V r Save Your W Cash and. HP Your Health CASCARA "B QUININE OMv The standard cold" cure for 20 year 1st tablet form safe, sure, no opiate cure cold in 24 hour grip in 5 days. Money back tf it fail. Get the genuine box with Red top and Mr. Hilt'a cicture on it. Cottt less, gives more, aavea money. 24 TabUta for 2Se. AtAnyUrujStor. SELDOM': SEE a big knee like this, but your hone may have a bunch or bruisi on hii ankle, hork, stifle, knee O) throat will ciean it off withou laying up the horse. No blister, rio hair Cone. Concentrated nnlv a fot drops required at an application. $2 pei (tie deli ered. Describe jrom cte for special infractions aaa Book 8 .Vf free. ABSORBINE JR., ibe snrt septic liniment for mankind, teduces Painful Swelltnes. BnUrred Glands. Wens. Braises. Va'lcose Veins allays M and Inflammation. Price ftl and 1 a botUe at Irut tuts ' ef dellrrred. Made in the U. S. A. by Kf.F YOUNG, P.O.F.,3lOTmg!($t. Springfield. Matt. cabbMeplants Early Jersey and Charleston Wakefield Sucves Ion and Flat Dutch. Satisfaction Guarautt-ed. By ezpresx; 600, 81.00; l.ouO, tl.iO; &.0U0, at 11.25: 10.000 up at $1.00. T. O. B. Hh.BE. Delivered Parocl Post 100, 2Se; 1,000, $1.75. D. F. JAMISON, SUMMERVILLE, S. C KODAKS DEVELOPING AH roll films developed 10c. Prints 3 to 5 ct. Prompt attention to mail orders. R. C. BERNAU, Greensboro, N. O. MIND READING BY WIRELESS Fklr Detected to Be Using Secret Buzzer Conected With the Side . Pocket of His Assistant. While traveling In Ohio last year I attended a performance In a small town, where n mind reader was Riving wonderful exhibition of his powers, mused a salesman. The mind render, apparently an Oriental, for he wore a turban and spoke broken English, was able to name every object the audience chose to select for a test; he also -flamed dates on coins, words, and read passages in hooks and newspapers; it was n marvelous exhibition. The- mind reader's assistant had a familiar look; he reminded me of a telegraph operator T had worked with In the West. Wrhen he came to where I was sitting. I noticed he kept one hand in his sidt. pocket. The as sistant asked me to-give the mind reading a test. Pulling. out my union card, I asked him to name the organization to which I was a member. It was three min utes by my watch before the mind reader answered, "Brotherhood of , Railroad signalmen." - The assistant turned away from me ' as. he held my card in such a way as to bring the side wherehls hand was fn the coat away from me. Thirty years as a telegrapher has made "my hearing wonderfully acute and I detected faint "Morse signals. Then I realized in an instant why the mind reader's nssistnnt kept his hand tri his coat pocket. He had a wireless buzzer In there and was signaling the mind reader. The buzzer was muf fled with cloth to kill the sound. I also saw why the mind reader wore a turban and stood rigid In one position on a rug. The turban was to hide the receivers clamped on his ears and the rug to hide the antenne that ran under Ihe rug, up behind his back to the receivers. esson New Fishhook. A recently invented fishhook Is 80 weighted that should it fail to the bot tom of a stream the point of the hook and the bait are held up within reach of a fish. James Donovan of Quincy, Mass., though without hands, Is a successful gardener. Save In the Use s of Wheat By eating - Grape-Nuts All the food value of the grain is used in making this de licious food; and its blend of malted bar ley not only adds to its nourishing quali ties but produces a flavor of unusual rich ness. All Food No Waste! (By REV. P. B. FITZ WATER, D. D., Teacher of English Bible in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. 1 fOnnyrlsrht. 1317. Wpgtf-rn NfWfntpcr Union.) LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 11 LESSON TEXT Nehemiah 1. GOLDEN TEXT "Whatsoever we ask, wt rprlu0 n f Vitm Kant.cA Isd. Vila commandments, and do these things that i are pleasing in hia sight.' I John 3:22. I Some twelve or fourteen years after the revival of the worship of Jehovah under the administration of Ezra, Ne hemiah led accompany to Jerusalem to restore the city walls and civil author ity. The walls and gates of the city had lain in ruins ever since they were broken do"-n by Nebuchadnezzar. In this condition the remnant of the Jews who had gone back to Jerusalem were exposed to the dangers of as saults from the .surrounding enemies. Not only was this exposure detrimen tal to the peace and comfort of the people, but it was a matter of severe reproach to them (v. 3). Nehemiah was a man of strong character. Though occupying a position of high honor and responsibility In the very center of the great heathen capitol, the desire to honor God was uppermost in his h'jart. He is" an example to all young men, demonstrating to them that it is pos sible to be true to God regardless of the environment fn which he may be compelled to live. In order for a man to thus stand, his life must be rooted In Christ, and these roots our faith ,must be watered and kept alive through vital commun'on with God In prayer and study of His Holy Word. I. Nehemtah Learns of the Afflic tion and Rpro?ch of the Returned Remnant In Jerusalem (vv. 1-4). 1. The time (v. 1). It was In a winter month, November or December, In the 20th year of Artaxerxes. He was engaged in the performance of his accustomed duties as cup-bearer to the king, when the news came to him of the deplorable condition of Jeru salem and the remnant who had gone there. 2. The cccasion of (w. 2, 3). The .visit of Nehemiah's brother and certain men of Judah made It possible for him to Inquire concerning the state of the remnant and the conditions of Jeru salem. They informed him that they were In great affliction and reproach. !. 3. The effect upon Nehemiah (v. 4). He was greatly moved by the story of the distress of his brethren. Thouch occupying, a position of honor, and en-r Joying all that heart could desire, he keenly took the misfortune of his brethren to heart. He not only shed tears of sympathy, tot took these bur dens in prayer to God. This is the proper way to sympathize with the un fortunate. It is manly to weep with those in distress, and to pray for those who have need. Jesus wept over Jerusalem and prayed for his own. Nehemiah exhibited ihe spirit of true patriotism. The affliction and shame of his own people went close to his own heart. National and racial soli darity ' constitutes the real basis of patriotism. The reproach and afflic tion of a nation is the reproach and affliction of every member thereof. ! II. Nehemiah's Prayer for Israel (vv. 5-11). We are taught that In the midst, of affliction, we should pray. Nehemiah in this early time practiced this New Testament direction. 'A study of his prayer is most helpful. 1. It was earnest (v. 4). ne fasted j and prayed for several days. When ! men are willing to desist from food ' and turn aside from their occupations to pray to God. they are unmistakably In earnest. This Is true fasting. 2. The ground of (v. 5). He plead covenant relationship and the faith- i fulness of God In keeping his covenant. 1 It is a good thing always in our pray ing to plead thus with God. He Is delighted when we come as children pleading for the things we need on the basis of our relationship to him. 3. Unselfish (v. 6). He has as his supreme object the welfare of Israel. . Ills personal Interests were not af fected, either for tetter or for worse, by the condition -of the Jews in Jeru salem. Many prayers do not count with God because they are self-centered. ' 4. Penitent (w. 6, 7). He acknowl edges that the state of Israel was due to disobedience to God's command ments and their corrupt dealings with God. So completely had he identified himself with his people that he Includ ed himself with Israel as having sinned. 5. The prayer of faith (w. 8, 9). lie believed the word which God, had spoken to Moses touching his willing ness to restore and bless his people, though he whs obliged to severely judge them. In our praying, we should be able to point to some definite prom ise in God's word, M we plead" with him. Faith takes God at his word, and holds him to it. t C. Definite (vv. 10, 11). a. ne pointed to the specific people, as those redeemed by God's powerful hand. b. ne asked that God would pros per his way and grant htm mere In the sight of the king. This was a part of wisdom on Nehemiah's part, j Before going before men for considera- j tion of Important interests, we should ask God to prepare their hearts, so that j they will listen sympathetically to our plea. This we should do in all things, and we can do it, when our own hearts are right, and we see the good of oth ers and not that of ourselves. Housekeepers Can Save $200,000,000 on Food In these days when the high cost of living- pinches nearly every home, no waste should be overlooked. One of the most flagrant and the most easily prevented, is the destruction of food by rats. One rat will often do a hundred dollars' damage of food and property in a single night, and a careful estimate gives over J200.000.000 as the value of foodstuffs destroyed annually by these pests. Exterminate them with Stearns Paste and save thin enormous loss of food. A small box of-Stearns' Paste costs only 33 cents nnd Is usual ly enough to completely rid the house of rats and mice: also effective against cock roaches and waterbugs. Adv. Helpless Man. The ladles-God-bless 'era were talk ing. In the humorously Indulgent wy in which they actually tackle the topic about their Husbands and other wom en's husbands. '"John is perfectly helpless without me," Said Mrs. A. "Henry's that way, too," said Mrs. H. "I don't know what would become of him If I'd leave him for a Aveek." "Isn't it the truth!" sighed Mrs. C. "You'd think my husband was a child the way I have to take care of him. Why, whenever he Is mending his clothes or sewing on buttons, or even darning his socks, I always-have to thread the needle for him !" Cleve land Plain Dealer. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER has been a household panacea all over the civilized world for more than half a century for constipation. Intestinal troubles, torpid liver and the generally depressed feeling that accompanies such disorders. It Is a most valuable remedy for Indigestion or nervous dys pepsia and liver trouble, bringing on headache, coming of up food, palpita tion of heart and many other symp toms. A few doses of August Flower will Immediately relieve you. It is a gentle laxative. Asfe your druggist Sold In all civilized countries. Adv. Willing Sacrifice. Sweet Girl Pa, the house next door was robbed last night. Pa Mei-y! Next door! . Sweet Gill Yes, and the burglars have been in two or three houses on this terrace within a week.. Pa I know it. I know It. It's ter rible! Hut what can, we do? Sweet Girl I was thinking it might be a good plan for Mr. Nicefello nnd me to sit up a few nights to watch for them. " $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh is a local disease greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destros the foundation of the disease, gives the patient strength by Improving the ge'ieral health and assists nature in doing 'ts work. ?100.OO for any case of Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE fails to cure. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. , F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Baid Men, Don't Read Thisl Gladys Who was the old gentleman who took you to dinner, Violet? Violet An old bachelor friend of papa's. He was delightful. Gladys I shouldn't think you would find a bald-headed old bachelor a very delightful '.'ompanioh nt dinjier. Violet Oh, but he was he attract ed all the flies. MOTHER! nave you ever used MOTHER'S JOY SALVE for Colds, Coughs, Croup and Pneumonia, Asthma, and Head Ca tarrh? If you haven't get It at once. It will cure you. Adv. Turkish Girls Wed Young. Most Turkish girls marry between the ages of fourteen and eighteen. Many people Imagine that Worms or Tape worm cannot be gotten rid of entirely. Those who have used -"Dead Shot" Dr. Peery's Vermifuge, know tbat they can. Adr. It takes an experienced elevator boy to let a man down easy. New York charities report severe fnilins: off in donations. Royal. ggs ra ba w ow 9 king saves e In many recipes only half as many eggs are required, in soma none at all, if an additional quantity of Royal Baking Powder is used, about a teaspoon, in place of each egg omitted. Try the following recipes which also conserve white flour as urged by the government Corn Meal Griddle Cakes VA cups corn meal" l'i cups boiling water eup milk 1 tablespoon shortening 1 tablespoon molasses ax cup flour 1 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons Royal Baking: Powder NO EGGS Scald corn meal in bowl with boiling water; add mine, melted shortening and molasses; add flour, salt and baking powder which have been sifted together; mix Well. Bake on hot greased griddle until brown. (The Old Method called for 2 eggs) Eggless, Milkless, Butterless Cake 1 cap brown sugar 14 cups water 1 cup seeded raisins 8 ounces citron, cut fine Yi cup shortening 't teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon nutmeg1 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup flour 1 cup rye flour ft teaspoons Soyal Baking Powder Boll sugar, water, fruit, shortening, salt and spicet together in saucepan 3 minutes. When cool, add flour and baking powder which have been sifted to gether. Mix well ; bake in loaf pan in moderate even about 45 minutes. (The Old Method Fruit Cake called for 2 egg) Send for our new booklet "55 Ways to Save Eggs." Mailed free on request. Address Royal Baking Powder Co., Dept. W., 135 William Street, New York One More Question. "Going far?" asked the, talkative one. "To London,' roared the traveler. "I'm forty-six and married ; name, Ho ratio Drown; one daughter, nineteen years old, In the civil service, gets thirty shilling a week; father died last July; mother Is still living; one of my nieces has red hair; our maid has left us, but we've got another one. Anything else?" - The talkative one thought for a mo ment; "What oil did you use on your tongue?" he Inquired. Need More Ttian Mules. The day has passed when a war can be won with a string of mules.- Chester, Pa., is to have a big steel ship plant. Sounds True. Irate Mamma Goodness me! It's half an hour since T sent you to the shop to get those things, and here you are back again without them. Little Dick It was such a long time before my turn came to be waited on that I forgot what It was you wanted. "Then why didn't you come home and find out?" "I was afraid If I left I'd lose my turn." An Expert. "I understand that Dinks has become an efficiency expert." "Is that so? Now he will be able to teach everybody to do everything he can't do himself." Mrs'. W. J. Tlsdale, Hohoken, N. J., widow, has seven sons In United States military service. A Friend Indeed. The littde boy came home whlstlinf the latest soldier-song bravely. Uw whistled it titt'cnu M.v. When he ap proached the door he wiped his feet on the mat, and he closed the front door behind him. "What's the' matter -. with you, Har old?" Inquired his mother anxiously These. were bad symptoms. "I'm happy!" shouted Harold, fiinf Ing his speller at the cat. "Because school Is out?- "Naw!" he remonstrated. "Nawl' You see, I am getting acquainted with a nice feller at school. His father owns a candy factory." When a man is easily bought thr buyer is usually sold. It's as unblessed to give as it Is t receive offense. 40n ii ii L 1 1 - -.nl-SULiU LU--.- Ji.w.iiHM,iajii.uiLiLiiijiii.. n nwummni mm. s,t,..iuijwu-t.ii1i wmm imi .hiiimi " ' rMunm?tSJm J. - i !w ;:; Is tte sMmmd ills ja I f O LYDIAE.PiNKHAM MEDJCINE CO. LYNN. MASS. H r Wiau'yst3pisfaiBSjfe jfH "g ""ii m.."' u."ii.JifPjq'''iy . 'ii si '." ; " m .wmmin,-" I ' ' mmi i'ii -n I -f 1 1 ' i "r "Tnf ''iriir iilTiiYiflsasi-iiif'iii'ii mi m ff f if n n1' ' art n "rir1-"iTrnt"r r-""--- - " -''- in inn i.iinmim ft' WiMW'ifiti&tn''ii: 'bfi-iJr tow ."Wattdi-Boffi iier j BisattffW'r-ffissaMiaMiiMiMs "tt r in innmi s-nb.ni i irr mil mm mm i jhmt -yi tt - ' Yfnf TrrF'ifTfcattiiaia8J It Keeps You Well Your liver acts as a watch-dog and helps to keep your system free from poisons, and from the diseases due to self -poisoning. ' Your health may. depend upon keeping your liver active. A purifying medicine is frequently needed, to stir up your liver into the proper activity, induce the bowels to act freely and purge the system from del eterious matter. . Thedford's Black-Draught has been doing this successfully for many years, and is today one of the favorite liver medicines in the South, where liver medicines are so much used. Prepared from purely vegetable ingredients, Black-Draught has none of the bad effects so often observed from the use of Calomel or other mineral drugs. - It acts naturally, promptly, reliably, and has helped thousands back to a healthy condition of stomach, liver and bowels. Black-Draught has been successfully used in cases of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Bil iousness, Sick Headache, Backache, Constipation, etc. Thousands of men and women have written to tell of its good results. It is a family stand-by for young and old, in thousands of American homes. Mr. K. J. McKinney, of Mt. Vernon, Ky., writes: "I was a merchant. . .and this kept mo very closely confined. This confinement brought on constipation and. . .severe headaches. I lost ap petite, got very thin and there seemed to be a lump in my stomach after every mcil. I had THED FORD'S BLACK-DRAUGHT in stock... I took down a package io the house. . .and began using it Regularly. . .The Indigestion soon disappeared. I rested better. Ketb thing I knew I was gaining in weight. .-.BLACK-DRAUGHT is without doubt the best liver medicine on the market." Use Bladc-DraiiM Liver M OA. 41 MIOTIC i

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