EAT 'Iff vim CABBAGE PLANTS Early Jersey and Charleston Waliefiela Succes ion and Flat Dutch. Satisfaction Ouai-anteeJ. By express; 600, $1.00; 1,000, tl.5U;5,UX), at $I.2o 10,000 up at $1.00. F. O. B. HiOl. Delivered Parcel Post 100, 25c; 1,000, J1.75. D. F. JAMISON, SUMMERVILLE, S. C. WILL POWER AND INSOMNIA Relaxation, Assisted by Beautiful and Benevolent Thoughts, Cited as Sure Cure for Sleeplessness. Alioted hygienist tells of a man who was on the borderland of nervous hpDoLlAirn nrwl Via -?-t s-P nn1 Aiuscle was fast receding, notes the Ohio State Journal. But he got well and sound again by attending safely to bis relaxation. Insomnia was his greatest trouble, and when he went to bed it was to toss and bob around in mind and body until he fell into a restless sleep. lie cured this by re laxation. That is, by yielding his body to the gentle pressure of bed and pil lew and not trying to hold himself up by nervous exertion. It is the old doc trine of power through repose, a love ly idea, but not always realizable. The trouble Is one soon forgets the re laxation, and so tries to practice it that he is apt to fall Into a contor tion. The hygienist leaves out the main Idea. He resorts to the will power, while the real secret is a resort to the moral power, which means falling un der the sway of beautiful and bene volent thoughts, and then the relaxa tion' will take care of itself. One of th5e methods is to think of the peo- )le you don't like, and then proceed fto love them all, and you will find the Jilllow and the bed will render their Jfoll service and sustain all your phy sical and mental infirmities. Desirable Change. A lecturer said in a temperance ad ress: "If I were Providence I'd introduce change that would, I am convinced, onvert the whole world to our cause. "This simple but far-reaching change J?ould consist in transferring the sick eadache from the day after to the ay before." Don't overdo anything. Too much ;ratitude takes ou the appearance of xpectation. Nashville, Tenn., municipul courts ave this year collected $29,43? , in ines. f "In most cases of Dyspepsia Coffee Does Agree" says a well known authority. Many who use cof- 9 (exa nnt- IrtiYrrltlrf Sfhat i t aggravates fT' stomach troubles if could still enjoy a delicious hot table beverage and es cape coffee's effects by a change to the wholesome, pure cereal drink There's a Reason iksguf u ik. m. 1 Kl POSTUH c TREATING COMMON HI fife ,1 N Jfc, , & v" ff' - i SCALY LEG USUALLY FOUND AMONG OLD FOWLS. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) In spite of precautions, diseases and disorders may Invade the most sani tary chicken yard. - In most Instances it is not practicable to attempt to cure one or two sick fowls, for even though they are apparently cured, their value as producers or breeders will be less ened, or the disease may reappear and endanger other fowls. It is advisable to attempt to cure only when the dis ease is common throughout the flock, or In case of a fowl which is very val uable, and an effective cure seems probable. In addition to keeping the poultry house, drinking fountains, hopper, and surroundin'gs clean and sanitary, dis ease outbreaks should be prevented from spreading by the Immediate re moval of fowls showing signs of dis ease. An antiseptic such as potassium permanganate should then be given in the drinking water of the fowls, as described below, under the treatment of roup. The house and equipment should then be cleaned thoroughly and sprayed with a ten per cent solution of crude carbolic acid or some coal tar product in water. Usually a fowl that Is not well can be detected by the fact that It is not as active as the others, stands around in an out-of-the-way place, and shows little disposition to eat. Remove such a fowl from the flock at once and If It is seriously sick It should be killed and the carcass burned rather than buried. Roup. Roup Is a highly contagious disease, spreading from one bird to another very quickly. The disease is very common in the fall, especially In poor ly ventilated, damp houses. Treatment. Remove the sick bird to a warm, well-ventilated room that is free from drafts. Syringe' the nos trils, by means of a medicine dropper, with a solution of one teaspoonful of common salt to a quart of water The eyes may be bathed gently with the same solution. Grease around the nos trils and eyes with pure or carbolated vaseline. Dissolve in each gallon of drinking water , as much potassium permanganate as will remain on the surface of a dime. The flock should have no other drinking water than that containing potassium permangan ate. It is good practice to use potas sium permanganate in the drinking water as a preventive as soon as the cool weather begins in the fall. Canker. This disease causes cheese-like patches to form in the membrane of the mouth and tongue. Treatment Sprinkle a little sul phur in the mouth and throat of the bird. Another effective treatment con sists of washing the sore patches with a mixture of equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water. Cholera. This is probably one of the worst diseases that affect poultry, for it spreads rapidly and in most cases the cure Is unsatisfactory. The usual symptoms of cholera are as follows: The fowl is troubled with diarrhea, the droppings become watery and yel low or green in color; the fowl is de pressed; the feathers ruffled; and the comb Is either very pale or very dark. Fowls affected with cholera usually have A great thirst but poor appetite. Frequently many so-called eases of cholera are fcimply diarrhea. Fowls having cholera usually die within 30 hours. Treatment The satisfactory method of combating this disease Is to kill and burn all fowls that are really affected. Clean and spray all water fountains and the house thoroughly with a ten per cent solution of car bolic acid and water or one of the coal-tar products and water. The droppings should either be buried deep, burned, or sprayed with the above solution. . Limber Neck. Thl3 disease is characterized by the fact that the fowl's neck is limp and cannot hold the hesd erect. The dis DISEASES OF POULTRY 1 ease Is a form of food poisoning, and is caused by the fowl's feeding on de composed animal flesh. Treatment. Two teaspoonfuls of castor oil given to the fowls will some times cure them. In all cases an ef fort 6hould be made to find the cause of the disease, which is usually a dead animal or fowl that has decomposed and is being eaten by the birds. All carcasses should be deeply buried or burned when found. Chicken Pox, or Sore Head. This is a very contagious , disease that occurs In all classes of poultry. It may be told by the yellow patches or nodules that appear about the beak, face and comb. Treatment Cover the sore patches with carbolated vaseline, or If this Is not effective, apply a touch of Iodine. Diarrhea in Hens. Diarrhea is usually caused by a lhange in the quantity of food, exces sive green or meat food, and very hot weather. One of the best cures is to deprive the fowl of all green or meat foods, and wet mashes, and feed a dry mash and grain feed. A teaspoonful of castor oil or sweet oil, with five drops of oil of turpentine added, will frequently check the trouble. White Diarrhea. This is probably the most dreaded of chicken diseases, It being very con tagious and fatal in Its results. It can easily be told by the fact that the chicks tend to droop their wings, are sleepy In appearance, and show lit tle or no desire to eat ; assume almost a ball shape; and the whitish-brown droppings adhere to the vent and fluff, causing them to become "pasted 'up." Treatment. Chicks that have reach ed the advanced stages of this disease should be removed, killed and burned, ' Gapes. This trouble is due to the presence of small worms that have attached themselves to the Inside of the chick's windpipe. The characteristic symp tom is the frequent gaping of the chick In its effort to expel the worms. Treatment. Due to the fact that gapewonns are usually found on the ground that has been used for som! time as a range for poultry, the best remedy is to remove the chicks to a new range. The ground 'so Infested should be thoroughly limed and plow ed and not used for young chicks for at least two seasons. As an Individ ual treatment the worms can ofttimes be removed by means of a looped horsehair. Good results have been ob tained by adding 15 grains of sali cylic acid to each quart of drinking water. Crop Bound. This disorder Is caused by the crop becoming overloaded with feed to such an extent that the muscular walls be come partly paralyzed and thus unable to work off tlje accumulated food. The trouble can be told by the fact that the crop is hard and firm and pro trudes noticeably. Treatment Ordinarily this trouble can be overcome by pouring half an ounce of melted lard or sweet oil down the throat and working the crop with the hand, so as to allow the oil or lard to mix with the feed. When this is done, the food will usually pass away In a few hours. Scaly Leg. This Is more frequently found among old fowls and is caused by small mites that burrow under the scales of the shanks and feet and there multiply in numbers. Treatment. Most often kerosene applied to the fowl's legs and feet will be found au effective remedy. Bumble Foot Bumble foot is caused by bruises forming on the bottom of the feet, usually due to the fowls juinpmg from high roosts to a hard floor. To re move cause, lower the roosts. When the foot is badly swollen, a small cut should be made with a clean, sharp knife, and the pus removed. Wash the wound with equal parts of hydro gen peroxide and water, grease with vaseline, and bandage with a piece of cloth. increased Food Supply. I see," said Mrs. Perkins, whose lucubrations appear in the Windsor Magazine, "that Lord WhatVis-nnme 'as been a-writing to the papers to tell .people to "keep rabbits and grow cab bages in their back yards to keep up the food 'supply of the nation. "I only 'ope VII do it 'imself, and I wish 'ira joy. I don't want to dash no' opes, but I tried it myself in a 'umble waj', you understand, last sum mer. "I gave .n pair of Perkins' boots and fourpense for two small rabbits, and that Just left room In my garden for a dozen sprouting broccoli. Tor the first three weeks I thought the broccoli was going to die of heart disease; but as s.on as they started to sit up and sprout the rabbits broke out of their hutch and ate every bless ed one up, and expired next day of in ternal combustion. : "All I got out of it was the rabbit skins, which I will say, made a 'and sume necklet. "When I wear it on Sundays I 'ear people saying, 'Fancy 'er buyin them expensive furs In war time!' "It's 'ard to bear, but I reckon Fve done my bit toward Increasing the food supply." Youth's Companion. HEAL BABY RASHES That Itch, Burn and Torture With Cutl cura Trial Free. A hot Cuticura Soap bath is soothing to irritated skins when followed by a gentle application of Cuticura Oint ment Use Cuticura for every-day toi let preparations to prevent such trou bles.. After this treatment baby sleeps mother rests and healment follows. Free sample each by mail with Book. Addres3 postcard, Cuticura, Dept L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. When Ke Was Born. A .recruit walked up the main street recently without saluting any of the officers he met. Finally one of them, noticing the apparent nonchalance of the man, approached him and asked : "See here, are you a privato?" "No, I am an Italian," th rookie answered. One of the recruits, a naturalized Pole, was being examined by his cap tain. "When were you born?" the latter asked. "Let Bee twent'-two years." "You mean eighteen ninety-four?" . "Yes," agreed the rookie. "What month?" The man puzzled over this a few minutes. Then, with a cheerful smile, he suggested, amiably: "Oh, September, October, June, any thing! I no care." BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP will quiet your cough, soothe the In flammation of a sore throat and lungs, stop irritation in the bronchial tubes. Insuring a good night's rest, free from coughing and with easy expectoration in the morning. Made and sold in America for fifty-two years. A won derful prescription, assisting Nature in building up your general health and throwing off the disease. Especially useful in lung trouble, asthma, croup, bronchitis, etc. For sale in all clfll Ized countries. Adv. His Profession. "IIow your patient does keep up, nurse." "Yes, sir. He's an aviator." A statesman is a politician who can keep his face closed at the right time. If your eyes smart or feel scalded, no man Kye Balaam applied upon Koing to bo J is Just the thing to relieve them. Adv. Usually a truly good woman has a sad look that is discouraging. After lending an ear the charitable cnan lends a hand. Middle Aged IB Are Here Told the Best Remedy for Their Troubles. Freemont, O. "I was passing through the critical period of life, being forty-six years of age and had all the symptoms incident to that change -heat flashes, nervousness, and was in a general run down condition, so it was hard for me to do my work. Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound was recommended to me as the best remedy for my troubles,which it surely proved to be. I feel better .and stronger in every way since taking it, and the annoying symptoms nave disap peared." Mrs. M. Godden, 825 Napoleon St., Fremont, Ohio. North Haven, Conn. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound restored my health after everything else had failed when passing through change of life. There is nothing like it to overcome the trying symptoms." Mrs. FLOBKJfCB IeEU,A.,l$ox 197, North Ilaven, Conn. vim YECeETAB Tonight! Take Dodson's Liver Tone! Better Than Calomel For Liver Calomel sickens! If bilious, constipated and head ' . achy read my guarantee. Listen to me ! Take no more sicken ing salivating calomel when bilious? or constipated. Don't lose a day's work! Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bonew. Calomel, when it comes into contac-t with sour bile, crashes into it, break ing it up. This is when you feel tht.t awful nausea and cramping. If you are sluggish and "all knocked out," if your liver is torpid and bowels consti pated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, just take a spoonful of harmlesh Dodson's Liver Tone. riere's my guarantee Go to any drug store and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a spoonful tonight, and if it doesn't Sold for 47 years. For Malaria, Chills and Fever. Ala a Fine General Strengthening Tonic, 60c aai $1.00 it all Dri Stan. Island of Mindoro. So prolific was the Island of Mindoro in the Philippines at one time in the production of rice that It was popular ly called "the granary of the Philip pines." Sugar, cotton, hemp, and oth er crops thrive on the Island, when properly cultivated. Yet its economic conditions are extremely backward, and a large part of its population is In a constant state of poverty. It has al together about - CO.O00 inhabitants. Among these are 18,000 Tagalogs, 7,200 Mangyanes, 2,000 Wsayans, and of Uocanos less than J.J00. Of the whole, over 7,000 are prtnunced savage; a large proportion of the remainder are densely ignorant. $100 Re ward, $100 Catarrh la a IocaI disease greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATAKKH MEDICINE Is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease, Kive8 the pa'Jent strength by lmprovlng the general ncalth and assists nature In doing Its vork. 10a.0O for any case of Catarrh chat HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINK falls to cure. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Caeney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. in a Bad Way. "What do you know of the charac ter of this man?" was asked of a witness at a police court the other day. "What do I know of his character? I know it to be unreachable, your honor," he replied with much empha sis. Christian Register. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOKIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Tfoara tha Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Naturally. "I hate to serve on a jury." "So do I. It puts one In such a try ing position." Disqualified. "His feet kept him out of the army." "Flat?" "No; cold." A E. PMICMM'S IE C0MP0UM straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous by morning, I want you to go back to the store and get your monej Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel bo cause It is real liver medicine; entire ly vegetable, therefore It can not sali vate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and consti pated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire fam- 1 1 17 foATinT -find -fni" rrtnnftio fTt I frt your children. It is harmless ; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant tasUt Adv. Horserace Proves Man's Age. A man's age was decided in a pe culiar manner before a Greenwich. England, court recently. The military authorities claimed that a man, George Frederick Grandeer was not forty three years old, and therefore still liable for service. The man's defense was that he was past his forty-third birthday. In support of this defens he stated that he was born on June 8, 1874, the day George Frederick won the Derby, and that he was named af ter the horse. The defense was ac cepted, and the man was discharged. Fast Runners. She looked with some apprehension over the ginghams spread before her. "These don't look like fast colors t me," she said. "Indeed they are, ma'am," answered the shopman. "You just ought to ee them when they begin to run." If he has a large family to support a man can't afford to have any other extravagant habits. ur. nerce's renets are Dest for liver bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative, three for a cathartic. Ad. One of the first duties of a Christian Is to learn to smile. Real heroes act as their own press agents. ' 37 More For Your Money Get the Genuine CASCARA M QUININE No advance in price for this 20-year-old remedy 2 Sc for 24 tablet Some cold tablets now 30c for 21 tablets Figured on proportionate cost per tablet, you save 9c when you buy Min i cures t-old At any vrug Stor W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 46-1917, I 1 1YDIA F..P1NKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. : 5 J

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