r''.;,' ATJORNEY-AT-LAW Plymouth, N. C. Van 13. Martin W. F. Midgelt' ATTORNE YS-AT-LAW Ofi:ic2.i ia Hirney Building PL MOUTH, N. C. "PartnersliiD does not apply to crim iual cases in Recorder's Cou-rt r. P. B. CONE Dentist , WilliamstoiT, N. C. i Office ov.-r Farm-rs and Mer i chants -Bank, Hours 9 to 12 and 1 to Phone No. 9. notice; Notice is civen to all persons that on Mondav, the 2-Hh of October, 1917, at the Office of the Governor in the city o HaTtigh, riordi Carolina, appiication be injidibythe .undersigned lor the pardon of Milton Rhodes, now pifoner in the Stf.te's Prison; Said Mi on Khoc's was conuctea in tne vear 1U03 for murder in the second de gree of one, Henry Sutton. Let all persons who may desire to oppose tiie the r-ranling.of said paraon uo p.e.em Uil l tin:. T;is the 2nd of October. 1917. Mai'ohii Khods. L. W. G.TLOKD, Atty 0 ' 11 top prices. Very Sincerely Yourc, X. lJ. HORNTHAL. '.'H-CSrw L We are after th,i dollar ' yours, we will giv you offered vou belore. If you do not believe it, get our prices and compare then with' others and you will be convinced. .. Always vq z&ll- , : ,' MORiil 'G cj OB F J 11 SAME MONEY AND ' -. . ,. SrVic aocj: for iess money Buy from 113 arr1 he": ' ; elp Y0(J. Our linss of Laaiu;-; an;l Ciii'-.lren wear including shoes and slippers arc com piece ;i:v see them before purchasing, We hav-3 a ui ready-to-w jar d:v them. . Our Grocer dp:..n2i': h larly well g oziizi extremly r ' - 50 11)5, Coi::;::y nr.uic !'.iy hrd, Nice Couti try shojlders. ' . ' Al: park Ci.itry ,ausa, in lark. If yon nidi 1 lVirir ! o.iVj toie m Uiforc having. n Wishes to announce th ;t of C:nis. Cnnnin:? () , . v . . i. want in tiie Hardware line Call in to see us. Just across th 1 street from R. HOWARD "SMITH . j will be at pur store again on Monday and Tuesday, October 8th and Sth lis hasbaed m iiVxz ro ja!.- -visits h?ro for a nuabar of years, nnd his work la, the past, cpealcs forlL,c.!f. Eye-Strain is 0.12 c u b).n !l 1:1 ev.153; .')? Hxi5'?, D iilaisi anJ many Nervous l iV ; ;, .win 312.1 21:3 ;.p.p i ! fitfjd jb3i33 is tha oaly remody. Dj.i': oj 112 3 ) ; i 1 I.' yjj jj. th.n t'.i :j r'i" ui yjj hive 041" 4 a-!i .ui:.i'.' 1. ''.1 i .1 '.y i : -o a'.'.viyj hrj. . f . Reasonable price?. i-.:-;ij;.r.;i:ctjr i'j Kernember the D.ito. j . il.ij O.i y. , " P. D -.ii', Plymouth, N. C. if you believe i:i ' ' i tect voir i'h'i 1 1 .FAMILY vvitii ; i v r 9 policy, and ou:sci ur.n policy . V 1 1 . !.. . . 1 Reliable ;h Ja ...i Off we: Blount Bldg. Sow a 9 . - Fo tlie b;.t j-il j . I Western" s;:ij, fe Ro anoke Milling Co. . , We have in stock a lew bags of good sjeJ rye atin at tractive price. We a!sa have :i joo:l supply of crimson clo ' V-irissJ chit ein be '(vj rehired ia nuall quantities.. Ouf prices on winter seed o its are most reasonable. - See ijs.before'you buy elsevvb.ere, and learn if ouf prices are not the bcot thar you have had. . We also carry all kinds of feeds. Come and see us when in need of horsff, cow or hog fted ' ROANOKE MILLING COMPANY. 10-14 i n r- bend us i our jod. rnnting 1 and in order lo get a fewr of better values than have been ..v especially invite, you to ' ' j.' J'l" 1 '.; ; ::i 1 ti (.' ':i gxv ) v .u :i j 1 jy k 5ZI 7'- '-s ""J they Ijave an aiiple supplv 1 . .V.Jjr "HIVI U ) UU J-.l - ' W: I i The Washington Cjunty Bank ;.' e to pi o- i ,U' 1'. . .. i 1 .. . . . - -i 1 1 : . vi V:r:-, Lllc A. !.j.'ra-co k ii Dver. Hrop, w: Plymouth, N. C.

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