4 ft Friday, October 26th, 1917 BEACON FLASHES. The tobacco warehouse set m to be assured. Mr. J. M. Clagon of Roper, was in town Tuesday. Have you bought a Liberty Bond yet? If not, buy one to day. Mrs P. M. Arps of Columbia is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. M Arps. Mesaers, J. C. Gatlinand H ij waiKer oi ureswell, were in town Monday. m a ttt " r iviessers. w. M. uateman anu T TTT V 1 -w- j. w. unesson or Koper, -vec- in town Monday. Mr. Lewis Horton of Norfolk is visiting his parents, Mr. ard Mrs. J. M. Horton, on Main St. We return thanks to Mr,J. H. Hamilton for a nice basket of pears left at our home last S it - urday. , Mr. J. S. Shugar will leave for Baltimore Sunday to buy another bunch of horses and mules. See ad. An accident to our pres3 while the paper was going through the hrst time last night has cau3ed several hours delay. The two most popular things just now are buying. Liberty Bonds and subscribing to the tobacco warehouses. Miss Blanche Spruill has re cently accepted a position as stenographer and book-keeper with the Plymouta Light & lee Co. Dr. J. C. Coggins has returned from Englehard, Hyde County, where he has been in a meeting and will fill his appointment, here Sunday. Among the new enterprises for our town is the Washington County Realty Corporation with Mr- J. A. Getsinger as Manager. See add in this issue. Misses Margaret and Ruth Sallinerer of Sans Souci, have returned home after spending a few days here visiting their sis ter, Mrs. Jas. W. Norman. wearing shoulder straps. Mr. J. G. Lohman, the genial -nember of the firm of Boseman & Lphman Co., the peanut folks of Norfolk, was out shaking hands with his many friends lere and through the county this week. Our farmers have a very kindly feeling for Mr. loh man and are always glad to see him. By special invitation Attorney Zeb Vance Norman addressed the people at Columbia on Wed nesday at their Liberty Loan Rally. Mr. Norman informs us tnat great enthusiasm was man ifested down there ; all the busi ness men and fraternal orders turning out, and that the neople there say Tyrrell County will not oe classed in the slacker list, as every dollar of their apportion ment ot bonds will be taken. Tobacco Warehouses for i Plymouth Assured. Messers J. J., and J. W. Fran cis, formerly of this town but now of Petersburg. Va., were here the past week visiting th ir sister, Mrs. J. B. Bateman. Mrs. D. S.Jones, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. W. Ausbon and Mr. F. S. Ausbon motored down and spent the day last Sunday with Sheriff Starr's family near Creswell. Help the Aycock Literary So ciety buy a Liberty Bond by at tending the program they will present at the Majestic Theatre next Thursday night, Nov. 1st. Having so many long articles in the paper this week it has crowded out several other items of interest, as well a3 advertising matter, which will appear next week. Mr. R. A. Williford has sold out his interest in, the grocery business of Williford & Campbell to Mr. J. K. Reid, and the new style of the firm will be Camp bell & Reid. Mr. J. F. Tarkenton of Mack eys was in the city Monday, en route home from Bertie County, where he had been to visit his brother, Mr. Jos. Tarkenton, who, is very ill. Messers E. R., and C. L. Jack son have opened up a first-class grocery store, with a cafe run in connection, in the new build ing of Mr. E. R. Jackson near the N. S. depot. The Aycock Literary Society is giving a public meeting at the Majestic Theatre on next Thurs day night Nov. 1st., The pro ceeds will go towards a Liberty Loan Bond. Come out and give .them your support. In order to serve our country I offer $55.00 in trade for a $50.00 Liberty Bond, or $110.00 trade for a $100.00 bond and otter all millinery goods at greatly re duced prices. Clyde Cahoon, the one price merchant. . Mr. W. L. Hassell of Battery B' U. S. F. A., stationed at Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, was home on a short furlough this week. We are glad to see so many Plymouth boys wearing chevrons on thier sleeves, and hope soon to see some of them At a meeting of the Commer cial Club on Monday night the question of building one or moe tobacco warehouses and a large prize house was discussed and the enterprize most favorably considered by all those present. This was the largest and most enthusiastic meeting the club has had since its organization, and by the way the stronger members have taken hold of the matter and gone to work, leaves no question as to the outcome of the project, and we can safely promise our farmers who plant tobacco next year that they will have one or more first-class warehouses right here at home in which to sell their crops, and now it is up to the farmers them selves to plant enough of the weed to assure its success as a market. It takes about 800,000 pounds o. tobacco to draw the big buyers to a local market, and this .is what causes the best prices. The average yield is from 800 to 1000 pounds to the acre, consequently f we can be assured of 100 acres or more being planted in tobacco next year our farmers are cer- 1 tain to get the highest prices rfght at home without the ex pense and inconvenience of hav ing to go from 25 to 50 miles away to market their products, and this means that the small farmer, raising only four acres, or one barn, of tobacco will be safe in making the venture in this big money crop. The estimated cost of the .first warehouse is about $25,000.00, it to be built of brick, 100x250 feet in size and the prize house four stories in height. To raise this money and make it interesting to all, it is proposed to form a corporation, placing the shares at $50.00 each, par value, and non-assessable. These shares wre made at this low figure so that every farmer owning tobac co land would be able to take one or more shares, and It is hoped that all will avail themselves of this opportunity to become a stockholder in the corporation, and to this end committees are now out soliciting subscriptions in all territory adjacent to this market. They will distribute cards on which you are to pledge the amount of stock you will take, and at the bottom you are asked to indicate the number of acres you expect to plant in to bacco next year. The latter is not a pledge, but simply to use as data in future development. In case you should not get one of these cards and wish to be come a subscriber, we print it elsewhere in this paper, and ask that you cut it out, fill in the blanks, sign it and mail it to Mr. A. L. Owens, Plymouth, N. C. Tobacoo has greatly enriched many counties with no better tobacco land than we have ; the prire, 'owing to the TVar, is sure to be more than good for several years yet. The opportunity to better our condition is now knocking at our. door. Shall we neglect it? Great Removal Sale at the NEWBERRY STORE Plymouth, N. C. We take this method of informing the public and our patrons that we have rented the large" double store opposite the Brinkley Hotel formerally occupied by Mr. Henry Spruill, and we expect to move into it at an early date. We have quite a large stock of general merchan dise on hand which we wish to reduce before we move. In order to do so we will sell all goods AT COST, every day in the week except Saturday until further notice. Remember it is said, "The early bird catches the worm," so come early and get the best selections. Subscribe to the Beacon. We have nowon hand two brand new new Ford Automobile iiresv and tubes, whice we will sell at a re duced price, as-we have no use for them. We are now sole agents here for The Butterick Publishing Co., and have on hand a Very Large Stock of patterns. Also have Delineators, Quarterly Books and Embrodiery Books for sale. We pay spot cash for black-eye peas. THE NEWBERRY CO. A. U. NEWBERRY, Mgr. REAL ESTATE. You Sell, We Buy! You Buy, We Sell! We are in a position to handle your farm or other real estate at a profit to you. VVe have to of fer for sale now several atrractive farms at a low price. For informal ion , address the Washington County Realty Corporation, Inc., Plymouth, North Carolina, or confer with J. A, GETSINGER, Manager. Office in Harney Building. CD W CO D O X os o V u o H C4 O b 2 O H Oh 2 o CO CQ D C2 c a a 8 S u O d w u o (A x: E o O c o c t5 5 o o a w, D a 3 O a. u- ' O c o j XZ 6 "5 111 o o- sq -C D in r- c a. to o w a c o fl o U 5 3 O E CO U (0 o u JD 'E u tn Xi 3 (A u ft) XL CA O tA c T3 O .2 & 2 n in O 7y N C o - U a 5 2! w o: o c 5 c O u tS u 2. a CQ O w. H o a ft) (A o (A o CO ft) t3 -a m ft) c tn (' D 2 (A o c "o o w u o s: t o Z X3 ft) u. c o J c ft) o k. ft) a 00 c o a o o ft) a x 3 ' O o "O o u u a X) o tn ft w. . u o c a ! o X THE SPOT Wishes to announce that they have an ample supply of Cans, Canning Outfits and any other article you want in the Hardware line. Call in to see us. THE SPOT Just across the street from The Washington County Bank. Attention, Farmers! This is to notify my friends and the general pub lic that I will again be in the Horse and Mule Busi ness this Fall. 1 realize the high price of feed and think it advisable to save all the feed possihle, and for that reason I have decided to wait a few weeks before purchasing my first load, as I know the price will be no higher then and by doing that will save you a lot of feed. Remember when you buy of me you get what you pay for and in every instance I will do now as I have done inthepast, always Guarantee Entire Satis faction. Trusting you will appreciate this and see. me be fore buying your stock.-Also I am still in the Peanut Business and always have top prices. : Very Sincerely Yours, - L. 1'. HORNTHAL. RREPAREDNESS! If you believe iiiiR B P A R E D N ESS . prepare to pro tect your'jeiWy with a FIRE policy, your FAM IL!jiv3nyhaFERSON STANDARD LIFE jolicy an'dffslf'vithan ACCIDENTS HEALTH .policy. : Why take unnecessary IVISKS? Nothing but reliable' companies represented. J. H. SMITH, Gen'I Agt. ; . Tire, Life & Accident Insurance Office: Blount Bhittf MORTGAGEE'S SALE. By virtue of authority of a mortgage deed executed to me by Samuel Petti ford and wife Roxie Pettiford on the Cth day of February, 1915, and duly recorded in the Register's office in Washington County, Book 61 page 57, I shall sell at public auction on the following terms: for cash, at 12 o clock M., on the 14th day of November 1917 at the C6urt House in Washington County the following property, viz : A piece or parcel of land lying ana being in the 'town of Plymouth. N. rv on the south side of Water street, be ing 25 feet by 200 feet and bounded on the east by Reuhen Pettiford lot, on the west by Hamnton lot. on the snnh by Mrs. Ayers' lot and conveyed to Samuel Pettiford bv Aaron IVttifnrrt et als by, deed registered in Book 01; niA i This ICth day cf Oct., 1917. , T. L. SMITH, Mortgagee Gaylord & Gaylord. Attorney!. If 11

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