OLD SOLDIER WAS CONSTIPATED Says Black-Draught Cured Him of His Troubles of 12 Years Standing. Scottvllle, N. C Mr. James Dick ion, an old resident of this place, and Civil War Veteran, recently made the following statement: "I am 67 years old, and am an old soldier of the war of '61. I had constipation for 12 years. The doctors said I would never be any better, but now I can tell them better. I had taken dollars and dollars worth of blood tablets, but they got so they didn't do me much ood. Then I got to taking your Black Draught, and I had not taken one full package until I found that It relieved the constipation. I took two or three packages, and It has cured me, and I praise it to all of my friends." Thousands of people In the past 70 years have found help for constipa tion In the use of Thedford's Black Draught. Many families keep Black Draught In the house all the time, and use It at the least sign of constipation, Indigestion, biliousness, or other liver troubles. Black-Draught is purely vegetable reliable and without bad after-effects. Good for young and old. Get a pack age from your druggist today, and take a dose tonight. You will feel bet ter tomorrow. Price 25c a package. Costs only one cent a dose. Adv. Expediency. "A wise man may change his mind." "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum. "But a man sometimes gets credit for changing his mind when caution has caused him to shift his line of talk." Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Gen eral Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds op the Whole System. 60 cents. Didn't Like the Idea of Christmas. There is a story in Woman's Home Companion In which this passage oc curs : "'Fun!' snarled Grandfather Merri vale, though the f.re danced frantically and snapped its long fingers in his face to distract Ills attention. Grand father Merrlvale had a habit of sing ing out one word from a speech and dwelling on it, and coining out with it, sooner or later, and worrying it In his teeth. 'Fun! What's the sense in fun? What's the use of fun? Here ve are In a hard winter ; taxes are high, wood Is high, coal is high, food is high. And you talk about fun !' " Trench Humor. A soldier In a Scottish regiment tells a good story about a German soldier who threw a jam-tin Into the British trenches one day. On examining it they found the following message: "Dear Jocks I have a wife in Fal kirk; what would happen to me If I came over tonight?" The reply went promptly : "There would be another widow in Falkirk to night !" New Fire Alarm Box. Breaking the glass In a new fire alarm box Intended for hotel or office building rooms permits the alarm to be sounded and frees a fire escape rope and harness. Roumanian oil wells have been de stroyed. Instant Postum fits the spirit of the times per fectly. It is Purely American Economical (without loasi of pleasure Convenient (ready fof instant use and is a pleasing, wholesome, drug free drink good for both young and old. There's a Reason ft : lHSTJrrjySTBII ' V ' i ' i I PCSTKM. : ' "teasgr -I WINTER GARDEN ON EVERY SOUTHERN FARM (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Every Southern garden should have a supply of lettuce, spinach alid rad ishes throughout the full and winter nnd spring, as they can be easily grown and form valuable additions to the usual dry, winter diet. With more Cf such food products in the diet, there would be less use for spring tonics and other medicines. In addition to this, these food products are palatable and serve to lower the cost of living. These crops attain their best devel opment on a sandy loam soil well sup plied with humus or decayed vegetable natter. All of them thrive best during the late fall or early spring and will not withstand the heat of summer. In all sections of the lower South, lettuce, spinach and radishes can be grown In the open throughout the fall, winter and spring. In the more northern of the Southern states and in high alti tudes these crops can be grown in fall and spring In the open and during the winter in hotbeds or cold frames. To have lettuce and radishes throughout the season, it is advisable to make sowings of seeds every two or three weeks. As soon as the crop is removed, another crop should he planted. The radish seed might be sown between the rows of lettuce if hand cultivation is to be given. The radishes would be harvested before the lettuce reached sufficient size to crowd. By making two sowings of spinach, one in the fall and another in late winter or early spring, a contin uous supply can be secured. Lettuce. In growing this crop In the open or In hotbeds and cold frames, the best results can be secured by Rowing the seed In a well-prepared bed and trans planting the young plants. Sow the seed thinly in drills 4 to G inches apart and cover about one-half Inch deep. For the best results, transplant the young plants as soon as they form the first true leaves. Set these plants in a cold frame 2 inches apart each way and at soon as they reach a height of 1 to 2 Inches, take up the plants with a trowel or spade and set to the permanent bed. If planting In the field, set the plants 8 to 10 inches apart In rows 14 Inches apart. When SOUND RADISHES OF UNIFORM SHAPE AND SIZE. transplanting to frames, the plants should be set 8 to 10 Inches apart each way. Lettuce seed is sometimes sown In rows In the field and the plants thinned out to stand the proper distance. The soil for lettuce should be thor oughly prepared as very little cultiva tion can be given when the plants at tain considerable size. While the plants are small, the soil should be cultivated to keep down weeds and prevent a crust forming. In the frames, a hoe or hand weeder can be used, while In the open a wheel hoe can be used to good advantage. There are two general types of let tuce, loose leaf and the heading types. Of the loose-leaf types, the Grand Rap Ids and Black Seeded Simpson are among the best varieties, while the Big Boston is the best variety for market NEED MORE CHICKENS Poultry Industry Called On to In crease Meat Supply. In Many Sections, Particularly In South, Number of Fowls on Indl ' vidual Farms Should be Very Largely Increased. (From the United States Department o Agriculture.) The secretary of agriculture points out the importance of Increasing poul try on the farms In the following let ter transmitted to the American Poul try association through Mr. Harry M. Lamon : I hope that the coming meeting of th American Poultry association, which you will attend as a representa tive of the department, will be high ly successful and productive of good results. I need not point out that an adequate supply of foodstuffs is essen tial to the effective prosecution of the struggle in which we are engaged. We must not only supply our own needs but we must endeftvor to meet in part the needs of the nations with which we are co-operating. The poultry in dustry can render very great service to the nation In this emergency. The production of poultry is one of the best means of bringing about a quick Increase in the meat supply of the country. In many sections, particular ly In the South, the number of fowls on Individual farms can and should be very largely Increased. If the Im proved methods which have been worked flut by the experts of the state of the head type. For home use, the Hanson of California Cream Butter might be grown, as they are of better quality than the Big Boston. The markets of the East demand a hard head lettuce of the Big Boston type, but the markets of the Central use more of the loose-leaf lettuce. Unless growing for local market, however, it Is best to grow the headed type, be cause large quantities of the other kind are grown under glass In the central states. Spinach. Spinnch can be grown in the open in all sections along the coast from Norfolk, Va., south nnd in practically all sections of the lower tier of South ern states. In the colder regions of the South, this crop can be grown In the open with a little protection or in canvas-covered cold frames through out the winter. The soil should be made fairly rich. Well-rotted manure is the best ferti lizer, but if this is not available, apply at the rate of 50 to 100 pounds of a high-grade fertilizer per tenth acre. Sow the manure or fertilizer broad cast and thoroughly harrow into the soil. Five ounces of seed will make two plantings on rhe plot 20 feet square In drills 10 to 12 inches apart. Thin the plants out to stand three or four inches apart. Frequent shallow cultivation by hand or with a wheel hoe should be given. When grown in frames, the cultivating must be done by hand. In most sections of the South, however, spinach can be grown in the open without any protection, as a hard freeze causes very little In jury. The variety of spinach most com monly grown Is the Savoy. At Norfolk, Va., the large truckers grow a strain of this variety called the Norfolk Sa voy. Radish. Radishes should be grown rapidly to insure good table qualities. The soil should be fertile and contain abundant moisture. Fresh stable ma nure should not be used, however, as is would produce excessive leaf growth. Well-rotted manure Is the best fertili zer and should be applied at rate of about two tons per tenth acre. If no manure Is available, apply at the rate of 100 pounds per tenth acre of a good grade complete fertilizer. Sow the radish seed In rows 12 Inches apart In the field and cover one half to one Inch deep, depending upon the soil. On light, dry soil, cover one Inch deep and on heavy moist soil, cov er one-half Inch. When grown In hot beds or cold frames the rows of radish need not be more than four or five inches apart, or just wide enough for hand hoeing and weeding. There are three types of radishes, turnip-shaped, olive-shaped and long. Of the turnip-shaped, the best varie ties are the Scarlet Globe and Scarlet Turnip. The best of the olive-shaped are the French Breakfast and Early Scarlet. The Charter Long Scarlet, Long White Spanish and Icicle are the best varieties of the long type. agricultural colleges, the experiment stations, nnd the department of ag riculture, were generally adopted, many of the problems confronting poultrymen would be solved or mini mized. The department is co-operating with the industry In many direc tions and stands ready, of course, to render any assistance It can. FIRE KILLS MANY PARASITES Burning Out of Stubble Fields Is Wasteful, But It Has Another Side for Consideration. We feel that the burning out of stubble in fields and pastures is waste ful, but It has another side that calls for consideration. Insects of many kinds infest these fields and take a share of our hard-earned farm pro duce. The fire destroys myriads of these insects or their eggs if it Is ap plied at the right time, and If we use the fire it Is up to us to study the hab its of the most troublesome insects and destroy them. FILLING SILO TO CAPACITY Silo Carefully Packed Will Hold MuiVi More Than One Carelessly Filled Prevent Spoilage. Use of sufficient labor to Insure thor ough packing fills the silo to Its rated capacity and at the same time prevents spoilage of ensilage around air pock ets. A silo carefully packed will hold much more than one carelessly packed. In a silo over 12 feet In diameter t may be found profitable to keep two men or two or three boys busy at the pack. Man and Lion Die In Battle. Lion and man, lying alongside one another both terribly mauled and both quite dead, told a silent story of a titanic struggle "somewhere in Afri ca." The deceased was Trooper Nor man Sinclair, a native of I'restonkirk, and while on miliary duty his body was found lying beside the king of beasts which he had killed. A remark able tribute to his memory has been paid through the devotion of native troops. There has now been placed on ids remote grave an iron cross, which weighed two hundredweight, bearing his name, the date of his death and the words, "Died for King and Empire." For the last 300 miles the cross was borne by carriers over a practically unknown country. HEAL ITCHING SKINS With Cuticura Soap and Ointment They Heal When Others Fall. Nothing better, quicker, safer, sweet er for skin troubles of young and old that Itch, burn, crust, scale, torture or disfigure. Once used always used because these super-creamy emollients tend to prevent little skin troubles be coming serious, If used dally. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Further Army Plans. Ambulance and escort wagons for an army of 2,0;i3,000 men will require the expenditure of .$10,000,000, accord ing to the recently published urgent deficiency estimates. Tlds sum is ex pected to cover the acquisition of Im, 000 escort wagons, G0.0O0 water waf ans, 3,400 ambulance wagons, 10,000 medical carts and 5,000 small arms ein munitlon wagons. These figures are all additional to the increased esti mates for motor transport. Army and Navy Journal. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County 88. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is tak en Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Druggists, 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Ths Reason. Bishop Colfelt of Troy said at a din ner recently : "The reason why some people get no comfort out of their religion on Sunday is that nobody else gets any comfort out of it during the week." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOUIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the sjlf ffTi - tJ Signature iQ!!ffictfi6c4& In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria A multitude of smacks follow In the wake of courtship. The Quinine That Dses Not Effect Head Became of lis lonlo and laxative effect. Laxative Brouio Quinine can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in the bead. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." O. W. GKOViS 8 signature la on box. 80c Australia Is a heavy importer of American automobiles. A single dose of Dr. Peery's "Dead Shot" will expel Worms or Tapeworm. No second dose or after purgative necessary. Tones up the stomach and Bowels. Adv. Wise men bump into a fool's game now and then. Dr. Tierce's Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative, three for a cathartic Ad. A sure sign is one that reads, "No Trust !" m I III I I I - I I I III Mil II III lllll HI I III III III .11 IBM I I ' f 'B&ek&di ff Women 1 How this Woman Suffered and Was Relieved. Fort Fairfield, Maine. "For many months I suffered from backache caused by female troubles so I was unable to do my house work. I took treatments for it but received no help whatever. Then some of my friends asked why I did not try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. I did so and my backache soon disappeared and I feli like a different woman, and now have a healthy little baby girl and do all my house work. I will always praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to women who suf fer as I did." Mrs. Alton D. Oakes, Fort Fairfield, Maine. The Best Remedy is LYDIA 1. IfEGETABIE Always Have PERUNA fe 1 I' f - 1 Mrs. L. A. Patterson, 1399 Kentucky EL., St, Memphis, Tennessee, writes: OF ' 112 "I have been a friend of Peruna CoilgllS : " - for many years. I have used It off i i 11 V"" t and on for catarrhal complaints and clIlCl vOl&S I" t J -found it a very excellent remedy. ,1 flj v I have a small family of children. Ill XliQ Times are hard with, us, but I can fir w l scarcely afford to do without Peru- rlOIlie KeCOlTlIlieilQ na, especially during the season of f . . f . 11 the year when coughs and colds it tO UUf iieigilDOrS. are prevalent. We always recom- mend Peruna to our neighbors, for Those who object to liquid medl the benefit it has been to us." cines can procure Prnn tui., Illustration. "Birds of a feather flock together." "That's so; a number of swallows generally accompany a jolly lark." MOTHER! Have you ever used MOTHER'S JOY SALVE for Colds, Coughs, Croup and Pneumonia, Asthma, and nead Ca tarrh? If you haven't get it at once. It will cure you. Adv. Things you try to keep dark will come to light sooner or later. Anoint the eyellda with Roman Eye Bal am at night, and In the morning observe the refreshed and strengthened sensation n your eyes. Adv. Australia is buying California lum ber. SELF DEFENSE Defeat Backache and Kidney Trouble With Anuric Many people in this section have suffer ed from rheumatism and kidney trouble and have found that Anuric was the most successful remedy to overcome these painful and dangerous ailments. The lucky people are those who have suffered, but who are now well because they heeded nature's warning signal In time to correct their trouble with that wonderful new discovery of Dr. Pierce's called "An-u-ric" (double strength). You should promptly heed these warnings, some of which are dizzy spells, backache, Irregularity of the urine or the painful twinges of rheumatism, sciatica or lum bago. To delay may make possible the dangerous forms of kidney disease, such as stone In the bladder. If you want quick relief buy Anuric now (60c a pack af?e)or send Dr. Pierce 10c for trial pkg. This will prove that "Anuric" eliminates uric acid as hot water melts sugar. Bold lor 47 years. For Malaria, Chills and Fever. AIm a Fine General Strengthening Tonic. 50c and $1.00 at all Droj Strs Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price, But Great ia Every Other Way Genuine bear signature immi JCartfr's EIAI I 1X DDADT U uua,,y Ned Iron in th Blood. Try r ALLlli rEiUrLL carter's iron pills PMICHAMSlx COMPOUND LYDIA E.P1NKHAM In the Trenches. "Hi, Bill! Here comes a gas wave!" "Thank Heavens! This toothache' almost killin' me." Cartoon's Magazine. Ask foi and Get CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT The Original Cough and Cold Remedy STOPS THE WORST COLD IN 24 HOURS Best for oId, Covhs, Croons, Sore Throat, Whooping Crnic 25c and 60c at all Druggists WOMEN OF VIRGINIA Basic City, Va. "I was in bad shape with womanly trouble and wai all run-down and confined to bed. Th doctor was attending me three times a day but I was getting worse. I heard of 'Favorite Prescription' through ft friend who had been benefited by It. I could hardly raise my hand and could not sit up In bed. I began tak ing the 'Prescription' and the first bot tie gave me strength. I kept It up until six bottles -were used. I waa then able to do all my work. I doubt not that the use of it saved my life. When I begin to run down now I take a little and it always helps me and builds me up at once." MRS. J. W. PADGETT, Commerce St. This herbal tonic for women Is mad up in liquid or tablet form, and can b obtained In any drug store. Contains no alcohol or narcotic, and its ingredi ents are printed on wrapper. Send Dr, V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., 10 cents for trial package tablets. Adv. Carter's Little Liver Pills Make you feel the joy of living. It is impossible to be happy or feel good when you are CONSTIPATED This old remedy will set you right over night FRE5H-CR1SP-WH0LES0HE-DELICIOUS THE SANITARY METHODS APPLIID IN THS MAKING OF THE BISCUITS MAKS THEM THS Iff feoar PmUt tus them, or if not (u f hoa.lt!. CHATTANOOGA BAKERY rtV. MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS, t