ROPER NEWS. JVbimzKSoumFRX Dr. Speight has moved into his new residence on Bank St. Mrs. II. M. Jacobs has re turned from a visit to her mother at Oriental. Mrs W. S. Davenport of Mackeys was here Wednesday in connection with installing ex hibits for Roper Community Fair. Mrs. W. J. Moore and daugh ter, Miss Eiiie, of Estill. S. C, ti.-o guests of ner daughter, Mrs. VV. M. S -idler, having motored here vi i Ash'L-viiie. Prof. R L Green, Sunt of U p Grade.! Scnoois and family are ojping the residence va ciU-J by l) opeiii'ht, formerly tli3 Kosoi: gor residence. Mrs G. A ivce and children of ', w. re guesc of Mrs. B S Ci ark Tuesday and Wed nesday. ce sp nt Tins day idiiL with Uev N. L. Sea Special Excursion Fares. Eound trip rates to Nevvbern, N. C. Account EASTERN CARO LINA FAIR October 16-19, 1917. Tickets on sala daily. October 15tn to 19th, final limit for return October 20th, 1917. J. F. Dalton, General Passenger Agent. J. I'j. Pacip.- and i-J. II. L'j-xi will operate the B!ou..t: gin this season, and are expected te start up next week. The chiton crop in this section is vary poor owing t- unfavorable season during ihe growing period. It is rumored that the Com pany has sold tne residence now occunied bv W. N. Duval U Thos L Wynne, and throne ad i joining to Mr. VV. J. Che son, ! botu ,r vuom will m vo hsv smeiiaie during the wintf.j.. Also, the red -nee now oer.i j pied by tr. T. L Know!- e i been sold to C. Ainr-'ey vi.o ' will move here about Ja:;. Is'; j i Having concluded a de,-l for! the E B. Leary hornstcad, on ! Main St.. W. M. B-uerna:i is now j a?srnhling the material for a; handsome brick residence to b erected where ;h o!d rerifb.n.-o now (Stands. Thj old house will b moved back to tV.ce ou P ume; S:. Ue proposes to sell fi for : residence lots a greater part of j th- in and Plumo St. front-j a:e. Ovvinr: to ihe p?e-et;t; scarcity of residences for rerr, ! it is expected that building of i new h'-:vcs will be greatly stim ulated within the next few months. NOTICE Under and by virtue of an order oi tho Superior Court of Washington County, made in the special proceed ing entitled U. W. Patrick and Sarah V. Spruill vs. Nathan Whitfield, the undersigned commissi mors will on the 10th day of No-ember, 11)17, at 12 o' clt ck M., at the court house door in Plymouth, N. C. offer lor sale to the highest bidder for cssli that certain tract of laud lying and being in LocV. Mills township, Washington County, North Ca-olira, aid adjoining the lauds of N. (i. Sneil and others, ;iiul more fully described as IVlows. tu-vi : Adjoining tho lands of G. L. .'!:s!oy on the nirh, A. 1). Snel! on tlio cas", N. T. !!rH';("! on the south and A. R. Iv:r.i M !i liie west, a; .1 better known as the o'u John Spraill farm, eonlainiiig Hi) acres more or loss. This Stlfdav of October, 1917. MARTIN & MIDGI'.TT, CommissioiH rs. IN THE DISTRICT COURE OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. In the mafter of ) No. 43 THUS. S. FOLi:V, In Dankiuptcy. iiankrupt. J u. the Honorable II. G. Connor, Judge of the Dt.ict Court of the United Si.uei for ;ho Eastern District of I,' :h Ciirjlina 'i i y. Foley of Crcswell, in the County of Washington and State o N. t. ., ia said District, respect fully represents : That on the 28 day of April, last past, he was duly apjudged bankrupt under the Acts of Congress relating to bank i uptcy ; that lie has duly surrendered EXCURSION RATES via NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAIL ROAD to NEW YORK account SOUTHERN STATES EXPOSI TION October 13-20 1917. SOUTHERN COMMERCIAL CONGRESS October 15-17, 1917. R und trip tickets on sale October 10, 11 and 12. 1917. Final limit for return October 25, 1S17. Subscribe to the Beacon. ail los property and rignts ot property, ;'.:k1 has fully complied with all the re quirements of said Acts and of the urdors of the court touching his bank rup'.cy. U'uorefore he prays that he may be decreed by the court to have a full discharge from all debts provable r.:ir;ast hi estate under .said Bankrupt Act?, except such debts as are excepted bv law from such discharge. 'Dated this 2d day of Octo. A. D.1917. THOS. S. FOLEY, Bankrupt. ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON. Eastern District of N. C, s$.: On this 2nd day of Octo. A. D. 1917, on reading the foregoing petition, it is ORDERED BY THE COURT, that a hearing bo had upon the same on the 5th day of Nov. A. D. 1917, before said court at Wilson, N. C, in said District, at 12 o'clock noon ; and that notice thereof be published in the "Roanoke Beacon" a newspaper printed in said District, and that all known creditors and other persons in inteeest may ap pear at the same time and place and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be TiaLted. And it is further ordered by the ourt, that the Clerk shall send by inal to all known creditors coDies of said petition and this order, addressed to them at their places of residence as stated. Witness the Honorable II. G. CON NOR, Judge of said Court, and Seal the seal thereof, at Washing .if the ton, in said District, on the 2d Court. day of Octo., A. D., 1917. A. Maio, Deputy Clerk. .Subscribe to the Beacon. Ask tha man past middle age who has succeeded, beyond his own expectations; Ask his school-mate v.'ho has miserably failed, and the answers will agree that the bank account, properly nurtured, is man's best friend and helpmate. Isn't the unanimity o5 this advise, born as the result nf Experience, Significant to you? 14 I I , k (Mi you do away with one horse you add the equivalent of 20 acres to the capacity of your farm. Government statistics Drove it takes 20 acrqs to feed one horse. Do all your hauling and the same amount of work you now are using horses for and turn the acres that you feed your horses from into acres to raise profit -making crops for you, The profits you take out of the acres saved for crops by using Smith Form-a-Truck to do your farm haul ing will easily put $300 into your saving every year. And you will get in addition a tremendous saving in time. For Smith Form-a-Truck will get to town and back in the time it takes horses. Use this time in town or home with your family. - Don't get up before sunlight and stay out until after dark. You can do in the morning between six O r. -r -. J and noon with Smith Form-a-Truck what it 1-es from four in the morning until nine at rr-ht with horses. When you have extra heavy loads to haul, i of taking horses away from actual farm sacrificing plowing, cultivating or other r in the field you can put the extra load Form-a-Truck, use only one man for tho tr:;j ani save all this additional expense. ' Use Any One of Shi i Using any one of six chassis, Smith Form-a-Truck combines with any Ford, Maxw-'1 rin-c -, 0o Buick, Chevrolet or Overland chassis to make a fully guaranteed one-ton truck. It p i; ; vo rf Tlio F.eary portion of illartrationyiil Pi$J Viii shows the Smith Form-n-Truck ut- N?'' taclimeni. which can bl SO'jfc of V,hv 'tt' "olted to the power plaot Sr '' 'ij with a vue-Uie rrip. p truck construction that will stand ud un cr llie hard. est hauling you could ever do. When You're m Town Dr i hi When 70U Rl'e in v a niui ruiin-a-iruc!t ic win pay you Wcii. 3 Plymont , ,f ;r?s Motor Co. : DEAD DOLLAR It is buried by you in some out-of-the-way place. It's a n.nlv wnrrv tn vnn. It's n temnfntinn to others. The w j j j r p very hird of the air cany the neM s It's a constant men- aoe to your life. There is a place where that dollar will be a living joy to you where you can ?hvays get it and where it h .safe. That place is here. I he teopSe9s iSank CRESWELL, N. C. H. G. WALKER J. C. GATLIN President Cashier 1 come to those who have the if To The Farmers gf Wash ington and Adjoining Counties: We have on hand now for delivery at cost Rye, Wheat and Clover seed. Call and get what you want at once. If we can be of further service to you let us know. Have you enough funds to harvest your crop? If not probably we can help you. Yours ever to serve, Washington County Bank. LSI: We Do JOBPE UNTIMG! money to make leisurely trips. Why don't you plan to see something of the country this year? It's mighty good coun try to get acquainted with! t Start a Travel Savings Account With Us This Week THE BANK OF RO?ZR ROPER, N. C. PROGRESSIVE FARMER! The bst Hjrsjj and Males, fl.iiss. Harness and Sadies at J. S. Shugar's. Jast arrive J vvith a cap hxl of t'12 vj.y bast hDrsas and mala3 that can 02 ffithira 1 in t:i 3 W- rt. Lir.i siz j jand extra gj3d stjek. W-3 sairmto'j siti-ifiction to all of oar customers, aad ramambsr that wj ai3 h t-3 to sUv to ssrve y ou and we will cirry a full supply fr:n no.v on. V3 invite you to make our stable3 your hsadqairtor.i while in town. J. S. SllJ-JAl. President Kentucky horse & Mule Exchange, Brick Stables Plymouth, N. C.

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