THE ROANOKE " BEACON C V. W. AUSBON Em,- .rjr.;i.jy!,;.. p. s. AUSBON PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. Plymouth, N. C, Friday, Dec, 7t 1917. WHAT MOTHERS CAN DO. Mothers Are Asked to Co operate with Quarantine Officer to Control Con tagious Diseases. NjbDJy knows what! it means to hivi a si ek chill lik-3 tin m thir, t.ia'' for:5-. I a .11 ask: a.? tho m ithJM oi t'ais crxity, espec:- ally, to co-operate witness, t,:cn county quarantine oiii:er, anu by all working together, to keep down th)se preventable disease like whooping cough, measles, scarlet fever and diphtheria, as far as is possible, Some old fashioned mothers m3d to believe that whooping coagh and measles were like taxes, just had to come, and the sooner they "came and went," the better. But now mothers know different. They know that even if children should have these diseases when they grow np it goes less hard with them then, and they are more likely to recover without defects and impairments. Why, when a mo ther's baby ha3 measles if it is less than five years old, she "never knows whether it is going to be left blind, deaf, lame, or with weakened heartor kidneys, for life. The safest plan is to take no chances with any of these so-called child en's diseas es. Children don't have to have them, and why not protect them? Some of the things mothers can do to keep down whooping cough, measles, scarlet fever, infantile paralysis and diphthe ria in their horac3 and commu nities are, first, to suspect the disease and keep heme the child ren having the first symptoms, such as sore threats or head colds, particularly if any conta gious diseases is in the commu nity. Second, in case no physi cian is called to attend the child, the mother should sea that the disease is reported at once to the county quarantine cfli'.er who will then tell her what to do and how to treat the ca-c. The lav requires her to do this. Third, every mother should respect the Quarantine Law. It may incon venience her slightly but what will a few days of inconvenience mean if it saves a child's life or even if it saves him from a life long defect, like blindness which f often one of the after effects ox measles. Themother who disregards the Quarantine Lv;--is not only an undesirable to have in the community but is in enemy of little children. The number of case j of conta gious diseases in this county last month reported to me were : Whooping Cough : William A. Spraill. Thursto i and William Hornablue, James Coleman, Jr.. Bennie Gray, Kena and Kath leen RudclifF, Iola, Doris ar.d Randolph McCabe, children of W. H. Davenport. Daniel Bate man, two chi'dren of Jas. Skin ner, Carrie, Cora. Gladys, Brad ford, Plone and Isaac Lewis, Matthew, Charles and Mary Simpson, children of M. C. Spru ill, child of C. N. Davenport, seven children of Walter Paiiin, Violet Alexander, Ada Alexan der, Louiie May Alexander, Ed na Alexander, Mony Alexander, Jessie Alexander, John and An nie-Marshall, Roosevelt King, ! Fannie King, Jessie Kin. Sarah Phelps. Joella I helps, Edney Phelps, Creswell, N.C. ; Anna Barnes, R. D. 3, Creswell. N. C; Winifred, Leon and Cora Bow ser, R. D. 1, box 110, Creswell, N. C; Cora Lee and Boiie Rho-j des, R. I). 2, Creswell, N. C; oeatcu, ju'ia, Bertie and Millie VanhTn, Minnie Ainsley, and chiMr.-'-! of F-Iron Vanhorn, R. D. C. C.-s N. C, and Let tie E. C.V.ln, R. D. 1, Cres well, N. C. W. H. Ward, M. D., Co. Quarantine Officer. PROFESSIONAL CARDS ZEIl VANCE NORMAN - -AND SMALL, McLEAN, BRAGAW & ROD- MAN Attorneys & Counsellors at Law Plymouth, N. C .t 1,0." Koport of the condition of Tiu oi Creswell '.'v-n hi ;;!ie of n. C. IV Li. m i til -coimh ICES ( herdniH.s unsLCUivd U. fcl. b -Us (i !;:uui ana A Li '. i . Fu! u.uuv Due I'tv.-m Cash ileiVLS bold coin "liver c- i;:, inclmJ: i:or e curr, ncv Xa'.iomU bv.-.k ::olvL' U. y. notes i I..U1KS i:r all mi ,::id other $34,526 04 75 17 375 oo 800 oo 6,931 32 9,412 7G 55 oo G34 52 2,2oo oo $75,ooi) 81 LIABILITIES. Capital stock naid in $ 5,ooo oo Undivided profits, less cur n ut expenses and taxes 3 479 21 Ci'.lb payable 12,5oo oo Deposits suujcot to cl-eck 24,814 47 Doniaudcertii'icitesofdcposit 4,375 oo Savi:urs deposits 24,771 52 Cashier's checks outstanding G9 61 DR. J. C. COGGINS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Plymouth, N. C. Van B. Martin W. F. Midgett. MARTIN & MIDGETT ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in Harney Building PLYMOUTH, N. C. "Partnership does not apply to crim inal cases in Recorder's Court Dr. P. B. CONE Dentist Williamston, N. C. Office over Farmers and Mer chants Bank. Hours 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 Phone No. 9. Trade at Home and r -bio up Your Home Town luikl Why order your suir. and take chances when you can come to our store and make your own selection. We have a beautiful line of suits and coats. Prices range frm $10 to $37.50. Total u of $75,009.81 Kni; CarolinaCounty of v c.:!r. nUm, I, 1). I'. WoodiCy, cashier, of the a-bove-r uT'ed Lank, do solemnly swear ihat ihc a'joM: statement is truo to flip O'jst oi :y knouKKlL. n a 'id belief. . Woodley, Cashier. Subscribed a: d ss urn to before me, tlv.s Dd day 01 December 1917. I- S. Woodley N. P. Correct Attest: Alfred Alexander, W. il. Ilardison, Wa Wiley, Directors. S '.ijcribc to the Beacon. NOTICE. By virtue of authority of a mortgage deed executed to E. R. Spruill, by A, VV. Biggs, on the 2Sth day of May, 1908 and duly recorded in Register of Deeds office in VVashidgton County, in book 51, page 276, I shall sell at public auc tion for cash at 12 o'clock M. on the 14th day of Dec, 1917, at the Court House door in Washington County, the following described land, to-wit : Lying and being in the county of Washington, Skinnersville township, and known and designated as follows, certain tracts of land conveyed to A. W. Biggs, by Sansberry Davenport, and recorded in Washington County and fully described in deed from W. II. Dillon and wife to E. Pritchett, October 24th, 1896 and Dec. 14th, 1896, recorded in book 36 page 127, and one certain tract of land adjoining the abote and deeded to E. Pritchett by Wm. Gray and wife, registered in book 36 page 130, reference, had to same for full and accurate description of said land. All records referred to in the public registry of Washington County. This the 14th day of November, 1917. D. E. WOODLEY, Assignee of E. R. Spruill. Martin & Midgett, Attorneys. , "WHWM ' 7i mm , U 1 at 17,' Stop the Leak! Gst the habit of going regularly to the bank, and when you spend money Syesd it wisely. The Saving Habit ia not r.lw&ys easy to begin, but once Started, it grows d gives infinitely more satisfaction and i acts of extravagance. c:i ou f : ' VftT '-T. : . V J mmmm B5 -L9f I PROGRESSIVE FARMER! I vi3l1 to invite your attention to my second car Joad of horses and mules that i expect to purchase in Northern markets next week. In regard to our first car of last week we did not keep th?m Ions? eaough to show them, sold them so quickly. We can not keep good team on hand when the people want them. I buy the m to sell at a price to suit the public- I extend you an in vitation to ooms early and look our stock over so you can make year choice. Remember we are also headquarters for buggies, ham:., saddles, etc. We wish to say that you will make no intake to purchase early this reason, for like eveaything else liv -i stock will be sure to be higher later in the season than it irf now. Make our place your home when in town. Thanking you for your past patronage, we are, Yours very truly, J. S. Shugar, President Kentucky Horse & Mule Exchange, Brick Stables ' Plymouth, N. C. Our Millinery Department is Complete. We have as usual the largest assortment and most exclusive styles. PRICES AS ALWAYS MODERATE. SILKS AND SAT! We are headquarters for silks, satins and georgette crepe. All colors. Prices $125 to $ 2.50 iC. Jlicsll Jj li. 3 Wishes to Announce That He Will Make His Head quarters at Our Store This ITli G and old as well as young are cordially invited to come and see all the nice pretty things on disply. Little children you have been waiting patiently to see what Santa Ciaue was going to bring you. He has the very doll you v ant that will open and shut her eyes. Now there many other things that will bring gladness and joy to you; also your parents. By the 10th Inst, all toys and other Christmas things will be on displpy at our store. Come Early and Make Your Selection: Before They Are All Gone. All Clothing such as Coat Suits, Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Rain Goats and Sport Coats at greatly reduced prices. Don't fail to see our line of clothing because It will mean money saved by you. See Our Line of Rugs, Matting and Drugetts Be on the Watch for Santa Claus. Sell Us Your Eggs. Mo